Running Head: Turning Off Dining in 1

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“Turning Off” Dining Inn

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“Turning Off” Dining Inn

1: What is the context of "Turning Off, Dining In"?

The writer narrates a story that is explaining how relationships have been affected by technology.
The context used is of a home set up whereby the writer says that dinner time was an important time for
knowing how each of the family members is fairing. However, in her home she observes every family
member is held tight alone and busy other than interacting with family members like they used to when
she was young back in their home

2. Summarize the author's purpose for writing the article in one sentence.
Giving an insight on how technology has corrode interpersonal relationship among the current
young generation depleting togetherness and to some extent leading to dehumanization

3. Look back and try to find the actual sentence(s) in which the author states her main point.

The author tries to describe the negative effects of technology on family togetherness and
time. The invention of smartphones have left people addicted hence they do not have or set the
required time for family reunions. At dinner time, everyone in the family is busy. Some are on
their phones while others are reading magazines. For instance, in the text, the author points out
that “smartphones are slowly eroding connected quality time for families”. In his research, the
author also found out that “the more present of a cell phone can decrease the quality of time for
one-on-one conversations”

4. Identify one area in the text in which the author supports her main point with evidence.

Though the author finds dinner as an essential way of spending family time together, he
establishes that it is not the only way of solving the adolescent turmoil. The author finds different
factors that contribute to family success and these include; strong parent-children relationships,
participation in activities, efficient monitoring, and financial support. However, families with all
these qualities are more likely to organize for a shared dinner on regular basis, meaning dinner
still remains vital in shared family time. That’s why she concludes by saying that it is better
some technology detaching initiatives have begun.

5. How would you describe the author's style and tone ?


The author uses narrative style of writing as she gives her story of the current and the past events
on the dinner time and also adds information to back up her thought.
The authors tone is reflective as she remains formal and narrates her stories of how she grew up and
interacted with her family members.

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