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Railway station design

A train station, railway station, railroad station or depot is a railway facility or area
where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight or both. It generally consists
of at least one track-side platform and a station building (depot) providing such ancillary services
as ticket sales, waiting rooms and baggage/freight service.
Stations may be at ground level, underground or elevated. Connections may be available to
intersecting rail lines or other transport modes such as buses, trams or other rapid
transit systems. 

Why? Railway station design

The progressive nature is essential for a city to signify its potential to the modern world and in
order to do that it is important to first develop the transportation nodes of a city as they are first
introduced to the travelers and will translate the architecture of that area. Introduction of spaces
that will provide accommodation for a limited time for the travelers and will also provide
interactive spaces and leisure facilities as well as an organized system of traffic assessment.

Cruise Terminal is a small port complex, The strategic definition of a new cruise terminal had a
double objective: improvement of the commercial efficiency and a better urban integration.
That’s why the project integrates new buildings, berthing work and exterior spaces of public
vocation. The main building shelters several programmatic components: cruise ship terminal,
marina facilities, the Science and Technology Park of the Sea.

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