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RRN COC 2124


Programme & Branch : B. COM (Honours)
Semester : III Date & Session : 03/10/2020 FN
Course Code & Name : COC 2124 Principles of Marketing
Duration : 90 minutes Maximum Marks : 50


PART A (5 X 2 = 10 MARKS)

1. Define the term marketing.

2. What are the various environmental factors affecting marketing functions?
3. List out the 4P’s in marketing mix.
4. State two examples of specialty goods.
5. Write a short note on Market segmentation.

PART B (2 X 16 = 32 MARKS)
6.a (i) Elaborate the various factors that affect the marketing of the products. (8)
(ii) Discuss about the nature and types of markets. (8)
6.b Provide a comparative study of the marketing techniques deployed by the e- (16)
commerce companies and the physical stores.

7.a (i) Elucidate the various characteristics of the good product? (8)
(ii) Explain the basic functions of packaging. (8)
7.b Discuss the process of new product development. (16)

PART C (1 X 8 = 8 MARKS)
8.a Explain in detail the various marketing approaches employed by the companies.
8.b Describe how the product life cycle concept is used by the marketers.

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