Surmount International School Worksheet-8 Subject - Physical Education Class XII Chapter - Yoga and Lifestyle

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Worksheet- 8
Subject - Physical Education
Class XII

Q. 1 Highlight a few asanas for curing and preventive hypertension. Elaborate any one of your choice.

Q. 2Mention the asana which help to reduce obesity. Give the details of any one asana.

Q. 3 What is the general contraindication of performing asanas.

Q. 4 " It resembles a rainbow and also forms a semi circulae shape called Chakrasana. Write down the
technique used and it's advantage for school children ".

Q. 5 "This asanas help to increase height and is useful for young children". Discuss it's procedure.

Q. 6 Explain the steps for Shalabhasana for good posture.

Q. 7 Explain the meditative pose of Shukhasana in brief.

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