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A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound. (Matibay ang walis, palibhasa'y magkabigkis).

Sociological Literary Criticism - Man's relationship to others. People gain strength by standing

While the blanket is short, learn how to bend. (Hangga't makitid ang kumot, matutong mamaluktot).
Biographical Approach - Learn how to adapt to your environment and be contented with what you

It is hard to wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. (Mahirap gisingin ang nagtutulog-
Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism - You cannot force someone to do something that they do not want
to do.

If you persevere, you will reap the fruits of your labor. (Pag may tiyaga, may nilaga).
Moralism Literary Criticism - Hard work and perseverance are the key for your success.

New king, new character. (Bagong hari, bagong ugali). *

Formalism/Marxism Literary Criticism - New leadership always brings new ways

Nothing destroys iron but its own corrosion. (Walang naninira sa bakal kundi sariling kalawang). *
Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism - Even the strongest person in the planet can destroy himself if he let
himself expose on something bad.

Nothing destroys iron but its own corrosion. (Walang naninira sa bakal kundi sariling kalawang). *
Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism - No one can hurt a person as much as the person who knows
him/her well.

If someone throws stones at you, throw back bread. (Kung pukulin ka ng bato, tinapay ang iganti mo).
Moralism Literary Criticism - If someone hurts you, do not let yourself be filled with anger, instead
forgive and love them for they do not know how.

A person who does not remember where he came from will never reach his destination. (Ang hindi
lumingon sa pinanggalingan, hindi makakarating sa paroroonan). *
Historical Literary Criticism - It is very important to always look back at your roots and show gratitude
to those who supported you back then because, without them, you are not what you are today.

Life is like a wheel: Sometimes you're up, and sometimes you're down. (Ang buhay ay parang gulong,
minsang nasa ibabaw, minsang nasa ilalim). *
Biographical Approach - Life has good times and bad times.

Poverty is not a hindrance to success. (Ang karukhaan ay hindi hadlang sa pagtatagumpay). *

Marxism Literary Approach - When there's a will, there's a way.

The truth hurts. (Masakit ang katotohanan). *

Moralism Literary Criticism - The truth will set you free from misery.

Every pot has a matching lid. (Walang palayok na walang kasukat na tungtong). *
Sociological Literary Criticism - Everyone has his/her perfect match.

Before you say and do, think about it seven times. (Bago mo sabihin at gawin, makapitong iisipin). *
Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism - Think before you do something because sometimes when we act
recklessly we tend to hurt someone. You should always think first before doing something to save
yourself from fool hardly decisions.

If you stash away something, you’ll have something to take out. (Kung may isinuksok, may
madudukot). *
Biographical Approach

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