Response To Editors and Reviewers

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Response to Editor

       We thank honorable Editor-in-Chief and reviewers for their critical evaluation for
improvement of our paper. All queries and comments have been well taken and added in the
revised manuscript. Further the answer to each query is given in tabular form in “Response to

Comment Queries/comments Answers to Queries/comments


The reviews are in general Kindly accept my heartiest thanks for favorable
favorable and suggest that, decisions. We have tried our best to address the
subject to revisions, your paper concerns of Reviewers in the revised manuscript.
could be suitable for All queries and comments of Reviewers have been
publication.  Please consider well taken and added in the revised manuscript of
these suggestions, and I look the paper. The suggested changes of Reviewer
forward to receiving your have been made within manuscript using
revision. highlighted text. Also institutional mail have been

Response to Reviewer 1:

We are grateful to honorable reviewer for critical comments and suggestions to improve our
paper. The queries and comments have been well taken and incorporated in the revised version
of manuscript. The answer to each query is given in tabular form below:

S. Reviewer Comments Author's Response/ Comment Correction Detail

1 What is the innovation of Scour at location of bridge pier Innovation,
this study? If the innovation founded on erodible bed is a implementation and
and the implementation of major problem and concern. problem has been
the present study were Foundation depth increases with highlighted in Line no.
addressed in the revised depth of scour and hence the 72-79 and in line number
manuscript, it can be cost of bridge. Sometime 186-188
beneficial for the Water foundation of bridge pier gets
Supply readership. eroded/scoured due to more
scouring by river than it was
anticipated at the design stage.
In that case scour depth can be
minimized in the existing
bridges with the external device
as attaching triangular prism.
This study is focused on
reducing the scour under a
circular bridge pier by attaching
a triangular prism arrangement
in North Indian plains. No study
has been carried out on
triangular prism arrangement.
Moreover, Triangular prism
facing the u/s flow has been
found to reduce scouring up to
68% in the laboratory. This
arrangement may be
implemented at sites in North
India where there in lesser flow
of cobbles and boulders.
2 In the abstract (last line), Correction made as per the Change has been
authors are writing suggestion by reviewer. highlighted in line No.
“validation of new 18 and 170 of revised
proposed relationship with MS
observed data is in a good
agreement with reduced
error of +/-20%.” Why
authors are taking ±20%
error. +/-20% should be
changed with ±20%
throughout the MS.
3 Introduction is lacking with References added, literature Highlighted text in
literature and also updated and problem presented introduction i.e. Line No.
presenting the problem and in revised MS. 34-43, 54-55, 60-62 has
with many references. been added in revised
manuscript. Also,
various minor changes
have been made in
Introduction with
updated references.
Problem has been
addressed in Line No.72-
4 The manuscript can benefit the diameter of circular pier in NA
from explaining the not changed in the current study,
observed parameters hence it is not possible to
using some statistical comment on the changes in
methods to illustrate scour pattern and depth with
whether the changes in diameter. The change in
scour patterns and depth diameter in not in the scope of
with diameter (or other this study.
parameter) are significant
or not.
5 It further needs a major All of the graphs have been The figure caption has
revision on the illustrations updated in good quality at 300 been highlighted which
(Figures). All graphs are in dpi. have been improved.
very low quality. New Fig. in revised MS
are in Line No. 105, 116,
127, 161, 163 and 173.
6 A combination of the above All the major issues have been All the major issues have
factors plus a revision on addressed as suggested by been addressed as
the grammar can help respected Reviewer. suggested by respected
towards publication. Reviewer.
7 Upgrade the references, All the references have been Newer references have
especially because a lot has updated in the manuscript as been incorporated in the
been done on scour. Put in suggested by reviewer. revised Manuscript and
some newer references, have been highlighted.
most of the references cited
are 10-15 years old, which
further limit any chance of
publication. Put the
references in the context of
the current literature
available. I have
mentioning some latest
papers, which can be
Response to Reviewer 2:

We are grateful to honorable reviewer for critical comments and suggestions to improve our
paper. The queries and comments have been well taken and incorporated in the revised version
of manuscript. The answer to each query is given in tabular form below:

S. Reviewer Comments Author's Response/ Comment Corrections in MS

1 Authors must add new All the references have been Newer references have
references from the updated in the manuscript as been incorporated in
confident English suggested by reviewer. revised MS and have been
journals to manuscript. highlighted. Highlighted
text in introduction i.e.
Line No. 34-43, 54-55, 60-
62 has been added in
revised manuscript. Also,
various minor changes
have been made in
Introduction with updated
references (Line No.72-
2 Author must add a In the original manuscript a Refer line number 104 in
map to manuscript. satellite image of site was revised MS.
This map must show shown as map by Fig.1, Now
location of considered those maps have been
sites in India. replaced by a single map
depicting all the three sites
from where representative bed
material has been collected.
3 Where is location of The location of constructed Refer line number 130-132
constructed flume? flume is in Water Resource in revised MS.
Engineering Department of
Punjab Engineering College
(deemed to be university),
Sector- 12, Chandigarh.

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