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100-year-old Apo Whang Od is most likely the oldest tattoo artist in the world.

A living legend in
the Philippines, she has mastered the indigenous inking art of the “batok” and is a fascinating testament
to the culture of the butbut people in Northern Luzon. In the documentary that we have watched shown
an individual function, Apo Whang od perform art because of her passion while the Kalinga tattoos have
lost some of its ancient qualities over the years, the materials used by Whang-od have remained the
same. These include a coconut bowl where water, charcoal, and sweet potato are combined. Second,
historical function - Kalinga warriors were known as fierce headhunters back in the day, and each tattoo
on their skin represents every person they had killed in a tribal war. On the contrary, the tattoo was–and
still is–a sign of bravery that separates the weak Kalinga men from the more courageous and
experienced warriors. Designs vary, from the centipede in the arms for protection to the more complex
eagle on the chest reserved only for the bravest of men. Third, economic function – arts are emerging as
a potent force in the economic life of people assumes an essential role as a direct and indirect
contributor to state of economics. “Pagbabatok” or art tattooing in the Kalinga Region – the money that
they received can use for some essential needed in the village, but I think it is quite cheap especially
considering the unique experience. Lastly, aesthetic function – any artwork means beauty. It is visual
spice for gracefully adorned interiors and can bring out the most elegant features of different elements.
Apo Whang Od then takes thin lines of bamboo skin, dips it into the ink and pre-draws her motif onto
the skin. After that, she dips the thorn into the ink and uses the other bamboo stick to hammer the
former under the skin. She repeats this process until she is happy with the result. She manages her
strength well and continue to make beautiful hand-tapped tattoos. With this simple technique, Whang
Od creates profound geometric designs - but not without the pain commonly associated with modern

By definition, a National Artist is a Filipino who has made significant contributions to the
development of Philippine arts in the fields of Music, Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, Literature, Film, and
Architecture. In many cultures throughout much of history, those who produced, embellished, painted,
and built were not considered to be artists as we think of them now. They were artisans and
craftspeople, and their role was to make the objects and build the structures for which they were hired,
according to the design (their own or another’s) agreed upon with those for whom they were working.
In my own opinion, maybe Apo Whang Od is not yet considered as national artist because some people
think she was abused and exploited since she was commercialized here in Manila. Also, I think there is
something wrong with the higher ups to approve her as a national artist because of the guidelines that
they need to follow. The selection of national artists is administered by the National Commission for
Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Upon approval and
recommendation of both agencies, it is conferred by the President. Maybe that is the reason why Apo
Whang Od was not given the recognition.

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