CASE Study 335 25 September Asychronous Class

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Is Rajat in needs of Remedial Training?

Rajat Sharma has been employed for six months in the accounts section of a large
manufacturing company in Faridabad. You have been his supervisor for the past three
months. Recently you have been asked by the management to find out the contributions of
each employee in the Accounts Section and monitor carefully whether they are meeting the
standards set by you.

A few days back you have completed your formal investigation and with the exception of
Rajat, all seem to be meeting the targets set by you. Along with numerous errors, Rajat’s
work is characterized by low performance – often he does 20 percent less than the other
clerks in the department. As you look into Rajat’s performance review sheets again, you
begin to wonder whether some sort of remedial training is needed for people like him.


1. As Rajat’s supervisor how will you analyse Rajat’s poor performance.

First I will check whether he has achieved his goal/target. And check his quality of work and
compare it with his colleagues. Note where in his report that support is inadequate.

2. If you find Rajat has been inadequately trained, how do you go about introducing a
remedial training programme?

Ask him about additional resources he thinks that needed. Later I will verify the claims with
my own investigation. Its common that people will often blame external sources for their
poor performance before admitting their own fault. I will explore with him whether he has the
actual skills required to do what's expected.

3. If he has been with the company six months, what kind of remedial programme would be

Provide him with online seminars, online computer training sessions, develop his technical
knowledge and maybe reduce his responsibility as its been only 6 months in his new job.

4. Should you supervise him more closely? Can you do this without making it obvious to him
and his co-workers?

Yes, it is necessary for closer observation. I can ask him to send me a report of his daily

5. Should you discuss the situation with Rajat?

Its important for him to know about his poor performance. So it gives him an opportunity to
improve his work. And puts extra effort in completing his job.

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