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Day 1

Think and Tell

Have students work in pairs. Instruct each pair to face each other. Make sure
one of them is facing the board while the other must turn his back on the board. Then on
the board post a picture of a bridge with a boy on one end of the bridge and a girl on the
other end.

Have one member of the pair tell his/her partner what you posted on the
board. His/her partner will then draw on a piece of paper what his partner tells him, without
looking at the teacher’s drawing on the board.

Use the following statements to tell something about the picture that you draw.

The picture is about _____________________________________________.

I able to draw the picture because __________________________________.

Find Out and Learn

Read the story and identify the theme, setting, characters and plot by
completing the organizer.

The Bridge of Love

Have you ever looked into the night sky? Have you noticed a broad band of
brightness across the entire sky? This band of stars is called the Milky Way. It
contains over 100 billion stars including our sun. The Chinese say that if you look into
the night sky on the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, you would see very
clearly this bridge of stars.
A long time ago, there lived a powerful king in the Land of Stars. He was
powerful. He was the mightiest ruler in the vast expanse of the skies. But the Land of
Stars was not his important treasure. His most precious possession was his own
The princess was beautiful and hardworking, loving and obedient to her father.
And she did one thing nobody else could do. She wove clouds on her loom every day.
The clouds covered the sky and gave shelter to the people from the hot sun.
It came to pass that a handsome prince from a neighboring space kingdom
visited the king. He was smitten by the princess’ beauty. He saw how respectful and
obedient the princess was to her father. They fell in love with each other.
The Prince asked for the Princess’ hand in marriage. The King agreed on one
condition. The Princess must continue weaving clouds even after her marriage. And
the Prince agreed.
But the young lovers forgot their promise. The Princess spent days gathering
heavenly flowers. She would dress herself with jewels of all kinds. The Prince
enjoyed the company of his beautiful bride. They would play, travel, and enjoy food
and music all day long. The Prince left his kingdom to his ministers and spent all his
time with his princess. And they forgot to weave clouds on her loom.
The King got very angry. There were no more clouds to protect the people
from the sun’s bright rays. People died from heat. There were no rains that watered
the earth. Crops and animals died. With one wave of his wand, the King separated
the lovers. He sent the prince to the northern skies. He sent the princess to the
southern skies. The River of Stars separated them. The lovers were very, very, very
sad. They cried all hours of the day and flooded the earth with their cries.
The magpies, a kind of bird, pitied the lovers. So, on the seventh month in the
Chinese calendar, all magpies in the world form a bridge over the river. The lovers
would meet and all the stars in the sky would twinkle with all their brightness as the
lovers enjoy each other’s company.

The Bridge of Love

Theme Setting Characters Plot

Try and Learn

Read the story below, and then summarize the story by writing the elements of the story in
the semantic web.

Swamp Lights
Author Unknown
(an adaptation)

Jimmy pushed hard with the pole against the bottom of the swamp. The night was
pitching dark, and Jimmy was sure that he was lost. He had been so pleased with his catch
that he had lost track of time.
Just then, Jimmy heard a sharp cracking sound in the distance. It startled Jimmy and
sent a stab of fear through him. He recalled all the stories that he had heard about some
strange events in the swamp.

It was said that there were places so dark and hidden in the swamp. When people
saw these places, they would vanish without a trace. Jimmy didn’t believe these stories, but
on a night like this they seemed almost possible.

Soon, there was another flash of light, and shadows seemed to move in the trees.
Chills chased each other up and down Jimmy’s spine.

Jimmy’s boat rounded a point of land that jutted out into the water. He saw a tiny
shack perhaps a hundred feet in front of him. He saw a shutter on one of the shack’s
windows creating the crackling sound. A lantern inside the shack flooded the area with light.
That’s what made the flashes.

Relieved, Jimmy stood up, hoping that someone inside the hack could help him find
his way. Soon, a voice called out. It was a man’s voice.

In the next few minutes, Jimmy found that there was nothing to be frightened of. The
owner of the voice turned out to be a very kind man. He gave Jimmy directions on how to get
home and he accepted Jimmy’s gift of fresh fish. He also told Jimmy how wonderful it was to
live in the swamps. As Jimmy waved goodbye, he knew that he wouldn’t have missed his
swamp adventure for anything.




Setting Plot
Do and Learn

Read the story below and do the activity that follows.

Juanito’s Dipper

Aling Celina and her son Juanito lived in a faraway barrio. The mother, being good
woman, brought up the young Juanito to be good and respectful. Though they were poor they
lived comfortably in a little hut at the foot of a hill.
Their barrio was located far away from any stream or river. The only sources of water
were the well the people dug and a few creeks running down from the hill.
One day, the well in their barrio ran dry. Soon many people were getting sick and
dying of thirst. The good old mother also got sick because of extreme thirst.
Juanito knew that his mother needed clean water to drink to make her well again so he
bid his mother goodbye to fetch some water. He hurriedly got a big dipper made from coconut
shell and went out to search for precious water. He went to the creeks around the hills and
found that they all have dried up.
Poor Juanito, he went everywhere but found not a single drop of water. What he saw
was a terrible sight. People were lying around weak because of thirst. He continued walking
without knowing where to go. All he could think of was his old mother who needed water.
Desperately he looked up to the heavens and fervently prayed. To his surprise, when
he looked down he saw water gushing right in front of him. After giving thanks and praising
God, he filled his big dipper with water and quickly ran to give the water to his mother. But he
heard someone calling and when he looked back, he saw a woman cuddling an infant.
"Help! My baby is dying of thirst! Please, please young man, give him even a sip of
your water to moisten his throat.
Although the water was for his mother, Juanito gave some of it to the baby, who
immediately grew strong. Juanito went on his way half-running, but unfortunately, he tripped
and fell. His dipper hit a stone and broke into pieces. The precious water was immediately
absorbed by the parched earth.
Juanito cried over what happened. Thinking of his mother, he hurriedly dug a hole in
the ground where the water seeped in while saying his prayers over and over. To his great
amazement, water gushed up plentifully and a big well was formed. And when he raised his
eyes again to heaven to give thanks, he saw his broken dipper swiftly being carried up to
heaven and becoming stars which arranged themselves in the shape of his broken dipper.
In his great joy, Juanito shouted and called the people who hurriedly came bringing
their water containers. They drank and quenched their thirst. He got a container, filled it with
water, and quickly went home. When he arrived, his mother was dying, but after drinking, she
immediately became well and got up.
“My son”, sighed the old woman, “you are such a good child.” “Mother, it was God who
helped me.”
Since then, every evening, mother and child would watch the dipper-shaped group of
stars on the face of the sky.
Fill in the blanks to complete the statement below.

The theme of the story is ______________________________.

The story happened in ________________________________.
The characters were _________________________________.
The problem started when _____________________________.
It was solved when __________________________________.

Learn Some More

Group Activity
1. Group the class into 4.
2. Read and understand the group of words in the metacards about the elements of the
3. Place the group of words in the proper column.
4. Report the group output on the board.

Theme Setting Characters Plot




In the little town of Hamelin many years The people of Hamelin, Pied Piper and
ago, there lived thousand of rats. the town mayor.

Keep your promise so you’ll never regret The parents never saw their children
the result of not fulfilling it again. It was too late for the mayor and
the people when they realized that a
promise must be kept.

In Hamelin, rats lived everywhere. They Pied Piper came to the town and helped
lived in houses, barns, fields and banks of the people in getting rid of the rats. After
rivers. They ate all the food they got. They helping them, the people and the mayor
even bit babies. did not fulfil their promise.
Read and Learn

Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.

Shiro and the Gold

Long ago in Japan, there lived an old couple who had a dog named Shiro.
The man and the woman were poor and they lived a simple life. All they wanted was
enough money to buy rice for themselves and Shiro. But year after year, their
savings grew smaller. They worried that soon there would be no money for rice.
One day, the couple were working hard in their garden. Shiro ran here and
there, sniffing the ground. Suddenly, he started barking loudly while digging a hole.
“Be quite, Shiro,” said the old woman.
But Shiro kept barking and digging, so the old man went to see what the dog
had found. So he poked a stick into the hole and felt it strike something hard. He dug
a little further and discovered a small box. When the old man opened the box, he
was amazed to see it was full of gold coins- enough to buy rice for the rest of the
But their greedy neighbour heard of their good fortune and became envious.
He followed Shiro, digging holes wherever the dog sniffed, but found nothing. Finally,
the neighbour became very angry and killed poor Shiro.
The old couple cried when they learned that Shiro was dead. They loved the
old dog very much. Then one night, Shiro’s ghost appeared to them.
“You loved and cared for me”, said Shiro’s ghost, “and now I shall care for
you. Tomorrow cut down the pine tree in the garden. Mix some splinters from the
tree into a pot of rice”. Then the ghost vanished.
The next day, the old man cut down the pine tree and the old woman cooked
a pot of rice. She stirred in the splinters and peered into the pot.
“Look!” she cried, her eyes filled with wonder. “Each grain of rice is turning
into a gold coin! We shall have money to buy rice for the rest of our lives!”
The old couple smiled sadly as they thought of Shiro. Even though he had
died, their faithful dog had not forgotten them.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Shiro sniff the ground?
2. What did Shiro do to show that he found something on the ground?
3. What did the couple find buried on the ground?
4. How would you describe the couple’s neighbour?
5. Why did the neighbor kill Shiro?
6. How did Shiro show his love for the couple after he died?
7. What was the message of the story?
8. Where did the story happen?
9. Who are the characters in the story?
10. How did the story begin?
11. What is the problem encountered by the characters in the story?
12. How did the story solve the problem?
13. How did the story end?

Write About it

Write a short story following the elements of the story that you have learned. Then, share
your story to the class.



The elements of literary texts are:

 Theme- is a central message or purpose of a story. The theme of a story

is the message or the lesson given by the story to its readers.
 Setting- tells where and when the story happens and how the story
 Characters (Heroes and Villains) - are the people or animated objects
that interact in the story.
 Plot- tells the order of events

Plot has three important parts:

1. Beginning- is where the characters and setting are

2. Middle- introduction of the problem or conflict, the high
point and the winding point
3. End- it is the conclusion of the story, the conflicts are
Day 2

Think and Tell

Picture clue and dialog

Let the pupils read the dialog orally.

Mark: I can make different figures out of sand.

Reiner: May I be of help to you?
Mark: See what Kuya and I make.
Jenny: What a long tunnel! What’s inside that?
Reiner: That’s our top secret.
Jasmine: I may build a sand tunnel just like yours.
Reiner: Okay, but you must be careful while building it.

Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences below then answer the questions that follow.

Mark can make a tunnel. Jasmine may build a tunnel.

I can make a sand castle. I may make a sand castle.

You can play with my dolls. You may play with my dolls.
Answer the following questions:

a. What Mother can do?

b. What Mark can do?
c. What Jasmine may build?
d. What she may use for drinking?
e. What are the modal verbs used in sentences?
f. When do we use can?
g. When do we use may?
h. What do these two modals express?

Try and Learn

Group 1

1. Look at the pictures below. The pictures are activities that a grade five can do in school.
2. Name other things that you can do in school.
3. Write your sentences on strips of colored paper.
4. Read the sentences in front of the class.

Group 2

1. The diagram is the activities a child in grade five may do at home.

2. Write sentences of other activities that you may do at home.
3. Write your answer on a manila paper.

may watch


Group 3

1. Look at the picture below.

2. Write two to three paragraphs using modal can and may about the activities the

children do.
3. Write your answer in a manila paper.

Do and Learn

Write sentences about the pictures using modals can or may.

___________________ ______________________
_________________________ _________________________

Learn Some More

Role Play
1. Group the class into 2.
2. Give each group enough time to make skit for role playing.
3. Present the play in front of the class.

Group 1
Your Lolo and Lola visit you at home. Tell them what you can do for them to make their visit a
pleasant one.

Group 2
Your playmates want to play with you. Tell them what activities all of you may do at home.

Talk About It

Distribute to the class strip of papers. The pupils will write on the strip of papers the answer
to each question. Call pupils to read his/her answer.

Listen to each question carefully then answers orally.

1. What can you do for mother today?
2. What may you do on a rainy day?
3. Who can always help us?
4. Who can give me a pet?
5. Who may play basketball?

Write About it

Write two to three paragraphs about the picture below using the modals can and may.


Modal verbs are used to express two different types of ability: open possibility,
generally expressed by forms of the modal verb can, and authority or
potential ability, generally expressed by forms of the modal verb may.


1. To talk about what you are able to do

2. To talk about a general possibility
3. To say that something is allowed

Day 3 May

1. It is used for permissions.

It is Tell
used to express probability or prediction.












Guide phrase in looking for the words.

a. group of words
b. not lacking anything
c. involving the arrangement of elements
d. characteristic to ordinary, casual or familiar use

Find Out and Learn

Read each pair of sentences. Take note of the differences between long/formal
expressions and short/informal expressions. Get a partner in reading the sentences.

Formal: May I introduce to you my teacher, Mrs. Dela Cruz?

Informal: Please meet my teacher, Mrs. Dela Cruz.

Formal: It was nice meeting you.

Informal: Nice meeting you!

Formal: Hi! I would like to join you this Saturday.

Informal: Hi! I’d like to join you this Saturday.

Formal: Was that not exciting?

Informal: Wasn’t that exciting?

 What did you notice in using formal and informal English in writing sentences?
 When should we use formal and informal English?
 How are you going to use formal and informal English
Try and Learn

Divide the class in 2 groups.

Group 1 is group of girls and group 2 will be group of boys.
Provide each group a chart for this activity.
Read the sentences in the strip of papers. Identify formal or informal English by posting
sentences in the correct column.


Formal Informal

I am afraid your child is experiencing difficulty. How do you do?

I’m tired of this junk. Your kid is making trouble.

One grows weary in these matters. What’s up?

He checked up on his account. The cost of living increased.

The cost of living went up. He investigated his account.

Do and Learn

Change informal sentences into formal English.

1. I wanna banana. _________________________________________.

2. What’s up? _______________________________________________.
3. Could you come to my party? _____________________________.
4. If you need any more info, just drop me a line. _________________.
5. I’m sorry for leaving your class. _____________________________.

Learn Some More

Work in pairs.
Prepare 10 strips of paper with formal and informal English then distribute to the class.
Pupils will place the strips of paper in the basket.

Formal English Informal English

I have to go now. I’ve got to go now.

I was hoping that you could write me a Could you write me a good story?
good story.
I would like to remind you that we will Don’t forget our meeting tomorrow.
have a meeting tomorrow.

She will meet you in the park. She’ll meet you in the park.

Please accept my apologies for I’m sorry for breaking the glass
breaking the glass window. window.

Read and Learn

Read the dialog below then do the activity that follow.

Jose: Dad, I would like you to meet Mr. Paz. He is Peter’s dad.
Mr. Paz, my dad. His name is Ruben.

Mr. Paz: Hi! I am Victor. Glad to meet you. Peter has been talking
about you.

Ruben: It is a pleasure to meet you too. Our sons seem to enjoy each
other’s company a lot. I am glad about that.

Mr. Paz: I know! I am too.

Rewrite the dialog by changing the underlined phrase using formal English into informal.

Write About It

Study the following table of expressions for greetings and responses to these, as well as for
saying goodbyes. Using the expressions, prepare a dialog with your seatmate.

Greetings Responses to Goodbyes

Hello! Hi!
So long! So long now!
Good morning/ Good morning/
afternoon/evening. afternoon/evening.

What’s new? Not a lot. Hope to see you again.

See you again!

What’s going on? Not much.
See you later!

Not bad. Nothing. It was nice seeing you.

How are you doing?
Fine, thanks. Nice meeting you.
I’ll see you soon.
What’s up? Nothing new.
See you tomorrow.

Talk About It

Practice saying the dialog with your seatmate until you can say it confidently and with ease.
Deliver your dialog before the class.

Answer the following questions.

1. What did you do with your seatmate?
2. How do you feel while doing the dialog?
3. What did you notice when you are using formal and informal English in a dialog?
4. What expressions do you prefer to use, formal or informal? Why?


Formal and Informal English

Formal English- is associated with written standard English. It is signalled

by complex, complete sentences, impersonality, and avoidance of colloquial
or slang vocabulary.


I am afraid I will not be able to attend the meeting on Thursday.

Informal English- is characterized by simpler grammatical structures (i.e.

loosely-connected sentences and phrases), personal expression and a
colloquial or slang vocabulary. In using informal, combining words will
require knowledge of contractions.

Sorry I can’t make it on Thursday.

Day 4

Think and Tell

Look at the pictures below then complete the sentences that follow.
The picture is about ___________________________________________.
I give gift to my ______________________ because__________________.

Find Out and Learn

Read the selection below.

Time for a Redo!

Sarah stared at the mess she had made on the floor. In her disappointment
she wanted to throw everything and forget what she was doing. She knew she
should have listened to her mother when she was explaining how to wrap presents.
It was her best friend Amy’s birthday and the party was in two hours. How would she
ever get the gifts to look nice before then? The boxes she had wrapped looked like
her two-year-old brother had wrapped them. Even the card she had written and
signed looked messy.
Sarah took a deep breath. As much as she wanted to wrap the gifts all by
herself, she swallowed her pride, but still undecided, called for her mother. When her
mother walked in she took one glance at the gifts and said, “Look like it’s time for a
With her mother’s help Sarah slowly rewrapped each present and retied each
bow listening carefully to each direction. Her mother even helped her remake the
card. Sarah rewrote the message and added sparkly stickers to the paper.
“Thanks, mom,” Sarah said. “I couldn’t have done this without you. I guess I
learned my lessons. I should have listened to you the first time. Thanks for helping
me redo everything.”
“No problem,” mom said. “All of us need a redo every now and then.”
When Sarah arrived at the party, she had the best-wrapped presents on the
table. “Thank you for the gift, Sarah. You are such an adorable friend,” Amy

Answer the questions:

1. Who was the girl in the selection?
2. What was Sarah doing?
3. Did she wrap the gift neatly?
4. What did Sarah and her mother do to make the gift looked good?
5. What did Sarah realize after her mother helped her?
6. Are you like Sarah? Do you also give gift to your friends?
Aside from giving gift to your friends, what other things can you do to show that you value
your friends?

Try and Learn

Group Activity
1. Group the class into 4.
2. Give each group activity card with directions on what to do with the activity.
3. Activity proper.

Group 1 Group 2
Word Meanings. Write the list word
Word Meanings. Choose from the
that means the same thing as each
word or phrase. list the word that opposite as each
word or phrase.
1. unfamiliar _____________
2. sad __________________ 1. commendable _____________
3. spread out ____________ 2. acceptable _______________
4. not needed ____________ 3. defendable _______________
5. discharge _____________ 4. formidable ________________
5. allowable _________________
-unnecessary -unhappy
-unload -unfold - hold -effortless
-unknown -deficient -forbidden

Group 3 Group 4
Write the correct word in the blank to
complete the sentences.
Write the base word of the 1. The survivors of the plane crush
were given _____ for their injuries.
following words.
2. The _____ of a housing project will
benefit many poor families.
1. rechargeable _______________ 3. Giving good education is the primary
2. repaint ____________________ concern of our _________.
3. reproduce _________________ 4. The noise grows louder as the
4. rewrite ___________________ crowd buzzes with ___________.
5. replacement _______________ 5. In the old days, flogging was a usual
form of _________________.
-development -government
-treatment -excitement
What does prefix re- means? -punishment
Do and Learn
Match the words with its meaning.
Answer A B

______ 1. again or back A. instalment, placement,

_ government, development

______ 2. not (opposite of B. measurable, delectable,

_ something) thinkable, knowledgeable

______ 3. state of being C. unpopular, unkind, unlucky,

_ unhappy, unknown

______ 4. capable or worthy of D. repeat, resend, reply, restart,

_ reboot

Learn Some More

Play the “Prefix Bingo”.

1. To play, divide the class into two groups.
2. The red group compose of girls and the blue group compose of boys.
3. Each group has one large Bingo board game with affixed words.
4. Teacher will read the meaning of the words and the students will mark the bingo card.
5. The goal is to get five words in a row (horizontal/vertical) to win.

Prefix BINGO! Prefix BINGO!

move- lovable astonish-
unkind restart passable unhappy rematch uncork recall
ment ment

treat- enjoy-
recall unfit uncork repaint unfold repaint unhappy tolerable
ment ment

enjoy- amaze- punish- predict- treat-

replace reset replace unable reapply
ment ment able able ment

excite- amaze-
lovable reapply unable tolerablepassable unkind reset

astonish- predict- move- punish-

unfold rematch rewrite ment able ment
ment able

-not happy
- to remember from the past
- capable of being endured -a game that is played by the same people
- it means not friendly -a feeling of pleasure
- a feeling of eager interest -a game that is played
-to be told or made unknown - adorable; easy to love
Read and Learn

Read the poem orally. Answer the questions that follow.

The Heart of a Tree

What does he plant who plants a tree?

He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free
That unfolds its beauty, towering high.
He plants a home to heaven a nigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy lovable twilight
The treble of heaven’s harmony-
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?

He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years those fade and flush regain;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest’s heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
The joy that unborn eyes shall see-
These things he plants who plants a tree.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the poem about?
2. What does a person really plant when he plants a tree?
3. What does the message the poem want to send to the readers?
4. In the poem, what words are having prefix or suffix?
5. What do these prefix or suffix mean

Write About It

Individual Activity/Group Activity

1. Call pupils to participate in this activity.

2. Distribute a manila paper where pupils will write their answer.
3. Pupils will think and write prefixes re- and un- and suffixes. Then they will pass the manila
paper to other pupils to write the base word. They will pass to the other pupils to write the
meaning of the words. Then lastly the other pupils will write sentences about the word with
prefix or suffix.

Words with Prefix Base Word Meaning Sentence


Prefix and Suffix

Prefix- is an affix placed before a root word or base word to form a new word.
When you add prefix to the root word, you change the word’s meaning.

 The prefix -un means “not” (unhappy), “opposite” (unwholesome); “to

reverse” or “undo the result of a specified action” (unbind); “to
release, free, or remove from” (untie).
 The prefix -re means “to do again” (retell)

Suffix- is an affix placed after a root word to form a new word.

 The suffix –ment means “state of being” (treatment); “result of n

action” (development)
 The suffix –able means “capable or worthy of” (lovable)

When you add prefix or suffix to the root word, you change the word’s meaning.
Day 5

Think and Tell

Look at the picture below then say something about it.

Find Out and Learn

Read the outline.


I. Birds and their shapes and sizes

A. The ostrich is the largest bird.
B. It can weigh more than 150 kg.
C. The smallest bird, the bee hummingbird, weighs 1.8 grams.

II. Birds and their wings

A. Hollow bones for lightness in the air and strong breasts for their wings.
B. Large birds can flap their wings slowly and float on air currents.
C. Small birds have to flap their wings harder to stay in the air.

III. Birds as parents

A. Most are busy parents to rear their young.
B. Some lay eggs in other bird’s nests for foster parents to rear.
C. Other birds bury their eggs in warm places and leave them.
Try and Learn

Group Activity

1. Group the class into 4.

2. Prepare an outline for each group.
3. Each group will write a paragraph based on the prepared outline.
Group 1- Outline 1- paragraph 1 and 2
Group 2- Outline 2- paragraph 1 and 2
4. Activity proper
Group 1

My Summer Vacation in Grandfather’s Farm

I. Farm animals having the time of their lives

A. Goats and cows grazing
B. Hens scratching for worms
C. Ducks swimming

II. Farmers enjoying an abundant harvest

A. Many sacks of rice
B. Huge turnout of eggs
C. Thousands of ears of corn
Group 2

Taking Care of Our Bodies

I. A healthy looking body doesn’t just happen

A. The human body needs rest and exercise
B. It also needs nourishment
C. A good deal of care

II. The body needs food

A. The body requires an adequate amount of basic
B. It also needs protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals.

Do and Learn

Study the outline below then write a three paragraph composition about it.

My Pet Goldfish

I. My pet goldfish
A. Its name is Hagrid
B. Its name is inspired by one of the characters from the movie Harry
C. It is golden orange with a silver belly

II. Why I like it

A. It was given by my aunt as a birthday gift
B. Hagrid is a very lively fish
C. Moves its tail during mealtimes
Learn Some More

Distribute to the pupils strips of paper with paragraph. Instruct the pupils to arrange the
paragraph based on the outline.

The Dutch The Dutch are people of Holland

They are serious and hardworking.

I. Dutch are people of Holland They are considered the cleanest people
A. Serious and hardworking in the world.
B. Considered the cleanest people in the
world The Dutch are fond of eating, drinking
C. Fond of eating, drinking and attending
and attending parties.
Have you seen a picture of a Dutch girl?
II. Clothes of Dutch children
A. Dutch girl wears big wooden shoes called She wears big wooden shoes called
Klompers Klompers
B. Women wear flowing skirts, white aprons
and stretched cloth caps Women wear flowing skirts, white aprons
C. Men wear baggy trousers and stretched cloth caps

Men wear baggy trousers

III. Dutch children
A. They are healthy for they drink plenty of Dutch children are healthy for they drink
plenty of milk and take big amounts of
B. They take big amounts of butter
C. Boys are trained to steer the boats and butter.
take charge of the windmill
D. Water sports are popular with the Dutch Boys are trained to steer the boats and
children take charge of the windmill.

Water sports are popular with the Dutch

Read and Learn

Read the outline below then complete the paragraph that follows.

I. Corregidor made history during the last World War
A. US Army made its last stand against the Japanese soldiers
B. Sacred with blood of Filipinos and Americans
C. Manuel Quezon before retreating to Australia established
government in the Corregidor

II. Corregidor is a national shrine

A. Open to the public
B. Can be reached by boat
C. Buses are take to take visitors in different place within the

Corregidor made history during the last World War.

______________________. Corregidor became sacred with the blood of Filipinos and
Americans who fought bravely against the Japanese.
_______________________________________. It is open to the public.
________________________________. Buses are ready to take visitors to the
different places on interest within the island.

Talk About It

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the paragraph about?
2. Why Corregidor became sacred?
3. What did Manuel L. Quezon establish in Corregidor?
4. What did he do after establishing a government in Corregidor?
5. Why Corregidor is considered national shrine?

Write About It

Read the outline below then write a two paragraph composition about it.

I. Earliest spices known to mankind
A. So expensive that a pound served as royal gift
B. Made as payment of taxes
C. Considered rich property

II. Pepper is a tropical vine

A. Bear fruits in four years
B. Produces heavily for fourteen years
C. Berries produce black pepper and ripe produce white pepper
Writing a Composition Based on an Outline

 A composition should start with the introduction, proceed with

the body and end with a conclusion.
 The introduction is going to present the topic you will be
discussing and give an overview of it.
 The body will elaborate on the topic
 The conclusion will summarize the important points and/or
leave a message for the readers to ponder on.
 In writing paragraph observe indention and punctuation.
 The outline is brief and may contain phrases or keywords, but
composition must make use of complete sentences. You may
also elaborate on ideas and add details.

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