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Megan Meyer

Elementary Lesson Plan

Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Cyber Safety
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 5th Grade
Duration ~35 minutes
Essential Question How do responsible citizens use information ethically?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read,
hear, and view?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Discuss criteria for evaluating a website:
credibility, relevance, bias, accuracy, and
 Evaluate sources for credibility and currency.
 Identify reference sources and information texts
that are appropriate to grade level.
 Apply proper etiquette when using technology.
 Explain importance of safe, legal, and responsible
use of technology.
 Identify and practice ethical and safe online
 Identify potential consequences of unethical,
unsafe, and inappropriate behavior.
 Use digital media legally and ethically, practicing
Educational Fair Use.
AASL Standards II.A.2. Learners contribute a balanced perspective when
participating in a learning community by adopting a
discerning stance towards points of view and opinions
expressed in information resources and learning products.
II.B.2. Learners adjust their awareness of the global
learning community by evaluating a variety of
perspectives during learning activities.
IV.A.3. Learners act on an information need by making
critical choices about information sources to use.
IV.B.3. Systematically questioning and assessing the
validity and accuracy of information.
VI.A.1. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
gathering and using information by responsibly applying
information, technology, and media to learning.
VI.A.3. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
gathering and using information by evaluating
information for accuracy, validity, social and cultural
context, and appropriateness for need.
VI.D.1. Learners engage with information to extend
personal learning by personalizing their use of
information and information technologies.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Describe the difference between joking, being
mean, and bullying and after watching the video,
define cyberbullying.
 Recall how to keep online friendships safe and
avoid revealing personal information to strangers
on the Internet.
 Recognize clickbait on the Internet, understand
how clickbait uses the curiosity gap to get people’s
attention, and recall ways to avoid clickbait.
Content Specific Vocabulary Advertising – messages or photos that are made to
persuade someone to buy a certain product
Benefit – something positive that results from a situation
Bully – the person who is doing the bullying
Bullying – unwanted and aggressive verbal, social, or
physical behavior towards another
Bystander – someone who sees a bullying or
cyberbullying situation but doesn’t do anything to stop it
Clickbait – an image or headline that tries to get you to
click on it, usually for advertising purposes
Curiosity Gap – the desire people have to figure out
missing information
Cyberbullying – using digital devices, sites, and apps to
intimidate, harm, and upset someone
Empathy – to imagine the feelings that someone else is
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Headline – the title of an article, usually printed in big,
bold letters at the top
Private Information – information about you that can be
used to identify you because it is unique to you
Risk – something negative or dangerous that could some
from a situation
Target – the person who is on the receiving end of the
Upstander – a person who support and stands up for
someone else
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Promethean Board
 Common Sense’s “Is it Cyberbullying?” Video
 Common Sense’s “Is it Cyberbullying?” Slides
 Common Sense’s “Digital Friendships” Slides
 Common Sense’s “You Won’t Believe This!”
 Common Sense’s Clickbait Worksheet
 Index Cards
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Cyber Safety: A 3 Part Series
 Cyberbullying and Being Kind Online
 The Difference Between Joking, Being Mean, and
 Watch the Video and Define Cyberbullying
 List Reasons Why Cyberbullying Occurs, Ways to
Respond if You’re Cyberbullied, and Ways to Be
an Upstander
 Create Upstander Cards
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
o Have them pick out books while creating
their cards.
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Formative Assessment Participate in the class discussions about bullying and
cyberbullying and create a colorful and kind Upstander
Card about a cyberbullying situation.
Assignment Define the Difference Between Joking, Being Mean, and
Bullying, talk about Cyberbullying, and create Upstander
Cards about one portion of a cyberbullying situation.
Accommodations Neil, Justin, Brycen, and Serina may need extra
specification, but they’re all usually good about asking for
extra assistance.
Logan might need to be reeled in a bit.
Bryce and Joshua may need some extra check-ins and
guidance, but again, they’re all usually good about asking
for extra assistance.
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Cyber Safety
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 5th Grade
Duration ~35 minutes
Essential Question How do responsible citizens use information ethically?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read,
hear, and view?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Discuss criteria for evaluating a website:
credibility, relevance, bias, accuracy, and
 Evaluate sources for credibility and currency.
 Identify reference sources and information texts
that are appropriate to grade level.
 Apply proper etiquette when using technology.
 Explain importance of safe, legal, and responsible
use of technology.
 Identify and practice ethical and safe online
 Identify potential consequences of unethical,
unsafe, and inappropriate behavior.
 Use digital media legally and ethically, practicing
Educational Fair Use.
AASL Standards II.A.2. Learners contribute a balanced perspective when
participating in a learning community by adopting a
discerning stance towards points of view and opinions
expressed in information resources and learning products.
II.B.2. Learners adjust their awareness of the global
learning community by evaluating a variety of
perspectives during learning activities.
IV.A.3. Learners act on an information need by making
critical choices about information sources to use.
IV.B.3. Systematically questioning and assessing the
validity and accuracy of information.
VI.A.1. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
gathering and using information by responsibly applying
information, technology, and media to learning.
VI.A.3. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
gathering and using information by evaluating
information for accuracy, validity, social and cultural
context, and appropriateness for need.
VI.D.1. Learners engage with information to extend
personal learning by personalizing their use of
information and information technologies.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Describe the difference between joking, being
mean, and bullying and after watching the video,
define cyberbullying.
 Recall how to keep online friendships safe and
avoid revealing personal information to strangers
on the Internet.
 Recognize clickbait on the Internet, understand
how clickbait uses the curiosity gap to get people’s
attention, and recall ways to avoid clickbait.
Content Specific Vocabulary Advertising – messages or photos that are made to
persuade someone to buy a certain product
Benefit – something positive that results from a situation
Bully – the person who is doing the bullying
Bullying – unwanted and aggressive verbal, social, or
physical behavior towards another
Bystander – someone who sees a bullying or
cyberbullying situation but doesn’t do anything to stop it
Clickbait – an image or headline that tries to get you to
click on it, usually for advertising purposes
Curiosity Gap – the desire people have to figure out
missing information
Cyberbullying – using digital devices, sites, and apps to
intimidate, harm, and upset someone
Empathy – to imagine the feelings that someone else is
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Headline – the title of an article, usually printed in big,
bold letters at the top
Private Information – information about you that can be
used to identify you because it is unique to you
Risk – something negative or dangerous that could some
from a situation
Target – the person who is on the receiving end of the
Upstander – a person who support and stands up for
someone else
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Promethean Board
 Common Sense’s “Is it Cyberbullying?” Video
 Common Sense’s “Is it Cyberbullying?” Slides
 Common Sense’s “Digital Friendships” Slides
 Common Sense’s “You Won’t Believe This!”
 Common Sense’s Clickbait Worksheet
 Index Cards
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Continue our Cyber Safety: A 3-Part Series
 Review what we talked about last week.
 Digital Friendships
 Talk and share about some of our personal
experiences with online friendships.
 The Sita and CJcool11 Scenario
o Ask the students how they would respond
to such a situation.
 The rest of the time is theirs to pick out books and
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
free explore.
o Row by row to select books
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Formative Assessment Mention several ways to respond to an online stranger
pushing for private and personal information.
Assignment Think about Sita’s situation and discuss ways to respond
to uncomfortable online situations.
Accommodations Neil, Justin, Brycen, and Serina may need extra
specification, but they’re all usually good about asking for
extra assistance.
Logan might need to be reeled in a bit.
Bryce and Joshua may need some extra check-ins and
guidance, but again, they’re all usually good about asking
for extra assistance.
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Cyber Safety
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 5th Grade
Duration ~35 minutes
Essential Question How do responsible citizens use information ethically?
How do readers know what to believe in what they read,
hear, and view?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Discuss criteria for evaluating a website:
credibility, relevance, bias, accuracy, and
 Evaluate sources for credibility and currency.
 Identify reference sources and information texts
that are appropriate to grade level.
 Apply proper etiquette when using technology.
 Explain importance of safe, legal, and responsible
use of technology.
 Identify and practice ethical and safe online
 Identify potential consequences of unethical,
unsafe, and inappropriate behavior.
 Use digital media legally and ethically, practicing
Educational Fair Use.
AASL Standards II.A.2. Learners contribute a balanced perspective when
participating in a learning community by adopting a
discerning stance towards points of view and opinions
expressed in information resources and learning products.
II.B.2. Learners adjust their awareness of the global
learning community by evaluating a variety of
perspectives during learning activities.
IV.A.3. Learners act on an information need by making
critical choices about information sources to use.
IV.B.3. Systematically questioning and assessing the
validity and accuracy of information.
VI.A.1. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
gathering and using information by responsibly applying
information, technology, and media to learning.
VI.A.3. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
gathering and using information by evaluating
information for accuracy, validity, social and cultural
context, and appropriateness for need.
VI.D.1. Learners engage with information to extend
personal learning by personalizing their use of
information and information technologies.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Describe the difference between joking, being
mean, and bullying and after watching the video,
define cyberbullying.
 Recall how to keep online friendships safe and
avoid revealing personal information to strangers
on the Internet.
 Recognize clickbait on the Internet, understand
how clickbait uses the curiosity gap to get people’s
attention, and recall ways to avoid clickbait.
Content Specific Vocabulary Advertising – messages or photos that are made to
persuade someone to buy a certain product
Benefit – something positive that results from a situation
Bully – the person who is doing the bullying
Bullying – unwanted and aggressive verbal, social, or
physical behavior towards another
Bystander – someone who sees a bullying or
cyberbullying situation but doesn’t do anything to stop it
Clickbait – an image or headline that tries to get you to
click on it, usually for advertising purposes
Curiosity Gap – the desire people have to figure out
missing information
Cyberbullying – using digital devices, sites, and apps to
intimidate, harm, and upset someone
Empathy – to imagine the feelings that someone else is
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Headline – the title of an article, usually printed in big,
bold letters at the top
Private Information – information about you that can be
used to identify you because it is unique to you
Risk – something negative or dangerous that could some
from a situation
Target – the person who is on the receiving end of the
Upstander – a person who support and stands up for
someone else
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Promethean Board
 Common Sense’s “Is it Cyberbullying?” Video
 Common Sense’s “Is it Cyberbullying?” Slides
 Common Sense’s “Digital Friendships” Slides
 Common Sense’s “You Won’t Believe This!”
 Common Sense’s Clickbait Worksheet
 Index Cards
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Cyber Safety: A 3 Part Series
 Review what we’ve talked about the past 2 weeks.
 You Won’t Believe This!
 Clickbait and the Curiosity Gap
 Hand out the Clickbait Worksheet and have them
pick books while they work.
o Row by row
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Formative Assessment When completing the Clickbait worksheet, students will
correctly identify which titles are clickbait and give ample
reasoning to support their point.
Assignment Participate in the discussion about clickbait and the
curiosity gap and complete the Clickbait worksheet.
Accommodations Neil, Justin, Brycen, and Serina may need extra
specification, but they’re all usually good about asking for
extra assistance.
Logan might need to be reeled in a bit.
Bryce and Joshua may need some extra check-ins and
guidance, but again, they’re all usually good about asking
for extra assistance.

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