ADHOC UNIT-1 Applications PDF

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Elements of Ad hoc Wireless Networks, Issues in Ad

hoc wireless networks, Example commercial
applications of Ad hoc networking, Ad hoc wireless
Internet, Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of Routing
Protocols, Table Driven Routing Protocols -
Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), On–
Demand Routing protocols –Ad hoc On–Demand
Distance Vector Routing (AODV).
Applications of Ad Hoc Wireless
Ad hoc wireless networks, due to their quick and
economically less demanding deployment, find
applications in several areas. Some of these include

• Military applications
• Collaborative and distributed computing
• Emergency operations
• Wireless mesh networks
• Wireless sensor networks
• Hybrid wireless network architectures.
• Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)
• Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)
• Wireless sensor networks
• Disaster rescue ad hoc network
• Hospital ad hoc network
• Military area
• Provincial area
• Personal area network
• Industry sector
• Bluetooth
Military Applications
• Ad hoc wireless networks can be very useful in establishing
communication among a group of soldiers for tactical
• Setting up a fixed infrastructure for communication among a
group of soldiers in enemy territories or in inhospitable
terrains may not be possible.
• In such environments, ad hoc wireless networks provide the
required communication mechanism quickly.
• Secure communication is of prime importance as
eavesdropping or other security threats can compromise the
purpose of communication. They also require the support of
reliable and secure multimedia multicasting.
Military Applications
• For example, the leader of a group of soldiers may
want to give an order to all the soldiers or to a set of
selected personnel involved in the operation. It should
be able to provide quick, secure, and reliable
multicast communication with support for real-time
• As the military applications require very secure
communication at any cost, the vehicle-mounted
nodes can be assumed to be very sophisticated and
powerful. They can have multiple high-power
transceivers, each with the ability to hop between
different frequencies for security reasons
Military Applications
• Another application in this area can be the coordination of
military objects moving at high speeds such as fleets of
airplanes or warships. Such applications require quick and
reliable communication.
• Such communication systems can be assumed to be equipped
with long-life batteries that might not be economically viable
for normal usage.
• In short, the primary nature of the communication required in a
military environment enforces certain important requirements
on ad hoc wireless networks, namely, reliability, efficiency,
secure communication, and support for multicast routing.
Collaborative and Distributed
• The requirement of a temporary communication infrastructure
for quick communication with minimal configuration among a
group of people in a conference or gathering necessitates the
formation of an ad hoc wireless network
• For example, consider a group of researchers who want to
share their research findings or presentation materials during a
conference, or a lecturer distributing notes to the class on the
• The distributed file sharing applications utilized in such
situations do not require the level of security expected in a
military environment. But the reliability of data transfer is of
high importance.
Collaborative and Distributed
• Consider the example where a node that is part of an
ad hoc wireless network has to distribute a file to
other nodes in the network.
• Though this application does not demand the
communication to be interruption-free, the goal of the
transmission is that all the desired receivers must have
the replica of the transmitted file.
• Other applications such as streaming of multimedia
objects among the participating nodes in an ad hoc
wireless network may require support for soft real-
time communication
Emergency Operations
• Ad hoc wireless networks are very useful in emergency operations such as
search and rescue, crowd control, and commando operations.

• The major factors that favor ad hoc wireless networks for such tasks are
self-configuration of the system with minimal overhead, independent of
fixed or centralized infrastructure, the nature of the terrain of such
applications, the freedom and flexibility of mobility, and the unavailability
of conventional communication infrastructure.

• In environments where the conventional infrastructure-based

communication facilities are destroyed due to a war or due to natural
calamities such as earthquakes, immediate deployment of ad hoc wireless
networks would be a good solution for coordinating rescue activities.
Emergency Operations
• As the ad hoc wireless networks require minimum initial
network configuration for their functioning, very little or no
delay is involved in making the network fully operational.

• The above-mentioned scenarios are unexpected, in most cases

unavoidable, and can affect a large number of people. Ad hoc
wireless networks employed in such circumstances should be
distributed and scalable to a large number of nodes.

• They should also be able to provide fault tolerant

communication paths. Real-time communication capability is
also important since voice communication predominates data
communication in such situations.
Wireless Mesh Networks
• The mesh topology of wireless mesh networks provides many
alternate paths for a data transfer session between a source and
destination, resulting in quick reconfiguration of the path when
the existing path fails due to node failures.
• Since the infrastructure built is in the form of small radio
relaying devices fixed on the rooftops of the houses in a
residential zone or similar devices fitted on the lamp posts the
investment required in wireless mesh networks is much less
than what is required for the cellular network counterparts.
• Such networks are formed by placing wireless relaying
equipment spread across the area to be covered by the network
Wireless mesh network operating in a
residential zone.
Wireless Mesh network covering a
Wireless Mesh Networks
• The possible deployment scenarios of wireless mesh networks
• Residential zones (where broadband Internet connectivity is
• Highways (where a communication facility for moving
automobiles is required),
• Business zones (where an alternate communication system to
cellular networks is required),
• Important civilian regions (where a high degree of service
availability is required), and
• University campuses (where inexpensive campus-wide
network coverage can be provided).
Wireless Mesh Networks
• Wireless mesh networks should be capable of self-organization and
maintenance. The ability of the network to overcome single or
multiple node failures resulting from disasters makes it convenient
for providing the communication infrastructure for strategic
• The major advantages of wireless mesh networks are
• Support for a high data rate,
• Quick and low cost of deployment,
• Enhanced services,
• High scalability,
• Easy extendability,
• High availability, and low cost per bit.
• Wireless mesh networks operate at the license-free ISM bands
around 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
Wireless Mesh Networks
• Depending on the technology used for the physical layer and MAC
layer communication, data rates of 2 Mbps to 60 Mbps can be
supported. For example, if IEEE 802.11a is used, a maximum data
rate of 54 Mbps can be supported.
• The deployment time required for this network is much less than
that provided by other infrastructure-based networks.
• Mesh networks scale well to provide support to a large number of
nodes. Even at a very high density of mobile nodes, by employing
power control at the mobile nodes and relay nodes, better system
throughput and support for a large number of users can be achieved.
• Wireless mesh networks provide very high availability compared to
the existing cellular architecture, where the presence of a fixed base
station that covers a much larger area involves the risk of a single
point of failure.
Wireless Sensor Networks
• Sensor networks are a special category of ad hoc
wireless networks that are used to provide a wireless
communication infrastructure among the sensors
deployed in a specific application domain.
• Sensor nodes are tiny devices that have the capability
of sensing physical parameters, processing the data
gathered, and communicating over the network to the
monitoring station.
• A sensor network is a collection of a large number of
sensor nodes that are deployed in a particular region
Wireless Sensor Networks
• The activity of sensing can be periodic or sporadic. An
example for the periodic type is the sensing of environmental
factors for the measurement of parameters such as
temperature, humidity, and nuclear radiation.
• Detecting border intrusion, sensing the temperature of a
furnace to prevent it rising beyond a threshold, and measuring
the stress on critical structures or machinery are examples of
the sensing activities that belong to the sporadic type
• Some of the domains of application for sensor networks are
military, health care, home security, and environmental
Issues in Sensor Network
The issues that make sensor networks a distinct category of ad hoc wireless
networks are the following:
• Mobility of nodes: Mobility of nodes is not a mandatory requirement in
sensor networks. For example, the nodes deployed for periodic monitoring of
soil properties are not required to be mobile. However, the sensor nodes that
are fitted on the bodies of patients in a post-surgery ward of a hospital may be
designed to support limited or partial mobility.
• Size of the network: The number of nodes in the sensor network can be
much larger than that in a typical ad hoc wireless network.
• Density of deployment: The density of nodes in a sensor network varies
with the domain of application. For example, military applications require high
availability of the network, making redundancy a high priority.
Issues in Sensor Network
• Power Constraints:
The power constraints in sensor networks are much more stringent than those
in ad hoc wireless networks. This is mainly because the sensor nodes are
expected to operate in harsh environmental or geographical conditions, with
minimum or no human supervision and maintenance.
– Replenishable power source: In certain applications of sensor networks,
the power source can be replaced when the existing source is fully drained
– Non-replenishable power source: In some specific applications of sensor
networks, the power source cannot be replenished once the network has
been deployed.
– Regenerative power source: Power sources employed in sensor networks
that belong to this category have the capability of regenerating power from
the physical parameter under measurement.
Issues in Sensor Network
• Data/information fusion:
• Data fusion refers to the aggregation of multiple packets into
one before relaying it.
• This mainly aims at reducing the bandwidth consumed by
redundant headers of the packets and reducing the media access
delay involved in transmitting multiple packets.
• Information fusion aims at processing the sensed data at the
intermediate nodes and relaying the outcome to the monitor
• Traffic distribution: The communication traffic pattern varies
with the domain of application in sensor networks.
Hybrid Wireless Networks
• One of the major application areas of ad hoc wireless
networks is in hybrid wireless architectures such as
multi-hop cellular networks.
• MCNs combine the reliability and support of fixed
base stations of cellular networks with flexibility and
multi-hop relaying of ad hoc wireless networks
Multi-hop Cellular Networks.
• Higher capacity than cellular networks obtained due to the better channel
reuse provided by reduction of transmission power, as mobile nodes use a
power range that is a fraction of the cell radius.
• Increased flexibility and reliability in routing. The flexibility is in terms of
selecting the best suitable nodes for routing, which is done through multiple
mobile nodes or through base stations, or by a combination of both. The
increased reliability is in terms of resilience to failure of base stations, in
which case a node can reach other nearby base stations using multi-hop paths.
• Better coverage and connectivity in holes (areas that are not covered due to
transmission difficulties such as antenna coverage or the direction of antenna)
of a cell can be provided by means of multiple hops through intermediate
nodes in the cell.
• The ad hoc wireless Internet extends the services of the
Internet to the end users over an ad hoc wireless network.
Some of the applications of the ad hoc wireless Internet are
wireless mesh networks, provisioning of temporary Internet
services to major conference venues, sports venues, temporary
military settlements, battlefields, and broadband Internet
services in rural regions.
• The major issues to be considered for a successful ad hoc wireless Internet
are the following
• Gateways: Gateway nodes in the ad hoc wireless Internet are the entry
points to the wired Internet. The major part of the service provisioning lies
with the gateway nodes.
• Generally owned and operated by a service provider, gateways perform the
following tasks: keeping track of the end users, bandwidth management,
load balancing, traffic shaping, packet filtering, bandwidth fairness, and
address, service, and location discovery.
• Address mobility: Similar to the Mobile IP, the ad hoc wireless Internet
also faces the challenge of address mobility. This problem is worse here as
the nodes operate over multiple wireless hops. Solutions such as Mobile
IP can provide temporary alternatives for this.
• • Routing: Routing is a major problem in the ad hoc wireless Internet, due
to the dynamic topological changes, the presence of gateways, multi-hop
relaying, and the hybrid character of the network.
• • Transport layer protocol: Even though several solutions for transport
layer protocols exist for ad hoc wireless networks, unlike other layers, the
choice lies in favor of TCP's extensions proposed for ad hoc wireless
networks. Split approaches that use traditional wired TCP for the wired part
and a specialized transport layer protocol for the ad hoc wireless network
part can also be considered where the gateways act as the intermediate
nodes at which the connections are split.
• Several factors are to be considered here, the major one being the state
maintenance overhead at the gateway nodes.
• Load balancing: It is likely that the ad hoc wireless Internet gateways
experience heavy traffic. Hence the gateways can be saturated much earlier
than other nodes in the network. Load balancing techniques are essential to
distribute the load so as to avoid the situation where the gateway nodes
become bottleneck nodes.
• Pricing/billing: Since Internet bandwidth is expensive, it becomes very
important to introduce pricing/billing strategies for the ad hoc wireless
Internet. Gateway is the preferred choice for charging the traffic to and
from the Internet.
• Provisioning of security: The inherent broadcast nature of the wireless
medium attracts not just the mobility seekers but also potential hackers
who love to snoop on important information sent unprotected over the
air. Hence security is a prime concern in the ad hoc wireless Internet.
• QoS support: With the widespread use of voice over IP (VoIP) and growing
multimedia applications over the Internet, provisioning of QoS support in the
ad hoc wireless Internet becomes a very important issue. As discussed in
Chapter 10, this is a challenging problem in the wired part as well as in the
wireless part.
• • Service, address, and location discovery: Service discovery in any network
refers to the activity of discovering or identifying the party which provides a
particular service or resource.
• In wired networks, service location protocols exist to do the same, and similar
systems need to be extended to operate in the ad hoc wireless Internet as
• Address discovery refers to the services such as those provided by address
resolution protocol (ARP) or domain name service (DNS) operating within the
wireless domain.
• Location discovery refers to different activities such as detecting the location
of a particular mobile node in the network or detecting the geographical
location of nodes.
An illustration of the ad hoc wireless Internet implemented by a
wireless mesh network

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