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May 2006

News from the

Southeast Region Civil Air Patrol
Col John Tilton, Commander

Administration ...............12 Florida............................ 5, 8, 18 Operations ..................... 16
Aerospace Education .....19 Georgia .......................... 9 Public Affairs ................ 14
Alabama .........................8, 12, 13, 18 History ........................... 15 Puerto Rico.................... 4, 12
Cadets ............................5 Medical .......................... 6 Recruiting ...................... 6
Chaplains .......................6 Mississippi..................... 5 Tennessee ...................... 7, 8, 9, 12

NASA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Shuttle Launch

by 1st Lt Kelly Green Sharkey and minus one minute, told Young “I
1st Lt Vic Casella think we’re going to do it today!”
Twenty Five years ago I [Kelly] Surprised, but thrilled to be getting
went on the educational trip of a on with their history-making
lifetime. My flight, the astro-
grandparents nauts made final
drove my preparations and

Photo by 1st Lt Kelly Green Sharkey

half-sister and readied themselves
me down to for a ride of a life-
Titusville to time.
watch the Crippen’s heart rate
launch of the began to rise to 130
first space beats per minute
shuttle. (BPM). His eyes
Com- were wide open. He
manded by STS-1 lifts off
then looked over at John Young and Bob Crippen share a
astronaut John the commander again, and light moment with KSC visitors
Young, a veteran of both the Gem- Young’s heart rate was only 90
ini and Apollo programs, and pi- BPM. Crippen thought that since what the engineers predicted.
loted by Robert Crippen, STS-1 Young was a veteran astronaut, he Young and Crippen said the
marked the first time a spacecraft, was real cool about this launch. space shuttle was a very good ve-
designed to be reused, launched. Young quickly responded that the hicle and that no other vehicle can
Thousands of other space fans only reason his heart rate was so do what it does. Looking into the
and families from around the state, low, is because he is old. “I could next generation spacecraft, how-
and around the world, gathered to not get it to beat any faster!” he ever, NASA will need to have a
see the launch at Pad A, Launch joked. vehicle that can be aborted during
Complex 39, at Kennedy Space “The ride uphill was pretty the launch, de-orbit, and landing
Center, April 12, 1981. loud,” said Crippen, “and there phases of flight. The space shuttle
A first attempt at launch, two was a lot of vibration.” But when does not have that capability.
days previous, was scrubbed be- the solid rocket motors separated, Say Young and Crippen , “By
cause of a timing skew in one of it became real quiet and smooth. continuing with our endeavors to
the computer systems. Those of us Crippen had to look at the instru- travel in space, new technologies
waiting had no idea that both Crip- ment panel to verify that the three will be developed and new re-
pen and Young felt certain the de- main engines were still working. sources will be found.”
lay would be the first of many. As The mission was only two days For those of us destined to re-
test pilots, both were familiar with long, and at the post-flight brief- main earthbound, our job is to
problems and pauses in any new ing, they reported that the vehicle support spaceflight and continue
vehicle’s first flight. Crippen, at T performance was pretty close to to educate the next generation.
Commander’s C

A Word from the SER Commander Quote of the month:

“The men and women
We’ve had a busy month. The Wing Conferences I’ve attended have been who have the right
great and I’ve enjoyed getting to meet so many new faces in the region and,
of course, seeing my old friends. I am pleased with the turnout the confer- ideals...are those who
ences enjoyed and congratulate all who ensured participants had a meaning- have the courage to
ful activity. Congratulations, also, to the many award winners. strive for the happiness
One consistent theme from each conference was the desire to increase our
membership and work on retention of members. I’m sure, if we all work to-
which comes only with
gether, we can accomplish this, and so much more in the coming weeks, labor and effort and
months, and years. self-sacrifice, and
As I stated in the last newsletter, my vision for the Southeast Region will those whose joy in life
be to focus its energies in support of our Wings, other Regions and the entire
Civil Air Patrol. I hope we can Guide Help Exercise springs in part from
The Southeast Region Staff will concentrate its efforts in the areas of power of work and
Standardization and Mutual support between the SER Wings. sense of duty.”
There is a change in the SER Staff Meeting. The new date is Saturday, —Theodore Roosevelt
24 June 2006 at the Cabot Lodge, Tallahassee, FL. The meeting will start at
0830 hrs and should conclude by 1700 hrs.
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Cabot Lodge for the nights of Happy Birthday
23 and 24 June, at a rate of $75.00 a night. This includes a deluxe continental Staff Members
breakfast, and a evening beverage reception in the lobby. Sally Bilotto, 5/3
The Cabot Lodge is located at 1653 Raymond Diehl Road, Tallahassee, Samuel Andreasen, 5/7
next to I-75. Call the Lodge at 850-386-7500 to make your reservation. The William Crowley, 5/7
block is listed under US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol. The rate Bill Brockman, 5/9
is guaranteed until 9 June 2006. Ralph McBride, 5/13
John Moore, 5/15
After that date the rate will become space available. Darlene Ferris, 5/17
There will be a shuttle service from and to the Tallahassee Airport to the Wes Hannah, 5/23
hotel provided by the Tallahassee Squadron. If you need transportation from Jorge Del Rio, 5/25
the airport let Col Brockman know your arrival and departure times. Frank Basile, 5/29
Vickie Meyer, 5/29
Mark Your Calendar May Service Anniversaries
5-7 May FLWG Conference, Orlando Bill Brockman 9 Years
24 June-1 July MSWG /ALWG Encampment, Gulf Port Jennifer Sevin 10 Years
24 June SER Staff Meeting, Tallahassee, FL Stanley Brock 12 Years
Ronald Howard 40 Years
Dutchie Riggsby 45 Years
Ernest Riggsby 45 Years
Ronald Greene 53 Years

2 May 2006 Region ReCAP

Legendary pilot dies in crash
Scott Crossfield was an aviation pioneer, CAP aerospace education advocate
By Capt Paige Joyner reward teachers for outstanding
The 1960 Cessna 210A aircraft, accomplishments in aerospace
belonging to Col A. Scott Cross- education and for their dedication
field of Herndon, Va., was located to the students they teach. The
by Georgia Wing. The Wing con- Scott Crossfield Award for senior
ducted air and ground searches members is CAP’s highest award
along the flight path and located in aerospace education.
the crash site in Gilmer At his 80th birthday in
County. There were no survivors. 2001, Crossfield was still flying
Crossfield was on a flight from 200 hours per year as an instru-
Prattville, AL, to Manassas, VA, ment rated private pilot.
Wednesday morning April 19 In 1950 Crossfield joined
when the aircraft disappeared from NASA’s predecessor, the National
radar in north Georgia. Advisory Committee for Aeronau-
Crossfield, 84, was born in tics, and was a research pilot for
Berkeley, CA on Oct. 2, 1921. the next five years at the High
Although best known for his role Speed Flight Research Station at
as a legendary test pilot, he was a Edwards Air Force Base, CA
strong supporter of the Civil Air Crossfield was the test pilot for
Patrol and, in particular, CAP’s numerous research aircraft, includ-
aerospace education program. He ing the X-1, X-4, X-5, XF-92, the Col Scott Crossfield delivered the key-
created the A. Scott Crossfield D-558-I and D-558-II while at Ed- note address on Dec. 20, 2005 at the
Aerospace Education Teacher of wards. annual Wright Brothers Memorial Din-
the Year Award to recognize and On Nov. 20, 1953, he set four ner in Oshkosh, WI
speed records be-
fore becoming the are now displayed in flight muse-
first man to reach ums -- The Smithsonian National
Mach 2 (twice the Air and Space Museum’s Mile-
speed of sound) in stones of Flight Gallery includes
the air-launched, the #1 X-15 and the #2 Skyrocket.
rocket-propelled Crossfield also flew the #2 Bell
D-558- X-1, the sister ship of the #1
2. Crossfield “Glamorous Glennis,” which also
capped his distin- hangs in the same gallery. Cross-
guished test pilot field additionally was a fighter
career as the gunnery instructor in the US Navy
NASA program during World War II.
manager and first Among his countless honors,
project pilot on the Crossfield received the Lawrence
X-15 rocket pow- Sperry Award, Octave Chanute
ered research air- Award, Iven C. Kincheloe Award,
craft, taking the Harmon International Trophy and
aircraft to the the Collier Trophy. He was in-
fringes of outer ducted into the National Aviation
space. Hall of Fame in 1983, the Interna-
It is possible that tional Space Hall of Fame in 1988,
no other test pilot and the Aerospace Walk of Honor
in aviation history in 1990.
has test flown as
Capt Joyner is the Director of Public
Crossfied in cockpit of the Douglas D-558-2 many aircraft that Affairs, GAWG
after first Mach 2 flight

Region ReCAP May 2006 3

Heredia Assumes GAWG
Command By Capt Paige Joyner
The Georgia Wing completed the change of com-
mand in a ceremony during the Wing’s annual statewide
conference held this year in Jekyll Island, GA. Colonel
Guillermo “Willie” Heredia, Jr. of McDonough, GA
assumed the command in a military ceremony. In atten-
dance for the change of command were Lt Gen Nicho-
las B. Kehoe, USAF-Ret, and Chairperson for Board of
Governor, Maj Gen Antonio Pineda, National Com-
mander, and State Representative Barry Loudermilk. Lt
Maj Gen Tony Pineda changes rank insignia on Col Willie
Col James Hughes, of Conyers is the new Vice Com- Heredia, as proud and supportive wife, Susan, looks on.
mander and Lt Col Crowe, of Atlanta is the new Chief
of Staff.

PRWG Gives Squadron celebrates 25 years,

By Maj Sonia Sota
appoints new commander
By Lt Col Richard Niess
On April 22nd approximately 14
cadets received cadet orientation At the Marco Island Squadron’s
flights and impromptu Flight Silver Anniversary commemora-
Line course at the Caribbean tion, Lt Col Lee Henderson as-
Flight Center in St. Croix. The sumed command from the outgo-
pilots who attended were: Capt. ing commander, Maj Lee J. Frank.
Luis Luhring, 1st Lt Yamil San- Ninety five members and guests
chez, 1st Lt Francisco Matias and attended the celebratory banquet,
C/Lt Col Jose Rafols, the first ca- held Apr. 10 at Marco Presbyterian
det pilot on the island. Also join- Church. Many distinguished guests
ing us was Capt Juan Garcia, were in attendance, including
medical. County Commissioner Donna
At St. Croix we had the pleasure Fiala, FLWG Commander Col Dan
of meeting and working with SM's Levitch, and several of the 14 com- Lt Col Lee Henderson
Murren,Scipio and Michael along manders who have led the squad-
with SM Elliot Reid who helped ron since its charter in 1981. The hurricanes. Col Levitch then con-
coordinate the eventful trip. keynote was delivered by Col ducted a formal Change of Com-
Levitch, who commended the vari- mand ceremony, with outgoing
ous individuals who demonstrated Squadron Commander, Maj Leon
leadership and dedication to the J. Frank passing the colors to the
CAP missions, and who have per- new Commander, Lt Col Lee Hen-
formed with distinction in their derson.
volunteer service to the commu-
Lt Col Henderson, an accom-
nity. Homeland Security Commis-
plished aviator, deep ocean acous-
sioner Fiala congratulated the
tics engineer, Navy program man-
squadron on its 25 years of service
ager and community leader, then
to the community. She expressed
delivered his acceptance comments
the thanks and appreciation of Col-
and introduced the new squadron
lier County especially that of the
staff to the assembled guests and
County Emergency Management
Team for the assistance rendered
Lt Col Niess is the PAO, Marco Island
by the Marco Island Civil Air Pa- Squadron
trol members during last year’s

4 May 2006 Region ReCAP

Five FLWG cadets experience flight south
of the equator
By C/TSgt Kelcee Griffis facilities. They observed the pilots at work, and had the
Cadet PAO, Gainesville Composite Squadron privilege of flying with them. “The pilots were very
March 13, 2006 found five Florida Wing CAP cadets safety oriented,” said C/TSgt Griffis, 14. “They went
far from their home country, in a hangar on the other through several pre-flight checks before takeoff, and
side of the equator. Cadet 2 Lt Daniel Freeman, C/2 Lt were very cautious.”
Stephen Freeman, C/SSgt Patrick Freeman, C/TSgt Shell is situated in the Andes moun-
Kelcee Griffis, members of tains, where the average peak eleva-
Gainesville Composite Squadron, tion is 13,000 feet. The cadets found
and C/SrA Daniel Tarasiuk of that flying in these mountains pre-
West Broward Composite Squad- sents unique challenges to the pilots.
ron, were on a mission trip to While flying, C/2 Lt Stephen Free-
Shell, Ecuador. man, 15, noted that the altimeter read
Shell is the hub of a branch of only 300 feet at one point. MAF pilot
an extensive humanitarian flight Dan Whitehead explained, “Since
program, Mission Aviation Fel- we’re in the mountains, we were fly-
lowship. Mission Aviation Fel- ing so high anyway, and to avoid
lowship, or MAF, serves in re- some clouds, we could have either
mote areas, including the rainfor- gone over them, or under them. Going
est surrounding Shell. They de- over the clouds would have been past
liver supplies to isolated mission Cadets Daniel Tarasiuk, Patrick Freeman, the airplane’s ceiling, so going under
stations there, shuttle missionar- Daniel Freeman, Kelcee Griffis, and Stephen them was the only choice.”
ies to and from their outposts, and Freeman in front of an MAF airplane
During their time in Ecuador, the
routinely fly people needing cadets had the opportunity to help
medical attention out of the jungle to receive care. In another individual build two experimental aircraft.
2005 alone, MAF flying saved Christian and humanitar- They helped prepare the airplane bodies for riveting,
ian workers 6,099 days of travel -- the equivalent of 25 and gave riveting a try themselves. They also flew in an
work-years. ultralight experimental aircraft, which the pilot allowed
The cadets received a tour of the MAF hangar and the cadets to fly.

MSWG cadet wins ride in last flyable B-24

By Lt Col Joe Pope U.S. Army Air Force attack of
Cadet/Amn Nathan Bynum of the James S. McKinnie the European campaign was
Composite Squadron was the winner of a squadron es- against the Ploesti, Romania oil
say contest. His prize was a flight in the world’s only fields and was carried out by
flyable, Consolidated-Vultee B-24 Liberator. His squad- brand new B-24s.
ron was given one seat by the Collins Foundation Nathan is 14, a home
aboard their famous warbird “Witchcraft,” when it was schooled 9th grader and the son
scheduled to fly from Birmingham, AL, to Mississippi’s of John and Dawn Bynum, of
Madison Air Field. Pearl, MS. When asked what he
Bynum regards his flight in the Liberator as a once- would remember most from the
in-a-lifetime chance to touch a part of aviation history flight, he said, “the aircraft was Cadet Bynum with
shaking. It was very noisy. A B-24 model
and for him it was an awesome experience to fly in one
of the heavy bombers that helped win World War II. fierce wind blew in the open
The B-24 first took to the air 67 years ago. Almost gun ports, and it was so turbulent I could hardly stand or
19,000 were built by the end of WWII, making it the walk.” He said he could truly imagine what it was like
most produced of all U.S. military aircraft. It saw com- to fly into combat as a Liberator crew member.
bat in both the European and Pacific theaters. The first Lt Col Pope is the squadron PAO

Region ReCAP May 2006 5

From Chaplain Recruiting Director Appointed
Painter Col John Tilton, SER Commander, has appointed Lt Col Alfonzo Jackson
of ALWG to the position of Director of Recruiting. Jackson started out his
Color Guard needed CAP career in public affairs and career development while
for N. Fla. event in the GAWG. Jackson also became the first black com-
manding officer of the Augusta Composite Squadron dur-
There will be a small parade on
ing the years of 1992 and 1993.
the north side of Jacksonville, near
Trout River on Sat- After moving to Alabama, Jackson became a member of
urday, May 27 at Birmingham Squadron 34 as the public affairs and recruit-
9:00 a.m. The par- ing officer. He was later transferred to squadron 90, as
Lt Col Jackson
ties putting the pa- PAO for the central section of the Wing. During his stay,
rade together are he also qualified as an Aerospace Technician. Jackson was later transferred
celebrating their to ALWG staff to become director of public affairs and recruiting. During
new property and the last change of command for the Wing, he was asked if he would take
have expanded it to command of Kingdom Life Composite Squadron 124 in Talladega, AL, and
include the Parade in addition to his role as Recruiting Officer. Jackson accepted, and became
and a Memorial Service for Memo- the second black commander in ALWG.
rial Day. Jackson, along with his recruiting assistant, Lt Melody Compton, put to-
As a CAP Chaplain I have been gether a recruiting program that provides training for members who would
asked to plan and execute the Me- like to become full-time recruiters. Usually regular service recruiters spend
morial Service. a total of 7 weeks learning. Jackson has compressed the training into an 8-
or 16-hour session. With the help of the local recruiters, that project became
The Color Guard would be in the
a reality, thanks to the combined team effort and many hours and days spent
parade and then be a part of the me-
to that end.
morial service. Taps will be played
as part of the service. I would ap- Jackson is a member of the Atlanta chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., and
preciate any unit that would like to is a traveling speaker.
put a marching unit together for the
This will be a small event but
promises to have a lot of good news
Region Medical or using your hand.
If you have to relieve blister
By Lt Col Patricia Faunt
coverage. Little things can become pain, drain the fluid but keep the
First aid for overlaying skin intact.
big if done right.
your blisters
Every opportunity to get CAP You can do this by: First
With our beau- Washing Your Hands then swab
before the public in a favorable
tiful spring the affected area with rubbing al-
manner is noteworthy. There is talk
weather many cohol or iodine. Sterilize a needle
going on about forming a CAP
people are out- by wiping it with rubbing alcohol,
squadron on the north side again
side hiking or then puncture your blister and let
and this would boost those talks.
gardening and, if the fluid drain. Remember don’t
The Jax Composite Squadron we aren’t careful,
furnished a Color Guard for the remove the overlying skin.
blisters may occur. Mainly friction
First Annual Native American Pow and burns cause blisters. Apply an antibiotic ointment to
Wow last Saturday in east Jackson- the blister and cover with a band-
If your blister is not very painful aid or gauze pad. When the blister
ville and did and excellent
try to keep it intact, that unbroken starts to heal use sterilized scissors
job. Many fine comments were re-
skin acts as a barrier to bacteria to cut away the dead skin. Again
ceived from those in attendance of
and decreases your risk of infec- apply ointment and a dressing. If
how sharp and professional the ca-
tion. You can cover a small blister you see pus, redness or your pain
dets looked. Their joining in the
with a Band-Aid. A larger blister increases this may be a sign of
salute to veterans was much appre-
may require a plastic coated gauze infection and it’s time to see your
ciated by all.
pad that will absorb the moisture physician.
For more info please email me at and allow it to breathe. Try not to puncture a blister unless it’s pain- Be Aware and Take Care.
m. Or call my cell at 904-803-9880. ful or prevents you from walking Lt Col Faunt is the SER Nurse Officer

6 May 2006 Region ReCAP

New Tennessee Senior Member makes CAP a part of
his “second chance at life”
By Senior Member John Toucey neer. I’m sure that everyone has and the other was Capt Arlinda
Kingsport Tennessee Composite Squadron heard the term “life changing Bailey from the Civil Air Patrol.
My name is John Toucey and I event” and this was certainly mine. The next day I contacted Maj
have just become a member of the During my recovery I promised Evans and inquired about becom-
Kingsport Tennessee Composite myself that if I were physically ing a member and he invited me to
Squadron. I’d like to give you able to, I would do whatever it attend a senior meeting. Well I
some background on myself, and took to obtain my pilot’s license. did, and I was immediately inter-
tell you what led me to become a Happily I am now within 10 hours ested and I thought that not only
member of the Civil Air Patrol. (again!) of reaching that goal and I would I benefit as a person from
I am a 50-year-old (or young) intend to keep going until I have becoming a member, I also felt
male and I have always that I could contribute to the
been interested in anything squadron.
that has to do with flying. I Now that I am a member, I
actually started taking fly- have many goals. The two
ing lessons back in 1977 most important are: 1) to be
and soloed on November able to help other people in
1977. However, my flying a time of crisis, whether it
had to take a back seat to be looking for a downed
being married and starting a aircraft, humanitarian relief,
family so I was about 10 or flying a much needed
hours short of getting my organ to someone that will
license. die without it; and 2) to be
Now, fast forward to able to teach our cadets how
May 18, 2004. I was in- important it is to focus on
volved in a pretty bad mo- what they are going to do
torcycle accident where a SM John Toucey is close to reaching his with their lives now while
goal of obtaining his pilot’s license. they are still young and have
drunk driver hit me from
behind. I had massive inju- a choice as to what they
ries and actually “flat lined” twice want to achieve. I’ll be the
my CFII rating. first to admit that I lived my
on the way to the hospital. I was a
temporary resident of Cape Fear Now I’m sure you’re asking younger days for the moment, and
Valley Medical Center for over a what this has to do with the Civil I wish I had done things differ-
month. Due to the injuries I sus- Air Patrol. Well I’ll tell you. My ently as a young adult.
tained in my legs, I was confined flight instructor invited me to an If I can take my life’s experi-
to a wheelchair for over a year, FAA Safety Seminar at the local ences and pass them on to a young
and within the last six months I’ve college a few months ago, which I cadet, maybe he or she will find
had to learn how to walk all over attended. During the seminar two their passions earlier in life and
again. I was also medically retired guest speakers were introduced. won’t need to have a “wake-up
from my job as a mechanical engi- The first one was Maj Bob Evans, call” to follow their dreams.

Ira Eaker Award presented at TN training exercise

Cadet Lt Col Laura Thiem was at the University of Tennessee ma-
presented the Ira C. Eaker Award joring in Nuclear Engineering. She
at a TN training weekend held grew up in Richmond, VA, and
April 21-23. General Richard joined CAP in 2001. Her goal is to
Bowling, former national com- graduate from UT and join the
mander, made the presentation. Navy to continue her education in
Cadet Lt Col Thiem is a freshman the Navy Nuclear Power program.

Region ReCAP May 2006 7

Training Training Training Training Training Training Training Train

Group 1 TNWG holds SAREX

By 1st Lt Donald Miller

One hundred of the more than 1,000 adult and youth members in East Ten-
nessee Squadrons gathered at Keith McCord’s farm south of Maryville, Tenn.,
for an emergency search and rescue training exercise Apr. 21 to 23, 2006.
This event included several subject matter experts on the teaching staff, in-
cluding Stan Brock, former host of television’s Wild Kingdom and now direc-
tor of Remote Area Medical, and University of Tennessee LifeStar staff.
The SAR training exercise included all aspects of emergency search and res- Photo by Capt Steve Riccio

cue work including helicopter operations, land navigation, first aid, canine The target “airplane” can be seen in
search team, shelter building, mission paperwork, radio communications, joint the lower right corner of the photo

AL Target
air crew/ground team coordination, and electronic direction finding. Both cadet
and senior members attended the training and camped out on the farm.
1st Lt Miller is the TN WG Group 1 IG and acting PAO

Huntsville Composite Squad-
ron and Redstone Composite
Squadron held a training mission
on Apr. 22, 2006. A practice ELT
and target was set out for ground
teams and air crews. After class-
room training, four air sorties
were briefed and dispatched. Two
ground teams also searched for
and found the target. “This was a
good day for training” was the
general comment from all crews
Demonstrations and training were performed by K-9 search teams and LifeStar and missions staff.

In and Around the Region

Capt Dunlop gives O-Ride Cadet Promoted Academy Student Shares

Capt Bob Dunlop runs through aircraft Col Joe Callahan, 347th Rescue Wing Beth Pershing, a freshman at the USAF
inspection with C/A1C Kevin Holliday and commander, promotes Cadet Douglas Academy in Colorado Springs and a 2005
C/AB Brittany Fraize before Cadet White to C/2nd Lt with Cadet White’s graduate of Lely High from Marco Island,
O-Ride outside Sowell Air Services father, Master Sgt (retired) Richard White. speaks to CAP cadets about the academy.
at Panama City Airport. Photo by 1st Lt Kay Van Doren Photo by Marci Elliot / Marco Eagle

8 May 2006 Region ReCAP

ning Training Training Training Training Training Training

Calling it in, RECON April Fool’s SAREX is

training in Tampa no joke
By SM Jack Payne
On April 1,
2006, members
from Groups 4, 6
and 9 attended an
Air Search and
Rescue exercise Photo by SM Karen Goodner
hosted by the Treasure Coast Composite Squadron in
Ft. Pierce, FL. Even though it was “April Fools Day,”
it was no joking matter, as 33 members were briefed
on a possible mid-air collision involving two aircraft
the day before with multiple ELT beacons alerting in a
three county area.
Trainees for mission scanner, observer and other
specialties received direct one-on-one instruction.
“Training is the key to all of our Civil Air Patrol mis-
sions,” stated Capt James Kirkland of Treasure Coast
Photo by 1 Lt Corey Halaychik Composite Squadron. “We train hoping we don’t have
to use these skills, but knowing that sooner or later we
During RECON team training in Tampa, FL, 1st Lt will. Training gives us the confidence to take on a mis-
John Clark calls in an impact assessment report while sion knowing that we can do the work and return
RECON Team Leader 1st Lt Ken Leidy observes. safely home to our communities and families.”
Students who participated in the RECON Team Cadets from the Treasure Coast Composite Squad-
training not only learned proper radio procedures but ron assisted senior members in setting up the briefing
also put their newly learned skills to good use during room, manning the mission update board, and marshal-
the weekend’s culminating exercise. ling, refueling, and tying down aircraft.

News and Events of Note to the SER

1/4 Scale Model Gets Exposure Squadron 210 Washes and Waxes Symbolic Check Presented to GAWG
Okeechobee Composite SquadronDeputy Ormond Beach, FL, Squadron 210 keeps Moody AFB Composite Squadron cadets
Commander 2nd Lt Joseph Papasso their aircraft “spit and polished” by fre- attended a Recognition Ceremony April 27
stands with the scaled down CAP Cessna quent cleaning days which are great fun as Outstanding Volunteer Team winners.
at an April fundraiser/recruitment day at a and a great way to keep assets in tip-top The check shows how much the group would
local Wal-Mart Supercenter in Florida. shape. Photo by Maj Ted Yeazel be worth monetarily in hours served.

Region ReCAP May 2006 9

CAP—On the air at 32nd Annual Sun ’n Fun
By 1st Lt Robert Gibson pher, joined the team to take pho- Officer, did another 15-minute on-
It was a full day of radio inter- tos throughout the day. air radio interview on the Sun ’n
views and photo opportunities for As NHQ Membership Develop- Fun Radio, WLKF, 1510 AM with
the Civil Air Patrol at the 2006 ment Coordinator, Ms. Neese also radio commentator Trip Barnett.
Sun ’n Fun Fly-In. With the SER- explained CAP programs to the Lt Col Lynn explained all the fun
FL 274 Polk County Composite general public and helped explain activities at the Sun ’n Fun Fly-In
Squadron’s media team making the new National Squadron Pro- for youngsters at the EAA Youth
arrangements with on-site radio gram to ex-members that did not Activities Tent and what CAP has
shows, and the staff of the Civil necessarily want to join a squad- to offer today’s youth in Aero-
Air Patrol Florida Wing, the day ron, but still wanted to support space programs. Capt Watson
went something like this: Civil Air Patrol in general. talked about the new 800 School
At 7:30 a.m. (Drive Time), Capt Program coming to the Polk
When 11:00 a.m. came around,
Wynn Watson, Group 3 County School System and how it
Deputy Commander/ GP will impact students.
800 School Program Offi- Right before the afternoon Air
cer for GP 3-Polk County, Show started, Col John E Tilton,
started the day with a live Southeast Region Commander,
on-the-air 30 minute radio flew in from Alabama to take in
interview with Talk 1430 the Fly-In, and was immediately
WLKF “Mayhem in the recruited to do a radio interview
AM” hosted by Brian with Barnett.
Bruchey and They talked about the role that
Mark Stevens; with Erica Civil Air Patrol has taken through-
Smith at the Sun ’n Fun out the Southeast Region (AL, FL,
Media House. GA, MS, PR, TN) during the past
Capt Watson was inter- Civil Air Patrol is “On The Air” years in disaster relief, Aerospace
viewed about the three Education, and other cadet and
new 800 School programs senior programs that Civil Air Pa-
coming to the Polk County School Col Levitch did a 15-minute on-air trol has to offer.
Systems, with special emphasis on radio interview on the Sun ’n Fun Sun ’n Fun Radio, WLKF, 1510
the Summerlin Academy Cadet Radio, WLKF, 1510AM with ra- AM was heard live throughout the
Squadron at Bartow High School, dio commentators Trip Barnett and Fly-In, reaching some 25,000 visi-
SER-FL-823, Polk County Com- Dave Shalbetten. They talked tors daily, as well as being trans-
posite Squadron SER-FL-274 that about the Gippsland GA-8 Airvan mitted within a five mile area of
meets at the Lakeland Armory, with the new Archer System that the Airport. All commentators re-
and Civil Air Patrol programs in Florida Wing will be receiving, ceived the SER-FL 274 Polk
general. and how it will improve operations County Composite Squadron Patch
Talk 1430 WLKF Radio’s in Florida in the 21st.Century. with the Civil Air Patrol Silver
“Mayhem in the AM” show is They also talked about CAP’s Pen Holder in appreciation for
heard throughout the Polk County role in Disaster work during the their great support.
Radio Market. Hurricanes in the last two
Around 9:00 a.m., Col Daniel years, as well as what other
“Dan” Levitch, FLWG Com- programs CAP can offer
mander, Col Eileen L. Parker, cadets and senior members.
FLWG Vice Commander, and CAP was again slated for
Marie Neese, NHQ Membership an 11:30 a.m. show, and L.
Development Coordinator, arrived Col John Lynn, FLWG
at the Fly-In to do interviews and Aerospace Education Direc-
work the displays, and meet with tor, and Capt Wynn Watson,
Fly-In visitors. Eric Wentworth, a Group 3 Deputy Commander
volunteer professional photogra- Group 800 School Program

10 May 2006 Region ReCAP

CAP plays part in 2006 Sun ’n Fun Fly-In
By Capt Scott Cochran In one fairly typical example, a
Every year thousands of aircraft radio call came in reporting that an
descend on the Lakeland airport Aero Commander aircraft belong-
for the annual Sun-n-Fun fly-in. ing to the National Oceanic and
This year’s event was held Apr. 4- Atmospheric Administration
10, but the planning and organiz- (NOAA) had been due to arrive at
ing had been going on for a long 2:53 p.m., but had not been heard
time. With so many airplanes, heli- from. After learning that a landing
copters, and other types of aircraft had in fact been logged for the
in one place, keeping track of who specific tail number in question,
is coming and going is no easy the ground-based CAP team led by
matter. Making sure that arrivals Lt Geollner soon located the air-
and departures are tracked, and plane eastbound on a nearby taxi- 2nd Lt Len Geollner, Incident
way. Other searches were more Commander, listens to an incoming
that overdue aircraft are found, is
“overdue aircraft” radio call. Along
the job of the Civil Air Patrol. elaborate, requiring close searches
with Lt Col McConnell, Lt Goellner led
Calls came in every day, re- of multiple ramp areas where hun- a team which tracked and located
porting incidents of “overdue air- dreds of airplanes were parked. arriving flights throughout the week.
craft.” These were usually flights The volume of activity kept the
into Lakeland which had filed a team very busy each day. In the
flight plan and then neglected to first three days of the show, the play a central role in planning and
close the flight plan upon arrival. CAP team logged 982 aircraft arri- executing the Civil Air Patrol mis-
The result is that the aircraft is vals, and worked 11 overdue air- sion for next year’s Sun-n-Fun air
considered missing until it is craft before noon. show as well.
physically located. Squadron FL-310 will no doubt

New L-Per tested at Fly-In

During Sun ’n Fun, several the box, antennas positioned, and
members of FLWG had the oppor- the first bearing had been taken.
Photo by 1st Lt Gene Floyd

tunity to try out the The team members quickly dis-

newest L-Per from covered one of the first
Photo by 2 Lt Len Goellner

LTRONICS. MSgt benefits of the newest

Scott Jung was anx- direction finding (DF)
ious to get the oppor- unit was in not having to
tunity to try out the put together the old
new unit. The oppor- wooden mast antenna
Fifteen members of the Talla- tunity came on Apr. system of older mod-
hassee Composite Squadron 7, 2006 while he was els. Instead, it is a simple
joined up with eight members of assisting with the MSgt Scott Jung with step of folding out the
the Lake City Cadet Squadron CAP Sun ’n Fun sup- new LTronics L-Per four antennas from the
and made the trek to Lakeland, port mission. The body of the LPER, turn-
Fla., for Sun ‘n Fun. They tent- team, comprised of team leader 2 ing it out, and going right to work.
camped in the main camp- Lt Goellner, 1st Lt Dobbins and At 1:17, just 18 minutes later,
ground, and paid their way into MSgt Jung, got the call at 12:59 the team made the call to mission
the fly-in by performing several from the base communications base “ELT located and deacti-
hours of community service a post that an ELT signal had been vated.” Eighteen minutes from
day by checking armbands at detected on the field. first detection to deactivation!
the gates or standing watch over
The team broke out the new L- It was a record-setting pace and
the F-22 Raptor. Above, they
Per and went into action. Within a fantastic experience for the team
are with the fighter and its pilot,
two minutes the L-Per was out of with the newest DF technology.
USAF Lt Col Wade Tolliver.

Region ReCAP May 2006 11

Administration tionally, Directive 1020.1 is described and states
handicapped persons shall not be discriminated
By Lt Col Evelyn Holdren
Nondiscrimination in Federally
Assisted Programs The regulation states that region and wing com-
manders are responsible for implementing and enforc-
ing DOD Directive 5500.11 and 1020.1. It is required
This regulation assigns responsibil- that Wing and Region headquarters will maintain and
ity and prescribes procedures to effec- make available copies of same so that they can be re-
tuate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL88- viewed upon request of any CAP member. Also they
352). It supplements Department of Defense (DOD) will maintain records necessary to ascertain compli-
Directive 5500.11, Nondiscrimination in Federally ance with the directives.
Assisted Programs, DOD Directive 1020.1, Nondis-
crimination on the basis of Handicap in Programs and Also stated is who at NHQ is responsible for overall
Activities Assisted or conducted by the Department of monitoring the program including Air Force agencies
Defense, and AFR 30-12, Nondiscrimination in Feder- or who is making periodic review of CAP policies and
ally Assisted Programs. It applies to all units of the practices.
Civil Air Patrol. The DCS, Logistics monitors acquisition of excess
Background of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is given property or surplus property. The Staff Judge Advo-
covering fact that no person in the United States shall, cate is made responsible for hearings as stated in XC
on grounds of race, color, or national origin be denied DOD Directive 5500.11. Also covered is the role of
benefits or otherwise subjected to discrimination un- wing and region commanders regarding compliance
der any program or activity receiving federal financial with this regulation and attachments during inspec-
assistance. Also the act requires that rules, regulations, tion. Wing and region commanders are responsible to
or orders of general applicability must be approved by the Director of Personnel at NHQ.
the President before they become effective. The regu- All need to be aware of the SER Commander’s pol-
lation further states that DOD Directive 5500.11 was icy letter dated Feb. 11, 2006 regarding CAPR 39-1,
approved and published in the Federal Register. Addi- nondiscrimination in these programs.

GAWG Cadets Scholarships

Get Fit awarded
Submitted by 1st Lt Kay Van Doren
Physical Fitness is an important
part of the Civil Air Patrol pro- Cadet Capt
gram, all cadets must pass their Matthew Bai-
level of physical fitness in order to ley was re-
promote to the next cadet rank, cently
this includes a mile run or shuttle awarded a
run, three count push ups, curl- CAP Corpo-
ups, sit and reach for flexibility. rate Scholar-
ship for $250.
Pictured below, Moody AFB He has been an active member
Composite Squadron members of the Kingsport Composite
prepare to run the first lap together Squadron, TNWG, since July.
as a unit. He is currently serving as Ca-
det Commander and Cadet
ESO. Bailey is attending East
Cadet 2nd Lt Julien J.
Tennessee State University and
Jimenez, of the Dr. Cesareo
majoring in chemistry. Future
Rosa Nieves Cadet Squadron,
plans are to attend medical
PR-123, was awarded the Col
school, specializing in trauma
Clara Livingston Scholarship
surgery, and wants to become a
Apr. 29, 2006 by the Puerto
Combat Surgeon in the Air
Rico Wing Scholarship Com-

12 May 2006 Region ReCAP

Exclusive to April SER SM Awards
CAP Cadets! Gill Robb Wilson Award
Maj Ernest C. Manzano, SER
SM Helmut V. Seidl, FL
1st Lt Gene W. Smith, FL
Register by June 1, 2006 for a 6- 2nd Lt Mary Anne Varda, FL
Day, 8-Day, or 13-Day summer ses- Paul E. Garber Award
2nd Lt Lucien A. Varda, FL
sion of Space Camp®, Space Acad- Maj David J. Sweeney, FL
SM Dimpna G. Waldinger, FL
emy®, Advanced Space Academy®, Lt Col Steven P. Schultz, FL
Aviation Challenge® Mach I, Mach Maj Raymond J. Waldinger, FL
Maj Bennon L. Prine, GA
II, or Mach III at the US Space & SM Francisco J. Zangerolame, FL
Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL, and Capt Thomas K. Riddle, MS
1st Lt Eric R. Diaz, PR
save $150 Off Tuition! Or Bring A Grover Loening Award
1st Lt. Alexis T. Fernandez, PR
Buddy* and Each of You Saves Capt James L. Smiley, AL
$200 Off Tuition! (Must attend 1st Lt. Rachel Cotto Gee, PR
1st Lt Leslie N. Ballard, FL
camp between May 21-August 25) SM Kenneth Lozano, PR
Lt Col Rogers A. Porter, FL
These offers are not available for Capt Tirso F. Pena, PR
Parent/Child, Adult, Educator or Capt Felix D. Diaz, GA
Capt Rafael Sanchez, PR
Group Programs. Cannot be applied Capt L. Paige Joyner, GA
SM Gerald L. Bailey, TN
to $50 non-refundable registration 1st Lt Ensor J. Lopez, PR
fee and cannot be used in conjunc- 2nd Lt Kent Bankhead, TN
Capt Constance J. Harrison, TN
tion with any other discount. SM Vera Blair, TN
Maj Timothy S. Waddell, TN
To join the SPACE CAMP CAP SM George R. Borsari, III, TN
e-mail list to receive discounts, e- Brig. Gen. Charles E. “Chuck” Lt Col John A. Humphries, TN
mail Yeager Aerospace Education Award Maj Jack E. Mullinax, TN
1-800-241-5104 Please reference SM Lisa A. Albero, FL SM David M. Newman, TN
Source Code CAP06 2nd Lt. Richard H. Gaylord, FL SM Tanya Southerland, TN
*Does not apply to friends already
1st Lt. John I Hendricks, Jr., FL 2nd Lt Joshua Steinert, TN
registered, must be new registrations
You do not have to register for the same Capt Scott M. Martin, FL SM Colettea Taylor, TN
program or the same session to qualify. SM Jeffrey J. Maturo, FL Maj Alvis M. Winkler, Jr., TN

Earhart presented at ALWG Conference

By Maj Patricia Mitcham to Huntsville, AL in July 1994. He University,
C/Capt Chester Kraft received has played Little League Baseball Prescott
his Earhart Award at the Alabama and has played in the Babe Ruth Campus.
Wing Conference, April 29, 2006. League for four years. He joined Offers of a
The Amelia Earhart Award is Civil Air Patrol in 2003 and was four year
earned after completing the first named Squadron Cadet of the Year Army
eleven achievements of the cadet in 2005. He was the Honor Cadet at ROTC full
program and after receipt of the his first encampment and a member scholarship
General Billy Mitchell Award. In of the Honor Flight at his second at Embry
addition, the cadet must pass an one. He graduates from High Riddle Pres- L to R: Col John Tilton,
arduous 100-question examination School this year. Home schooled cott, and a SER Commander,
under the educational program of three year C/Capt Kraft, Col
testing aerospace topics, leadership Mike Oakman,
theory and staff topics.. This ad- the North Alabama Friends School, AFROTC ALWG Commander
vanced award is only earned by the he received nominations to West Scholarship
most diligent of cadets, who truly Point and the Air Force Academy. give him additional choices for his
care about Civil Air Patrol and their He has received offers of scholar- future. He is the son of Harold and
part in it. ships from University of Alabama, Barbara Kraft of Huntsville, AL.
Cadet Kraft is a native of Colo- Huntsville; Birmingham Southern; Maj Mitcham is the ALWG PAO
rado Springs, Colorado and moved and Embry Riddle Aeronautical

Region ReCAP May 2006 13

Public Affairs thing going on in your “neck of the
April SER By 1st Lt Kelly Green Sharkey
woods” should have a mission
statement that is distinct to the spe-

Cadet Awards
As Public Affairs Officers, we cialties of your unit and your peo-
need to understand that there are ple. As I’ve said many times be-
three types of fore, our job as PAOs is to give a
Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award communication well-deserved pat on the back to
• Andrew P. Anderson, #1600, FL we provide: inter- the people with whom we work.
• Quinton J. Fenley, #1599, FL nal, external, and Feel free to write out your basic
mixed. purposes and strengths to share in
Gen. Ira C. Eaker Award External is, of outgoing, external, publications.
• Laura A. Thiem, TN course, all infor- Internal communications are
mation we pro- those things which fellow members
Amelia Earhart Award vide to those out- will see: emails, memos, letters.
• Stephanie A. Petelos, AL side CAP… citizens, political lead- Each of these will not have to
• Michael A. Van Doren, GA ers, news organizations, neighbors. “spell out” all CAP purposes on
Anyone who is a potential member each and every page, but need to
• Jeremy B. Locke, MS
or supporter (whether financially provide enough information for
• Joshua C. Locke, MS or by helping to spread the word new members or external eyes that
• Luis J. Aponte, PR about all we do), is external to the happen to pick them up, enough
• Fernando Class, PR organization. Materials to this direction on how to find out more.
group should include the
• Erick X. Simons, PR There are items that fall into a
“obvious,” and assume, every time, “both” category, for example web
• Justin W. Frazee, TN that these readers or viewers have pages and newsletters.
Gen. Billy Mitchell Award never heard of “C,” “A,” or “P.”
Because these are primarily for
• Jonathan R. Ernest, AL
It is for that reason that press an internal audience, authors
releases from National contain a wouldn’t necessarily put the pur-
• Javier A. Acosta, FL consistent closing paragraph that pose paragraph in each document
• Michael J. Ates, FL details our basic purpose as an or- or web page. There should, how-
• Joshua A. Baber, FL ganization: ever, be some way for a reader to
• Andrew D. Bolin, FL Civil Air Patrol, the official auxil- find additional information,
iary of the U.S. Air Force, is a non- whether it is a web link, or a phone
• Patrick K. Collins, FL profit organization with almost 60,000
number, or an accompanying bro-
• Lee A. Douglas, FL members nationwide. It performs 95%
of continental U.S. inland search and
chure or fact sheet.
• George J. Johnson, FL
rescue missions as tasked by the Air Some units divide the web mas-
• Thomas B. Lynch, FL Force Rescue Coordination Center. ter position and newsletter editor
• Giulio C. Rottaro, FL Volunteers also perform homeland into two jobs. When these func-
• George A. Sterner, FL security, disaster relief and counter- tions are performed by two per-
drug missions at the request of federal, sons, they should work closely to-
• Nicholas R. Wesner, FL state and local agencies. The members gether, as each has an opportunity
• Ravic G. Blake, GA take a leading role in aerospace edu-
to disseminate information to a
cation and serve as mentors to the
• Timothy R. Colquitt, GA wide variety of persons, but in dif-
almost 25,000 young people currently
• Justin A. Greer, GA participating in CAP cadet programs. ferent ways and they need to pro-
• Ben J. Peterson, GA CAP has been performing missions for vide a consistent message.
America for more than 60 years. For Whether you speak to an inter-
• Douglas F. White, GA
more information please see nal, external, or mixed audience in
• Samuel J. Cormier, TN and your PAO duties, make sure you
• Brian P. Frazier, TN Press releases from squadron share the joys of volunteer service.
• Eric J. McCrery, TN PAOs should contain this informa- Perhaps it will encourage addi-
• Marcos G. More, TN
tion, but can also include some- tional participation, or create a new
thing personal about your unit. Of interest. Either way, within, or
• Ryan W. Vradenburgh, TN course you want to share the pur- without, we have an exiting mes-
poses of the organization, as a sage to share!
whole, but a release about some- 1st Lt Sharkey is the SER PAO Director

14 May 2006 Region ReCAP

Learning CAP history en route to sharing it
By Capt James L. Shaw was able to get it for the historical display for the whole
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the day. The next would be Lt Col Bill Schell, who is the
Georgia Wing Conference at Jekyll Island. I had been National Curator and what I call the “Keeper of CAP”
looking forward to going and setting up the historical historical items. He drove all the way from Aberdeen,
display I have been creating for the past couple of years. MD, to bring us a large portion of the CAP collection.
I was also happy that my entire family was going as My friend and fellow CAP historian Lt Col Todd Engle-
well. My son Kaleb has been a cadet for the past six men from Warner Robbins GA, brought along his per-
months and this would be his sonal collection (one of the larg-
first. My wife Michelle and est private collections known) to
youngest son Killian, 6, were the conference for all to see.
also going to enjoy the pool and I also want to give a special
scenery. thanks to Lt Col Ben Stone, who
A few weeks prior to this I so patiently fielded questions
had been contacted by Col Don from many members of the con-
Greene about the widow of the ference about his 64 year history
first GAWG Commander, Col with CAP and made me laugh
Winship Nunnally. Through his many times. Last but not least is
assistance and Capt Tonya Boy- Lt Col Berry Herrin who brought
lan I was able to speak with her along some great pictures to
briefly about her husband. We share with me and other mem-
set up a meeting on Apr. 7, on bers. The national collection dis-
my way to the wing conference. played over 100 feet of patches
I had the opportunity to speak and insignia along the walls and
with Mrs. Adair Pizer about her covered six eight-foot tables with
late husband and his activities wings and uniform items. Lt Col
(she remarried after Nunnally’s Englemen’s collection covered
passing). She did not know about three eight-foot tables as well as
his specific activities in CAP the surrounding floor area and
other than he was contacted by Colonel Winship Nunnally was the first com- mine covered about the same.
the governor at that time and mander of GAWG, 65 years ago During this time we were also
asked to start the GAWG. She given several items for the col-
had five very nice pictures of lection by various members.
him in uniform to give me and was very inquisitive As part of my effort to spread CAP history I passed
about CAP. out over 100 CAP graphic CDs to Wing, Group, and
I wanted to share this not just because it was about Squadron Commanders to use for websites and anything
CAP but about the kind of people we had and have sup- they deemed necessary. We also collected almost $300
porting it from its initial charter to its 65 year. Mrs. in donations for the Historical Foundation by having
Pizer was a very nice lady who spoke like a true south- copies of the book From Maine to Mexico available to
ern bell and had a deep level of respect for our organiza- participants.
tion and did not mind entertaining my kids at the same I would like to make a special effort to thank some
time. others who had a great impact on how much I enjoyed
She and her son have Col Nunnally’s uniforms and the conference: Lt Gen Kehoe, Maj Gen Pineda, Col
plan to donate them to the CAP Historical Foundation. I John Tilton, Lt Col Valerie Brown, Lt Col Pat Faunt,
plan on interviewing her again a little further about his Col Don Greene, Col Heredia and most of all my family.
life after CAP and his other contributions to society. To close it out I owe a lot of thanks to Col Len Blas-
covich (National Historian) who helps guide my some-
The historical display at the conference was FAN-
times over enthusiastic energy in the right direction
TASTIC! I have a few people to thank for their efforts.
and nominated me for the Exceptional Service Award I
First in line is the great cooperation of Capt Tonya Boy-
lan who supplied a room for the entire day. Usually
Capt Shaw is the Assistant National Historian, SER Historian, and
these rooms are used for the breakout sessions but she Commander, GA-805.

Region ReCAP May 2006 15

Operations 12,000 feet. On examination of
the wreckage, every control rod
often practiced aerobatic maneu-
vers through clouds. But most of
By Lt Col David E. Lehtonen was intact discounting any me- his recent experience was in the
Continuing our chanical failure. So what hap- Macchi and most likely during
series from Tony pened? Mirage flight he was attempting a
Kern’s book enti- It turns out that Tom, the mis- Macchi sized barrel roll that can
tled Darker Shades hap pilot, was practicing for an be accomplished in 2000 feet.
of Blue – the upcoming airshow and he was to The only problem was that a Mi-
Rogue Pilot, we be the solo display pilot. Accord- rage takes three times that alti-
move to Australia ing to other pilot accounts later tude to accomplish!
where an accident investigator that day, Tom projected the im- When he realized how low he
uncovers another rogue military age of the superior pilot having was he attempted to recover and
pilot during an investigation into been an instructor at the Central nearly made it, brushing the tops
a crash site where this pilot com- Flying School (CFS) teaching of the trees in his flight path.
mitted his final rogue act. pilots to be instructors. There, he However, the vegetation from the
Doug Edwards, a senior mili- instructed in the Mirage and one trees causes a flame out and he
tary officer and fighter pilot of of the pilots that was interviewed stalled straight in at a slow speed.
the Royal Australian Air Force had gone through the CFS course In the final human factors
(RAAF), was called upon to head while Tom was there, stating that analysis of this accident, Tom
a Court of Inquiry into the events Tom was arrogant in the way he displayed an ongoing lack of re-
surrounding the fatal crash. Join- flew. He was obsessed with fly- gard for regulations and in fact,
ing him on the team was another ing low, at one point flying so his previous history exhibited all
pilot, a medical officer, an aero- low over a lake that he could see of the rogue characteristics de-
nautical engineer and a psycholo- a wake in the water even though fined by Col Kern. He believed
gist, someone knowledgeable the low altitude limit by regula- he was incapable of making er-
about human factors. tion was 150 feet. rors in judgment and his utter
As the team investigated the Further the pilot said he did disdain for following the rules
crash scene some thirty miles this all the time. Another pilot led him to his fatal demise.
from the base, it was apparent commented that Tom was the Remember Kern’s
that the Mirage aircraft at the solo display pilot definition that a
impact point was quite slow and at another base and rogue pilot is undis-
happened just five minutes after on the show day ciplined, placing
takeoff with a heavy fuel load. It the cloud bases their own egos above
was quickly determined that the were at about 2000 everything else,
final maneuver was a spin at feet and the flight thereby putting
slow speed because the intact of six jets – the themselves and eve-
radar nose cone was buried in the entire Macchi ryone they fly with
sand after breaking off at the first show team – flew a in jeopardy.
point of contact, indicating the loop one-third of
We as Civil Air
aircraft hit nose down, inverted which was totally
Patrol pilots have a
and nearly vertical as it would in the clouds! And
great responsibility
have after one-half rotation of a the performance
to not only recognize
spin. was witnessed by
rogue behavior in
This hypothesis was confirmed the base com-
ourselves and others
by two observers on the ground. mander and senior
but also, to take cor-
They reported that the Mirage officers, yet nothing was said to
rective action when this behavior
pitched up and entered a steep Tom or to the show team.
pops up. Next month we move to
banked turn and disappeared into In fact, he historically had no the early days of aviation in the
clouds reemerging a few mo- supervisor as the senior pilots Soviet Union where we will try
ments later still banked and div- deferred to him because of his to define the line between safe
ing steeply and attempting to re- excellent pilot reputation. During and aggressive flying and rogue
cover. The weather was reported the proceedings however, it was flying.
as occasional showers with cloud discovered from other pilot wit- David E. Lehtonen is the SER Director
bases at 800 feet and tops at nesses that were called that Tom of Operations

16 May 2006 Region ReCAP

Bessemer Composite Squadron boasts two
service academy appointees
By Maj Jimmie Cox cause, having come from two gen-
erations of Army officers, he was
What do an Alabama Air Force already familiar with the lifestyle.
Academy appointee for class of West Point also fit his career
2010, and an Alabama West Point goals. “I plan to branch in the In-
appointee for the class of 2010 fantry, go to Ranger School and
have in common? become an Airborne Ranger. My
Well for starters, they are both ultimate goal is to become Chief
ALWG CAP cadets and even of Staff of the Army. Plus, the his-
more, they are both the present and tory of West Point and the type of
past commanders of the Bessemer men who have graduated from
Composite Squadron (AL-087). there was a big selling point.
Cadet Majors Jamie DeSpain and There’s nothing bigger than be-
Erinn Scott have each been se- coming part of the Long Gray
lected to attend our nation’s ser- Line.”
vice academies. Cadet Erinn Scott, who is also
Cadet Jamie DeSpain, who is planning to graduate this year from
scheduled to graduate from Hoo- Hoover High School, is the current
ver High School this spring, has cadet commander for the squad-
been in CAP for the past 3½ years. ron. In her 2½ years of CAP ser- Cadet Majors Erinn Scott and Jamie
He is the past commander of ca- vice, some of her past accomplish- DeSpain have both been selected for
dets of the Bessemer Composite service academy appointments
ments include Commander of the
Squadron. DeSpain said, “I had 2005 ALWG Color Guard, 2005
always aspired to go into the mili- ALWG Encampment Squadron
tary, ever since I was very young, Commander, and Outstanding Ca- Her recommendation for any
and when I found out what CAP det, 2004 MSWG Encampment. cadet who is interested in the ser-
was, I immediately jumped at the She received multiple academy vice academies is “Start Early!
idea. Right after that first meeting appointments (West Point/Army, Everything you do, whether in
I joined CAP and hoped that it Annapolis/Navy, and the AF school or CAP or whatever, it
would somewhat prepare me for Academy) and she chose the AF counts! Set yourself up for success
the leadership challenges and the Academy over the others. She by working hard; that way, when
military-style life that I hoped to said, “I guess the Army and the you are ready to apply you can be
face later on at the Academy. I Navy just couldn’t pull me away confident in your accomplish-
definitely feel that CAP has pre- from those Air Force blues!” She ments. Make sure you apply at the
pared me for West Point and for adds, “Civil Air Patrol got me in- end of your junior year of High
that I will be forever indebted to terested in the Air Force, more School, the earlier the Academy
the organization.” specifically the Academy. Ever sees your name in their file, the
DeSpain loves history and is since my first encampment, I knew better. And don’t get discouraged
“forever indebted to those men I wanted to be a cadet there. I ap- when the letters and the papers and
who have given their lives to make plied to the Academy because I the reports don’t come – the Air
mine free.” He wants to give back wanted the challenge, the leader- Force Academy will take a little
some of his life to his country. ship, the experience, and the pres- longer than the other Academies,
Says DeSpain, “I believe that the tige. My main concern is that I but it is definitely worth the wait!”
Academy is the best route for learn the leadership skills neces- Both cadets attribute CAP as a
which to do that. I also believe that sary to lead men. I want the people factor in their appointments.
an officer is the best form of leader that I lead to want to say, ‘Yeah,
there is and I know the Academy that’s MY commander!’ I want to
can turn me into the best officer I be an officer who is respected be-
can be.” He chose West Point be- cause I take care of my people.” Maj Cox is the Bessemer Squadron Cadet
Activities Officer

Region ReCAP May 2006 17

Hillsborough One Senior Squadron finds ELT
in boat maze
By Capt Scott Cochran crew noticed that behind one home
On the morning of Mar. 1, an was not a boat, but a small sea-
Emergency Locator Transmitter plane. The aircraft was very likely
(ELT) signal was detected in the the source of the ELT signal.
vicinity of New Port Richey, north Directing the ground team was a
of Clearwater on Florida’s west challenge because of the way the
coast. Colonel Dave Lawson and neighborhood was built (see
Capt Scott Cochran were dis- photo). As is common in coastal
patched, along with a ground team, areas, the land had been dredged
to locate and silence the signal. into “fingers”, so that everyone in
Lawson, Cochran, and Lt Len the community could have a wa- able GPS had accidentally been
Goellner, the incident commander, terfront home. placed on top of an ELT transmit-
are all part of the Hillsborough The downside for CAP air-to- ter, and its weight had pushed the
One Senior Squadron based in ground coordination is that it can ELT’s on/off switch to the “on”
Tampa. take quite a while to get from one position.
The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) air- area to another. A ground crew can The lesson learned? Bodies of
craft is equipped with a Becker be a short straight-line distance water and coastal areas with a lot
direction finder (DF). Using the from a given spot, and yet it may of boats can also be home to sea-
DF, the air crew quickly found the require some backtracking and a planes, which are good places to
general area of the signal, and be- lot of driving to actually get there look for an active ELT. Hillsbor-
gan flying a grid pattern to isolate by road. ough One Senior Squadron has
the signal. The ground below was After about 30 minutes of cir- responded to over a dozen ELT
filled with boats of all sizes and cling and maneuvering, the ground calls in the past four months.
shapes, docked behind the many crew was directed to the seaplane Capt Cochran is the PAO, Hillsborough
homes in the neighborhood. On owner’s home, and the ELT was One Senior Squadron
the sixth pass through the area, the silenced. It turns out that a port-

Squadron holds recognition ceremony

By Capt Jim Smiley Many other
On Apr. 3 2006, Bessemer Composite Squadron awards and
(AL-087) conducted a Member Recognition and recognitions
Awards Ceremony. Colors were posted by Bessemer were handed
Composite Squadron 2006 Color Guard Unit members: out including
C/A1C Charles Deering, C/CMSgt Jeremy Adams Cadet Pro-
(Color Guard Commander), C/CMSgt Amos Elmore, grams Officer
and C/TSgt John Fuller. The unit also includes C/A1C of the Year to
Jordan Box who was unable to attend. Capt. Teresa
The 2006 Color Guard unit brought great credit and Petelos, Com-
The Color Guard accepts a cake
distinction to its squadron by competing in the 2006 municator of at the ceremony
Alabama Wing Cadet Competition and winning first the Year to Lt
place standing in every event. A big poster adorns the Rosalind Fazel, Cadet of the Year to C/Maj Jamie
squadron building declaring “FOURPEAT!” as this was Spain, and Senior Member of the Year to Lt Darryl
the fourth consecutive year Bessemer Cadets won the Barry. Commander’s Commendations were awarded to
ALWG competition. The Color Guard Cadets are affec- C/Maj Jamie DeSpain, C/CMSgt Jeremy Adams, C/Lt
tionately referred to as the squadron’s “Shining Stars” Devin Adams, C/Lt Philip Ronan, C/CMSgt Amos
for their efforts, and a cake appropriately decorated Emore and C/Capt Erinn Scott.
with stars and their names was presented to them at the Capt Smiley is the Bessemer Composite Squadron Commander
18 May 2006 Region ReCAP
Clay County Flight gets community involved in
Aerospace Education Day
By 2nd Lt Sherry McCain
brothers at the site of what is now close look at how general aviation
On Apr. 15, when many people Maxwell Air Force Base in Mont- can affect our lives. Local pilots
were up in the air about their gomery and the dedication of Ala- allowed visitors to inspect various
taxes, members of Clay County bamians in Huntsville made the types of fixed wing aircraft also.
Flight were flying high. The
CAP cadets participated in
local CAP unit hosted an
cadet orientation rides in a
aerospace education day at
Civil Air Patrol Cessna 172
the Ashland/Lineville airport.
and young people not in CAP
The goal of the day was to
had the opportunity to ride in
inform the public of the im-
one of two private airplanes.
portance of general aviation
Special thanks goes out for the
to our nation as well as to our
contributions of local pilot
local economy.
John Decourcey who provided
Many people are unaware his Piper and CAP pilot Lt Col
of the impact that general Johnny Ward who brought his
aviation has on a commu- Ercoupe.
nity’s growth potential and Nine-year-old Tamie McCain enjoys a ride in a vintage
Ercoupe with Lt Col Johnny Ward during the AE day The Shelby and Chilton
economic security. Even
County Squadrons supported
fewer Alabama’s citizens are
Clay County Flight with an
aware of the significant im- manned exploration of the moon
aircraft and pilots. The AE day
pact that Alabama has had on the possible.
was made possible by the contri-
development of aviation technol- Participants of the AE day had butions of CAP, local citizens, the
ogy or that Alabama has been a the opportunity to view videos, support of the Clay County Air-
national leader in many aerospace look at displays, and participate in port Committee and by the Air
related fields from the very begin- hands on demonstrations. Alabama Force Association through a grant
ning. The first civilian pilot train- Lifesaver provided a medical heli- from the Aerospace Education
ing program in the nation was de- copter and crew to give an up Foundation.
veloped in Alabama by the Wright

Cadet thanks CAP supporter for contribution

By 1st Lt John Clark ated a call to Overseas Service Cor-
When Cadet Matt Clark as- poration (OSC), a worldwide mili-
sumed the responsibility as Cadet tary brokerage firm supporting U.S.
Commander of Okeechobee one of military personnel and families. Ca-
his greatest challenges was finding det Clark took care of the rest. OSC
Photo by 1st Lt John Clark
funds for needed materials. The president, Paul Hogan, spoke with
squadron was formed 11 months him. Mr. Hogan was a Marine Cap-
ago and did not have any awards tain and was already familiar with
or parade items for the cadet pro- the CAP mission. When Cadet Clark
gram. As cadets began to promote, proposed the list and asked Mr. Ho-
the squadron lacked the awards. gan if he could help get the squadron
“The last thing you want is to wait started, Mr. Hogan, without hesita-
for your award,” said Cadet Clark. tion, agreed to the proposal and or- Okeechobee 453rd Composite Squadron
dered a check to be issued in the Cadet Commander, C/2 Lt Matt Clark
Clark’s father, 1st Lt John gives Mr. Paul Hogan a Certificate of
Clark, suggested that Clark pro- amount $1250.00.
Appreciation for Overseas Service
vide a list of material and pricing Mr. Hogan commended Clark and Corporation’s generous support.
for supplies the squadron needed. the CAP for helping to provide our
1st Lt Clark is the FLWG Group 4 PAO
Upon completion, Lt Clark initi- nation’s future leadership.

Region ReCAP May 2006 19





SER Organizational Chart

Col John Tilton

Col Don Greene

1st Lt Kelly Green Sharkey Maj Darrell McCalla

Director, Recruiting Director, Communications

Lt Col Alfonzo Jackson Lt Col Joel Katz

20 May 2006 Region ReCAP

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