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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Cultural literacy around the world

Fuente: SENA

Travelling is the best way to learn about other cultures. When you travel you
have the chance to interact and to learn about other people and the way they
live. Whether you travel inside or outside your country, there are always
fascinating cultural aspects to learn from local communities.

Write a 300 word composition where you describe a traveling experience where
you met and interacted with a different culture. Describe their culture, the things
you learned from them and how different they are compared to your culture.

Aspects to consider when writing the composition:

 Include a photo of your house and your family.

 Include ideas and vocabulary related to cultural literacy learned in the
study material. In the composition, underline the ideas included. Include at
least 3 ideas.
 Use adjective clauses (at least 5 examples).
 Use connectors and punctuation.

"When I was 21 I had the opportunity to travel and live in Dubai for 2 years. I
lived and worked there while I was studying English. Dubai is part of the United
Arabian Emirates, a Muslim country in the Middle East. Their culture is very
rich an interesting. During the Ramadan, which is their holy month, they fast all
day and are only allowed to eat after 6 p.m. Therefore it is forbidden to eat or
drink water in public, even if you are not Muslim. Another aspect I found
strange is the fact that women are not allowed to talk to men who are not from
their family. This aspect is quite different in my country where women can
freely talk to whomever they want at any time.

Regarding religion, they believe in the Koran which is their holy book.
Therefore they pray 5 times a day in a mosque, which is a temple where they
gather to pray. They also pray from their house or place of work if they don’t
have the time to go to a mosque. This is also quite different as in my country
people usually pray at night before they go to sleep and most people only go to
church on Sunday. Finally I learned that the weekend for them is Thursday and
Friday, and not Saturday and Sunday. This was quite difficult for me at the
beginning as I was used to enjoy my free time on Saturdays and Sundays. I
ended up getting used to it and Saturdays became the first day of the week for
me, while Sundays was just another normal weekday. Shocking, isn’t it?

I really enjoyed my time there and had the chance to learn some Arabic. I also
learned to see the world from a different perspective. It was a great


A few years ago, I traveled to Marinilla (Antioquia) for a week. I was doing an
engineering job and I stayed in a small hotel in the municipality of Marillina. I visited
many places and learned about their culture, which is very different from mine. Life
in Marinilla is quiet and pleasant, but the pace of life is not the same as in other
The climate there is cool so people wear coats and rain boots and their way of
speaking, which has a special accent, is very different from other cities in Colombia.
As for ideologies, they are more conservative. However, few religions are practiced
that not many people reach.
The food is also different; one of the typical dishes is the “Bandeja Paisa” which is a
combination of egg, beans, beef and pork, avocado, and differs from other paisa
trays that I have eaten in other restaurants in my city; the taste is very different,
because it feels more indigenous.
As Marinilla is not very close to the city of Medellin, the transport is similar to ours,
as if someone were from Barranquilla to Puerto Colombia who has to use a bus or
car, the only thing different is its cost, which differs in distances and Travel time.
In addition, we cannot forget its people, they are kind and attentive people, for
example the hotel receptionist who is a company administrator and had that hotel
that I was staying a couple of years ago and she attended to me in a very friendly
There are many activities to do every day, from festivals to concerts, so it is very
interesting to get to know it.
I really enjoyed my trip and got to know more about their customs, culture, their way
of speaking and more.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.
Criterios de
 Detalla aspectos sobre personas, lugares y cosas, empleando la
estructura gramatical requerida.

 Discute ideas sobre los principios de alfabetización cultural, usando el

vocabulario y la gramática requerida.

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