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journal of medicine
established in 1812 July 2, 2020 vol. 383  no. 1

Amoxicillin for 3 or 5 Days for Chest-Indrawing Pneumonia

in Malawian Children
Amy‑Sarah Ginsburg, M.D., M.P.H., Tisungane Mvalo, M.M.E.D., Evangelyn Nkwopara, M.S.,
Eric D. McCollum, M.D., Melda Phiri, M.B., B.S., Robert Schmicker, M.S., Jun Hwang, M.S.,
Chifundo B. Ndamala, Dip., Ajib Phiri, M.D., Norman Lufesi, M.Phil., and Susanne May, Ph.D.​​

a bs t r ac t

Evidence regarding the appropriate duration of treatment with antibiotic agents in From the Department of Biostatistics,
children with pneumonia in low-resource settings in Africa is lacking. University of Washington Clinical Trial
Center, Seattle (A.-S.G., R.S., J.H., S.M.);
METHODS the University of North Carolina Project,
Lilongwe Medical Relief Fund Trust,
We conducted a double-blind, randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial in Lilongwe, ­Tidziwe Centre (T.M., M.P., C.B.N.), and
Malawi, to determine whether treatment with amoxicillin for 3 days is less effec- Acute Respiratory Infection and Emer-
tive than treatment for 5 days in children with chest-indrawing pneumonia (cough gency Triage Assessment and Treatment,
Malawi Ministry of Health (N.L.), Lilongwe,
lasting <14 days or difficulty breathing, along with visible indrawing of the chest and the Department of Pediatrics and
wall with or without fast breathing for age). Children not infected with human Child Health, College of Medicine, Uni-
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who were 2 to 59 months of age and had chest- versity of Malawi, Blantyre (A.P.) — all in
Malawi; Save the Children, Fairfield, CT
indrawing pneumonia were randomly assigned to receive amoxicillin twice daily (E.N.); and Eudowood Division of Pediat-
for either 3 days or 5 days. Children were followed for 14 days. The primary out- ric Respiratory Sciences, Department of
come was treatment failure by day 6; noninferiority of the 3-day regimen to the Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins School of Medi-
cine and Department of International
5-day regimen would be shown if the percentage of children with treatment failure Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
in the 3-day group was no more than 1.5 times that in the 5-day group. Prespecified of Public Health, Baltimore (E.D.M.). Ad-
secondary analyses included assessment of treatment failure or relapse by day 14. dress reprint requests to Dr. Ginsburg at
the Department of Biostatistics, Univer-
sity of Washington Clinical Trial Center,
Bldg. 29, Suite 250, 6200 NE 74th St., Seat-
From March 29, 2016, to April 1, 2019, a total of 3000 children underwent ran- tle, WA 98115, or at m ­ essageforamy@​
domization: 1497 children were assigned to the 3-day group, and 1503 to the 5-day ­gmail​.­com.
group. Among children with day 6 data available, treatment failure had occurred This is the New England Journal of Medi-
in 5.9% in the 3-day group (85 of 1442 children) and in 5.2% (75 of 1456) in the cine version of record, which includes all
Journal editing and enhancements. The
5-day group (adjusted difference, 0.7 percentage points; 95% confidence interval Author Final Manuscript, which is the au-
[CI], −0.9 to 2.4) — a result that satisfied the criterion for noninferiority of the thor’s version after external peer review
3-day regimen to the 5-day regimen. Among children with day 14 data available, and before publication in the Journal, is
available under a CC BY license at
176 of 1411 children (12.5%) in the 3-day group and 154 of 1429 (10.8%) in the PMC7233470.
5-day group had had treatment failure by day 6 or relapse by day 14 (between-
N Engl J Med 2020;383:13-23.
group difference, 1.7 percentage points; 95% CI, −0.7 to 4.1). The percentage of
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1912400
children with serious adverse events was similar in the two groups (9.8% in the Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
3-day group and 8.8% in the 5-day group).
In HIV-uninfected Malawian children, treatment with amoxicillin for chest-in-
drawing pneumonia for 3 days was noninferior to treatment for 5 days. (Funded
by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; number, NCT02678195.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ach year, approximately 920,000 chil- paucity of data from Africa, African-specific re-
dren die from pneumonia before the age of search in settings in which malaria is endemic
5 years.1 Providing greater access to ap- is needed to establish the appropriate treatment
propriate and effective treatment is an important in children with chest-indrawing pneumonia.
goal. Treatment of bacterial pneumonia requires
an effective antibiotic agent administered in ade- Me thods
quate doses for an appropriate duration. Deter-
mining the appropriate duration of antibiotic Trial Design and Oversight
therapy is key to ensuring effective treatment The primary objective of this prospective, double-
while maximizing adherence and minimizing blind, randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial
adverse drug effects, costs, and antimicrobial was to determine whether 3-day treatment with
resistance. amoxicillin in children 2 to 59 months of age,
The World Health Organization (WHO) uses not infected with human immunodeficiency vi-
clinical signs to classify the severity of pneumo- rus (HIV), who have chest-indrawing pneumonia
nia (classifications of pneumonia and trial defi- and who are residing in a region of Malawi in
nitions are provided in Table S1 in the Supple- which malaria is endemic is substantively less
mentary Appendix, available with the full text of effective than 5-day treatment (the null hypoth-
this article at The WHO recommends esis). A noninferiority design was chosen on the
a 5-day course of amoxicillin, administered basis of the hypothesis that a 3-day regimen of
orally twice daily at a minimum of 40 mg per amoxicillin would not be more beneficial than a
kilogram of body weight per dose (for a total of 5-day regimen with respect to the primary out-
80 mg per kilogram per day), as first-line treat- come of treatment failure by day 6, but it might
ment for chest-indrawing pneumonia (cough be only slightly less beneficial than a 5-day regi-
lasting <14 days or difficulty breathing, along men (alternative hypothesis).12
with visible indrawing of the chest wall with or Children 2 to 59 months of age who pre-
without fast breathing for age) in immunocom- sented to the outpatient departments of Kamuzu
petent children younger than 5 years of age.2,3 Central Hospital (KCH) or Bwaila District Hospi-
However, whether a 5-day course is necessary or tal (BDH) in Lilongwe, Malawi, and who met the
a shorter duration of treatment would be as effec- WHO criteria for the case definition of chest-
tive is unclear. On the basis of studies of 3-day indrawing pneumonia were screened by trial
oral antibiotic treatment as compared with 5-day staff to determine eligibility (Table S2). Screen-
treatment for fast-breathing pneumonia (cough ing included testing for malaria, HIV, and ane-
lasting <14 days or difficulty breathing, along mia. No diagnostic testing for viruses, bacteria,
with fast breathing for age), the WHO recom- or tuberculosis was performed (Section S4).
mends a 3-day course of oral amoxicillin for The trial was conducted in accordance with
treatment of fast-breathing pneumonia in immu- the International Conference on Harmonisation
nocompetent children younger than 5 years of Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the prin-
age.2,4-7 A Cochrane review identified no qualify- ciples of the Declaration of Helsinki. The trial
ing randomized, controlled trials that compared was approved by the Western Institutional Re-
a 2-day or 3-day regimen with a 5-day regimen view Board (United States); the College of Medi-
of intravenous antibiotics for chest-indrawing or cine Research and Ethics Committee (Blantyre,
more severe pneumonia.8 Few data exist to in- Malawi); and the Malawi Pharmacy, Medicines,
form duration of treatment for pneumonia, and and Poisons Board. All the authors vouch for
data are lacking from studies comparing 3-day the accuracy and completeness of the data and
oral antibiotic treatment with 5-day treatment for analyses and for the adherence of the trial to the
chest-indrawing pneumonia.9,10 International and protocol (available at
national pneumonia treatment guidelines rely on
expert opinion and limited and weak evidence.10,11 Procedures
In light of the global threat of increasing anti- On day 1, eligible children were enrolled and
microbial resistance, evidence-based recommen- were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either a
dations are needed to guide the proper duration 3-day regimen of amoxicillin or a 5-day regi-
of antibiotic treatment for pneumonia. Given the men. High-dose oral amoxicillin was provided in

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Amoxicillin for Chest-Indr awing Pneumonia in Children

250-mg dispersible tablets (tablets dissolved in ing to age group (2 to 11 months, 12 to 35

liquid) in two divided doses daily. Children in the months, or 36 to 59 months), malnutrition sta-
3-day group received amoxicillin tablets for 3 days tus (as assessed by mid–upper-arm circumfer-
and placebo tablets for 2 days. Children in the ence <11.5 cm, 11.5 to 13.5 cm, or >13.5 cm),
5-day group received amoxicillin tablets for 5 days. malaria status (positive or negative), and very
The total dose was determined on the basis of fast breathing for age (yes or no).
age group (children 2 to 11 months of age re- All adverse events were documented and were
ceived 500 mg per day, children 12 to 35 months assessed and managed according to KCH stan-
of age received 1000 mg per day, and children 36 dard clinical practice; children were followed and
to 59 months of age received 1500 mg per day), treated until resolution of the event or stabiliza-
according to the current WHO-recommended tion of the child’s condition. All serious adverse
therapy for HIV-uninfected children.2 The amox- events were reported to the trial safety team for
icillin and placebo were identical in appearance, review within 24 hours.
smell, taste, dispersion activity, and packaging.
Randomization was stratified according to age Statistical Analysis
group (2 to 11 months, 12 to 35 months, or 36 to The relative noninferiority margin for treatment
59 months) and trial phase (phase 1 [KCH site] failure in the 3-day group — 1.5 times the inci-
or phase 2 [BDH site]) with the use of block dence of treatment failure in the 5-day group
sizes of 2, 4, and 6. Other than the biostatisti- — was chosen on the basis of anticipated treat-
cians, pharmacists, trial monitors, and members ment failure in 8% of the children in the 5-day
of the data and safety monitoring board, no mem- group. This noninferiority margin, which repre-
bers of the trial team were aware of the treat- sented a 50% higher incidence of treatment fail-
ment assignments. ure in the 3-day group than in the 5-day group,
Enrollment was initially conducted solely at was chosen after extensive discussions among the
KCH (phase 1) and was then transitioned (on investigators and with external experts regard-
September 20, 2016) to BDH (phase 2), after ing the level of treatment failure in the 3-day
KCH introduced user fees that reduced patient group as compared with the 5-day group that
volumes. BDH enrollees were transferred to KCH might be an acceptable margin to clinicians,
for additional evaluation and admission. For considering the anticipated treatment failure in
safety reasons, most enrollees were hospitalized the 5-day group and the potential enrollment
for 2 days and discharged on day 3 if no criteria size in the trial. With initial adjustment for two
for treatment failure had been met. formal interim analyses (with an O’Brien–Fleming
Children were evaluated on day 2 (while hos- boundary for early noninferiority13 and a Pocock
pitalized) and on days 4, 6, and 14 in the clinic boundary for early inferiority14), we determined
or at home. During follow-up, all children were that enrollment of 2000 children (1000 per group)
assessed at all scheduled and unscheduled visits would provide the trial with 88.1% power to
for treatment failure or relapse and for adher- show noninferiority of the 3-day regimen to the
ence to the trial regimen. Most children who had 5-day regimen if treatment failure occurred in
treatment failure or relapse were hospitalized 8% of the children in each group and 64.8%
and were treated with intravenous antibiotics. power if treatment failure occurred in 4% of the
Once they received intravenous or other second- children in each group. A potential increase in
line antibiotics, children were considered to have sample size was considered during planning of
had treatment failure. the trial in the event that the overall incidence
of failure was much lower than the anticipated
Outcomes 8%. After the second formal interim analysis, it
The primary outcome was treatment failure by was clear that the overall incidence of failure was
day 6. Secondary outcomes included relapse (oc- less than 6%. To maintain a power (with equal
curring any time from day 7 through day 14 incidence of failure in the two groups) of 80% or
among children who did not have treatment higher, the maximum sample size was increased
failure on or before day 6) and treatment failure to 3000 children (1500 per group), and a third
by day 6 or relapse by day 14. Treatment failure formal interim analysis was performed after
was assessed in prespecified subgroups accord- slightly more than 2000 children had been en-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

rolled. The decision to increase the sample size wheezing (49 children) are not reported because
was made by trial investigators who were un- of the small numbers.
aware of the treatment assignments, and the
decision was made after consultation with the R e sult s
funding agency. With the increase in the maxi-
mum sample size (and assuming an equal inci- Participants
dence of failure in each group), the trial had Enrollment started on March 29, 2016. Formal
84.8% power to detect 5% treatment failure in interim analyses were performed after one third,
each group and 89.8% power to detect 6% treat- two thirds, and slightly more than the original
ment failure in each group. Power calculations maximum planned number of children had been
took into account 5% dropout and assumed a enrolled, and the last visit was completed on
one-sided alpha level of 0.025 for a test of the April 14, 2019. In total, 3336 children were
between-group difference in the percentage of screened (Fig. 1). A total of 265 children were
children who had treatment failure. ineligible, and consent was declined for 82.
Primary analyses were performed according However, 11 children were enrolled in error (5 in
to the intention-to-treat principle but included the 3-day group and 6 in the 5-day group). Thus,
only children with complete data; analyses used 3000 children were enrolled and underwent ran-
linear regression (adjusted for age group, trial domization: 1497 were assigned to the 3-day
phase, and sex) and robust standard errors regimen of amoxicillin, and 1503 were assigned
based on the Huber–White sandwich estima- to the 5-day regimen. Primary-outcome data were
tor.15,16 Because the sample size was sufficiently available for 1442 children (96.3%) in the 3-day
large, linear regression was used for this binary group and 1456 (96.9%) in the 5-day group.
outcome to model differences in the incidence of Primary-outcome data were missing primarily
treatment failure.17 Estimates of between-group because of loss to follow-up. Baseline character-
differences in the incidence of treatment failure istics were similar in the two groups (Table 1
in prespecified subgroups are reported with 95% and Table S3).
confidence intervals, without adjustment for mul-
tiple comparisons. No per-protocol, as-treated, Outcomes
or post hoc subgroup analyses were performed By day 6, among children who were included in
(Section S5). The independent data and safety the analysis and had complete outcome data,
monitoring board considered formal stopping 5.9% of the children (85 of 1442) in the 3-day
boundaries during their interim reviews but de- group and 5.2% (75 of 1456) in the 5-day group
cided not to follow them and rather to treat had treatment failure, which resulted in an ad-
them as a guide only (Section S6). Therefore, the justed absolute difference of 0.7 percentage points
primary analysis was not adjusted for interim (95% confidence interval [CI], −0.9 to 2.4 [with
monitoring. Sensitivity analyses were performed a noninferiority margin for an upper limit of the
with the use of multiple imputations and tipping- 95% confidence interval of 2.6]) (Table 2).
point analyses.18 For multiple imputations, a hot- Among children who did not have treatment
deck approach (20 imputations) was used, with failure by day 6, a total of 91 of 1326 (6.9%) in
matching for at least three of the following five the 3-day group, as compared with 79 of 1354
factors: age group (2 to 11 months, 12 to 35 (5.8%) in the 5-day group, had relapse by day 14
months, or 36 to 50 months), sex, mother’s edu- — an absolute difference of 1.0 percentage point
cation level (none, primary, or secondary or (95% CI, −0.8 to 2.9 [with a noninferiority mar-
higher), number of children in the home (1, 2, gin for an upper limit of the 95% confidence
3, or ≥4), and number of amoxicillin or placebo interval of 8.7]).
doses taken (≤4, 5 to 7, 8 or 9, or 10). Analyses Before day 4, both groups were receiving
of secondary outcomes used robust standard er- amoxicillin, and as such, we would expect the
rors unadjusted for interim analyses or other incidence of treatment failure before day 4 to be
factors. Six prespecified subgroup analyses were the same in the two groups. In a post hoc, de-
performed, of which four are reported here. Pre- scriptive, unadjusted analysis, 2.3% (33 of 1442
specified subgroups of children with low oxygen children) in the 3-day group and 2.3% (33 of
saturation (10 children) and of children with 1456 children) in the 5-day group had treatment

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Amoxicillin for Chest-Indr awing Pneumonia in Children

3336 Children were assessed for eligibility

265 Were ineligible

128 Had severe anemia
55 Had severe respiratory distress
43 Had HIV-1 seropositivity or exposure
25 Received antibiotic agent in previous 48 hr
25 Had previous participation in an ITIP trial
9 Had a cough lasting ≥14 days
41 Had other reason

3071 Were eligible

82 Did not have consent provided

11 Were ineligible and were incorrectly enrolled

3000 Were enrolled and underwent


1497 Were assigned to the 3-day 1503 Were assigned to the 5-day
amoxicillin group amoxicillin group

1 Was lost to follow-up 3 Were lost to follow-up

9 Had consent withdrawn 7 Had consent withdrawn
5 Had missing follow-up 4 Had missing follow-up
data data

1482 Were included in the day 2 follow-up 1489 Were included in the day 2 follow-up

4 Were lost to follow-up 2 Were lost to follow-up

8 Had consent withdrawn 10 Had consent withdrawn
9 Had missing follow-up 8 Had missing follow-up
data data

1482 Were included in the day 4 follow-up 1489 Were included in the day 4 follow-up

8 Were lost to follow-up 4 Were lost to follow-up

3 Had consent withdrawn 1 Had consent withdrawn
12 Had missing follow-up 11 Had missing follow-up
data data

1442 Had outcome data available at day 6 1456 Had outcome data available at day 6

Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, and Follow-up.

Children may have had more than one reason for ineligibility. Missing follow-up data may have been the result of
missed visits or visits that occurred outside the prespecified visit windows. Some children had missing follow-up
data for either day 2 or day 4 or both but had outcome data available for day 6. HIV-1 denotes human immunodefi-
ciency virus type 1, and ITIP Innovative Treatments in Pneumonia.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Characteristics of the Children at Enrollment.*

3-Day Amoxicillin 5-Day Amoxicillin Overall

Characteristic (N = 1497) (N = 1503) (N = 3000)
Age — no. (%)
2–11 mo 867 (57.9) 869 (57.8) 1736 (57.9)
12–35 mo 509 (34.0) 514 (34.2) 1023 (34.1)
36–59 mo 121 (8.1) 120 (8.0) 241 (8.0)
Male sex — no. (%) 833 (55.6) 820 (54.6) 1653 (55.1)
Mid–upper-arm circumference — no. (%)
<11.5 cm 0 0 0
11.5–13.5 cm 321 (21.4) 304 (20.2) 625 (20.8)
>13.5 cm 1176 (78.6) 1199 (79.8) 2375 (79.2)
Respiratory rate — no./total no. (%)†
Age 2–11 mo
<50 breaths/min 300/867 (34.6) 303/869 (34.9) 603/1736 (34.7)
50–59 breaths/min 361/867 (41.6) 393/869 (45.2) 754/1736 (43.4)
≥60 breaths/min 206/867 (23.8) 173/869 (19.9) 379/1736 (21.8)
Age 12–59 mo
<40 breaths/min 160/630 (25.4) 164/634 (25.9) 324/1264 (25.6)
40–49 breaths/min 251/630 (39.8) 262/634 (41.3) 513/1264 (40.6)
≥50 breaths/min 219/630 (34.8) 208/634 (32.8) 427/1264 (33.8)
Oxygen saturation — no. (%)‡
<90% 0 0 0
90–92% 5 (0.3) 7 (0.5) 12 (0.4)
≥93% 1492 (99.7) 1496 (99.5) 2988 (99.6)
Axillary temperature — no. (%)†
<38°C 1020 (68.1) 1054 (70.1) 2074 (69.1)
≥38°C 477 (31.9) 449 (29.9) 926 (30.9)
Receipt of 13-valent pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine — no. (%)§
Received age-appropriate no. of doses 942 (62.9) 952 (63.3) 1894 (63.1)
Received less than the age-appropriate 555 (37.1) 551 (36.7) 1106 (36.9)
no. of doses or received unknown
no. of doses

* Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.

† Shown is the value recorded at the time of the enrollment visit or the value recorded at the time of screening, whichever
was higher.
‡ Shown is the value recorded at the time of the enrollment visit or the value recorded at the time of screening, whichever
was lower.
§ The appropriate number of doses according to age is three doses in children 14 weeks of age or older, two doses in
children 10 weeks to 14 weeks of age, and one dose in children 6 weeks to 10 weeks of age.

failure before day 4. On days 4 and 5, the 3-day of 1442 children) in the 3-day group and 2.9%
group was receiving placebo, whereas the 5-day (42 of 1456 children) in the 5-day group.
group was continuing to receive amoxicillin. In A total of 176 of 1411 children (12.5%) in the
the analysis of days 4 through 6, the percentage 3-day group and 154 of 1429 (10.8%) in the
of children with treatment failure was 3.6% (52 5-day group had either treatment failure before

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Amoxicillin for Chest-Indr awing Pneumonia in Children

Table 2. Outcomes According to Treatment Group.*

3-Day Amoxicillin 5-Day Amoxicillin Difference
Variable (N = 1497) (N = 1503) (95% CI)†
Primary outcome
Treatment failure on or before day 6 — no./ 85/1442 (5.9) 75/1456 (5.2) 0.7 (−0.9 to 2.4)
total no. with data (%)‡
Secondary outcomes
Relapse on or before day 14 — no./total no. 91/1326 (6.9) 79/1354 (5.8) 1.0 (−0.8 to 2.9)
Treatment failure by day 6 or relapse on or 176/1411 (12.5) 154/1429 (10.8) 1.7 (−0.7 to 4.1)
before day 14 — no./total no. (%)
Sensitivity analysis of treatment failure — no. 55 47 0.8 (−0.9 to 2.4)
with missing primary-outcome data
Treatment failure according to prespecified
Age — no./total no. (%)
2–11 mo 57/832 (6.9) 46/842 (5.5) 1.4 (−0.9 to 3.7)
12–35 mo 23/490 (4.7) 24/498 (4.8) −0.1 (−2.8 to 2.5)
36–59 mo 5/120 (4.2) 5/116 (4.3) −0.1 (−5.3 to 5.0)
Mid–upper-arm circumference — no./total
no. (%)
<11.5 cm 0 0
11.5–13.5 cm 25/309 (8.1) 17/297 (5.7) 2.4 (−1.7 to 6.4)
>13.5 cm 60/1133 (5.3) 58/1159 (5.0) 0.3 (−1.5 to 2.1)
Malaria status — no./total no. (%)
Positive 4/127 (3.1) 5/136 (3.7) −0.5 (−4.9 to 3.9)
Negative 81/1315 (6.2) 70/1320 (5.3) 0.9 (−0.9 to 2.6)
Very fast breathing for age — no./total no. (%)
Yes 5/68 (7.4) 5/59 (8.5) −1.1 (−10.6 to 8.3)
No 80/1374 (5.8) 70/1397 (5.0) 0.8 (−0.9 to 2.5)

* Secondary outcomes and subgroup analyses were prespecified.

† The between-group difference is the difference in percentage points. The values may differ from the expected value be-
cause of rounding.
‡ The between-group difference and the 95% confidence interval were adjusted for age, sex, and trial phase (i.e., enroll-
ment at either Kamuzu Central Hospital or Bwaila District Hospital).
§ This category includes children who had not had treatment failure on or before day 6.
¶ Covariates used in multiple imputation were treatment group, age group, sex, mother’s education level, number of chil-
dren in the home, and the number of doses taken.
‖ The total numbers are the same as those assessed for the primary outcome.

or on day 6 or relapse by day 14 (absolute differ- intervals associated with outcomes in the sub-
ence, 1.7 percentage points; 95% CI, −0.7 to 4.1). groups included the noninferiority margin, and
Additional results regarding secondary out- any adjustment for multiple comparisons would
comes are provided in Table 2. The incidence of have resulted in the upper limit of all 95% con-
treatment failure was generally consistent across fidence intervals being larger than the noninfe-
prespecified subgroups defined according to age riority margin. The amount of missing primary-
group, malnutrition status, malaria status, and outcome data was low. Overall, data were
very fast breathing for age. Most 95% confidence missing for 102 of 3000 children (3.4%): 55 of

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

1497 children in the 3-day group and 47 of 1503 comparisons; therefore, definitive conclusions
in the 5-day group. Estimates derived from mul- should not be drawn regarding secondary out-
tiple imputations for missing outcome data were comes.
similar to those derived from the analysis of The results of this trial suggest that a 3-day
complete cases. When we performed a tipping- regimen of amoxicillin is not substantively worse
point analysis, we failed to show noninferiority than a 5-day regimen for the treatment of chest-
only when among the children with missing data, indrawing pneumonia among HIV-uninfected
at least 3 more children in the 3-day group than children. Keeping in mind the benefits to both
in the 5-day group had treatment failure. If the patients and the health care system of a shorter
same incidence of treatment failure observed in course of antibiotic therapy and the fact that the
the analysis that included children with com- WHO already recommends 3 days of amoxicillin
plete data (5.9% in the 3-day group and 5.2% in for treatment of fast-breathing pneumonia,2,5-7 it
the 5-day group) were applied to an analysis appears that a 3-day regimen of amoxicillin in
with imputation of missing data (5.9% × 55 in children with chest-indrawing pneumonia might
the 3-day group and 5.2% × 47 in the 5-day group), be sufficient. Currently, the WHO recommends
the expected average difference in the number of a 5-day course of twice-daily, high-dose oral
children with treatment failure would be 0.8. As amoxicillin to treat chest-indrawing pneumonia
such, we would have needed to observe a larger in children with cough or with difficulty breath-
difference among the children with missing data ing.2,19 However, the findings of this trial may
(e.g., treatment failure in 3 of 55 children in the allow for harmonization and simplification of
3-day group and 0 of 47 children in the 5-day treatment courses to 3 days for both fast-breath-
group) to fail to conclude noninferiority. If the ing and chest-indrawing pneumonia in HIV-
results of the primary analysis had been adjusted uninfected children. A study from Pakistan
for sequential monitoring, the conclusion of showed that in cases of chest-indrawing pneu-
noninferiority would have remained the same. monia in patients without underlying complica-
tions, home treatment with a short course of
Adverse Events high-dose oral amoxicillin was preferable to par-
The percentage of children with at least one seri- enteral treatment because of the associated reduc-
ous adverse event from the time of enrollment to tion in referral, admission, and treatment costs.19
day 14 was 9.8% in the 3-day group and 8.8% in Home treatment of chest-indrawing pneumonia
the 5-day group (Table 3). There was one death with oral amoxicillin is effective across commu-
(from pneumonia) in the 3-day group (<0.1% of nities and geographic regions.20-22 In contrast to
the children), and two deaths (one from pneu- criteria in low-resource settings, criteria for the
monia and one from acute gastroenteritis) in the diagnosis of pneumonia in high-resource set-
5-day group (0.1% of children). In the 3-day tings often require confirmation on chest radi-
group, 91.6% of children received all doses, and ography, especially in hospitalized children.23
in the 5-day group, 91.8% of children received Yet little evidence exists to dictate duration of
all doses, with adherence reported by caregivers. treatment.11 Of note, in a very small study from
Israel, a 3-day course of high-dose oral amoxicil-
lin was associated with a high incidence of treat-
ment failure (40% [4 of 10 children]) among
We evaluated a 3-day regimen as compared with children with radiographically confirmed pneu-
a 5-day regimen of oral amoxicillin treatment in monia.24
3000 HIV-uninfected children 2 to 59 months of Poor adherence to antibiotic treatment has
age who presented with chest-indrawing pneu- been associated with treatment failure in WHO-
monia in a region of Malawi in which malaria defined clinical pneumonia.25,26 Improving ad-
is endemic. Our results showed that 3 days of herence to a shorter course of treatment could
amoxicillin treatment was noninferior to 5 days improve outcomes among children with chest-
of treatment with respect to treatment failure on indrawing pneumonia while also minimizing
or before day 6. The criterion for noninferiority adverse drug effects, costs, and the emergence
continued to be met through day 14, but there of antimicrobial resistance.7,25,26
was no prespecified plan to adjust for multiple Limitations of our trial included strict inclu-

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Amoxicillin for Chest-Indr awing Pneumonia in Children

Table 3. Serious Adverse Events and Common Nonserious Adverse Events According to Treatment Group.*

3-Day Amoxicillin 5-Day Amoxicillin Overall

Variable (N = 1497) (N = 1503) (N = 3000)

number (percent)
Children with ≥1 serious adverse event† 147 (9.8) 132 (8.8) 279 (9.3)
Children with ≥1 nonserious adverse event† 394 (26.3) 455 (30.3) 849 (28.3)
Serious adverse events
Pneumonia 135 (9.0) 118 (7.9) 253 (8.4)
Chest-indrawing pneumonia‡ 61 (4.1) 49 (3.3) 110 (3.7)
Pneumonia with any danger sign 49 (3.3) 51 (3.4) 100 (3.3)
Pneumonia with fast breathing for age§ 17 (1.1) 14 (0.9) 31 (1.0)
Pneumonia confirmed on chest 7 (0.5) 3 (0.2) 10 (0.3)
Pneumonia of unspecified type 1 (0.1) 1 (<0.1) 2 (0.1)
Nonpneumonia events 20 (1.3) 15 (1.0) 35 (1.2)
Gastroenteritis 8 (0.5) 6 (0.4) 14 (0.5)
Fever 3 (0.2) 5 (0.3) 8 (0.3)
Malaria 1 (0.1) 2 (0.1) 3 (0.1)
Meningitis 3 (0.2) 0 3 (0.1)
Otitis media 2 (0.1) 0 2 (0.1)
Conjunctivitis 1 (0.1) 0 1 (<0.1)
Edema 0 1 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1)
Febrile seizure 1 (0.1) 0 1 (<0.1)
Rectal prolapse 1 (0.1) 0 1 (<0.1)
Vomiting 0 1 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1)
Common nonserious adverse events
Gastroenteritis 176 (11.8) 223 (14.8) 399 (13.3)
Upper respiratory infection 113 (7.5) 114 (7.6) 227 (7.6)
Rash 32 (2.1) 50 (3.3) 82 (2.7)
Conjunctivitis 21 (1.4) 20 (1.3) 41 (1.4)
Rhinitis 22 (1.5) 15 (1.0) 37 (1.2)
Otitis media 13 (0.9) 21 (1.4) 34 (1.1)
Eczema 15 (1.0) 17 (1.1) 32 (1.1)
Oral candidiasis 13 (0.9) 15 (1.0) 28 (0.9)

* Children may have had more than 1 serious or nonserious adverse event and may have had multiple serious or nonse-
rious adverse events.
† Included are adverse events that occurred any time after the trial drug was administered, up to 14 days after enrollment.
‡ Chest-indrawing pneumonia is defined as cough lasting less than 14 days or difficulty breathing, along with visible in-
drawing of the chest wall with or without fast breathing for age.
§ A total of 37 events occurred on or before day 6 and were considered treatment failures. The remaining events occurred
after day 6 and thus were considered relapses.
¶ The events in this category did not include pneumonia manifested with fast breathing, chest indrawing, or any danger
signs; however, pneumonia was diagnosed by means of positive chest radiography.

sion and exclusion criteria, lack of laboratory or ity of our results to routine programmatic care
radiologic testing, and close monitoring and settings. It is important to note that children
follow-up — factors that limit the generalizabil- with severe disease were excluded; therefore, the

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

results of the trial have limited applicability in lower, where HIV endemicity is high, or where
this group. Pneumonia is frequently considered severe acute malnutrition or other conditions
a single entity, rather than a clinical syndrome that confer a predisposition to bacterial disease
that encompasses several underlying factors, so are common, it may be reasonable to expect a
interpretation of the results of this trial is chal- higher incidence of treatment failure among
lenging. A multicountry case–control study that patients who are not treated with a longer course
evaluated the causes of chest-indrawing pneu- of antibiotics. As such, our results might not be
monia in children younger than 5 years of age generalizable across different regions, settings,
across a range of geographic and epidemiologic or nontrial conditions. Specifically, the percent-
settings showed that viruses accounted for 61.4% age of children who had treatment failure or re-
of cases, bacteria for 27.3%, and Mycobacterium lapse that was observed in this trial might under-
tuberculosis for 5.9% of cases.27 Without etiologic estimate the true incidences of treatment failure
information, including ascertainment of viral as and relapse that occur in nontrial conditions.
compared with bacterial causes, we could note Although pneumonia is a common and dead-
the effect of the intervention only on the clinical ly illness, the duration of antibiotic treatment for
syndrome of pneumonia. This approach is con- community-acquired pediatric pneumonia has
sistent with nontrial conditions relevant to pedi- not yet been clearly defined. In this population
atric care in low-resource settings, but it blunts in Malawi, a 3-day regimen of amoxicillin was
the ability to detect a difference between a 3-day noninferior to a 5-day regimen in HIV-uninfect-
course and a 5-day course. ed children with chest-indrawing pneumonia. In
Follow-up care and monitoring of enrolled considering policy changes regarding duration
children generally exceeded local standards of of amoxicillin treatment for chest-indrawing pneu-
care; therefore, the incidence of treatment fail- monia, further research may be needed to deter-
ure may have been affected both by the high qual- mine whether these results can be replicated in
ity of care that was provided and by the high other low-resource regions and pediatric popula-
awareness of and vigilance for detecting treat- tions.
ment failure. It may be that the children in whom Supported by a grant (OPP1105080) from the Bill and Melinda
treatment failure was identified would have re- Gates Foundation.
covered without a longer course of antibiotics if Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
we had used a watchful waiting approach and A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
not intervened with antibiotic treatment. How- with the full text of this article at
ever, opportunities for follow-up and access to We thank Rasa Izadnegahdar for his technical support and
advice; Gwen Ambler for her help with the planning of trial
care are often challenging in low-resource set- implementation; the dedicated trial staff at the University of
tings. In addition, treatment approaches vary North Carolina Project, Lilongwe Medical Relief Fund Trust,
widely among countries and regions. The routine and at Kamuzu Central Hospital for providing patient care;
Triclinium Clinical Development for facilitating data manage-
pediatric HIV testing included in this trial pro- ment and safety monitoring; the Malawi Ministry of Health for
tocol, although recommended, is not rigorously their support; the members of the data and safety monitoring
implemented during routine care in low-resource board (Shamim A. Qazi [chair], Christopher T. Roberts, Grace J.
Malenga, and Harry Campbell); and the trial participants, their
settings in which HIV is endemic.28 In areas caregivers, and the local community in Lilongwe, Malawi, for
where pneumococcal immunization coverage is their participation.

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