Comtemporary World Module 1 Lesson 3 - GENOVE

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Lesson Proper

I. Getting Started
Read the trivia below?In your own perspective, why does Philippines join in the United Nation?

I think that the Philippines

joined the United nations because it can
help the country in many ways. The
Philippines became an active member
of the United Nations that promotes
unity of each countries around the
world. They help us to defend human
rights, protect laborers and teaching our
country in economic terms. This
organization is very helpful to the
country and to its people.

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Guide Questions:

1.Did the Philippines really "win" this dispute in the West Philippine Sea?

The west Philippine sea is one of the main issues that the Philippines
is currently facing. Based on the statements and on the reports, the country is
“winning” on its own island because the arbitral ruling claimed that the Philippines
is the original owner of the entire island but in the eyes of the Chinese Coast
Guards we’re not winning because they always surround the entire island that even
the Filipino fishermen can’t enter. The country of China is rich of soldiers and
weapons that can control whatever they want, but the West Philippine Sea will
never been belong to them based on the arbitral ruling.

2.Explain why the UN cannot enforce the decision, what impression does it
give about the UN brand of Global Governance.

The United Nations cannot enforce the decision because it is the

dispute of an island there is another organization and implementor that can
handle and decide to the situations. The United Nation brand of Global
Governance help each of the country to protect their rights and to implement
laws that can help a person in the world. In this global governance, the people
see hope and peace to the world because of its power to enforce and enact.

3.Research on other conflicts around the world. Highlight the role played by
the UN in these conflicts. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest,
come up with your rating for the UN in each of these conflicts and state
your reason for such.

Extra Judicial Killings in Philippines – 10

There is a lot of abuse in terms of human rights. The United Nations helps the
Filipinos to observe and investigate in the governments fight against illegal drugs
because there are many people died and suffer in this campaign, they are a lot of
abuse in human rights of every Filipinos.
Corona Virus Pandemic – 10
The corona virus spread around the world in a couple of months, the
economy of the countries decreased and the people are jobless because of the
lockdowns. The United Nations helps the countries to rise up their economic crisis and
unite them to surpass the containment of the virus. They also help the jobless by
cooperating to the governments to create a program that creates works and jobs to the

4.Reflect on the following: Has the UN successfully fulfilled its mandate in

the realm of Global governance?

I think that United Nation successfully fulfilled its mandate to the people around
the world because they contribute, help and protect the rights of every people.
The cooperation and trust of different countries is the main source to the
success of the United Nation up to this day. The United Nations continue to
protect the human rights, promote peace, and help the people around the world .

B. Write the correct principle organ of United Nations in the statements below.
1. Trusteeship Council
2. Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC)
3. General Assembly (GA)
4. Security Council (SC)
5. International Court of Justice
6. Secretariat
7. Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC)
8. Security Council (SC)
9. Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC)
10. Secretariat

I. Assessment and Reflection

Reflect on what UN Secretary General ANTONIO GUETTERES

“Reform is not an end in itself. The purpose of reform is simple and clear: to best
position the United Nations to deliver on humanity’s boldest agenda: the
sustainable development goals.

To better serve people:

People in need. People with hope. People who look to us to help improve their
lives and also to improve our world at a time of spiraling challenges and rapid,
dramatic change.”

This statement by the Secretary General says that the main goal or purpose of
the organization is to help the issues of every human being and to develop sustainable
plans and agenda that helps a lot of people. The United Nation always focus on its goal
which is to give solution to the problems and protect the rights of every person. In this
time, the United Nation is on the frontline of many issues that circulating in the world,
the organization helps the people in most needed.
This organization helps the society in terms of development and improvement.
The people see hope to the UN that can give them a guarantee to help in times of crisis.
The United Nation is always there to support the human rights and promote
International peace and unity.

V. Enrichment
Designed a flow chart to demonstrate the possible solutions to the problems in the United
Nations during this pandemic. How can United Nation help steer the world?








The United Nation help the world by the World Health Organization. The WHO
released data and Information about the virus, and give an advice to the countries to
implement full lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus. The organization advice and teach
every country how to flatten the curve. As of now, the WHO are creating and looking for
possible COVID19 vaccine.The United Nation help the World by giving advices and protocols
that can help in preventing the virus. The UN also help the economic crisis around the world.

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