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LEJ 123- the 3 branches and what article they’re in

CORNELL NOTES Name: _Ta’Mia Powell___________________________

Class: Government____________ Topic: Constitution __________
Questions / Main Ideas Notes / Details / Definitions / etc.
Unitary: Central government has the power and creates different smaller governments
( states and local governments) based on need.
Confederal: Confederacy- Loose union of independent states. The Confederate states of
American and Articles of Confederation.
Federal: Power is divided between the Federal and State government. Each level has
powers specific to it. Our government today.
The Preamble: (start of it) “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
our posterity do obtain and establish this Constitution of the United States of
Structure of the -Preamble: We the people..
Constitution: -7 Articles:
-creates branches of government
-defines federalism
-amendment process
-supremacy clause
-27 Amendments: changes to the Constitution

House Leadership -Speaker of the House: most powerful in the House of Representatives
-Leader of the majority party in the House
-2nd in the line presidency after the vice president
The U.S Senate -2 Senators per state
-100 total
-6 year terms
-⅓ elected every 2 years
-Must be 30 years old
Senate Leadership: -Vice president is the President of the Senate. Votes in cast of tie.
-Senate majority leader from the majority party.
-Senate minority leader from the minority party.
Senate Leadership: President pro tempore: stands in for vice president. Most senior member of the
(continued) Senate
3rd in line for presidency if the president dies.
Powers of the Legislative Legislative Branch can…
Branch: -lay and collect taxes
-borrow money
-declare war
-raise and support an army
-coin money
-establish post offices
-elastic clause or “necessary and proper clause”
Conducting business -house and senate vote on bills. if they pass them they go to the president
-senate can filibuster or delay a vote with ongoing debate
-president signs a bill or veto a bill but the congress can override a veto with a ⅔
Article I- Legislative -congress= house of representatives and the senate
Branch -house of representatives has 435 members
-based of population
-2 year terms
-must be 25 years old

Themes I see in the I see a lot about government


Other Questions I may

have about the
information (Required)

Please list three things how the senate works, the structures of the constitution, and what the legislative
you learned today branch can do

Please explain how one

thing you learned today
relates to you. BE


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