Contemporary World - Genove

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Getting Started
Upon looking on the illustration, what would be the best explanation for the north and south.

Based on the illustration,

there is a division between the
northern and southern countries
across the world. The Northern
countries named as The Rich North
because of their good economy,
production, and good quality of living
while the Southern countries named
as The Poor South because of their
weak economy and has unstable
government. I think that the
boundaries between the north and the
south may affect its people and their
own development.


_____FALSE_____1. The North-South divide can be linked to a division of the population

between richer and poorer countries.
_____FALSE_____2. It also emphasizes that the North is drawn into global processes to South
that separate slices of the world.
_____TRUE______3. The countries consider MEDC because of the stability that their economy
has and the change that is happening within it.
_____TRUE______4. Some LEDCs have skewed HDIs due to a relatively high GDP and an
exceptionally low standard of living. An example of these types of countries is Indonesia.
_____FALSE_____5. The possible reasons for the south's woes, the one factor that stands out is
_____TRUE______6. The Communist bloc led by USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) /
Russia, China and other states who employed Marxist principles are deemed to be part of the
Second World.
_____FALSE_____7. The "Second World", a term that had been coined by the French scholar
Alfred Sauvy in 1952 to distinguish the formerly colonized and presently neo-colonized societies
of Asia, Africa and Latin America from the modernized "first" world of capitalism and the
modernizing "second" world of socialism.
_____TRUE______8. After World War II the world split into three large geopolitical blocs and
spheres of influence with contrary views on government and the politically correct society.
_____TRUE______9. The modern clouts of Neo Capitalism in which much of the Third World
serves as "ready and willing markets" to the delight of the First World producer states.
____FALSE______10. The South is a geographical convenience based on the fact that most of
the Poor World lies south of latitude 60° North.

V. Assessment and Reflection

Does the Global Divide: North and the South pertains to
equality or inequality. What is the impact of global divide in the Philippines? Prove and Explain
your answer.

I think that they are large impact of global divide in the Philippines, the country belongs to
the Southern countries which named as The Poor South where the economy is weak and had a
major problem. The global divide affects the countries economy and its people. Many Filipinos will
think that the country is suffering to weak system and low developmental projects. The investors
may decrease because of the name labeling in the southern countries. The Philippines is a
developing third world country and will continue to grow and make progress.
If there is division in each countries across the world, the people may think that the
Northern countries are the only one who had a better quality of living and economy, and the
people may think that the countries in South is all about weak system and low economy. The
boundaries between the two will bring a major impact on its people.

V. Enrichment
The Philippines is a third world nation traditionally, and is now a developing country based on studies. Do you
believe the Philippines can belong to the FOUR TIGERS OF ASIA.

I think that the Philippines can be belong to the four tigers of ASIA if they continue to develop
their country. As a Filipino, the Philippines is trying its best everyday to make a development and progress
across the country. They made plans and decisions in terms of increasing the countries economy and
production. The Philippines is making projects to make a better living to its people and for the future Filipinos.
In this times, the Philippines may not be in four rich countries in Asia but they are trying to make it to them.
The economy of the country may be low for now but I think that in the future the Philippines
will make it to the top four in Asia. The Philippines is the only country in Asia that has unique culture and
people. The Four Tigers of Asia are the basis of the people for whom among in Asia had a better economy and
good system.

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