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Kristian C.

Nate BSCE-2A

Nonoy, Nene
Composer: Francisco “Kheeks” Mitra

Ika__/ sana nene/ an sakuyang pa/daba_/
Ika_/ ika_/ sana/ dai_/ dai nang/ iba_/_/

Verse 1:
Sa Pagtu/rog mo/ ako katu/bay mo/_/
Asin sa_/ pagmata/ ika sakung/ kinakarga/_/

Ika_/ sana nonoy/ an sakuyang sa/lida_/
Ika_/ ika_/ sana/ dai_/ dai nang/ iba_/_/

Verse 2:
Sa pages/kwela mo/ ako nau/ugma_/_/
Lalo na kung_/ halangkaw an/ mga marka_/_/

Interlude (Instrumental)

Otro/ burak kan/ mga tanom_/
Kamo mga daku/la na_/
Dai nanggad_/ paghaleon_/ magminootan kamong/ duwa_/_/_/

Kamo_/ nonoy, nene/ an samuyang pag/laom_/
Kamo_/ kamo_/ sana_/ dai_/ dai nang/ iba_/_/
Dai_/ dai nang/ iba_/_/ dai/ dai nang/ iba_/
Kristian C. Nate BSCE-2A

B. Briefly provide a word or description to the following music elements used on the song “Nonoy, Nene”
1. Rhythm – What is the time signature of the song? How many bars has verse 1?
ANSWER: The time signature used in the song is duple. And verse 1 has 10 bars in total.

2. Melody - Identify one phrase with conjunct and one phrase with disjunct melody. Encircle the
words having these melodies and label them whether conjunct or disjunct.

Ika sana nene an sakuyang padaba

Sa pageskwela mo ako nauugma

3. Texture – Describe the texture of the song in 2 or 3 sentences only.

ANSWER: The song used both monophonic and homophonic texture. For verses 1 and 2,
monophonic texture is applied since it only has a single melody, and for the choruses and the
bridge, homophonic texture is applied since the singers sang simultaneously in different

4. Form – What is the form of the song? Illustrate its structure by using letters (eg. AABAC)
ANSWER: The song uses the BABACA form.

5. Tempo and Dynamics - How did the composer/interpreters used tempo and dynamics in
interpreting the song? (Describe in 2-3 sentences only)
ANSWER: The composer and interpreters used slow tempo and moderately soft or
mezzopiano dynamic. Having that said, the composer/interpreters wanted the audience to feel
the same gentle love and care the composers feel to his/her children.

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