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Pantallano, Rishel Mae B.

October 2, 2020
English 106
Campus Journalism
Instructor: Mr. John Michael A. Cuyag

Reflection: Stairway to News Writing Techniques and Principles

“I’m just not a good writer”. In this line of thinking, students concluding
that nobody is born a great writer. Precisely, but it’s a skill that needs to be
learn, and everybody can be a good writer, if we have the passion and
commitment to learn, apply and most importantly, improve. Now, these
techniques and principles will be the guiding force to write a spontaneous news
article. It introduced the main core of all “choose a topic”, where it must be
suited the needs and interests of an audience, specifically it should be more
specific, as it easier to tackle. Moreover, gathering information or data in a
particular place or from an experts, you must use your sense of observation so
that you will be able to achieve your purpose or goals at the end of the day.
Most importantly, in gathering date or information, find a reliable source and
don’t rely on gossips. On the other hand, as a future journalist, you must focus
on one issue, be fair and accurate. For an audience hated journalism because
of the term “bias”. So, as to speak, a topic or an article must be carefully
filtered of which one is appropriate, and may be useful, and the one that’s
appropriate. Most importantly, don’t consider one perspective rather than it
being weighted to avoid biases.
Campus journalism plays an important role in the academe. For this
profession, as what I had experienced in reading this topic convinced me that, I
CAN BE A GOOD WRITER. Despite the fact that every journalists may receive
critics, questions, implications, etc. from the audience, they’re still striving
hard to gather information that’s authentic, accurate and unbiased. To be a
journalist is not easy. It takes your full commitment and dedication in engaging
this profession especially if you will extend your horizons beyond just the
campus setting, and discuss the topics such as gender equality, human rights
or even how the government works our economy in the country.
Hence, writing instruction is substantial for the students especially for
future generations. These techniques and principles is a guidelines for us to
write a spontaneous articles. However, as a future educator, it has a greater
impact to my educators somebody. Leading them in a step by step process,
motivated them in such a way where they may write anything and see how they
do it. If the outcomes is not that good then try and try until they can compose
a well-written article. On the other hand, I will remind them that they can be a
good writer though students may conclude they’re not but still bringing them
to their passion on whatever their taste of writing so that they may be able to
express their opinion and perspectives in any issues. Therefore, it helps
student become responsive and proactive citizens at a young age.
Handling this role is not an easy task, one that every journalists
understand their profession. Despite the pressure I have experienced in
reading the factsheets, I believe that these techniques and principles is
substantial to their part in shaping public opinion and gathering data to the
reliable source that have interviewed—all people involved. Indeed, as a student
I have found out that these writing strategies needs your time, patience and
knowledge in learning the skills that is necessary to function all of these. It
makes me an awe that being part of this kind of profession, helped you to
develop an awareness of team dynamics as well as how to collaborate with a
wide range of personalities. Furthermore, through journalism, it also
strengthen your communication abilities on how to speak and be heard, but
also how to listen and be taught.

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