Effects of Pollution

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Effects of pollution

Step 1: I want to write something about the effects of pollution?

Step 2: what could be the benefits knowing the effects of pollution in our environment?

Step 3: since knowing these effects we might possibly come up a solution to be effectively eradicate

Causes and Effects of the Popularity of Fast-food Restaurants

Step 1: I want to write about causes and possible effects of popularity of fast-food restaurant

Step 2: what is the advantage of being popular among the people?

Step 3: this might brings to an advantage for them and earn more profit.

Internet Influence on kids

Step 1: I want to write something about how internet influence kids at young age

Step 2: Is it beneficial for these children or not?

Step 3: it might be helpful in their education but it might also can cause some troubles if proper
parental guidance is not practiced well.

Covid-19 and the people

Step 1: I want to write about COVID-19 and its effect in our daily lives

Step 2: How efficient is the online learning in the time of pandemic?

Step 3: some people are struggling in finding ways to have access to the internet it causes trouble to
those who are unfortunates.

Effect of school bullying on children

Step 1: I want to write something tackling the effects of bullying on the victim to be specifically, kids.

Step 2: does it affects academic performance of the victim

Step 3: Yes because it causing too much fear for the victim which is a child who supposed to be enjoying

Music effects on human body

Step 1: I want to write something about the effects of music in human body

Step 2: does too much noise causes confusion or losing focus in those who are hearing it?

Step 3: Yes because it might be so irritating hearing too much loud music.

Social media effect on young people

Step 1: I want to write and know what might be the possible effects of social media to young people

Step 2: Do social media helps young people to earn money?

Step 3: by using social media sites we can earn money like selling products or using this media to earn

Growing up in poverty

Step 1: I want to write something about the possible effects growing in poverty

Step 2: What is the effects of poverty in health?

Step 3: it might cause some serious trouble getting sick and it also decrease mortality in that specific

Stress impact on health

Step 1: I want to write about the possible effects of stress in health

Step 2: does too much stress could lead to some disease?

Step 3: there would be some disease that can develop when a person is in a stressed state it could lead
to diabetes, obesity, and also depression.

How happy relationships affect a person

Step 1: I want to write something that shows relation between having good relationship to a person.

Step 2: what is the advantage of having good relationship?

Step 3: it might be useful and helpful because you are more productive .

How racism affects one’s behaviour to others

Step 1: I want to write something about effects of discrimination in one’s behavior to others
Step 2: How parents plays important role in educating their child about equality and specifically

Step 3: it is important to the parents to teach their child on how to treat others and not bias in trating
people by their characteristics.


Effects of Pollution

We are living in our today’s society where there are a lot of infrastructures and many more
advancement in the lives of humankind. But knowing that Climate change drastically increases
overtime, that makes me sad. Even though we have a lot of advanced technology we are still
having trouble in getting solution to prevent pollution. According to Webster’s Dictionary “
Pollution means the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-
made waste”. This simply means that we are the one who is causing too much pollution.

We people should be more wary in this kind of thing because it is like a detonator in a time
bomb ready to explode in any time. We should be more responsible and live more eco-
friendly. We should grow more plants or simply taking a walk in your destination if it is
nearby instead of using motorcycle. By these we are helping our environment away from

People! Wake up! We must act more responsible and take care of our environment live more
efficient and avoid causing destruction in our environment. Pollution must be at least lessen
because it causes climate change to takes place much faster.

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