Letter or Email Template For An Employee Raising A Grievance

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Letter or email template for an employee raising a grievance

Insert and delete* the words that are right for your own case.

Dear Pete

I am writing to raise a formal grievance.

I have a problem with the behaviour of senior management.

I have raised these informally, but I do not feel they were resolved, and the behaviour is ongoing.

Gillian Iredale and Kyle Allison continue to behave in a way that contravenes the “Dignity and
Respect in the Workplace” document.

I have been excluded from meetings, and from the management group on wire prior to my
resignation. When I told Gillian I was leaving IMSL, she proceeded to criticise my work (I can provide
a transcript). Gillian has been monitoring if I am working on the VNC, which is in breach of Data
Protection and my rights as an employee.

Going back to when I asked for flexible working, Gillians response was “this company has bent over
backwards to accommodate you” which made me feel like a burden to the company and although
this was resolved after Gillian spoke to ACAS, her behaviour and attitude has been negative, critical
and not motivating. This of course has not helped my health issues, which is the reason I requested
flexible working.

Gillian promptly removed me as Admin on the LinkedIn pages, which is of course ok however there
was no discussion prior to this and I only found out by chance. Gillian also removed me as Admin on
the IBRG LinkedIn page, which is inappropriate as I have not informed the group of my resignation
yet. Although Gillian did re-instate me after I requested this.

I have also been excluded from

As you know, Kyle Allison sent me a “Whatsapp” message which included discriminatory language in
relation to my bowel surgery. Whilst you spoke to me, and set up “Wire”, I received no apology
from Kyle Allison.

I have evidence in the form of logs of Gillian monitoring my activity on the VNC, transcript of cochat
log backups and screenshots of co

Because of these actions, I no longer feel IMSL is a safe place to work and I sort employment

I have

I would be grateful if you could let me know when I can meet you to talk about my grievance. I
would like to be accompanied at the meeting by .......[name].
Yours sincerely,

.......[your name]

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