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‘Standard Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor Materials! ‘a id ed a des BOS me ene era a ot (open a ce ern be eset eam econ ea pec ‘Set ale aa nl nee renee ao 1. Seope |L1 This est method covers the determination of the elec ‘wical resisivty of metalic local conductor material t provides for an accuracy of =0'30 on test specimens having {resstmce of 0.00001 © (10 uN) or more. Weight resistivity ‘curacy may be adrercly ffonad by possible insccuaces in the assumed density ofthe conduct. LD This sional does os purport 10 ees al of the ajery ecncers, 7 any, easecied with tase. Tt the expen of the wer of hs sear to esablih appr (prt sey nd ale pred cesene the app (eof reer esp 12 Referenoed Docmments 21 AST Sec ‘ALL Specifeaion for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) “ron” “Tlepons and Telgreh Lins Wi? (A326 Specfeaion for Zinc-Coaed (Galvanized) High “Tene Steel Telephone and Telgrgh Line Wir ‘BO Speciication for Bronze Trolley Wae* 'B 105 Specification foc Hard-Deawn Copper Alloy Wises Wit 'B 566 Speciation for Copper Cl Aluminum Wie! 18 800 Specification for S000 Series Aluminam Alloy Wire for Eloerical Pupece:—Amcalad end Tntrmediats Tex pect 22 NST Decunen: ‘Ee Cann le pn een BD Sit of at ging bce ‘Se per 1, rt pt 2. ney NBS. Heniionk 100 Copper Wire Tabet 3. Resistivity ‘31 Aesiivty Explanatory Note 1) is he elecical sis tance ofa body of unit length, snd unit eos socom sea uni weight ‘32 Vatune Ress is commonly expressed in cms for 2 thcueical conductr of wit length and cross-sectional aes; ‘einciepound unt in Qh and in acceptable rete i in OF tin I my be ealeulted bythe following equation es june wheres = volume resistivity, hemilit oe Qn 7am, A) = Gosssectonal ara, cml of 2. = sage length used to dtemine & ft orm, and 2 = Seward antares, 2 13.3. Welty Resiriviry i commonly expressed in chums foc a sheoratical cooduccr of uit Jeng and weight The method for calculating weight resisiviry, based on wesistance lest, ‘52.1 A resistance of atleast 0.00001 0 (10 0) inthe set length betwen potential con's, ‘322 A test length ofa east I ft or 300-mm, 523.8 diameter, thickness, width, or other dimension switbie to the imitons ofthe resistnce mensoing inst oem, ‘S24 No surfer cracks or defects visible to the woes 82 Fox routine tests, only soch ofthe tems in 8.1 as apply to the parol ase r are sigmifcant, shall te reported 9. Precisionind ins TABLE | Reczvty nd Candy Common ore tat fe ae appa ey nscale coed 92°C OPP Thy a apie fr ny ge swore cee tween soe sol bees wet ne nV em fro omni ona ma, reset, [ae [env | mn [on | nee | cow [ote tenet: Tae WROTE WRB MEME | WX UNEEE WF RUSTE | TOOT HOT ORT we) ae. 08 sewin | wx scerse xasseen | maaaimn |w

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