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1 Semester Term End Examination December 2018 B.Tech. Programmes (2018-19 session) Branch: EE & PPT Course Code: BT-PHY 1158 ‘Max Time: 3hrs, Course Title: Waves, Optics and Quantum Mechanics Max Marks: 70 Note: Question Number one (PART-|) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carries ‘two Marks). Question Numbers 2{two) to 5ifive) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice. PART -I Question No.a {a) What do you mean by transverse and longitudinal waves? {b) Explain superposition of two waves (c) State and give the expression for uncertainty principle. {d)Write down Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution. (e)What is Brewster's angle? {f)ExpainP-N junction, {g)Wrte an acronym for LASER, Who do you understand by coherence? PART-II Unite! Question No.2. Write down the differential equations for damped harmonic oscillator. Discuss all the three cases (i) over damping (il) under damping (ii) critically damped. (14) Or Question No. 2 (a) Derive Fresnel equations. (7) {b) Calculate reflection and transmission coefficient when plane wave is incident normally on air-glass interface. (7) Unit-tt Question No.3 What do you mean by diffraction? Derive an expression for maxima and minima in case of Fraunhoffer diffraction using single slit. (14)SS or Question No.3 (a) What are the properties of a laser? Explain construction and working of ruby laser. 7) (b) Explain Newton's ring experiment in detail. In a Newton’s ring experiment the diameter of the 15" ring was found to be 0.59 cm and that of the 5'* ring is 0.336 cm. Ifthe radius of curvature of the lens is 100 cm, find the wavelength of the light. (7) Unit-t Question No.4 Derive an expression for time independent Schrodinger equation. (7) or Question No. 4 Derive wave function using delta function potential V=~a5(x). (14) Unitv Question No.5 (a) What do you mean by quantum free electron theory of metals? Write down its applications also. (7) (b) Calculate density of states in three dimensions. (7) or Question No.5 What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors? Derive an expression for electrons concentration in case of intrinsic semiconductors. (14) Tue aka Serer . ea et ae ANY I sich wire - (0° Seencter ech) erro rraFtown(T) Msn catngE cen KCF wren} ‘chmeupeaont (EMAMY ane pratmsae - Ino mer Se ewteenal sie et meek or de 1 That : 7 ‘Scams Lnlinagres Sark oreo sete ea 7 ab NN 2S Peete FE sgl Lore ansaid mai aI, 7 : - Speere paz ~ mca Yio othbens mtv aaah allen Lar Al inte FSI st reve core redid ‘ 7 x eRe amc vives! salt ov agri capa oe \Sdrcranh ions oA "aiming (RT eee thse alsintres nesont . - 4valinowescecots| em iL anatoneyecl | + ig mead xin edi nee isitvantn ney enlarger ermioateroniege NS - ji « a 2) petemi - Hemet “ re ‘endear SP ape 6 pean "em aarel te oh ncney ee Als lend Ah ire mani PA stavegriegron corset shan Ms wg oP ie ee nw cal thos orp sayin Ar GR 9 RIS esta Wir HT-SVS AAI (I, ba brea i ue mo kc Ar rene NMEA ETE AUT IER NANAIMO Jw Pon aACuaNCA ~ ser06 Noster be dae orf irae ax yor na pM Nm ge . . : = AAA Het Seiaesattovn ELL AOC 1 vata miracary 2h Dat ae aw 9001 Le NOameevUrt renin ahaa eee ev a aa Nyame * Sm Comirateliy eamthemagieatrest rHstt Ader hArcs Hi Om J THis weve wana be yn at 1, ay sure rl nomampge UL anN Cocaine” Hats Bes emeritorcare tev8lh Fe sso a . OPES eed itu rom a an as Central University of Haryana W/V Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech. Programmes Branch: All branch (1"" year) Course Code: BT BEE 103A Max Time: 3hrs Course Title: Basic Electrical Engineering ‘Max Marks: 70 Instructions: Question Number one (PART-I)is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carry two Marks) Question Numbers 2(two) to Sifive) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice, PART -I Question No.1 Write short note on: (a) Name of active and passive elements (b) Define resonance condition of ac circuit. (©) Explain double revolving field theory. (@) Explain the role of commutator in a DC machine. (©) Draw the experimental diagram of Open and Short CKT test of TF. (f) Ns=120f/p than drive the equation f, = sf. (g) Explain the relationship between frequency with eddy current and hysteresis loss. PART-II Unit Question No.2 (a) State and explain superposition theorem how is it applied for solving a network? ” Question No.2 (b) Two batteries A and B are connected in parallel and a load of 10 ohm is connected across their terminals. A has an e.m.f of 12 V and an internal resistance of 2ohm; B has an e.m.f of 8V and an internal resistance of ! ohm. Use Kirchhoff’s laws to determine the Value and direction of the external resistance. Also determine the potential difference across the external resistance. a” Or Question No.2 (a) Explain with mathematical expression of maximum power transfer theorem? a” Question No.2 (b) Calculate current in 2 ohm resistor in the network shown in Figure using ‘Thevenin’s theorem. ” Unita Question No.3 (a) With the help of mathematical expression explain the shunt resonance in ac circuit? M Question No.3 (b) A coil having an inductance of 50 mH and resistance of 10 ohm is connected in series with 25 microfarad capacitor across a 200V, 50 Hz ac supply. Calculate Resonance frequency of the circuit Current flowing at resonance and Value of Qo by using given data a” Or Question No.3 Explain with mathematical expression of power consumed in a pure resistive, inductive and capacitive load. ; (14) Uniti Question No.4 (a) How many type of single phase induction motor. Explain in brief oniy split type single phase LM. oO Question No.4 (b) Explain the torque-slip and torque-speed curve of 3-phase IM: ” Or Question No.4 (a) Explain the relationship between torque and armature current in de machine? Draw the characteristic of DC series motor. 0) Question No.4 (b) With the help of copper and core losses drive the maximum efficiency condition in Transformer - 0) Unit-1v Question No.5 Explain different type of Wires and Cables with reference to their field of application, advantage and disadvantages. (4) Or Question No.5 Lxplain the switch fuse, miniature circuit breaker and earth leakage circuit breaker. . (14) Central University of Haryana (ODD Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech. Programmes Branch: CSE Course Code: BT MAT 111A ‘Max Time: 3 Hours Course Title: Mathematics 1 Max Marks: 70 Instructions: Question Number one (PART-D is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carries two Marks). Question Numbers 2(tw0) to 5(five) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice PART -I Q.No.I (a) 11 3 Find sum and product of eigenvalues of 1 5 1). 3.11 (b) 8 1 3 6 FindtherankofA=]0 3 2 2 -8 -1 -3 4. (©) Show that any square matrix A can be written as the sum of a symmetric matrix B and skew-symmetric matrix C. 0 2b ab (a) Determine a, b, ¢ so that A is orthogonal, where A © Evaluate the integral fo Fay © testie{2 2)ana[? ¥ F Test iff A i 3] axe similar matrices (a) Find a value of x such that the vectors (1,3,5), (2,—1,3) and (4,21) are linearly dependent. PART -IL Q. No.2 (a) Solve by calculating the inverse by elementary row operations xtytz+u=0 xtytz-us4 xty-ztu x-ytztua2 (b) Reduce A to Echelon form and to its row canonical form where 13 -1 2 _lo um -5 3 A=)2 5 3 1 4 11 5 Hence find the rank of A OR Q. No.2 (a) Find the non-singular matrices P and Q such that the normal form of A is PAQ where 1 1 2 1. 2 3 |. Hence find its rank. 0 -1. (b) Solve Bx 3y+22=1 x+2y=4 Oy + 32 =-2 2x —3y-2=5 16 1 Q.No.3(a) Find the modai matrix of A = [: 2 i) hence find A. 0 0 3. (©) Find the characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of the matrix 0 014 -1201 1024 10-1 0. OR 12 - Q.No 3(a) Diagonalize A=]2 1 =. 1-1 ~2. (©) Using Gram- Schmidt process to construct an orthogonal set of basis vectors for the given vectors 1 2 2 Be EF 1, a —4, Q. Nod (a) Express sinx as an nth degree Taylor's polynomial at x = m/6 with Lagrange’s form of remainder. (©) Find the asymptodes of the curve x3 + 3x2y — 4y? x+y 43 =0, oR Q. No 4 (a) Find the volume of the solid formed by the revolution about y — axis the plane area bounded by the straight lines y = x + 2,y = 2x — 1 and outside of the Parabola y = x2, (byProve that @ 1 [ Teas | Var i Q. No.5(a) Which of the given vectors are linearly dependent? For those which are, express ‘one vector as a linear combination of the rest, 1110), (023), (123), [000 "Bako de 26 9 (©) Show that the vectors a = (1,0,1),b = (1,2,1),¢ = (0,~3,2) form a basis for R’. OR QNo.5(a) Find T(x, y), where the linear map T: R? —> R? is defined by T(1,2) = (3,-1and TA) = 2,1). 123 (b) State rank-nullity theorem and illustrate it on a transformation matrix i 4 (| 11 3. Central University of Haryana 1 Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech. Programmes Branch: EE and PPT Course Code: BT ME 106A Max Time: 2 hrs. Course Title; Workshop/Manufacturing Practices ‘Max. Marks 50 Instructions: Question Number one (PART-I) is compulsory and carries total 10 marks (Each sub Question carries ‘two Marks). Question Numbers 2{two) to S(five) carry TEN marks each with internal choice. PART -I Q.No.1 fa) Explain at least two characteristics of NC and CNC. (b) Define lathe chucks, Reaming, (c) Define Rolling, Wire Drawing. (d) What are different types of casting defects? Explain any two. (e) ‘What is punching? What is main difference between punching and blanking? PART-II Q.No.2 Howcan you specify a lathe? Explain various types of operations performed on a lathe machine. OR Q.No.2 Explain injection moulding and compression moul ig with neat sketches. Q.No.3. What is Extrusion? What are different types of Extrusion process? Show with diagrams. OR Q.No.3. Enlist various hot working and cold working processes. Compare hot working and cold working processes indicating advantages and disadvantages of each. Q.No.4. Describe the type of flames obtained in oxy ~acetylene gas welding process. Also give their application. OR Q.No.4 How is an obtained in arc welding? How do you specify an electric arc welding power source? Explain, Q.No.5 Describe the various kinds of patterns in use. What are the allowances provided when making a pattern? ‘oR Q.No.5. List five typical components produced by the casting process. 1 Pk gee a0 ateme set ret kt Sed GME TH cain meat i, meh sae eM pecan Rete iat AF trnancd ustiumy are un pa etree ne Ut se Fealaiptna © CRAM Rese roast msl ; Hahn aw SENET Aaah SPT lo pelt ronnie ARR , i-m9 t "Sys FATIH DE Recanucintasinen vir cvmlias uinhges duh aA ol emma! porate a aaah aTaN ArT aNrT ut i hillln ab eld eLiei iment Sldbahesicaseiian aaa Co ‘monte a Hes - “ate teu ratentiens as Sem ican vn NW thoes! i : rn : ~ ae r : Fi Savane He, genre maar eS Lge oecarer Oran GR = Chet - 7 "svat we enna Mr eee Stare hans . coe) ESM ber ertnevtre hromaakt AIGA enh omental mF eatimniae| caged aT Dio kaw taed Re engjonec dance sibs bamy Maho Sete tA mi | ae eee AN TINH RN neem net reasoner amy es © pesrie[? 2] ana [53] re simitar matrices. (g)_ Finda value of x such that the vectors (1,3,5), (2, ~1,3) and (4,%, 1) are Jinearly dependent, PART-II Q. No.2 (a) Solve by calculating the inverse by elementary row operations xtytz+us0 x-y+ztus2 (b) Reduce A to Echelon form and to its row canonical form where 13 -12 _|o m -5 3 Aig 5 3 1 4 11 5. Hence find the rank of A. OR Q. No.2 (a) Find the non-singular matrices P and Q such that the normal form of A is PAQ where 11 2 A=]1 2 3 |. Hence find its rank. -1 -1 (b) Solve 3x +3y+22=1 x42y loy + 3z 2x~3y 161 Q. No.3(a) Find the modal matrix of A = [: 2 a hence find A®. 0 0 3. (b) Find the characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of the matrix 0 01 4 1 2'0 1 AO Qin 10 -1 0. 2 Q.No 3(a) Diagonalize 4 -f 1 1-4 (©) Using Gram- Schmidt process to construct an orthogonal set of basis vectors for the given vectors 1 2 2 EOE 1 2 =4. Q. Nod (a) Express sinx as an nth degree Taylor's polynomial at x = 71/6 with Lagrange’s form of remainder. (b) Find the asymptodes of the curve x3 + 3x2y — 4y3 —x ty +3 =0. OR Q. No .4 (a) Find the volume of the solid formed by the revolution about y — axis the plane area bounded by the straight lines y = x + 2, y = 2x — 1 and outside of the parabola y = x?, (b)Prove that 1 2 a" Al es dx x f dx =—— { VG =x) o Ja+x4) a2 Q. No.5(a) Which of the given vectors are linearly dependent? For those which are, express ‘one vector as a linear combination of the rest. i. [110}, [023], [123], (000) “Bib de 2G g (b) Show that the vectors a = (1,0, -1), b = (1,2,1), (0,3, 2) form a basis for R or ear map 7: R2 > R? is defined by 70.2) = 3, Q.No.5(a) Find T(x, y). where the Ti TOA) = (2,1). 123 and illustrate it on a transformation matrix: [ 4 ‘ 113) (b) State rank-nullity theorem Central University of Haryana ODD Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech. Programmes Branch: €€/PPT sT CSE 1044 : Programming for Problem Solving. Max Marks: 70 Instructions: ‘Question Number one (PART-I) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carries two Marks). Question Numbers 2(two) to 5(five) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice. Q.No.t (a)Pointers (b) Data Types (c)string (4) Conditional opertators (e) 20 and 3D Array (f) Switch Case (g) Draw flowchart to find largest number among 3 numbers. (2) What is a Computer? Briefly explain about Components of a computer systern?(10) (b) What is the use of .h (header files) in programming? (4) oR Q. No.2 (a)Difference between Flowchart and a program? (4) (b) Differentiate between Low, High and Machine languages? With their advantages and disadvantages? (10) Q.No3 (2) Whatis a function? Write a program using function in C language? (8) (b) Explain the Calling techniques used in C:language to call a function? (6) OR Q.No3 (a) Write a program using loop to print table of any given number? (8) {(b) what is recursion? Write a program to explain the concept of recursion? (6) Q. Noa (a) write a program explaining the concept of Loops in C language? (10) {(b) what is Nested if-else? Write a program to support your answer. (4) OR Q.No.4 {a) what is an Union? Advantages of using Union in Programming. {b) What is structure? Write a program using structure for mathematical functions? Q.Nos (a) Write Algorithm and Program for linear Search with output? (10) (b)difference between bubble and quick sort ? (4) oR Q.. No.5 (a) Write a program for binary Search?(8) (b) Explain Sorting techniques ? in detail(6) > at eters on epee! ta . a GAD ae \ ' PEL et ake a SUSE TO cates atin - Wi rolleta oaa : SA vies ep, oo “PRE ine ms lesen rie (LOREM aes remeniey F c an et SSR Metso gp ates Rael nach gs wel ffm estima agp 5 : 2g 7 1 - Wolk aS aug Ere aL meets ‘ Soe eegaemevteret Cyt wink Be Yn) servic wv a | a 2 Semmens = ‘ ‘Thaw (A Saptiapes Jam cri ‘eri Tere LURAY Ney od aaWYLA | {At cepee'ies at agminsil “ial ho ene, wv Z 721 Shscnoat ware rsa exp on al gr ert tj) 5 19) Sousesscesor pres gr ion Noe AINE STAs e frente $91 cmp 1m rin. 09 Fa = eh Rr “temas Praeger , oa Sone) ebay) romsk Os Shri Tn imate eh o “ere tts 9p tee aj ead ae? Sn NSSIT Stevo tw mane acted re ermal i “PF leor eager espana sana ansntltal | ; 7 Faaee : . Dae reed nieropagnng meg (57) x - - FS mcomnE ok Tamtaae pba PRL times I) - eit - Central University of Haryana /l/V Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech. Programmes Branch: All branch (1* year) Course Code: BT BEE 1034 Max Time: 3hrs Course Title: Basic Electrical Engineering Max Marks: 70 Instructions: Question Number one (PART!) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carry two Marks) Question Numbers 2{two) to 5(five) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice. PART -I Question No.1 Write short note on: (a) Define of KVL and KCL. (b) Difference b/w turn ratio and transformation ratio on T/F. (©) Explain loop and branch in electrical network. (d) DC series motor always runs ........ load condition. (e) Explain the importance of power factor in AC networks. () Explain the slip, frequency and cycle. (g) Explain the main role of earthling. PART-II Unit Question No.2 (a) Find the current I) and Ia in the passive elements of the network shown in Figure 1. Mm Fig 4 Question No.2 (b) Derive the equation of Delta-star and star-delta transformation. (7) or Question No.2 (a) Explain step by step Thevenin,s theorem. o) Question No.2 (b) A bridge network ABCD is arranged as follows: resistance between terminal A-B; B-C; C-D; D-A and B-D are 10,30,15,20 and 40 ohm respectively. A 2 volt battery of negligible internal resistance is connected between terminal A and C. Determine the value and direction of the current in 40 ohm resistor by applying Thevenin theorem. (7) Unit. Question No.3 (a) Explain and drive the expiration of the flowing terms: (Average and mean value (ji) effective value or R.MS value (ii) from factor and peak factor MO Question No.3 (b) An alternating current is given by the expression i=S0sin628t. Determine @) maximum value of currents(ii) 15m, value of current; (ii) frequency of current; (iv) value of current after t=0-00625 second and (v) time taken by the current to reach a value of 20 A. O) Or Question No.3 (a). Explain with mathematical expression of R-L-C series dircuit and brief’ description about its resonance conditions. (4) Unita Question No.4 (a) What is a D.C machine? Drive the EMF equation of DIC machine. (7) Question No.4 (b) Explain the N-ls, T-Ie and N-T'characteristic8 Of Séries d.c motor. (7) Or Question No.4 (a) What is a transformer? Explain its e.m.f equation and maximum efficiency condition. aM Question No.4 (b) Explain the operational principle and rotor e.m.f equation of induction motor. ™ Question No.5 What is earthing? What are the various methods of earthing? Explain pipe earthing (4) Or Question No.5 Explain the different type of batteries and important Characteristic of batteries. (a4) V Central University of Haryana ODD Semester Term End Examinatio B.Tech, Programmes Branch: Civil & CSE Dec. 2018 Course Code: BT HUM 1014 Max Time:3hrs, Course le: English Language Skills Max Marks:70 Instructions: Question Number one (PART-1) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carries two Marks). Question Numbers 2(two) to 5(five) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice PART -I Q.No.1 (a)Make two sentences with the verb pattern SVOO (b) Define phrase with an example (©)Write the structure of Past Perfect Continuous tense with two examples. (Define Salutation in a letter (e)Form type I conditional sent ces: i. IE ___pass the exam. ifmy sister____, T__ be very excited. (QVocabs i. Proselytization ii Topography (g)Differentiate an essay and Paragraph PART-II Unit o.2A. Fill in the blanks: 7 . The price of these jeans (is/are) reasonable. ii, Each of the students (is/are) responsible for doing his or her work. iii. Mary and John usually (plays/play) together. iv, She often___ (go, goes) to the Cinema because she loves movie v. The poor (is, are) suffering. Vi .One of the books (has/have) been missing, vii. Gold, as well as platinum, (has, have) recently risen in price. B. Write Effective Presentation Skills, 7 OR Q.No.2A. Write why humanities are necessary for Engineering Professionals B. Write the structure of past tense of all branches with two examples of each. Unit Q.No.3. A. Write the meaning of following words used in prescribed texts: 1 i Anxiety ii Pariah iti Encomiums iv Cloistered vSequel vi Sagacious vii, Elixir B. Make a Paragraph out of Jumbles: 1 ‘A. By reasoning, we mean the mental process of drawing an inference from two or more statements or going from the inference to the statements, which yield that inference. B, So logical reasoning covers those types of questions, which imply drawing an inference from the problems. C. Logie means if'we take its original meaning, the science of valid reasoning, D. Clearly, for understanding arguments and for drawing the inference correctly, itis necessary that we should understand the statements first. A) ACBD. B) CABD. asco D) DBCA. OR Q. No3.A. Write/define one Word Substitution of following: A study of ancient thing ‘A great lover of books A collection of flags iv A language of @ region with its own way v Dunce viElegy _viilllegible B. Write the meaning of following idioms and use them in sentences: i Fabian policy Doozy ii Feather in one’s cap iv The gift of the gab vIn Dribs and Drab vi Achilles Hee! vii A Herculean task Unit Q..NoA. Change Active Voice into Passive: - 7 a.1am drinking tea. __b, He will help you. ¢. Do you imitate others? 4. Isaw him conducting the rehearsal. «. Have the box broken. {He teaches us Grammar. g. Work hard, Q.No «4 B. Define the types of sentences on the basis of structure with two examples of each. g OR Q.No 4A. Form Type 2 & Type 3 Conditional sentences: alfl (to g0) to the multiplex, I______(to watch) a Hindi film. b.lfl (¢o reach) home first, I _(to make) dinner. c.Ifwe (¢o visit) Milan, we (to shop) for cloths. 4.Ifwe (to win) the lotery, we (to tour) Europe. e. If Alan, (to ask) me, J (to send) the book. flfyou {to add) corn to the salad, it {to taste) much better. g. If the weather (to be) nice, we (to play) outside. B, Define the types of dependent clauses with at least two examples of each. Unit-IV Q. No.3A. How Nirad Chaudhry reveals the general character of Englishmen in this essay. How are these different from the makeup of a typical Indian? 7 B, Write an essay on Social Media/Cyberspace and Internet: Blessing or curse to human civilization in the long run. @ OR Q.No.S. A. What according to Russell is Intellectual Rubbish? How can we throw it out of ‘our minds? B. Write @ letter to the Editor of the Hindustan Times drawing attention of the ‘government officials to the problem of unavailability of a bus stop near your colony. _- ok Sem oat owns _ am eke mia, ne a sme PH Taha aH 5 fies Vo astimsunsoer ome rust wetter seul» Unies eeepc ales BEA eirill = eee Te om & A191 iol ital 5 brit era! Fe . 7 ‘nett lasctiows Semone oka eG ony, tum ke soa owns wrt 2S eel Seria! amped iat ik Ton atte Mts wate +4 = 5 pa 9 SANA FL ma ‘ore andre pes hf qT ape nash ok yoeeaaon to 2 sEver Me ‘Tehnaste e a0 amuse gute nateAlil "Vo ool tw! tn HY _ ue sme iy ein i> al ai neaeseigh* ‘ ; pe tee i - 3 F : ; o ha ise r a 7 : ae Central University of Haryana ODD Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech. Programmes Branch: Common for all branches except CSE Course Code: BT MAT 112A ‘Max Time: 3 Hours Course Title: Mathematics 2 Max Marks: Instructions: Question Number one (PART-1) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carries two Marks). Question Numbers 2(two) to 5(five) carry fourteen marks each with intemal choice. PART -I QNo.1 @ fi 2 4 1f4=2|2 1 b| is orthogonal, find a, b,c. 2 -2 ¢. (b) 8 1 3 6 Find the rank of A =| 0 3 2 2 -8 -1 -3 4 2, 25 Tt hao (©) Discuss the convergence of the series @ Develop sin) in half range cosine series in (0, 1). 80: army (©) Evaluate the integral f- (Write a short note on the physical significance of Divergence. (g) Ifa vector function F has constant direction, show that PART-II 114 3 Q.No.2 (a) Find a matrix P which transforms the matrix (: 5 i to its diagonal form. Hence calculate A* add (b) Using Cayley-Hamilton theorem, find the inverse «| 1 3 =} ead, = OR Q. No.2 (a) Find the characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of the matrix oo1f a|-1. 201 A=l ao ad 10 -1 0 (b) Find e4 and e**, and show by direct differentiation that dfe“*V/at = Ae", given 0 0 af 0 that econ cour on ke i O) n(log(n))? ne (b) Find a Fourier series for the function defined by -1, for =n * : os * , saps Siew aif eaipin = : 7 . fetal ener che aaah loowbeecst appa ax Fo ys i fatten i - 2 ci i t RSITY OF HARYANA JANT-PALI MAHENDERGARH 1 Semester Re Appear Examination Dec. 2018 ‘ech. (All branches) CENTRAL UNIVE) Course Code: BT HUM ~ 101 Course Title: Communication Skills-1 Duration: 3hrs Max.Marks.70 Instructions: Question Number one (PART-1) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question two Marks). Question Number 2(two) to 5(five) carries fourteen marks each with internal choice. PARTI Q.1 Attempt all the questions given below: What do you understand by appreciative listening? Write the introductory speech. What is the meaning of skimming? ‘What do you mean by group discussion? Write the disadvantages of speaking from memory. ‘What do you mean by note- taking? Write the acronyms of PFA and RSVP. Tx2=14 ammoos> PART-II Unit-l Q2 A. Define communication its process and flow of communication. (7) B, Write the review of any educational movie. ” or ‘A. Write the biography of a well-known figure. B. Write the structure of perfect and perfect continuous future tense with two examples of each. Unit-I1 Q.3. A. Comment on Bhagvat Gita ‘Effective leadership’ skills. a B, What are the difference between public speech and conversation? 0) or A: Write critical summary of the poem ‘I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou B. What do you understand by telephonic skills? Discuss the proper etiquette while making or receiving a telephonic call Unit-I1 Q.4 A Write antonyms of the following words: a. Ugly b, Unique © Universal 4. Nadir ¢ Hostile £. Ample g, Salient ” B. Describe the difference between Skimming and Scanning. a Or ‘A. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to make readable passage (@)love / of others / good manners / and / win the / respect (b) when / best / they can / one is / be learnt / young (saves us / tums away / soft answer / anger and /a/ a pitfall /from many (A)who is / stranger / respectful / a person / even / like (c) sure / im life / they / passport / are a/ for success (® inventions / armed / which are /has / miracles / science / man with / not less than () deadly weapons / but / science has / of warfare / also given / man Q.4 B. What do you understand by email communication? Describe the advantages of email communication. Unit-IV Q.5 Write an essay on ‘Clean India Campaign’ (14) Or Q.5.Define interview its various types and vite techniques for a Successful Job Interview Central University of Haryana ODD Semester Term End Examination Dec 2018 B.Tech, Programmes Branch: All Branches (Reappear) Course Code: BT EIT 106 Max Time: 3hrs Course Title: Essentials of Information Technology and Computer Programming M, Mu: 70 marks Instructions: Question Number one (PART-I) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub Question carries (wo Marks). Question Numbers 2(0wo) to 5(five) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice: Part-I TH=14 }. What is an Operating System? What are its Functions? 2. What is sottware? What are different types of software? 3. What do you mean by °C’ Identifier? Give an example. 4. What are different File operations? 5. List the String functions in C. 6. What is error handling? 7. What are bitwise operators? Part-I 287=14 2, a, What are input and output devices? Explain any five input devices in detail b. Write an algorithm for searching an element in the array. OR texplain compiler, assembler, linker and loader. State their relationships b. What is computer? And explain the basic elements ofa computer system What is topology? Explain different types of topologies. What is m-commerce and e-commerce and differentiate them. OR What is internet? Explain internet addressing in detail. Explain working of e-mail and fp. 4. a. Explain the various looping constructs. Give an example for each and explain the working of the construct. b. What is recursion? Write a program to print factorial of a given number using recursion. OR 4. Write a program to check whether @ number is prime or nol bh What are String literals? Write @ program to check if @ given sirng is palindrome of not?(A string aon are ds sare whether you read it from forward or backward is called a palindrome sting. (ex NAMAN)). Page 1of2 . eat Toe use tea re 20 od pm 1 hal won f ypumaeee EEE Succes he Bl Pimentel vase Kk ota End wivenskyo T Boyer NE lnm eum Ha SR Re HN ach rier nig paearmemreaiEAL ome & m HN shag re sre eres 1 be : “ther - Voaeeti Saar Pell NNT aie Ayriowes | pect nite Seuecidess coer! terditie ty eb! en mr! : eae eer sin 1. placed : LAC arnt gies | + Hutte verrrier aie - - Wemyss ah belle = la “ey - 4 fener RAMPS ALVES e+ ening pega dome ros emt’ > : co «beer tay putea sch lets erate om as ay ' AE FRY r Tees RE taser Hye ee mittens sy wee -Arasens Amen Porat ae AT Has. 2, Yaya * oo . = Sep Ti eee esata Deri a STAN TerUreef Dre seem Ashe wy erin yet fiw - amd oom HY Pere a Aad Bate Pore pe sete SoM ei at eu Re Geet Wer y heey gare a strep A pes Cag oat al a aoe 5. a, Define a structure called Book that would contain book name, and price of book. Write a program to read the details of 10 books with the help of a pointer. b, Differentiate between C and C++ oR 2, Differentiate between Structure and union with example. b. What is File Handling? Explain various file operations with the help of aC program. Page 2 of 2 Central University of Haryana 1°" semester Re-appear Examination Dec 2018 B. Tech Programmes (2017-2018) Course Code ~ BT VEY 110 Max. Marks 70 Course Title - Value Education and Yoga Max. Time ~ 3 Hrs Part-1 Question No. 1 (a) Write merits of Value Education. (b) Define Hatha Yoga (c) State significance of a Peaceful Environment, (d) Explain “Sow a thought reap a character”, (e) How Meditation leads to greater concentration? (f) Define Dhyana Yoga. (g) Define Karma Yoga. Part -2 Question No. 2 (a) How Karma yoga can lead to stress management via working in a detached mode of consciousness or (b) Explain the effect moral practices and ethnic sociat traditions on an individual psychological development. Question No. 3 (a) How regulated habits via Dhyana yoga leads to time management and art of harnessing mind power or (b) How good association and reading of good literature related to value education leads to self- improvement and mental development. Question No. 4 (a) Define Meditation and how it leads to relaxed state of alertness. or (b) How cultivating god consciousness via buddhi yoga leads to the perfection of habits as defined in the revealed scriptures? Question No. 5 (a) What is Surya Namaskar? Define the importance of each pose? or (b) Explain the role of value education in transfor \g bad habits to good habits. recip by iia teva . ANS seta AS Hino cacormer "d - ener earn! i: 7 restate ane a SUL YO Fe ested xem ‘ 20h E -omer ona FR Nee pA STS = ST mr) Coma ti net oUF aad ra ative ei {| : ; AepsiT rat i otha NSLS VND AUTASRSAY GeFcr acrerlN ogre | | apeaayla'G GE1 HEL dren” crake [0] OTA sey ool ercsitHoeh® arc? Int - t — ee a SP ener mes | 7 = ee Taner Herein fat : 7 / Fy 14S aC petemat ctmocotus device Pee tte, mpeg ever fai} ze eetirsyntirmns To, atom 7 ; Vela: caro} ba cg phat rained byrne ene : _Pimenrgcbavek insiantont cm 4 ft EOP Molen # . smi es don np slg worn tink. giisew ss! i a 7 ‘ove mieten ee empties emerenrtiortn bon wait [dt ~~ “Arrow ba Tepes delas emery Mos blest reid Ca We LG9E tonite smth "yaa rcs ta sn nile! dal fs eayhombyacy sate Dherak Pee ee tne et, ewer) * a eee aatanieenias 2 . 7 : 5 aft ate Central University of Haryana I Semester Term End Examination Dec. 2018 B.Tech. Programmes (All Branches) (For Reappears) Course Code: BT ECH 104 Max Marks: 70 Course Title: Engineering Chemistry-1 Max Time: 3 hrs Instructions: Question Number 1 (one) (PART-1) is compulsory and carries total 14 marks (Each sub question carries two marks). Question Numbers 2 (two) to 5 (five) carry fourteen marks each with internal choice PART -I Question No.1 (a) What do you mean by second order reaction? Q) (b) How can you prevent the process of corrosion? @) (c) Define Photochemical reactions. Q) (2) (@) What is carbocation? (e) How can you find out the presence of carbohydrates in a given sample?) (f) What is the principle of TGA? Q (g) Explain the process of interstate crossing briefly? Q) PART-II Unit-I Question No.2 Derive the velocity constant for the second order reaction when the concentration of the reactant is same. a4) Or Question No.2 Explain Galvanic & concentration cell corrosion in details. a4) Unit-H Question No.3 Explain various processes occurs during & photochemical reaction with the help ofa neat Jablonski diagram. a4) Or Question No.3 (a) With the help of neat diagram, explain the phase diagram of one component a4) system (water system). VY Question No.4 (a) Describe the nucleophilic substitution reaction. Explain its types with mechanism in detail. (14) Or Question No.4 Write various tests for determining the presence of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. (4) Unit-IV Question No.5 What do you understand by CFSE? Predict the CFSE value for d and d! systems in octahedral environment. (4) Or Question No:5 What is TGA. Explain in detail. 4)

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