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Nursing as a Profession: Motivators of OLFU First Year Students A.Y.

in Pursuing the Program of Bachelor of Science in Nursing


During the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, the significance of nurses has become
more apparent. As of this writing, the cases in the Philippines already reached 261,000 and the
nurses across the country have been stepping up to combat its deadly spread. They can be seen
on the front lines providing care to the affected patients day in and day out and are working
closely to assist the sick, address their concerns, and help them recover.

Nurses are our most valuable asset during this crisis. They play a pivotal role in
containing the spread of the virus and in healing the sick as the mortality rate continues to
worsen, killing 4,371 Filipinos as of this moment (CNN Philippines Staff, 2020). However, we are
currently facing a challenge of shortage in the number of nurses. In sooth, the Philippine
Overseas Employment Administration (2020) has divulged that our country has a shortage of
about 290,000 health care workers (Prime Sarmiento, 2020).

The objective of this study is to identify the motivators of the first-year students from a
Higher Education Institution located at Quezon City, when they chose to pursue the program of
Bachelor of Science in Nursing and to use the findings of this paper to discern if there is a
significant difference between their motivators and the actual state of the nursing industry. This
will help the researchers identify if there is a gap between the two and help the government in
resolving the shortage of nurses in the country.
A. Statement of the problem

This study aims to acquire further information about the motivators of the first-year
students that are enrolled to the higher education institution located at Quezon City in
pursuing the program of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. In a more specific sense, this study
aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Sex
1.2 Age

2. What are the top three motivators of the respondents in pursuing the program of
Bachelor of Science in Nursing?

2.1 Interest in the Nursing Field

2.2 Perceived Job Opportunities
2.3 Academic Ability
2.4 Economic Stability
2.5 Influential People


4. Is there a significant difference between the given motivators and the dissatisfactory
perceived by the participants?

B. State your hypothesis

 There is no significant difference on the given motivators and the dissatisfactory

as perceived by the participants.

 There is a significant difference on the given motivators and the dissatisfactory

as perceived by the participants.

C. Theoretical Framework (State, Explain, Conceptualize)

Theoretical Framework

The theory that the researchers used is the Herzberg’s Motivation Theory model,
or Two Factor Theory by Frederick Herzberg. Wan et al. (2013) stated that the two-factory
theory is based on two sides of motivation. Necessary hygiene factors do not increase
motivation and growth factors, which are actually the main factors driving motivation. Herzberg
first discussed his influential theory in Motivation to Work in 1959. This is also known as
Hygiene-Motivation theory because it classifies motivators into two categories: hygiene and
growth. This theory suggests that to improve job attitudes and productivity, administrators
must recognize and attend to both sets of characteristics and not assume that an increase in
satisfaction leads to decrease in dissatisfaction

D. Research Paradigm or Conceptual Frame

The researcher examines Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory and decided to apply
its application and relevance in understanding the essential factors that motivate the 1st year
students who are enrolled in a university in Quezon City, in pursuing nursing as a profession.
The two-factor theory of motivation can explain the factors that students find satisfying and
dissatisfying about the nursing course. These factors are the hygiene factors and motivators.
Hygiene factors are those job factors which are essential for existence of motivation at nursing
course. These do not lead to positive satisfaction for long-term. But if these factors are absent
or, if these factors are non-existent at workplace, then they lead to dissatisfaction. In other
words, hygiene factors are those factors which when adequate or reasonable in a job, pacify
the nurses and do not make them dissatisfied.

Hygiene factors symbolized the physiological needs which the student wanted and
expected to be fulfilled that includes base wage or salary, where a higher salary can motivate
student to pursue nursing course. Next is supervisor quality, clinical instructors who has greater
levels of support, passion and experience more positive job outcomes could lead students to
less stress and toxicity on classes or duty. Last factor would be working conditions, having
positive workplace relationship with co-workers, good working conditions that include flexible
working hours, dress code, breaks, and vacation and updated working equipment can motivate
and at the same time arouse the curiosity of students in the new equipment.

Motivator factors symbolized the psychological needs that were perceived as an

additional benefit for the students. Motivational factors include responsibility, where the
student must hold themselves responsible for their studies and the same time will act
professionally when they are on the hospital area. Another factor is personal growth, the
students could develop growth and personal achievement by challenging themselves with
proper guidance of clinical instructors or taking advancement opportunities in school
organizations to enhance their attitude, knowledge and skills. The last factor would be
recognition, where the students should be praised, recognized and have sense of achievement
for their accomplishments during classes or on duty by the professor and clinical instructor.
Generally, it can lead to dissatisfaction in the nursing course when hygiene factors are absent
but when the motivators place in, it can increase the motivation, satisfaction and strong
commitment of students in the nursing course.

CNN Philippines Staff. (2020). New COVID-19 recoveries in country reach 20,000 with case tally
exceeding 261,000. Retrieved from,

Prime Sarmiento. (2020). Shortage of nurses hits Philippines.Retrieved from,

Wan, F.W.Y., Tan, S.K., and Mohammad T.M.I. (2013). Herberg’s two factors theory on work
motivation: does its work for todays environment?, 19. Retrieved from,

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