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Parallel to the development of all segments of the society, comes the

development of the thought and the understanding of people about the existence of

differences between them, as well as respect and acceptance of the same.

According to UNESCO, Inclusive Education refers to the ability of the school to

provide quality education for all children regardless of their differences. The school

should be open for all the pupils with special attention to children w. disabilities and the

children from marginalized groups. All of the children should be part of the school

community regardless of their strengths and weaknesses in certain areas. Every child’s

right must be respected and the state has a responsibility to provide equal conditions for

education of the children.

In this case study entitled “The perception on Inclusive Education of Guardians

for Children with Disabilities in Barangay Banza”, the researchers aimed to determine

the perception of guardians about Inclusive Education. It is conducted at Barangay

Banza particularly P-4 Lower Banza, and P-3 Osmeña, Banza Butuan City.

Barangay Banza is composed of 8 purok namely; P-1 Galaxy, P-2 Lilo, P-3A

Osmeña, P-4 Lower Banza , P-3B Osmeña, P-5 St. Lucia, P-6 Lower Tumampi, and

Purok 7 Upper Tumampi. There are two big factories build, the CCC (Celebes Coconut

Corporation) and Pramac Incorporation, where most of the people in the community

worked on the said factories to sustain their daily needs.


Respondent #1

Name of guardian: Francis Torralba

Name of child: Francin Torralba

Age: 13 yrs.old

Address : Brgy. Banza P-3

Disorder: Undiagnosed

Problems Found in the Case

The child is undiagnosed; they didn’t go to hospital for check-ups. Another

problem in this case is that parents of the child didn’t want to send their child to school

to prevent from bullying, and they don’t have enough time to be with the child everyday

in sending her to school. In addition, the perception of the parents of the child about

Inclusive Education is that it is good for the child to become more active in school.

Respondent #2

Name of guardian: Melanie Lanogo

Name of child: Rods Kian Redoble

Age: 5 yrs.old

Address: Brgy. Banza P-4

Disorder: Down syndrome

Problems Found in the Case

The child’s disorder is Down syndrome. The problem in this case is, the child is

lack of socialization and he has difficulties in speaking even the words “Mama and

Papa” that is why Mrs. Lanogon sees Inclusive Education as a way to make his son

learn the way other normal children also learns specially in speaking. In Vygotsky

"Socio-Cultural Theory" language serve as social function and through language the

child able to socialize. In addition, the perception of Mrs. Lanogon about Inclusive

Education is that it is good for the child to make him socialize and give their child

confidence by interacting with others.


Name of the Guardian: Anabelle Mongaya

Name of the child: Kenneth Mongaya

Age: 15 years old

Address: P-3 Osmeña Banza, Butuan City

Disorder: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Problem found in the case

In this case, the child has an ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Despite of his disorder his intellectual skills are different from the other children with

disabilities because he has the ability to read different kind of books with different

languages even if he didn't have a full inclusion. The problem now is that the child didn't

want to go to school again because of his teacher. Why? Because one time when she
ask her Son, her son answered her “I don’t want to go to school again because my

teacher is dumb." after that incident her mother went to school in order to testify his

child’s judgments towards his teacher. When Mrs. Mongaya went to school she found

out that her child’s judgment is true because the other student do their activity with very

basic lessons. Then she realize that his child's intellectual capacity is different from

other children with disabilities in short her son has a higher IQ (Intelligence Quotient)

compared to other students.

According to the study of Kristine McCarty of Azusa Pacific University entitled

"The benefit and Disadvantages of Inclusive Schooling" stated that others believe that

separate special education classes are the most beneficial for exceptional children

needing help beyond the skill level of a general educator.

In this case, since the child has a higher IQ he must not belong to the group of pupils

where their intellectual capacity is lower than the child. Therefore, the child must be with

the group person that has the same capacity of the child in order to feel belongingness

of the environment.

Respondent #1

Problem Found in the Case: Undiagnosed Child

Alternative Solution: Consult to a Psychologist


Individuals have different perceptions when it comes to Inclusive Education. The

way they perceive it into the society is very much essential that might give great

contribution. Children with disabilities truly need attention and proper watch in order to

fulfill their physiological and psychological needs. Psychologist, on the other hand has

their pivotal role on the society as well as to the community. It helps children with

disability examine their conditions in a way of visiting their clinic with specific given

schedule. One of those advantages are; you get to check and challenge your own

diagnosis. The test you can identify the improvement of the patient and the status itself

by undergoing a personal examination of the child, it feelings and emotions can gain a

much better understanding of those around him/her. One of the biggest benefits to

people of conducting an examination and visiting a Psychologist is the emotional growth

that generally results from a full program of behavioral therapy.


In spite of its benefit that we can get by consulting a psychologist, it also present

its disadvantages that and individual or a parent may encounter. For example, by

consulting a psychologist each must need the presence of finance in order to

communicate and examine the child and also it may take advantages in a way by which
a parent/guardian may prefer to put some schedule in order to meet the physician or the

psychologist that may help to examine the findings of his or her child.

Problem Found in the Case: Prone to Bullying

Alternative Solution: Teacher-Student Orientation

Advantage of Teacher-Student Orientation

The teacher will serve as role model in guiding his/her students in a way that the

teacher will discipline his/her students to avoid conflict that may result to bullying. In

teacher-students orientation all the people in the classroom will be oriented about each

other’s differences and through this it will build a good relationship that may help the

children with disabilities feel the belongingness of the environment.

Disadvantage of Teacher-Student Orientation

We can’t deny the fact that not all students in the classroom will respect the

differences of the child because the children see things immaturely. Hence, it is their

way in making conflict between his/her co-students.

Respondent #2

Problem Found in the Case: Lack of Socialization, Difficulties in Speaking

Alternative Solution: Enroll in Inclusive Education


Advantage of inclusive education In Inclusive Education pupils with a particular

disorder, in this (inclusive) environment, will progress better in social and academic view
through the help of language-serves as social function based on "Vygotsky's Socio-

Cultural Theory". These students will be better prepared for the life in the community

and at the same time will avoid negative effects of exclusion. "Children who learn, learn

to live together". Regular pupils in the inclusive classroom can be an example of

appropriate behavior in the classroom for the children with special needs. It is further

believed that the successful inclusion helps learners with typical development to

develop positive attitudes towards children/ persons with disabilities and in future it

would lead to adaptation of social principles that will be based on equality and

establishment of a harmonious society. Through the inclusion of children with special

educational needs in regular classes, they have been taught how to control aggressive

behavior, and they are offered with assistance in developing a broad world view and to

move away from egocentrism and due to the stay in the regular groups, their self-

esteem and self-confidence is encouraged.

Hence, inclusive education does not only make the child knows how to socialize

at the same time make the child progressive holistically.


Special schools and special classrooms within regular schools where places in

which children with special educational needs were accommodate, upbringing and

educated, and the regular school (with its overall structure) was adjusted and was in

function of the regular pupils. The inclusive education opened the doors of the regular

schools, regular teaching, and for the children with special needs, but what is

emphasize is that the process of inclusion of children with special needs require
changes in many segments (changes in the overall organization) of the regular

schooling because the inclusion of these children does not means only their placement

in the regular school, but inclusion in regular classes should ensure and provide quality

upbringing. The other disadvantage of inclusive education is the assimilation- process of

fitting a new experience into an existing or previously created cognitive structure or

schema (Piaget's Stages Cognitive Development Theory) specially when the child used

to live to the environment where he is comfortable with.

Respondent #3

Problem found in the Case: Teacher Factor

Alternative Solution: Republic Act 5250 Ten Year Teaching Training Program


Teacher’s involvement in Inclusive Education plays a big role in developing

child’s cognitive aspects. To be able to achieve and developed the child’s capacities

and abilities the teacher should attend different seminars and trainings to have an

effective teaching style and to become an effective educator. The other advantage of

attending these event is that a wealth of knowledge is usually presented by many

speakers. Aside from that a sense of camaraderie, where individuals can meet others

with the same interest, problems, concerns that they may have in the chosen field. In

addition, a nice vacation in usually, a good hotel, most seminars take place in quality

hotels, as this is part of the incentive to attracting attendees.


In spite of its advantages attending seminars and trainings have also

disadvantages first is that cost. All attendees must absorb their own costs. The

seminars themselves sometimes also have an entry fee that can be quite high. All travel

costs, food costs, hotel costs and other miscellaneous costs must be absorbed by the

attendees. Second, the time spent away from your actual business, or life to attend.

Time is always a concern when scheduling activities and some individuals simply can't

spare the time away from their lives for activities such as this. Lastly, the chance that

the attendees will expect too much from a seminar and thus be disappointed.


Problem Found in the Case: Environmental Factors that Affect the Cognitive


Alternative Solution: IEP Individualized Education Program


The individual with Disabilities education act (IDEA) proclaims the right for all the

children, including those with special needs to receive a free and appropriate public

education. It is therefore the duty of the public school to determine what is “appropriate

“for a student considering their particular handicap. Another advantage of Individualized

Education Program (IEP) is that before, a child is placed in Special Education an

assessment must be completed to explore the suspected areas of disability. It is

important to to note that all students with a diagnosed condition such as (ADHD or

Asperger’s Disorder) will qualify for Special Education, if it can be shown that the child

can function adequately in their General Education despite their condition.


Personalized learning and individualized instruction are now recognized as

crucial elements of student-centric teaching that fosters real progress and achievement.

However, there are several disadvantages to this individualized instruction. First, the

time that you lose with the other students, can never be replaced. The other students

might see that you are taking quite a bit more time dealing with certain behaviors (even

if they aren’t done on purpose) with this other student and they can start to act out

themselves in an attempt to have more time with their teacher. Control of the classroom

can easily be lost if students try to model the student that is receiving individualized

instruction. In addition, the student might rely on your individualized instruction, and they

are unable to perform without the assistance of the educator by their side. This takes a

long transition period to motivate students to participate in lessons or projects

independently, even though this is the expectation we have of everyone else. Another

disadvantage of individualized instruction amongst a classroom of individuals, is that if

teachers modify instruction extremely throughout the classroom, students that are high

achievers might not continue to have the same individualized instruction in the following

year, leaving them reviewing information, or bored; which can then cause behavior

issues. Not every educator places emphasis on each child’s learning performance and

abilities. Learning plans based on their need, and instruction within the classroom. Often

times, the first step in us determining what needs to be done is separating these

children, keeping them closer to us so that we can keep their behaviors under closer

control and stop any negative behaviors from happening. Educators often also spend
quite a bit more time individually with these students to help them remain focused and

understand what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate.


The researchers concluded that Inclusive Education is a way to help the children,

especially those children having disabilities based on the perceptions of the parents

because it enables them to socialize with those other normal child. Through Inclusive

Education, it also helps the child to know different kind of things and develop their skills

in spite of their disabilities. The researchers came up the idea that through the parents,

the disability itself is not a hindrance for their child to pursue their studies. It matters only

to the child on how he/she will go through the situation in spite of the “big wall” that life



The researchers strongly recommend that identifying the current condition of the

child is also important through the help of a health professional because through their

diagnosis the people inside the microsystem- the smallest and most immediate

environment in which the child lives. It comprises the daily home, school or daycare,

peer group community environment of the child (Bonfebrenner's Ecological System

Theory) will have self-awareness and respect to other's uniqueness.

Teachers in inclusive classroom should also do an scaffolding- term for the

appropriate assistance given by the teachers to assist the learner accomplish task

(Vygotsky's Socio-Cultural Theory) to be able to have an effective teaching method.

Through scaffolding the teacher can help the child developed its specific way of learning
since not all students have the same way of coping their lessons and in what aspects

they excel. Other students may be good in writing while others are excelling in oral

recitation and others may good in arts. Therefore the teachers in inclusive classroom

should be flexible to meet the needs of the students whether able or disabled students.

Aside from that Republic Act 5250 also known as Ten Year Teaching Training

Program for Teachers (Legal Foundations of Inclusive and Special Education) is

another way of making the teachers in inclusive school have an effective teaching style.

Through this the students will easily understand the lessons because the teacher is

doing his/her part effectively.

Furthermore, the parents should also take responsibilities towards their child in

sustaining and meeting their needs emotionally, physically, mentally and socially.

TABLE 1: The table show the alternative solution, the person involve, when it will be

done and its cost.


Parents & Health Professionals

CHECK-UP -To monitor and evaluate the Every month 2,000.00 per
child’s development whether visit
he or she is progressing or not.

Teachers and School Staff

-Teachers and School Staff
must attend seminars and
trainings in order to have an
REPUBLIC ACT effective teaching style in an
5250 also known inclusive classroom. Every Month 1,800 per
“ TEN YEAR person every
TEACHING DepEd seminar/training
TRAINING DepEd must implement
PROGRAM”/ program specially trainings and
ATTENDING seminars to all teachers and
SEMINARS school staff from the different
TRAININGS districts to be able to make
them an effective educator to
an inclusive classroom.

WELL -To make the classroom more
STRUCTURED convenient to the students Every Year 3,000.00
CLASSROOM either with the normal students
or students with special needs.
Teachers and Students
The teachers, students as well
TEACHERS- as the parents should be well 5,000-10,000
STUDENTS oriented in order to build a Twice a Year (Including the
ORIENTATION good relationship with each payment of the
other and to avoid bullying speaker and
inside and outside the the snacks)


Respondent #1


Personal Data

Name: Lera S. Melca

Age: 19

Date of Birth: September 18, 1999

Sex: Female

Address: P-4 Lower Banza Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte

Contact number: 09308148574


Status: Single

Father’s name: Juanito M. Melca

Mother’s name: Fernanda S. Melca

Educational Background

Elementary: Tolosa Central Elementary School

( S.Y. 2011-2012)

Secondary: Banza National High School

Senior High School: Banza National High School

( S.Y. 201-2018)

Personal Data

Name: Julie Jade C. Pendejito

Age: 18

Date of Birth: July 4, 2000

Sex: Female

Address: P-5 Barangay Marcos, Magallanes Agusan Del Norte

Contact number: 09488259913


Status: Single

Father’s name: Rey A. Pendejito

Mother’s name: Conchita C. Pendejito

Educational Background
Elementary: Magallanes Central Elementary School

(S.Y. 2011-2012)

Secondary: Father Urios Academy of Magallanes Incorporated

Senior High School: Father Urios Academy of Magallanes Incorporated


Personal Data

Name: Rosemarie N. Cordova

Age: 19

Date of Birth: May 14, 1999

Sex: Female

Address: P-7 Baan Kilometer 3, Butuan City

Contact number: 09488066753


Status: Single

Father’s name: Celestino D. Cordova

Mother’s name: Anita N. Cordova

Educational Background

Elementary: Florencio Sibayan Elementary School

(S.Y. 2006-2012)

Secondary: Butuan City School of Arts and Trade

Senior High School: Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

(S.Y. 2017-2018)

Personal Data

Name: Jhassa T. Generalao

Age: 18

Date of Birth: June 11, 2000

Sex: Female

Address: P- Lubi A Vilamonte Basag, Butuan City

Contact number: 09665376351


Status: Single

Father’s name: Jose F. Generalao

Mother’s name: Adelinda T. Generalao

Educational Background

Elementary: Basag Elementary School

(S.Y. 2011-2012)

Secondary: Taligaman National High School

Senior High School: Taligaman National High School

(S.Y. 2018-2019)

Personal Data

Name: Ame D. Ague

Age: 19

Date of Birth: November 28, 1999

Sex: Female

Address: P-4 Lower Aupagan, Butuan City

Contact number: 09078451786


Status: Single

Father’s name: Arturo A. Ague

Mother’s name: Lourecil D. Ague

Educational Background
Elementary: Aupagan Elementary School
(S.Y. 2006-2012)

Secondary: San Vicente National High School

Senior High School: San Vicente National High School



Name of the Guardian:

Name of the Child:




1. Unsay imong panglantaw sa Inclusive Education?

2. Naa bay dakong tabang nga mahatag ang Inclusive Education sa imong

3. Nganong wala na nagskwela ang imong anak? Unsa may rason?

Caraga State University

Ampayon, Butuan City

EDUC 102 Case Study

MTh 4:30-6:00

The Perception on Inclusive Education

of Guardians for Children with

Disabilities in Baranagy Banza

Group 2
Lera Melca

Ame Ague

Julie Jade Pendejito

Jhassa Generalao

Rosemarie Cordova

Submitted to:

Dr. Cristina A. Cubillas

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