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103 / 17 ~~ PEI HWA PRESBYTERIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL MINI TEST 1 PRIMARY 1 MATHEMATICS Name! () Class: 1Integrity( —) Date : April 2017 Parent's Signature Total time for Mini Test: 1h INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Write your Name, Class and Register No. in the spaces provided above. 2, DO NOT turn over this page until you are told to do so 3. Follow alll instructions carefully 4. Answer all questions 5 Write all your answers in this booklet. Marks (Section A) Marks (Section B) \ . Total Marks (Section A & B) Section A (22 questions x 1 mark each Answer all questions by filling in the blanks or boxes provided and show all your workings. i Count the stars and write the number. {\ Ai {\ SKS 2. Write the number shown below in word, 3. Look at the pictures below Match and fill in the blanks. ~ 508 —~O0O0O There are __ ____ more oranges than apples. 4 and 5 make 3+ =10 1 more than 5 is 2+ 8= 9. Count the flowers and write an addition equation for the picture below. 10. Colour the two sets that are equal to 9. SER Write an addition equation based on the pictures below. Cross out to subtract and then fill in the box below. Complete the number bond based on the pictures below. &&&S8 S88 14, Use the picture shown below and fill in the box. 10 - =8 Tick the box below that shows 2 more than 5. CIC | Write a subtraction equation using any 3 of the following numbers. 2] Ls] Le) 2] 17. Circle the number that is greater than 2 and smaller than 5. 6 1] [4 2 | 7 18. Complete the number bond based on the picture below. is 1 less than 10, co 20 t+t2t4= 21. Look at the numbers given below. Add the smallest number and greatest number and make an equation in the boxes below. OOO & LJ+*tJ-C J 22. Circle the set below that matches the number 6 Fo-1] [5-0] [ w-4 | | 7-3 | L Lo Le Section B (4 questions x 2 marks: Read the questions carefully. Show all your number equations and write your answers in the spaces provided. 23. Sam has 3 erasers. He buys 5 more erasers. How many erasers does Sam have altogether? BEEGEEOEES$EES Sam has ____ — erasers altogether. 24. Farmer Li has 6 rabbits in his farm. He gives 2 rabbits away How many rabbits does Farmer Li have left? Farmer Li has ____ rabbits left. 4 25. Mother bakes 9 cupcakes for Nelly. Nelly eats 4 cupcakes How many cupcakes are not eaten? cupcakes are not eaten. 26. There are 7 children at the playground. Ali, Bobby and Sam join them How many children are there at the playground now? There are __ children at the playground now End of Paper Check your paper carefully. © 485 a —— PEI HWA PRESBYTERIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL MINI TEST 2 PRIMARY 1 MATHEMATICS Name: () Class: 1 Integrity( — ) Date : May 2017 Parent's Signature Total time for Mini Test: 1h INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your Name, Class and Register No. in the spaces provided above DO NOT turn over this page until you are told to do so 2. 3. Follow all instructions carefully. 4. Answer all questions. 5. Write all your answers in this booklet, Marks (Section A) [Marks (Section B) [Total Marks (Section A & B) 30 Colour the biggest circle. Oo Cross out the object that has a different shape. « rn Complete the pattern. Draw the missing shape in the box. Ivoviv | Circle the 4th watermelon. Circle the 1st lion, Colour the second helicopter from the right. left right Look at the numbers shown below. Answer Question 7 and 8. PQPP Arrange the numbers in order Begin with the smallest. smallest 8. ______ is smaller than 18 and greater than 16 9 ten ones = 15 10, __ sis 1 more than 16. 11. Count the pencils and write in word. GbE6GG GO GGG GGG 12. Write the missing number in the blank provided below. Ans: 13. Count the number of cups and write the number in the blank provided below. —_______ cups 14. Draw 11, &) in the box provided below. 15. Look at the pictures below and complete the number bond. G G G CE C CG gS g O~m) 16. Look at the pictures below and fill in the blank, 18. 3 +8 +5 19. Look at the picture shown below. HOO Ld © © There are more square(s) than circles. Ceees [eit a] [eiree] [oir c] [ero] [eirre 5th left right Gift is between Gift B and Gift E and it is not in the fourth position 21. Circle the set below that gives the smallest answer. 22. Cross out two numbers below that add up to 19, DIOIIO Section B (4 questions x 2 marks’ Read the questions carefully. Show all your equations and write your answers in the spaces provided 23. Tom buys two boxes of chocolates. There are 15 chocolates in the boxes altogether Box Y has 1 more chocolate than Box Z. Write the number of chocolates for Box Y and Box Z in the boxes below, 24, Given the clues, write the names of the children in the boxes below. Clues: Jimmy is second from left. Priya is fourth from the right. Sumei is between Jimmy and Bala, left right 25. Mdm Lee bakes 18 buns for her family. She gives 7 of the buns to her neighbour. How many buns does she have left? JOL_I- She has buns left. 26. Keith has 7 balloons. He gets another 5 more balloons from his cousin. How many balloons does he have altogether? L JOL- He has ___ balloons altogether End of Paper Check your paper carefully. © 45 SF — PEI HWA PRESBYTERIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL MINI TEST 3 PRIMARY 1 MATHEMATICS. Name: ( ) enn EEE Class: 1 Integrity ( ) Date: July 2017 Parents Signatwe | Total time for Mini Test: 1h INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Write your Name, Class and Register No. in the spaces provided above. DO NOT tur over this page until you are told to do so 2 3. Follow all instructions carefully. 4. Answer all questions. 5. Write all your answers in this booklet [Marks (Section A) a | Marks (Section B) I | _ | Total Marks (Section A&B) Section A (22 questions x 1 mark each) Answer all questions by filling in the blanks or boxes provided and show all your workings. 1. Circle in groups of 10. Count and write the number in the box. 2. Write the number given below in words. = ——————————— 2 | 3. Fill in the blank. 3444 = PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_3/ neoascagdd pacgecoddd ‘goppcscngy Beg EF JOL}E Tens Ones PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_3/ 6. Colour the longer fork. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_3/ Look at the numbers shown below. Answer Questions 7 and 8. 509% 40 25 L 7. Based on the numbers above, which number is smaller than 33 but greater than 25? 8. Arrange the numbers shown above in order Begin with the smallest. smallest 9, Fill in the blank. 25-17 = PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_2 Each [_] stands for 1 unit. Look at the pictures below and answer Questions 10 and 11. TH Plant A Plant B Plant C 10. Plant Bis tall 11. . The total height of Plant A and Plant Cis Oo PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_3/’ 12. Colour the teddy bears below that add up to 3 tens 4 ones. 13. _ Fill in the missing number in the box. Tens Ones 3 3 o8 he 1 4 PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_3/” 14. Arrange the candles from the shortest to tallest. | shortest tallest LID IXC> o ° Oo m 15. Write an addition sentence with all the numbers given below. YOO PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_3/ 16. Fillin the missing number in the box. aS LYN 17. Colour the box that adds up to 37. Pee] [ew] [en] PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test 2 Look at the picture below and answer Questions 18 and 19. Each stands for 1 unit. ei 18. Pencil C is units shorter than Pencil A. 19. The total length of Pencil A, B and C is __units long. 20. Emily made two bracelets with some beads. Bracelet A Bracelet B BraceletAhas ___ more beads than Bracelet B. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_3, 21. Look at the lines below and compare. Line A line B Line C Line D Line Bis as long as Line 22. Pamis not the shortest. Jane is taller than May and Pam. Pam is taller than May. Arrange the girls in order. Begin with the tallest PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_ Test_i Section B (4 questions x 2 marks: Read the questions carefully. Show all your number equations and write your answers in the spaces provided. 23. Rena bought 15 durians. 9 durians were rotten and thrown away. How many durians were left? JOL: durians were left. 24. Kate has 16 stamps. Mary has 4 more stamps than Kate. How many stamps does Mary have? OL]: Mary has _____ stamps. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_3/ 25. —Aribbon is 15 units long Itis 3 units shorter than a string. What is the length of the string? OL |: The string is units long 26. | ama 2-digit number The sum of my tens digit and onesdigit is 11 My ones digit is 5 more than my tens digit What number am I? End of Paper Check your paper carefully. © PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_2 . £5 a Ft PEI HWA PRESBYTERIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL MINI TEST 4 PRIMARY 1 MATHEMATICS Name: ( ) Class: 1 Integrity( Date ; 25 August 2017 | Parent's signature Total time for Mini Test: 1h INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 7 1. Write your Name, Class and Register No. in the spaces provided above DO NOT turn over this page until you are told to do so Follow ail instructions carefully Answer all questions AORN Write all your answers in this booklet. | Marks (Section A) | | | Marks (Section B) | | - | Total Marks (Section A & B es cumenale e730) Section A (22 questions x 1 mark each Answer all the questions by filling in the blanks or boxes provided. Study the picture graph carefully and answer Questions 1 to 4. The graph below shows the different number of pencils sold over 5 days Number of pencils sold Monday Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Friday G\S\|o%|4 |e 4 | n Z stands or 4 pencil 1. Miss Chua sold the most number of pencils on _ 2. She sold __ pencils on Thursday. 3. She sold the same number of pencils on : and 4. She soldatotalof _"___ pencils over the 5 days. HPPS/MathP1/Mini_Test_4 Study the picture graph carefully and answer Questions 5 to 7 The picture graph shows the favourite sport of the pupils in a class. Our Favourite Sport Swimming OCOOOCO een OOOO Football OO exe |OOOOQOOOO Each (_) stands for 1 pupi 5. _ pupils like basketball 6 ____ fewer pupils like basketball than cycling 7. There are _ __ pupils altogether. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini Study the picture graph carefully and answer Questions 8 and 9 The pictures below show the different number of fruits in a shop. & }) = j 8. With the help of the pictures above, complete the picture graph for the number of apples. Aa AAAADA | Le Each/\ stands for 1 fruit | 9. The shop sold 2 strawberries and 1 banana. There were _ strawberries and bananas left in the shop altogether. PHPPS/Math/P/Mini_Test_4 10. Fill in the blanks to show repeated addition. 5x6= + ‘ 5 : 11, Look at the pictures below. Write a multiplication sentence related to the pictures. 12. Match the following correctly 5 [ee J PHPPS/Math/PL/Mini_Test_4 13. Circle and group the chocolate bars below to show 3 sixes 14. Renee has 2 jars of marbles In each jar, there are 8 marbles. How many marbles does she have altogether? Renee has __ marbles altogether. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_4. 5 15. 4 groups of 10= 10 +10 + 10+ 16. 4 groups of nine = 17. Put 24 shirts equally into 4 bags. How many shirts are there in each bag? > 3 3 S368 POSS 3 3 There are shirts in each bag. 43) Careless‘ PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_4 6 Look at the pictures below and answer Questions 18 and 19. Shafiq puts 12 buttons equally into 2 different ways. 18. The buttons can be grouped into groups of 2. The buttons can also be grouped into__groups of 4. PHPPS/Math/PL/Mini_Test_4) 20. Jing Yi has 17 stickers She gives 2 stickers to Elsa. She puts the rest equally onto 5 pages. How many stickers does she have on each page? Jing Yi has stickers on each page. 21. Azra has 8 erasers and Raj has 12 erasers How many erasers should Raj give Azra so that they both have the same number of erasers? Raj should give Azra___erasers PHPPS/MathvP Mini Test 8 22. Berry won 16 boxes of fruits from a lucky draw. He decided to donate all the boxes to two old folks home such that both homes would receive the same number of boxes of fruit. UU HOU WU NOU Draw the boxes in each home below. PHPPS/MailvP1/Mini_Test_4 Section B (4 questions x 2 marks each’ Solve each of the following problem sums. Show all workings and number equations clearly. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 23. The information below shows the number of bananas each boy ate in a day. * The 4 boys ate 19 bananas altogether. * Bob ate 3 bananas. * Kevin ate 6 bananas. * Dave and Stuart ate the same number of bananas. Draw LY inthe graph below to show the number of bananas each boy ate Each wW stands for 1 banana | PHPPSMath/PLMini Test 9 24. There are 5 children. Each child has 3 balloons. How many balloons are there altogether? BP RPPP Heo-o There are balloons altogether 25. Sally places 3 candies in each box There are 9 boxes of candies How many candies are there altogether? vvv|ivvyviivey [vvv livew|ivev vuy vvy| Vv" LJ@OLI- LI _ candies altogether There are PIHPPS/Math/PUMini_Test_+ 1 26. Janice has 6 cookies. ( C) ) Tharma has 8 cookies. (C) ) They put all their cookies equally on some plates and each plate has 2 cookies. How many plates do they need? Draw cookies in groups to help you get the answer. Theyuse__plates End of paper PLEASE CHECK YOUR WOR PHPPS/Math/PL/Mini ‘Test 4 2 PEI HWA PRESBYTERIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL MINI TEST 5 PRIMARY 1 MATHEMATICS Name: ( ) Class: 1 Integrity( —) Date : October 2017 Parent's Signature Total time for Mini Test: 1h INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Write your Name, Class and Register No. in the Spaces provided above. DO NOT turn over this page until you are told to do so. 2. 3. Follow all instructions carefully. 4. Answer all questions. 5. Write all your answers in this booklet [Marks (Section A) a EE | Marks (Section B) | : : I | Total Marks (Section A & B) i 50 | L Section A Part 1 (6 questions x 1 mark each] Answer all the questions by filling in the blanks or boxes provided. 1 Whatis the time shown on the clock? Write your answer using ‘half past’. The time shown on the clock is 2 Count the objects below and write the number in words in the box provided, FHOTOROIER PPOT PET ETT VeVTTrrr ry HONG? | PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_5/2017 3 The sum of 56 and 9 is 4 Subtract 18 from 72 The answer is 5 Keith has this amount of money in his pocket as shown below. How much does he have? He has__ __« cents L 7 The cost of the new school bag was $__ >HPPS/MathyP t/Mi Section A Part 2 (16 questions x 2 marks each) 7 Draw lines to match the two clocks to the correct time. . twelve o’clock . half past six lec eal . six o'clock «| halfpastseven | 8 The clocks below show the different timings 4 girls start doing their homework in the afternoon or evening Cathy | [ Janice | starts doing her homework at half past 6. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_5/2017 9. The time on the clocks below shows Ben's activities for the day but are not in order. Ben had his breakfast of milk and toast. Se rete [eB | Ben brushed his teeth and got ready for bed at night Le 1 Ben had Football CCA after | school. | Write A, B; C in each blank below to show what Ben did for the day in order of time, beginning in the moming Morning 4 v PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_5/2017 ~ 10 tens + 30 ones = 80 11 Colour the number that is greater than 63 but smaller than 73. 12. Arrange the following numbers in order. Begin with the smallest number. 75, 37, 94, 29, 68 smallest 13 Complete the number pattern below. coXeXeX XK KEK) PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_5/2017 14 Circle the two numbers that add up to 83. 25 46] [45] [27] “51 _! 15 Fillin the missing numbers in the boxes below. 72 - 4 8 +2 16 Rachel has 64 apples in a basket. She has 18 fewer apples than oranges. How many oranges does Rachel have? LJOLI: 4 L Rachel has oranges. ya BN Aes eb vel tele \ Fe; Stands for 17 PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_5/2017 18 Circle the set with the greatest answer. | atens | [92-29 | | Btones | | 0- "8 | | a 419 Fill in the missing number in the box below. 6 7 -[-] 9 2 8 20 Marcus has two fifty-cent coins in his wallet. How many ten-cent coins can he exchange for the same amount of money? __ ten-cent coins 21 Colour 6 coins to show 70 cents. ARRSE SESS PHPPS/MathiP 1/Mini_Test_5/2017 22 Look at the pictures below and answer the question. &- $31 Vase Ls] Umbrella Mrs Soh has $20. She wants to buy both the vase and umbrella She needs $ more to buy both of them. PHPPS/Math/P1/Mini_Test_5/20 Section B (4 questions x 3 marks each) Solve each of the following problem sums. Show all workings and number equations clearly. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 23 Sam had some stamps. He gave 9 stamps to Jim and 7 stamps to Tom. How many stamps did Sam give away altogether? LJOLI- LI Sam gave away___ stamps altogether. 24 Mrs Anne bakes 20 cookies. She bakes 8 more cookies than Mrs Pillay. How many cookies does Mrs Pillay bake? Mrs Pillay bakes cookies. PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_5/2017 Working 25 The picture below shows the amount of money Alice had before she entered @ bookstore. How much money did Alice spend at the bookstore if she had $4 left? — $ i Alice spent $___ _ at the bookstore. Working toy plane toy train (a) Jimmy bought 2 items and spent $15 exactly. He boughtthe and (b) Eugene bought a robot He gave the cashier $20. The cashier gave him $3 back. How much did the robot cost? Mom | _ The robot cost $. End of Paper " PHPPS/Math/P 1/Mini_Test_5/2017 Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri 1 Mathematics Mini Test 1 wae a a YEN AVAWN Roans neery: 9857. 2» Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri 1 Mathematics Mini Test 2 3 right most circle 2. ice cream |. rectangle 4" watermelon right most lion 204 right helicopter . 12,14, 17,18 17 Pei SEN anaAyNe H iwa Presbyterian Pri 1 Mathematics Mini Test 3 30 twenty-five 38 33-8=25 33 longer fork 29 |. 25,29, 34,40), Ee Y285ig, Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri 1 Mathematics Mini Test 4 . Wednesday 4 . Tuesday, Friday 16 4 5 20 |. 2 triangles Pei Hwa Presbyterian Pri 1 Mathematics Mini Test5 - half past 2 thirty-seven 65 54 85, 18 six oclock, half past seven y. “8579, end

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