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Franz Kafka

Lothe, Jakob, Sandberg, Beatrice, Speirs, Ronald

Published by The Ohio State University Press

Lothe, Jakob, et al.

Franz Kafka: Narration, Rhetoric, and Reading.
The Ohio State University Press, 2011.

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The editors and contributors owe their collaboration on this volume to

the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) in Oslo, Norway. Two of the edi-
tors—Jakob Lothe and Beatrice Sandberg—were members of the Nar-
rative Theory and Analysis research project, which was proposed and led
by Jakob and hosted and funded by CAS during the 2005–2006 academic
year. CAS supported not just the project but also a symposium on Franz
Kafka in May 2006 that served as the genesis of this book. We owe a pro-
found debt to Professor Willy Østreng, who was director of the Centre
at the time we were there, and the administrative staff of CAS, for their
friendliness, encouragement, and assistance. Additionally, CAS generously
contributed funding to offset the publication costs of this volume. We
have also benefited from the collegial intellectual atmosphere fostered
at CAS by the other members of the research team: Daphna Erdinast-
Vulcan, Anniken Greve, Jeremy Hawthorn, J. Hillis Miller, James Phelan,
Anette H. Storeide, Susan R. Suleiman, and Anne Thelle. Finally, two of
the editors wish to give special thanks to the third—Ronald Speirs—for
his invaluable input, not only generally but also with particular regard to
his contribution to the writing of the introduction.


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