3 Little Pigs

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Narrative planning sheet Name

The Three Little Pigs


when one day/morning

who 3 pigs, mum, dad, wolf

where home, woods, forest, pig’s houses


Wolf – blew down houses, eat pigs

Events (what happened?)

 Pigs left home

 Walked to woods
 Found places and materials
 Built houses – 1st straw, 2nd sticks, 3rd bricks
 Wolf came – blew straw house down
 Pig ran to stick house
 Wolf came – blew stick house down
 Pigs ran to brick house
 Wolf came – tried to blow brick house down – could not
 Climbed onto roof and down chimney


 Pig boiled water

 Wolf fell in and burnt bottom
 Flew back up chimney, ran away

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