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Abdullah Al Qahtani
Saudi Aramco
Eastern Province, zip code 32256 -3355
Saudi Arabia


Automated ultrasonic testing is an integral validation tool utilized to detect defects in seamless pipes during the
manufacturing process. The primary objective of AUT is to ensure newly manufactured seamless pipes are free
of laminar imperfection such as non-metallic inclusions.

This paper describes the automatic ultrasonic testing (AUT) techniques capabilities applied to seamless pipe
mills to detect non-metallic inclusions that could have an impact on the quality of the produced pipes. In addition,
it covers all relevant applicable testing experiments applied to different sized seamless pipes by using different
types of AUT machines. This paper discusses the capabilities of different static and dynamic calibration
methodologies of detecting non-metallic inclusions. An assessment has been conducted on five (5) seamless
pipes produced with non-metallic inclusions scattered along pipes lengths. The assessment revealed the
recommended calibration and testing methodology capable of detecting non-metallic inclusion. Accordingly, a
statistical analysis is presented to report the repeatability of different AUT techniques in detecting non-metallic
inclusions in newly manufactured seamless pipes.

Keywords: AUT, automated ultrasonic test, repeatability and detectability.


Automated ultrasonic testing is an integral part of the quality management system which controls all produced
seamless tubular products during the manufacturing process. In general, AUT has a consistent, reliable, and
accurate standard, allowing high-quality tubes to be produced. The primary goal of AUT is to identify defects of
tubular products to ensure that the material is free of defects such as laminar imperfection. Manufacturers use a
standardized procedure to establish the rejection threshold for AUT inspection. The applicable reference
indicators are capable of being detected under normal operating conditions. Such capability is measured
throughout dynamic calibration with high repeatability, either on-line or off-line at the option of the manufacturer
by using the speed of movement between the pipe and the transducer that simulates the inspection to be used
for the produced tubulars. For seamless tubular products, the threshold of laminar imperfection detectability is
in accordance with ISO10893-8 which sets a minimum requirement of using a 6 mm flat bottomed as a reference
for laminar imperfection. Therefore, laminar imperfections smaller than the referenced indicator will be out of the
detectability range.
The five (5) specimen pipes were selected for induction bending. Furthermore, the specimen pipes were re-
examined by manual UT, and the laminar imperfection was observed in all specimen. Since the pipes were
intended for sour application, the test results lead to an additional investigation as to why the indications were
not detected during the normal inspection process. Post sizing these defects, it appears to be within acceptance
criteria of API-5L for laminar imperfection, however, the type of imperfection was not defined at the time. Further
testing was conducted to identify the size and type of imperfection.


Five pipes of 168.3 mm X 12.7mm API 5L, X60Q were tested by a manual UT machine were observed with
laminar imperfections with a maximum length of 3.5 mm and a maximum width of 0.16 mm
The opposed pipes were tensile, impact and hardness tested. All five pipes were found in full compliance of API
5 L X60Q specifications. The selected five (5) pipes were examined with both AUT and manual UT. The
examination results by AUT did not reveal laminar indications, however indications were detected utilizing
manual UT when the sensitivity range was increased, and the scanning speed was decreased.

Initial results suggest to increase the sensitivity of AUT and reduce the speed of scanning. With several attempts
of AUT performed, no indications were observed.

AUT inspection was conducted in accordance with ISO 10893. Test results revealed that small inclusions (up to
3.5mm in length and < 0.2mm in width) were not detectable based on the sensitivity level as specified in ISO
10893 – clause 6.2.Manual UT inspection results were verified against acceptance criteria given API 5L Annex
K, in table K.1 chemical analysis was in full compliance with API 5L X60 Table H1. None of the imperfections
was found to be exceeding the accepted criteria for sour service material described in API 5L – Table K1.
Pre-existing discontinuities were observed on HIC samples.

The laminar indications were found scattered along the pipe lengths. In any 10cm2, we would have found a
minimum of 3 indications. This was found in all opposed five pipes utilizing the manual UT.

Two out of five pipes were subjected to further mechanical testing to identify other possible factors affecting the
presence of laminar imperfections. Further testing was performed as per below details.

Further AUT trails were conducted as per the below table 1.

Table 1 - AUT detectability trails

Avg. dB Compared
Slot Size Repeatability Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe no.4
Gain to 25X6 mm Slot
no.1 no.2 no.3
25X6 mm 20.4 dB - 4/4 No No No No
15X6 mm 21.9 dB +1.5 dB 4/4 No No No No
10X6 mm 26.9 dB +6.5 dB 4/4 Yes No No No
FBH 34 dB +13.6 dB 4/4 Yes Yes Yes Yes

By conducting several trails of AUT on four pipes, we were able to detect these indications. However, we had to
increase the gain by 13.6 dB above normal operational sensitivity to enable detectability of such indications.
Operational sensitivity is in accordance with ISO 10893 – clause 6.2.
Similarly, the manual UT had to be used with similar sensitivity with a slower motion to detect these indications.
Both samples were previously tested by manual UT to identify areas for sampling. A probe with (10mm, TR,
5MHz) was used to calibrate the reference notch of the 6mm flat bottomed hole. Small random spots were found
with no significant extension in length and width.

None of the imperfections was found to be exceeding the accepted criteria for laminar imperfections in sour
service material described in API 5L - Table K1. As per the same table, for an imperfection to be larger than the
minimum size, the minimum area, minimum length and minimum width all must be exceeded.

Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) of the bevel portion revealed that the discontinuities are located in the mid-
wall area. Moreover, the radiographic testing of each sample was carried out to identify the exact geometry of
the discontinuity. However, the indications were not detected due to non-volumetric nature of the imperfections.

The pipes HIC test failed to meet the accepted criteria for NACE TM0284. Pre-existing discontinuities were
observed on HIC specimen. The hardness, tensile and impact tests, of all tested specimen were found to be
satisfactory to API-5L specifications.

Chemical analysis of pipe shows a good composition of elements meeting API-5L requirements. On additional
testing, known as scanning electron microscopes along with energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM+EDX analysis),
results appear beyond a reasonable doubt that the inclusions are non-metallic with the presence of Al, Ca –

Micro-Testing Results
Two Samples (1 Longitudinal & 1 Transverse) were prepared and examined for each pipe. Manual UT was
utilized to select both specimens by identifying the defected areas.

Table 2: Shows longitudinal Micro Testing Results for Pipe no.1

Full Section Photo Macro Photo Micro Photo

Magnification: As Captured Magnification: 7X Magnification: 100X

Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2%
Measurement of imperfection : Max Size Detected, 2.9mm Long X 0.14mm Wide
As a result, microstructure test shows longitudinal defects on the tested specimen as shown in Table 1. Defects
were unconfirmed cracks similar.
Table 3: Shows Transverse Micro Testing Results for Pipe no.1
Full Section Photo Macro Photo Micro Photo

Etchant: NITAL 2% Magnification: 20X Magnification: 100X

Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2%
Measurement of imperfection: Max Size Detected, 1.28 mm Long X 0.10 mm Wide
As a result, microstructure test shows defects on the tested specimen as shown in Table 3.

Table 4: Shows Longitudinal Micro Testing Results for Pipe no.2

Full Section Photo Macro Photo Micro Photo

Magnification: As Captured Magnification: 20X Magnification: 100X

Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2%
Measurement of imperfection: Max Size Detected, 3.56 mm Long X 0.16 mm Wide
As a result, microstructure test shows defects on the tested specimen as shown in Table 4.
Table 5: Shows Transverse Micro Testing Results for Pipe no.2
Full Section Photo Macro Photo Micro Photo

Magnification: As Captured Magnification: 20X Magnification: 100X

Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2% Etchant: NITAL 2%
Measurement of imperfection: Max Size Detected, 0.5 mm Long X 0.10 mm Wide

Micro testing results show a fine grain bainitic structure. In addition, sub-surface scattered material discontinuity
was observed in the mid-wall area due to the presence of non-metallic inclusions. The maximum length of
imperfection in longitudinal direction observed was 3.56 mm. while the maximum width of imperfection in
transverse direction observed was 0.16 mm.

Mechanical Testing Results:

Table 6: Tensile testing of Pipes

Pipe Number Steel Heat No YS 0.50% EUL Mpa (415-565 UTS Mpa (520-760 %E
grade Mpa) Mpa) On 2”
Pipe no.1 AMJ22 92626K 456.89 555.18 34.88
Pipe no.2 AMJ22 92624K 417.19 603.74 38.5

Table 5: Hardness HV10 (Required 240 HV10Max)

Heat Hardness on OD Hardness on MW Hardness on ID
1 2 3 4 Avg 1 2 3 4 Avg 1 2 3 4 Avg
FBZA- 178.1 180.4 184.4 186.5 181.0 165.5 165.9 166.1 161.6 165.8 162.7 158.5 160.7 158.5 160.6
FBYZ- 219.1 219.4 212.1 222.0 216.9 185.1 183.3 184.7 184.2 184.4 176.5 174.3 174.9 177.4 175.2
Impact Test at 0 Deg C (required Average 43, Individual 32 Joules Minimum)

Table – 7
Specimen size
Heat Number CVN observed Joules Shear Area
1 2 3 Average 1 2 3 Average
FBZA-044 10X10X55mm 297 206 234 246 100 100 100 100
FBYZ-158 10X10X55mm 230 254 282 255 100 100 100 100

Table 8 Chemical analysis of pipe

Chemical C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Al Cu Nb V B N Ti CE
analysis _pc
of pipe m
Pipe no.1 0. 0. 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 0.1
08 25 4 10 01 41 3 47 22 89 211 267 002 07 01 6
Pipe no.2 0. 0. 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.1
09 30 3 15 01 54 26 45 24 74 211 311 002 00 01 7
SEM+EDX analysis:

Two samples from two different pipes were prepared for SEM+EDX analysis. Using those techniques, we have
observed Al, Ca – oxides present in the inclusions. Those elements were not detected in the matrix.
These kinds of Al, Ca - oxide agglomerations are a typical sign of blockage or disturbed processing during
steelmaking. Inclusions in the liquid steel agglomerate and mix with casting powder. As a result, it gets stuck in
the funnel. When these agglomerations break free, they fall in the liquid steel and are trapped in the steel texture,
causing these defects.

Sample FBYZ158
SE/BSE images and EDX measurements were performed to characterize these defects

Figure 1: shows SE image – overview Figure 2: shows Corresponding BSE image

Figure 3: shows SE image – detail Figure 4: shows Corresponding BSE image

Figure 5: Shows BSE image-positions of EDX analyses Figure 6. Spectrum 1 (also valid for spectrum 2)

Figure 7. Spectrum 3

Sample FBZA044:

Figure 8: shows SE image – overview Figure 9. Corresponding BSE image

Figure 10: SE image - detail Figure 11: Corresponding BSE image

Figure 12: BSE image-positions of EDX analyses Figure 13. Spectrum 1

Figure 14: Spectrum 3

In both samples, defects were confirmed to be caused by the presence of Al, Ca - oxides. Presence of these two
elements concentrations were elevated compared to the matrix. The comparison confirmed.

Seamless pipes are considered one of the most expensive types of steel pipes due to the nature of its
manufacturing process, pure metal with no additional welding filler and due to its general quality that fits a wide
range of application with almost no restriction. Therefore, non-metallic inclusions are attributed as a major threat
to the quality of pipes intended for sour service application. In this case, HIC indications were clear and rejected
as per NACE TM0284. HIC indications are grounds for rejection. HIC standard normal test frequency is first three
heats and then every other tenth heat. In other words, the statistical HIC failures due to none-metallic inclusions
are less likely to be observed due to testing frequency. On the other hand, AUT inspection frequency for all
produced pipes is 100%. Therefore, a higher detectability of such inclusions is more likely to be observed with

AUT reference standards calibration is a suitable reference. The dimensions of these standards should not be
interpreted as the minimum size of imperfections detectable by AUT.


Typically, AUT system has multiple transducers for inspecting linear and laminar imperfections. The high
rotational speed needs to be mitigated with high pulse repetition rates to optimize detection without impacting
productivity. Unless we reduce the speed and increase the sensitivity to un-operational limit, we will not be able
to detect these indications. Given the risk of non-metallic inclusion to sour service pipes, an enhancement on
the calibration to detect such indications would be highly beneficiary to the quality of pipes.


The author would like to thank Saudi Aramco for encouragement conducting this research. Also, the author would
like to thank ArcelorMittal, Jubail for facilitating this research experiments.


1. NACE TM0284, “ Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen Induced
2. ISO 10893-8 “ Part 8:Automated ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection
of laminar imperfections ( ISO 10893-8:2011)
3. API-5L “ Specification for Line Pipe” Forty-Sixth Edition, April 2018

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