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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

© CATALooK Page 1 of 390 1/29/2009

CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Welcome to the CATALooK.netStore documentation guide- a single document to aid

Store Administrators and Customer/Vendors to fully utilize this powerful e-commerce

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 11
ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE READER OF THIS MANUAL ........................................................... 11
TERMINOLOGY....................................................................................................................................... 12
A NOTE ABOUT YOUR PURCHASE .................................................................................................... 12
...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
ISSUES / BUGS DNN4.6.0......................................................................................................................... 12
IMPORTANT NOTES: ............................................................................................................................. 12
BEFORE YOU INSTALL ......................................................................................................................... 15
EASY START ............................................................................................................................................. 15
QUICK START .......................................................................................................................................... 16
INSTALLING CATALOOK.NETSTORE .............................................................................................. 16
UPLOADING THE CATALOOK PRIVATE ASSEMBLIES ............................................................................... 16
USING THE CATALOOK.NETSTORE DNN PORTAL TEMPLATE ................................................................ 18
Use the portal Wizard from the admin menu to install one of the templates on an existing portal..... 20
Use Host -> Portals to create a new Portal Using a Template .......................................................... 25
Setup redirection for the HelpDesk and Feedback pages ................................................................... 27
CUSTOM STORE PORTAL CREATION / INTEGRATION................................................................................. 28
MODULES ................................................................................................................................................. 28
MODULE AND FOLDER SECURITY ............................................................................................................. 32
UPLOAD CATALOOK.NETSTORE EMAIL TEMPLATE PACKAGES ............................................................. 34
UPLOAD/INSTALL CATALOOK.NETSTORE SKINS .................................................................................... 34
SELECT A CATALOOK.NETSTORE SKIN................................................................................................... 34
LOCALIZE YOUR PORTAL .......................................................................................................................... 35
Set the Store Language ....................................................................................................................... 35
Modify the CATALooK extended language settings to change the culture properties (e.g. rate of
exchange, currency symbol)................................................................................................................ 36
Add your language to the portal via: Host -> Languages:................................................................. 37
Options of module CAT_LangSwitcher............................................................................................... 39
Localized images................................................................................................................................. 40
Localize product descriptions (legacy method) .................................................................................. 41
Language localization for selected parameters of categories, products, product attributes, options
and product configurations e.g.: Name, Description etc. ................................................................... 41
DNN and CATALooK Language Packages......................................................................................... 41
DNN Language Editor, Create DNN Language Packages, Upload DNN Language Packages....................... 41
Edit Language Resources (Translations)............................................................................................ 43
SETUP ALL MODULES ................................................................................................................................ 43
VIEWING MODULE HELP FOR THE STORE ADMINISTRATOR ..................................................................... 44

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USER REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................................ 44

PORTAL START PAGE ............................................................................................................................... 44
STORE NAME ............................................................................................................................................ 44
MODULE CAT_CART ................................................................................................................................ 44
AND CHANGE THE ORDER OF THE FIELDS .................................................................................................. 45
Setup Profile Properties...................................................................................................................... 45
Use Profile Property Fields on the Bill-To-Address page of the CAT_Cart module .......................... 45
Add Bill-To-Address profile properties to the email templates....................................................................... 46
Use Profile Property Fields on the Ship-To-Address page of the CAT_Cart module......................... 46
Add Ship-To-Address profile properties to the email templates ..................................................................... 46
MODULE SKINNING .................................................................................................................................. 48
Upload skins ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Note (on view mode selector): ............................................................................................................ 48
Modify existing and create new skins to change the style and layout of the modules and the style and
layout of the module containers .......................................................................................................... 49
HTML / ASCX Skinning .............................................................................................................................. 49
XML Skinning ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Properties of controls used on module CAT_ItemPaneNF ............................................................................. 57
Properties of controls used on module CAT_Cart........................................................................................... 61
Hidden Fields .................................................................................................................................................. 62
(Select: ‘Edit Skin’ from the module action menu to change the skin files) ................................................... 62
Hide controls or parts of the skins................................................................................................................... 62
CATALooK module containers ...................................................................................................................... 64
To Remove DNN Containers:............................................................................................................ 65
Remove or activate the CATALooK Containers: .............................................................................. 65
Container HTML Skinning .......................................................................................................................... 67
Edit Style Sheet ............................................................................................................................................. 68
Create Skin Packages.................................................................................................................................... 68
Change the background and fit the style of the SolPart menu in module CAT_MenuNF to your DNN menu
control ............................................................................................................................................................. 68
CREATING USER HELP .............................................................................................................................. 69
PRODUCT STOCK IMAGES ......................................................................................................................... 71
DNN SKIN AND CONTAINER UPLOAD ...................................................................................................... 71
Container installation (CAT01.ZIP) ................................................................................................... 71
Skin installation (CAT01.ZIP)............................................................................................................. 71
5. Correct white space problem of Design2 skin............................................................................................. 72
CATEGORIES AND PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................... 72
Create and edit categories and products ............................................................................................ 72
Create a sample product and categories ............................................................................................ 73
MODIFY THE START PAGE OF MODULE CAT_ITEMPANENF ..................................................................... 79
Module CAT_MenuNF........................................................................................................................ 83
MODIFY THE HEADER AND FOOTER TEMPLATES OF ALL RECEIPTS ............................................................ 87
E-MAIL CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... 88
PORTAL, MODULE AND SKIN PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION ............................................. 89
THE CACHE ............................................................................................................................................... 89
SERVER CACHE ........................................................................................................................................ 89
HOST SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 89
VIEWSTATE .............................................................................................................................................. 89
DNN CACHE ............................................................................................................................................ 90
COMPRESSION AND WHITESPACE FILTER ................................................................................................. 90

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MODULE CACHE ....................................................................................................................................... 90

CATALOOK SKINS .................................................................................................................................. 90
DOTNETNUKE VERSION ........................................................................................................................... 91
DNN SKINS .............................................................................................................................................. 91
IMAGES AND MEDIA FILES ........................................................................................................................ 91
PRICES ...................................................................................................................................................... 91
WEB.CONFIG ............................................................................................................................................ 91
FRIENDLY URL’S ..................................................................................................................................... 91
DNN AND CATALOOK MENU ................................................................................................................. 92
PRICE AGENT ........................................................................................................................................... 92
MODULES ................................................................................................................................................. 92
CATEGORIES ............................................................................................................................................. 92
DNN SCHEDULER..................................................................................................................................... 92
LOGGING .................................................................................................................................................. 92
STORE MAIN PAGE ................................................................................................................................... 92
MODULE CATALOOKSTORE ................................................................................................................... 93
INTRODUCTION)..................................................................................................................................... 93
Subscription package example: .......................................................................................................... 95
Configurable product example: .......................................................................................................... 95
BUNDLED PRODUCTS.......................................................................................................................... 116
RENTABLE PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................................... 128
CUSTOMIZATION OF LOCALIZED UI CONTROL TEXTS.............................................................................. 137
TICKETS .................................................................................................................................................. 138
SETUP THE SEARCH MODULE CAT_SEARCHNF FOR RENTABLE ITEMS ................................................... 138
AUCTION TYPE 1 PRODUCT EXAMPLE:........................................................................................ 144
CUSTOMIZATION OF MODULE CAT_PRODUCTS ..................................................................................... 144
INVENTORY OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 149
COMMISSION SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 151
SETUP THE FEEDBACK MODULE.............................................................................................................. 151
REGISTER A TEST VENDOR ACCOUNT AND CREATE A NEW PRODUCT ...................................................... 153
APPROVE LISTING .................................................................................................................................. 160
PRODUCT APPEARANCE .......................................................................................................................... 160
BUYER 1 SENDS FIRST PURCHASE REQUEST FOR THIS AUCTION ITEM ...................................................... 163
BUYER 3 SENDS PURCHASE REQUEST ...................................................................................................... 166
MANAGE ORDERS / PURCHASE REQUESTS ............................................................................................... 170
STEPS AFTER AN AUCTION IS FINISHED ................................................................................................... 176
USE FINISHED AUCTIONS AS TEMPLATE FOR NEW AUCTION ITEMS .......................................................... 179
SEARCH FOR AUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 181
MODULE CAT_CUSTOMERS ............................................................................................................. 182
ADD AND EDIT CUSTOMERS ................................................................................................................... 182
Edit Referee....................................................................................................................................... 182
Export Customers ............................................................................................................................. 182
Payment types/terms ......................................................................................................................... 182
Delete Customers .............................................................................................................................. 183
Import ............................................................................................................................................... 183

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MODULE CAT_EMAILBLOCKLIST.................................................................................................. 183

ADD/EDIT THE EMAIL BLOCK LIST ........................................................................................................ 183
PRODUCT OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 183
TEXT OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 183
Option Selection Surcharges............................................................................................................. 184
Option Selection Weights.................................................................................................................. 184
Option Calculator Control................................................................................................................ 184
SUBSCRIPTIONS.................................................................................................................................... 186
PAYPAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 187
Recurring billing FAQ's.................................................................................................................... 188
Subscription / Recurring Billing Example 1 ..................................................................................... 188
Subscription / Recurring billing example 2 ...................................................................................... 189
Email Notification Information..................................................................................................................... 191
Subscription / Recurring example 3.................................................................................................. 192
Setup user selectable rebilling periods (Auto-ship option) and discounts for Auto-ship items and
different rebilling periods ................................................................................................................. 195
EXPORT PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................ 197
PRICING................................................................................................................................................... 198
TAX / VAT ............................................................................................................................................. 199
Module CAT_Zones: Location and product or vendor specific taxes............................................... 199
Module CAT_Zones: Location based taxes....................................................................................... 199
DOWNLOAD - OPTION AFTER SALE OF SOFTWARE................................................................. 200
DELETE PRODUCTS, CATEGORIES AND CUSTOMERS............................................................. 200
PRICE UPDATE/PRICE AGENT.......................................................................................................... 201
PRODUCT IMAGES ............................................................................................................................... 201
FREIGHT CHARGES............................................................................................................................. 201
.................................................................................................................................................................... 201
CAT_MENUNF, CAT_SEARCHNF ........................................................................................................ 201
CAT_SEARCHNF ................................................................................................................................... 201
SETUP THE FRAMES ................................................................................................................................ 202
Display of Products........................................................................................................................... 203
PRODUCT VIEW ( MODULE CAT_ITEMPANENF)........................................................................ 203
DISPLAY OF PRODUCTS .......................................................................................................................... 203
Catalog function: Transform CATALooK.netStore from a shopping cart application to a web
based product catalog (Useable for Normal and Subscription items).............................................. 204
MODULE CAT_REFERRALS............................................................................................................... 204
AFFILIATE REFERRALS ........................................................................................................................... 204

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MODULE CAT_LOYALTYPOINTS .................................................................................................... 207
LOYALTY POINTS ................................................................................................................................... 207
GIFT CARDS ........................................................................................................................................... 209
COUPON CODES .................................................................................................................................... 210
AMOUNT) DISCOUNT (OPTIONAL: WHEN HE BUYS FOR MORE THEN Z): ................................................... 210
EXAMPLE 3: SETUP A PRODUCT RELATED COUPON CODE........................................................................ 211
APPLY A COUPON CODE VIA LINK TO A PRODUCT.................................................................................... 211
DISCOUNTS............................................................................................................................................. 212
MODULE CAT_SEARCHNF................................................................................................................. 212
SEARCHING ............................................................................................................................................ 212
MODULE CAT_EMAILADVERTISEMENT ...................................................................................... 212
EMAIL ADVERTISEMENT......................................................................................................................... 212
MODULE CAT_CART ........................................................................................................................... 213
URL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................................. 213
Cart Page Numbers........................................................................................................................... 213
UCanUse integration ........................................................................................................................ 213
Instant Order Link (Add products to the cart with a link)................................................................. 213
SHOPPING CART ..................................................................................................................................... 215
MODULE CAT_STORESETTINGS (STORE ADMINISTRATOR)................................................. 215
SETUP PAYMENT TYPES/TERMS .............................................................................................................. 215
ENABLE THE EVENT LOGGING FOR THE INTERNAL PAYMENT GATEWAYS ............................................... 215
SETTINGS FOR PAYMENT BY PAYPAL WEBSITE STANDARD ................................................................... 216
Test and use Google Checkout .......................... 217
SETTINGS FOR PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD ............................................................................................ 218
Credit Card Security ......................................................................................................................... 218
Test and use of the Protx VSP Direct payment gateway interface ....................... 223
Test and use of the Protx VSP Server payment gateway interface....................... 225
Test and use of the Protx VSP Form payment gateway interface........................ 228
Test and use of the payment gateway interface (Credit Card
and eCheck)...................................................................................................................................... 230
Test and use of the Automated Recurring Billing™ (ARB)
payment gateway interface............................................................................................................... 231
Test and use of the eProcessing payment interface ....................... 231
Test and use of the Beanstream payment gateway interface......................... 232
Test and use of the Cardia payment gateway interface ......................................... 232
Test and use of the National Australia Bank payment gateway interface. 232
Test and use of the NAB gateway interface ........................................................ 233
Test and use of the WorldPay / FuturePay payment gateway interface ............. 233
Test and use of the maltapay payment gateway interface .............................. 234

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Test and use of the Payflow Link

payment gateway interface............................................................................................................... 235
Test and use of the PayPal PayFlow Pro (PayPal Website Payments Pro UK) gateway..................................... 235
Test and use of the paymate payment gateway interface............................ 236
Test and use of the Banca Sella / GestPay gateway payment gateway interface....... 236
Test and use of the PayPal Website Payments Pro US payment gateway interface ........... 236
Test and use of the PBSfuzion (dankort) payment gateway interface................. 238
Test and use of the QPay payment gateway interface............................................. 238
Test and use of the PayGate payment gateway interface........................ 238
Test and use of the TWYP E-Commerce payment gateway interface....................... 239
Test and use of the Waterfront payment gateway interface............... 240
Test and use of the Waterfront silent payment gateway interface (Select
any other server to server payment gateway as main gateway) ...................................................... 240
Test and use of the CCAvenue payment gateway interface.................. 240
Test and use of the CCAvenue India payment gateway interface........................ 241
Test and use of the Secure Hosting payment gateway interface .. 241
Test and use of the ePDQ Barclaycard Business, Barclays Bank PLC
payment gateway interface............................................................................................................... 241
Test and use of the AsiaPay / PayDollarClientPost gateway interface
.......................................................................................................................................................... 242
Test and use of the AsiaPay / PayDollarDirectClient gateway interface
.......................................................................................................................................................... 242
Test and use of the Commonwealth Bank Of Australia gateway
interface ............................................................................................................................................ 243
Test and use of the Ogone iDeal payment gateway interface.................................... 243
Test and use of the eWAY gateway interface...................................................... 244
Test and use of the Internet Secure gateway interface.............................. 244
Test and use of the iVeryLite gateway interface ................................. 245
Test and use of the Innovative gateway interface ............................. 245
Test and use of the Westpac Web Advantage gateway interface....... 245
Test and use of the Wannafind gateway interface ............................................. 246
Test and use of the Conviator gateway interface ............................................. 246
Test and use of the iDeal payment gateway interface ................................................. 247
Test and use of the Samport HOSTED payment gateway interface (Credit Card)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 247
Test and use of the Payworks payment gateway interface ...................... 248
Test and use of the Wirecard............................................................................................................. 249
Test and use of the Netcash gateway interface ..................................... 249
Test and use of the ANZ eGate (Bank Hosted model) gateway interface...... 250
Test and use of the ANZ eGate (Merchant Hosted model) gateway interface251
Test and use of the SecurePay payment gateway interface ................. 251
Test and use of the DIBS (Payment Window) gateway interface.... 252
Test and use of the Banamex 3-Party (Bank Hosted model / Redirect method) gateway interface ................................................................................... 253
Test and use of the Banamex 3-Party (Merchant Hosted model) gateway
interface............................................................................................................................................ 253
Test and use of the DPS WIPS PLUS paymentexpress PX Pay Hosted Payments
gateway interface.............................................................................................................................. 254
Test and use of the Realex gateway interface ..................................... 254
Test and use of the AlliedWallet QuickPay gateway interface ........ 255

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Test and use of the Netaxept Basic Netaxept Pro gateway interface........ 255
Test and use of the IP Payments gateway interface ............................... 256
Test and use of the SoEasyPay gateway interface........................................ 256
Test and use of the PayJunction Trinity gateway interface ...................... 256
Test and use of the GoEmerchant payment gateway interface (Credit Card)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 257
Test and use of the CHASE Paymentech Orbital gateway interface . 257
Test and use of the 2Checkout payment gateway interface (Credit Card).... 258
Test the .netCHARGE credit card interface .netECOMMERCE of CATALooK.netStore on your local
system (localhost) with a trial of the .netCHARGE control. ............................................................. 259
Add support for payment processors that are not listed ................................................................... 259
ONLINE CURRENCY CONVERTER ............................................................................................................ 260
DATABASE SYNCHRONIZATION BETWEEN PORTALS................................................................................ 260
The synchronization is realized by default under the consideration of these fields (UnitCost and
BulkPriceLimit Fields are not included): ....................................................................................... 261
Add / remove fields from sync ........................................................................................................... 262
SETUP THE MODULE CAT_MENUNF...................................................................................................... 267
DATA IMPORT......................................................................................................................................... 267
Import (bulk upload) of products and categories.............................................................................. 267
Errors ............................................................................................................................................................ 268
Import of products, categories, orders etc. via Web-Service......................................................................... 270
Import of products, categories and customer data from CATALooK Import Module .................................. 270
Fields of customer import database............................................................................................................... 270
STOCK IMAGES ....................................................................................................................................... 271
TOP AND BOTTOM TEMPLATE OF FORMS ............................................................................................... 271
PRICE AGENT SERVER TIMEOUT PROBLEM .............................................................................................. 272
LICENSE KEY.......................................................................................................................................... 272
SETUP MODULE CAT_CART .................................................................................................................. 272
FUNCTIONS OF SECTION: SKINS .............................................................................................................. 272
ONLINE PACKAGE TRACKING ................................................................................................................. 273
CALCULATION OF TRANSPORT COSTS ..................................................................................................... 273
Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS) ...................... 274
Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 276
Custom Shipping Rates (module: CAT_ShippingRates; CATALooK.netStore -> Shipping Rates) .. 277
Real-time rate / track and advanced custom rating system (requires the .netSHIP control) ........ 281
Custom Rates with .netSHIP (module: CAT_ShippingRates; CATALooK.netStore -> Shipping Rates)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 284
The following countries are supported shipping destinations: ......................................................... 288
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 291
MODULE CAT_MENUNF (PRODUCT MENU)................................................................................. 292
NAVIGATION MENU ................................................................................................................................ 292
DISPLAY OF CATEGORIES ....................................................................................................................... 292
APPEARANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 293
Additional properties of the SOLPARTCONTROL........................................................................... 293
Additional properties with defaults of the TREECONTROL............................................................. 295
MODULE CAT_VENDORACCOUNT (VENDOR ACCOUNTS) ..................................................... 296
THIS IS THE CONTENT OF NOTIFICATION E-MAILS TO VENDORS: ............................................................. 296
FUNCTIONS IN FORM ORDERDETAILS .................................................................................................... 298

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EXPORT ORDERS .................................................................................................................................... 299

QuickBooks Export ........................................................................................................................... 299
SPECIAL FIELDS ...................................................................................................................................... 303
COMBINE/ GROUP ORDERS ..................................................................................................................... 303
VENDORS ............................................................................................................................................... 303
MODULE CAT_ZONES ......................................................................................................................... 303
DRM (DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT) PROVIDER ................................................................ 304
DRMNETWORKS WWW.DRMNETWORKS.NET ......................................................................................... 304
.NETCHARGE AND .NETSHIP ............................................................................................................ 305
.NETCHARGE INTEGRATION ................................................................................................................. 305
SETTINGS (MODULE CAT_STORESETTINGS) .......................................................................................... 308
(MODULE CAT_STORESETTINGS) .......................................................................................................... 310
.NETSHIP INTEGRATION ......................................................................................................................... 310
ONLINE CURRENCY CONVERTER .................................................................................................. 312
UPDATE ................................................................................................................................................... 312
REINSTALLATION................................................................................................................................ 314
DEINSTALLATION................................................................................................................................ 314
CUSTOMIZING EMAIL RECEIPT HEADER INFORMATION ..................................................... 314
AFFILIATE STORE) .............................................................................................................................. 314
.................................................................................................................................................................... 315
SELECT OPTIONS FROM THE PRODUCT DETAIL PAGE................................................................................ 315

.................................................................................................................................................................... 315
DEVELOPER DOCUMENTATION...................................................................................................... 315
REBUILD (RECOMPILE)........................................................................................................................... 315
FAQ'S ........................................................................................................................................................ 317
TROUBLE SHOOTING FAQ’S............................................................................................................. 320
SQL SCRIPTS .......................................................................................................................................... 324
INSTEAD OF #1........................................................................................................................................ 327
CONFIGURE THE ORDER ID TO START AT A PARTICULAR ID................................................................... 328
REMOVE ALL NON DESPATCH DATES AND NON DELIVERY DATES ........................................................ 331
IT’S USING THE OLD PRICE. ..................................................................................................................... 332

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KEY FEATURE LIST V05.08.01 ........................................................................................................... 334

RELEASE HISTORY AND NOTES ...................................................................................................... 351
V05.08.01 .............................................................................................................................................. 351
V05.04.09 / V05.05.00........................................................................................................................... 354
V05.04.07 / V05.04.08........................................................................................................................... 354
V05.04.05 / V05.04.06........................................................................................................................... 355
V05.04.04 .............................................................................................................................................. 355
V05.04.01 .............................................................................................................................................. 358
V05.04.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 359
V05.03.09 .............................................................................................................................................. 361
V05.03.08 .............................................................................................................................................. 361
V05.03.07 .............................................................................................................................................. 361
V05.01.00/05.02.00 ............................................................................................................................... 362
V03.59.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 363
V03.57.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 363
V03.53.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 365
V03.50.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 367
V03.47.00............................................................................................................................................... 372
V03.46.00............................................................................................................................................... 374
V03.45.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 375
V03.44.00............................................................................................................................................... 377
V03.43.00............................................................................................................................................... 378
V03.42.00............................................................................................................................................... 381
V03.36.00 DNN2 ................................................................................................................................... 384
V03.34.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 385
V03.35.00............................................................................................................................................... 386

THIRD PARTY CONTRIBUTIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................. 388

OF COMMUNITY WWW.TODODNN.ES )......................................................................................... 388
- SPANISH LANGUAGE PACKAGE.................................................................................................... 388
LICENCE AGREEMENT....................................................................................................................... 389
ONLINE CURRENCY CONVERTER BY TEXTOR.......................................................................... 390
TELERIK RADCONTROLS.................................................................................................................. 390

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Use this guide as a single source document to understand all of the features available in Catalook Store.
You can browse specific sections according to your current issue or follow our Scenario Guides for
learning how CataLook Store operates in the e-commerce world.
Please also visit our CATALooK.netStore Forum page.

Important Note: This document includes more than 100 screen shots. There is a delay before all
images will be displayed.

Assumptions about the reader of this manual

This manual will guide the user through the installation and administration of CATALooK.netStore for
DotNetNuke. It is assumed that the reader of this document is familiar with the installation and use of
DotNetNuke and further familiar with the terminology associated with DotNetNuke which includes:

• Portals
• Private Assemblies
• Uploading files
• Roles (Host, Admin, User, etc.)
• URL’s
• Domains
• Containers
• Skins and Skinning

This manual also assumes that the reader has installed DotNetNuke either on his/her local computer or
on a server system. References to the physical location of the DotNetNuke installation will be referred
to as the "server" in both cases and the base folder of the DotNetNuke will be referred to as "root".

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Throughout the remainder of the manual DotNetNuke will be referred to as DNN, its widely accepted
acronym. Since this manual was written there are four versions of DNN. Version 1 and 2 are likely to
not be used very much since the release of Version 3 and 4; the latest revisions 4.3.2 and 3.3.2 are
currently the last production releases.
As this manual is being written, DNN is undergoing a major new release. In this release (3.3.2 / 4.3.2),
some of the terminology within DNN is also changing. These terminology differences are fully
documented in information available for DNN 3.3.2 / 4.3.2 and we will not go into detail concerning
the differences in this document. We will however be using the newer terminology in this document.

A Note about Your Purchase

If you have purchased this product, you will get your license codes and login information for our
download page immediately by e-mail. All documentation is based on CATALooK.netStore Pro &
Booking Tools (former: CATALooK.netStore & Renting). If you have purchased CATALooK.netStore
Standard it is possible that some features discussed in this document are not available in your package.
The trial/demo version of CATALooK.netStore includes all features except the restrictions described
below. We don't have different demo versions for CATALooK.netStore Standard and
CATALooK.netStore & Renting. For the specific differences between these versions, please consider
the feature list in this document.

CATALooK.netStore runs in Demo mode with the following restrictions:

• You cannot edit the CATALooK skin files. If you install and select other CATALooK skins
only the css will change, but not the layout.
• You cannot edit the email templates.
• All Credit Card payment gateway and the UPS and USPS interfaces run in test mode. PayPal
will use the PayPal sandbox.
• After the expired date the Add To Cart function is blocked.

Issues / Bugs DNN4.6.0

see also:

Important Notes:
• Problem: The AJAX animation just spins and the page hangs after e.g. the 'Add To Cart'
command. Solution: If DNN runs on Windows Server 2008 / IIS7, set the application pool
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for the DotNetNuke web site to 'Classic' managed pipeline mode or turn off the 'Enable
AJAX?' option on module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings).
• The CATALooK.netStore package includes the trial versions of the following RadControl
DLLs: RadAjax.Net2.dll, RadCalendar.Net2.dll, RadGrid.Net2.dll, RadInput.Net2.dll,
RadMenu.Net2.dll and RadComboBox.Net2.dll. The trial version of the controls is fully
functional for an unlimited period of time. The difference between the trial and the
purchased (developer) version is that the trial version will randomly display a copyright
message, advising the user that he is using a trial version. This message will not be
displayed if the trial version dll’s are used by the CATALooK.netStore modules, but if
you already use another module/skin with Telerik controls where the full versions
(developer versions) of the dll’s are included, you will need to re-install it to replace the
trial version dll’s by the full version dll’s. This way if you have a developer version in
another module, it will not be broken.
• DNN4.7.0, 4.8.0, 4.8.1, 4.8.2, 4.8.3 etc.: A bug in the DNN installer of the latest DNN
versions can cause timeout problems in installing the module: CAT_Modules if you have
portals with a lot of pages and modules.
Error message: Server Error in '/' Application. Thread was being aborted.
Here you can find a fix:
You could also perform the instructions from the next point to fix timeout issues.
If it doesn’t help, you must unzip the module: CAT_Modules, copy and paste the
CAT_Modules folder two or more times, split the dnn module definitions file:
CAT_Modules.dnn from each folder (delete the parts which are already included in the
dnn files of the other folders), create ZIP files of each and upload them separately. You
don't need to remove any files from the folders before you create the ZIP files even if there
are no references to the files in the changed dnn files. Also you don’t need to change the
folder and ZIP file names. You can also request the divided modules by email from . Please include the number of the currently used CATALooK
version in your request. Or find the divided modules for this CATALooK.netStore version
in folder: \MSP.
• If you get any errors while uploading pa-modules or importing and exporting products,
orders etc., this may be caused by a slow internet connection or your provider has limited the
maximum amount of time for a script to execute. To fix this, you can use also the ftp method to
install the modules: Ftp the 3 pa-module files to /Install/Module folder and then give a
command at the /Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources or Host -> Module Definitions ->
Available Modules -> Select Modules -> Install Selected Modules, or perform the steps below

o Change this line in your web.config: <forms name=".DOTNETNUKE" protection="All"

cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="60" /> to <forms name=".DOTNETNUKE"
protection="All" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="600000" />
o Add green marked parameter to the httpRuntime section of the web.config and change
the red marked parameters: <httpRuntime useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true"
maxRequestLength="2097151" requestLengthDiskThreshold="50000"
executionTimeout="9000" />
o Here you can find more information: Timeout Error

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• If the following error will be displayed if you try to upload store portal template files or any
other files via Host -> File Manager or Admin -> File Manager you must perform a File Sync:
Host or Admin -> File Manager -> Synchronize Files (with and w/o activated ‘Recursive’
option). Error Message:
Error: Upload File is currently unavailable.
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object. At
DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.FileSystem.WebUpload.cmdAdd_Click(Object sender,
EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---#...
• DNN4.7.0 only: The host file manager is not working in this version. Files and folders do
not show up, and you can not upload files. Therefore you must ftp one of the store portal
template files from folder \StorePortalTemplates into the Host Root folder:
• If the following error appears on uploading the CATALooK.netStore store portal
template files: 'The File ...\Portals\_default\CATALooKnetStoreDNN.template Is A
Restricted File Type. Valid File Types Include ( *. swf, *.jpg, ...). Please Contact Your
Hosting Provider ...' you must add 'template' to Host -> Host Settings -> Other Settings ->
File Upload Extensions.
• Please don't place the module catalookstore on any PAGE. This module is obsolete and contains
frames. It is still in the package because it installs and updates the database. Please use all
frameless modules instead as you can see at: (CAT_SearchNF,
CAT_MenuNF, CAT_ItemPaneNF, CAT_LangSwitcher and CAT_DashBoard).
• Use the pa-modules for a clean installation or to update versions from v03.50.00 forward.
Ensure that no version < 03.50.00 is installed (Host -> Module Definitions ->
CATALooKStore -> Version). If you try to update a version before the v03.50.00 it will
delete and reinstall the complete CATALooK.netStore database!
• Remove all modules except the CATALooKStore and CAT_StoreSettings modules if you
have already installed a demo version < v3.55 (Host -> Module Definitions -> Delete
module) before you start the installation of this version. This is not necessary if your
current version number is > 3.54.

• We received some support requests in the past that the following error appears: ‘site can not be
loaded’ if one moves the mouse pointer over the solpart menu while the page is being loaded.
This is caused by a bug in older DNN skins. Here you can find more information: Please add: DelaySubmenuLoad="True" to the
solpart properties. Don't use the DelaySubmenuLoad="1" as described in this post. All included
DNN skins and the solpart menu control of module CAT_MenuNF already include this
property and will work well. (fixed since DNN3)

• Don't change the default value for module cache time of the CATALooK modules. If there
is a value > 0, the page will be loaded from the cache also if there is a redirection and the URL
was changed. DNN only checks if the tabid was changed in the URL but not if there is a new
parameter e.g. 'productid' if you click on a product in the list to display the product detail page.
This happens all the time for non authenticated users and not so often if you are logged in.
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Select 'Settings' from the module menu, go to: 'Page Settings' -> 'Basic Settings' and set 'Cache
Time (secs):' = 0.
• If the thumbnail images are not displayed in the product lists of module
CAT_ItemPaneNF and CAT_DashBoard, check if the compression options in the
performance section of the Host Settings page are turned on. If yes, you must enter a list of
excluded Mime Types (e.g.: image/gif, image/jpeg etc.) into field: 'Excluded Mime Types:'
(Host -> Host Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Compression Settings -> Excluded Mime
Types:) and click on the 'Update' link button in this section.
If Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> SSL Settings -> options: [SSL Enabled?]
and [SSL Enforced?] are turned on, calls to the thumbnail generator will be rejected by DNN.
To fix this, use any other SSL module for DNN e.g. the SSL manager from Tom Thorp or turn
off the [Secure?] option for all DNN pages with CAT_ItemPaneNF and CAT_DashBoard
modules or instead of selecting a file, select ‘URL’ from the [Link Type] selectors and enter the
full URL to the image files. Since the v05.06.00 images will be automatically displayed with
the URL if the [SSL Enforced?] option is turned on for for pages with the CAT_ItemPaneNF,
CAT_DashBoard and CAT_Cart modules. But this could slow down your site if there are large
image files.
• DNN4.5.3 and 4.5.5 only: Don't use the following function: Admin -> Pages -> Add New
Page -> Copy From Page. This will result in many problems.

Before You Install

Before you install CATALooK.netStore for the use in your production system consideration must be
given to how you plan to integrate CATALooK.netStore into your existing page; if any.
CATALooK.netStore offers the capability to create a complete store portal from scratch through the
use of the CATALook.netStore portal template or manually. Portal templates are a new feature since
DNN 3 which makes it possible to create a complete portal through the use of pre defined templates. If
you have an existing portal, you can apply one of the templates via Admin -> Site Wizard. This manual
will guide you through each type of installation.


To understand CATALooK.netStore you first need to understand the basic principals of how a
shopping cart system works and its operations. Using a shopping cart involves several aspects,
however it is most important to know that a shopping cart offers e-commerce facilities to your website
through a software program. Catalook is a very powerful shopping cart program that will allow you to
configure your website to have these facilities. Your website will be configured with
CATALooK.netStore to accept payments, arrange freight, bill your clients and provide you with the
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necessary reports you need to run your online business.

There are many more options you can choose to set up once you become more familiar with
CATALooK.netStore, but let’s first look at the essential elements you must work with to configure
your shopping cart.

Quick Start
Below you can find a summary of the mandatory installation steps:

1. Login as Host and install the 3 main modules: CAT_Modules.ZIP, CAT_StoreSettings.ZIP and
CATALooKStore.ZIP via Host -> Module Definitions -> Install New Module.
2. Add 'template' to Host -> Host Settings -> Other Settings -> File Upload Extensions.
3. Perform a File Sync: Host -> File Manager -> Select: Synchronize Files (with and w/o activated
‘Recursive’ option).
4. Host -> File Manager -> Upload -> select one of the store portal template files in folder:
\StorePortalTemplates -> upload to Host Root. Apply this template to the portal via Admin ->
Site Wizard. Use one of the ..._NoSkin / ..._NoSkin_NoContainer templates if you want to use
your own DNN skin / container. Otherwise you must install the included skin / container
package and the skin objects before you apply the template. Please find the installation
instructions in the Install.txt files from folder: \DNN_SkinPackages and \DNN_Containers.
5. Load and select a different CATALooK.netStore skin that suits nearly all DNN skins: Select:
CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings -> Skins -> browse to: \CATALooK_SkinPackages ->
select 'blue-neutral.ZIP' -> upload -> select this skin from the [Skin] selector -> click on
[Update Store Settings]
6. Select: CATALooK.netStore -> Categories -> add a category.
7. Select: CATALooK.netStore -> Products -> add a product (Please find more information in
chapter: ‘Categories and Products’).
8. Start selling

Installing CATALooK.netStore

Uploading the CATALook Private Assemblies

CATALooK.netStore consists of an integrated set of DNN private assemblies. When you execute the
CATALooK install procedure (msi file) you will be given the option to specify the install location
otherwise the default location (C:\Program Files\ CATSTORE5xx_DNN4xx_PA) will be used. (Note:
This will only unzip the software in the specified folder. No software will be installed on your

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After you have extracted the package into the same folder your complete installation should resemble
the structure in the following diagram:

Within the folder PA-Modules you will find the individual CATALooK PA modules as follows:

Your list may be different depending on the CATALooK.netStore package you purchased however this
list of Zip files represents the modules that will need to be uploaded to your server from within DNN.

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Follow the menu path Host->Module Definitions. At the bottom of the pane or in the module menu you
will find ‘Install New Module’:

Clicking on this item (since DNN4 it is named to: ‘Install New Module’) will open the form which
allows you to select the modules to upload. Select each module in the PA-Modules directory. This will
begin the process of uploading all of the assemblies and make the modules available to be used in your
portal. Note: the CAT_Module zip will install 22 modules with separate definitions

Once the upload is complete, a history of each step of the upload process will be displayed.

You can also ftp the pa-module files to <root>/Install/Module folder, and then give a command at the
<root>/Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources or Host -> Module Definitions -> Available Modules -> Select
Modules -> Install Selected Modules.

Important Note: Review this list to ensure that the upload has been completed properly. If you see any
items listed in Red you should note this information and contact CATALooK support at for additional help with the problem encountered.

You can find more free pa-modules in folder: \PA-Modules_2 and on this web page:

Creating a Store Portal or adding the Store Pages and Modules to an existing Portal Using the
CATALooK.netStore DNN Portal Template
Please Note: You can find several DNN skins and skin objects in folder \DNN_SkinPackages. The
DNN container package is located in folder in folder \DNN_Containers. Please follow the instructions
in the install.txt and readme.txt files from these folders to install the packages. You can use the skin

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objects also with any other DNN skins. Detailed instructions about this can be found in the doc files in
folder \DNN_SkinPackages. The skin and container installation at this point ensures that the portal
template can select the right module containers and skins.
Important Note: Use one of the ..._NoSkin / ..._NoSkin_NoContainer templates if you want to use
your own DNN skin / container. Otherwise you must install the included skin / container package and
the skin objects before you apply the template. Please find the installation instructions in the Install.txt
files from folder: \DNN_SkinPackages and \DNN_Containers.

You should seriously consider using one of the store portal templates. In a couple of simple steps, you
can build your store without creating pages, including modules, setting permission, select DNN
containers (if installed before) and insert module titles etc. This template saves you time and also
ensures that all pages and modules have the proper permission settings for the correct execution of your

Before you can use a template, it must be uploaded to your server using the DNN File Manager (Host -
> File Manager -> upload into Host Root folder. If you get any error while uploading the file, you must
perform a File Sync: Host or Admin -> File Manager -> Synchronize Files with and w/o activated
‘Recursive’ option. DNN4.7.0 only: The host file manager is not working in this version. Files and
folders do show up, and you can not upload files. Therefore you must ftp one of the store portal
template files from folder \StorePortalTemplates into the Host Root folder: \Portal\_default.).
If the following error appears: 'The File ...\Portals\_default\CATALooKnetStoreDNN.template Is A
Restricted File Type. Valid File Types Include ( *. swf, *.jpg, ...). Please Contact Your Hosting
Provider ...' you must add 'template' to Host -> Host Settings ->
Other Settings -> File Upload Extensions.

The template files are located in folder: \StorePortalTemplates of your CATALooK install folder as
Multi vendor templates:

Single vendor templates:


Please Note: The folder path, the current number of template files and the names of the template files
may differ from the files in the screen copy below:

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Please Note: If there are two files in the ‘StorePortalTemplate’ or ‘StorePortalTemplatesTrial‘ folders
with the same file name and different file extensions, both files need to be uploaded to your server and
placed in ‘Host Root’ so that the template works correctly.

Use the portal Wizard from the admin menu to install one of the templates on an existing portal

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Important Note: Don’t select a login page via Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Login
Page and then ‘Replace’ on the first wizard page. This will remove all other pages, also your special
login page and you will not longer be able to login.

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Or if you choose one of the included DNN skins and containers:

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it will look like this:

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Use Host -> Portals to create a new Portal Using a Template

Once the template is uploaded, follow the menu path ‘Host -> Portals to view a list of all current
portals. At the bottom of the list click ‘Add New Portal’. This will open the normal DNN portal setup
panel. Locate the ‘Template’ dropdown box as shown in the following diagram:

If you have done everything correctly up to this point, you should see an entry in the dropdown box for
the CATALooK.netStore template as it is shown above. The Selection of this template will create a
complete store portal.

By this time, depending on your template, skin and container selection, your portal installation of
Catalook will look similar like this when you are logged in:

You will notice from the menu bar line in the middle of the screen that there are nine new main pages with
several sub pages that have been added to the menu. Each page has one or more Catalook elements that
have been preinstalled >from when you first created this portal using the Catalook Template. These elements
are called modules. There are different modules that have been added to each of these pages that once
configured will form the basis of your shopping cart ecommerce solution. These pages are listed below
followed by more detailed sections in the Chapters that follow:
Store ►
On the Store Page all your items are available for sale, rent, subscription etc. It
will be the store front or shop front of your online business.

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My Account ►
There are seven other pages linked to the My Account page. These are:
Cart (The Cart page will show your users all the items that they have selected for
My Orders
My Wish List
My Subscriptions
My Business Profile
My HelpDesk
My Feedback
My Referral Sales
My Loyalty Points
My Store ►
The My Store pages can be used by vendors. There are three other pages linked to
the My Store page. These are:
My Business Profile
My Products
Price Rules
My Related Products
My Sales
My Referral Sales
My Categories (If you want to use standard categories and enable your vendors to
create their own standard categories, follow these steps: Add another page via
Admin -> Pages -> Add New Page: Page Name = ‘My Categories’; Parent Page =
‘My Store’; Permissions = Vendors -> open this page -> select the module
CAT_Categories >from the [Module:] selector and click on the ‘Add’ link to add
this module to the ‘My Categories’ page.)
CATALooK.netStore ►
There are 19 other pages linked to the CATALooK.netStore page. These are:
Store Settings (This is where you will configure most of your store settings.)
Advanced Categories (The Advanced Categories page will allow you to
categorise each of the products you will be using in your shopping cart. There are
many configurations that you can choose to set up each category, see examples).
Related Products
Price Rules
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Referral Reports
Vendor Reports
Email Marketing
Email Block List
Tax Zones
Shipping Rates
Loyalty Points Report

Setup redirection for the HelpDesk and Feedback pages

Go to 'My Account' -> 'My HelpDesk' -> select 'Settings' from the 'Page Funtions' menu on the top left
portion of the screen -> Advanced Settings -> Select 'Page' from the 'Link Url:' selector -> Scroll down
in the 'Select A Web Page From Your Site:' list and select 'HelpDesk' (please make sure you use the root

Go to 'My Account' -> 'My Feedback' -> select 'Settings' from the 'Page Functions' menu on the top left
portion of the screen -> Advanced Settings -> Select 'Page' from the 'Link Url:' selector -> Scroll down
in the 'Select A Web Page From Your Site:' list and select 'Feedback' (please make sure you use the root

Go to 'CATALooK.netStore' -> 'HelpDesk' -> select 'Settings' from the 'Page Funtions' menu on the top
left portion of the screen -> Advanced Settings -> Select 'Page' from the 'Link Url:' selector -> Scroll
down in the 'Select A Web Page From Your Site:' list and select 'HelpDesk' (please make sure you use
the root page).

Go to 'CATALooK.netStore' -> 'Feedback' -> select 'Settings' from the 'Page Functions' menu on the
top left portion of the screen -> Advanced Settings -> Select 'Page' from the 'Link Url:' selector ->
Scroll down in the 'Select A Web Page From Your Site:' list and select 'Feedback' (please make sure you
use the root page).

Please Note: There is a problem with some DNN versions that pages with simlar page names will not
displayed in the selector. If you can't see the HelpDesk or FeedBack pages in the root, use Admin ->
Pages to setup the redirection.

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Custom Store Portal Creation / Integration

In some situations the CATALooK store template may not be sufficient for your situation. For
example, you may not need all of the functionality afforded by the template. In this situation you will
need to manually create the pages for your store and setup these pages with the proper CATALooK
modules to realize the functionality you need. The following sections will guide you through such an

At this point you need to give some consideration to your page/menu structure. You will be creating
pages that contain the CATALooK modules and DNN uses these pages and their hierarchical
relationship to other pages to dynamically build the menu structure for your portal. The names you
define for your pages are up to you based upon your requirements. What the user of your portal sees
and the functionality available to your users is derived by setting appropriate permissions for the store
pages and the CATALooK modules contained on these pages. The following table defines the
CATALooK / Permission relationship you should follow when creating your portal as well as a
suggested page / module relationship:

We will begin by defining each of the modules that are located on each page and how they interact with
one another. This will help you configure CATALooK.netStore for a multitude of sites.


1. CATALooKStore.ZIP (Installs the CATALooK database; older Store Main Window includes
catalog, Controls, Images, Database -> Do not place this module on any page!)
2. CAT_Cart.ZIP (Shopping Cart) (assign to a page that’s visible for all customers.
3. CAT_BusinessProfile This module contains the Business Profile.
4. CAT_WishList (This module shows customers their Wish List.) (Assign to a page that’s
visible for registered users)
5. CAT_Categories.ZIP (Category Administrator) (assign to a page which is visible for
registered users, if customers should have the possibility to create categories and products by
6. CAT_AdvancedCategories.ZIP (Advanced Category Administrator. Administrators can
manage the Advanced Categories within the portal. This module allows you to create a new
Category, modify an existing Category, delete Categories, change the Category order, and
change the hierarchical Category level.) (assign to a page which is visible for admin users)
7. CAT_CustomerAccount.ZIP (Your Account/Customers Account) (assign to a page that’s
visible for registered users)
8. CAT_Customers.ZIP (Customer Administrator) (Assign to a PAGE which is visible for
administrators only)
9. CAT_EmailAdvertisement.ZIP (Creates an email of featured products) (Assign to a PAGE
which is visible for administrators only)
10. CAT_LangSwitcher.ZIP (Switches languages, manage culture specific parameters and
11. CAT_EmailBlockList.ZIP (administrate a list of customers who don’t want to receive mails)
(Assign to a PAGE which is visible for administrators only)

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12. CAT_MiniCart.ZIP (Small Shopping Cart) (Place this module together with module
CAT_DashBoard or CAT_ItemPaneNF on the same page)
13. CAT_Orders.ZIP (Orders Administrator) (Assign to a PAGE which is visible for
administrators only and to a page which is visible for vendors)
14. CAT_Products.ZIP (Product Administrator) (assign to a page that’s visible for registered
users, if customers should have the possibility to create categories and products by themselves)
15. CAT_Related Products.ZIP (Related Product Administrator) (assign to a page that’s visible
for registered users, if customers should have the possibility to create categories and products
by themselves)
16. CAT_Reviews.ZIP (Review Administrator) [Assign to a PAGE which is visible for
administrators only]
17. CAT_Referrals.ZIP (This module contains the referral sales commission list and the list of
credit notes for referrals.) [Assign to a page that’s visible for registered users which are
members of a referee role. These users must create a business account via Edit module Control
18. CAT_VendorAccount.ZIP (This module contains the Vendor sales commission list and the
list of credit notes for rewards.) [Assign to a page that’s visible for registered users which are
members of a vendor role. These users must create a business account via Edit module Control
19. CAT_Zones.ZIP (This module allows you to define shipping/tax zones.)[Assign to a PAGE
which is visible for administrators only]
20. CAT_ShippingRates.ZIP (This module contains the shipping rate list for the advanced custom
shipping rating system.)[Assign to a PAGE which is visible for administrators only]
21. CAT_StoreSettings.ZIP (Store Settings) (Assign to a PAGE which is visible for
administrators only)
22. CAT_DashBoard.ZIP (Use this for special offers...)
23. CAT_PriceRules (This module contains the price rule administration)
24. CAT_Subscriptions (This module contains a subscription overview)

Place the following 3 modules instead of module CATALooKStore on your store catalog
page if you do not like scrollbars with IFrames. You must load/install module
CATALooKStore even if you do not use it! You do not need to put this module on a page,
if you decide to use these 3 frameless modules. Please assign these modules to the same
25. CAT_ItemPaneNF.ZIP (Catalog)
26. CAT_MenuNF.ZIP (Category menu)
27. CAT_SearchNF.ZIP (search in product data base)
28. CAT_FeedBacks (Add, change, review and list seller and buyer feedbacks (ratings and
comments)). Place this module on a hidden page which is available for all users and link to this
page from a page which is visible for admin users only and a page which is visible for normal
(registered) users (customers). Name the page which is visible for admin users to: ‘Feedback’
and the page which is visible for registered users to ‘My Feedback’, see also: Setup redirection
for the HelpDesk and Feedback pages .
29. CAT_Communicator (Communication between portal users e.g. buyers and sellers). )). Place
this module on a hidden page which is available for all users and link to this page from a page

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which is visible for admin users only and a page which is visible for normal (registered) users
(customers). Name the page which is visible for admin users to: ‘HelpDesk’ and the page which
is visible for registered users to ‘My HelpDesk’, see also: Setup redirection for the HelpDesk
and Feedback pages .
30. CAT_LoyaltyPoints This module contains the Loyalty Points administration

Module Name Suggested Page/Menu Role

CAT_Cart Cart All Users
CAT_AdvancedCategories Advanced Categories Administrators
CAT_BusinessProfile My Business Profile Registered Users / Vendors
CAT_Categories Categories Registered Users / Vendors
CAT_CustomerAccount My Account Registered Users
CAT_Customers Customers Administrators
CAT_EmailAdvertisement Email Marketing Administrators
CAT_EmailBlockList Email Block List Administrators
CAT_LangSwitcher Store All Users
CAT_WishList Store Registered Users
CAT_DashBoard Store All Users
CAT_Orders Orders Administrators / Vendors
CAT_Products Products Registered Users / Vendors
CAT_RelatedProducts Related Products Registered Users / Vendors
CAT_Reviews Reviews Administrators
CAT_Referrals Referee Account Administrators / Referee
CAT_VendorAccount Vendor Account Registered Users / Vendors
CAT_Zones Tax Zones Administrators
CAT_ShippingRates Shipping Rates Administrators
CAT_StoreSettings Store Settings Administrators
CAT_ItemPaneNF Store All Users
CAT_MenuNF Store All Users
CAT_SearchNF Store All Users
CAT_MiniCart Store All Users
CAT_PriceRules Price Rules Administrators / Vendors
CAT_FeedBacks FeedBacks All Users
CAT_Communicator HelpDesk All Users
CAT_Subscriptions Subscriptions Registered Users
CAT_LoyaltyPoints Loyalty Points Report Administrators
CAT_LoyaltyPoints My Loayalty Points Registered Users

Important Note: There is an additional module which is not depicted in the table above. This module,
CATALooKStore, is in the process of being phased out and you should not use it as part of your store.

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You do however need to install this module since it contains the database initialization procedures and
some shared used components. This module contains a store presentation layer page with frames.
The modules CAT_SearchNF, CAT_MenuNF, CAT_ItemPaneNF, CAT_LangSwitcher and
CAT_DashBoard should be used instead for your store presentation layer pages. These modules can be
located on the same page. Place all other modules on separate pages. Visit our test store site to find a
sample menu structure: .

Once you have reached this stage you are now ready to begin configuring your copy of
CATALooK.netStore for your business. The following chapters will identify each page for you and
show you what each item or link means for your installation and how you can configure it. This is
followed by examples of businesses that you can use to become familiar with the CATALooK.netStore

You can skip through to the examples if you are confident with the aspects of configuring a shopping
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Module and Folder Security

• Portal Host
The Portal Superuser owns all permission.
• Admin (Site Admin)
Owns all site related permission: Can change all items: products, categories etc. of all vendors,
can approve reviews, can create invoices and credit notes, change and update orders, create
quotations, can see and use all folders, owns all permissions in module CAT_StoreSettings
except the Global Database Maintenance Functions: Delete all Products and Categories etc..
• Store Admin / Store Owner (Select a value for the Store Owner in module
Same permission as Site Admin.
• Member of PAGE Admin User Role (DNN2: Edit Page -> Add Role to Administrator
Roles / DNN:Page Functions -> Settings -> Check [Edit Page] for this Role)
Same permissions as a member of the Admin role for the selected PAGE. You can use this if
there are several product managers in a company and all of them may have the permission to
administrate all products but they may not have permission to administrate orders or to see the
portal Admin menus.
• Registered Users / Vendors
Vendors can be registered users. They can create their own items but cannot change items of
other users/vendors. Use this check box in module CAT_StoreSettings to enhance the
permission of normal authenticated users: [Show all Categories, Product Types, Specifications,
Slots and Options created by all users/vendor to an authorized user/vendor so that he can use
these attributes in his own products, but he has no permission to change these attributes. Make
all User Product Attributes public (Module: Product Manager, Category Administrator)].
If a vendor uses the modules CAT_Products or CAT_Categories for the first time then a new
folder below the portal homedirectory will be created: Vendor userID = Folder name. The
vendor can only see this folder and can use files from this or upload files only to this folder.

If you want authorized customers (vendors) or certain product managers of your company to be
entitled to put in items and categories on their own, you have to set these modules on pages that
are visible for users of this UserRole. To change the page permissions, click the ‘Settings’ link
on the DNN page functions menu which is located on the top left portion of the screen and
select the user roles from the [Permissions] selector. If you have installed one of the
'CATALooKnetStoreDNN…' templates, you can find all vendor modules below the 'My Store'
page and the pages are set to be visible by registered users. Each vendor can only administer his
own data. Newly installed items have to be published via turning off the module:
CAT_Products -> Main Data -> [do not publish] option by users having Admin or Store
Owner rights or add an checked="False" parameter to the Not Publish (Disabled)/Coupon
checkbox (<asp:CheckBox ID="chkArchive" runat="server"
CssClass="CATNormalCheckBox" Checked="False">
</asp:CheckBox>) in file: DesktopModules\CAT_Modules\_:productmaindata.ascx.resx.
If you want authorized users to be able to have a look at as well as use all existing categories,
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slots options, product types and specifications, you have to activate the check box [Show all
categories to authorized users and not just their own one] when installing items (Module
Product Administrator...)] in module CAT_StoreSettings. The module [Related Products] can
also be used by authorized users to link your products.

Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of all content modules of module CAT_Products and
module CAT_Orders to select view and edit permissions for certain module sections.

Some modules can only be used by users having global, Site Admin, Page Admin or Store Owner
rights: Customers, Order Details.... A message is displayed to users that don’t have any Admin or
Host rights if they try to access to such modules, see column: ‘Role’ of module table in chapter:
Modules above.

Store main page: (Note: you can create more than one store main page on the same portal instance.
Add category restrictions to the modules to display different content on these pages.)

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Upload CATALooK.netStore Email Template Packages

You can find sample email templates in folder \EmailTemplatePackages. Login as host and use the
function [Upload New Email Template Package] of module CAT_StoreSettings and find the new
uploaded email templates in the [Email Template Package] Drop Down List. The ‘standard’ email
template package will be loaded as default email template within the pa-module upload.

Upload/Install CATALooK.netStore skins

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a difference between the skins that are used by CATALooK.netStore
and the skins that are used by your portal.

Login into your Portal with host account. You can find sample skins in folder
\CATALooK_SkinPackages. Use the function [Upload New Skin] of module CAT_StoreSettings
(CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) and find the newly uploaded skin in the [Skin] Drop Down
List. The ‘blue’ skin will be loaded as default skin within the pa-module upload.

Select a CATALooK.netStore skin

Module CAT_StoreSettings: In the ‘Skin’ dropdown box select the skin and then click the ‘Update
Store Settings’ button. This action will immediately change the appearance of all CATALooK.netStore

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Localize your portal

Set the Store Language

CATALooK.netStore is multi-lingual and comes with several language packages.

• Upload the language packages from folder: \LanguagePackages via: Host -> Languages select:
'Upload Language Pack' from the module menu. The default English package (en-US) will be
installed automatically. If you add a language via Host -> Languages, you can see the culture
code in the 'Key' column e.g. if you select 'Greek (Greece)' , 'el-GR' will be displayed for this
language in the 'Key' column -> File name of the language pack = ‘’.
• Unzip the icon packages ( etc) into the folder of the currently
selected CATALooK.netStore skin e.g. desktopmodules\catalookstore\skins\blue.
• All cultures of the uploaded language packages must be added to DNN via Host -> Languages
before they can be used and selected from the language switcher.
• Modify the CATALooK extended language settings to change the culture properties (e.g. rate of
exchange, currency symbol) via module CAT_LangSwitcher -> Add/Edit Languages.
• Select the base culture for your site via: Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Other
Settings -> Default Language. This will ensure that the system chooses the right base
localization and currency for the store. Select or add and select the currency code of the base
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currency also from the 'Currency on receipts' selector of module CAT_StoreSettings

(CATAlooK.netStore -> Store Settings).

Modify the CATALooK extended language settings to change the culture properties (e.g. rate of
exchange, currency symbol)

Module CAT_LangSwitcher (select ‘Add/Edit Languages’ from the module menu)

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All cultures of the uploaded language packages must be added to DNN via Host -> Languages before
they can be used and selected from the language switcher:

Add your language to the portal via: Host -> Languages:

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Select the base culture for your site via: Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Other Settings
-> Default Language. This will ensure that the system chooses the right base localization and currency
for the store. Select or add and select the currency code of the base currency also from the 'Currency on
receipts' selector of module CAT_StoreSettings (CATAlooK.netStore -> Store Settings).

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Options of module CAT_LangSwitcher

This module stores the selected language in cookie to change the language output.

Select [Add/Edit Languages] from the module action menu

ƒ Select a rate of exchange: The main currency is the currency of your specific portal culture
defined in Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Other Settings -> Default Language.
The currencies of all other cultures are related to this currency.
ƒ If a customer selects his language and this language is different to the portal language, the
amount of all prices will be displayed in both currencies: the main currency of the store and the
customer’s currency under consideration of a given rate of exchange.
To not display the exchanged amount select ‘Edit Control and Price Label Templates’ from the
module menu of module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) and
delete the content of the following templates: ‘Exchanged_Amount_HTML_CSS’,
‘Exchanged_Amount_Plain_Text’ and ‘Exchanged_Amount_HTML’.
You could also remove the exchanged amount label by checking [Show Currency Converter
Button (Will be displayed instead of the exchanged amounts based on the exchange rates of
module CAT_LangSwitcher)] in module CAT_StoreSettings. To hide the currency converter
button, you must replace the exchange.gif image in the folder of your currently selected
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skin ( \desktopmodules\catalookstore\skins\your skin) by a 1x1 image: Delete the

exchange.gif, copy and paste the cat1x1.gif and rename it to exchange.gif.
ƒ Define the main currency of your store: Add your language to the portal via: Host - Languages
and select this language for your site via: Admin - Site Settings - Advanced Settings - Other
Settings - Default Language. This will ensure that the system choose the right base localization
for the store.
ƒ Customized currency symbols: You can add customized currency symbols to all specific
cultures (e.g. en-US) in the edit module of module CAT_LangSwitcher. Select [Add/Edit
Languages} from the module action box.
This will overwrite the cultures standard settings (leave blank for standard currency symbol)
Note: This works with specific cultures only: Format sample: en-US.
ƒ Price display: In order to display additionally the net or gross price depending on the selected
specific culture please enter a value for Tax to the first row of the Tax Main Zones Admin
(module CAT_Zones) or into the [Tax] field of module CAT_StoreSettings. This will
additionally display the net or gross price for all price labels depending on the selection of the
[Price Type] in module CAT_StoreSettings and the actual selected ‘Specific Culture’ (Format
e.g.: en-US) of the store or the language switcher module for all unauthorized users. This can
be disabled by the option: ‘Additional display of (tax incl.) or (net) price’ of all presentation
layer modules (Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu). If you have defined Tax rates
depending on region, state, city, zip code or products, the right tax for all authorized users will
be displayed and updated during the checkout process if the user selects a shipping address.
These are the used language resources keys:

Note: Login with Admin or User rights to test the price display options because some price string
components are not visible for Host users.

Select [Create / Migrate Language Packages] from module menu

ƒ Use this menu to Convert Esperantus resource files from folder \LanguageResources to DNN
resource files and to create and export CATALooK.netStore Language packages.

Localized images

The ImageUrl property is set by using the special key %%CC%%. Example: In skin file Cart.ascx of
module CAT_Cart the CheckOut button image is <asp:imagebutton id="CheckoutBtn" runat="server"
ImageURL="final_checkout_%%CC%%.gif"></asp:imagebutton> / final_checkout_en.gif : Where
‘en-US’ is the specific culture. You can also use the UI culture code: ‘en’ . Find the special key
%%CC%% in resource files e.g.: Host -> Languages -> Select ‘Language Editor’ -> expand the Locale
Resources, DesktopModules, CAT_Modules, App_LocalResources nodes -> select the

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shoppingcart.ascx. Find the value ‘en’ or ‘en-US’ as value for the key in the resource file and the image
named final_checkout_en-US.gif or final_checkout_en.gif in the skin folder of the currently selected
skin: \desktopmodules\catalookstore\skin\your skin . Use this information to similarly add images for
other cultures.

Localize product descriptions (legacy method)

1. Enter ## followed by a key into the field: ‘Detailed description (HTML)’ of module
CAT_Products -> ‘Main Data’ page.
2. Add this key via: Admin / Host -> Languages -> Select ‘Language Editor’ -> expand the Locale
Resources, DesktopModules, CAT_Modules, App_LocalResources nodes -> select the
ProductPage.ascx -> Add.

Language localization for selected parameters of categories, products, product attributes, options
and product configurations e.g.: Name, Description etc.

To create different field contents for the different languages used in your portal, select the language
from the language selector, enter the text in this language into the appropriate field and click on Save or

DNN and CATALooK Language Packages

Please Note: All of the CATALooK.netStore translations are included in the DNN language resources

All CATALooK modules include an App_LocalResources folder. These folders include DNN language
resources files: e.g.: _User.ascx.resx; etc. These files include the localized help
files of the modules, translated texts for UI controls and texts of the module menu links.

Install your DNN Language Pack as described in chapter: ‘DNN Language Editor, Create DNN
Language Packages, Upload DNN Language Packages’ below. DNN Language Packs are available at:
fault.aspx .

All included CATALooK.netStore language packages are located in folder \LanguagePackages.

DNN Language Editor, Create DNN Language Packages, Upload DNN Language Packages
Select ‘Languages’ from the DNN Host menu:

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Edit Language Resources (Translations)

Host -> Languages -> Select ‘Language Editor’ -> expand the Local Resources and DesktopModules
nodes -> select the module and find all resource files in the App_LocalResources folders of
the CATALooKStore, CAT_Modules, CAT_Communcator, CAT_FeedBack and CAT_StoreSettings
folders. The file: SharedResources from module CATALooKStore
(CATALooKStore\App_LocalResources\SharedResources) includes all common keys.

To search for missing keys select your locale from the 'Available Locales' list, click on the ‘Add
Missing Entries’ link and activate the ‘Highligt Pending Translations’ checkbox. Find missing
translations diplayed in a red frame.

To search for a certain key / translation use the Windows Explorer to perform an in-string search in the
following folders:

To remove a text, insert ‘&nbsp;’ into the [Localized Value] field, because if this field would be blank,
the default value will be displayed.

Setup all modules

Setup all module specific options via Edit Modules: Module Action Box (module menu) -> Select:
‘View Options’ etc. and use the module CAT_StoreSettings to provide the store and module base
configuration settings: store base currency, payment types etc.

All modules are highly customizable. If you are looking for any option: first search in the module menu
(select ‘View Options’ or any other CATALooK menu link) and after that in module
CAT_StoreSettings. There are nearly 500 options available. We cannot describe all of them in these

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document but most of them are self explaining and easy to understand. Simply visit all configuration
modules and see what is possible.

Viewing Module Help for the Store Administrator

Some CATALooK modules have help documentation contained within the module. In order to view
this documentation, load a module and click on the down arrow in the upper left corner of the container
of the module and select Help as follows:

User Registration
Please don't select 'None' from the 'User Registration' mode selector. Setup the registration mode for
public user membership: Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> User Registration. You can
also use Verified or Private user registration but this will cause some additional work during checkout
and registration for new users or admins.

Portal Start Page

If the store is running on a DNN child portal instance, please select a page from the [Home Page] drop
down list in Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Page Management. This Value is used in
notification e-mails for the start page of the portal.

Store Name
To define a Store Name enter a Title in DNN Portal Site Settings.

Set up the data entry fields of the Bill-To-Address and Ship-To-Address pages in the module

Login as admin, add a product to your cart, click the ‘View Cart’ button or go to page: ‘My Account’ -
> ‘Cart’. Proceed to checkout and on the following cart pages you can select which fields of the Bill-
To-Address and Ship-To-Address page are required and visible. Missing values for the UserName and
Password fields will be filled with random values. This supports anonymous checkout. Use the check
boxes: [Allow checkout without acceptance of terms] and [Enable Ship-To-Address Selection during
Checkout] of module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) to select whether

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these pages will be displayed during checkout. If [Allow checkout without acceptance of terms] is
disabled you must upload your terms of business via admin -> file manager (file: terms.htm)

Add new fields to the Bill-To-Address and Ship-To-Address pages of the CAT_Cart module and
change the order of the fields

Setup Profile Properties

Admin -> User Accounts -> Manage Profile Properties -> Add / Edit fields, change the order of the
fields, select Data Type / Control Type, Localize Field Names and Field Help.

Use Profile Property Fields on the Bill-To-Address page of the CAT_Cart module

Module CAT_Cart (My Account -> Cart) -> Select 'View Options' from the module menu

Option: 'Hidden Profile Properties (Bill-To Address)'

All entered Profile Properties(press ENTER/CR to separate) will not be displayed in the Profile Editor
control of the Address and Address/Product Totals pages. Add / Edit Profile Properties via Admin/User
Accounts/Manage Profile Properties. To use the Profile Editor control to display also the standard
address fields, login as admin, add something to your cart, checkout and uncheck the [Visible ?]
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checkboxes of the address control on the address page and remove the property names from the box. To
disable grouping of the Profile Properties select [Edit Skin] from the module action menu and change:
GroupByMode=Section to GroupByMode=None for all Profile Editor controls. To highlight the
sections if grouping is enabled change: GroupHeaderIncludeRule=False to
GroupHeaderIncludeRule=True and IncludeRule=False to IncludeRule=True.

Add Bill-To-Address profile properties to the email templates

Select [Edit Email Templates] from the module menu of module CAT_StoreSettings
(CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) or use any text editor to edit the template files in folder:
\DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\EmailTemplatePackages\Template_Package_Name and add the
field names, see sample field in the [Profile Properties] section:
<!-- Profile Properties -->
<!-- <tr>
<td NOWRAP>[ProfileProperties_Street]</td>
<td NOWRAP>[Profile:Street]</td>
</tr> -->
<!-- End Profile Properties -->

If you use an external editor, you must click on the [Clear Cache] link from module CAT_StoreSettings
to initialize the changes.

Use Profile Property Fields on the Ship-To-Address page of the CAT_Cart module

Module CAT_Cart (My Account -> Cart) -> Select 'View Options' from the module menu

Option: 'Profile Properties (Ship-To Address) '

All entered Profile Properties(press ENTER/CR to separate) will be displayed in the Profile Editor
control of the Ship-To-Address and Address/Product Totals pages also if they are set to Visible = False.
Add / Edit Profile Properties via Admin/User Accounts/Manage Profile Properties. To use the Profile
Editor control to display also the standard address fields, login as admin, add something to your cart,
checkout and uncheck the [Visible ?] checkboxes of the address control on the Ship-To-Address page
and add the property names to the box. To disable grouping of the Profile Properties select [Edit Skin]
from the module action menu and change: GroupByMode=Section to GroupByMode=None for all
Profile Editor controls. To highlight the sections if grouping is enabled change:
GroupHeaderIncludeRule=False to GroupHeaderIncludeRule=True and IncludeRule=False to

Add Ship-To-Address profile properties to the email templates

Select [Edit Email Templates] from the module menu of module CAT_StoreSettings
(CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) or use any text editor to edit the template files in folder:
\DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\EmailTemplatePackages\Template_Package_Name and add the
field names, see sample field in the [Ship-To Profile Properties] section:
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<!-- Ship-To Profile Properties -->

<!-- <tr>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td NOWRAP>[ProfileProperties_Company] [Profile:Ship-To:Company]</td>
</tr> -->
<!-- End Ship-To Profile Properties -->

If you use an external editor, you must click on the [Clear Cache] link from module CAT_StoreSettings
to initialize the changes.

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Module Skinning

Change the module skin via: Module Action Menu (as seen below) -> Edit Skin, Module
CAT_StoreSettings: [Edit Container of the selected Skin], [Edit Style Sheet of the selected Skin] and
[Edit Skin Files] to edit all skin and user control files.

XML and ASCX/HTML skinning is available for all presentation layer modules. It is possible to
redesign the complete module layout. All button images are located in the skin folder and will be
exported and imported together with all other skin files. XML and ASCX skin files include the same
information. You can choose either of both. It is recommended to use ASCX skinning because it is
easier to use and you can use any HTML or ASCX editor to edit the skin files.

Upload skins

Please find sample skins in folder \CATALooK_SkinPackages. Use the function [Upload New Skin] of
module CAT_StoreSettings and find the newly uploaded skin in the [Skin] Drop Down list.

Note (on view mode selector):

You will not be able to see the module action menu if you select ‘view’ from the view mode selelector
in the left upper corner of the screen. (We find this to be a common source of trouble for our

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Modify existing and create new skins to change the style and layout of the modules and the style
and layout of the module containers

HTML / ASCX Skinning

Module Action Box -> Edit Skin or Select 'Edit Skin Files' from the module menu of module
HTML / ASCX skinning is available for all presentation layer modules. Select this method to redesign
the module layout of most of the presentation layer modules. All button images are located in the skin
folder and will be exported and imported together with all other skin files. You can add new controls
change or add control properties, delete controls move controls to another place of the page and add /
edit html code. We recommend to use the ASCX editor of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 or 2005
IDE or Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: . You can also use other editors e.g.
Dreamweaver etc.

We only use standard ASCX controls and simple HTML and css for ASCX skins. You can find much
information about ASCX pages, controls, HTML and css in the web. There are no special things in
CATALooK. All is common ASCX.

If you have changed any skin files directly in the skin folders
(\Desktopmodules\CATALooKStore\Skins\YourSkin), you must click the ‘Clear Cache’ link on module
CAT_StoreSettings to activate the changes.

Please Note: The build in skin editor and the skin parser will look for the skin files in the following

1. cart.ascx, dashboard.ascx, itempane.ascx (can also be named as productpage.ascx),

menu.ascx, minicart.ascx, search.ascx.

If not found then:

2. cart.ascx, dashboard.xml, itempane.xml (can also be named as productpage.xml),

menu.xml, minicart.xml, search.xml.

If not found then:

3. Internal defaults for the skin files

The skin files are named according to the module names

The ‘blue’ skin contains both kinds of skin files (ascx and xml). The ‘theme-grey’, ‘blue-neutral’
and ‘custom_1’ skins only include ascx skin files. All other CATALooK.netStore skins use XML
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skin files. You can decide for one skinning method. There is no need to use ASCX and XML files
in one skin.

XML Skinning

Module Action Box -> Edit Skin or Select 'Edit Skin Files' from the module menu of module
XML skinning is available for all presentation layer modules. It is possible to redesign the complete
module layout. All button images are located in the skin folder and will be exported and imported
together with all other skin files. An XML parser analyzes the skin xml file and builds the page and all
controls of the page dynamically from an unlimited number of control levels. The XML skin can
include not only the normal controls like labels or hyperlinks but also complex controls like data grids
and data lists. You can add new controls change or add control properties, delete controls move
controls to another place of the page and add / edit html code.

Please don’t use this skinning method if you are not familiar with HTML and ASP.NET.

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The skin xml files of the presentation layer modules are located in the folder of the currently
selected skin:

Any other xml editor can be used to edit these files e.g. Visual Studio Net:

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If you don't have an XML editor which can show the structure of the included HTML code you can
also also use an HTML editor like MS-Frontpage to make this structure visible. Please perform the
following steps:

1. Open a new document in MS-Frontpage

2. Switch to the HTML view and delete all HTML codes there
3. Insert the code from the XML skin file
4. Perform a search and replace operation for:

<CONTROL controltype="literal"><![CDATA[



After that you will see the table and table cell structure of the HTML code if you switch Frontpage
into the 'Normal' view. There you can see if there are any HTML Problems. If you want to also see
which control is located in these cells please continue with step 5.

5. Switch back into the 'HTML' view mode

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6. Perform a search and replace operation for:

<CONTROL controltype=



Now you can see the name of each control in the table cells if you switch to the 'Normal' view.

Another easy way to make the HTML structure visible and to restore the XML skin file after
changing the content is to replace:








After that you will see all table cells and can make your changes. To turn the document into a valid
XML skin file simply replace:








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Please note: You must delete the Store cache to activate changes from an external editor. Use the
‘Clear Cache’ link in module CAT_StoreSettings for that.

Html tags and texts must be added to CDATA areas which are located in literal controls:
<CONTROL controltype="literal"><![CDATA[Any HTML code here]]></CONTROL>

ASP Server controls must be in the following format: <CONTROL controltype="asp:[standard

ASP type] [asp control properties] </CONTROL>

Server Controls can be deleted from the first level (outside of any data grid, data list control)
without any problems. Controls which are located in data grid or data list controls can be deleted
only if there is no binding data defined for these controls otherwise an error will appear. You can
also add: visible="False" to the control properties to hide a server control. This will not have any
effect if the visible property is controlled by the program code.

If there are any errors after changing the XML skin simply enter a wrong license key into the field
‘License Key’ of module CAT_StoreSettings. After that you can load and save the default skin for
this module, enter the right key and try it again. You can also edit the skin file from the skin folder
with an external XML or text editor to fix this problem. After that you must click on the ‘Clear
Cache’ link in module CAT_StoreSettings.

Example: Change the numeric links number of the custom pager from module CAT_ItemPaneNF
from default = 10 to 5.

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Add a ‘NumericLinksCount="5" property to the CustomPager controls (CustomPager1 and

CustomPager2) of module CAT_ItemPaneNF:

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</CONTROL><CONTROL controltype="cat:custompager" id="CustomPager2"


</CONTROL><CONTROL controltype="cat:custompager" id="CustomPager1"



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Properties of controls used on module CAT_ItemPaneNF

You can find these controls in skin file: productpage.xml, itempane.xml or itempane.ascx of module
CAT_ItemPaneNF. To edit this file select 'Edit Skin' from the module menu and search for the control

Paging Control



<catsc:pagingcontrol id="CustomPager2" Runat="server"></catsc:pagingcontrol>

<catsc:pagingcontrol id="CustomPager1" Runat="server"></catsc:pagingcontrol>

XML Skin
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</CONTROL><CONTROL controltype="cat:custompager" id="CustomPager2"></CONTROL>

</CONTROL><CONTROL controltype="cat:custompager" id="CustomPager1"></CONTROL>

You can change / add the following properties to change the appearance:

NumericLinksCount default: 10

CSSClassLinkActive default: CATCommandButton

CSSClassLinkInactive default: CATNormalDisabled

CssClass default: CATPagingTable

To use images for the link buttons simply edit the sharedresources file: LocalResources ->
DesktopModule -> CATALooKStore -> App_LocalResources -> SharedResources

The following keys are used by the pager:

<data name="PREVIOUS.Text">



<data name="NEXT.Text">



<data name="FIRST.Text">



<data name="LAST.Text">



<data name="Pages.Text">
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<value>Page {0} of {1}</value>


e.g. change:

<data name="PREVIOUS.Text">




<data name="PREVIOUS.Text">

<value><img src="http://localhost/dotnetnuke/images/lt.gif" border="0" alt="Previous"></value>


(Please use the correct path to the DNN images folder)

SortField Control


ASCX skin


XML Skin

<CONTROL controltype="cat:sortfieldcontrol" id="SortFieldControl"></CONTROL>

You can change / add the following properties to change the appearance

AutoPostBack default: False

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ShowGoButton default: False, e.g.: ShowGoButton="True"

ShowSortOrderSelector default: False, e.g.: ShowSortOrderSelector="True"

ShowAllFields default: False

Fields default: empty, Values: 0-8 (0=Name, 1=Price etc.) separated by: ‘,’
e.g.: Fields="1,2,6"

Bread Crumbs control


ASCX skin
td><cat:breadcrumbs id="BreadCrumbs1" Runat="server" Separator="cat_breadcrumb.gif"

XML skin
<td>]]></CONTROL><CONTROL controltype="cat:breadcrumbs"
id="BreadCrumbs1" RootLevel="0" Separator="cat_breadcrumb.gif"></CONTROL><CONTROL

You can change / add the following properties to change the appearance

CssClass default: CATCommandButton

Separator default in skin code: "&nbsp;<img alt="">"" src=""" &

_StoreAdminInfo.SkinPath &
"cat_breadcrumb.gif" & """>&nbsp;"
Default in code: "&nbsp;<img alt="">"" src=""" &
Common.Globals.ApplicationPath &

RootLevel (Advanced Categories only) default: 0 (root); -1 to insert a link to the store
home page; -2 to display the last category level only

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Booking Calendar control



<CAT:BOOKINGCALENDAR id="BookingCalendar1" Runat="server"


XML Skin

<CONTROL controltype="cat:BOOKINGCALENDAR" id="BookingCalendar1"


You can change / add the following properties to change the appearance

FreeItemBackColor default: Green

FreeItemForeColor default: OrangeRed
OccupiedItemBackColor default: Red
OccupiedItemForeColor default: Gray
OtherMonthItemForeColor default: Gray
NotAvailableItemForeColor default: Gray
StockLabelStyle default: FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: white; FONT-

All calendar control related properties can be changed in the following skin file:
_BookingCalendar.ascx -> <asp:calendar id="Calendar1" runat="server" …

Properties of controls used on module CAT_Cart

You can find these controls in skin file: cart.ascx of module CAT_Cart. To edit this file select 'Edit
Skin' from the module menu and search for the control signatures:

Preselect the country and fill the CountryListBox control with selected countries:

<cat:Address id="ctlAddressData" runat="server" Countries=""


<cat:address id="ctlShipToAddressData" runat="server" Countries=""


You can change / add the following properties to change the appearance:
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Countries e.g. "US,AU,FR"

SelectedCountryCode e.g. "US"

Hidden Fields

The description field is not visible by default in the Card View mode. To display this field, delete the
Visible="False" property or change it to Visible="True"

ASCX skin files: Dashboard.ascx and itempane.ascx:

<asp:label Runat="server" Visible="False" id="lbllistDescription" />

XML skin files: Dashboard.xml and itempane.xml:

<CONTROL controltype="asp:label" id="lbllistDescription" Visible="False"></CONTROL>

(Select: ‘Edit Skin’ from the module action menu to change the skin files)

Add the description field to the minidashboard control which is displayed on module
CAT_ItemPaneNF if no category etc. is selected.
To display this control on the start page of the module CAT_ItemPaneNF, select: [Popular Products],
[Featured Products], [New Releases] from the [Welcome, and Product Detail Content] selector of
module CAT_StoreSettings:

Goto module CAT_StoreSettings -> Edit Skin Files -> _minidashboard.ascx and add the code below

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Description") %>

Hide controls or parts of the skins

Select ‘Edit Skin’ from the module menu and add a style="visibility:hidden"; or style="display:none"
property to the TR or TD tag.

The following sample will hide the sortfieldcontrol of module CAT_ItemPaneNF

ASCX skin:

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<asp:panel id="pnlSortFieldSelection" Runat="server" Visible="False">

<TR style="display:none">
<TD class="CATAltHeader">
<CAT:SORTFIELDCONTROL id="SortFieldControl" Runat="server" ShowGoButton="True"


<div style="display: none"><CAT:SORTFIELDCONTROL id="SortFieldControl" Runat="server"

ShowGoButton="True" ShowSortOrderSelector="True"></CAT:SORTFIELDCONTROL></div>

XML skin:

<CONTROL controltype="asp:panel" id="pnlSortFieldSelection" Visible="False"><CONTROL

<TR style="display:none">
<TD class="CATAltHeader">]]></CONTROL>
<CONTROL controltype="cat:sortfieldcontrol"
id="SortFieldControl" ShowGoButton="True" ShowSortOrderSelector="True"></CONTROL>
<CONTROL controltype="literal"><![CDATA[</TD>


Another method is to remove the pnlSortFieldSelection panel from the skin.

The following sample will turn off compare functionality of module CAT_ItemPaneNF

Select ‘Edit Skin’ from the module action menu of the CAT_ItemPane module and delete:
<tr id="rowCompareItems1" runat="server" visible="False"> 
<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgCompareItems1" ImageUrl="dn.gif" /> 
<asp:Button ID="btnCompareItems1" CssClass="CATCommandButton" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" Text="Compare"></asp:Button> 

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<tr id="rowCompareItems2" runat="server" visible="False"> 

<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgCompareItems2" ImageUrl="up.gif" /> 
<asp:Button ID="btnCompareItems2" CssClass="CATCommandButton" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" Text="Compare"></asp:Button> 
<td class="CATRowHighlight" valign="top" align="left" width="1%"> 
<td class="CATRowHighlight" align="center" width="1%" valign="middle"> 
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkCompareItem" runat="server"></asp:CheckBox> 
<td class="CATRowHighlight" valign="top" align="left" width="1%"> 

CATALooK module containers

Each CATALooK module can display its own container. This container can display a home and help
link and a module title. If the store runs in demo mode there will be a demo message displayed on the

After you have installed DotNetNuke the default DNN skin is the blue skin and the default skin of a
fresh CATALooK installation is named also blue. Before you have entered your license key the
modules will look like this:

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After you have entered you license key the CATALooK containers with the demo messages will
disappear. You can find out how to reactivate the CATALooK.netStore containers in the next chapter.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a difference between the skins that are used by CATALooK.netStore
and the skins that are used by your portal. You will notice that your installation of CATALooK will
have its own Containers and so will your installation of DotNetNuke. You can disable the DNN
Module Containers or install invisible containers and just use the CATALooK containers if it makes it
easier for you to relate to the content or disable the CATALooK module containers and use the DNN
containers. It is not recommended to use both containers.
Please Note: If you have disabled the DNN container the default container will be displayed for admin
users. Normal users will not see any DNN container.

To Remove DNN Containers:

• Click Settings from the module menu.

• Click Page Settings to expand that section and
• un tick the Display containers
• Click Update

Now the module looks like this:

Another method to get the same result is to select one of the invisible DNN containers which are included in
the CATALooK package: TranspHeader_TranspBG_NoBorder,
TranspHeader_TranspBG_NoBorder_Action, WhiteHeader_WhiteBG_NoBorder and

Remove or activate the CATALooK Containers:

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Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu and deactivate or activate the ‘Display Container
Header?’ and ‘Display Container Footer?’ checkboxes.

This option will work only if you have entered a valid license key in module CAT_StoreSettings.

Delete all content in the HTML Container Header and Container Footer Editors, see chapter:
‘Container HTML Skinning’ below.

Please Note: If you want to use the DNN containers you must edit the module titles: Select ‘Settings’
from the module menu -> change the text for: ‘Module Title’ e.g. to ‘Cart’ for the module title of the
CAT_MiniCart module. (Not necessary if you have used one of the included DNN portal templates
from folder: \StorePortalTemplates)

The CATALooK.netStore containers are disabled by default after a new installation. Only the
CAT_DashBoard module will display the header row, so that you can use this module without any
DNN container or with the TranspHeader_TranspBG_NoBorder or whiteheader_whitebg_noborder
DNN containers to hide this module if there is no content. If there is any content it will display the
CATALooK module title to inform the customer about the kind of the displayed content.

Your store main page will look like this page:

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Container HTML Skinning

Module CAT_StoreSettings -> Skin Editor: Enable the check box: [Edit Container of the selected Skin
(To load the right container click on [Update Store Settings] after you have changed the skin selection]
-> There you can modify and add or delete HTML codes. (e.g. to remove the help links delete the
{hlhelp} placeholder), see also chapter: ‘Creating User Help’.

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Edit Style Sheet

Module CAT_StoreSettings -> CSS Editor: Enable the checkbox: [Edit Style Sheet of the selected Skin
(click on [Update Store Settings] after you have changed the skin selection)]. There you can modify the
css style sheet attributes: colors, background images etc. All tags are described well in the css file text.

Create Skin Packages

Use the [Export Package] or [Save Package] functions in module CAT_StoreSettings to Create a Skin
Package or copy all skin files into the same folder and use the batch file: MK_CATSkin.bat from folder
\CATALooK_SkinPackages to create a new skin package.

Change the background and fit the style of the SolPart menu in module CAT_MenuNF to your
DNN menu control
You can replace the css class CATMenuBG in file menu.xml (Select [Edit Skin] from the module
action box of module CAT_MenuNF) with the css class defined in your DNN skin ascx file for the
solpart menu table if the css class from the DNN skin ascx file does not contain any background
images. If there is a background image defined in the DNN skin css class of the SolPart menu table,
please check if the background is displayed correctly and if not you can use the default css class
CATMenuBG in the CATALooK skin css file: catalookstore.css (select: [Edit Style Sheet of the
selected Skin (click on [Update Store Settings] after you have changed the skin selection)] in module
CAT_StoreSettings) and fit the background attribute to the text forecolor of the SolPart menu.

The style of the advanced categories treeview is defined in section: [Style for the TreeMenu of
advanced categories in module CAT_MenuNF] and of the style of the advanced and standard
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categories solpart menu is defined in section: [Style for the solpart menu in module CAT_MenuNF].
Both controls use the standard DNN css tag names. This ensures that you can simply use the style from
your skin.css for these controls. Simply copy all related css tags from the skin.css into the
catalookstore.css. If the names of any tags are changed in the DNN skin ascx file for these controls or if
there are any additional properties for these controls you must copy all parameters of the controls :<
dnn : MENU runat =" server " id =" dnnMENU " property1 = xx property2 = yy / > and < dnn :
TREEVIEW id =" dnnTreeView " runat =" server " property1 = xx property2 = yy / > which are
located in the skin ascx file into the controls catSolPartControl and catTreeControl of the module skin
from module CAT_MenuNF (Select [Edit Skin] from the module menu box). This will ensure that the
style of the category navigation menu fits the style of the DNN page navigation menu:
Your DNN skin ascx file from folder \portals\_default\skins\your selected skin:
<TABLE class="skingradient" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="3" width="100%" border="0">
<TD width="100%" vAlign="middle" align="left" nowrap><dnn:MENU runat="server"
id="dnnMENU" /></TD>
<TD class="skingradient" vAlign="middle" align="right" nowrap><dnn:SEARCH runat="server"
id="dnnSEARCH" /></TD>

File menu.xml:
<CONTROL controltype="asp:panel" id="pnlSolpart" Visible="False"><CONTROL
<TR vAlign="top">
<TD class="CATMenuBG" vAlign="top">]]></CONTROL>
<CONTROL controltype="cat:solpartcontrol" id="catSolPartControl"
ToolTip="Description"></CONTROL><CONTROL controltype="literal"><![CDATA[</TD>

Find more information on how to fit the style of the tree and solpart menu to the style of the DNN
menu bar in the module help of module CAT_MenuNF

Creating User Help

If you want your users to be able to view help documentation while visiting your store, you will need to
set up the following files which will contain your custom help documentation. Upload the following
files from folder \InstallFiles to the portal upload folder via: [Admin] -> [Filemanager] -> [Upload
File] and add user help content:

• ShoppingCartUserHlp.htm
• addeditproductcategoryHlp.htm
• AddEditProductsUserHlp.htm
• AddEditRelatedProductsUserHlp.htm
• _ProductMainDataUserHlp.htm
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• _ProductClassificationUserHlp.htm
• _ProductConfigurationUserHlp.htm
• _ProductAttributesUserHlp.htm
• _ProductPeriodsUserHlp.htm
• _ProductTaxesUserHlp.htm
• OrderListUserHlp.htm
• DashBoardUserHlp.htm
• ProductPageUserHlp.htm
• VendorAccountUserHlp.htm
• ReferralsUserHlp.htm
• WishListUserHlp.htm

These files will pop up, if the user clicks on the question mark in the title row (CATALooK container)
of the modules.

If you choose to not setup these files for user help you may want to remove the help links displayed
with each module by skinning as follows:

Within the Module CAT_StoreSettings locate the checkbox with the description: Edit Container of the
selected Skin (To load the correct container click on [Update Store Settings] after you have changed the
skin selection).

After checking the box you will see two areas for modification as follows:

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Here you can add or delete the HTML code. To remove the help links delete the {hlhelp} placeholder.
To remove the home links delete the {hlhome} placeholder.
Or select 'View Options' from the module menu and turn off the 'Display Container Header?' and
'Display Container Footer?' options.

Product Stock Images

After having activated the check box [Display Icons for Items Stock] in module CAT_StoreSettings or
[Items stock display type] = ‘Icons’ in the edit modules of the modules CAT_ItemPaneNF and
CAT_DashBoard (Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu) the stock is shown in the form of
images that are indicated in the fields [Less than, more than...]
If you want your customers to be able to have a look at your stock, please upload stock images via:
Admin -> file manager and select them in module CAT_StoreSettings (See folder \Stockimages)

DNN Skin and Container Upload

The DNN containers are located in folder: \DNN_Containers

Container installation (CAT01.ZIP)

1.1. Login into your Portal with host account
1.2. Open Host -> Skins -> Select "Upload Container" from the module menu or from the link at the
bottom of the module -> browse and select DNN_Containers\CAT01.ZIP -> Add -> Upload New File

Skin installation (CAT01.ZIP)

1.1. Login into your Portal with host account

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1.2. Open [Host] -> [Module Definitions] -> Select: [Install New Module] -> Browse to:
'DNN_SkinPackages\CATALooKDNN4SkinObjLangSwitcher.ZIP' (Language switcher skin object) ->
click on the [Install New Module] link
1.3. Open [Host] -> [Module Definitions] -> Select: [Install New Module] -> Browse to:
'DNN_SkinPackages\' (Used for View Cart, Your Account and Wish List links)
-> click on the [Install New Module] link
1.4. Open [Host] -> [Module Definitions] -> Select: [Install New Module] -> Browse to:
'DNN_SkinPackages\' (Adds product database search functionality to standard search
skin object) -> click on the [Install New Module] link
1.5. Open Host -> Skins -> Select "Upload Skin" from the module menu or from the link at the bottom
of the module -> browse and select DNN_SkinPackages\CAT01.ZIP -> Add -> Upload New File
1.6. Open Admin or Host -> Skins - set your desired skin (CAT01) and click the Apply button below
the skin and container image
1.7. Remember to remove the majority of styles from your portal.css in the portal's directory. (it
overrides all of the skins styles). Under normal circumstances you do not need to do anything and there
are no style definitions for the css tags.

4. If you use a fixed width for the left and right panes (default: no width specified) and the module
width exceeds the width of the pane, please change the width of this pane in the css file.

5. Correct white space problem of Design2 skin

If you select the Design2 skin there will be a white one pixel space right beside the solpart menu. To
resolve this open the spmenu.js from folder controls\SolpartMenu
in an editor and search for the following line:
return " <td width=\"100%\">" + spm_getSpacer(me) + "</td>";
replace with:
return " <td class=\"CatHeaderMenu\" width=\"100%\">" + spm_getSpacer(me) + "</td>";
Note: You can use the skin objects also with any other DNN skin. Detailed instructions about this can
be found in the doc files in folder \DNN_SkinPackages.

Categories and Products

Create and edit categories and products

There are two different category systems: Standard categories and Advanced Categories
The biggest advantage of the advanced category system is that you can create unlimited category levels
and assign one product to an unlimited number of categories. With the [Link URL] property of the
advanced categories you can define a home page for each category. This can be used to separate
categories on different portal pages (assign shops to different pages) with the use of category
restrictions in the presentation layer modules and the child category level display of module
CAT_MenuNF. The modules CAT_SearchNF, CAT_MenuNF, CAT_DashBoard and
CAT_ItemPaneNF (mini dashboard) use the Link URL from the category of a product and redirect to

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the right page to display the product detail page, the selected category or the search result from the
search in a selected advanced category or in all advanced categories. There is one disadvantage
compared with the the standard category system: The tree control of the standard category system
stores it’s structure for each module. If you have several CAT_MenuNF modules on several Pages they
will remember their last selections. This will help customers to go back to a previous search or
selection. This feature is not available for the advanced category system. You can mix both category

Create a sample product and categories

1. Create 3 Standard Categories in module CAT_Categories: ‘CPU’; ‘> 1GHz’ and ‘AMD’.
Important Note: Before you can create products manually, you must create at least one standard
category via module CAT_Categories even if you want to use the Advanced Category System.
During the creation of categories the field [category number] should be set because it will be the
reference field for updates by the import of products. The same applies to the field [Product SKU
Number] in products.
2. Key in the category names into the field ‘New Category’ and click on the save/add button: .
3. To create a new product click the ‘Create New’ link on the top right portion of module

4. This will display the ‘Main Data’ page. If you have already created a product search for this
product on the store main page and click on the ‘Edit Product’ link left beside the product name in
the lists of the modules CAT_ItemPaneNF or CAT_DashBoard or the product detail page of
module CAT_ItemPane. You can also search for the product on module CAT_Products: To modify
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an item click on the [Product Name] link in the list or check the Item Check Box and click the
[Modify] Button. Now the ‘Main Data’ page will be displayed:
5. Category levels of the standard categories are defined on ‘Main Data’ page of module
CAT_Products. Standard categories can be used for category1 or category2 of the products. You
can use the field category3 on page [Main Data] of module CAT_Products for manufacturer,
author, publisher, actor etc. The content of this field can be listed in module CAT_SearchNF for
extended quick search: activate the checkbox: ‘Show selector for standard

6. Please Note: Don't use Image file names or attribute file names with multiple points between the
file name and the file extension. [Product SKU Number] and [Category Number] are used as unique
keys for synchronization during import process as key.
7. Select ‘Add’ to save the product.
8. Advanced Category System: (Module CAT_AdvancedCategories) Select ‘Add New Category’
from the module menu and add the following three

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9. Assign Advanced Categories to a product on the ‘Advanced Categories’ page of module


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Modify the start page of module CAT_ItemPaneNF

Module CAT_StoreSettings -> Content of welcome message in module CAT_ItemPaneNF -> Enter at
least 2 characters to overwrite the default 'Welcome to our Store' message (you can enter spaces) ->
Update Store Settings:

To localize the welcome message leave the 'Content of welcome message in module
CAT_ItemPaneNF' field blank and go to: Host -> Languages -> Language Editor -> open: Local
Resources\DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\App_LocalResources\_storehome.ascx.resx and enter
the translated content for the 'WELCOMEMSG' key.

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Module CAT_StoreSettings -> ‘Welcome, and Product Detail Content’ -> ‘Select Popular Products’,
‘Featured Products’ and ‘New Releases’ to display these items on the start page of module

If you want to separate categories by pages it is recommended to restrict the categories for the content
of the Mini Dashboard: Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of module CAT_ItemPaneNF ->
‘Mini Dashboard Categories restrictions (leave blank for no restrictions)’:

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Setup a start query for module CAT_ItemPaneNF. This module will display the selected category for
the first access to this page:
Advanced Category system:

Standard Category system:

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Select a category in module CAT_MenuNF, note all category parameters from the browser query string
and enter these parameters into the appropriate fields:

Standard Categories:

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Module CAT_MenuNF

Select [Category System] = Advanced to display the advanced categories in module CAT_MenuNF.
Use the page [Advanced Categories] of module CAT_Products to assign advanced categories to a

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You can find the category ID’s of the standard category system also in module CAT_Categories:

Module CAT_Categories:

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The ID of an advanced category can be found on the ‘Edit Advanced Categories’ page:

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Modify the header and footer templates of all receipts

Module CAT_StoreSettings -> Email Header and Footer -> Email Top Template(Invoice, Credit Note,
Notifications etc.) or Email Bottom Template -> Update Store Settings.

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E-mail configuration
Enter your email settings into the ‘SMTP Server Settings’ section of the Host Settings page. Choose
‘SMTP Authentication’ = ‘Basic’ if you key in any values into the SMTP fields.

Please Note: There is a difference between the e-mail / SMTP settings that are used by
CATALooK.netStore and the settings that are used by your portal. You will notice that your
installation of CATALooK will have its own SMTP settings: module CAT_StoreSettings -> ‘Store
Email’. You can enter the same values as you did for the SMTP settings of DNN or use different

Important Note: The following error appears if there are any wrong or missing adjustments for the
SMTP settings: ‘Cannot access 'CDO.Message' object’


You have now setup your CATALooK.netStore with the basic settings. There are many more options
and settings that you need to work with to establish the desired functionality of your store. See the

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Store Administration portion of this manual for additional information. See the next chapter for
performance optimizations.

Portal, module and skin performance optimization

Update the following base setting pages to ensure that these settings are available from the cache
1. Update the Store Settings: module CAT_StoreSettings -> click on the ‘Update Store Settings’
link (Important Note: Provide a value for the Field: ‘PayPal+Cardia PopUp+Banca
Sella/GesPay+National Australia Bank Return TabID’. Otherwise this value will be calculated
on each access to the store settings.).
2. Update the Admin settings: ‘Admin’ -> ‘Site Settings’ -> Click on the ‘Update’ link.
3. Update the Host settings -> ‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> Click on the ‘Update’ link.

Server Cache
Some hosting providers unload the DNN dll's after a certain time to save CPU time on their shared
hosting environments. Also DNN deletes the cache after a certain time. This can be bypassed by
SmarterPing by SmarterTools or any other 'Keep Alive' tools.
SmarterPing by SmarterTools keeps DNN sites up and running and it does a great job. If you ping
DNN URLs it dramatically improves the performance of DNN. Set SmarterPing to ping 4 or 5 key
areas every minute. The loading times are 4 or 5 times faster.

Host Settings
(‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> 'Advanced Settings’ -> ‘Other Settings’)
• Select ‘Database’ for ‘Site Log Storage’
• Active the ‘Disable Users Online’ checkbox

Host -> Host Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Performance Settings:

Page State Persistence: ( ) Page (X) Memory

Module Caching Method: (X) Memory ( ) Disk
Performance Setting: [Heavy Caching]
Authenticated Cacheability: [ServerAndNoCache]
Compression Setting: [Deflate Compression]
Use Whitespace Filter: [X]

More than 50% of all DNN page content is Viewstate. To remove the Viewstate from the page content,
go to: ‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> ‘Advanced Settings’ -> ‘Performance Settings’ and select ‘Memory’
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from ‘Page State Persistence:’ radio button list. This will reduce the page loading time up to 50%.
If there are any problems after you have changed this parameter and you can not go back because the
update host settings button doesn’t work, perform the script below via Host -> SQL or SQL Web
update hostsettings
set SettingValue = 'P'
where SettingName = 'PageStatePersister'

(Problem seems to be fixed in DNN4.6.0)

DNN Cache
• Check if the DNN caching is enabled: ‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> ‘Advanced Settings’ ->
‘Performance Settings’ -> Select ‘Moderate Caching’ or ‘Heavy Caching’ from the
‘Performance Setting:’ drop down list.
• Select ‘Memory’ for the ‘Module Caching Method’

Compression and Whitespace Filter

‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> ‘Advanced Settings’ -> ‘Performance Settings’ -> turn on the Compression
and Whitespace filter options. Don’t use this option if you have installed any SSL manager module
for DNN or if you want to use the internal skin, template or css editors. Instead you could use
Snapsis PageBlaster.

Module Cache
You should not change the default value for module cache time of the CATALooK modules. If there is
a value > 0, the page will be loaded from the cache also if there is a redirection and the URL was
changed. DNN only checks if the tabid was changed in the URL but not if there is a new parameter e.g.
'productid' if you click on a product in the list to display the product detail page. This happens all the
time for non authenticated users and not so often if you are logged in. Select 'Settings' from the module
menu, go to: 'Page Settings' -> 'Basic Settings' and set 'Cache Time (secs):' = 0

CATALooK Skins
The CATALooK skins without image backgrounds (theme-grey, blue-2d.ZIP, blue-2d_small.ZIP, blue-
metal.ZIP, blue-metal_small.ZIP, compact-grey and spreadsheet-grey) will load faster than the standard
blue or the classic-blue/ classic-purple skins. The ASCX skins (compact-grey and blue) will load faster
than the XML skins

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DotNetNuke Version
DNN4/5 will run faster as DNN3.

DNN Skins
You can replace all script code starting from the line:

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Reflection" %>

up to the line:

End Try


and hardcode all link texts and link URL’s

Hardcode the <%= SkinPath %> folder

Images and media files

Sometimes huge product images or any other huge content can cause performance problems. Don't use
item images with more than 260 * x pixels.

If you don’t want to display an additional Tax/VAT amount, disable the option: ‘Additional display of
(tax incl.) or (excl. tax) price’ (select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of the modules
CAT_ItemPaneNF. CAT_DashBoard and CAT_Cart)

1. Use the release.config from the DNN package
2. Ensure that DNN does not run in debug mode : <compilation debug="false" />
3. Set debugmode to false: <compilation debug="false" strict="false">

Friendly URL’s
DNN and CATALooK.netStore need 10 times longer to process Friendly URL’s than standard URL’s.
Here you can disable this feature: ‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> ‘Advanced Settings’ -> ‘Use Friendly

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DNN and CATALooK menu

The SolPart control needs a lot of CPU time and could cause performance problems if you use it for
your site and also for the module CAT_MenuNF -> Use a skin with e.g. hard coded menu links or the
site bar tree and / or another control for the CATALooK.netStore menu module CAT_MenuNF: Select
‘View Options’ from module menu -> select another control from the ‘Control Type’ list box.The
‘Link Box’ and ‘Drop Down List’ control types have the best performace. There are also modified
Solpart menu versions with better performance available.

Price Agent
If the ‘Show Price Agent Button’ checkbox from module CAT_StoreSettings is activated after each
product update the store will search for open price requests and send out notification emails. This will
need a lot of CPU time. Disable this feature if you don’t need this function.

Delete all unused CATALooK or other modules from all portal pages.

1. Use Advanced Categories only. They work faster than Standard Categories.
2. Disable the ‘Show Category Node (Folder) Images/Icons in Module CAT_MenuNF’ checkbox
from module CAT_StoreSettings if there are many categories to display.
3. If there is a large list of categories, this list must be rendered every time you select a category.
This needs a lot of time -> Please try to place categories to different pages as you can see it at: -> Use the category restrictions and the ‘Level / Start Advanced Category
(Select a level to display the categories relatively to the currently selected category)’ selector
and ‘Root Only’ check box from the ‘View Options’ page of module CAT_MenuNF to do this.

DNN Scheduler
1. Restrict the scheduler items and delete unimportant items
2. Select ‘Disabled’ for the ‘Scheduler Mode’ in ‘Host’ -> ‘Host Settings’ -> Advanced Settings’ -
> ‘Other Settings’ (not recommended!)

Restrict the number of Log Types -> ‘Admin’ -> ‘Log Viewer’ -> select ‘Edit Log Configurations’
from the module menu -> delete all unimportant items.

Store Main Page

The portal template places a module CAT_DashBoard on this page. It can be used to display e.g.
recently viewed itmes. If you don’t want this, delete this module. The more modules are located on one
page, the higher the loading time is.
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Module CATALooKStore
You can check the performance with the catalookstore module. This module uses frames and will not
refresh the page but it does not include all features and was not updated for two years.

About Product Configuration and Classification sections in Product Manager (Find some
illustrated sample scenarios below the introduction)
Product Configurator is a part of the module CAT_Products which allows you to create combined
products or systems that can consist of various components (like computer systems, home cinemas, air
conditioning systems, cars etc.), it can also be used for creating sets of products, for example, suits,
skiing accessories, golf accessories etc. to help a customer get a complete and functional set that is
customized according to his preferences. When using a product configuration you can define of what
components your combined product should consist, each component can be mandatory, fixed or
optional. You can preselect a product for each slot. Besides, you can define specifications and
requirements for each component to avoid incompatibility between some of the components.

Configurator Slots

A configurable product can be created through module CAT_Products: Main Data menu and it can
appear in any category just as any other product. However, before this product can be added to the
shopping cart, a customer has to configure it - select from which components the product should be
assembled. To set up a scenario for the configuration process you need to use the Configuration page of
module CAT_Products. Using Configuration menu you should define one or more slots for
components. Let's suppose you are going to sell configurable computer systems. Then for your
configurable computer you can define the following slots:
• slots for Computer Case and Monitor
• slots for CPU, CPU Cooler, Motherboard, Memory units
• slots for Hard Drive, CD/DVD Drives
• slots for Video card, Sound card, Speakers

The number of slots is unlimited so you can configure a scenario that is suitable for your composite
products. You can define some slots as optional so your customer can leave them blank or you can
preselect a product for some slots.

Product Types

When the necessary slots are created you should define what products fit in each slot. For this purpose
you should use Product Types. For each slot you can define which Product Types can fit in this slot.
First you should plan what product types are necessary for your purposes, then create new products and
set up the product types in the Classification menu by assigning them to these products.

1. For example, you can create a product type "LCD Monitors" to define that it will be used with
the slot "Monitor" for the "Case and Monitor" step. Then you should go to Modify Product page
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for every model of the LCD monitors that you have in your shop and associate every LCD
monitor with the "LCD Monitors" product type using the Product Classification page of module
CAT_Products. Then go to slot configuration dialog on the Configuration page and define a
new slot configuration rule. In this rule specify "LCD Monitors" as the target product type for
this slot.

When a customer is selecting components for the slot only products that fit in this slot will be
available for selection.

Product Specifications

Each product type can have a list of specifications. Specifications are used in the product
Configurator to avoid incompatible components in a configurable product. For each product
type you can create a list of specifications and when assigning a product to some product type
you can define what specifications from the list are attributable to this product. You can also
define products that require certain product types and specifications. To define product
specifications and product requirements please go to the Product Classification page on Product
Manager page.

For example, you can create Product type Speakers and a speaker of model X that has only
digital 5.1 input so it needs a sound card with digital 5.1 output, otherwise this component will
not work. In product type "Sound Cards" you can create the following possible specifications:
Stereo Analog output, Analog 5.1 output, Digital 5.1 output. If sound card supports Digital 5.1
output you should select this specification from the list on the Product Classification section on
Modify Product page for this sound card. Now on the page Product Classification you should
specify that the speakers X require products of the product type:"Sound Cards" with
specification Digital 5.1 output.
Product requirements also affect the list of products that is displayed when a customer selects a
product to be placed in a slot. For example if no speakers are selected, you can choose a sound
card with any output for your computer. However, if you have already selected speakers that
require Digital 5.1 output you will be able to choose only from the sound cards that support this
specification and vice versa.

Please Note: For complex configurable products you can create more advanced fitting rules: assigning
several Product types to one slot, assigning one product to several product types. Each of the products
can have its own product requirements.

How to bundle several subscription services together. If you want to price them separately except
when they are bundled/configured together.

• The configurable item is the base unit. You can choose price=0 or any other price for this base
unit. For example the base unit of a PC's system is the barebones.
• A bundled product is an item that is not visible in normal listings. It is visible only in
configurations as fixed item or for component selections of configurable items.

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• You can create also a subscription which is a bundled product, which also works. Please choose
status=bundled and select a user role and a subscription period.
• The creation process of a bundle of products and of configurable items is the same. The only
difference is that you set all pre-selected components of a product bundle to fixed.

Subscription package example:

1. Create a configurable item, name it as [Service Gold]

2. Create two bundled item's: [TestItem1] and [Testitem2]
3. Set the price of these items = 0 or any other price
4. Set the price of the configuration base item [Service Gold] = your special price. (prices
of base unit and components are summed up)
5. Create product types and slots like described in the help file above.
6. Add product types to the slots. After that please preselect products for the slots and set
them to fixed.
7. If you want to enable the customer to order the items [TestItem1] and [TestItem2] also
separately please clone the bundled items [TestItem1] and [TestItem2] and set the status
of these new items to subscription. Now you can set a different and higher price to these
new items.
8. Only the 3 products: [TestItem1], [TestItem2] and [Service Gold] will be listed in
product lists.

Configurable product example:

Create 4 products which will be used as components of a configurable product

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Create the configurable base product:

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On the Classification page create the Product Types: ‘Cooler’ and ‘CPU’. You can use any product to
access the Classification page and create Product Types and Specifications. These items will be
available to be used for all products that have once been created:

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On the Classification page create the Specifications: ‘Socket A’ and ‘Socket 370’. You can use any
product to access the Classification page and create Product Types and Specifications. . These items
will be available to be used for all products that have once been created:

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Add the Specifications to the Product Types: Cooler <-> Socket A; Cooler <-> Socket 370 and CPU <-
> Socket A ; CPU <-> Socket 370 and add these combinations to the ‘This product’ and
‘Requirements’ list boxes. E.g. the cooler for Intel CPU’s contains the combination: ‘Cooler <->
Socket A’ and requires CPU’s which are made for Socket A: ‘CPU <-> Socket A’:

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These are the adjustments for the other components:

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Select the configurable base product for editing, create slots for the CPU and Cooler, add the
appropriate product type to each slot and assign the slots to the configurable base product.

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Click on the ‘View Product’ link and you should see an item similar to this:

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Click the ‘Select’ link of the CPU component and the following list with the two CPU’s should appear:

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Select the ‘Intel CPU’:

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If you click on the ‘Select’ link of the Cooler component there will be only one selection which is
suitable for the selected CPU:

Select this Cooler and now you will be able to add the configurable product to your cart:

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Click on the ‘View Cart’ link on the top right portion of this module (step 2) to display the cart content:

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The components will be marked with [+] icons in the first column (1). Only the quantity of the base
product can be changed and will change the quantity of the components. All components will be
deleted if you delete the base product

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Bundled Products
You may want to sell some products only as a part of a composite product. You can control this via
Status (kind of use) drop down on the Main Data page. When Normal, Rentable, Subscription or Ticket
option is selected a product can be sold both as a part of a composite product and separately. When
Bundled is selected a product can only be sold as a part of a composite product.

Product Packages / composite products

• To create a product package / composite product create a configurable product and add slots to
it and name them e.g.: MY PACKAGE ITEM A + ITEM B. (Create a dummy ‘Product Type’.
A product type must be assigned to a slot before the slot can be assigned to a configurable
product even if there is a predefined product for this slot.)
• Select slot [Status] = fixed and preselect a product ID for each slot. You can combine fixed and
unfixed slots with pre-selected items and items that are not pre-selected in one configurable
• Item packages for special pricing: Set the price of the package base (configurable) product < 0
• Item packages with additional fees (e.g. assembling of computers): Set the price of the package
base (configurable) product > 0
• Item Packages without price changes: Set the price of the package base (configurable) product =

Find out more about the calculation of item prices in chapter: Customer Care / Shopping Cart / Pricing
-> point: Pricing

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Sample scenario:

Create the configurable product:

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Create two component items (Select 'Bundled' if this item should only be available as a component of a
configurable product or of a product bundle / product package):

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Create a dummy ‘Product Type’. A product type must be assigned to a slot before the slot can be
assigned to a configurable product even if there is a predefined product for this slot.

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Search for the component items of the product package and note the ‘Product ID’. Select the package
base item and proceed with the next step:

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Create two slots and enter the Product ID’s of the components into the field: ‘Pre-selected Product ID’

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Assign the product type: ‘Dummy for bundles’ to the slots and add them to the configurable product:

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The package setup is now completed and the item should look like this:

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For package discounts simply enter a value < 0 into the ‘Price 1’ field of the configurable product:

Enter some text into the description field to inform your customers:

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Now the item price will be reduced by $50:

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Rentable Products

You can rent hotels, cars, tools and other items.

• Select: ‘Status (kind of use)’= Rentable on the ‘Main Data’ page of module CAT_Products..
• Add periods when the product should be available on the ‘Rentable Periods’ page.
• If you want to control how many items customers can book, select [Display items only if they
are in Stock] = true in CAT_StoreSettings. In this case the available stock will be displayed on
each day in the calendar. If a customer chooses a period, he can only select a number of items
which are available in the selected period.


Create an item for 10 equal 4-bed rooms of a hotel for rent:

If one person rents this room the price is $80, for 2 persons $120, for 3 persons $150 and for 4 persons
$160. If a customer rents 2 rooms, there should be a $20 discount.


At first create an item and name it: Standard 4-bed room.

Set ‘Status (kind of use)’ = rentable, ‘Price1’ = 80USD, ‘Price2’ = 60USD, ‘Price 2 Starting from’ = 2,
‘Stock’ = 10 click on the ‘Add’ link.

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Go to page ‘Attributes’, click on [+] in the ‘Text Options / data-entry forms’section. Set:
[Name] = Standard Room,
[Title] = Please select the Number of Persons,
[Selections] =
One Person
Two Persons=+40
Three Persons=+70
Four Persons=+80

Enter ‘One Person’ into the field: ‘Preselection (Enter the selection text without surcharges). Use [:] to
separate multiple preselections for the Checkboxlist control’ and select ‘Radio Buttons’ from the
‘Control Type’ drop down list.

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Assign the new created option to the product:

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Select a period on the ‘Rentable Periods’ page:

Select [Display items only if they are in Stock] = true in CAT_StoreSettings:

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Now the product setup is finished and the product detail page should look like this:

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If you select another number of persons the surcharges will be displayed:

You could also include the surcharges for the number of persons in the selections text:

E.g. change: ‘Two Persons=+40’ to ‘Two Persons +$40=+40’

Please Note: For rooms or holiday houses you can disable the option [Include Until Date] of module
CAT_ItemPaneNF (Select [View Options] from the module menu). Customers will understand this
better. If they book [from date] (arrival) [until date] (departure) the day of [until date] will not be
included and not charged.

To hide the POSelID unselect the checkbox: ‘Show [POSelID] on Product Details Page?’
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Please verify the adjustments on the options page of module CAT_ItemPaneNF:

If you select a period and the option: ‘Display items only if they are in Stock’ is activated in module
CAT_StoreSettings only the number of free rooms which are available for the whole period will be
selectable for booking:

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Important Note: The system is looking 200 days ahead to choose automatically the month where the
first free date is available.

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Customization of localized UI control texts

Use the DNN Language editor to change the controls texts: e.g. change ‘From Date’ to ‘Arrival’

1. Host -> Languages -> Select 'Language Editor' from the module menu.
2. Expand Local Resources -> DesktopModules -> CATALooKStore -> App_LocalResources ->
3. Select the locale from the 'Available Locales' list.
4. Change ‘From Date’ to ‘Arrival’ for the ‘LBLFROMDATE.Text’ Resource Name

Visit the detail page of the product to check if the text has been changed:

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For more information see chapter: Edit Language Resources (Translations)

Tickets are the same as Rentable Products only that customers cannot select a period, only a day.

Setup the search module CAT_SearchNF for rentable items

Module CAT_Products -> Page: Attributes -> ‘Bullet List Items (are displayed on product detail page,
can be included in search: module CAT_SearchNF [View Options])’
Add 3 List Item Types:

Add List Item Texts:

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Assign List Item Texts to List Item Types:

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Assign List Item Types to the product:

Setup the module CAT_SearchNF (Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu)

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Now it is possible to search for free hotel rooms in a period under consideration of selected

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Auction Type 1 product example:

• It’s a sale of a large number of the same product to get a better price.
• The more purchase requests for an item the lower the price can be. Prices of an already ordered
/ requested product will be changed according to the actual ordered number of the same
• It has a start date and a finish date.
• It has one vendor associated to it.
• It can have one or more buyers associated to it.

The file: CATALooKnetStoreDNN.template can be used to create an auction site.

Customization of module CAT_Products

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Select if vendors can delete products / auctions. Deactivate inline edit:

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Change the visibility of sections on page: ‘Main Data’:

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Restrict the product status selections, thus vendors can only create Auction Type 1 items:

Setup the visibility of the other pages:

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Inventory Options

Optional: Module CAT_StoreSettings -> activate inventory tracking and setup inventory options [1] –
[4]. [Price History] [5] of Auction Type 1 products tracks / displays order quantity related price
changes (normally this feature tracks / displays product update related price changes). [Price Agent] [6]
informs about price changes after new orders of a product (normally this button will only inform about
price changes after product update).

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Optional: Select module specific stock display type:

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Commission settings
Note: Vendors of an auction site can pay a fee for the membership. If the payment is handled by the
portal, a sale commission which is calculated by the sale price decreased by a fee can be paid to the
Optional: Module CAT_StoreSettings -> setup commissions:

Setup the Feedback module

Optional: When a user gets two or more bad reviews the site admin can be notified automatically:

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Register a test vendor account and create a new product

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Order quantity related prices of Auction Type 1 items are related to the total ordered number of this
product by all buyers and not only to the currently ordered number of this auction product by the
current customer. The module CAT_PriceRules can be used if more than 6 quantity prices are required.

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Optional: Vendor can enter a stock for this product:

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Module CAT_PriceRules: Create a price rule for order quantity related prices:

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The vendor can assign categories to this product on the ‘Advanced Categories’ page:

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Approve Listing

A ‘New listing’ notification will be sent to the vendor and the store email address defined in module
CAT_StoreSettings. The store admin must approve the listing before it will be posted:

Product appearance

Now the product will be displayed after the category selection [1].
[Price History] [2] displays order quantity related price changes.
[Price Agent] [3] informs about price changes after new orders of a product.
[4] Wish List / Watch List item prices will be changed based on the total ordered number of the
[7] Quantity prices.
[8] Displays the total ordered number of this product also from other customers. Currently there are no
orders for this product -> price = price1 = $599

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Quantity prices display if there is a price rule:

Or if there are already ordered items:

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Buyer 1 sends first purchase request for this auction item

Product detail page: [4] Customers can click here to add auction products to their cart:

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Order details page:

[2] Contact vendor, add feedback

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Buyer 3 sends purchase request

After 8 pieces of the product have been ordered, the next customer will see the product detail page. The
price has changed to $579. If this customer orders two pieces, the next level will be reached and the
price changes to $549.

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[1] Customers can delete products until the order has been processed. This can be disabled in the edit
module of module: CAT_CustomerAccount (Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu).

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Manage orders / purchase requests

Administrators can use the module CAT_Orders to search for vendor sales (auction purchase requests),
change order properties e.g.: payment state, payment type, date shipped etc., create invoices or credit
notes and contact vendors and buyers.
The unit price of this product has been changed to $559 also for the two previous orders, see below:

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Vendors can use the module CAT_Orders to search for vendor sales (auction purchase requests),
change order properties e.g.: payment state, payment type, date shipped etc. and contact buyers (send
message once an auction is finished etc.).

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Steps after an auction is finished

If the payment should be managed by the auction site: Customers can use the ‘Pay Now’ button from
the orders list of module CAT_CustomerAccount to pay for unpaid orders / auction requests:

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Admins can use the module CAT_VendorAccount to manage vendor sales, contact vendors and buyers,
create credit notes and send money for vendor commissions:

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Vendors can use the module CAT_VendorAccount to view their sales and contact buyers.

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Use finished auctions as template for new auction items

Don’t use an existing auction item for a second auction after the auction has been closed (don’t change
the Publication End date). To recreate a new auction item from an older item, vendors should use the
‘Clone’ feature:

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Search for auctions

Module CAT_SearchNF and CAT_Products (links: ‘Advanced Search’): Customers, vendors and
administrators can search for auctions from a certain vendor, active and not active / suspended auctions
that are in process and auctions by the number of bids / purchase requests.

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Module CAT_Customers

Add and Edit Customers

Here you can indicate specific prices, discounts, possible payment types or business-specific data e.g.
Tax Number for customers and search for customer orders. For security this module can only be used
by users having global or Page admin rights or the user which is defined as [Store Owner] in module
[CAT_StoreSettings]. Should users who don’t have any Admin or Host rights access to such modules,
an error message is indicated.

To edit customer profile click on the [Customer ID] or [LastName] link in the list. For quick edit
use the [Edit] Link in the list.

Edit Referee

Click on edit in the customer list and edit the referee user id and the expiry date. Normally a referee is
added if he points to your site via an affiliate referral link. This function allows you to assign a referee
to each customer manually. You could use this to calculate the commission for sales managers. If you
enter a value for: [Referrer UserID] you must also enter a value for: [Reward Expiry Date]. Please enter
valid values for [Reward Expiry Date] and only existing User IDs into the field [Referrer UserID].

Export Customers

Please note: CATALooK.netStore requires the component orilogic.export.dll for the data export into
several formats. This component is not a part of the CATALooK.netStore and is therefore not included
when you buy or hire the CATALooK.netStore. You can download a demo-version of this control from
Orilogic´s homepage
Above the data of the control’s demo-version you’ll find an advertisement.

[Shop Customer Number] is the ID from table [User] and [Customer Number] is the number you
can assign to your customer in module customer. If you import customers the field customer
number is the unique key for synchronization.

Payment types/terms

• In the customer data base you can define specific payment terms for every customer. Depending
on the setting in the store setting form these payment terms are shown on checkout. Please note:
Priority is given to the selection in the store setting form
• After the first registration customers can pay CWO, COD, Credit Card or by PayPal as long as
these terms of payment are activated in the store setting form. This can be changed in module
CAT_StoreSettings -> Field: ‘Allowed payment types for new users (Use the module
CAT_Customers to assign individual payment types to each customer)’.
• For security reasons the payment terms CWO, COD, Credit Card or by PayPal are always
shown as activated when you first edit customers even if it’s not defined in the data base.

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• By changing translations in language resource files: Strings.resx,,

Strings.en.resx...texts about the terms of payment can easily be changed. Use the module
CAT_LangSwitcher (select ‘Edit Language Resources’ from the module menu) to change the

Delete Customers

Caution! Deleting of items leads to the deletion of other data bases as well.


• [Shop Customer Number] is the ID from table [User] and [Customer Number] is the number
you can assign to your customer in module customer. If you import customers the field
customer number is the key for synchronization.

Module CAT_EmailBlockList

Add/Edit the Email Block List

Lists all email addresses which will be blocked if an email advertisement is sent via module
CAT_EmailAdvertisement. Email addresses will be stored automatically in this table, if the customer
clicks on the link [Delete Email Address from the Address Book] on the bottom of an email created by
module CAT_EmailAdvertisement or if the user unselects checkbox: ‘I want to receive information
and special offers’ during checkout in module CAT_Cart.

Product Options
You can select an unlimited number of product options for each product (color, size etc., image options
and file options). You can name these options, add or remove option items and define surcharges,
weights (used for shipping charges calculation) and subscription parameters for the selections: PAGE /
page [Attributes] of module CAT_Products.

Text Options
On the attributes page of module CAT_Products -> Menu: Text Options -> Click on the 'Add Option'
image button. Fill out all necessary fields -> Click on the save link -> Click on the new listed option->
click on the assign button left beside the options list box.
For colors you can also use the color picker control. If you don't use the active option management
(surcharges for selections or the display of option selection images, SKU and prices) you can increase
the performance if you switch to the text mode via module CAT_ItemPaneNF -> select 'View Options'
from the module menu -> select: ‘Disable active option management (data-entry forms mode) and
show all options and selections. Note: To use the ‘Date Time Picker’ control you must select: 'Disable
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active option management' from the 'Display Type for Text Options and data-entry forms' selector of
the itempane module.

Option Selection Surcharges

Green=+5 (adds 5 to the normal product price)
Red=-6% (reduces the normal product price by 6%)
Blue=+8% (adds 8% to the normal product price)
Brown=-2 (reduces the normal product price by 2)
XXL $14.5=14.5 (adds 14.5 to the normal product price)

The normal product price can be 0 (defined on the ‘Main Data’ page of module CAT_Products). In this
case the option price will define the product price.

Prices for combinations of options selections can be specified in the menu which appears below the
[Text Options] section after you have assigned the first option to a product: [Manage Properties of
Options Selections Combinations] -> [Formula].

Option Selection Weights

Black=w1.5 (adds 1.5 to the normal product weight)

Green=+5w+2.7% (adds 2.7% to the normal product weight)
Red=-6%w-2 (reduces the normal product weight by 2)
Blue=+8%w-2% (reduces the normal product weight by 2%)
Brown=-2w+2 (adds 2 to the normal product weight)
XXL $14.5=14.5w5% (adds 5% to the normal product weight)

The normal product weight can be 0 (defined on the ‘Main Data’ page of module CAT_Products). In
this case the option weight will be the product weight.

Weights for combinations of options selections can be specified in the menu which appears below the
[Text Options] section after you have assigned the first option to a product: [Manage Properties of
Options Selections Combinations] -> [Formula].

The weight unit can be defined via module CAT_StoreSettings.

Option Calculator Control

Enter the number of e.g. m² you want to buy of a product. Then the calculator automatically takes the
number of m² in each package, adds e.g. 5% loss, rounds up to the next package and inserts the correct

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quantity of packages or int (packages * number of m² in each package) to order into the order quantity
field or selects this quantity from the order quantity selector.

Module CAT_Products -> search for a product -> select: ’Inline Edit’ -> Enter the number of ’Units
Per Package’ into the field which is currently named 'Size'. You can change the field name in the
language resources: key: ’FREE3’. If the product should be charged by packages you can optionally
add ’P’ in front of the ’Units Per Package’ value. If it should be charged based on ’Units’ (m²) you
must add ’U’ as prefix to the ’Units Per Package’ value e.g. U1.95.
Optional: enter a percentage value for the loss into the field which is currently named to ’Publisher’
(’FREE2’); default is set to 5%.
Note: There will be no validation for these fields. Please ensure, you have entered the numeric values
in a valid format!
Select 'Attributes' -> Text Options -> Add -> Enter some text for 'Description' and 'Name' of this option
-> set Title = e.g. 'm²' -> set Status=Optional -> set Control Type = 'Calculator' -> Add -> Assign the
option to this product. You can enter the number of units into this field on the product detail page. To
update the quantity field or selector, click somewhere outside the text field. You can also click instantly
on the ’Add To Cart’ or ’Buy It Now’ button after you have entered the number of units.
After the calculator has updated the quantity box or quantity selector an info text will appear right
beside the quantity box or selector:
Method 1: Product charged by packages
Info Text: You need 11m² (6packages) for 10m²

Method 2: Product charges based on units

Info Text: You need 6 packages (11.7m²) for 10m²

Here you can change the Info Text:

Host -> Languages -> Language Editor -> Expand the ‘Local Resources’ Node -> Expand the
‘DesktopModules’ Node -> Expand the CAT_Modules Node -> Expand the App_LocalResources
Node -> Seach for the key.

Manage the Properties of Options Selections Combinations (POSel)

If a customer selects a color from the options list the color of the product image will be changed and
the customer can see if this product is available.

Please perform the following steps to setup inventory tracking for options and manage images for
different combinations of selections from several options:

1. Create a category and a product or import a product.(modules: CAT_Categories and

CAT_Products; Import -> module CAT_StoreSettings)

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2. Go to page Attributes on module CAT_Products -> Text Options -> Create one or more new
options and assign these options to the product
3. After you have assigned the first option to this product a new input form: [Manage Properties of
Options Selections Combinations(POSel)] appears
4. Select any combination of the options selections in this form -> This will update the unique
options selections id automatically
5. Select an image (optional) and the stock amount for this combination
6. Go to module CAT_StoreSettings -> check the box: [Display Icons for Items Stock] and enter
values for: [less than] etc. and select the stock images or select ‘View Options’ from the module
menu of module: CAT_ItemPaneNF and select a value from the ‘Items stock display type’ radio
button list. You can upload some sample stock images from folder \installfiles\StockImages.ZIP
via admin -> file manager (turn on the Unzip option).
7. Optional: activate the option: ‘Display items only if they are in Stock’ from module
CAT_StoreSettings to display only available combinations of option selections.
8. Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of module CAT_ItemPaneNF and select a value
for: ‘Display type options for Text Options and data-entry forms’ e.g.: ‘Show all combinations
of options and selections which are included in a predefined POSelID of a product’. To show
only available (stock > 0) combinations of option selections choose: ‘Show all combinations of
options and selections which are included in a predefined POSelID with stock > 0’
9. Goto module CAT_ItemPane -> product details page of this product and select the options ->
This will update the option image, the stock display and the options selections ID on this form
10. Checkout via module CAT_Cart and goto module CAT_Products -> Attributes -> You will see
that the stock amount has been decreased by the number of ordered items.
The stock amount will be decreased automatically after the order has been placed or after an
invoice is created. You can select the method via field [Stock Control Type] in module
Please Note: Via module CAT_StoreSettings -> [Stock Control Type] you can choose if the
stock amount will be decreased on orders or after an invoice or credit note has been created
11. You can search for POSel ID's in module CAT_Orders -> search field: [POSelID]. Any
comabination with other search fields is possible

Note: Please ensure that you have added the file extensions of media gallery files to the field: [File
Upload Extensions] in the Host Settings menu.

That means that the customer is automatically added to the selected user role for the selected period
after payment has been effected. This can be used if you want to publish content on your portal pages
which is only visible for customers who are members of a specific role.

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PayPal Subscriptions
Select ‘Use PayPal Subscription for Recurring Billing’. Select a Subscription Role and enter a
subscription period or check the ‘Use service fees and periods from security roles advanced settings
section’ checkbox and enter all data via Admin -> Security Roles -> Edit -> Advanced Settings:

Set the product Price 1 = 0 to hide the price if you use the service fees and periods from security roles.

Please Note: If you want to use re-billing for subscriptions, Credit Card data must be stored (not
necessary for PayPal subscriptions, WorldPay / FuturePay subscriptions and Authorize.Net ARB).
Module: CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) -> [Crypto Password (Encrypts
the Credit Card data in the database)] -> enter min. 16 characters there.

Subscriptions with recurring billing (manually or scheduler triggered)

1. Ensure that you have entered all email data in module CAT_StoreSettings
2. Create a subscription item:
o Choose Status (kind of use) = subscription
o [Subscription Role] = ??? e.g. administrators
o [Subscription Period] = 0 days for test
o Check [Enable Recurring Billing]

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3. Order this item and proceed to checkout

4. Go to module CAT_Orders: If you have paid via CC or PayPal the order state is set to paid. If
you chose another payment method you must set the payment state to "paid manually". Now if
you click on [Perform Recurring Billing] one or more new orders for each subscription item in
the original order will be created. (Depending on the payment method from your first order the
system will try to connect to a credit card payment gateway or send a PayPal link to the
5. If you want to end a subscription please click on the link: [Order Details] on the latest paid
subscription order and click on the [Unsubscribe] button.
6. You can add the recurring billing job to the DNN scheduler: Choose [Add Item to Schedule] on
DNN Host Schedule PAGE and enter: [CATALooK.RecurringBilling, CATALooKStore] into
field: [Full Class Name and Assembly] to add this job to Schedule.

Recurring billing FAQ's

Q: I am providing web hosting services. I want to use the recurring billing for subscriptions. Now that
I’ve installed it, I see there is an option for recurrence period in days in the DNN scheduler. However I
invoice on the first of every month. Since the number of days in a month varies, is there a way I can
configure monthly recurring billing for a Subscription product type?
A: Please add the CATALooK.netStore recurring billing job to the DNN scheduler (Host->Schedule-
>Add Item to Schedule). Select 30 Days for [Time Lapse] on the first day of the next month. This will
be the billing cycle. For the first period type in the difference from today or whenever service starts till
the end of this month in days or start the first recurring billing job manually on the first day of the next
month (module CAT_Orders->[Perform Recurring Billing].

Q: One question I should add about the recurring subscription services: I have an initial setup fee, then
a lower monthly fee. What would be the best way to configure that?
A: Follow these instructions:
1. Create a bundled item and name it 'initial setup fee' (Bundled items are not displayed in the
product lists and are only available in bundles and configurations).
2. Create a subscription item
3. Create a configurable product and name it: subscription and first initial charge
4. Create a product bundle as described in chapter: ‘Bundled Products’ and assign two slots with
the product ID's of the bundled item and the subscription item as preselection to the
configurable item

When the recurring billing job was performed only the subscription item for the next period will
continue whereas the setup fee item won’t.

Subscription / Recurring Billing Example 1

If you want to use recurring billing and you have multiple roles that shall be representd by each item,
each item of a bundle (the configurable base system included) must have the same subscription period
and a subscription role. The role can be different. If you do not want to list the components of this
subscription bundle you must change them from [status/kind of use] = subscription to [status/kind of

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use]=bundled. This will remove these items from all lists and they will only be displayed as
components of the configurable base unit. An item will be recognized as "subscription" if it has a
subscription role and period. It is not necessary that the [status/kind of use] is set to subscription. The
only difference for the selection of [subscription] to the other [status/kind of use] types is that the
quantity box for this item will not be displayed in the product lists, and on the product detail page the
Quantity is set to default = 1. If you want to add an initial period like a "Try before you buy" where
there is a lower fee or no fee, please don't add a user role and subscription period to this item. In this
case this item will not be included in the subscription after the subscription is started/ continued the
first time by the recurring billing job. You can also choose that the configurable base item is the item
which includes the fee. In this case that item will not be included after the subscription is continued.
The base item can have the amount=0. A good example would be if you had one base item that was
composed of two other items. The base item would contain the "Try before you by" period of three
months or 90 days and would have an amount of 0. Once the period was over the other two items
included would then be billed in their normal cycle. It would be best for your customers if you made
the names of bundles simple, like "Bundle of" and you fill in the rest.

Subscription / Recurring billing example 2

We want to sell magazine subscriptions. They are tracked by number of issues. When one person pays
for a subscription for 1 year, they get 6 issues. After an issue has been sent, the number will be reduced
to 5. Issues will be sent for everyone at one time so we need the ability to reduce the quantity of issues
remaining for everyone with a certain product by 1.

We need the following abilities:

• To sell a subscription based on a number of issues (6 in our case).
• To reduce the number of issues left by 1, after an issue has been sent
• The reduction must be handled for all subscribers at the same time.
• We need to be able to sell multiple subscriptions, as the price is different for the United States,
Europe, and Africa.
• The order details form must display information about the number of issues remaining
• We would like to send e-mails to subscribers to renew when they approach the end of their
subscription or automatically renew the subscription for payment type credit card
• For payment type credit card the subscription will be renewed and a notification email is send to
the subscriber. The subscriber can unsubscribe each subscription any time with the unsubscribe
button in his account. The payment will proceed automatically for payment type credit card. For
all other payment types an e-mail is send to the subscriber to pay. The store admin can
change/cancel all subscriptions.

Please perform the following steps to test this kind of subscriptions:

1. Create a category : e.g. Magazine subscriptions

2. Create a product: e.g. Product name: ‘My magazine’; status: you can select ‘normal’ or
3. Set Price = 10;
4. Set Selections (orderable quantities) of order quantity drop down list = 6;
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5. Subscription Period: 0 -> this is for test so that you can perform a recurring test immediately.
You should choose a value > 0 if you want to give your customers the ability to unsubscribe.
The unsubscribe button is shown till one day before the next recurring is possible.
6. Activate the ‘Enable Recurring Billing’ checkbox
7. Click on [Save]
8. Log out and register a new account.
9. Order this item and checkout with payment type [cash in advance]. -> go to your account to see
this order and choose [Order Details] to see the order details. If you use credit card payment or
PayPal, the order state will be updated automatically and the recurring starts automatically.
10. Login as host or admin
11. Set the payment state of this order to paid-> module CAT_Orders or CAT_Customers -> Edit
order. Click on [Order Details] to see the changes. Please find a sample receipt email below.
The remaining quantity is 6 and will be displayed in column [Quantity] on the Order Details

test test,

Thank you for continuing your subscription. You will find a copy of your subscription

Payment Type Cash in advance

test test
90210 test
United States

Order Receipt Order ID 6

Shop Cust No. 3
Customer Number 12345
Date 1/11/2005 3:52:37 AM
Phone 123

Product Name Options Product ID Item code Quantity Price Total Row TAX
My magazine 3 123456 6 79.00 474.00 0.00%

net Total EUR 474.00

gross Total EUR 474.00
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Pay per Cash in advance

If you have any questions to this Order Receipt please feel free to contact us:

Now you can start to send out the issues from the customer assets. -> Module CAT_Orders -> [Perform
Recurring Billing/send out products from customer assets] -> this will reduce the remaining quantity by
one. All notifications will be send to the customer and the store email address. Have a look at the
sample email to the store email address below:

Email Notification Information

test test #3
has received this Notification by e-mail:

One subscription item/issue (#3 My magazine) has been delivered or taken off. This is the
number of items/issues remaining: 3
Please use this link to display the subscription details: Order Details
Many Thanks,

DotNetNuke offers web-based subscription service for internet users (parties/users). The users
of the service have the ability to unsubscribe before the next period starts at any time before the
subscription has been continued to the next period.
Please refer to the Terms Of Use policy for additional information.

This is the same email for the customer. You can add your own top and bottom templates to all
email forms.:

One subscription item/issue (#3 My magazine) has been delivered or taken off. This is the
number of items/issues remaining: 3
Please use this link to display the subscription details: Order Details
Many Thanks,

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DotNetNuke offers web-based subscription service for internet users (parties/users). The users
of the service have the ability to unsubscribe before the next period starts at any time before the
subscription has been continued to the next period.
Please refer to the Terms Of Use policy for additional information.

If the remaining quantity is 0, the next click on the button [Perform Recurring Billing/send out products
from customer assets] will start the recurring billing and creates a new order. If you allow credit card
payment, a payment gateway will be contacted automatically in order to process the payment.

To start the recurring function automatically you must add this function to the DNN scheduler.
(Choose [Add Item to Schedule] on DNN Host Schedule PAGE and enter:
[CATALooK.RecurringBilling, CATALooKStore] into field: [Full Class Name and Assembly] to add
this job to Schedule)
Please find more information in the module descriptions.

Subscription / Recurring example 3

Sell online service subscriptions with initial setup fees and variable charges depending on the number
of delivered units that have been actually used for the charged period.

My users can have one or more of the 3 roles: A-User (provides ads to be displayed on my site), S-
User (uses my services that generate emails on user’s behalf), Affiliate (external linked site that sends
me new customers).

A-User can sign up to one the following plans:

• Single payment X to get N units of A-service times A-service rate.
Formula N units * A rate=X amount
Example: User wants to have her ad displayed 1000 times. 1000* $0.05=$50
• Recurring (monthly) payments of a fixed amount X to cover X/A rate units of A-service.
X is the maximum amount that can be charged. If the actual number of ads placed was
less than X/A, then usage based amount is charged.
Example: User enters $50 as monthly recurring payment. Current rate is $0.05 so the user is
entitled to have her ad placed on 1000 pages. When scheduler runs the job to charge customer,
it gets the actual usage number for the charged period from one of my tables. The number is <
=1000 ( e.g. 700) and it is multiplied by rate, so the actual usage is charged. 700 * $0.05=$35

S-User can sign up to one of the bundled plans below. Each plan can be one time/one period long or
recurring; it may have fixed and variable price constituents, so the total amount to be charged is
calculated based on a combination of fixed and variable components based on the actual usage. The
actual usage is based on data from my tables. I will send you data structures soon – they are very
• Plan 0
No charge

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• Plan 1
o Initial setup fee
o Fixed Monthly charge X for up to N emails sent (N is different for each plan).
o Variable monthly charge Y = difference between actual number of emails sent A
and N multiplied at rate R for each email ( R is different for each plan)
Example: N=1000, R=$0.005, X=$10, A=1350
Total charge for this month’s period:
Total=X +(A-N)* R=10+(1350-1000)*0.005=$11.75
• Plan 2
Similar to plan 1, but different numbers
• Plan 3
Similar to plan 1, but different numbers
• Can add more plans in the future

1. Create a category : e.g. test

2. Create a product: e.g. Productname: test; status: you can select normal or subscription;
3. Set Price = 0; (For an initial fee you can create a product bundle with the subscription item and
an item for the initial fee or set the product price <> 0 e.g. if you want to charge the base price l
* x on the beginning of the recurring cycle and want that the customer pays in advance for it.
Both methods will be used to calculate the order amount only for the first billing and will not be
used for the amount calculation of the following recurring billings. If you want to add any other
additional fees you can use options with surcharges for the selections and optional predefine
4. Subscription Period: 0 -> this is for test so that you can perform a recurring test
immediately. The unsubscribe button will be shown until the day of the next recurring.
5. Select a subscription role.
6. Set Enable Recurring Billing = enable
7. Click on [Save]
8. Goto: Attributes -> Text Options / data-entry forms -> Create a new option and enter a selection
e.g. Name and Title = Subscription; Selections = $50 base for 1000 units above $0.10 maximal
2000 units==0.05;1000;0.10;1000;2000 (find a description of the selection parameters below):
x n y lh
Format of option selections: Selection Title==0.00;0;0.00;0;0 (Please Note: The Selection Title
and the values must be divided by a double '=')

x = amount/charge/rate per unit for up to n units (ads, emails etc)

n = number of units to separate two different charges / number of units to define a start point of
a different charge
y = amount/charge/rate per unit starting from n units (ads, emails etc)
l = minimum number of units that will be charged even if not all units up to this number of
units are delivered or used (consumption is lower than the possible number of units)
h = maximum number of units to cover the subscription charge

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9. Log out and register a new account or login with admin rights.
10. Order this item and checkout. Use payment type: [cash in advance] if there are any initial or
additional fees. -> go to your account to see this order and choose [Order Details] to see the
order details. If the subscription item has any additional or initial fees (the ordered amount is >
0) and you use credit card payment or PayPal the payment state will be updated automatically to
‘paid’ and the recurring / subscription process starts automatically. If the ordered amount is 0
(No additional or initial fees and subscription fees will be calculated on the end of each
recurring period) the payment state will be set to ‘paid’ and no payment is necessary to start the
recurring billing / subscription process.
11. Login as host or admin
12. Set the payment state of this order to ‘paid’ if not set to ‘paid’ automatically (Amount = 0 or
paid by PayPal or CC)-> module CAT_Orders or CAT_Customers -> Edit order. Click on
[Order Details] to see the changes. The amount of the subscription item in this initial order will
be 0 or equals the amount of the initial and/or additional fee. At the end of a subscription period
the order amount will be calculated depending on the delivered / used units. Via module
CAT_StoreSettings -> 'Invoice Creation Type' you can define when the order will be invoiced.
13. Place the module CAT_Subscriptions on any page, click on the 'Search' button -> Edit -> Enter
a value for 'Delivered Units'. You will see that the price for this number of units will be
displayed below the units counter. Perform tests with different values e.g. 700 1000 1200 2000
2100 etc.
14. Now you can start the first recurring billing. -> Module CAT_Orders -> [Perform Recurring
Billing/send out products from customer assets]. To start the recurring function automatically
you must add this function to the DNN scheduler. Please find more information in the module
description of the orders module.
15. Now you can find the new order in the orders module and the actual subscriptions units count is
set to 0 in module CAT_Subscriptions

Please Note: The Module CAT_Subsciptions should also be available for subscribers. They can
manage their subscriptions in this module and edit their Credit Card details there.

The cart record ID is used as unique key to access the units count. You can instantiate this class below
to request all subscriptions (collection), single subscriptions and to change the units count. This class is
located in file: SubscriptionsDB.vb:

Namespace CATALooK

Class SubscriptionInfo

Class SubscriptionController

IncreaseUnitCount(ByVal RecordID As Integer)

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UpdateUnitCount(ByVal RecordID As Integer, ByVal DeliveredUnits As Integer)

GetSubscription(ByVal RecordID As Integer) As SubscriptionInfo

GetActiveSubscriptionsCollection(ByVal PortalID As Integer, ByVal UserID As Integer, ByVal

ProductID As Integer, ByVal SubscrExpiryDate As Date) As ArrayList

GetActiveSubscriptions(ByVal SortField As String, ByVal PortalID As Integer, ByVal UserID As

Integer, ByVal ProductID As Integer, ByVal SubscrExpiryDate As Date) As DataView

Class SubscriptionParameterInfo

Class SubscriptionParamsController

FillSubscriptionParameterInfo (ByVal c As Integer, ByVal Options As String) As


Setup user selectable rebilling periods (Auto-ship option) and discounts for Auto-ship items and
different rebilling periods

Sample scenario setup instructions:

1. Add a new product (Module: CAT_Products / page: Products):

• If this is a role subscription, select a role from the [Subscription Role] selector. This feature can
also be used for normal products w/o role selection
• Set Price1 = 50
• Select: [User can select period] from the [Subscription Period / Billing Period] selector on the
[Main Data] page
• Turn on the [Enable Recurring Billing] option.
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• Insert the special price or the discount into any field e.g.: set [Author] = -10% you can also add
html there e.g. <font color="red">45</font>
• Change the field name from 'Author' to 'AutoShip Price' in the language resources -> see
chapter: 'Edit Language Resources (Translations)'

2) Add a new price rule (Module: CAT_PriceRules / page: Price Rules):

• [Product] = select the newly created product or leave blank for all products
• [Formula] = - 10% (you can insert any formula also fixed prices and quantity related prices as
described in the field text of the formula field)
• Set [Billing Period] = 30
• Repeat this with [Billing Period] = 0, 45 and 90 (0 is for test purposes)

3) Add the billing period selections to the [Billing Period] selector (Module: CAT_Cart / page:

• Select 'View Options' from the module menu

• Enter 0 30 45 90 into the [Recurring Billing Periods (Every X days) Press ENTER/CR to
separate] textbox
• Turn on the [Show Author (FREE1) Column] option

4) Optional: Disable the ‘Un-subscribe’ and ‘Reinstate’ functions for buyers (Module:
CAT_CustomerAccount / page: My Orders):

• Go to 'My Account' -> 'My Orders' (Module: CAT_CustomerAccount)

• Select 'View Options' from the module menu
• Untick the [Allow un-subscribe of recurring orders (subscribed subscriptions).] and [Allow re-
instate of recurring orders (unsubscribed subscriptions). Not possible for PayPal subscriptions.]

5) Optional: Disable the ‘Un-subscribe’ and ‘Reinstate’ functions for buyers (Module: CAT_
Subscriptions / page: Subscriptions):

• Go to 'My Account' -> 'My Subscriptions' (Module: CAT_Subscriptions)

• Select 'View Options' from the module menu
• Untick the [Allow un-subscribe of recurring orders (subscribed subscriptions).] and [Allow re-
instate of recurring orders (unsubscribed subscriptions). Not possible for PayPal subscriptions.]

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6) Optional: change the translations in the language resource file of the cart module:

• (Host -> Languages -> Language Editor -> Open: ‘Local

• plBillingPeriod.Text = e.g. change to: ‘AutoShip Period’
• plBillingPeriod.Help = ?
• lblSubscribed.Text = e.g. change to: ‘AutoShip’

7) Perform a test purchase:

• Login as admin, order this product and go to the cart page

• Tick the [Subscribed] (AutoShip) checkbox of this product, select '0' from the [Billing Period
(Every):] (AutoShip Period) selector and click on the 'Update Cart' button
• Now The Price will change to '45' and the new value for billing period will be stored in the
• Proceed to checkout and select any payment method e.g. 'COD'

8) Test the recurring billing functionality:

• Go to CATALooK.netStore -> Orders -> Edit -> Select 'Pay State' = 'paid' for this order
• Click on the 'Order Details' link to see the details
• Return to the order page (Module CAT_Orders / page: Orders) and click on the 'Perform
Recurring Billing' button
• This will create a new order with the same item and item quantity.

Export Products

• When exporting into the EBay Turbolister format the product price1is the only one that is
exported without considering special prices. All other export formats include nearly every field
of the product database.
• If there is a product description HTML-side installed, this field is exported as the description. If
not, the product description is used.
• The EBay Turbo Lister has problems to open image files that have blanks in their name. Please
avoid therefore any blanks, umlauts or special signs when you name product images.
• When exporting in CSV please pay attention to the fact that CSV is a real comma-separated
export file. The fields are separated by comma and not by semicolon. As a result this causes
problems when stating decimal numbers with commas. When importing please pay attention to
it and correct it, if necessary because single columns can get mixed up otherwise!!! (item price,
prices in orders)
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• When exporting items into the eBay Turbo Lister format the product price is converted into an
integral format for the above-mentioned reasons.
• When exporting into the EBay Turbo Lister format the following default values will be put in:
Site = 77; Format = 9 (sale at a fixed price); Title = product name; Description = product
description; PicURL = image URL; Quantity = stock; Starting Price = Product price1; Buyer
pays shipping =yes (customer bears the transport costs); CashOnPickupAccepted = yes(Cash on
delivery ); MoneyXferAccepted = yes(payment by Cash on order/remittance); Ship-To option =
• Please note:CATALooK.netStore requires the component orilogic.export.dll for the data export
into several formats. This component is not part of the CATALooK.netStore and is therefore
not included when you buy or hire CATALooK.netStore. You can download a demo-version of
this control from Orilogic´s homepage
Above the data of the control’s demo-version you’ll find an advertisement. You must
order a full version from or delete that advertisement manually
before importing the product data into the eBay Turbolister or CATALooK.netStore.


• Highest priority is given to the indication of a price rule from module CAT_PriceRules
followed by special prices for a certain period, see also Change the method to calculate the
number of an ordered item in the cart.
• If there is no special price or price rule given, prices are calculated from the customer’s price
category 1-6 and the discount according to entries in the customer database. Assign a price
group to a customer in module CAT_Customers. Please note: When importing, installing or
changing an item the system checks whether one of the prices 2-6 hasn’t been indicated. In this
case the system adopts price 1 for this price category. However, if one of the prices 2-6 is nil or
another unreal value, the price remains the same. This could lead to wrong prices when dealing
with customers in higher price categories. Before going live on the Internet please check these
price indications since you can be bound to them!
• You can pre select one of 6 price groups for each customer. Each Product contains 6 prices.
You can set a quantity of products that customers must purchase for each price. Example: If a
customer owns price group 3 then price 3 and price 4 to 6 with product quantities will be
displayed in product lists. Sale Prices will have priority. Later changes of order quantity in
shopping cart or store will also change the price depending on bulk prices in products database.
• Customer-specific prices for items cannot be calculated for mailing offers. The system only
considers special prices stated.
• Customers have to be logged to see customer related special prices. If a customer logs in later or
the cart is moved to a named one, the prices will be corrected if there are any special prices for
this customer.
• You can specify prices for product options in module CAT_Products -> Attributes -> [Text
Options] or [Image Options]. Create a new option and enter selections in this way for Text

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Percentage prices are calculated on basis of normal product price.
• Prices for combinations of options selections can be specified in the menu which appears below
the [Text Options] section after you have assigned the first option to a product: [Manage
Properties of Options Selections Combinations] -> [Formula].
• Define the [Price Type] = ‘tax incl.’ or ‘excl. tax’ in module CAT_Settings before you release
your store. Later changes will result in wrong amounts of already existing orders etc..

Tax / VAT

Tax rates are calculated based of settings in module CAT_Zones and CAT_Settings. Set the default tax
rate in module CAT_Settings and set special tax rates for countries, regions, zip codes, cities and
products in module CAT_Zones and CAT_Products. Define Tax rate zones in module CAT_Zones and
assign these zones to products. Choose tax for shipping.

Module CAT_Zones: Location and product or vendor specific taxes

1. Add a [Zone Name].

2. Select a country from the country selector below.
3. Assign a [Zone Name] to one or more locations via [Tax Main / Sub Zones Administrator] .
4. Search for a product via module CAT_Products and select [Full Page Edit] from the list of
search results. On the [Taxes] page of this module select a [Zone Name] and provide a value for

Module CAT_Zones: Location based taxes(It is not required to add [Zone Names] if taxes are
location based only.)

1. Select a country from the country selector.

2. Insert the tax rates into the [Tax(%)] fields for the locations of your customers.

Other Methods:
Use the module CAT_Customers to assign a default tax rate to a customer account or the module
CAT_StoreSettings to enter a common tax rate for the store.
Turning on option: [Tax exempt] for a product will exclude it from tax calculation.

[VAT ID / Tax Ident Number(UID)] Handling:

To calculate taxes for customers with and w/o [VAT ID / Tax Ident Number(UID)] select [View
Options] from the module menu of module CAT_Cart and find all [VAT ID / Tax Ident Number(UID)]
settings in section: [Tax Options].

Module CAT_Zones: Canadian Taxes

1. Select: [Canada] from the [Country] selector.

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2. Insert the GST rate in the Tax(%) field of first row (country only).
3. Insert the tax rate in the Tax(%) field and the Tax Rate Name in the [Tax Rate Name] field for
the province/territory: PST, QST, HST etc.

For [QST] the sales tax is applied to the total of the selling price plus the GST (Stacked Tax).

Download - option after sale of Software

Module CAT_Products -> Search for a product -> Full Page Edit -> Main Data:

• Enable the check box [ Download ] in products.

• Upload the appropriate software programs.
• After payment has been effected the customer can directly download the item from the order
detail page. The payment state can be updated manually, by Credit Card Processor or by
PayPal. If there aren’t such items in the order, the column [Download] is not shown.
• Furthermore you can define a ZIP password for every download file. This is shown under the
same condition like in column [Download] in the customer account. For security reasons ZIP
data should be protected by using this password. This field can also be used for license codes

And / Or:

Module CAT_Products -> Search for a product -> Full Page Edit -> Media gallery, download files,
external links and links to a page in your site

• Click on the ‘Add New Link’ button.

• Select ‘Order Details Page (If the payment state is set to [paid] and there is no credit note for
the ordered item)’ from the [Display On:] selector.
• Find more option for downloadable products in section: ‘Order Details Page Items Download

The date when the customer has downloaded the file for the first time will be inserted into the [Date
Shipped] field of an order.

Delete Products, Categories and Customers

Caution! Deleting items leads to deleting other data bases as well. For that reason it is not possible to
have a look at single items of orders, invoices and credit notes. We suggest: If you want to hide or store
old items it is best to use the button [put the items on "non-publish"] in product admin module or [set
all products to archive] in store settings module before importing or installing any new items. Imported
items are always put on "publish". The deletion of customers leads to the deletion of all his/her
invoices, credit notes and orders. It is therefore better to not use this feature!
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Price Update/Price Agent

If price dates apply with the customers wishes, the price agent gets activated when updating items. It
will take some time until all mailings have been sent to customers after you have clicked on an update
link or after the import of products. Please do not press the update button more than once but wait until
the progress bar of the browser disappears.

Product Images
Item images should be deposited in a JPEG format. A width of 260 pixels is therefore recommendable.
GIF images should always be filed without indicating a transparent color and in any case without a
mask, otherwise it can lead to unwanted color effects by the computations of the thumbnail generators.

Freight Charges
If you want to add ship costs for each item separately, you have to activate the radio button [ Specified
in Products ] in the store settings and indicate the freight costs for each item in Products.(do not forget
to add freight charges for subsequent products)

Catalook Main Store Help (obsolete, do not place this module on a page)

Advantages of catalog frame module CATALooKStore against CAT_ItemPaneNF,

CAT_MenuNF, CAT_SearchNF

• Use the module [CATALooKStore] if you need high performance site refresh rates but it is a
little bit more difficult to optimize the properties of the two frames in this module.
• Frames will be faster, because the browser doesn’t need to load the whole site after selecting an
item in left hand menu.
• The height of the Site will be exactly set to the height of the browser window and scrollbars will
be shown automatically if you use the standard catalookmain.ascx file.
• The width can be set to a fixed value. If the content is bigger vertical a scrollbar will be
• When a lot of categories must be displayed in left hand menu you don’t need to scroll for
finding the products in right product list.
• You don’t need to use paging for product list, if you have a lot of products in one category, but
you can do it.
• After the selection of a category the tree menu does not need to be rebuild, because only the
catalog frame on the right site will be renewed not the whole site.
• The tree menu can store its state in a document cookie, because the URL will always be the

Advantages of catalog NF (No Frame) modules CAT_ItemPaneNF, CAT_MenuNF,


• You can place this module on a page in a sub/child portal. (Do not use the module
CATALooKStore in sub/child portal)
• Easy setup.
• No scrollbars.

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• Checkout Button in catalog list redirects to cart.

• No problems with containers and skins.
• Optimized placement of modules on a page.
• Better portal look than frame module.
• More features included.
• Search engine support

Setup the frames

The control source file CATALooKMain.ascx of CATALooKStore module contains a 'style'
expression to dynamically set the height of the iFrames to the height of the browser window - 258 pixel
(leaving some room for the toolbars etc.). You'll want to play with these numbers according to your
own skin. You can choose fixed values for height by setup values in css and delete text:
style="height:expression (document.body.clientHeight-258);" in CATALooKMain.ascx or replace file
CATALooKStore/CATALooKMain.aspx page documentation/catalookmainfixheight.ascx. If your
Skin Container has problems with clean modules and shows an empty shop main window or if you
disable check box [show module title] in module settings the shop main window will be smaller than it
should be you can solve the problem by selecting fixed values for width of frames in css.

/*Size of Tree Menu in Module CATALooKStore. Fixed values are necessary for some
containers */
height: 600;
width: 24%; alter to width: 240;
/*Size of Product List in Module CATALooKStore. Fixed values are necessary for some
containers */
height: 600;
width: 74%; alter to width: 600;
If you do not like scrollbars with IFrames replace the catalookmain.aspx page with file
Documentation/CATALooKMainNoScrollBars.ascx. This will never display the Scrollbars for
the catalog content frame and will dynamically resize this frame. If you want this also for the
menu frame please alter scrolling="auto" to scrolling="no" for this frame and var
iframeids=["main"] to var iframeids=["main"","contents"] Use the css definition below : .
/*Size of Tree Menu in Module CATALooKStore. Fixed values are necessary for some
containers */
height: 500px; leave blank if you set scrolling="no" for the menu frame
width: 180px;
/*Size of Product List in Module CATALooKStore. Fixed values are necessary for some
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containers */
height: ;
width: 700px;

Display of Products

• Products In the right Frame of the store main window will be displayed according to the
standard order in list format and alphabetically according to the product name. In order to
switch between the assortment according to the price or the product name, you click on the
column heading.
• In order to switch to the gallery (Browse) overview please click into the radio box [ Browse].
Due to the fact that the complete tree structure menu is rearranged this change-over process can
last some time depending on the number of knots and the speed of the connection. Please
choose the category again to display the product list in the new style.
• Please select a value > 0 for paging size in settings to turn on paging mode for product list.
Selecting of 0 turns of the paging mode.

Product View ( Module CAT_ItemPaneNF)

Options of module CAT_ItemPaneNF: (Select [View Options] in module menu)

• [Data List Browse Repeat Columns]: select the repeat columns of catalogue browse display
• PAGE querystring params for the first access to the page (Select a category or product in
modules Cat_MenuNF and CAT_ItemPaneNF. Note all params from browser querystring or
data base and enter these params in the appropriate fields. Uncheck the CheckBox [Enable Start
Query] to show the store start/home page on the module CAT_ItemPaneNF for the first access
to PAGE. Please set also values for the category of a product if you want to display the product
detail page. These values will be used to create the back link to the category list.)
• Please inform your customers that you do not accept liability for the correctness of images and
descriptions in the product details. An appropriate sentence is indicated below the picture in the
product details. To disable this liability note please uncheck the checkbox [Show liability Note
on Product Details Page?].
• If you rent rooms or holiday houses you can uncheck the checkbox [Include Until Date]. This
will be understood easier by customers. If they book [from date] [until date] the day of [until
date] will not be included and not charged.

Display of Products

• In order to switch to the Card overview or List view mode please click into the radio box
[CardView] or [List View] of module CAT_MenuNF.
• Please select a value > 0 for paging size in module CAT_StoreSettings to turn on paging mode
for product list. Selecting of 0 turns off the paging mode.

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Catalog function: Transform CATALooK.netStore from a shopping cart application to a web

based product catalog (Useable for Normal and Subscription items)

1. Check [Hide all price labels] edit option of modules CAT_Cart, CAT_ItemPaneNF and
CAT_DashBoard (Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu) or enter 0 for price 1
in module CAT_Products -> page ‘Main Data’
2. Uncheck [Coupon code] in edit module of module CAT_Cart
3. Uncheck [Enable [Ship To] Address Selection during Checkout] in module
CAT_StoreSetting (not necessary)
4. Enter 0 in this field of module CAT_Products (PAGE: Main Data): [Selections
(orderable quantities) of order quantity drop down list on product lists and product detail

Please Note: If you use a 3'rd party Rich Text Editor like Cute Editor, there will be a security problem
for the "Email to a Friend" function. The cute editor allows users to upload files. Because this "Email to
a friend" link is available to the public, this allows the public to upload on our site. Please do the
following to fix this: Replace: ChooseMode="False" DefaultMode="RICHTEXT" with
ChooseMode="False" DefaultMode="BASIC" in file EmailToAFriend.aspx or disable the "Email to a
Friend" function (click on the [View Options] link in the module action box).

Module CAT_Referrals

Affiliate Referrals
This module can be used by admin and non admin users. Place this module on a page which is visible
for members of the referrer and / or vendor role. If you have applied one of the included store portal
templates, the module will be added to the My Account -> My Business Profile and My Store -> My
Business Profile pages and is visible for members of the 'Registered Users' role.
The module CAT_BusinessProfile can be used to show your customers their referral link. Login with
host or admin rights to edit the link e.g. change the tabid of the store page or the value (placeholder) for
the CATReferrer parameter: possible Tokens / Placeholders (case sensitive): {UserID}, {Email}.
The store supports the standard shopping cart affiliate referral system: Everyone who has an account on
your DNN portal can use the Referral link from his business profile page (My Account -> My Business
Profile or My Store -> My Business Profile) to refer other buyers to your store. The store will
recognize the referrer email address or the UserID in the link URL as soon as the new user uses this
link to visit the portal and to purchase something. The referrer will collect rewards for purchases as
soon as the order payment state has been set to 'paid' (this can be done manually or by a credit card
gateway) and up to the 'Reward period for referrals' (which is defined in module
CAT_StoreSettings) is reached. The commision rate can be set by the option: 'Sale commission for
referrals' on module CAT_StoreSetting. You can also assign a referrer manually to each user account
via module CAT_Customers. The referrer can see his referral sales listed in module CAT_Referrals.
The store admin will see all referral sales in this module and can use it to send the money to the
refferers and to create credit notes for the transfers.

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To inform your customers, create a Referral Site (find a sample site below) and Referral Links/Buttons

Get 10% referrals on purchases from customers linking to us from your web site. The referrals for
customer purchases will be added to your account for one year after they visit the [Your Web Site
Name] web site the first time using your referral link and placing their first order on our site.
To begin earning rewards, please provide the following steps to create your referrer account and
link to our site:

1. In order to use the referral program, you must register on our site. Simply select the Register
link in the top right portion of the screen and enter your contact information.
2. Update Your Business Profile (My Account -> My Business Profile) with the PayPal account
to which payments should be sent. Enter your PayPal ID (your PayPal e-mail address) into the
field: [Email].
3. Use the Referral link from the My Account -> My Business Profile page or create your own
link by adding your referral account to the text or image link below. Replace [YOUR_EMAIL]
with the e-mail address of your account and [YOUR IMAGE PATH] with the path to the logo
or banner which you have copied using right click on the images below and uploaded to your
server. You can place these links anywhere you want on your site.

You will get a notification e-mail after each referral sale. To review the referral sales totals, visit the
Business Profile (My Account -> My Business Profile) page.

Image Link
<A HREF="[Domainname]/Default.aspx?tabid=[Page ID where module CAT_ItemPaneNF or
CAT_DashBoard is located]&CATReferrer=YOUR_EMAIL"><img
src="http://YOUR_IMAGE_PATH" border="0"></A>
Text Link
<A HREF="[Domainname]/Default.aspx?tabid=[Page ID where module CAT_ItemPaneNF or
CAT_DashBoard is located]&CATReferrer=YOUR_EMAIL">Add your text here</A>

Do not add subdomain names, subhost names or child portal names to [Domainname].

This is the content of an notification e-mail to referrer:

Congratulations, you have received a referral sale!
To review the referral sales totals, visit the Referral page localhost/DNN212.
To ensure monthly payment for referral sales, please ensure your payment profile is current on the
Business Profile page.
Many Thanks,

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The Referral Service (program) is operated as a marketing program. DotNetNuke has the right to
change the conditions or discontinue the program at anytime without notification of parties
participating in the program. By using the service you agree that DotNetNuke cannot be liable for any
claims regarding errors, omissions, or availability of the service. Please refer to the Terms Of Use
policy for additional information.

You can alter the email content in language resources: Please look for the key:

Automatically refund referral sale commissions by discount on orders

Module CAT_Cart
• Add another CAT_Cart module to a new page (optional: only necessary for reward points)
• Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of this module
• Turn on the options: [Convert Prices to Points] (optional: only necessary for reward points) and
[Enable refund of referral sale commissions]
• Select a [Referral Refund Rule Item]
• Set [Minimum Order Amount] = 0
• Set [Maximum Order Amount] = 0 (optional: only necessary for reward points)

Module CAT_DashBoard (optional: only necessary for reward points)

• Select 'View Options' from the module action menu
• Select 'Category' from the [Content Type] selector
• Select the Category of the 'Point' items from the [Category] selector
• Turn on the [Convert Prices to Points] option
• Select the page where the newly added cart module is located from the [TAB/Page where the
module CAT_Cart is located] selector

Module CAT_StoreSettings (optional: only necessary for reward points)

• Provide a value for: [Points to Amount Conversion Rate]

Module CAT_Referrals
• Column: ‘Refunded by discount on orders’ displays the total refunded amount.
• Customers will also see their current balance (number of points).

Module CAT_PriceRules
• Cart Price Rules will be automatically added with Description = ‘Rewards on referral sales’, the
parameters from the cart module options page and coupon code = PortalID:UserID:referrals
e.g.: ‘0:5:referrals’

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Module CAT_LoyaltyPoints

Loyalty Points

1. Installation (Skip this step if you have applied one of the included store portal templates):
1.1. Add a new page below the [My Account] page, name it to ‘My Loyalty Points’ or something and
select ‘View Page’ from the [Permissions] selector for ‘Registered Users’. Add the module
CAT_LoyaltyPoints to this page.
1.2. Add a new page below the [CATALooK.netStore] page, name it to ‘Loyalty Points Reports’ or
something. Add the module CAT_LoyaltyPoints to this page.

2. Setup instructions for the sample below:

2.1. Module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) -> set [Points to Amount
Conversion Rate] = 10
2.2. Module CAT_PriceRules (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules) -> Add Product Price Rule -> set
[Number of loyalty points per unit of the store currency] = 1 (Optional you can restrict this rule be
selecting something for the other parameters) -> Add
2.3. Module CAT_Products (CATALooK.netStore -> Products) -> Create New -> Turn on the [Not
Publish (Disabled)/Coupon] option -> Set Name = ‘Coupon Code’ -> Set [Price1] = 0 -> Add

3. There are 3 different methods to redeem royalty points:

Sample scenario:
Login as customer and purchase something. Login as admin and go to module CAT_Orders
(CATALooK.netStore -> Orders -> check if the ‘Pay State’ is set to ‘paid’ (if not select ‘Edit’ in the
list of orders for this item and change the ‘Pay State’ to ‘paid’)

3.1. By Coupon Codes

Module CAT_LoyaltyPoints (My Account -> My Loyalty Points) -> Select ‘View Options’ from the
module menu -> Turn On the [Convert Prices to Points], [Allow customers to create coupon codes for
Loyalty Points], [Math Floor?] and [Usable with other accounts?] options -> select ‘0’ from the
[Number Decimal Digits for rounding of Points] selector -> select the newly created Coupon Code
product from the [Coupon Code Rule Item] selector -> Update

Module CAT_LoyaltyPoints (CATALooK.netStore -> Loyalty Points Reports) -> Select ‘View
Options’ from the module menu -> Turn On the [Convert Prices to Points], [Allow customers to create
coupon codes for Loyalty Points], [Math Floor?] and [Usable with other accounts?] options -> select
‘0’ from the [Number Decimal Digits for rounding of Points] selector -> select the newly created
Coupon Code product from the [Coupon Code Rule Item] selector -> Update

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Module CAT_Cart (My Account -> Cart) -> Select ‘View Options’ from the module action menu ->
turn on the [Use advanced coupon management] option

Login as admin or customer -> Go To the page with the module CAT_LoyaltyPoints -> (admin only:
search for the customer or don’t select a customer to display all) -> click on the ‘Create Coupon’ link

Login as customer -> add something to the cart -> go to the cart module -> enter the coupon code

3.2. Automatically refund balances from Loyalty Points by discount on orders

Module CAT_Cart (My Account -> Cart) -> select ‘View Options’ from the module action menu ->
turn on the [Enable refund for Loyalty Points] option -> select the newly created Coupon Code product
from the [Loyalty Points Refund Rule Item] selector.
Login as customer -> add something to the cart -> go to the cart module -> the discount item will be
added automatically.

3.3. Refund Balances from Loyalty Points by Credit Notes / Cash Transfer
Login as admin -> Go To Module CAT_LoyaltyPoints (CATALooK.netStore -> Loyalty Points
Reports) -> search for the customer or don’t select a customer to display all) -> click on the ‘1.Send
Money’ and ‘2.Create Credit Note’ link buttons.

Points = Free goods

• customers automatically earn Points with every purchase. It's free, and no enrolment is
• Earn 1 Point for every dollar you spend on Products (excluding taxes, shipping & handling).
For example:

Product cost = $12.95 Points earned = 12

Product cost = $15.95 Points earned = 15
Product cost = $16.95 Points earned = 16
Product cost = $19.95 Points earned = 19
Product cost = $21.95 Points earned = 21
Product cost = $24.95 Points earned = 24
Product cost = $26.95 Points earned = 26
Product cost = $29.95 Points earned = 29
• Your Points balance can be easily viewed once you are logged into your account. Click on ‘My
Account’ -> ‘My Loyalty Points’
Get Free goods:
• Once you've earned enough points to qualify for free goods, you can use your points to
checkout, create a gift certificate and give them to a fellow member. All you pay is shipping &
handling on your order total.

Product retail price = $12.95 Points needed to redeem = 130

Product retail price = $15.95 Points needed to redeem = 160

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Product retail price = $16.95 Points needed to redeem = 170

Product retail price = $19.95 Points needed to redeem = 200
Product retail price = $21.95 Points needed to redeem = 220
Product retail price = $24.95 Points needed to redeem = 250
Product retail price = $26.95 Points needed to redeem = 270
Product retail price = $29.95 Points needed to redeem = 300
• That's all there is to it -- We keep track of your points and you reap the benefits

Gift Cards
A gift card item is a product that displays a coupon code on the order details page after the payment has
been processed successfully. The coupon code can be used to reduce the cart total on checkout, the
price of a product or to add a free product to the cart.

1. Add a Gift Card Item (Module: CAT_Products (CATALooK.netStore -> Products)):

1.1. Select: ‘Create New’ -> set: Product Name = ‘Gift Card’ -> set: Price 1 = 0 -> Add
1.2. Attributes -> Text Options / data-entry forms -> select: ‘Create New’ -> set Name = ‘Value’,
Title = ‘Gift Card Value’, Description = ‘Select a value for this Gift Card’, Selections =
-> Add -> Click on the new ‘’Gift Card Value’ entry in the ‘Available Options’ box -> Assign

1.3. In the section: ‘Manage Properties of Options Selections Combinations’ that appears below the
‘Text Options / data-entry forms’ section now, select one selection after each other from the ‘Gift Card
Value’ selector and note the POSelID that appears below the selector e.g. ‘p458:o15:$10’ where 458 is
the ProductID, 15 is the OptionID and '$10' is the selection.

1.4. Serial Numbers -> Add New Serial Number -> select ‘Gift Certificates’ from the ‘Category:’
selector -> set e.g. ‘POSelID:’ = ‘p458:o15:$10’ -> Enter all Gift Card Codes into the ‘SerialNumbers
(Press ENTER/CR to separate):’ box -> Update e.g.:

2. Add a Price Rule Item Module: CAT_Products (CATALooK.netStore -> Products)):

2.1. Select: ‘Create New’ -> set ‘Status(kind of use)’ = ‘Bundled/Coupon -> set: Product Name =
‘Coupon’ -> set: Price 1 = 0 -> Add

3. Add Cart Price Rules (Module CAT_PriceRules (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules)):

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3.1. Select ‘Add Cart Price Rule’ -> set Description = ‘Gift Card Balance’ -> select the previously
created Price Rule Item from the ‘Price Rule Item’ selector -> set Formula = -10 -> set ‘Maximal
number of coupon uses:’ = 1 -> Enter all Gift Card Codes (same as in previously inserted into the
‘SerialNumber’ box for this Amount / POSelID) into the ‘Coupon Codes (Press ENTER/CR to
separate):’ box -> Add e.g.:
Repeat this with all other Gift Card Codes with different values and change the formula to the correct
amount e.g. '-20' , '-30' , '-40' etc.

4. Setup the CAT_Card module to use Advanced Coupons:

4.1 Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of module CAT_Cart and turn on the option: ‘Use
advanced coupon management’

If a customer purchases Gift Card item(s), the serial Gift Card Number(s) will be displayed on the order
details page after the payment has been processed successfully.
Gift card values are partial redeemable. The balances will be displayed in the cart module.
If a customer removes a Gift Card Coupon Code from the cart it can be reused

Coupon Codes

Example 1: Setup a coupon to give a customer an X% (percentage amount) or Y (fixed amount)

discount (optional: when he buys for more then Z):

1. Add a Price Rule Item Module: CAT_Products (CATALooK.netStore -> Products)

Select: ‘Create New’ -> set ‘Status(kind of use)’ = ‘Bundled/Coupon -> set: Product Name = ‘Coupon’
-> set: Price 1 = 0 -> Add

2. Add Cart Price Rules Module CAT_PriceRules (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules)
Select ‘Add Cart Price Rule’ -> set Description = ‘Coupon’ -> select the previously created Price Rule
Item from the ‘Price Rule Item’ selector -> set Formula = Z-=-X% or Z-=-Y or X% or Y -> Enter all
Coupon Codes into the ‘Coupon Codes (Press ENTER/CR to separate):’ box -> Add e.g.:

3. Setup the CAT_Card module to use Advanced Coupons:

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Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of module CAT_Cart and turn on the option: ‘Use
advanced coupon management’

The same coupon code can be used only once by a customer but multiple times by different customers.
Fixed coupon amounts are partial redeemable. The balances will be displayed in the cart module.
If a customer removes a Coupon Code from the cart it can be reused

Example 3: Setup a product related coupon code

1. Add a coupon code entry box Module: CAT_Products (CATALooK.netStore -> Products) ->
Search for a product -> Full Page Edit -> Attributes -> Text Options / data-entry forms -> Create New -
> Name / Title = Coupon; Selections = leave blank; Status = Optional; Control Type = Coupon Code
Entry Field -> Add -> Select the Coupon option from the Available Options list box -> Assign. The
coupon entry field will be displayed on the product detail site. The same Coupon option can also be
assigned to any other product.
2. Setup coupon codes via Product Price Rule (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules)
Select 'Add Product Price Rule' -> Optional: [set Description = ‘Coupon’; restrict the rule by Product,
Category, User, Role etc.] -> Enter all Coupon Codes into the ‘Coupon Codes’ box e.g.:

Apply a coupon code via link to a product

1. Module CAT_ItemPane -> Select 'View Options' from the module menu -> select ' Show all options
and selections' from the ' Display type for Text Options and data-entry forms' selector -> turn on the
option: 'Include content from textboxes in [POSelID]' -> select 'Update'.
2. Open the detail page of a product with a coupon code entry box assigned, see Example 2 above.
Enter a valid coupon code and click the 'Buy It Now' button or select 'Add To Cart' and 'View Cart'.
3. On the first CAT_Cart module page click on the product name in the list of ordered items. Now you
can copy the URL from your browser. As soon as someone opens this URL, the coupon code will be
inserted for that specific product and the discounted price is displayed.

Automatically add free products or fee items to the cart

Module: CAT_PriceRule (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules) -> [Add Cart Price Rules] -> select the
free product or the fee item from the [Price Rule Item] selector -> set Formula to '0' or any other
amount or formula.

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Setup customer, role, product, category, cart amount, subscription re-billing period, also purchased
items, order quantity etc related prices:
Module CAT_PriceRules (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules) -> select [Add Product Price Rule] or
[Add Cart Price Rule] from the module action menu. Please find more information in the field help

Module CAT_SearchNF


• The search for items is realized in the fields: Product ID, Product SKU Number / Item Number,
Product Name, standard Category3, EAN, ISBN, Author(Free1), Publisher(Free2), Size(Free3),
Keywords and Description.
• Enter one or more search terms, separated by spaces.
• If items exists in category3 these items can be listed in a separate listbox below the search string
input box.
• You can use the edit module (click the [View Options] link in the module action box) to
perform the Bullet List and Date Period/Event Date Search Configuration. Add Bullet List List
Item Types and Texts to products via module CAT_Products / PAGE: Attributes. Bullet List
Search and Date Period Search are connected by logical (And).
• If [Enable Period Search] is true on edit module [View Options/Edit Search Options] and
[Display items only if they are in Stock] is enabled in module CAT_StoreSettings an additional
field for the product [Number] is displayed. The value of this field defines which number of a
product must be available at least on each day in the requested period ([Search for items which
are available for the whole requested period] is selected) or at least on one day([Search for
items which are available at least for one day in the requested period] is selected) in the
requested period so that it will be contained in the search result. You can name this field e.g.:
No. of rooms or No. of tickets etc. . The name of the key from the language resources file is:
• All search requests are realized considering the flags [Not Publish/Disabled] (module
CAT_Products) and [Display items only if they are in Stock] (module CAT_StoreSettings).

Module CAT_EmailAdvertisement

Email Advertisement
This module generates an email advertisement that contains all featured or new released products.
Check the radio button [Rich Text Editor] to switch the display to design mode.

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Module CAT_Cart

URL parameters

Cart Page Numbers

Add the ‘cartpageno’ parameter to the URL string of the page where the cart module is located, to skip
one of the four first pages / steps of the checkout process.

The URL below will start with the second page:


Same with non friendly URL:


cartpageno Cart Page

1 address data (Login / Register)
2 Ship-To-Address
3 shipping company and rate
4 Address / Product Totals

UCanUse integration

Instead of the integrated address data and login / register page you can also use the UCanUse login /
register page of the UCanUse© User Attributes module.
Perform the following steps to activate this option:

1. Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of module CAT_Cart.

2. Select the UCanUse Login / Register page from the ‘UCanUse Login / Register page’
selector and activate the ‘Make the Ship-To-Address required’ checkbox if you want to
enable your customers to specify a shipping address. -> ‘Update’.
3. Create a new register page for UCanUse and activate the ‘Hidden’ checkbox for this
4. Return to the cart module page. Copy and paste the URL from your browser URL field
into a texteditor and add the following parameter: ‘cartpageno’ with a value for the next
cart page see table above.
5. Use this URL as return URL for UCanUse, to which the user will be redirected after the
login or a new registration.

Instant Order Link (Add products to the cart with a link)

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Add the ‘addtocart’ parameter to the URL string of the page where the cart module is located to add an
unlimited number of products to the cart. You can use the following properties:
p = ProductID
i = Item Code (Product Number)
One of the parameters: i or p must be included or the ProductID or Item Code must be inserted w/o
parameter on the first position e.g. ‘?addtocart=1’. This will search for a product with ProductID = 1. If
not found it will search for a product with Item Code / Product Number = 1. If there is also no such
product, an error message will be displayed.
q = Quantity (optional default = 1)
o = Options (optional; should be urlencoded, don’t include the following characters ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘.’)
d = Reservation Date (optional)

To add product bundles, only include the configurable base item.Members of a product bundle or
configurable item will be added automatically.

Sample URL will add 3 products. Product 1 must be a rentable item or a ticket:



Sample URL adds one product with two options and a surcharge for the second option:


To accept surcharges for options (e.g. ‘o.persons:6=+100’) you must activate the option: ‘Accept
option surcharges’ in the edit module of module CAT_Cart (select ‘View Options’ from the module
Please note: Also discounts can be added if this option is turned on!

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Shopping Cart

Before submitting their order customers should agree to your business terms. The business terms are
indicated in the form [Submit your Order] when clicking the link [general terms of business] above the
radio buttons [I have read your terms...]. At first you, of course, have to create a file with your terms
and name it terms.htm. Then upload this file with the help of admin -> file manager to your portal root
folder. Uncheck the CheckBox [Do Not show Terms before Checkout] in module CAT_StoreSettings
to remove the terms page.

Module CAT_StoreSettings (Store Administrator)

This module can be used by users having global, Page admin or Store Owner rights.

Please don't add other roles than the administrator role to the [Administrator Roles] box on the PAGE
edit module of the PAGE where the module CAT_StoreSettings is located.

Setup Payment types/terms

• In the customer data base you can define specific payment terms for every customer. Depending
on the setting in the store setting form these payment terms are shown when checking out.
Please note: Priority is given to the selection in the store setting form
• After their first registration customers can pay CWO, COD, Credit Card or by PayPal as long as
these terms of payment are activated in the store setting form.
• For security reasons the payment terms CWO, COD, Credit Card or by PayPal are always
shown as activated when first time editing customers even if it’s not defined in the data base.
• Texts about the terms of payment can easily be changed by changing translations in

Enable the Event logging for the internal payment gateways

Check if all Log Types (*) or the HOST ALERT Log Type (HOST_ALERT) are enabled for your
Portal: Admin -> Log Viewer -> select ‘Edit Log Configurations’ from the module menu or click on

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the ‘Edit Log Configurations’ link:

If not please add one of these Log Types: Select ‘Add Log Configurations’ from the module menu or
click on the ‘Add Log Configurations’ link and add this configuration as follow:

Settings for payment by PayPal Website Standard

• Please enter your PayPal e-mail address in the field [PayPal ID].

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• In the field [PayPal+CC CartName] you have to enter the intended purpose of the payment. It is
then shown to the customer on the PayPal page or Credit Card bill (e. g. ' my store ').
• Do not enter your PayPal password!
• In the field [PayPal+CC Return TabID] you enter the TabID of the page which contains the
module [CAT_CustomerAccount]. After payment has been effected the customer is then
automatically led back to this side.
• Select [PayPal] from the [Store payment types] selector.
• Don’t select [PayPal] from the [Payment Processor] selector on the ‘Credit card settings’
• The payment status for customer orders are automatically updated to 'paid' in Store after
successful payments are made.
• All errors will be recorded in DNN LOG VIEWER(Admin - Log Viewer) under [POTENTIAL
• DotNetNuke must be installed on a web server that is reachable from the web. If DNN runs on a
local PC, this gateway will not work.

Test and use Google Checkout

• Add this code inside the <appSettings> section in your web.config file:
<add key="GoogleMerchantID" value="Your Merchant ID" />
<add key="GoogleMerchantKey" value="Your Merchant Key" />
<add key="GoogleEnvironment" value="Sandbox" />
Note: You need to make these changes to the web.config file in your test environment and to
the web.config file in your production environment. Each file must specify different values for
the GoogleMerchantID, GoogleMerchantKey and GoogleEnvironment keys.
You can find the merchant ID and merchant key in your test environment in your Sandbox
account. To locate these values, log in to your Sandbox account, click on the Settings page and
then click on the Integration link in the menu on the left side of the page. In your test
environment, the value of the GoogleEnvironment key should be Sandbox.
You can find the merchant ID and merchant key to use in your production environment in your
Google Checkout account. Again, log in to your account, click on the Settings page and then
click on the Integration link in the menu on the left side of the page. In your production
environment, the value of the GoogleEnvironment key should be Production.
Please Note: To define different Google accounts per portal and to offer another Credit
Card processor and / or PayPal Website Standard as payment option on checkout
simultaneously, select 'View Options' from the module action menu of module CAT_Cart
and enter the Merchant ID into field [login/merchant token] and the Merchant Key into
field [TransactionKey] to overwrite the web.config settings but don’t remove the default
settings from the web.config!
• Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of module: CAT_Cart and activate the ‘Display
Google Checkout Button?’ checkbox.
• Taxes
Country Tax = default TAX setting from module CAT_StoreSettings or First line of Main

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Zones list from module CAT_Zones (State not defined)

State Tax = defined in Main Zones of module CAT_Zones
ZIP related TAX = defined in Sub Zones of module CAT_Zones
Note: Product related TAX via module CAT_Products -> Taxes cannot be used
To prevent undefined tax values, you should use Google Checkout only if: [excl. tax] is selected
from the [Price Type] selector of module CAT_StoreSettings
• Shipping: All shipping methods incl. Custom Shipping Rates and Real Time Rates can be used.
Google Checkout supports Real Time rates for the following shipping companies: UPS, USPS
and FedEx. The fields: [Adjust Rate], [Limit Rates] and [Exclude Rates] on module
CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) can be used to customize the
returned rates. Samples:
o Adjust Rate = +10%
o Limite Rates / Exclude Rates (enter the rate names separated by ','; leave blank to
display all rates)
ƒ UPS Rate Names: UPS_2nd_Day_Air, UPS_2nd_Day_Air_AM, UPS_Ground,
UPS_Mail_Innovations, UPS_MI, UPS_Next_Day_Air,
UPS_Next_Day_Air_Early_AM, UPS_Next_Day_Air_Saver,
ƒ USPS Rate Names: USPS_Express_Mail, USPS_Media_Mail,
USPS_Parcel_Post, USPS_Priority_Mail
ƒ FedEx Rate Names: Fedex_Express_Saver, Fedex_First_Overnight,
Fedex_Ground, Fedex_Home_Delivery, Fedex_Priority_Overnight,
Fedex_Second_Day, Fedex_Standard_Overnight

Settings for payment by Credit Card

• This feature enables credit card processing via the currently bundled payment gateway
interfaces. Some gateways are included twice in the [Payment Processor] list box of module
CAT_StoreSettings. In this case the gateway names with parenthesis () will use the internal
interface of CATALooK.netStore while the others will need .netCHARGE to run. The
.netCharge control (sold separately) is a 3rd party control to handle the complexity of
interacting with the many payment gateways (30+).
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• All errors will be recorded in DNN LOG VIEWER (Admin - Log Viewer) look for:

Credit Card Security

Guidelines for securely intergrating Credit Card payment with the internal supported payment
gateways or .netCHARGE into your application

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In CATALooK.netStore Credit Card data will be sent over gateway providers to the VNPs. CC data
will never be sent directly to VNPs. Depending on your gateway provider / payment processor this data
will be entered on the gateway site or in CATALooK.netStore. If your Credit Card gateway
supports the gateway hosted method where the customers enter the Credit Card data on the
gateway site, you don't need to do anything regarding Credit Card security. If you use the
merchant hosted method of a Credit Card gateway (server to server method), all pages where Credit
Card data could be entered or displayed must be secured by SSL. Also if you use any of the internal
supported merchant hosted method gateways, you should ensure you have installed the latest
CATALooK.netStore and DNN versions to meet the latest security requirements. If you have any
further questions, please send an email to and include the name and used method
of your Credit Card gateway / provider, the DNN and CATALooK version numbers and the name of
your SSL provider.

Please find a checklist with some PABP, Visa, PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), PA-DSS,
.netCHARGE and common compliance Rules below:

Do not retain full magnetic stripe or CVV2 data: The application should not store the full
contents of any track from the magnetic stripe (on the back of a card, in a chip, or elsewhere) or
CVV, CVV2, PIN data
-> CATALooK.netStore will not store any data from the magnetic stripe, chip or CVV2 / CVV / Pin
data of a Credit Card.
Important Note: This restriction may influence the internal re-billing functionality for subscriptions if
it is necessary to store the CC data and resend them to the gateway with the next re-billing request in
case the gateway doesn't support re-billing by sending the transaction ID only or doesn't store the
CVV/CVV2 code. Please check if there is an option to turn off the CVV/CVV2 check on your gateway
merchant interface like it is possible with the Card Code Verification options of the Authorize.Net
gateway. There is no problem with gateways that offer their own re-billing mechanism like Automated Recurring Billing™ (ARB).
If you have any question regarding this issue please send an email to: .

Protect stored data: Protect numbers by masking account numbers when displayed (the first six
and last four digits are the maximum number of digits to be displayed) except those employees
and other parties with a specific need to see full credit card numbers. The application should
protect encryption keys against disclosure and misuse. The application should implement key
management processes and procedures. If the application stores the data in the database, Credit
Card numbers must be encrypted and the CryptoPassword property must be set to a complex
-> CATALooK.netStore will not store Credit Card numbers by default. To process credit card charges
manually (Module CAT_StoreSettings -> [Save Credit Card Data] option is turend on) or if you want
to use re-billing for subscriptions (not necessary for PayPal subscriptions, WorldPay / FuturePay
subscriptions and Authorize.Net ARB), Credit Card data must be stored.
Module: CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) -> [Crypto Password (Encrypts
the Credit Card data in the database)] -> enter more than 15 characters there.
After that Credit Card numbers will be encrypted and stored in the secure SQL server data base.
The full Credit Card number can only be seen by Admin or Host users on the

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My Account -> My Orders -> Order Details (Module CAT_CustomerAccount)

My Account -> My Subscriptions -> Order Details (Module CAT_Subscriptions)
My Store -> Orders -> Order Details (Module CAT_Orders)
CATALooK.netStore -> Customers -> Order Details (Module CAT_Customers)
CATALooK.netStore -> Orders -> Order Details (Module CAT_Orders)
CATALooK.netStore -> Subscriptions -> Order Details (Module CAT_Subscriptions)
pages, if the pages are secured by SSL. Otherwise it displays only the last four digits of the Credit Card
number. To setup the SSL options go to: Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> SSL Settings.
To turn on SSL for selected pages, open the page, select 'Settings' from the 'Page Functions' menu or
use Admin -> Pages to go to the page settings menu, open 'Advanced Settings' and turn on the 'Secure?'

Provide secure password features: The application should require a unique username and
complex password for all administrative access and access to cardholder data. These controls are
applicable for POS (point-of-sale) access by employees with administrative capabilities, or for
server access controlled by the application. Access to PCs, servers, and databases with payment
applications should require a unique username and complex password. No shared accounts or
passwords, passwords should be changed every 90 days, password length of at least 7 characters
long, passwords with both numeric and alphabetic characters, special characters are accepted,
password history is maintained, etc.
-> CATALooK.netStore uses the secure (encrypted passwords etc) and password protected
DotNetNuke user database.
By default the password length is set to 7. To increase it, change the 'minRequiredPasswordLength'
parameter in the web.config file. You should also enter something for:
'minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters' there.
Here you can find the option to change the number of days before a user must change their password:
Admin -> User Account -> User Settings -> 'Password Expiry (in days)' -> enter: '90'.
POS access via web service requires a valid admin login. To secure the submitted content and login
parameters, the web service URL must be secured by SSL.
Account changes will be stored in Admin -> 'Event Viewer'.

Log application activity: The application should log all access by individual users (especially
those with administrative privileges), and be able to link those activities to individual users.
Application should implement an automated audit trail to track and monitor access.
-> All activities will be stored in: Admin -> 'Event Viewer'. Please check if '*' is available in 'Edit Log
Settings' for the 'Log Type' parameter to store all events. If it is not there, login as Host and select 'Add
Log Setting' to add it.

Develop secure applications: The application should be based on industry best practices and
include information security throughout the software development life cycle. The application
should be based on secure coding guidelines such as the Open Web Application Security Project

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guidelines. Review custom application code to identify coding vulnerabilities. See—"The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities." Cover
prevention of common coding vulnerabilities in software development processes, to include:
· Invalidated input.
· Broken access control (e.g., malicious use of user IDs).
· Broken authentication and session management (use of account credentials and session
· Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
· Buffer overflows.
· Injection flaws (e.g., SQL injection).
· Improper error handling
· Insecure storage
· Insecure configuration management.
-> There are validators for all customer related input controls, DNN doesn't store any relevant
authentication data in session cookies, Cross-site scripting and SQL injection is prevented by filtering
and html encoding input data, there is an extensive error handling in DNN and CATALooK.netStore,
all data are stored in a secure SQL server database, admin and setting pages can be used only by admin
and host user or members of the admin role.

Protect wireless transmissions: If wireless technology is used within the payment environment, it
should be implemented securely.

Test applications to address vulnerabilities: Software developers should establish a process to

identify newly discovered security vulnerabilities (e.g., subscribe to alert services freely available
on the Internet), test their applications for vulnerabilities, and for timely development and
deployment of security patches and upgrades. Updates and patches should be delivered in a
secure manner with a known chain-of-trust. Any underlying software or systems that are
provided along with the payment application (e.g. web servers) should be included in this
-> Make sure you stay 'Up To Date' with server, DotNetNuke and CATALooK.netStore updates.

Facilitate secure network implementation: The payment application should be able to be

implemented into a secure network environment. Application should not interfere with use of
network address translation (NAT), port address translation (PAT), traffic filtering network
devices, anti-virus protection, patch or update installation, or use of encryption.
-> This is something your hosting provider should be aware of.

Cardholder data must never be stored on a server connected to the Internet: The payment
application should not require that the database server and web server be on the same server, or

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in the DMZ with the web server. The application should use SQL server if storing the data in the
database securely and independently of the web server.
-> DotNetNuke and CATALooK.netStore require SQL server.

Facilitate secure remote software updates: If software updates are delivered via remote access
into customers' systems, software vendors should tell customers to turn on modem only when
needed for downloads from vendor, and to turn off immediately after download completes.
Alternatively, if delivered via VPN or other high-speed connection, software vendors should
advise customers to properly configure a personal firewall product to secure "always-on"

Encrypt sensitive traffic over public networks: Use strong cryptography and encryption
techniques (at least 128 bit) such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Point-to-Point Tunneling
Protocol (PPTP), or Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC) to safeguard sensitive cardholder data
during transmission over public networks. The application should never send cardholder
information via unencrypted e-mail. CATALooK.netStore and .netCHARGE handle security
between the server and gateway or processor. You must secure the acquisition of data from the
client browser to the server through SSL.
-> CATALooK.netStore will never sent Credit Card numbers by email.
If the Credit Card gateway doesn't run in Test Mode (option 'PayPal+CC Test Mode' on module
CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) is turned off) and this is not a local
installation (http://localhost...), pages where the customer can enter Credit Card data must be secured
by SSL or the Credit Card entry form of the pages must be secured by SSL. Please find a list of those
pages below:
My Account -> Cart (Module CAT_Cart)
My Account -> My Orders (Module CAT_CustomerAccount)
My Account -> My Subscriptions (Module CAT_Subscriptions)
My Store -> Orders (Module CAT_Orders)
CATALooK.netStore -> Orders (Module CAT_Orders)
CATALooK.netStore -> Subscriptions (Module CAT_Subscriptions)

It is recommended to set the whole pages to SSL via:

To setup the SSL options go to: Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> SSL Settings. To turn
on SSL for selected pages, open the page, select 'Settings' from the 'Page Functions' menu or use
Admin -> Pages to go to the page settings menu, open 'Advanced Settings' and turn on the 'Secure?'
And / or turn on the SSL option in the module options: Select 'View Options' from the module action
menu and turn on the option: ' Redirect Credit Card Data Form to SSL (https)? (No SSL connection for
the CC form is used on localhost)'.

The system checks if it is secure to display the Credit Card data entry form and if there is a possible
lack of security the page will not be displayed and following error message appears: 'This page must be

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secured by SSL to display the Credit Card form. To perform Credit Card test transactions, turn on the
[PayPal+CC Test Mode] option of module CAT_StoreSettings or use a local DNN installation.'

CVC Support - The card verification code helps to cut down fraud. This code is passed to those
gateways / processors that support it
-> Select 'View Options' from the module action menu of the CAT_Cart module (My Account -> Cart)
and turn on the option: 'Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory'.

AVS Support - The Address Verification Service is enabled on those processors that support it. It uses
the address or zip / postal address to help verify that the transaction is legitimate.
-> Please find all information about Address Field Setup in chapter: 'Set up the data entry fields of the
Bill-To-Address and Ship-To-Address pages in the module CAT_Cart'

VBV Verified by Visa

-> This security feature is supported by selected payment gateways e.g. Internet Secure

MD5 Merchant Hash Code verification.

-> This is a very secure fraud check supported by and other gateways.

Block certain Credit Card numbers

-> Module CAT_StoreSettings -> Credit Card Number Block List

Block orders from certain IP addresses

-> Module CAT_StoreSettings -> IP Addresses Block List

Test and use of the Protx VSP Direct payment gateway interface

• Select '(Protx)' from the [Payment Processor] list box of module CAT_StoreSettings (Do not
select 'protx' without the parenthesis). Please check the box: [STORE PAYMENT TYPES] ->
[Credit Card] and enter MYTX-12ab- for the login/merchant token. This is the VendorTxCode
(prefix). Select GBP for the currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for
payment gateway requests select / add].
Select the Card Types: This gateway supports also debit cards.
Select [View Options] from the module menu of module CAT_Cart and enable: ‘Show [Card
Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)’, ‘Make the [Card Type] selection
compulsory’ and ‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’.
Select [View Options] from the module menu of module CAT_Subscriptions and enable: ‘Show
[Card Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)’, ‘Make the [Card Type]

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selection compulsory’ and ‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’.

Select [View Options] from the module menu of module CAT_CustomerAccount and enable:
‘Show [Card Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)’, ‘Make the [Card
Type] selection compulsory’ and ‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’.
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].

Open your web.config

Add the following entry in the <configSections> section:

<sectionGroup name="">

<section name="vspConfig" type="Protx.Vsp.VspConfigurationHandler, Protx.Vsp" />


Add the following entry to the end of the web.config file before the </configuration> tag:


you must change the first two entries below to your account details

You may also want to change some other settings

change the mode to "live" when you are ready to hit the live servers






defaultDescription="[Your default description]"




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Name = "test"

VspFormURL =

VspServerURL =

VspDirectURL =



Name = "live"

VspFormURL =

VspServerURL =

VspDirectURL =





For testing select MasterCard and use the CC number: 5404 0000 0000 0001.
The payment state will be updated automatically. You can use this gateway for recurring

Test and use of the Protx VSP Server payment gateway interface
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• Select '(ProtxVSPServer)' from the [Payment Processor] list box of module CAT_StoreSettings
(Do not select 'protx' without the parenthesis). Please check the box: [STORE PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card] and enter ‘MYTX-S-‘ for the login/merchant token. This is the
VendorTxCode (prefix). Select GBP for the currency from the drop down list: [Currency on
receipts and for payment gateway requests select / add].
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
Open your web.config

Add the following entry in the <configSections> section:

<sectionGroup name="">

<section name="vspConfig" type="Protx.Vsp.VspConfigurationHandler, Protx.Vsp" />


Add the following entry to the end of the web.config file before the </configuration> tag:


you must change the first two entries below to your account details

You may also want to change some other settings

change the mode to "live" when you are ready to hit the live servers






defaultDescription="[Your default description]"




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Name = "test"

VspFormURL =

VspServerURL =

VspDirectURL =



Name = "live"

VspFormURL =

VspServerURL =

VspDirectURL =





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Open the files: DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\ProtxIPN.aspx and

DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\ProtxIPN2.aspx and set the BaseURL property of the
VspServerNotification control to the BaseURL of your web site. This should be a fully
qualified name or IP address accessible to your customers.

For testing select MasterCard and use the CC number: 5404 0000 0000 0001.
The payment state will be updated automatically. You can use this gateway for the ‘Pay Now’
button of module CAT_CustomerAccount.

Test and use of the Protx VSP Form payment gateway interface

• Select '(ProtxVSPForm)' from the [Payment Processor] list box of module CAT_StoreSettings
(Do not select 'protx' without the parenthesis). Please check the box: [STORE PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card]. Select GBP for the currency from the drop down list: [Currency on
receipts and for payment gateway requests select / add].
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].

Open your web.config

Add the following entry in the <configSections> section:

<sectionGroup name="">

<section name="vspConfig" type="Protx.Vsp.VspConfigurationHandler, Protx.Vsp" />


Add the following entry to the end of the web.config file before the </configuration> tag:


you must change the first two entries below to your account details

You may also want to change some other settings

change the mode to "live" when you are ready to hit the live servers




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defaultDescription="[Your default description]"








Name = "test"

VspFormURL =

VspServerURL =

VspDirectURL =



Name = "live"

VspFormURL =

VspServerURL =

VspDirectURL =

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For testing select MasterCard and use the CC number: 5404 0000 0000 0001.
The payment state will be updated automatically. You can use this gateway for the ‘Pay Now’
button of module CAT_CustomerAccount.

If user gets 5030 error in live account it means that account password is used in the web.config file
instead of encryption password. On Protx Forms live account encryption password should be used in
the password field.

If user gets 5005 error in live account it means that account name is used instead of vendor name. The
error can also be generated by the fact that account is not migrated to live. In this case developer should
contact and ask them to migrate test account to live.

Test and use of the payment gateway interface (Credit
Card and eCheck)

• CATALooK.netStore uses the Advanced Integration Method (AIM) with Address Verification
System AVC, CV2 Card Code verification and MD5 Hash Security Feature.
• Don’t change the default Delimiter (‘|’) x_delim_char on the gateway Merchant Interface!
This Character will be used to separate fields in the transaction response.
• Don’t store any Character in the Merchant Interface that will be used to encapsulate
(x_encap_char) the fields in the transaction response.
• Select '(Authorize.Net)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Please check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card] and / or [Debit / eCheck]
• Enter the merchant’s valid API login ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the merchant’s valid transaction key into field [TransactionKey].
• Supports [Transaction type] of AUTH_CAPTURE (default), AUTH_ONLY,
• Use 4222222222222 to generate errors in the live environment. This will return the response
reason code equal to the amount of the submitted transaction. For tests in the developer test
environment please use the following numbers: Amex: 370000000000002; MasterCard:
5424000000000015; Discover: 6011000000000012; Visa: 4007000000027 . Any expiration
date after the current day's date can be used with these numbers.
• If you turn on the test mode or enter a test CC number or the store runs in demo mode w/o valid
license key, the transactions will be sending to the developer URL’s. In order to use this
environment, you must have an Authorize.Net developer test account with an associated API
Login ID and Transaction Key. Test transactions to this environment are accepted with these
credentials only. If you do not have a developer test account, you may sign up for one at .

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• If you want to test the gateway with your live account, don’t turn on the Test Mode option on
module CAT_StoreSettings. You can turn on the test mode for live accounts by placing the
merchant’s payment gateway account in Test Mode in the Merchant Interface. New payment
gateway accounts are placed in Test Mode by default. For more information about Test Mode,
see the Merchant Integration Guide at
• To increase the security set the MD5 Hash value in the merchant interface and enter the same
value in field Merchant Hash.
• The payment state will be set to ‘paid’ automatically.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the Automated Recurring Billing™ (ARB)
payment gateway interface

• Select '(AuthorizeNetARB)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box:
[PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the merchant’s valid API login ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the merchant’s valid transaction key into field [TransactionKey].
• Enter all parameters for re-billing into field: [Additional Parameters] Example:
(ARBStartDate, TotalPeriods, TrialAmount and TrialPeriods are optional parameters. If
ARBStartDate is not provided the start date will be the day of purchase).
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway only for recurring billing.
• The system will create only an initial order. The re-billing amount will also include transport
costs and other fees. To unsubscribe, click on the [Cancel Subscription] buttons of the order
details page or module CAT_Subcriptions. To update the Credit Card data, click on the [Edit
Credit Card Profile] links of the order details page or module CAT_Subscriptions.

Test and use of the eProcessing payment interface

• CATALooK.netStore uses the Advanced Integration Method (AIM) with Address Verification
System AVC, CV2 Card Code verification and MD5 Hash Security Feature.
• Don’t change the default Delimiter (‘|’) x_delim_char on the gateway Merchant Interface!
This Character will be used to separate fields in the transaction response.
• Don’t store any Character in the Merchant Interface that will be used to encapsulate
(x_encap_char) the fields in the transaction response.

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• Select '(eProcessing)’ from the [Payment Processor] list box. Please check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card] and / or [Debit / eCheck]
• Enter the merchant’s valid API login ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the merchant’s valid transaction key into field [TransactionKey].
• Supports [Transaction type] of AUTH_CAPTURE (default), AUTH_ONLY,
• Use 4222222222222 to generate errors. This will return the response reason code equal to the
amount of the submitted transaction. For other tests please use the following numbers: Amex:
370000000000002; MasterCard: 5424000000000015; Discover: 6011000000000012; Visa:
4007000000027 . Any expiration date after the current day's date can be used with these
• To increase the security set the MD5 Hash value in the merchant interface and enter the same
value in field Merchant Hash.
• The payment state will be set to ‘paid’ automatically.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the Beanstream payment gateway interface

• CATALooK.netStore uses the Server to Server method with Address Verification System AVC
and CV2 Card Code verification. Select '(Beanstream)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
Please check the box: [STORE PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card] and enter your
login/merchant token, and optional the username into field: transaction key and optional your
password into the password field. Supports [Transaction type] of P (default), R, VP, VR, PA,
PAC. Use 4030000010001234 (Visa) to generate an approved transaction. For other test by
VBV (Verified by VISA) use the following number: 4123450131003312 / password: 12345.
For NextWave use the following number: 6220982130610767746 / passcode: 5502. Any
expiration date after the current day's date can be used with these numbers. The payment state
will be set to paid automatically. You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the Cardia payment gateway interface

• Both versions: PopUp (shop) and service version are supported. You can select a version via
drop down list: [Payment Processors]. Please check the box: [STORE PAYMENT TYPES] ->
[Credit Card] and enter 4AC584A6-4EF1-433A-B851-5FE6947C9FA3 for the login/merchant
token. For testing please use the CC number: 4444333322221111, Date 0507. Please note that
transactions having an amount which ends with 1, 2, 10, 20 or 99 will NOT be approved. The
payment state will be updated automatically. You can use this method also for the recurring
billing function.

Test and use of the National Australia Bank payment gateway interface

• Select '(National Australia Bank)' from the [Payment Processor] list box and check the box:
[STORE PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card]. Enter

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A5768139A28F28A5D760B7DC415447500B66639247B568983D48349F5662C392 for the

login/merchant token/ID. For testing please use the CC number: 4444 3333 2222 1111. Any test
transaction ending in whole dollars will be approved. Any test transaction ending in one cent
will be declined. The use of any other amount may result in an Incomplete Transaction or an
unexpected result. A declined or incomplete result should cause your fail URL to load. The
payment state will be set to 'paid' automatically. You don't need an own SSL connection for this
• For newer National Australia Bank merchant accounts use the NAB interface below.

Test and use of the NAB gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(NAB)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant ID / Vendor Name into field [login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter GST into the 'Tax' field of module CAT_StoreSetting. Taxes from module CAT_Zones or
product related taxes can not be used.
• Visa Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code
o 4444333322221111 08/12 123
• For gateway tests, turn on the option: 'PayPal+CC Test Mode' of the CAT_StoreSettings
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the WorldPay / FuturePay payment gateway interface

• Select '(WorldPay)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.

• Check the box: [STORE PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your InstallID into field: [login/merchant token].
• Optional: Enter the numeric value of your Account ID into field [Password] (Specifies which
customer account should receive funds for this payment. The WorldPay server tries accId1. If
this is invalid for any reason, it selects the first valid account it can find based on the testMode
value and the currencies available. There is no need to specify accounts, but this is useful if you
have multiple live accounts).
• Optional Security Parameters: Enter a Callback Password / callbackPW (CallbackPW is
returned if you have set a "Callback password" for your installation on the Customer

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Management System. As the value of this is only known to WorldPay and your callback script,
it can be used as a basic security check within your script.) and / or Authorisation Password /
authPW (Authorisation password that can be set up with WorldPay to help to increase the
security. If you have a password set up for your installation, it is essential that you validate it
correctly in your submission, or the transaction will fail. If you do not use a password, this field
should be left blank.) into field: [Additional Parameters]. Example:
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• Supports [Transaction Type] of "A" for a full auth, or "E" for a pre-auth (optional default =
• Set the field: [Transaction Key] to an integer specifying that this is a test or a live payment. For
normal testing you set this to 100, which always results in a successful authorisation for the
payment, or 101, which always fails, regardless of card details. The bank is not involved. Set
this parameter to 0 or omit it for a live transaction.
• You can set the call-back URL and specify that it will be used for payment responses by using
the page reached from the Configuration options button for your installation on the CMS Home
Page. Fill out the following fields:
Test Transaction Instructions (Max. 255 characters)
Callback URL :
Callback enabled? : enable
FuturePay callback Enabled? (Requires standard Callback enabled): disable
Use callback response? : disable
Callback suspended? : disable
Callback Failure Alert email address: enable
Attach callback data to failure email? : enable
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• FuturePay is a method designed for handling recurring future payments, such as subscriptions
or installments. To use FuturePay for subscription products and recurring billing (normal and
subscription products), turn on the option: [Use PayPal Subscription or WorldPay/FuturePay for
Recurring Billing], insert the number of days into field: [Subscription Period / Billing Period]
and select a role from the Subscription Role selector of a product. You should also change the
subscription button image to a WorlPay subscription button image in the folder of the currently
selected CATALooK.netStore skin: \DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Your Skin\x-click-

Test and use of the maltapay payment gateway interface

• Select '(maltapay)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [STORE PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].

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Enter your Merchant No into field [login/merchant token].

Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Payflow Link

payment gateway interface

• Select '(Payflow Link)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
Enter your Merchant ID / User ID / Login into field [login/merchant token].
Enter your PARTNER ID into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate]
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
Optional enter a value for [TransactionType / Authorization Mode]: Values S=Sale (default) or
On the PayFlow Manager page click Account Info on the menu bar -> The Account Information
page opens.
Click Payflow Link Info -> The Edit Configuration page opens.
Return URL Method : Link
Return URL. Enter the URL of the Web page to which customers should be sent
upon clicking the Continue button on the Receipt page: Typically use the page where the
module CAT_CustomerAccount is located
Silent Post URL. Select the Silent Post URL box and enter the URL in the text field
to specify the URL to which transaction data should be posted in the background
(invisible for the customer) after transaction is processed :
Read the chapter: Testing Credit Card Transactions from the PayflowLink_Guide.pdf.
You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the PayPal PayFlow Pro (PayPal Website Payments Pro UK) gateway

• Select '(Payflow Pro)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter a registered user or your registered vendor ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the password for your registered vendor ID into field [Password].
• Enter the vendor ID into field [TransactionKey].
• Enter your PARTNER ID into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate] (default: PayPal).
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].

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• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].

• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing.

Test and use of the paymate payment gateway interface

• Select '(paymate)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [STORE PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
Enter the username you use to log into the Paymate website into field [login/merchant token].
Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add]. Acceptable values to specify for the currency parameter are
'AUD' and 'USD'. If this parameter is not specified, or is invalid, the default currency code is
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
The payment state will be updated automatically.
You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Banca Sella / GestPay gateway payment gateway interface

• Select '(BancaSella)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.

• Please check the box: [STORE PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card] .
• Enter your Shop Login/Merchant Code into field [login/merchant token].
• Upload the Password Files via Admin -> File Manager to the portal upload folder and rename
them to 'Your Merchant Code.ric' and 'Your Merchant Code.ris'. This ensures the .ris and .ric
files will be placed in the portal folder \portals\0, portals\1 and so on, according to your current
portal ID.
• Insert Terminal Id into field [Transaction Key].
• Use Back office Access to enter the URL for positive and negative response:
The payment state will be updated automatically.

Test and use of the PayPal Website Payments Pro US payment gateway interface

• Perform all steps as described in the readme.txt file from folder: \paypal_dotnet_sdk
• Select '(PayPalPaymentsPro)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
Enable the check box: [Store payment types] -> [Credit Card].
Select [Card Types] = Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover.
Select [View Options] from the module menu of module CAT_Cart and enable: ‘Show [Card
Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)’, ‘Make the [Card Type] selection
compulsory’ and ‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’.
Select [View Options] from the module menu of module CAT_Subscriptions and enable: ‘Show

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[Card Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)’, ‘Make the [Card Type]
selection compulsory’ and ‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’.
Select [View Options] from the module menu of module CAT_CustomerAccount and enable:
‘Show [Card Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)’, ‘Make the [Card
Type] selection compulsory’ and ‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’.
Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on
receipts, for payment gateway requests and for the base price of the online currency calculator
select / add].
Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• Create Test Account:
• API Credentials (API Signature, API Certificate):
• Enter your API Account Name (API Username) into field: [login/merchant token]. Enter your
API Password into field: [Password].
• For API Signature method only: Enter the Signature into field: [Merchant
• Optional: Supports [Transaction Type] of "A" for Authorization, or "S" for Sale (default).

Support Site:

Support for AVS and CVS.

You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

You can use this gateway for recurring billing.

Here are solutions to problems you might encounter.

1. Cannot find WinHttpCertCfg in your PATH.

Solution: Make sure you have downloaded and installed the Windows HTTP Services
Certificate Configuration Tool (WinHttpCertCfg.exe) and included its location on your system
in the PATH environment variable. See the "DOWNLOAD MICROSOFT CERTIFICATE
TOOL" section, above.
2. COMException(0x80880253): The Signer's certificate is not valid for signing
Solution: The sample is found NOT to work on Windows2000 machine due to AES algorithm
not being supported by it.
3. Unable to load the binding classes.
Solution: Make sure that the user account running your web application has READ and WRITE
permission for the directory specified in the TEMP environment system variable. When
instantiating the proxy classes, .NET Framework creates an XML serialization assembly in this
4. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS.
Solution 1: Make sure the proper user account was granted access to the certificate. To list all
accounts with access to a private key, type: WinHttpCertCfg -l -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual Solution 2: Verify that you have installed .NET Framework Service
Pack 1 and other Microsoft Service Packs.

Test and use of the PBSfuzion (dankort) payment gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(PBSfuzion)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check
the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Username / ShopID you use to log into the PBSfuzion website into field
[login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• On the Shop configuration site: fill out the following
o OK-URL : http://www.YourURL/PBSfuzionIPN.aspx
o Failure-URL : http://www.YourURL/PBSfuzionFailureIPN.aspx
o Form-URL : http://www.YourURL/Form-URL.asp
• The files: Form-URL.asp, PBSfuzionFailureIPN.aspx and PBSfuzionIPN.aspx must be copied
from folder \PBSFuzion into the DNN root folder.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the QPay payment gateway interface

• Selektieren Sie im Modul CAT_StoreSettings ‚(QPAY)’ in der Gateway Auswahlliste und

aktivieren Sie Kreditkartenzahlung. Die Übertragung per Post erfordert außerdem einige
zusätzliche Konfigurationen. Einige Parameter müssen per Hand in eine Datei eintragen
werden. Diese Datei finden Sie unter :
• DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Providers\GatewayProviders\QPAYProvider\checkout.asp .
• Hier muss später z.B.die Customer ID, der Hash Key (Parameter: secret) und die serviceURL
etc. eingeben werden. Im Moment sind dort alle Parameter für einen Test Zugriff konfiguriert.
Lesen Sie dazu unbedingt die Installationsanleitung von QPAY.
• Der Hash Key muss auch im Modul CAT_StoreSettings eingetragen werden. Dort muss auch
die Währung und als Beschreibung ein Wert für ‚PayPal Warenkorbname (Cart Name)’
eingetragen werden. Auch die PayPal... Rückkehr Page ID sollte gesetzt sein.

Test and use of the PayGate payment gateway interface

• Wählen Sie (PayGate) aus, geben Sie in das Feld: [Login ID/MerchantToken] Ihre Merchant ID
ein und in das Feld: 'Password' das 16-stellige BlowFish-Passwort.

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• In das Feld: [Additional Parameters] können Sie die zusätzlichen Parameter für die
Seitengestaltung etc. eingeben (siehe PayGate Handbuch). Format: &Parametername=Wert;....
PP+CC Zahlungsgrund und Währung auf Formularen... muss ebenfalls angegeben werden
• Geben Sie '1' in das Feld [Transaktionsschlüssel] ein, wenn Ihre Seite über ein SSL Zertifikat
verfügt. Wenn nicht, erfolgt der Datenaustausch nach erfolgter Zahlung über den Redirect
(HTTP Status 302 Object Moved) zu der Success URL. Dies ist aber vom Browser des Kunden
abhängig. Falls dieser das Browserfenster schließt, bevor er zum Shop zurückgeleitet wurde,
wird der Warenkorbinhalt in keine Bestellung umgewandelt und der Zahlungsstatus wird nicht
aktualisiert. Um sicher zu gehen, dass der Shop über den korrekten Status der Zahlung
informiert wurde, sendet das Paygate eine weitere Bestätigung über eine direkte Server-zu-
Server-Verbindung zum Shop (URLNotify). Dieser Notify-Aufruf ist aber aus
Sicherheitsgründen nur über Port 443 (SSL) erlaubt.
• Der Gateway kann nur für Portal 0 verwendet werden oder zumindest muss beim Portal 0 das
das 16-stellige BlowFish-Passwort in das Feld: 'Password' eingegeben werden, um ihn auch in
anderen Portals nutzbar zu machen.

Test and use of the TWYP E-Commerce payment gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(TWYP)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the
box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the pspid (the affiliation number of the merchant for TWYP) into field [login/merchant
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add] (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF).
• To increase the security, enter an additional merchant defined string in the 3.2. Data checking
before the payment, SHA-1 Signature field of the technical information page and enter the same
value in field: ‘Merchant Hash/Certificate’.
• Use the field: ‘Additional Parameters’ to add additional parameters separated by ‘Enter’ e.g.:
LOGO=MyLogo.gif. You can find a complete list of all parameters in the following document:
‘Document II: TWYP E-Commerce, integration in the merchant's WEB site’; filename:
• Select the GET method for the request (configure in TWYP E-Commerce Administration
Menu/ Technical information, point 1).
• To automate your back office tasks, you can define in the Technical information (see TWYP e-
Commerce Administration Menu/ Technical information) the URL of 2 executable pages of
your site: a post-sale page and a cancel-deny page:
• Optional enter the bank gateway URL into field ‘Additional Parameters’ e.g.: URL=
• For the credit card payment method, you can use a test VISA credit card number:
4111111111111111 (if you have activated this credit card).
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

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Test and use of the Waterfront payment gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Waterfront)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check
the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the VendorName into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the VendorKey into field [Password]
• Enter the PromoCode into field [Transaction Key]
• Module CAT_Products: Enter the product Id into field [Item Code]
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Waterfront silent payment gateway interface
(Select any other server to server payment gateway as main gateway)

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select any gateway from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check
the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card]
• Enter all login data for this payment gateway
• Enter all Waterfront data into the field: [Additional Parameters] Format:
• ProductIds are the Waterfront product Id’s from the [Item Code] field of the products
• Module CAT_Products: Enter the product Id into field [Item Code]
• If the price of the Waterfront products in the cart is <> 0, the cart amount reduced by the
Waterfront product prices will be charged via main CC payment gateway.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the CCAvenue payment gateway interface

• Select '(CCAvenue)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
Enter the Merchant_ID into field [login/merchant token]. This id (also User Id) is available at
"Generate Working Key" of "Settings & Options". Enter the WorkingKey into field [Merchant
Hash/Certificate]. Please note that to get this 32 bit alphanumeric key, you have to login to your
CCAvenue merchant account and visit the "Generate Working Key" section at the "Settings &
Options" page.
Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add]. Acceptable values to specify for the currency parameter are
‘USD’, ….
The payment state will be updated automatically.
You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

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Test and use of the CCAvenue India payment gateway interface

• Select '(CCAvenue India)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
Enter the Merchant_ID into field [login/merchant token]. This id (also User Id) is available at
"Generate Working Key" of "Settings & Options". Enter the WorkingKey into field [Merchant
Hash/Certificate]. Please note that to get this 32 bit alphanumeric key, you have to login to your
CCAvenue merchant account and visit the "Generate Working Key" section at the "Settings &
Options" page.
The payment state will be updated automatically.
You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Secure Hosting payment gateway interface

• Select '(SecureHosting)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter SH200037 for the login/merchant token (Secure Hosting client reference number).
• Enter 779085 for Transaction Key (checkcode).
• For testing use: CC number= 4242424242424242, Date= 01 2008, CV2 code= 424, optional
start date= 01 2004.
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the ePDQ Barclaycard Business, Barclays Bank PLC
payment gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(ePDQ)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the
box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Client Id into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the Password into field [Password].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• In the CPI Admin tool set [POST Order Result] to ‘Yes’.
• In the CPI Admin tool set [Post URL] to
• For added security, the ePDQIPN.aspx must be username / password protected using basic
server authentication. You may find it easier to place the response handling program in its own
directory and apply username / password protection to the entire directory. In the CPI Admin
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tool set Username and Password that you have assigned to protect the ePDQIPN.aspx file or the
directory where this file is located.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the AsiaPay / PayDollarClientPost gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(PayDollarClientPost)' from the [Payment Processor] list

• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Merchant id into field [login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• To use data feed function, merchant has to inform the acquiring bank about the location of your
data feed page: Merchant has
to wait until the bank updates the system in order to use this function.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the AsiaPay / PayDollarDirectClient gateway


• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(PayDollarDirectClient)' from the [Payment Processor] list

• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Merchant id into field [login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Select: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Diners and JCB from the ‘Card Types’ selector.
• Module CAT_Cart -> select ‘View Options’ from the module menu -> activate the ‘Make the
[Card Type] selection compulsory’ checkbox.
• To use data feed function, merchant has to inform the acquiring bank about the location of your
data feed page: Merchant has
to wait until the bank updates the system in order to use this function.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You must secure the cart page and the pages where the modules CAT_Orders and
CAT_CustomerAccount are located by SSL.

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Test and use of the Commonwealth Bank Of Australia gateway


• Select ' (CommonwealthBankOfAustralia)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the
box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant ID (Bank Merchant Number) into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter IP and Port No. of the server separated by a ‘:’ into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Optional: Enter the TicketNo into field [TransactionKey].
• Select ‘English (Australia)’ from the Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Other
Settings -> Default Language selector.
• Select the right currency (AUD) from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for
payment gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing.

Test and use of the Ogone iDeal payment gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select ‘(iDealOgone)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Select: [Credit Card] from the [PAYMENT TYPES] checkbox list.
• If you use a test account, turn on the ‘PayPal+CC Test Mode’ option.
• Enter the pspid (affiliation number of the merchant at Ogone e-Commerce) into field
[login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add] (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF).
• To increase the security, enter an additional merchant defined string in the ‘3. Data checking
before the payment/3.2. SHA-1 Signature’ and 4.Post payment feedback/4.4. Feedback data
checking: fields of the technical information page and enter the same value in field: ‘Merchant
• Use the field: ‘Additional Parameters’ to add additional parameters separated by ‘Enter’ e.g.:
LOGO=MyLogo.gif. You can find a complete list of all parameters in the following document:
• Select the GET method for the request (configure in Ogone E-Commerce Administration Menu/
Technical information, point 1.1. method :).
• On the Ogone admin menu you must provide a URL for: ‘2.2. URL of the merchant page
containing the payment form that will call the page: orderstandard.asp’. This is the page which
is displayed before you will be redirected to the Ogone page. In case you have only ‘Credit
Card’ selected from the [Store payment types] selector on module CAT_StoreSettings and the
[Allow quotation request] option is turned off, this might be the Terms or the shipping page. If
not, this is the page where you can select the payment type e.g.:

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US/Default.aspx . If you use multiple languages for your portal, the Language parameter can
vary depending of the currently selected language. In this case you may enter all URL’s
separated by ";".
• In ‘2.1. IP address of the server’ insert the IP address of your server.
• To automate your back office tasks, you can define in the Technical information (see Ogone e-
Commerce Administration Menu/ Technical information) the URL of 2 executable pages of
your site: a post-sale page and a cancel-deny page:
• Optional enter the bank gateway URL into field ‘Additional Parameters’ e.g.: URL= or
• For the credit card payment method, you can use a test VISA credit card number (if you have
activated this credit card): 4111111111111111 , CV2 =123 .
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the eWAY gateway interface

• Select ' (eWAY)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -
> [Credit Card].
• Enter your eWAY Customer ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Select ‘English (Australia)’ from the Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Other
Settings -> Default Language selector.
• Select the right currency (AUD) from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for
payment gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of the cart module (CAT_Cart) and activate the
‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’ checkbox.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing.

Test and use of the Internet Secure gateway interface

• Select '(InternetSecure)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant Account Number into field [login/merchant token].
• Select ‘English (United States)’ or ‘English (Canada) from the Admin -> Site Settings ->
Advanced Settings -> Other Settings -> Default Language selector.

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• Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu of the cart module (CAT_Cart) and activate the
‘Make the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory’ checkbox.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

You can use this gateway for recurring billing

Test and use of the iVeryLite gateway interface

• Select ' (iVeryLite)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant_ApplicationID into field [login/merchant token].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway. The page where the module CAT_Cart is
located must be secured by SSL.
• This gateway cannot use the standard Credit Card form of module CAT_Cart. Therefore a
separate form is used: DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\ivery_request-form.asp .

Test and use of the Innovative gateway interface

• Select ‘(Innovative)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Username into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the Password into field [Password].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing

Test and use of the Westpac Web Advantage gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Westpac Web Advantage)' from the [Payment Processor]
list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant ID / Vendor Name into field [login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter GST into the 'Tax' field of module CAT_StoreSetting. Taxes from module CAT_Zones or
product related taxes can not be used.
• Visa Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code

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o 4444333322221111 08/12 123

• For gateway tests, turn on the option: 'PayPal+CC Test Mode' of the CAT_StoreSettings
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Wannafind gateway interface

• Select '(wannafind)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your shopid into field [login/merchant token].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Optional enter a value for [Transaction Key]: Values creditcard, edankort, netbank or 3dsecure
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• Enter a password into field: [Crypto Password].
• You don’t need an own SSL connection for this gateway since the Wannafind SSL-Proxy can
be used by entering the proxy URL into the field: ‘Additional Paramters’ e.g.:
‘proxyurl=’. But it is recommended to secure the cart
page by SSL since there were some problems with the use of the proxy method in the past e.g.
Ajax doesn’t work and there will be a separate popup window etc.

Test and use of the Conviator gateway interface

• Select ' (conviator)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Check the box: [PAYMENT
TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your merchant name into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your merchant number into field [Password].
• Enter the pay types into field [Transaction Key] e.g.: ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10’
4:Visa Electron
8:American Express
9:Diners Club
10: Danske Netbetaling
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• You don’t need an own SSL connection for this gateway .

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Test and use of the iDeal payment gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select ‘(iDeal)' from the [Payment Processor] list box
• Select: [Credit Card] from the [PAYMENT TYPES] checkbox list.
• Enter the merchant ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Optional: Enter the subID into field [Password] (default = ‘0’).
• Optional: Enter the payment Type into field: [TransactionType / Authorization Mode] (default
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add] (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF).
• CATALooK.netStore supports the hash code method of this gateway. This method is able to
process several types of product per transaction (regardless of the number of items per product
type). To enable this method, enter a so-called hashkey in advance in the iDEAL Dashboard,
see chapter: '4.1 Set the hashcode approach' of the iDeal basic manual and enter the same value
into the field: ‘Merchant Hash/Certificate’ of the CAT_StoreSettings module.
• Optional: Enter the bank URL into field ‘Additional Parameters’ e.g.:
URL= (default test URL). Another
test URL would be: URL= .
• Use the field: ‘Additional Parameters’ to add additional parameters separated by ‘Enter/CR’
e.g.: LOGO=MyLogo.gif.
• To automate your back office tasks, you can select XML in the 'Notificatie' ('Notification') field.
Then the acceptor receives an XML message after every completed transaction. This message is
sent to an URL determined by the acceptor him- or herself. This URL has to be set in the
‘Notificatie URL’ (‘Notification URL’) field (also on the Configuratie (Configuration) tab or
under Beveiliging (Security). The URL must have the following format:
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Samport HOSTED payment gateway interface (Credit

• Select ‘(Samport HOSTED)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.

• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the TellusPay ID / customer number at Samport Payment Services AB into field
[login/merchant token].
• Optional: Enter ‘0’ = Reserve amount or ‘1’ = Debit amount directly (Default) into field
• Optional: Enter Type of transaction into field [TransactionType / Authorization Mode]:
o 1 = Credit card (Default)
o 3,X = Direct Payment

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o 3,1 = Sweden – Swedbank

o 3,2 = Sweden – Handelsbanken
o 3,3 = Sweden – Handelsbanken NetPay (hire-purchase payment)
o 3,4 = Sweden – SEB
o 3,5 = Sweden – Nordea
o 3,6 = Finland – Sampo Bank
o 3,7 = Finland – Nordea
o 3,8 = Denmark – Nordea
o 3,9 = Denmark – PBS e-DK
o 4 = Invoice
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name]
• When the credit card approval has been processed the web browser is directed to Page
Approved or Page Denied. At the same time the Samport system post to a hidden report page
with the result. All pages must be setup on the Samport configuration site:
o Page Approved: URL of the page where the CAT_CustomerAccount is located (My Account -> My Orders)
o Page Denied: URL of the page where the CAT_Cart module is located; optional add a parameter:
‘cattranssucc=False’ e.g. http(s)://www.YourDNNRootURL/tabid/xx/cattranssucc/false/default.aspx or
o Hidden report page: http(s)://www.YourDNNRootURL/DesktopModules/CATALooKStore/SamportIPN.aspx.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don’t need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Payworks payment gateway interface

• Select ‘(Payworks)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.

• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Name (Nombre de Usuario de la tienda virtual, permite identificar al usuario que atiende la compra)
into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the Password (N Contraseña del usuario) into field [Password].
• Enter the ClientId (Id de cliente de la tienda virtual asociado con el usuario que atiende la compra) into field
[Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Optional: Enter Type of transaction into field [TransactionType / Authorization Mode]: Values:
Auth, PreAuth, PostAuth, Void. Default: ‘Auth’.
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing.

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Test and use of the Wirecard payment gateway interface

• Select ‘(wirecard)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.

• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Username into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the Password into field [Password].
• Enter the Business Case Signature into field [Transaction Key]
• Enter the Merchant Country Code into field [Additional Parameters] e.g.:‘CountryCode=US‘.
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• Gateway Test: (Set: Username ([login/merchant token]) = ‘56500’ and Password =
When sending test transactions to our system you can create specific error messages. To do
so, please use card number 4200000000000000
1. Amounts below EUR 1000.00 or any other currency will generate an acknowledgement
(ACK) with the response status error code 9500.
2. Amounts between EUR 1000.02 and EUR 1000.98 are reserved for response codes in the
ACM error code range.
Amount: 100002 - 02 Call Voice Authorization Number.
Amount: 100003 - 03 Invalid Merchant Number.
Amount: 100004 - 04 Retain Card.
Amount: 100005 - 05 Authorization Declined.
Amount: 100006 - 06 Error in Sequence Number.
Amount: 100009 - 09 Wait Command.
Amount: 100098 - 98 Date and Time Not Plausible.
The amount of EUR 1000.02 ( <Amount>100002<Amount> ) will produce response code 02:
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing.

Test and use of the Netcash gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Netcash)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Netcash assigned electronic Username into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your Netcash assigned electronic Password into field [Password].
• Enter your Netcash assigned electronic PIN into field [Transaction Key].
• Enter your Terminal Number into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].

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• Setup a Data page in your Netcash back office:
• Setup a successful and unsuccessful URL in your Netcash back office:
Set unsuccessful URL = URL of the page where the cart module (CAT_Cart) is located + add
the following parameter: ‘cattranssucc=false’
Set successful URL = URL of the page where the Customer Account module
(CAT_CustomerAccount) is located
The place to edit this is under the "credit cards > Credit Service Administration > Adjust
Gateway Defaults" link in the back office.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the ANZ eGate (Bank Hosted model) gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(ANZ eGate)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your MerchantID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your Merchant AccessCode into field [Transaction Key].
• Optional enter your Secure Hash Secret into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Card Type Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code*
o MasterCard 5123456789012346 05/13 123
o MasterCard 5313581000123430 05/13 123
o Visa 4005550000000001 05/13 123
o Visa 4557012345678902 05/13 123
o Amex 345678901234564 05/13 1234
o Bankcard 5610901234567899 05/13 123
o Diners Club 30123456789019 05/13 123
*If the Card Security Code (standard set up) has been set as a mandatory field by the
Bank use any value such as 123 or 111.
QSI Resp.. Name Amount
o 0 Transaction approved XXX.00
o 1 Transaction could not be processed XXX.10
o 2 Transaction declined - contact issuing bank XXX.05
o 3 No reply from Processing Host XXX.68*
o 4 Card has expired XXX.33
o 5 Insufficient credit XXX.51
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

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Test and use of the ANZ eGate (Merchant Hosted model) gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(ANZ eGate Merchant Host)' from the [Payment Processor]
list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your MerchantID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your Merchant AccessCode into field [Transaction Key].
• Enter something into field: [Crypto Password]
• Optional enter your Secure Hash Secret into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Optional enter the gateway type into field: [TransactionType / Authorization Mode]
Enter: ‘ssl’ for 3 Party Gateway or ‘threeDSecure’ for 3D Secure Authentication Only Gateway
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Card Type Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code*
o MasterCard 5123456789012346 05/13 123
o MasterCard 5313581000123430 05/13 123
o Visa 4005550000000001 05/13 123
o Visa 4557012345678902 05/13 123
o Amex 345678901234564 05/13 1234
o Bankcard 5610901234567899 05/13 123
o Diners Club 30123456789019 05/13 123
*If the Card Security Code (standard set up) has been set as a mandatory field by the
Bank use any value such as 123 or 111.
QSI Resp.. Name Amount
o 0 Transaction approved XXX.00
o 1 Transaction could not be processed XXX.10
o 2 Transaction declined - contact issuing bank XXX.05
o 3 No reply from Processing Host XXX.68*
o 4 Card has expired XXX.33
o 5 Insufficient credit XXX.51
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the SecurePay payment gateway interface

• CATALooK.netStore uses the Advanced Integration Method (AIM) with Address Verification
System AVC, CV2 Card Code verification and MD5 Hash Security Feature.
• Don’t change the default Delimiter (‘|’) x_delim_char on the gateway Merchant Interface!
This Character will be used to separate fields in the transaction response.
• Don’t store any Character in the Merchant Interface that will be used to encapsulate
(x_encap_char) the fields in the transaction response.
• Select '(SecurePay)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Please check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card] and / or [Debit / eCheck]
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• Enter the merchant’s valid API login ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the merchant’s valid transaction key into field [TransactionKey].
• Supports [Transaction type] of AUTH_CAPTURE (default), AUTH_ONLY,
• Use 4222222222222 to generate errors. This will return the response reason code equal to the
amount of the submitted transaction. For other tests please use the following numbers: Amex:
370000000000002; MasterCard: 5424000000000015; Discover: 6011000000000012; Visa:
4007000000027 . Any expiration date after the current day's date can be used with these
• To increase the security set the MD5 Hash value in the merchant interface and enter the same
value in field Merchant Hash.
• The payment state will be set to ‘paid’ automatically.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the DIBS (Payment Window) gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(DIBS Payment Window)' from the [Payment Processor]
list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your MerchantID into field [login/merchant token].
• Optional enter the MD5-key’s into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate] separated by a space (‘ ’):
‘k1 k2’.
• Optional enter ‘amount_check=1’ into field [Additional Parameters] to turn on the response
amount and currency check.
• Optional enter the gateway request URL into the [Additional Parameters] field in the following
format: 'URL='. Additional Parameters
must be separated by a semicolon: ';'.
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Card Type Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code*
o MasterCard 5413031000000000 06/24 684
• Turn on the [PayPal+CC Test Mode] option if your gateway account is in Test Mode.
• Turn on the "return of all values" option in your DIBS Admin (under Integration + Return
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

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Test and use of the Banamex 3-Party (Bank Hosted model / Redirect method) gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Banamex 3-Party Redirect method)' from the [Payment
Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your MerchantID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your Merchant AccessCode into field [Transaction Key].
• Optional enter your Secure Hash Secret into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Card Type Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code*
o MasterCard 5123456789012346 05/13 123
o Visa 4987654321098769 05/13 123
o Costco 8548400000000012 05/13 123
*If the Card Security Code (standard set up) has been set as a mandatory field by the
Bank use any value such as 123 or 111.
Response Code Name Amount
o 0 Transaction approved XXX.00
o 1 Transaction could not be processed XXX.10
o 2 Transaction declined - contact issuing bank XXX.05
o 4 Card has expired XXX.54
o 5 Insufficient credit XXX.51
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Banamex 3-Party (Merchant Hosted model)
gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Banamex 3-Party Merchant Host method)' from the
[Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your MerchantID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your Merchant AccessCode into field [Transaction Key].
• Enter something into field: [Crypto Password]
• Optional enter your Secure Hash Secret into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Optional enter the gateway type into field: [TransactionType / Authorization Mode]
Enter: ‘ssl’ for 3 Party Gateway or ‘threeDSecure’ for 3D Secure Authentication Only Gateway
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Card Type Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code*
o MasterCard 5123456789012346 05/13 123
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o Visa 4987654321098769 05/13 123

o Costco 8548400000000012 05/13 123
*If the Card Security Code (standard set up) has been set as a mandatory field by the
Bank use any value such as 123 or 111.
Response Code Name Amount
o 0 Transaction approved XXX.00
o 1 Transaction could not be processed XXX.10
o 2 Transaction declined - contact issuing bank XXX.05
o 4 Card has expired XXX.54
o 5 Insufficient credit XXX.51
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the DPS WIPS PLUS paymentexpress PX Pay Hosted Payments
gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(DPS PX Pay)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your account's UserId into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your account's 64 character key into field [Transaction Key].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Realex gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Realex)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant Id into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter The sub-account to use into field [Transaction Key]
• Enter your your shared secret into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• In order to receive response data you must provide Realex Payments with the URL of your
response script. The response URL is to be emailed to or entered
through the online resource centre:
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
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Test and use of the AlliedWallet QuickPay gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(AlliedWallet QuickPay)' from the [Payment Processor] list
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Merchant reference ID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your site reference ID into field [Transaction Key].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code
o 4242424242424242 10/09 280
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the Netaxept Basic Netaxept Pro gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Netaxept)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the shop's id in Netaxept into field [login/merchant token].
• Conditional: Enter the shop's department id in Netaxept into field [TransactionKey].
• Optional: Enter the secretword into field [Merchant Hash/Certificate].
• Optional: Enter Type of transaction into field [TransactionType / Authorization Mode]:
o 'auth': Autorise only.
o 'sale': Autorise and capture at once. (default)
• Optional: Use the field: ‘Additional Parameters’ to add additional parameters separated by
‘Enter’ e.g.: 'usebrand=VISA'.
• Select the correct currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Enter a purchase description into field: [PayPal+CC Cart Name].
• When the credit card approval has been processed the web browser is directed to the Complete
URL or the Abort URL. At the same time the Netaxept system post to a Receipt URL with the
result. All pages must be setup on the Netaxept Backoffice at :
o Complete URL: URL of the page where the CAT_CustomerAccount is located (My Account -> My Orders)
o Abort URL: URL of the page where the CAT_Cart module is located; optional add a parameter:
‘cattranssucc=False’ e.g. http(s)://www.YourDNNRootURL/tabid/xx/cattranssucc/false/default.aspx or
o Receipt URL: http(s)://www.YourDNNRootURL/DesktopModules/CATALooKStore/NetaxeptIPN.aspx.
o Site URL: For information purpose the webshop has to specify a URL to the webshop.
o Select 'Terminal' from the Receipt selector on the Netaxept Backoffice.
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
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Test and use of the IP Payments gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(IP Payments)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter your Username into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter your Password into field [Password].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code
o 4005 5500 0000 0001 10/09 123
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You don't need an own SSL connection for this gateway.

Test and use of the SoEasyPay gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(SoEasyPay)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the websiteID into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the Password into field [Password].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Select 'View Options' from the module menu of the CAT_Cart module and turn on the ' Make
the 3(4)-digit security code compulsory' option.
• Optional: AVS, FS and Special info data can be entered into the field: [Additional Parameters]
Format: AVSPolicy=ABNI;FSPolicy=Reject;userVar1=Special Info that is included in the
email template;userVar2=Special Info that is included in the email template
Turning on the AVS feature requires setting all address fields to mandatory on the second page
of module CAT_Cart
• Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code
o 4111111111111111 10/14 000
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the PayJunction Trinity gateway interface

• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(PayJunction)' from the [Payment Processor] list box.
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Username into field [login/merchant token].

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• Enter the Password into field [Password].

• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Gateway Test (turn on the [PayPal+CC Test Mode] option on module CAT_StoreSettings
(CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings)
o Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code
ƒ 4444333322221111 1/10 000
o Keep transaction amounts below $4.00 when testing.Also note, transactions ran for an
amount between $0.00 and $1.99 will likely result in denial. To demonstrate approvals,
please use amounts equal to and over $2.00.
o Test Login: Username pj-cm-01; Password: pj-cm-01p
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the GoEmerchant payment gateway interface (Credit

• Select '(GoEmerchant)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Please check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card]
• Enter the login into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the transaction key into field [TransactionKey] or enter the password into field
• Supports [Transaction type] of AUTH_CAPTURE (default), AUTH_ONLY,
• To increase the security set the MD5 Hash value in the merchant interface and enter the same
value in field Merchant Hash.
• The payment state will be set to ‘paid’ automatically.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the CHASE Paymentech Orbital gateway interface

• Download the Software Developer Kit from:{986DA85E-779F-19C4-
BF86-B7EFEC53B000} and install it on your server. Choose 'NET2.0' when you will be
prompted to select a version by the installer.
• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Select '(Paymentech Orbital)' from the [Payment Processor] list
• Check the box: [PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card].
• Enter the Merchant Number / Merchant ID into field [login/merchant token].

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• Enter the Bin Number into field [Password].

• Enter the Terminal ID into field [Transaction Key].
• Supports [Transaction type] (Message Type) (Optional; default = 'A') of:
o A – Authorization request
o AC – Authorization and Mark for Capture
o FC – Force-Capture request
o R – Refund request
• Optional enter a value for [Merchant Hash/Certificate] (Industry type of the transaction)
(default = 'EC').
• To use Debit Cards (Switch, Solo) select 'Switch' and 'Solo' from the [Card Types] selector on
module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings). After that select 'View
Option' from the module menu of the CAT_Cart (My Account -> Cart) module and turn on the
following options: [Show [Card Type] selector (not necessary for: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)]
and [Make the [Card Type] selection compulsory].
• Select the right currency from the drop down list: [Currency on receipts and for payment
gateway requests select / add].
• Gateway Test (turn on the [PayPal+CC Test Mode] option on module CAT_StoreSettings
(CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings)
Test Merchant Information:
o Test Merchant Number: 700000008395
o Terminal ID: 001 – Orbital
o Bin Number: 000002
• Test Card details to use are
Test Card Number Expiry Date Card Sec Code
5454545454545454 (MasterCard) 1/12 124
• The payment state will be updated automatically.
• You need an own SSL connection for this gateway.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

Test and use of the 2Checkout payment gateway interface (Credit Card)

• Select '(2checkout)' from the [Payment Processor] list box. Please check the box: [STORE
PAYMENT TYPES] -> [Credit Card]
• Enter the login into field [login/merchant token].
• Enter the transaction key into field [TransactionKey] or enter the password into field
• Supports [Transaction type] of AUTH_CAPTURE (default), AUTH_ONLY,
• To increase the security set the MD5 Hash value in the merchant interface and enter the same
value in field Merchant Hash.
• The payment state will be set to ‘paid’ automatically.
• You can use this method also for the recurring billing function.

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Test the .netCHARGE credit card interface .netECOMMERCE of CATALooK.netStore on your

local system (localhost) with a trial of the .netCHARGE control.

• Use the CC number 1111111111111111 to test the module.

• On your production site (web server) it is recommended to have an SSL connection. In this case
CATALooK.netStore shows the credit card form on a secure site (SSL) https://... . Please ask
your hosting provider for secure connection. You can purchase an SSL certification also from
different companies. Please search the web for the phrase SSL. You can order a trial certificate
for 14 days here:
• Further needs: Payment processor (Example:, Merchant account with financial
• Choose all accepted credit cards which should be listed to customer during creditcard checkout.
• Select one payment processer from a list of more than 30.
• Enter a value for [PayPal+CC Return TabID] and [PayPal+CC Cart Name] as described in
PayPal setup.
• Login ID/merchantToken = your login id or Merchant Token
• TransactionKey=Your transaction key Merchant's Transaction Key (Only if Password is not
• Password =Your password Merchant's Password (Only if Transaction Key is not provided)
• Crypto Password=A crypto password must be set to encrypt the credit card details when pushed
to the database and decrypted when listed to order detail page.
• See also: Add new .netCHARGE parameters which are not defined by the
CATALooK.netStore settings (module CAT_StoreSettings)
• The payment status for customer orders will be updated to "paid" automatically after successful
payments are made.
• You can use the [Save CC Data, do not connect to CC Gateway] without a netCHARGE license
or a payment gateway but it is recommended to have an SSL connection on your web server.
• All errors will be recorded in DNN LOG VIEWER(Admin - Log Viewer) look for the point:
• You can use this gateway for recurring billing.
• See also: .netCHARGE integration and Credit Card Security

Add support for payment processors that are not listed

If your gateway provider supports the server to server method, you can create a new application which
interacts with your gateway and the gateway provider of CATALooK.netStore. Here you can find the
source code:

etChargeProvider.vb .

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Normally this provider is used for .netCHARGE but you can also use it to connect your own gateway
application. The code is self explaining because there are only properties and one charge command in

To insert your processor in the processor list of CATALooK.netStore, execute the following code via
Host -> SQL (turn on the [Run as Script?] option:


INSERT INTO CAT_CCPaymentProcessors (CCPaymentProcessorID,CCPaymentProcessor)

VALUES (1000,'My Gateway')



Replace 'My Gateway' with the name of your payment gateway. To request code samples, please
contact your gateway provider.

A 'My Gateway' entry already exists in table CAT_CCPaymentProcessors and can be used.

If your provider supports the hosted method, you must add the code to the files:
_creditcardcheckout.ascx (cart checkout) and _creditcardcheckout2.ascx ('Pay Now' button in the order
list of module CAT_CustomerAccount). You need the source code version of CATALooK.netStore for
this integration method.

Online Currency Converter

If you want to use the calculator on your site you need to accept the conditions of use at:
To activate the currency converter please enable this check box in module CAT_StoreSettings: [Show
Currency Converter Button(Will be displayed instead of the exchanged amounts based on the exchange
rates of module CAT_LangSwitcher)] and enter a value for [Currency on receipts, for payment
gateway requests and for the base price of the online currency calculator select / add].

Database synchronization between portals

The Product tables of all portals which have the [Product data synchronization] option enabled will be
included in the synchronization job.
The unique key is the field (column) ProductNumber of the table CAT_Products. This field is named
[Item code] on module CAT_Products. If a field of the table CAT_Products which is included in the

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synchronization is changed in one portal all products of the other portals with the same ProductNumber
will also be changed.

The synchronization is realized by default under the consideration of these fields (UnitCost and
BulkPriceLimit Fields are not included):

ProductName EAN
ZIP Password
Download File
Subscription Period
Recurring Billing
Ship Exempt
Publication Start
Publication End

All products must be added to all portals with the same product number / item code before they will be
included in the sync process. If you want to add fields to sync. or remove fields from sync., you must
change the following stored procedure: CAT_ProductUpdate . The default fields are listed above.

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Add / remove fields from sync

To include / exclude fields from sync see red marked text in the script below:
Execute the the script via Host -> SQL (turn in the 'Run as Script?' option):

if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =

object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[CAT_ProductUpdate]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,
N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure {databaseOwner}[CAT_ProductUpdate]

CREATE procedure {databaseOwner}CAT_ProductUpdate

@ProductID int,
@CategoryID int ,
@Category2ID int ,
@Category3 nvarchar(50) ,
@ProductName nvarchar (255) ,
@ProductNumber nvarchar (50) ,
@EAN nvarchar (50) ,
@ISBN nvarchar (50) ,
@Free1 nvarchar (255) ,
@Free2 nvarchar (255) ,
@Free3 nvarchar (255) ,
@KeyWords nvarchar (1000) ,
@ProductImage nvarchar (255) ,
@UnitCost money ,
@UnitCost2 money ,
@UnitCost3 money ,
@UnitCost4 money ,
@UnitCost5 money ,
@UnitCost6 money ,
@Description nvarchar (2000) ,
@DescriptionHTML ntext ,
@URL nvarchar (200) ,
@Stock int ,
@OrderQuant nvarchar (200) ,
@Weight decimal(10, 4),
@Volume decimal(8, 2) ,
@Length decimal(8, 2) ,
@Width decimal(8, 2) ,
@Height decimal(8, 2) ,
@FreightCosts1 money ,
@FreightCosts2 money ,

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@Featured bit ,
@SalePrice money ,
@SaleStart datetime ,
@SaleEnd datetime ,
@DownLoad bit,
@ZIPPassWord nvarchar (30) ,
@DownLoadFile nvarchar (255) ,
@Archive bit ,
@CreatedByUser int ,
@BulkPriceLimit1 int ,
@BulkPriceLimit2 int ,
@BulkPriceLimit3 int ,
@BulkPriceLimit4 int ,
@BulkPriceLimit5 int ,
@RoleID int ,
@SubscriptionPeriod int ,
@RecurringBilling bit ,
@TaxExempt bit,
@ShipExempt bit,
@InsuredValue money ,
@PublicationStart datetime ,
@PublicationEnd datetime ,
@Status char (1) ,
@DonationItem bit ,
@PayPalSubscription bit ,
@UseRoleFees bit ,
@ProductCost money ,
@RoleExpiryType char(1) ,
@ItemDeliveryType char(1) ,
@ReorderPoint int ,
@OrderQuantValidExpr nvarchar (255)


CategoryID = @CategoryID,
Category2ID = @Category2ID,
Category3 = @Category3,
ProductName = @ProductName,
ProductNumber = @ProductNumber,
Free1 = @Free1 ,
Free2 = @Free2 ,
Free3 = @Free3 ,
KeyWords = @KeyWords ,
ProductImage = @ProductImage,
UnitCost = @UnitCost,
UnitCost2 = @UnitCost2,
UnitCost3 = @UnitCost3,
UnitCost4 = @UnitCost4,
UnitCost5 = @UnitCost5,
UnitCost6 = @UnitCost6,

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Description = @Description,
DescriptionHTML = @DescriptionHTML,
Stock = @Stock,
OrderQuant = @OrderQuant,
Weight = @Weight,
Volume = @Volume,
Length = @Length,
Width = @Width,
Height = @Height,
FreightCosts1 = @FreightCosts1,
FreightCosts2 = @FreightCosts2,
Featured = @Featured,
SalePrice = @SalePrice,
SaleStart = @SaleStart,
SaleEnd = @SaleEnd,
DownLoad = @DownLoad,
DownLoadFile = @DownLoadFile,
ZIPPassWord = @ZIPPassWord,
Archive = @Archive,
CreatedByUser = @CreatedByUser,
BulkPriceLimit1 = @BulkPriceLimit1,
BulkPriceLimit2 = @BulkPriceLimit2,
BulkPriceLimit3 = @BulkPriceLimit3,
BulkPriceLimit4 = @BulkPriceLimit4,
BulkPriceLimit5 = @BulkPriceLimit5,
RoleID = @RoleID,
SubscriptionPeriod = @SubscriptionPeriod,
RecurringBilling = @RecurringBilling,
TaxExempt = @TaxExempt,
ShipExempt = @ShipExempt,
InsuredValue = @InsuredValue ,
PublicationStart = @PublicationStart,
PublicationEnd = @PublicationEnd,
Status = @Status,
DonationItem = @DonationItem,
PayPalSubscription = @PayPalSubscription,
UseRoleFees = @UseRoleFees,
ProductCost = @ProductCost,
RoleExpiryType = @RoleExpiryType,
ItemDeliveryType = @ItemDeliveryType,
ReorderPoint = @ReorderPoint,
OrderQuantValidExpr = @OrderQuantValidExpr

ProductID = @ProductID

DECLARE @LastPrice money

SELECT TOP 1 @LastPrice = ISNULL(Price,-1)

ProductID = @ProductID

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ChangeDate DESC

IF @LastPrice <> @UnitCost


declare @sync bit

@sync = SyncItems
from CAT_Settings inner join CAT_Categories on CAT_Categories.PortalID =
CAT_Settings.PortalID and CAT_Categories.CategoryID = @CategoryID

if @sync = 1
declare @PNo nvarchar(50)
select @PNo = ProductNumber from CAT_Products Where ProductID = @ProductID

if @PNo <> ''



/* add / remove '--' to include / exclude fields */

Category3 = @Category3,
ProductName = @ProductName,
Free1 = @Free1 ,
Free2 = @Free2 ,
Free3 = @Free3 ,
KeyWords = @KeyWords ,
-- ProductImage = @ProductImage,
-- UnitCost = @UnitCost,
-- UnitCost2 = @UnitCost2,
-- UnitCost3 = @UnitCost3,
-- UnitCost4 = @UnitCost4,
-- UnitCost5 = @UnitCost5,
-- UnitCost6 = @UnitCost6,
Description = @Description,
DescriptionHTML = @DescriptionHTML,
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Stock = @Stock,
OrderQuant = @OrderQuant,
Weight = @Weight,
Volume = @Volume,
Length = @Length,
Width = @Width,
Height = @Height,
-- FreightCosts1 = @FreightCosts1,
-- FreightCosts2 = @FreightCosts2,
Featured = @Featured,
-- SalePrice = @SalePrice,
-- SaleStart = @SaleStart,
-- SaleEnd = @SaleEnd,
DownLoad = @DownLoad,
-- DownLoadFile = @DownLoadFile,
ZIPPassWord = @ZIPPassWord,
Archive = @Archive,
-- BulkPriceLimit1 = @BulkPriceLimit1,
-- BulkPriceLimit2 = @BulkPriceLimit2,
-- BulkPriceLimit3 = @BulkPriceLimit3,
-- BulkPriceLimit4 = @BulkPriceLimit4,
-- BulkPriceLimit5 = @BulkPriceLimit5,
-- RoleID = @RoleID,
SubscriptionPeriod = @SubscriptionPeriod,
RecurringBilling = @RecurringBilling,
TaxExempt = @TaxExempt,
ShipExempt = @ShipExempt,
PublicationStart = @PublicationStart,
PublicationEnd = @PublicationEnd,
Status = @Status,
DonationItem = @DonationItem,
PayPalSubscription = @PayPalSubscription,
UseRoleFees = @UseRoleFees,
ProductCost = @ProductCost,
RoleExpiryType = @RoleExpiryType,
ItemDeliveryType = @ItemDeliveryType,
ReorderPoint = @ReorderPoint,
OrderQuantValidExpr = @OrderQuantValidExpr

ProductID in
(select productID from CAT_Products
inner join CAT_Categories on CAT_Categories.CategoryID =
inner join CAT_Settings on CAT_Settings.PortalID =
where ProductNumber = @PNo and SyncItems = 1 and ProductID <>



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Setup the module CAT_MenuNF

Please check the option [Should folders be links in module CAT_MenuNF] if you want to display
items on each category level of the standard categories not only on the last level.

Data Import

Import (bulk upload) of products and categories

(Module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) -> expand the [Data Import]
section -> Select a File -> click on the [Start Product Data Import] button)

You can import products, standard categories and assignments of advanced categories to products.
Advanced categories must be created before with the right import ID.

• Optional: Click on the link: [Edit Item Import Query] to select which fields should be imported.
• Use the template files (catimportitems.mdb, catimportitems.xls, catimportitems.xml) in folder
\CATdat to test the import.
• Select or upload and select an import db file and click on [Start Product Data Import].
• You can also add the import job to the DNN scheduler e.g. if you want to update the stock in
defined periods and sync your accounting system with the store database. The scheduler import
job compared if the current import file is newer than the last imported. If not, this line will be
added to the scheduler history: [CATALooK Item Import waits for newer data]. Choose: [Add
Item to Schedule] on DNN Host Schedule PAGE and enter: [CATALooK.ItemImport,
CATALooKStore] into field: [Full Class Name and Assembly] to add this job to Schedule.

Key Fields:
Category1ImportID (required field) and Category2ImportID: Portal level unique key fields for
category import data synchronization. These fields correspond with the field: Category Number of
module CAT_Categories. Provide the Import ID of the common standard category if you use advanced
ProductNumber (required field): Portal level unique key field for product import data synchronization
and product database synchronization between portals. This field correspondend with the field: [Item
code] of module CAT_Products.
Assign advanced categories to products via bulk import:
The Field: AdvCatsImportIDs contains the advanced category Import ID’s separated by a semicolon
‘;’. An import ID for an advanced category can be defined via field Import ID of module
ProductImage / DownLoadFile / Category1Image / Category2Image:
There are 4 possible values for this field:
1) Image / File Name without path: Images / Files must be located in portal root folder e.g.: \portals\0

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2) Sub-Path (below the portal root) to the File / Image + File Name e.g. if this is the location of an
image file: \portals\0\My_Images\My_Image.gif, ProductImage should be set to:
'My_Images/My_Image.gif' (Use '/' to separate folders and the file name, don't use backslash: '\').
3) Full URL to the Images / Files: http://...
4) FileID from DNN files table. Format: FileID=x (case sensitive).Where the numeric FileId is x from
the DotNetNuke Files table.

You can exclude all not required fields from the import via module CAT_StoreSettings -> select ‘Edit
Item Import Query’ from the module menu.

Use same localization if you export and import any data

Please Note: All UnitCost columns must be formatted as numbers without any currency symbol.

Do not mix numeric and not numeric values in one column.

Typical Excel Uploading Problems:

The first row of a column must contain data which is representative of what the rest of the data in the
column will contain (same datatype). To fix this, make a Dummy Product and keep it as the first item
in the sheet. Set a representative value for each cell and set the Archive cell to "True" so it will not
show up on the site.

Don’t use CR commands in Excel cells (use HTML <BR> or shift + Enter).


Error message: Unspecified error

This error after starting the import is caused by wrong server permission settings and can be fixed by
changing the permissions of the default temp folder to the default permission settings or by changing
the web.config.
Here you can find more information:
Error details:
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Unspecified error --->
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unspecified error at
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor(OleDbConnectionString constr, OleDbConnection
connection) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions
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options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) at

owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) at
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) at
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection,
DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() at
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32
startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior

Error message: The following error occurred: Request for the permission of type
'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
This error is caused by wrong Trust Level settings. Data import will work in full trust mode only:
<!-- set code access security trust level - this is generally set in the machine.config -->
<trust level="Medium" originUrl=".*" />
to (default setting):
<!-- set code access security trust level - this is generally set in the machine.config
<trust level="Medium" originUrl=".*" /> -->

in the web.config file.

Error message: The following error occurred: External table is not in the expected format.
Maybe you try to import a previously via Data Export of module CAT_Products exported database. If
yes, please find a fix below:
CATALooK.netStore requires the component orilogic.export.dll for the data export into several
formats. This component is not part of the CATALooK.netStore and is therefore not included when
you buy or hire CATALooK.netStore. You can download a demo-version of this control from
Orilogic´s homepage
Above the data of the control’s demo-version you’ll find an advertisement. You must order a full
version from or delete that advertisement manually before importing
the product data into CATALooK.netStore.

Excel: If this error still appears, open the export file in MS-Excel, copy the content, open a new blank
Excel workbook, right click into the left upper cell [A1] and select insert/paste. Then right click on the
sheet name and rename it to 'items'.

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Import of products, categories, orders etc. via Web-Service

Use the Windows editor to open the file: Remote_Web_Service\CATALooKRemoteTest.aspx and find
all information inside.

Import of products, categories and customer data from CATALooK Import Module (sold

Create the data files catb.mdb (items) and Kunden.mdb(customers) with CATALooK import module or
manually. Please find a sample catb.mdb and kunden.mdb in folder \CATdat.

Fields of customer import database


Text Text Text Text Num 1 bis 6 Text

• KUNDENNR (Optional): Customer Number (Not the UserID, You can enter the Cutomer
ID from your ERP system into this field. This field is the unique ID for later
synchronizations! If the next import includes a dataset with the same KUNDENNR the
system will not create a new account but update the existing account)
• KUNDENNAME (mandatory): Customer Name
• PREISKZ (Optional): Customer Price Group 1 to 6 -> The customer will get the price
which you have defined for a product by using the fields price1 to price6 on the main data
page of module CAT_Products
• KUNDENKZ (Optional) is used by our other programs to generate email and fax lists for
different user groups. Not used by the store

• Create the respective ZIP data with the batches 000MK_Products.bat and
000MK_customers.bat listed under C:\Program Files\CATALooK\CATdat and load the
ZIPdata with the file manager under the portal Admin Menu onto the web server. Please make
sure that the check button [Decompress ZIP files] is activated. It is also possible to load the data
unzipped. In this case the data endings (say: mdb) have to be entered under [Host]->[Host
Settings]->[File Upload Extensions]!
• Press the buttons Items or Customers in the module CATALooKShop Store Settings. All
existing data will be adjusted and new data records will be installed! Not importable data
records e.g.: if there is no price1 stated for a specific item it will be shown in the text box below
the buttons. New categories of goods will be installed automatically by using the information on
items given and already existing categories will be adjusted.
• Imported customers get 'I' plus the external customer number as their user name and the portal
name as their password. Please inform your customers to change their customer number as well
as the password when using the program for the first time.

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Stock Images

• After having activated the check box [STOCK PAINT] in the menu [Store Settings] the stock is
shown in the form of images that are indicated in the fields [Less than, more than...].
• If you want your customers to be able to have a look at your stock, please upload stock images :
admin -> file manager and select them in store settings (See folder \Stockimages)
• For examples of images please refer to folder: \StockImages. At first you have to upload the
images with [file manager] in the menu [Admin] and then you can select them from the list box.

Setup Product List modules CAT_ItemPaneNF and CAT_DashBoardNF

• Select a value > 0 for paging size in settings to turn on the paging mode for the product list.
Selection of 0 turns off the paging mode.
• Create a Start Side : setting -> Home Side Content

Top and Bottom Template of Forms

The header and footer of all forms (acknowledgement, invoice, credit note also) are deposited in the
form of HTML. In the following an example of a header and footer is given which you can simply copy
with your data into the HTML direct window of the respective TextBox. This template of a form is
optimized in such a way that its printed form shows the address and the sender like it is in a standard
letter envelope. For showing HTML codes please click with the right mouse button into this window
and select from the context menu [ source indicate ] or have a look at the example file [ formulare.txt ]
in folder \documentation. If you want to have images in the head or bottom area of forms, please load
these images with [ Admin ] [ file manager ] into the portal folder and enter either a complete http path
to these images or just enter a name without indicating the path. You can find the following example of
a business letter in the text file Formulare.txt as a HTML source text. You can directly copy it into text
boxes by using drag and drop.



Address xxxxxx xxxxx

yyyyyy yyyyyyy


With an order you accept our terms

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Bank account national:

Phone 1234567 E-mail Tax-No.: 1234567 xxxxxxxx Bank
Fax 1234567 Internet UID 1234567 Account No.: 1234567 Sort Code: 1234567
Bank account
Mobile 1234567
IBAN: 1234567
BIC: xxxxxxxx

Price Agent server timeout problem

The Price Agent function is enabled by default. Especially during the import of products or if you
change/add products and there are many entries in the Price Agent request table this can cause that your
web server is not available for a short moment or it occurs a server timeout error. You can disable this
function in module CAT_StoreSettings -> uncheck: [Show Price Agent Button].

License Key
Please enter the license code in CATALooK Store Settings. Until you put in the code you can set up
carts just until reaching the expiration date of the demo version

Setup Module CAT_Cart

It is recommendet that Customers agree to your terms, before they can submit their order. Terms will
appear in form [Submit your Order ] by clicking the link [ terms of use ] above the radio buttons [I
have read your terms... ]. You must create a file with your terms and name it to terms.htm. Then upload
this file with the help of admin -> file manager to your portal upload folder and uncheck the CheckBox
[Do Not show Terms before Checkout] in store settings.

Functions of section: Skins

Upload skins
Edit Skin Files
Container HTML Skinning
Edit Style Sheet
Create Skin Packages

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Online Package Tracking

Enter a value for [Shipping Company] and [Tracking Number] in module CAT_Orders (click on the
[Order Details] link) for a delivered item to enable the online shipment tracking. Valid values for
[Shipping Company] are: UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL, Canada Post, Airborne. Please remember that this
field is case sensitive.

Calculation of transport costs

Forwarding costs can be calculated in different ways. Please refer to the CAT_StoreSettings module
and select one from the ‘Freight Charges Type’ selector. (Blue marked real time rate and custom
rating selections: .netSHIP is required, green marked real time rate and custom rating selections:
.netSHIP is not required)

o [Freight charges flat rate]: The value indicated does not depend on the quantity of goods supplied.
It is calculated on the basis of [ Freight Insurance] and [Free off Freight Charges from Total Order
o [Freight weight ]: The transport costs are calculated on the basis of the consignment’s weight. The
indications in the fields [freight charges per kg/pounds], [Freight Insurance] and [Free off Freight
Charges from Total Order Amount] are considered.
o [Specified in Products]: If you want to add ship costs for each item separately, you have to activate
this radio button in the store settings and indicate the freight costs for each item in Products.(do not
forget to add freight charges for subsequent products). This way of calculating the freight charges is
similar to eBay. The indications in Freight Insurance] and [Free off Freight Charges from Total
Order Amount] are considered.
o [Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with USPS, FedEx, DHL, Airborne, Canada Post,
Roadway and / or Custom Shipping Rates (requires .netSHIP)]
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o [Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS), USPS and / or
Custom Shipping Rates]. If you use the demo / trial version, the ‘Test Mode’ is activated for
this interface.
o [Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with USPS, FedEx, DHL, Airborne, Canada Post,
Roadway and / or Custom Shipping Rates (requires .netSHIP) + Specified in Products]
o [Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS) or USPS and
advanced custom rating system + Specified in Products]. If you use the demo / trial version, the
‘Test Mode’ is activated for this interface.

Please Note: The last two methods can be used to create product related custom shipping rates.

Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS)

Location of the store: Country; Region/State; Origin Zip / Postal Code (shipped from).

Weight: Please enter a weight for the products in module CAT_Products; unit: pounds or kg selected
by field: [Weight Unit].
Limit Rates: Accepts a comma delimited list of rate names. Only rate names listed here will be
returned if this property is set. The rate name from the rates collection is what needs to be specified in
this string. For a list of rate names run a rating without setting this property and then set this property to
any rate names returned that you wish to be included. The rate names are not case sensitive for use with
this property and can be set with or without the company name prefix. By default this property is not
set and all available rates are returned.

Exclude Rates: Accepts a comma delimited list of rate names. Any rate names listed here will be
excluded from the return if this property is set. The Limit Rates property has the opposite functionality
and can be used instead of this property to control the returned rates. The rate name from the rates
collection is what needs to be specified. For a list of rate names run rate without setting this property
and then set this property to any rate names returned that you wish to be excluded. By default this
property is not set and all available rates are returned.

UPS Pickup = Code or Description:

Pickup options for UPS including:
Code / Description

01 / daily pickup
03 / customer counter
06 / one time pickup
07 / on call air
11 / suggested retail rates

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19 / letter center
20 / air service center

The default value is set to "daily pickup."

Note: If the following error message is displayed:

There are no shipping services currently available for that shipping company. Please select a
different shipping company in the [Rates By] dropdown menu.
Response Status Code: , Response Status Description: Failure,

Please use a different pickup type or leave this field blank

UPS Pack = Code or Description:

Packing options for UPS including:
Code / Description

01 / UPS letter
02 / Package
03 / UPS Tube
04 / UPS Pak
21 / UPS Express Box
24 / UPS 25Kg Box
25 / UPS 10Kg Box
30 / Pallet

The default value is set to "Package."

Username; Password; Access License (developer license): This property must be set if you wish to
return any UPS rates using the XML api. You can get your free username and password from UPS by
registering at

Residential: Set if the package is intended for a residential address (module CAT_Cart)
Residential = true

InsuredValue: If a value is available for products in the cart this will affect the rates returned as
it will increase the rate amount to include the cost of insurance.

Adjust Rate: Adjusts all returned rates by the specified rate (fixed amount or %).
Adjust Rate = "10%"
Adjust Rate = "1.25"
Adjus tRate = "-5%"
The CATALooK.netStore UPS module supports real-time rating and tracking for a number of

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international countries. For UPS all international country origins listed below are supported.

The following countries are supported as shipping origins:

Please look for all supported countries in the next chapter.

UPS Registration Address:

Information Provided by UPS: Username, Password and Access license (developer license).
Services Used: XML rating and tracking.

Negotiated rates
For negotiated rates you must enter your Account Number and check the Negotiated Rates checkbox in
the UPS section of module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings).

Oversize Packages
Oversize packages can be recognized by the dimension settings for a product or you can enter the
following codes into the ‘Volume’ field of a product:

1 = OversizePackage 1
2 = OversizePackage 2
3 = OversizePackage 3
4 = LargePackageIndicator

Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE

Location of the store: Origin Zip / Postal Code (shipped from).

Weight: Please enter a weight for the products in module CAT_Products; unit: pounds selected by
field: [Weight Unit].
Limit Rates: Accepts a comma delimited list of rate names. Only rate names listed here will be
returned if this property is set. The rate name from the rates collection is what needs to be specified in
this string. For a list of rate names run a rating without setting this property and then set this property to
any rate names returned that you wish to be included. The rate names are not case sensitive for use with
this property and can be set with or without the company name prefix. By default this property is not
set and all available rates are returned.

Exclude Rates: Accepts a comma delimited list of rate names. Any rate names listed here will be
excluded from the return if this property is set. The Limit Rates property has the opposite functionality
and can be used instead of this property to control the returned rates. The rate name from the rates
collection is what needs to be specified. For a list of rate names run rate without setting this property
and then set this property to any rate names returned that you wish to be excluded. By default this
property is not set and all available rates are returned.
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Username; Password: This property must be set if you wish to return any USPS rates using the XML
api. You can get your free username and password for the U. S. Postal Service's Web Tools
Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for test purposes from USPS by registering at . Before you can start testing the API you must switch the interface to the
test mode. Simply delete the License Key from module CAT_StoreSettings to switch
CATALooK.netStore into demo mode and the USPS interface to test mode.
USPSlogin = "username,password"

After having completed your test, email to the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC). They will
switch your profile to give you access to the production.

The ICCC is staffed from 7:00AM to 11:00PM Eastern Time.


Telephone: 1-800-344-7779

Adjust Rate: Adjusts all returned rates by the specified rate (fixed amount or %).
Adjust Rate = "10%"
Adjust Rate = "1.25"
Adjus tRate = "-5%"

The CATALooK.netStore USPS module supports real-time rating and tracking for a number of
international countries. Please find a complete list at

USPS Registration Address:

Information Provided by USPS: Username, Password.

Services Used: XML rating and tracking.

Custom Shipping Rates (module: CAT_ShippingRates; CATALooK.netStore -> Shipping Rates)

CATALooK.netStore supports an advanced custom shipping rating system for rateback and failover
purposes as well as custom defined algorithm based shipping implementations. Common uses of this
system include providing free shipping for certain cases, providing shipping or special messages for
overweight packages that can't be rated through the real-time systems or simply to provide your own
custom rating based on a variety of criteria.

Company: The name of the shipping company is returned in the rates collection as Company. This
value must be unique (or see sample: ‘Define Multiple services within a new custom ship company

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that handles National / Canada / International Seperately or any geographic location for that
matter‘ below) and would not be set to any of the predefined real-time company names.

Name: The name of the shipping type is returned in the rates collection as Name. This value must be
unique for a given company.

Formula: Rate calculation formula based on weight, quantity or pricing ranges. This formula is built in
the following way "type range = base charge + per unit charge, type range2 = base charge2 + per unit
charge2 etc." Where type is w for weight (also default if no type is set), q for quantity, and $ for
amount. The amount, quantity and weight are obtained by the ship level properties of the same names.
Range is a numeric range such as 1-10 and can also include open ended ranges such as 11- (11 and
higher). Base charge is a fixed amount for the package and the per unit charge is the value the actual
w,q,$ will be multiplied to determine that part of the rating. For example "0-5=5.25+.50,5-
10=2.00+.40,10-=0+.20" Here for 0 to 5 pounds the base charge is $5.25 and they are charged $0.50
per pound on top of the base charge. Between 5 and 10 pounds the base charge is only $2.00 and they
are charged $0.40 per pound. By adding a Q or $ in front of the ranges the item quantity or dollar
amount would be used for the ranges in place of the weight. NOTE: the w, q or $ prefixes should be
included once only at the start of the string e.g. correct: "$0-5=5.25+.50,10-=0+.20" incorrect:

Country: A comma delimited list of Country values, if Destination Country matches with a value
defined in this property this custom shipping choice will be calculated and returned in the rates
collection. If you wish to include all countries except those listed with this property enclose the values
in brackets (). Note: Country, StateProvince and Zip/Postal codes can be used together and a rate will
only return if it matches with the criteria defined in all three options. All codes must be entered with
capital letters.

StateProvince: A comma delimited list of StateProvince values, if Destination State/Province matches

with a value defined in this property then this custom shipping choice will be calculated and returned in
the rates collection. If you wish to include all StateProvince values except those listed here, enclose the
values in brackets (). Note: Country, StateProvince and Zip/Postal codes can be used together and a rate
will only return if it matches with the criteria defined in all three options. All codes must be entered
with capital letters.

ZipPostal: A comma delimited list of Zip/Postal code values, if Destination Zip/Postal code matches
with a value defined in this property this custom shipping choice will be calculated and returned in the
rates collection. If you wish to include all Zip/Postal codes except those listed with this property
enclose the values in brackets (). Note: Country, StateProvince and Zip/Postal codes can be used
together and a rate will only return if it matches with the criteria defined in all three options. All codes
must be entered with capital letters.
Wildcard characters can be used in the pattern for partial matches of Zip/Postal codes. These
characters, along with special characters lists, are described in the following table.

Pattern Meaning
? Matches any single character at the position. For example, the Zip/Postal code "ABCDE" of
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the destination and the Formula Zip/Postal code "AB?DE" returns the rate because it matches
any character in the third position of the string as long as the remaining characters match
Matches zero or more characters at the position. For example, the Zip/Postal code "ABCDE"
of the destination and the Formula Zip/Postal code "*CDE" returns the rate because it matches
any characters at the beginning of the string followed by "CDE" at the end of the string.
* Likewise wise, "ABCDE" of the destination and the Formula Zip/Postal code "AB*" returns
the rate since the two strings begin with "AB" irrespective of any following characters. The
Zip/Postal code "ABCDE" of the destination and the Formula Zip/Postal code "*D*" returns
the rate because the string contains "D" preceded and followed by any number of characters.
Matches any single digit (0 - 9) at the position. For example, the Zip/Postal codes "12345" of
the destination and the Formula Zip/Postal code "12#45" or "12845" of the destination and the
Formula Zip/Postal code "12#45" return the rate because they match any decimal digit in the
third position of the string as long as the remaining characters match exactly.

Minimum: A minimum amount that the custom rate will return, if the amount is less than the
minimum, the value set will be returned instead.

AdjustRate: Sets the adjustrate for the custom shipping rate. This property accepts a percentage (12%)
or fixed amount (2.22) as well as negative values of both (-12% or -2.22).

ShipTime: A time commitment or comment string set for the custom shipping rate. This string is
returned in the rates collection if this custom rate is added.

Common Custom Shipping Scenarios:

Define Shipping Company :


Define a Shipping Company to be used in the case of an overweight package that is too heavy to
be real-time rated:
Company="Over Weight"
Name="You will be contacted with exact shipping rates before your order is processed."

Define a Shipping Company to offer free shipping to your visitors under certain criteria, in this
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case a purchase of over $100 (you could also easily limit this to a Country or StateProvince by
setting that property:
Company="FedEx Promotion"
Name="Free Shipping!"

Define a Shipping Company for your own custom flat rate shipping within a specific country, in
this case $5 flat rate shipping for anyone in the US:
Company="USPS Bundle"
Name="Flat Rate"

Define Multiple services within a new custom ship company that handles National / Canada /
International Seperately or any geographic location for that matter:



In the last sample only 1 shipping server (set with name) was defined for each country. It is also
possible to add multiple rating services for each country and even to limit specific additional services
on any combination of StateProvince's. On checkout only rates will be displayed, where the Destination
Country from the customers Ship-To or Bill-To address matches with a value defined the [Country]
You can find the country codes in chapter: ‘The following countries are supported shipping
destinations’ below.
The Country and State/Province codes can also be found in the source code of the cart module address
page -> right click on the page -> search for the Country or State/Province.

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<option selected="selected" value="UK">United Kingdom</option>

<option value="ANT">Antrim</option>

Country and State/Province codes are also listed under Host -> Lists -> expand the ‘Country’ node ->
select the Country.

Important Note: If you use decimal values for product weight, you must change the formula
depending on the number of decimal digits or use upper value of one range = lower value of the next
Example: "1-10.99=4+0.4,11-20.99=2+0.2,21-=20" or 1-11=4+0.4,11-21=2+0.2,21-=20"

Real-time rate / track and advanced custom rating system (requires the .netSHIP control)

Shipper Specific Properties:

CanadaPostLogin: This property must be set if you wish to return Canada Post rates. You can get
your free merchant ID by emailing your request.
CanadaPostLogin = "merchant id"

ConWay: As a freight shipper, Con-way has specific requirements which cannot be shared with other
shipping providers. As a result .netSHIP has a seperate class for Con-way specific settings. This
propery accepts a ConWay object or you can use the built in object to set properties directly. Click here
for a complete list of properties for ConWay. The following samples show the 2 ways a ConWay
property can be set:
SingleShipment = true;

ConWayLogin: This property must be set if you wish to return any ConWay rates. You can get your
free username and password from ConWay (
ConWayLogin = "username,password"

DHLDutiable: If your DHL shipment is dutiable you should set this property to true.
DHLDutiable = true

FedExLogin: Accepts your FedEx account number and meter number comma delimited. Also see
FedExLogin ="3333,11111"

FedExURL: Enables you to overwrite the URL used for FedEx API communication. Default value is" and "" is used for
the test server. FedEx may provide you with an alternate URL in that case you should use the value
they provide with this property.
FedExURL =""

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FedExPack: Packing Options for FedEx include: 1) "FedEx Express Envelope" or "FedEx Letter" , 2)
"FedEx Express Pak" or "FedEx Pak" 3) "FedEx Express Box" or "FedEx Box" , 4) "FedEx Express
Tube" or "FedEx Tube" 5) "My Packaging" or "Your Packaging". The default for this property is "My

FedExGround: Determines if FedEx ground rates are returned along with FedEx rate calculations. Set
defaults to false. If you wish to return only FedEx ground then you can use FedExGround instead of
FedEx the shipping company string used with the rate method / control property. This saves the
overhead of calling and returning FedEx Express rates when they are not required.
FedExGround = True

USPSLogin: This property must be set if you wish to return any USPS rate. You can get your free
username and password from USPS by registering at After registration
you must contact USPS to gain access to their production server before you will be able to return rates.
If only the username is provided by USPS, use this for both username and password.
USPSLogin = "username,password"

Configuration Properties:

AdjustRate: Adjusts all returned rates by the specified rate (fixed amount or %).
AdjustRate = "10%"
AdjustRate = "1.25"
AdjustRate = "-5%"

CurrencyFormat: This property accepts a local and will control how the rendered return amounts are
displayed. The default is set for US currencies. For Canada you have to set this property for the
appropriate local. The currency will be formatted with the correct symbol, spacing delimiter etc. The
default is "en-US"
CurrencyFormat = "en-CA"
CurrencyFormat = "en-GB"

Error: This property will contain messages for any error, if there is a problem with the rating /
tracking. Read only. This property is intended to be viewed by the developer and includes all messages
including any connection or timeout problems. Errors are comma delimited with the following format
"Source: Error Text,Source2: Error Text2 ..."

ExcludeRates: Accepts a comma delimited list of rate names. Any rate names listed here will be
excluded from the return if this property is set. The LimitRates property has the opposite functionality
and can be used instead of this property to control the returned rates. The rate name from the rates
collection needs to be specified. For a list of rate names run rate without setting this property and then
set this property to any rate names returned that you wish to be excluded. By default this property is not
set and all available rates are returned.

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FailCount: This property maintains the total number of times that a failover or backup occured. If you
wish to reset this property it can be set directly.
FailCount = 0

FailStatus: This property serves two purposes - it will return a comma delimited list of processors
which did a failover or backup in the previous transaction and can also be set for testing purposes to
force a failover or backup. The property accepts the following format:
FailStatus = "company=failover,company2=backup"

LimitRates: Accepts a comma delimited list of rate names. Only rate names listed here will be
returned if this property is set. The rate name from the rates collection needs to be specified in this
string. For a list of rate names run a rating without setting this property and then set this property to any
rate names returned that you wish to be included. The rate names are not case sensitive for the use of
this property and can be set with or without the company name prefix. By default this property is not
set and all available rates are returned.

Message: This property will contain any message from the shipping company and is intended to be
returned to the user. For example a message could indicate that a zip code is invalid. Messages are
comma delimited if there is more than one message and return in the format of "ShipCompany:

RateBackup: If real-time rating fails for any reason (network outage etc) then the specified backup
shipcompany services are applied as defined in custom rates.
RateBackup = "dhl=myDHL,usps=CustomUSPS";

RateFailover: Rate failover defines which company will be called if a given ship company fails to
return rates. This would commonly be used if you returned rates for only 1 processor but still wanted
realtime rates if they did not return. You could set a failover for that 1 processor to an alternative one.
Unlike backup, which ensures that rates are always returned as it accepts only algorithm based custom
rates, Failover accepts either a custom rate or another real-time company name.
RateFailOver = "usps=fedex,dhl=mycustom"

Residential: Set if the package is intended for a residential address (true / false)
obj.Residential = true

Sort: The default sort order is based on price and shipcompany (obj.sort="price,true") It gets two
parameters 1) ("price" or "name" ) 2) "true" (base on shipcompany) or "false" (sort globaly). For
example: obj.sort="name,false", will sort the collection based on service name and globally (without
grouping by shipcompany)
obj.sort = "name,false"

Timeout: Time in seconds to wait for real-time rates to return. The default is 30 seconds.

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Version: This property will return the version of .netSHIP that is actively being used.


In order to return rates from UPS, USPS and Canada Post you must complete a free registration with
these shipping companies and integrate with them by setting the UPSlogin, USPSlogin, and
CanadaPostLogin in your script.

UPS Registration Address:

Information Provided by UPS: Username, Password and Access license (developer license).
Services Used: XML rating and tracking.

USPS Registration Address:

Information Provided by USPS: Username, Password
Additional Requirements: After registration you will still not be able to return rates, you must contact
USPS to request that your account will be enabled for the production server.
Services Used: XML domestic rating, XML international rating, and XML tracking.

CanadaPost Registration: Email to request a merchant ID for the XML

Information Provided by Canada Post: Merchant ID
Services Used: Native XML

FedEx, DHL, Airborne: Public web site, registration not required.

Custom Rates with .netSHIP (module: CAT_ShippingRates; CATALooK.netStore -> Shipping


.netSHIP supports an advanced custom shipping rating system for rateback and failover purposes as
well as custom defined algorithm based shipping implementations. Common uses of this system
include providing backup for a real-time processor, providing free shipping for certain cases, providing
shipping or special messages for overweight packages that can't be rated through the realtime systems
or simply to provide your own custom rating based on a variety of criteria.

Company: The name of the shipping company is returned in the rates collection as Company. This
value must be unique (or see sample: ‘Define Multiple services within a new custom ship company
that handles National / Canada / International Seperately or any geographic location for that
matter:‘ below) and would not be set to any of the predefined real-time company names. If you do use
a predefined company name, it will check the custom settings, for a match of country / state / province
before running the real-time rating. This new feature allows you to enable multiple realtime returns for
specific locations only. For example if you ship USPS to Canada, DHL international, and FedEx within
the US you can have only those processors returned based on destination address.

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Name: The name of the shipping type is returned in the rates collection as Name. This value must be
unique for a given company.

Formula: Rate calculation formula based on weight, quantity or pricing ranges. This formula is built in
the following way "type range = base charge + per unit charge, type range2 = base charge2 + per unit
charge2 etc." Where type is w for weight (also default if no type is set), q for quantity, and $ for
amount. The amount, quantity and weight are obtained by the ship level properties of the same names.
Range is a numeric range such as 1-10 and can also include open ended ranges such as 11- (11 and
higher). The base charge is a fixed amount for the package and the per unit charge is the value the
actual w,q,$ will be multiplied by to determine that part of the rating. For example "0-5=5.25+.50,5-
10=2.00+.40,10-=0+.20" Here for 0 to 5 pounds the base charge is $5.25 and they are charged $0.50
per pound on top of the base charge. Between 5 and 10 pounds the base charge is only $2.00 and they
get charged $0.40 per pound. By adding a Q or $ in front of the ranges the item quantity or dollar
amount would be used for the ranges in place of the weight. NOTE: the w, q or $ prefixes should be
included once only at the start of the string e.g. correct: "$0-5=5.25+.50,10-=0+.20" incorrect:

Country: A comma delimited list of Countryvalues, if Destination Country matches with a value
defined in this property then this custom shipping choice will be calculated and returned in the rates
collection. If you wish to include all countries except those listed with this property enclose the values
in brackets (). Note: Country and StateProvince can be used together and a rate will only return if it
matches with the criteria defined in both options.

StateProvince: A comma delimited list of StateProvince values, if Destination State/Province matches

a value defined in this property then this custom shipping choice will be calculated and return in the
rates collection. If you wish to include all StateProvince values except those listed here, enclose the
values in brackets (). Note: Country and StateProvince can be used together and a rate will only return
if it matches with the criteria defined in both options.

Minimum: A minimum amount that the custom rate will return, if the amount is less than the
minimum, the value set will be returned instead.

AdjustRate: Sets the adjustrate for the custom shipping rate. This property accepts a percentage (12%)
or fixed amount (2.22) as well as negative values of both (-12% or -2.22).

ShipTime: A time commitment or comment string is set for the custom shipping rate. This string is
returned in the rates collection if this custom rate is added.

Add: Method of the customs collection, adds the currently defined custom shipping type to the customs

Once a custom shipping company is defined it can be used in ratebackup, ratefailover, or even rate.

Common Custom Shipping Scenerios:

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Define Shipping Company to be used as Backup for a realtime processor:


Define a Shipping Company to be used in the case of an overweight package that is too heavy to
be real-time rated:
Company="Over Weight"
Name="You will be contacted with exact shipping rates before your order is processed."

Define a Shipping Company to offer free shipping to your visitors under certain criteria, in this
case a purchase of over $100 (you could also easily limit this to a Country or StateProvince by
setting that property:
Company="FedEx Promotion"
Name="Free Shipping!"

Define a Shipping Company for your own custom flat rate shipping within a specific country, in
this case $5 flat rate shipping for anyone in the US:
Company="USPS Bundle"
Name="Flat Rate"

Define Multiple services within a new custom ship company that handles National / Canada /
International Seperately or any geographic location for that matter:


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In the last sample only 1 shipping server (set with name) was defined for each country. It is also
possible to add multiple rating services for each country and even to limit specific additional services
on any combination of StateProvince's. On checkout only rates will be displayed, where the Destination
Country from the customers Ship-To or Bill-To address matches with a value defined the [Country]

Limit *real-time* shipping return based on a specific location:


In this case only the country and stateprovince properties are applicable as the rating is real-time, not
formula based. USPS real-time rating will only return if the destination address is within the US.
Anywhere else in the world FedEx rating will be returned. Typical if USPS,FedEx is included in the
rate call it will always try and return both. This is a new functionality for the custom rate system which
integrates the realtime system and allows the limitation of the realtime rating by area.

You can find the country codes in chapter: ‘The following countries are supported shipping
destinations’ below.
The Country and State/Province codes can also be found in the source code of the cart module address
page -> right click on the page -> search for the Country or State/Province.

<option selected="selected" value="UK">United Kingdom</option>

<option value="ANT">Antrim</option>

Country and State/Province codes are also listed under Host -> Lists -> expand the ‘Country’ node ->
select the Country

Important Note: If you use decimal values for product weight, you must change the formula
depending on the number of decimal digits or use upper value of one range = lower value of the next
Example: "1-10.99=4+0.4,11-20.99=2+0.2,21-=20" or 1-11=4+0.4,11-21=2+0.2,21-=20"

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The following countries are supported as shipping origins:

AR Argentina IL Israel
AU Australia IT Italy
AT Austria MY Malaysia
BE Belgium MX Mexico
BR Brazil NL Netherlands
CA Canada NZ New Zealand
CL Chile NO Norway
CR Costa PA Panama
Rica DK PT Portugal
Denmark PR Puerto Rico
DO Dominican SG Singapore
Republic ES Spain
FI Finland SE Sweden
FR France CH Switzerland
DE Germany TW Taiwan
GR Greece TH Thailand
GT Guatemala GB United Kingdom
HK Hong Kong US United States
IE Ireland

The following countries are supported shipping destinations:

AD Andorra LT Lithuania
AE United Arab Emirates LU Luxembourg
AG Antigua and Barbuda LV Latvia
AI Anguilla MA Morocco
Al Albania MB St. Maarten
AM Armenia MC Monaco
AN Netherlands Antilles MD Moldova
AR Argentina MG Madagascar
AS American Samoa MH Marshall Islands
AT Austria MK Macedonia
AU Australia ML Mali
AW Aruba MM Myanmar
AZ Azerbaijan MN Mongolia
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina MO Macau
BB Barbados MP Northern Mariana Islands
BD Bangladesh MQ Martinique
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BE Belgium MR Mauritania
BF Burkina Faso MS Montserrat
BG Bulgaria MT Malta
BH Bahrain MU Mauritius
BI Burundi MV Maldives
BJ Benin MW Malawi
BL Bonaire MX Mexico
BM Bermuda MY Malaysia
BN Brunei Darussalam MZ Mozambique
BO Bolivia NA Namibia
BR Brazil NB Northern Ireland
BS Bahamas NC New Caledonia
BT Bhutan NE Niger
BV Bouvet Island NF Norfolk Island
BW Botswana NG Nigeria
BY Belarus NI Nicaragua
BZ Belize NL Netherlands
CA Canada NO Norway
CB Curacao NP Nepal
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands NR Nauru
CD Channel Islands NT Neutral Zone
CF Central African Republic NU Niue
CG Congo NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa)
CH Switzerland OM Oman
CI Cote D' Ivoi re (Ivory Coast) PA Panama
CK Cook Islands PE Peru
CL Chile PF French Polynesia
CM Cameroon PG Papua New Guinea
CN China PH Philippines
CO Colombia PK Pakistan
CR Costa Rica PL Poland
CV Cape Verde PM St. Pierre and Miquelon
CX Christmas Island PN Pitcairn
CY Cyprus PO Ponape
CZ Czech Republic PR Puerto Rico
DE Germany PT Portugal
DJ Djibouti PW Palau
DK Denmark PY Paraguay
DM Dominica QA Qatar
DO Dominican Republic RE Reunion
DZ Algeria RO Romania
EC Ecuador RT Rota
EE Estonia RU Russian Federation
EG Egypt RW Rwanda
EH Western Sahara SA Saudi Arabia

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EN England SB Solomon Islands

ER Eritrea SC Seychelles
ES Spain SD Sudan
ET Ethiopia SE Sweden
EU St. Eustatius SF Scotland
FI Finland SG Singapore
FJ Fiji SH St. Helena
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) SI Slovenia
FM Micronesia SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
FO Faroe Islands SK Slovak Republic
FR France SL Sierra Leone
GA Gabon SM San Marino
UK Great Britain (GB) SN Senegal
GD Grenada SO Somalia
GE Georgia SP Saipan
GF French Guiana SR Suriname
GH Ghana SS Saba
GI Gibraltar ST Sao Tome and Principe
GL Greenland SU USSR (former)
GM Gambia SV El Salvador
GN Guinea SW St. Christopher
GP Guadeloupe SY Syria
GQ Equatorial Guinea SZ Swaziland
GR Greece TB St. Martin
GS South Georgia and South Sandwich Isls. TC Turks and Caicos Islands
GT Guatemala TD Chad
GU Guam TF French Southern Territories
GW Guinea-Bissau TG Togo
GY Guyana TH Thailand
HK Hong Kong TI Tinian
HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands TJ Tajikistan
HN Honduras TK Tokelau
HR Croatia (Hrvatska) TM Turkmenistan
HT Haiti TN Tunisia
HU Hungary TO Tonga
IC Canary Islands TP East Timor
ID Indonesia TR Turkey
IE Ireland TU Truk
IL Israel TT Trinidad and Tobago
IN India TV Tuvalu
IO British Indian Ocean Territory TW Taiwan
IS Iceland TZ Tanzania
IT Italy UA Ukraine
JM Jamai ca UG Uganda
JO Jordan UM US Minor Outlying Islands

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JP Japan US United States

KE Kenya UY Uruguay
KG Kyrgyzstan UZ Uzbekistan
KH Cambodia VA Vatican City State (Holy See)
KI Kiribati VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
KM Comoros VE Venezuela
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis VG Virgin Islands (British)
KO Kosrae VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)
KR Korea (South) VN Vietnam
KW Kuwait VU Vanuatu
KY Cayman Islands WF Wallis and Futuna Islands
KZ Kazakhstan WS Samoa
LA Laos YA Yap
LB Lebanon YE Yemen
LC Saint Lucia YT Mayotte
LI Liechtenstein YU Yugoslavia
LK Sri Lanka ZA South Africa
LR Liberia LS Lesotho ZM Zambia
ZR Zaire
ZW Zimbabwe

Important Instructions

• After setting up/installing or importing items you have to delete all cookies (Extras ->Internet
Options) on your computer from which all these operations are carried out since the Java tree
stores its condition in a cookie. If you don’t do so, a Java error appears before switching to
another node.
• After switching from one DotNetNuke portal to another and trying to register an error
(DotNetNuke update error) can appear. This can be prevented by logging out correctly or
deleting cookies.
• There is no module for running the price agent table. However, you can interrogate the
priceagent table under host ->SQL with select * from priceagent or delete the table with delete *
from priceagent. If price dates apply with the customers´wishes, the price agent gets activated
when updating items. After clicking on an update link or when importing products it possibly
will last some time until all mailings will have been sent to customers. Please do not press the
update button more than once but wait until the progress bar of the browser disappears.

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Module CAT_MenuNF (Product Menu)

Navigation menu
Check the option [Should folders be links in module CAT_MenuNF] in [Store Settings] if you want to
display items on each category level not only on the last level for the standard category system or
uncheck the disabled checkbox in the Edit Module of module CAT_AdvancedCategories if you want to
give access to this category item.

ƒ The Tree View, Solpart or Link Box menu is created automatically from categories of all items
to be published/ launched for the standard category system and of all category items from
module CAT_AdvancedCategories for the advanced category system.
ƒ If there is only one category given for an item in the standard category system, only one level is
indicated provided there is no other item of the same category 1 indicated on one of the lower
levels. In this case the category ‘Other’ is inserted for the former item. This ensures that only
categories-nodes are visible that contain items!
ƒ If the mouse stays over a Node for a certain time, its Tool Tip text is indicated. The Tool Tip
text can be entered for each category in the field [description] of the standard category module
CAT_Categories or in the fields [Title] or [Description] of the advanced category module
ƒ In addition it is possible to indicate a picture for every condition of a node in the category. If
you want pictures to be shown, the CheckBox [Nodeimages in the SideBareTree] must be
activated. For all categories without pictures indicated standard file pictures are used.

Display of Categories

ƒ In order to switch to the Card overview or List view mode please click into the radio box
[CardView] or [List View] of module CAT_MenuNF.
ƒ For some older browser it would be better to write: (Red [HTML Place Holder] Wine) instead
of (Red Wine) in categories since otherwise the text will wrap. (IE 5.2, IE 5.5)
ƒ If they exist, category images will be displayed and tool tip texts with category description will
pop up.

Select [Category System] = Advanced in the edit module [select [View Options] from the module
menu] to display the advanced categories in module CAT_MenuNF. Use the page [Advanced
Categories] of module CAT_Products to assign advanced categories to a product.
The greatest advantage of the advanced category system is that you can create unlimited category
levels and assign one product to an unlimited number of categories. With the [Link URL] property of
the advanced categories you can define a home page for each category. This can be used to separate
categories on different portal pages (assign shops to different pages) with the use of category
restrictions in the presentation layer modules and the child category level display of module
CAT_MenuNF. The modules CAT_SearchNF, CAT_MenuNF, CAT_DashBoard and
CAT_ItemPaneNF use the Link URL from the category (of a product: module: CAT_DashBoard and
mini dashboard of module CAT_ItemPaneNF) and redirect to the right page to display the product

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detail page, the selected category or the search result from the search in a selected category or in all
categories. There is one disadvantage compared with the standard category system: The tree control of
the standard category system stores its structure for each module. If you have several CAT_MenuNF
modules on several Pages they will remember their last selections. This helps customers to go back to a
previous search or selection. This feature is not available for the advanced category system. But you
can mix both category systems.

The style of the standard categories treeview menu is defined in section: [Java Menu Style used in
module CAT_MenuNF] and the style of the link box control for the standard and advanced category
system is defined in section: [Style for the Link Box Control in module CAT_MenuNF] of the store
style sheet: CATALooKStore.css.
The style of the advanced categories treeview is defined in section: [Style for the TreeMenu of
advanced categories in module CAT_MenuNF] and of the style of the advanced and standard
categories solpart menu is defined in section: [Style for the solpart menu in module CAT_MenuNF].
Both controls use the standard DNN css tag names. This ensures that you can simply use the style from
your skin.css for these controls. Simply copy all related css tags from the skin.css into the
catalookstore.css. If the names of any tags are changed in the DNN skin ascx file for these controls or if
there are any additional properties for these controls you must copy all parameters of the controls :<
dnn : MENU runat =" server " id =" dnnMENU " property1 = xx property2 = yy / > and < dnn :
TREEVIEW id =" dnnTreeView " runat =" server " property1 = xx property2 = yy / > which are
located in the skin ascx file into the controls catSolPartControl and catTreeControl of the module skin
from module CAT_MenuNF (Select [Edit Skin] from the module menu box).
This will ensure that the style of the category navigation menu fits the style of the DNN page
navigation menu.

Additional properties of the SOLPARTCONTROL

ƒ separateCss
ƒ menuBarCssClass
ƒ menuContainerCssClass
ƒ menuItemCssClass
ƒ menuIconCssClass
ƒ subMenuCssClass
ƒ menuItemSelCssClass
ƒ menuBreakCssClass
ƒ menuArrowCssClass
ƒ menuRootArrowCssClass
ƒ backColor
ƒ foreColor
ƒ highlightColor
ƒ iconBackgroundColor
ƒ selectedBorderColor
ƒ selectedColor
ƒ selectedForeColor

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ƒ display
ƒ menuBarHeight
ƒ menuBorderWidth
ƒ menuItemHeight
ƒ forceDownLevel
ƒ moveable
ƒ iconWidth
ƒ menuEffectsShadowColor
ƒ menuEffectsMouseOutHideDelay
ƒ mouseOutHideDelay
ƒ menuEffectsMouseOverDisplay
ƒ menuEffectsMouseOverExpand
ƒ menuEffectsStyle
ƒ fontNames
ƒ fontSize
ƒ fontBold
ƒ menuEffectsShadowStrength
ƒ menuEffectsMenuTransition
ƒ menuEffectsMenuTransitionLength
ƒ menuEffectsShadowDirection
ƒ forceFullMenuList
ƒ useSkinPathArrowImages
ƒ useRootBreadCrumbArrow
ƒ useSubMenuBreadCrumbArrow
ƒ rootMenuItemBreadCrumbCssClass
ƒ subMenuItemBreadCrumbCssClass
ƒ rootMenuItemCssClass
ƒ rootBreadCrumbArrow
ƒ subMenuBreadCrumbArrow
ƒ useArrows
ƒ downArrow
ƒ rightArrow
ƒ level
ƒ rootOnly
ƒ rootMenuItemActiveCssClass
ƒ subMenuItemActiveCssClass
ƒ rootMenuItemSelectedCssClass
ƒ subMenuItemSelectedCssClass
ƒ separator
ƒ separatorCssClass
ƒ rootMenuItemLeftHtml
ƒ rootMenuItemRightHtml
ƒ subMenuItemLeftHtml
ƒ subMenuItemRightHtml
ƒ toolTip

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ƒ leftSeparator
ƒ rightSeparator
ƒ leftSeparatorActive
ƒ rightSeparatorActive
ƒ leftSeparatorBreadCrumb
ƒ rightSeparatorBreadCrumb
ƒ leftSeparatorCssClass
ƒ rightSeparatorCssClass
ƒ leftSeparatorActiveCssClass
ƒ rightSeparatorActiveCssClass
ƒ leftSeparatorBreadCrumbCssClass
ƒ rightSeparatorBreadCrumbCssClass
ƒ menuAlignment
ƒ clearDefaults
ƒ delaySubmenuLoad

Additional properties with defaults of the TREECONTROL

ƒ bodyCssClass As String =""

ƒ cssClass As String =""
ƒ headerCssClass As String =""
ƒ headerTextCssClass As String ="Head"
ƒ headerText As String =""
ƒ resourceKey As String =""
ƒ includeHeader As Boolean = True
ƒ level As String
ƒ rootOnly As String
ƒ nodeChildCssClass As String ="Normal"
ƒ nodeClosedImage As String ="~/images/folderclosed.gif"
ƒ nodeCollapseImage As String ="~/images/min.gif"
ƒ nodeCssClass As String ="Normal"
ƒ nodeExpandImage As String ="~/images/max.gif"
ƒ nodeLeafImage As String ="~/images/file.gif"
ƒ nodeOpenImage As String ="~/images/folderopen.gif"
ƒ nodeOverCssClass As String ="Normal"
ƒ nodeSelectedCssClass As String ="Normal"
ƒ nowrap As Boolean = False
ƒ treeCssClass As String =""
ƒ treeGoUpImage As String ="~/images/folderup.gif"
ƒ treeIndentWidth As Integer = 10
ƒ width As String ="100%"

You can replace the css class CATMenuBG in the module skin with the css class defined in your
DNN skin ascx file for the solpart menu table if the css class from the DNN skin ascx file does not

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contain any background images. If there is a background image defined in the DNN skin css class
of the SolPart menu table, please check if the background is displayed correctly and if not you can
use the default css class CATMenuBG in the CATALooK skin css file and fit the background
attribute to the text forecolor of the SolPart menu.

Module CAT_VendorAccount (Vendor Accounts)

How to create a vendor account and vendor specific products etc. Example:

• Please register on our site

• Enter a valid email address (You can change this or unregister later).
• After that go to categories. There you can see categories from other users. In the store settings
you can choose if other categories, slots, product types and specifications of other users and
admin users can be used by a vendor or not. Here you can create a new category or use an
existing category. You can edit your own categories only.
• After that create a product. You can enter individually freight charges for your items.
• You will get a pending approval email. We will unlock your product and you can order this
item. You can use the same user account or create a new or login using the username / password
from the Test Login box on the home page.
• After that we will set the payment state of this order to ‘paid’ (if your customers use CC or
PayPal this will happen automatically) and create an invoice. You will get a sale notification
and can go to your vendor account to see your sales.
• The admin can use the vendor account module to create credit notes and payments for
commissions. The tax rate for refunds can be choosen.
• The admin can select the commission rate in module CAT_StoreSettings.
• The business account control is the edit module of the module CAT_Customers. You can reach
this form, if you click on the lastname in module CAT_Customers or place the link which is
displayed in the title bar of this module on your page. Customers can use this control to enter
their account for commission payments.
• Normally a vendor can see only his own sales in module CAT_VendorAccount. On the test
page we have added page admin permissions to the authorized User role.
• The store admin can add a vendor to a product or change the vendor of a product in module:
CAT_Products PAGE: [Main Data] Field: [Vendor UserID]

This is the content of notification e-mails to vendors:

You can alter the content of the e-mail templates in language resources.
This notification will be send after a vendor has created a new product: (This will not be send if the
vendor has admin rights or if he is the store owner)

E-Commerce Solutions

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Great work on the new listing!

Your new listing will now be reviewed and approved.
To ensure monthly payment for sales, please ensure your payment profile is current on the Business
Profile page.
Many Thanks, offers web-based retail as an application (service) for internet users (parties/users) to
retail their products. Parties using the service are responsible for the content, communication and files
exchanged when using the service. The users of the service are not agents or representatives of
Please refer to the Terms Of Use policy for additional information.


This notification will be send if the Admin or Store Owner sets the item to [not publish/disabled] =
false:(This will not be send if the vendor has admin rights or if he is the store owner)

E-Commerce Solutions


Congratulations, your product #25 Programming Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET has been
posted for sale!
To ensure monthly payment for sales, please ensure your payment profile is current on the Business
Profile page.
Many Thanks, offers web-based retail as an application (service) for internet users (parties/users) to
retail their products. Parties using the service are responsible for the content, communication and files
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exchanged when using the service. The users of the service are not agents or representatives of
Please refer to the Terms Of Use policy for additional information.


This notification will be send if there was a sale of an item

E-Commerce Solutions


Congratulations, there was a sale of 1 x Programming Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET

Customer Name: test4 test4
Invoice #: 3.
To review the vendor sales totals, visit the vendor account page
To ensure monthly payment for vendor sales, please ensure your payment profile is current on the
Business Profile page.
Many Thanks,


Module CAT_Orders (Order Details Form)

Functions in Form OrderDetails

• You will reach this form if you press the link button [Order Details] in order list on module
• Until an invoice is created and the order has been paid, customers can delete items from their
orders if this option is activated. (optional)

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• If you checked the checkbox download for a product in module CAT_Products, customer can
download the ordered item, after the order pay state is set to paid. If you provide a ZIP
Password for this item it will be shown.
• Create invoices for shared orders by checking items und press on button invoice.
• If a customer paid per credit card, all transaction data will be shown at the bottom of this page
and the pay state will be set to paid automatically.
• Other functions: calculation of freight charges, create refunds, delete invoices and refunds,
email and print invoices and refunds.

Export Orders

• When exporting in CSV please pay attention to the fact that CSV is a real comma-separated
export file. The fields are separated by comma and not by semicolon. As a result this causes
problems when you use decimal numbers with commas. When importing please pay attention to
it and correct it, if necessary since otherwise single columns can get mixed up!!! (item price,
prices in orders)
• Please note: CATALooK.netStore requires the component orilogic.export.dll for the data
export into several formats. This component is not part of the CATALooK.netStore and is
therefore not included when you buy or hire the CATALooK.netStore. You can download a
demo-version of this control from Orilogic´s homepage
Above the data of the control’s demo-version you’ll find an advertisement. You must
order a full version from or delete that advertisement manually
before importing the product data into the eBay Turbolister or CATALooK.netStore.

QuickBooks Export

You can export IIF files via 'QuickBooks Export' button on module CAT_Orders
You can import IIF files to QuickBooks via File -> Import -> IIF Files.
If TOPRINT is set to 'Y' (default) you can find the imported orders here: Navigators -> Company ->
Sales Receipts to Print

You already have item names and numbers in the database. You will need to make sure these match
with their QuickBooks items. If they don't, QuickBooks will create the items - that is okay. In fact it
enables you to set up products in Catalook which are then matched with QuickBooks automatically.


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The first three lines (!TRNS, !SPL, !ENDTRNS) define the column format for the remainder of the
file. There is one "!" line for each type of line that the file contains. Usually this is just !TRNS, !SPL,

This is the header for a single transaction.

(include this line once at top of file)

Column breakdown:
TRNSID blank
TRNSTYPE default: "CASH SALE", can be changed on the Quickbooks import options module
DATE Date of transaction
ACCNT Leave blank to insert the CATALooK.netStore order payment type. The name of
the QuickBooks bank account assigned to the transaction. (Name of bank account that PayPal, Credit
Card or any other accounts will be deposited to in QuickBooks. This is the name of the QuickBooks
account which receives payments. You can define the name of the processer e.g., 'PayPal' or
'Undeposited funds' or a bank account name and if that does not exist, QuickBooks will create it. You
will also be able to configure the name of the appropriate QuickBooks account on the Quickbooks
import options module.)
NAME Customer full name (firstname lastname)
enclosed within double quotes
CLASS blank
AMOUNT The TOTAL AMOUNT of the transaction
(POSITIVE amount)
DOCNUM blank
TOPRINT default "Y" this will be marked "to print" in QB;
useful for batch-printing receipts. This will be an admin option in Quickbooks import
options module: "Set orders to print in QB export?"

ADDR1 First address line (name)
ADDR2 Second address line (street address)
ADDR3 Third address line (city state ZIP: City/Locality State/Province ZIP/Postal)

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ADDR4 Country
ADDR5 blank
PAYMETH Payment method: "PayPal", "CreditCard" etc.

SADDR1 Shipping address - same format as billing address
SADDR2 and if ship/bill are the same it will include the same info
SADDR5 blank
PAID Payment State as set in module CAT_Orders
SHIPDATE Shipping Date as set in module CAT_Orders
REP The UserID of the sales representative (Referrer) who is assigned a referrer to this
PONUM The customer's purchase order number

This indicates the end of a transaction

(include this line once at top of file)

There are no columns for this line.

Appears between TRNS and ENDTRNS; one SPL line per item sold.
Shipping, goods tax and ship tax are items and will appear accordingly.
Cart module define coupons will be reported as a SPL item with a POSITIVE amount.

(include this line once at top of file)

Column breakdown:
SPLID Sequential number; first line is 1, second is 2, and so forth within a transaction

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TRSNTYPE default: "CASH SALE"; A keyword that indicates the type of transaction. The keyword
in this field must match the keyword in the TRNSTYPE field for the transaction. That can be changed
on the Quickbooks import options module.
DATE Date of transaction
ACCNT Quickbooks income account: "Other Regular Income" for example
This is configurable through the Quickbooks import options module
NAME blank
CLASS blank
AMOUNT Amount of THIS ITEM (multiplied by quantity) NEGATIVE value
DOCNUM blank
MEMO Product Name
CLEAR blank
QNTY Quantity of THIS ITEM sold
PRICE Price of a SINGLE ITEM (regardless of quantity purchased) Positive value
INVITEM Unique product item code from Catalook (not ID#)
TAXABLE 'Y' if tax > 0 or 'N' if tax = 0

One file can contain multiple transactions:




You should not export / import a line item twice; you may consider to export all orders after a 'From
Date' / 'Until Date' search after setting the until date = yesterday , so that a transaction will not be
exported twice by accident. Switch to 'Export All Orders' before you start the export via click on the
'QuickBooks Export' button. For export of selected orders switch to: 'Export Selected Orders'-> provide
an orders search -> select the orders from list of orders -> Click on the 'QuickBooks Export' button.


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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Goods Tax
The ACCNT column for that item should be the goods tax income account (default: "Goods Sales Tax
Collected", This will configurable on the Quickbooks import options module).
Ship Tax
The ACCNT column for that item should be the ship tax income account (default: "Ship Sales Tax
Collected", This is configurable through the Quickbooks import options module).

Shipping (transport charges) will be reported as a single SPL line. The admin may
want to configure a custom item code (INVITEM column default: 'Shipping charges collected') for this,
and may want to configure a special account for the ACCNT column (default: 'Shipping charges
collected'). This is configurable through the Quickbooks import options module

Special Fields
Field [Date] means the date when you wrote the invoice. [Order Date] is the Date when the customer
precedes the order. [Shop Customer Number] is the ID from table [User] and [Customer Number] is the
number you can assign to your customer in module CAT_Customers. If you import customers the field
customer number is the key for synchronization.

Combine/ Group orders

By accessing with Admin rights to the module CATALooKStore Store Administrator can
combine/group one or more orders. The new order receives the order ID of the first order. The transport
costs of all orders are summed up. All payment bookings of every single order are put in the field
[payment status] with the old order number in front. Attention! The button [Download] is released for
all appropriate items of the new order, if [1_paid] appears at the first position of the field payment
status! All other following payment conditions of the remaining orders are not considered. For security
reasons it is better to not combine orders that have already been dealt with or booked. Shipping Labels
Shipping labels can be printed by using the menu [order details]. You find this menu in the menus
Customer or Orders. You get to the shipping label designer via the Edit-Module of the module
Customer or Orders. The shipping dates of current orders are put in place holders in braces
automatically. The design can easily be changed by HTML instructions or in the direct window. Do not
remove or change the place holders! The changed layout is stored for PAGE. Modules on different
Pages are therefore able to store different layouts (e. g. UPS/Mail/Freight forwarder...) - > Note: Even
the standard menus customers and orders store the layout separately provided they are located on
different Pages (which is advisable)!

The module CAT_Orders can also be used by Vendors to manage their sales.

Module CAT_Zones
Price display

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In order to display additionally the net or gross price please enter a value for Tax to the first row of the
Tax Main Zones Admin (module CAT_Zones) or into the [Tax] field of module CAT_StoreSettings.
This will additionally display the net or gross price for all price labels depending on the selection of the
[Price Type] in the module CAT_StoreSettings and the actual selected 'Specific Culture' (Format
e.g.: en-US) of the store or the language switcher module for all unauthorized users. This can be
disabled by the option: ‘Additional display of (tax incl.) or (net) price’ of all presentation layer modules
(Select ‘View Options’ from the module menu). If you have defined Tax rates depending on region,
state, city, zip code or products this will show the right tax for all authorized users und will be updated
during the checkout out process if the user selects a shipping address.
These are the used language resource keys:
(Note: Login with Admin or User rights to test the display options because some price components are
not visible for Host users.)

DRM (Digital Rights Management) Provider


DRM Networks provides an economical, easy-to-use, turnkey solution for the secure packaging,
licensing and selling of digital media.

• Secure Your Copyrights

• License Your Content
• Sell Digital and Streaming Products Online

Installation instructions:

-Open your web.config

Add the following entry in the <sectionGroup name="dotnetnuke"> section:

<section name="catdrm" type="DotNetNuke.Framework.Providers.ProviderConfigurationHandler,

DotNetNuke" />

Add the following entry in the <dotnetnuke> section:

<catdrm defaultProvider="DRMNetworksProvider">
<clear />

© CATALooK Page 304 of 390 1/29/2009

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<add name="DRMNetworksProvider" type="DRMNetworksProvider.DRMNetworks,

base_url="" clientAccnum=" your account "
clientSubacc=" your subaccount " api_key=" your api key for the account " />

To mark a product for DRM support add '#SKU#' in front of the SKU number. After the payment has
been processed successfully, the UserName, Password and SKU number will be transmitted to the
DRM provider.

.netCHARGE and .netSHIP

To use the credit card payment gateways which are supported by .netCHARGE only and the real time
shipping and custom shipping rates features of .netSHIP you must copy the dotnetCHARGE.dll and
dotnetSHIP.dll into the portal \bin folder. You can order these controls from: .netCOMMERCE.
If the following error occurs while using .netCHARGE or .netSHIP: 'System.IO.FileLoadException:
The located assembly's manifest definition with name 'dotnetCHARGE' does not match with the
assembly reference' you must rebuild the separate providers to include a reference to the right dll
versions. You can find the separate .netSHIP and .netCHARGE provider assemblies in the
\Source\Providers folder. Please find more information in the readme.txt files from the provider
folders. To integrate .netCHARGE you must change the web.config!

.netCHARGE integration

-Open your web.config

add the following entry in the <sectionGroup name="dotnetnuke"> section:

<section name="Gateways"
type="DotNetNuke.Framework.Providers.ProviderConfigurationHandler, DotNetNuke" />

add the following entry in the <dotnetnuke> section:

<Gateways defaultProvider="DotNetChargeProvider">
<clear />
<add name="DotNetChargeProvider" type="CATALooK.Gateways.DotNetChargeProvider,
CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider" />

.netCHARGE Site Version

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Step 1:
Copy the dotnetCHARGE.dll into the DNN \bin folder

Step 2:
To prevent assembly version conflicts perform the following steps:
1. Download Micrsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition from the Microsoft site.
2. Copy the DotNetNuke.dll, CATALooKStore.dll and dotnetcharge.dll files into the \bin folder.
3. Open the project solution file: CATALooKGateways.sln in VS2005 and check all references:
Expand the node: ‘References’ or right click on ‘CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider’ ->
Select ‘Properties’ -> References -> Delete all references (DotNetNuke.dll,
CATALooKStore.dll and dotnetcharge.dll) that are not available and add them again or add a
reference path to the \bin folder of the CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider project (click
on the [Reference Paths] button on the top right portion of the ‘References’ page).
4. Rebuild the project.
5. Copy the CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider.dll into the DNN \bin folder.

.netCHARGE Server Version

In 4 simple steps you can add .netCHARGE to the Global

Assembly Cache to use it anywhere in your server and rebuild the CATALooK .netCHARGE

Step 1:
- create a "dotnetcharge" directory under your windows directory (e.g. c:\winnt\dotnetcharge or
-move dotnetcharge.dll and your purchase key into this directory
-Update the reference path in the project properties

step 2:
-Open "Microsoft .NET framework Configuration" from Start > Settings > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools
-Choose "Assembly Cache" Node.
-Click on "Add an Assembly to the Assembly Cache".
-Select dotnetcharge.dll from the directory created in step 1.

step 3:
- Open your machine.config (%windir%\\framework\v1.1.4322\config or
%windir%\\framework\v2.0.50727\config) and add the following entry in the
<compilation> <assemblies> section:

<add assembly="dotnetcharge, Version=4.5.1992.23860, Culture=neutral,


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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Note: If you have a newer version of dotnetcharge dll, please check the dll version by right clicking on
dotnetcharge.dll and use the version number reported by the version page in step 3. You can also see
the comments field to confirm you are working with the server version dll.

Note: If you are using one of the following gateways you must add the following DLL(s) to the
assembly cache:

Cybercash: Interop.CyberCashMCK.dll
LinkPointCom API: Interop.LPICOM_6_0Lib.dll
PayFlow Pro: Interop.PFProComLib.dll
CyberSource: CyberSource.dll

You must also add the corresponding entry to the machine.config file and in the <compilation>
<assemblies> section:

<add assembly="Interop.CyberCashMCK, Version=, Culture=neutral,
LinkPointCom API:
<add assembly="Interop.LPICOM_6_0Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PayFlow Pro:
<add assembly="Interop.PFProComLib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<add assembly="cybersource, Version=, Culture=neutral,

Step 4:
To prevent assembly version conflicts perform the following steps:
1. Download Micrsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition from the Microsoft site.
2. Copy the DotNetNuke.dll, CATALooKStore.dll and dotnetcharge.dll files into the \bin folder.
3. Open the project solution file: CATALooKGateways.sln in VS2005 and check all references:
Expand the node: ‘References’ or right click on ‘CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider’ ->
Select ‘Properties’ -> References -> Delete all references (DotNetNuke.dll,
CATALooKStore.dll and dotnetcharge.dll) that are not available and add them again or add a
reference path to the \bin folder of the CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider project (click
on the [Reference Paths] button on the top right portion of the ‘References’ page).
4. Rebuild the project.
5. Copy the CATALooKStore.DotNetChargeProvider.dll into the DNN \bin folder.

Note: .netCHARGE is not compatible with the SQL Server 2005 Express connection string definition.
Either you move your site to a web server and use the SQL server connection string (green text), or you
must remove the connection string parameter from the dotnetcharge provider.

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Add new .netCHARGE parameters which are not defined by the CATALooK.netStore settings
(module CAT_StoreSettings)

You can enter the following additional parameters separated by a ‘;’ into the field ‘Additional



Add parameters to the provider code:

E.g. add an additional property for the Moneris gateway:

TransactionOrigin="7"; E-Commerce Indicator defaults to 7 ( SSL - nonSET enabled merchant).

Typically this setting will not be changed.
Other options:
1 - Mail Order/Telephone Order - Single
2 - Mail Order/Telephone Order - Recurring
3 - Mail Order Telephone Order - Installment
4 - Mail Order Telephone Order - Unknown Classification
5 - Authenticated Ecommerce Transaction (VBV, SET, SPA)
6 - SSL - SET enable merchant
7 - SSL - nonSET enabled merchant
8 - Non Secure Transaction (Web or Email Based)
9 - SET nonAuthenticated transaction

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File: DotNetChargeProvider.vb

Open this file in your IDE or use a text editor to open this file

#Region "Public Methods"

Public Overrides Function Charge (ByVal CCPaymentProcessor As String) As Integer

Dim Objcc As dotnetCHARGE.CC = New dotnetCHARGE.CC
Objcc.AcceptedCardTypes = AcceptedCardTypes
Objcc.ConnectionString = ConnectionString
Objcc.Amount = Amount
Objcc.OrderID = OrderID
Objcc.Number = Number
Objcc.TestMode = TestMode
Objcc.Month = Month
Objcc.Year = Year
Objcc.Code = Code
Objcc.FirstName = FirstName
Objcc.LastName = LastName
Objcc.Address = Address
Objcc.City = City
Objcc.StateProvince = StateProvince
Objcc.ZipPostal = ZipPostal
Objcc.Country = Country
Objcc.Currency = Currency
Objcc.Phone = Phone
Objcc.Email = Email
Objcc.CryptoPassword = CryptoPassword
Objcc.Login = Login
Objcc.TransactionKey = TransactionKey
Objcc.Password = Password
Objcc.Description = Description
Objcc.Certificate = Certificate

‘Add additional properties here:


If TransactionType <> "" Then 'default = sale

Objcc.TransactionType = TransactionType
End If

Charge = Objcc.Charge (CCPaymentProcessor)

Dim ReturnErrorMessage As String = ""

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AuthCode = Objcc.AuthCode
AvsCode = Objcc.AvsCode
TransactionID = Objcc.TransactionID
ErrorCode = Objcc.ErrorCode
ErrorMessage = Objcc.ErrorMessage

Objcc = Nothing
#End If
End Function

Rebuild the provider and copy the provider dll into the DNN \bin folder.

Add new .netSHIP properties which are not defined by the CATALooK.netStore settings
(module CAT_StoreSettings)

E.g. Add new DHL parameters:

Open DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Source\Providers\ShippingProviders\DotNetShipProvider\
DotNetShipProvider.vb in Visual Studio or a text editor:

Public Sub Rate (ByVal strShipCompany As String)

‘Add additional properties here:
objdotnetSHIP.DHLLogin = "username,password,customer number,domestic shipping
key,international shipping key"

End Sub

Public Function Track(ByVal ShipCompany As String, ByVal TrackID As String) As String

‘Add additional properties here:
'objdotnetSHIP.DHLLogin = "username,password,customer number,domestic shipping
key,international shipping key"

Return objdotnetSHIP.Track(ShipCompany, TrackID)

End Function

Rebuild the provider and copy the provider dll into the DNN \bin folder.

.netSHIP integration
Important Note: Newer .netSHIP versions don’t include UPS support and the DHL service parameter
is no longer available. If you have an older .netSHIP version you must replace the

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

DotNetShipProvider.vb by the DotNetShipProviderOld.vb file, rename this file to

DotNetShipProvider.vb and rebuild the project.
Delete the file: DotNetShipProviderOld.vb before you start the rebuild process.

.netSHIP Site Version

Step 1:
Copy the dotnetship.dll into the DNN \bin folder.

Step 2:
To prevent assembly version conflicts (Error message: 'Could not load file or assembly 'dotnetSHIP.
The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference') perform the
following steps:
• Download Micrsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition from the Microsoft site.
• Copy the dotnetship.dll file into the \bin folder. (non source code version:
\Source\Providers\ShippingProviders\DotNetShipProvider\bin, source code version:
• Open the project solution file: CATALooKShipping.sln (non source code version:
\Source\Providers\ShippingProviders\DotNetShipProvider\CATALooKShipping.sln, source
code version: \CATALooKnetStore.Library\Providers\ShippingProviders\DotNetShipProvider\
CATALooKShipping.sln) in VS2005 and check all references: Expand the node: ‘References’
or right click on ‘CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider’ in the solution explorer menu ->
Select ‘Properties’ -> References -> Delete all references (dotnetship.dll) that are not available
and add them again: click on the dotnetSHIP entry in the references list -> click on the
‘Remove’ button -> click on the ‘Add’ button -> select ‘Browse’ -> open the bin folder ->
select the dotnetSHIP.dll -> OK. If this is the server version of the dotnetSHIP dll, the dll might
be located in a different folder e.g. ‘c:\windows\dotnetship’. In this case you could also add a
reference path to the \bin folder of the CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider project (click on
the [Reference Paths] button on the top right portion of the ‘References’ page).
• Rebuild the project.
• Copy the CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider.dll into the DNN \bin folder.

.netSHIP Server Version

In 4 simple steps you can add .netShip to the Global Assembly Cache to use it anywhere in your server
and rebuild the CATALooK .netSHIP dataprovider:

Step 1:
- create a "dotnetship" directory under your windows directory (e.g. c:\winnt\dotnetship or
-move dotnetship.dll and your purchase key into this directory
-Update the reference path in the project properties

step 2:

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-Open "Microsoft .NET framework Configuration" from Start > Settings > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools
-Choose "Assembly Cache" Node.
-Click on "Add an Assembly to the Assembly Cache".
-Select dotnetship.dll from the directory created in step 1.

step 3:
-Open your machine.config or web.config file and add the following entry in the <compilation>
<assemblies> section:

<add assembly="dotnetship, Version=2.5.1818.18237, Culture=neutral,


Note: If you have a newer version of dotnetship dll, please check the dll version by right clicking on
dotnetship.dll and use the version number reported by the version page in step 3.

Step 4:
To prevent assembly version conflicts (Error message: 'Could not load file or assembly 'dotnetSHIP.
The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference') perform the
following steps:
• Download Micrsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition from the Microsoft site.
• Copy the dotnetship.dll file into the \bin folder.
• Open the project solution file: CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider.sln in VS2005 and check
all references: Expand the node: ‘References’ or right click on
‘CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider’ -> Select ‘Properties’ -> References -> Delete all
references (dotnetship.dll) that are not available and add them again or add a reference path to
the \bin folder of the CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider project (click on the [Reference
Paths] button on the top right portion of the ‘References’ page).
• Rebuild the project.
• Copy the CATALooKStore.DotNetShipProvider.dll into the DNN \bin folder.

Online Currency Converter

If you want to use the calculator on your site you need to accept the conditions of use at:
To activate the currency converter please enable this check box in module CAT_StoreSettings: [Show
Currency Converter Button (Will be displayed instead of the exchanged amounts based on the
exchange rates of module CAT_LangSwitcher)] and enter a value for [Currency on receipts, for
payment gateway requests and for the base price of the online currency calculator select / add].

• Please backup all data before you start updating: Database, site content, DNN folders.
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• To prevent errors during the product data import of your old import files if there are some new
fields in the import function you can exclude these fields like that: module CAT_StoreSettings -
> click the ‘Edit Item Import Query’ link -> click the ‘Update’ link. This will save all current
import fields and exclude the new fields from the update.
• Backup the changed English language package. The English package will be updated
automatically. All other language packages must be uploaded manually from folder:
\LanguagePackages. If you have changed the English en-US (default) CATALooK.netStore
language package you must backup this package before you start the update and restore it after
the update: Module CAT_LangSwitcher -> Select 'Create/Migrate Language Packages' from the
module menu -> Select 'English' from the 'Resource Locale' selector -> Click on the 'Create'
link. After the update you must restore this package via Host -> Languages -> 'Upload
Language Pack'. The file is located in the portal default folder:
• Backup the changed standard skin package. All data in the standard skin folder \skins\blue will
be replaced. If you have changed the CATALooK.netStore blue skin package you must export it
via module CAT_StoreSettings before you start the update and reinstall it under consideration
of the ‘History report of skin xml files changes’ after the update.
• Backup changed standard Email Template Package: module: CAT_StoreSettings -> Email
Template Package -> Export Package. All data in the standard Email Template folder:
DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\EmailTemplatePackages\standard will be replaced by the
default files.
• Backup changed providers.
• Re-install the skin objects from folder DNN_SkinPackages via Host -> Module Definitions ->
Install New Module.
• Re-install all modules via DNN installer (Host -> Module Definitions -> Install New Module)
or ftp the pa-module files to /Install/Module folder and then give a command at the
/Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources or Host -> Module Definitions -> Available
Modules -> Select Modules -> Install Selected Modules. Check if all modules have the new
version: (Host -> Module Definitions -> CATALooKStore etc. -> Version).
• Click reload or [F5] on your browser window to activate changes in the css file.
• If you have installed other language than English reload all language packages from folder
LanguagePackages\ via Host -> Languages -> 'Upload Language Pack'.
• Reload the CATALooK.netStore skins from folder CATALooKSkinPackages\ via module
CAT_StoreSettings - > 'Upload New Skin'.
• Reload the DNN skin package and the skin objects. Follow the instruction in file: Install.txt in
folder: DNN3SkinPackages\ (DNN3) or DNN_SkinPackages\ (DNN4 + 5).
• Reload the DNN container package. Follow the instruction in file: Install.txt in folder:
DNN3Containers\ (DNN3) or DNN_Containers\ (DNN4 + 5).
• Restore providers from backup.
• All uploaded languages/cultures must be added to DNN via Host -> Languages before they can
be used and selected from the language switcher

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Please delete the module CATALooKStore before you start a reinstallation using the same version of
CATALooK.netStore: Host -> ModuleDefinitions -> CATALooKStore -> Edit -> Uninstall. This will
delete the complete CATALooK.netStore database.

During the deinstallation of the module CATALooKStore all stored procedures and tables of the store
data base will be deleted. All remaining modules have to be deleted separately via Host -> Module
Definitions -> Edit -> Uninstall. All CATALooK module names have the prefix: 'CAT_'.

Customizing Email Receipt Header Information

Especially In Australia, by law all receipts and invoices must have the words TAX INVOICE on them
to be regarded as a valid invoice for the purposes of GST reporting.
These are the language resources keys:

Use the email template editor from module CAT_StoreSettings to edit the layout of all email templates.

Transform CATALooK.netStore to a product catalog with media gallery (e.g. if you do not sell
directly or if you want to open an affiliate store)

(This is useful for Normal and Subscription items)

1. Activate the [Hide all price labels] edit option checkbox of modules CAT_Cart,
CAT_ItemPaneNF and CAT_DashBoard (Select ‘View Options’ from the module
menu) or enter 0 for price 1 in module CAT_Products -> page ‘Main Data’
2. Uncheck [Coupon code] in edit module of module CAT_Cart
3. Uncheck [Enable [Ship To] Address Selection during Checkout] in module
CAT_StoreSetting (optional)
4. Enter 0 in this field of module CAT_Products (PAGE: Main Data): [Selections
(orderable quantities) of order quantity drop down list on product lists and product detail
page. If this field is not empty the quantity box in module CAT_Cart will be disabled for
this item. (press ENTER/CR to separate, leave blank for all quantities, 1 for hide the
quantity box and ddl, 0 for hide the quantity box and ddl and the [Add to cart] button.
Works with Normal and Subscription items.) ]
This will hide the add to cart button and quantity box.

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Setup an affiliate store (referred to a third party affiliate gateway)

1. Change the image of the URL button: Delete the file URL.gif -> copy and insert the
add_to_cart.gif and rename it to URL.gif. (Please find all button images in folder
\desktopmodules\catalookstore\skins\your skin)
2. Please enter the target URL with the referral code in field URL of the product (module
CAT_Products). This will display the URL button for each product.
3. Hide the 'Add To Cart' button and the order quantity field for this product: Enter 0 in field:
[Selections (orderable quantities) of order quantity drop down list on product lists and product
detail page. If this field is not empty the quantity box in module CAT_Cart will be disabled for
this item. (press ENTER/CR to separate, leave blank for all quantities, 1 for hide the quantity
box and ddl, 0 for hide the quantity box and ddl and the [Add to cart] button. Works with
Normal and Subscription items.) ] of this product in module CAT_Products.
4. To hide any other buttons replace the button images by a 1x1 image.

Disable the [Add To Cart] button in all Product lists. E.g. if the customer is supposed to select
options from the product detail page
This will be done automatically if there are options assigned to this product. The [Add To Cart] button
will be replaced by a [View Options] button.

Solve the DNN left pane width problem of the Mozilla/Firefox browser
Sometimes older versions of the mozialla/firefox browser expand the left DNN pane to the complete
page size. The rest of the page is moved to the right.
To solve this problem enter a fixed value for the width of the left pane in the DNN skin ascx file.

Developer Documentation

Rebuild (Recompile)
If you have ordered the Source Code of CATALooK.netStore, you can rebuild the project.

Perform the following steps to change the code and rebuild the project

• Install DotNetNuke on your local PC

• Install all modules of CATALooK.netStore via DNN PA-Installer or ftp the 3 pa-module files
to /Install/Module folder and then give a command at the
/Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources or Host -> Module Definitions -> Available
Modules -> Select Modules -> Install Selected Modules. This will copy all necessary dll's.
• Open the DotNetNuke project (solution) in VS2005 and find the .ascx etc. files in the module
folders: \DesktopModule\CAT_Modules, \DesktopModule\CAT_StoreSettings and
• Unzip the CATSTORE4XX_DNN4XX_Sources.ZIP.
• Open the CATALooKnetStore.Library.sln in VS2005 and check all references: Expand the
node: ‘References’ or right click on ‘CATALooKnetStore.Library’ -> Select ‘Properties’ ->
References -> Delete all references that are not available and add them again or add a reference
© CATALooK Page 315 of 390 1/29/2009
CatalooK Administrator User Manual

path to the \bin folder of the CATALooKnetStore.Library project (click on the [Reference
Paths] button on the top right portion of the ‘References’ page).
• If you don't have .netCHARGE or .netSHIP you can set the "DOTNETECOMMERCE"
constant in your project settings (Configuration Properties/Conditional Compilation Constants)
to ‘False’ to exclude all related code (not mandatory).
• Make your code changes.
• Re-compile the source.
• Copy the CATALooKStore.dll from folder: \CATALooKnetStore.Library\bin into the DNN \bin
folder and reload the site in your browser to initialize the changes.

Create a new set of pa-modules

Create a folder 'PA-Modules' and a folder 'ZIPOut' in the CATALookStore folder of your DNN

The ZIP file which can be found in the root after you have unzipped the source code
package CATSTOREXXX_DNNXXX_Sources.ZIP includes several DOS batch files which must
be copied into the following folders of your DNN installation:

MK_Resources.bat -> DesktopModules\CATALooKStore (execute this batch before

MK_CATALooKStoreZIP.bat to create the resource ZIP file of the CATALooKStore module)

MK_CATALooKStoreZIP.bat -> DesktopModules\CATALooKStore

MK_CATModulesZIP.bat -> DesktopModules\CAT_Modules

MK_CATALooKStoreSettingsZIP -> DesktopModules\CAT_StoreSettings

FileCopyPaModules.bat -> DesktopModules\CATALooKStore

MK_CATSTOREFILESZIP.bat -> DesktopModules\CATALooKStore

FileCopySkins.bat -> DesktopModules\CATALooKStore

Create a folder: DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\PA-Modules before you execute the

following batch files:

By using files MK_CATALooKStoreZIP.bat, MK_CATModulesZIP.bat and

MK_CATALooKStoreSettingsZIP.bat you can create the PA upload files, which you can load
directly by PA Installer of DNN.

By using file FileCopyPaModules.bat you can copy all PA´s to folder PA-Modules.

The batch MK_CATSTOREFILESZIP.bat creates a ZIP file of all files located in folder PA-
Modules. This file will be created in folder 'ZIPOut'.
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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

The batch FileCopySkins.bat copies the skin files from folder: \skins\blue to the other skin folders.


• Run the "MK_CATModulesZIP.bat" in the CAT_Modules folder.

• Run the "MK_CATALooKStoreSettingsZIP.bat" in the CAT_StoreSettings folder.
• Create a folder 'PA-Modules' in the CATALookStore folder.
• Run the "MK_Resources.bat" and "MK_CATALooKStoreZIP.bat" in the CATALookStore
• Run the "FileCopyPaModules.bat" in the same folder.
• Upload the Catalook module ZIP’s from the PA_Modules folder via DNN installer or ftp the 3
pa-module files to /Install/Module folder and then give a command at the
/Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources or Host -> Module Definitions -> Available
Modules -> Select Modules -> Install Selected Modules.

Please find more information in our forum at: . To find related posts, perform a
search for e.g.: ‘rebuild’ or ‘develop’.

You can download a complete IDE (Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition) to work on the
Project from the Microsoft Site.


Q: How can I change the SA password of MSDE or of the SQL server?

A: Start request for input (start ->run - > enter "cmd")
Go to register C:\Programme\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn Carry out: "osql e SA"
Enter sp_password @old = zero, @new = ' PASSWORD ', @loginame = ' SA '
Replace character sequence "PASSWORD" with your new password!
"Enter" to send input
"go" and Enter to carry out comand
The password for the user "SA" is redefined.

Q: How can I install the SQL data base, carry out SQL Scipts and interrogate the data base?
A: Please use the Tool SQLWebAdmin to install new data bases, to run and store the data of your SQL
of server. You can carry out SQL Scrips with inquiries on your own in the portal under the menu [
Host] >[SQL ].

Q: Can I use a download link to point the customer (site visitor) to a trial version - without them
purchasing first? If so, will it count the number of downloads?
A: Yes, you can add media files (music, video, pdf, flash, images etc.) and download file samples to
the media gallery. This will also record the number of downloads and personal data of the customer or
visitor (IP Address, UserID etc.) The customer can run these files with the integrated media players for
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flash, music, image and video files or download the samples.

Q: I want to send a few of my customer a Coupon of $25, so no matter what they purchase or how
much they spend, the coupon should credit $25 to their purchase if the total amount is higher than the
coupon. Pretty much like a Gift Card. How can I do this?
A: Please use the edit module of module CAT_Cart to enter coupon codes.
You can perform the following steps:
Module CAT_Products:

1. Create a coupon product via module CAT_Products: (This item will be inserted with the
selected discount value)
2. Name this product to 'coupon' and set price1 = 1. The amount will be overwritten by the actual
coupon code amount.
3. Choose [Not Publish (Disabled)/Coupon] and/or [Status(kind of use)] = Bundled/Coupon for
this item.

Edit module (View Options) of module CAT_Cart:

1. Enable the 'Show coupon code box' checkbox in the edit module (View Options) of module
2. Enter the Product ID of the previously created product into the field 'Coupon ProductID'. You
can find the product ID in the second column of the product list in module CAT_Products or on
the top of the 'Main Data' Page of module CAT_Products (sample: #85 Coupon item / ->
Product ID = 85)
3. Enter the coupon codes into the field: 'Coupon codes (format: mycode=amount; press
ENTER/CR to separate)' You can create many coupon codes via random function of MS-Excel
and copy all codes into this field.

Each used code will be deleted from the box if you turn on the option: 'Remove used coupon codes'.
All remaining codes are active and can be used. You can use as many codes as you want for one order.

Q: Stock images: If I choose to not display items that are not in stock, then no items appear since I do
not have a stock amount entered for the base product. If I choose to display items that are not in stock,
then my products appear with the stock images, but all the base products display the "no stock" image.
Only when I click on the product to view the options does it show the correct stock level image. Is it
possible to have the stock quantity auto update with the combined stock quantity of the base
product/option combinations? Or should this field be left blank to prevent issues with calculating the
stock quantities? If this is the case, is it possible that on the base product displayed in the itempane the
stock image could reflect the combined total of the product/options combinations?
A: Enter the sum of the option stock values for [Stock] in module CAT_Products -> Main Data. Then
the function: [Do not display items that are not in stock] from module CAT_StoreSettings will work

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because the stock of the main product and the option stock will be updated if you place an order or
create an invoice/credit note.

Q: If you make a change to an option it is not automatically reflected on the products with that option
assigned. Example: I created a shirt as the base product, created an option for size, assigned the Size
option to that shirt, entered the stock quantities for that product/option combination and then
afterwards, I altered the Size option by adding an additional $ amount to an existing size. The POSelID
was not automatically updated under the Manage Properties of Options Selections Combinations. I had
to remove the combination and re-add it so that it would show that this combination was +$2.00 and
reflect the stock quantites appropriately in the ItemPane.
A: Please don't use the $ sign, please use '=+2' or '=+2%'. If you change a selection from e.g. 'red' to
'deep red' this will result in a different unique ID. This cannot be updated by the system. You must
remove the old combination (POSel ID) and add the new combination. This is why the POSel ID field
is the identity key field of the options selections database table. This will prevent data conflicts.

Q: Hi, is there a possibility to handle customers with VAT ID and without VAT ID?
Background: If we ship goods from Germany to other EU contries, we have to add the Germen VAT if
the customer doesn't provide a VAT ID.
A: You can use the module CAT_Zones to define the VAT by country. Select ‘View Options’ from the
module menu of the cart module and find all VAT / UID number settings in section: ‘Tax Options’.

Q: There's an image link on the product detail page - if I don't specify an image it shows up as a broken
A: Use a 1x1 image or activate the watermark option from module CAT_StoreSettings.

Q: I am wondering why the Welcome message cannot be localized. This feature should be included
like all the categories and products can be.
A: You can change the welcome message in the control/module language resource file:
To use the localized message text you must leave the welcome message box on module
CAT_StoreSettings blank.

Q: Is the intended functionality of Catalook to ignore overages for cancelled subscriptions? It appears
that once a subscription is marked as canceled, the billing engine does not pick up and bill for the

A: Regarding your question about cancelled subscriptions: Yes, this subscription type calculates the
real fees at the end of the rebilling periods. If the subscription has been cancelled before, it will not
charge the overages automatically. You can disable the ability to cancel subscriptions on the edit
module of the module CAT_CustomerAccount and CAT_Subscriptions or you must login with admin
rights, go to the order details page, reinstate the order, change the next recurring date to ‘today’, click
on the ‘recurring billing’ button on module CAT_Orders to start the rebilling process manually, go to
the order details page and cancel the subscription again.

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How can I enable all vendors to add products to existing categories without allowing them to add new
Please disable the Edit Page checkbox from the permissions checkbox list for the vendor role
(registered users or vendors) of the page where the module CAT_Categories is located via page settings
and also for the module via module settings and check the box[Show all Categories, Product Types,
Specifications, Slots and Options created by all users/vendor to an authorized user/vendor so that he
can use these Attributes in his own Products, but he has no Permission to change these Attributes.
Make all User Product Attributes public (Module: Product Manager, Category Administrator)] in
module CAT_StoreSettings.

Trouble Shooting FAQ’s

Q: After the update of Windows XP, Windows server or the update of .net framework – 1.1 with a
service pack, it seems that something has changed and buttons do not work any more.
A: You need to make sure that some of the validation js files aren’t listed as read only. Please check if
your dnn installation includes an earlier version of the js validation file in it. If so you must replace it
from the aspnet client folder that should reside in the IIS directory with the newer version in folder:
\aspnet_client from the root of your hosting environment.
Here you can find more information on synchronization of the validation scripts and .Net: .

Q: 1.) After updating or changing the content of DNN or CATALooK.netStore all image buttons did
not work. Nothing happens if I click on the add to cart button.
Or 2.) After the creation of categories or the import of products an error appears, if I click on the
category links in module CAT_MenuNF.
A: Please clear the Web-Chache of your PC (Extras->internet Options->delete files) or of your server

Q: During the checkout process without being logged in, I click the Final Checkout button after
reviewing the order details. I receive a message indicating:
Access Denied
Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have access to this content.
A: Please don't select 'None' from the 'User Registration' mode selector. Setup the registration mode for
public user membership: Admin -> Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> User Registration. You can
also use Verified or Private user registration but this will cause some additional work during checkout
and registration for new users or admins.

Q: After I edit the email templates via: Module CAT_StoreSettings -> Edit Email Templates (I use the
DNN texteditor on this module) the content of the emails looks bad.
A: The standard DNN4 (DNN4 version < 4.4.1) Texteditor uses an older version of the FTB control.
This control has a bug. You can use each other HTML editor for DNN or simply use an external

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HTML editor to edit the template. You can open the templates from folder
\desktopmodules\catalookstore\EmailTemplatePackages change the content, save them and click 'Clear
Cache' in module CAT_StoreSettings or switch the DNN TextEditor to 'Basic Text Box' -> HTML,
Copy the content in a HTML editor e.g. Frontpage -> Format HTML -> Make your changes -> copy
the changed content back into the editor and click on 'Save Email Template'.

Q: I am getting collation sequence problems with several database fields and tables.
My systems native collating sequence is different from that used by all the other Catalook and DNN
A: The collating sequence is the default for the tempdb database that is the same like the server but
may be different from the collating sequence of the DNN db (this is a usual case in hosting DBs where
the host is controlling the server and the DNN DataBases can have different collating sequences). But
this is really rare. Don’t use a different collation for your SQL server. Check if you have canged the
collation after you have installed DNN. The DNN SQL script also uses the standard server collation as
well as the CATALooK.netStore sql script. Reset the collation codes across all the DNN tables to
defaults to fix this problem.

Q: The installation of modules results in sql errors, please see attach log file. I deleted all the modules
and tried to upload again and the same SQL errors appear and the same error when I go to Store
I'm using SQL Server 2005 CTP...
Error Log:
Info Executing 03.54.00.SqlDataProvider
StartJob Start Sql execution: 03.54.00.SqlDataProvider file
Failure SQL Execution resulted in following Exceptions: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot
insert explicit value for identity column in table 'CAT_CCPaymentProcessors' when
IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at
Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlConnection connection,
CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) at
Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString,
CommandType commandType, String commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) at
Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString,
CommandType commandType, String commandText) at
DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions) INSERT
INTO CAT_CCPaymentProcessors (CCPaymentProcessorID,CCPaymentProcessor) VALUES
EndJob End Sql execution: 03.54.00.SqlDataProvider file
A: This is a bug in an earlier SQL 2000 server version and the SQL 2005 beta. Here you can find more
To fix this install the latest SQL 2000 update or the final version of the SQL 2005 server.

Q: After updating DNN I am unable to log in. I can't get in with any login.

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A: The DNN core team has changed the key for the password encryption in the web.config of the
v3.0.13. Please check if the keys are the same as below. If not, you must change them to fix the
password problem:

<add key="MachineValidationKey" value="F9D1A2D3E1D3E2F7B3D9F90FF3965ABDAC304902"

<add key="MachineDecryptionKey"
value="F9D1A2D3E1D3E2F7B3D9F90FF3965ABDAC304902F8D923AC" />

These keys may look innocuous enough, but if your MachineValidationKey and
MachineDecryptionKey values are not the same as those above then you must be very careful, when
setting up the web.config file for upgrade.

In order to successfully upgrade you must follow the procedure outlined below

1. Make a back-up copy of your existing web.config file (web.backup.resources). We cannot

emphasise enough how important it is that you have a backup. If you lose the original value of the
MachineKeys, then none of your users will be able to log in.

2. Once you are sure that you have safely backed up your web.config file, rename
release.config to web.config.

3. Replace the following keys in your new web.config, with the values in your backup.




InstallationDate (this may not be present in web.config, so add the key that is in
web.backup.resources to web.config

4. Make any other changes to web.config that you made to support additional providers etc.

Q: I get this Error on the store site:

ModuleId: -1
ModuleDefId: -1
AssemblyVersion: 03.02.02

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Method: System.IO.__Error.WinIOError
FileLineNumber: 0
FileColumnNumber: 0
PortalID: 7
PortalName: DotNetNuke
UserID: 11
UserName: dnnstore
ActiveTabID: 247
ActiveTabName: Directory
AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx
ExceptionGUID: 39d56788-57f9-44b7-8d80-5415ea3be172
DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke.SqlDataProvider
InnerException: Unhandled Error Adding Module to ContentPane
Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Unhandled Error Adding Module
to ContentPane ---> System.Web.HttpParseException: Parser Error: Access to the path
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\root\3567d1ea\c918a049\c2983c2a.web" is denied. --->
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\root\3567d1ea\c918a049\c2983c2a.web" is denied. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32
errorCode, String str) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) at
System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32
bufferSize) at …

A: Please reset your server or clear the server cache and check the permission settings for the DNN and
Framework folders.

You need to set the appropriate permissions on the

'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files' folder on the live
server. This thread describes the problem more detailed:

Q: Since I have only one book how do I prevent users from adding more than one book to their cart
A: Please select [Selections (orderable quantities)] = 1 in module CAT_Products.

Q: How do I automatically remove the display for this one book once it is sold?
A: Enable the checkbox: [Display items only if they are in Stock] in module CAT_StoreSettings and
enter a value for stock in CAT_Products.

Q: We would like to be able to build an on-line e-mail database from customers who submit their e-
mail addresses when placing an on-line order. My understanding now is that although we can obtain
their e-mail addresses, we have no method of implementing a subscribe/unsubscribe tool at checkout,

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or giving them an opportunity to unsubscribe when they receive an e-mail. Could you please tell me if
Catalook has this feature, and if so where I may be able to find more information on it?
A: Module CAT_Cart -> Select ‘View Options’ from the module action menu -> turn on the option:
‘Show [I want to receive information and special offers] checkbox’.
Module CAT_EmailAdvertisement (CATALooK.netStore -> Email Marketing) -> this module sends
out an email with an unsubscribe link included.
Module CAT_EmailBlockList (CATALooK.netStore -> Email BlockList) –> Here you can find all
email addresses from customer who don’t want to receive emails.

SQL Scripts

You can execute the following SQL scripts via Host -> SQL (tick the ‚Run as Script’ checkbox).
More SQL scripts can be found in the FAQ’s chapter.
It is recommended to backup the database before you excute any SQL code.

Change the method to calculate the number of an ordered item in the cart

Can be used to change the method how prices and discounts of price rule formulas with item quantity
ranges (module: CAT_PriceRules) or bulk prices (module: CAT_Products -> Main Data) will be

Example 1:
You have defined a price rule via module CAT_PriceRules with the following formula: 1-2=20;3-=15.
If someone orders 3 Shirts with different colors he has to pay $60 if the following line is in the stored
proc below: ‘Options = @Options AND’or $45 if you have deleted or outcommended this line.

Example 2:
If someone orders 3 different Shirt products he has to pay $60 if the following line is in the stored
procedure: ProductID = @ProductID AND’ or $45 if you have deleted or outcommended this line. You
can also delete both lines to make the calculation independent from the product and the selected
Example 3:
Another example would be if someone books a hotel room for 7 days and there is a price rule with the
following formula: 1-6=100;7-=80. He has to pay $700 if the following line is in the stored proc below:
‘(AllocDate = @AllocDate OR (@AllocDate = '1/1/1900' AND AllocDate is Null)) AND’
And $560 if you have deleted or outcommended this line

SQL update for Example 1-3:

if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =
object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[CAT_GetCartProductCount]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,
N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure {databaseOwner}[CAT_GetCartProductCount]

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CREATE procedure {databaseOwner}CAT_GetCartProductCount

@CartID nvarchar(50),
@ProductID int,
@Options nvarchar(2000),
@AllocDate datetime,
@SKU nvarchar(100),
@ProductCount int OUTPUT

@ProductCount = sum(Quantity)


ProductID = @ProductID AND /* outcommend or delete this line if quantity for calculation of bulk
prices is independent from products in cart */
CartID = @CartID AND
Options = @Options AND /* outcommend or delete this line if quantity for calculation of bulk
prices is independent from option selections */
(AllocDate = @AllocDate OR (@AllocDate = '1/1/1900' AND AllocDate is Null)) AND /*
outcommend or delete this line if quantity for calculation of bulk prices of rentable or ticket items is
independent from allocation date */
SKU = @SKU AND /* outcommend or delete this line if quantity for calculation of bulk prices is
independent from SKU */
UnitCost is Not Null

Example 4:
Buy 2 get 1 free, the offer applies to all the products in a category, no matter which products are
selected the rule applies to the whole number of products from that category, which have been ordered.
Module CAT_PriceRules -> (optional: select a category and / or other restrictions) -> Formula = ‘2-=-
(If you don’t select a category, the discount will be applied to all categories)
You can only use standard categories to calculate the number of items in a category. If you use
advanced categories, you must add all categories again as standard category and select those categories
from the category 1 selector on the Main Data page of module CAT_Products for all products.

Example 5:

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I have a standard category Jackets with 2 products: men and women jackets. If I buy 5 jackets I get a
10% discount. If I buy 3 men's jackets and 3 women jackets, I will get a 10% discounts.

In other words: A 10% discount will be applied against 5 or more of any ordered products that are in
the root level standard category 'Jackets'.

Module CAT_PriceRules -> (select the standard category ‘Jackets’ from the Category selector) ->
Formula = ‘5-=-10%’
(If you don’t select a category, the discount will be applied to all categories)

SQL update for Example 4-5:

To calculate the number of products by the number of items in the cart that have the same standard
category1 assigned, execute the code below:

if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =

object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[CAT_GetCartProductCount]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,
N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure {databaseOwner}[CAT_GetCartProductCount]

CREATE procedure {databaseOwner}CAT_GetCartProductCount

@CartID nvarchar(50),
@ProductID int,
@Options nvarchar(2000),
@AllocDate datetime,
@SKU nvarchar(100),
@ProductCount int OUTPUT

@ProductCount = sum(Quantity)

CAT_ShoppingCart T1 INNER JOIN CAT_Products T2 ON T1.ProductID = T2.ProductID

CartID = @CartID AND
T2.CategoryID = ( select CategoryID from CAT_Products where ProductID = @ProductID ) AND
T1.UnitCost is Not Null

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You should also turn off the display of the bulk price ranges label via ‘View Options -> Bulk Price
Ranges’ if different products in the cart can be used to calculate bulk/quantity related prices.

Configure the Invoice # to start at a particular #. For example, start at Invoice #1001 instead of

Replace XXX by the number of the next invoice, e.g.: 1001. XXX must be greater than the greatest
Invoice # of an existing invoice. If you delete an invoice, the Invoice # becomes available again and
will be used for the next invoice. Replace YYY by the ID of the PortalID. To request the PortalID
execute the following code via Host -> SQL: 'select * from portals' and find the PortalID in the first
column. To include a rule for another portal add a new code line with other parameters below this line:
IF @NextInvoiceNumber < XXX and @PortalID = YYY SET @NextInvoiceNumber = XXX .

-- script start

if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =

object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[CAT_GetNextInvoiceNumber]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,
N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure {databaseOwner}[CAT_GetNextInvoiceNumber]

Create procedure {databaseOwner}CAT_GetNextInvoiceNumber

@PortalID int,
@NextInvoiceNumber int OUTPUT


@NextInvoiceNumber = InvoiceNumber + 1

CAT_Products ON CAT_OrderDetails.ProductID = CAT_Products.ProductID INNER JOIN
CAT_Categories ON CAT_Products.CategoryID = CAT_Categories.CategoryID

CAT_Categories.PortalID = @PortalID

InvoiceNumber DESC

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IF @NextInvoiceNumber < XXX and @PortalID = YYY SET @NextInvoiceNumber = XXX


-- script end

Note: If you want to add any alphanumeric characters as prefix; you must insert these characters in the
emailtemplates before the placeholder of the invoive number.

Configure the Order ID to start at a particular ID

Replace XXX by the next Order ID, e.g. 100. XXX must be greater than the greatest Order ID of an
existing order.

-- script start

ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}CAT_Orders


ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}CAT_Orders


if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =

object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[DF_CAT_Orders_PurchaseOrderNumber]') and
OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 0)

CREATE TABLE {databaseOwner}Tmp_CAT_Orders

CustomerID int NOT NULL,
OrderDate datetime NOT NULL,
ShipDate datetime NULL,

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ShipToID int NULL,

PaymentType nvarchar(50) NULL,
PaymentState nvarchar(200) NULL,
ShipCosts money NULL,
ShipTax decimal(5, 2) NULL,
PurchaseOrderNumber nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
ShipTax2 decimal(7, 4) NOT NULL Default (0)


DF_CAT_Orders_OrderDate DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR OrderDate


DF_CAT_Orders_PurchaseOrderNumber DEFAULT ('') FOR PurchaseOrderNumber

SET IDENTITY_INSERT {databaseOwner}Tmp_CAT_Orders ON

IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM {databaseOwner}CAT_Orders)

EXEC('INSERT INTO {databaseOwner}Tmp_CAT_Orders (OrderID, CustomerID,
OrderDate, ShipDate, ShipToID, PaymentType, PaymentState, ShipCosts, ShipTax,
PurchaseOrderNumber, ShipTax2)
SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, ShipDate, ShipToID, PaymentType,
PaymentState, ShipCosts, ShipTax, PurchaseOrderNumber, ShipTax2 FROM

SET IDENTITY_INSERT {databaseOwner}Tmp_CAT_Orders OFF


ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}CAT_OrderDetails


DROP TABLE {databaseOwner}CAT_Orders


EXECUTE sp_rename N'{databaseOwner}Tmp_CAT_Orders', N'CAT_Orders', 'OBJECT'




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) REFERENCES {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users



FK_CAT_OrderDetails_Orders FOREIGN KEY
) REFERENCES {databaseOwner}CAT_Orders


-- script end

Note: If you want to add any alphanumeric characters as prefix; you must insert these characters in the
emailtemplates before the placeholder of the Order ID.

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Restrict the delivery date calendar to not allowing Sundays as shipping day
Execute this script to add all Sundays for the next 52 weeks:

Replace XXX by the Portal ID e.g. 0 and 'MM,DD,YYYY' by the start date e.g. '10/26/2008' (must be
a Sunday)

DECLARE @PortalID int

Set @PortalID = XXX
DECLARE @NonDeliveryDate datetime
SET @NonDeliveryDate = 'MM/DD/YYYY'
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = 1
WHILE @Count < 53

INSERT INTO CAT_NonDeliveryPeriods


SET @NonDeliveryDate = DATEADD(wk,1,@NonDeliveryDate)

SET @Count = @Count + 1

After you have executed the script, click on the 'Clear Cache' link button on module
CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) to initialize the changes.

Remove all Non Despatch Dates and Non Delivery Dates

delete from cat_NonDespatchperiods where PortalID = XXX
delete from cat_NonDeliveryPeriods where PortalID = XXX

Replace XXX by the Portal ID e.g. 0

After you have executed the script, click on the 'Clear Cache' link button on module
CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) to initialize the changes.
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How do I get the subscription scheduler to send payment requests using the current price? It’s
using the old price.

if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =

object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[CAT_AddRecurringOrder]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,
N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure {databaseOwner}[CAT_AddRecurringOrder]

CREATE procedure {databaseOwner}CAT_AddRecurringOrder

@OrderDetailsID int,
@PaymentState nvarchar (200),
@VendorCommission decimal(5, 2),
@ReferrerCommission decimal(5, 2),
@Options nvarchar (2000),
@OrderID int OUTPUT




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FROM CAT_Orders INNER JOIN CAT_OrderDetails on CAT_OrderDetails.OrderID =
Where CAT_OrderDetails.OrderDetailsID = @OrderDetailsID

@OrderID = @@Identity



( select CAT_Products.UnitCost from CAT_Products where CAT_Products.ProductID =
T1.ProductID ),

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CAT_OrderDetails.OrderDetailsID = @OrderDetailsID


SubscrExpiryDate = ('1/1/1901') /* no reinstate on order details for this date */

OrderDetailsID = @OrderDetailsID


Key Feature List v05.08.01

+++Ecommerce Shopping Cart
Software+++Product Catalog+++Search
Engine Optimized+++Renting
System+++Booking Tools+++Ticket
Counter+++Media Gallery+++Product
Packages+++Customizeable Data Entry
Billing+++Real-Time Delivery Of Digital
VAT+++Support For 60+ Credit Card
Payment Gateways+++Google
Checkout+++Google Base+++Real Time

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Shipping Rate Calculation And Package

Tracking With UPS And USPS+++Custom
Shipping Rating System+++QuickBooks
Export+++3 DNN Skins And 12 DNN
Containers Included+++Multi-Vendor
Capable+++Ajax Support+++Using
Components From The Telerik RadControls
Suite+++ Product Comparison+++
When we created CATALooK.netStore, we have taken into account all the necessary tools required to build a
powerful eCommerce store as well as a renting system. We included many business models in one application.
Additionally we also take the feedback and suggestions from our customers serious and constantly improve and
upgrade the software. We have listed the features that are included below. If you are not sure about any features,
please download a free trial or visit our test store, live stores page or forum and try it yourself.

• We offer support via e-mail and a free 1-year update service. This includes all updates for new DotNetNuke
• We also offer individual programming services. We are happy to customize the software so that it completely fits
the structure of your business.

S: CATALooK.netStore Standard
A: CATALooK.netStore Pro & Booking Tools
O: Option

Key Features

Ideal for

x x Online store for selling products from single or multiple suppliers
x Online portal for renting products from single or multiple suppliers
x x Web-supermarkets with several departments
x x Online distributors/wholesalers
x x Affiliate stores
x Hotels, holiday houses (renting rooms), car renting etc.
x x Internet malls with joint catalogs
x Ticket counters
x x Sale of magazine subscriptions tracked by number of issues
Sale of online service subscriptions with initial setup fees and variable charges depending on the actual
used number of delivered units for the charge period
x x Software companies selling any kind of files
x Artist agencies
x x Adult sites
x x Non-profit organizations (Donations)
x x Book storefront
x Clothing stores

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x Real Estate listings

x x Drug Stores

Suitable for the following kinds of trade

x x Any kind of product or service with fixed or variable charges
Subscriptions E.g. role subscriptions: customer is automatically added to the selected user role for a
predefined period after payment has been effected (This can be used if you want to publish anything on
x x your portal pages which should only be visible for customers who are members of a specific role.),
product subscriptions, magazine subscriptions etc. Recurring billing function is available for all kind of
Recurring delivery from customer?s inventory assets and automatic prolongation of the
subscription (e.g. sale of magazine subscriptions. When customers pay for a subscription for 1 year, they
x x
get a defined number of items. After an item has been sent, the number of remaining items will be
Configurable products (computers, cars, mobile accessories, web hosting plans etc.) Customer can
build configurations under consideration of compatibility rules, product types and specifications of their
Product configurator is a module which allows you to create and sell combined products or systems that
can consist of various components (like computer systems, cars, home cinemas, jewellery, air
conditioning systems etc.), it can also be used for the creation of sets of products, for example, suits,
skiing accessories, golf accessories etc. to help a customer get a complete and functional set that is
x customized according to his preferences. When using a product configuration you can define of what
components your combined product should consist, each component can be mandatory or optional. For
each component you can predefine a product. Besides, you can define specifications and requirements
for each component to avoid incompatibility between some of the components. It simplifies the process
of creating and tracking made-to-order products with many interchangeable or optional components. The
module allows defining compatibility rules for cross-selling products (for example AMD motherboard is
compatible with Athlon processors but incompatible with Intel Pentium). Step-by-step product creation.
Additional fees/surcharges (e.g. assembling of computers)
Bundled products You may want to sell some products only as a part of a composite product. You can
control this via [Status/kind of use] drop down on the Main Data page. When [Normal], [Rentable],
x [Subscription] or [Ticket] option is selected a product can be sold both as a part of a package /
composite product or separately. When you select [Bundled] a product will only be sold as a part of a
composite product
Packages / composite products To create a product package / composite product create a
configurable product and add slots to it and name it e.g.: MY PACKAGE ITEM A + ITEM B. Select slot
[Status] = fixed and pre-select a product ID for each slot. You can combine fixed and unfixed slots with
pre-selected items and items that are not pre-selected in one configurable product.
x Item packages for special pricing: Fixed and percentage surcharges or discounts
Item packages with additional fees (e.g. assembling fees for computers): Percentage and fixed
You can find more information about item prices under [Customer Care / Shopping Cart / Pricing ->
point: Pricing]
Rentable products You can rent hotels, cars, tools and other items. Add periods when the product
should be available. Option to control how many items are available for booking. In this case the
available stock appears on each day in the calendar. If a customer chooses a period, he can only select a
number of items which are available in the selected period. If you rent rooms or holiday houses you can
choose to not include the until date. The system is looking 200 days ahead to choose the month with the
first free date available. You can search for available rentable products using the search module.
Tickets (Sale concert tickets etc.) Tickets are the same as Rentable Products. The difference is that the
customer can choose a booking day only and not a rentable period. The system is looking 200 days
ahead to choose automatically the month where the first free date is available. You can search for
available tickets using the search module

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x x Books(Specify ISBN number, author, publisher...)

Real-time delivery of digital goods Sell video-, music-, flash-, software-, image- and any
downloadable files. Add an unlimted number of download files per product to display after purchase;
Links automatically appear if previously paid for; Automatic permission to download software after
payment has been effected or if item price = 0; Customers can see passwords, license keys etc. in their
account after having paid; Data Pool for license keys; Download counter; Select maximum number a file
x x
can be accessed / downloaded from the order details page, select number of days beginning from the
date of the first access after which a download link will be disabled on the order details page; Download
files for product variants; DRM (Digital Rights Management) support (DRMNetworks): DRM Networks
provides an economical, easy-to-use, turnkey solution for the secure packaging, licensing and selling of
digital media.
Media Gallery You can add an unlimited number of video-, music-, flash-, software-, image- and
downloadable files, external links and links to a page in your site to each product. The user can listen to
music files, watch video files, show video / audio demonstrations and images which are displayed in the
integrated media player, flash player, image viewer or a custom media viewer / player and can download
files. Restrict view permissions of links by user roles. Select download files for product variants. All clicks
will be recognized and stored in a log. You can also disable all shopping cart functions and use
CATALooK.netStore as media gallery. Files can be located in any folder on your server or on an external
URL. You can also link to other pages of the portal
Item based donations You can optional allow users to give as much as they want for a product, and
likewise enable them to set their own price. This can be used for donations or if you publish any items for
x x free and want to allow your friends to pay something if they want to honor your work. You can also
combine the donation function with the function [Hide all price labels]. This function is available in
module CAT_ShoppingCart and all product list modules.
x x Affiliate store (refers to a third party affiliate gateway)
Call Center / Telephone Marketing Individual product price changes during checkout or after an order
x x
has been placed. Admins can enter orders on behalf of customers.
x x Drugs/Medicine

Renting System, Booking Tools

Option to add periods when the item should be available. Option for availability check:
CATALooK.netStore can check if the item is available (free and the period or the day is in a defined
x bookable period) and show the number of available items for a day or a period. So you can control
how many items a customer can book. If a customer chooses a period, he can only select a number of
items which are available in the selected period.
x Every kind of item
x Hotels
x Cars
x Tools
x Machines

Multi-Language Support

Language packages (All translations can be changed in language resources)

x x English
x x Russian*

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x x German
x x Portuguese*
x x Danish*
x x Greek*
x x French*
x x Swedish*
x x Norwegian*
x x Spanish*
x Italian
x Chinese
x Arabic
x x Czech*
x x Dutch*
*No warranty for completeness

Customizable localization

Language localization for selected parameters of categories, products, product attributes, options and
x x
product configurations e.g.: Name, Description etc.
x x Multi-language support
x x Globalized web controls
x x Localized help files
x x Changeable translated keys for controls, messages, notification emails etc.
x x Second currency option: Fix a rate of exchange related to the main currency for all installed languages
x x Online real time Currency Converter
x x Customized currency symbols
x x CATALooK.netStore can handle specific cultures(en-EN, en-GB, de-CH etc.)
x x Localized button images
x x Selectable currency and weight/dimension measurement units
x x List of more than 40 states/provinces
Language switcher Module(CAT_LangSwitcher) and Skin Object can be used by users to
x x change the language of CATALooK.netStore and DotNetNuke. More than 50 predefined
cultures and flags.
x x Language resources editor module(add/edit keys and translations)
Tax Zones(CAT_Zones): The system can calculate the tax using the customers address and product.
x Specify tax rate for countries, regions, cities, ZIP match codes and products. Define Tax Zones and
assign these Tax Zones to several items.

Multi-Portal Capable

x x Multiple stores can share the same database (parent/child portals)

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Each store can have it's own products, categories, product types, product specifications, options, taxes,
x x shipping, vendors, carts, orders, invoices, credit notes, referrals etc. independently of other stores in the
same database

Multi-Vendor Mode

x x Single-vendor and multi-vendor mode
x x Allows multiple product providers (vendors) to share a single store for selling their products
Each provider manages his own categories, products, product attributes, product relations, product
x x types, specifications, product configurations, bundled products, orders, taxes, shipping, files etc.
independently of other providers
x x Each vendor can see only his own folder and can use files from this or upload files only to this folder
Option to show an authorized user all categories, product types, specifications, slots and options created
x x by all users and admin-users so that he can use these attributes in his own products, but he has no
permissions to change these attributes
x x Option to make product attributes and categories of all users and users with store admin rights public
One joint catalog and a common checkout point for each store, so the customer needs to place only one
x x
Customers see a single shop with different products, and they can purchase products from different
x x
providers at a time, and will get only one order notification
x x Each provider will get orders for his products only
x x Unlimited number of isolated provider/seller accounts
x x Sellers/providers can edit only products, belonging to them
x x Different vendors can have different settings for products (e.g. different tax or shipping settings)
Admin, host and store owner accounts are separated from provider/seller accounts and can supervise
x x
and manage all provider accounts
Notification e-mails will be send automatically or manually for: vendor sales, after a vendor has created a
x x new product, if a vendor product is approved and listed for sale, orders, after creating invoices, credit
notes, refunds...
Feedback module: User can leave / change a feedback after a purchase. The vendor can add
comments to the rating.
Module Vendor Account(CAT_VendorAccount): Lists all vendor sales and refunds/credit notes for
sales commissions. Can be used to provide an automatic payment for vendor sales commissions. Lists all
vendor sales and refunds if the user has store admin or global admin rights or the sales of the logged in
user only. You can define a period and the amount for Commissions rewards.

Referrals/Affiliate Tracking

Affiliate marketing to the promotion campaign of your store. Referee can advertise for your store by
placing banner(s) or links on their websites and earn commissions by directing visitors to your site. You
x x
get all these exposures free and only pay a percentage of order amounts to the referee when a sale is
made. Tracks all sales of referees
x x Create referral buttons or links
x x A notification will be send automatically to referee
x x Manual referee change function: Usually a referee is added if he points to your site via an affiliate

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referral link. This function allows you to assign a referee to each customer manually. One could use this
to calculate the commission for sales managers.
x Automatically refund referral and vendor sale commissions by discounts on orders
Referee Account [CAT_Referrals] with Affiliate tracking: Lists all referral sales and refunds/credit
notes for referral commissions. Can be used to provide an automatic payment for referral sales
commissions. Lists all referral sales and refunds if the user has store admin or global admin rights or the
sales of the logged in user only. You can define a period and the amount for Commission rewards.

Setup & Support / Item Import And Export

PA modules for DotNetNuke can directly be loaded and installed with DNN file manager as Custom
x x
Easy-to-use customizeable web interface. Online administration in order to add and edit items,
x x
categories, customers etc. Wizard for product administration.
x x Product Edit and Option Edit links on product lists and detail page
Bulk uploading of products, categories and customer data (customers with different user roles).
Automatic replacement of original import data with deposited data. Databases are synchronized during
x x
the process of importing. You can use the included template mdb, xls and xml files to join your ERP
system database. You can select which fields should be included in the import.
x Product import / update via Web Service
Import job scheduler: The import job can be added to the DNN scheduler e.g. if you want to update
the stock in defined periods and sync your ERP system with the store database. The scheduler import job
x x
compares whether the current import file is newer than the last imported. If not the Import job waits for
newer data.
Item-export (products and categories) to eBay: (format: eBay-Turbolister CSV), other formats: HTML,
x x
Microsoft Excel, XML, CSV)
x x Export of orders, products and customers (formats : MS Excel, Html, Xml, CSV, QuickBooks)
x x Free customer support via e-mail
x x Free 1-year update service
x x System and provider requirements: ASP.NET and SQL-server support

Design & Layout

The package contains: Two DNN Skins which include support for several CATALooK.netStore features and
a language switcher skin object to change the language of DNN and CATALooK.netStore, 3 DNN
containers, 4 CATALooK.netStore Skins for fixed-width/small and 4 CATALooK.netStore Skins for full-
width sites
100% css compatible template-based storefront. Cascading Style Sheets or skin selection enable you
x x
to easily change the style. Integrated CSS editor
HTML / ASCX or XML skinning is available for all presentation layer modules. It is possible to redesign the
complete module layout. All button images are located in the skin folder and will be exported and
x x
imported together with all other skin files. You can add new controls change or add control properties,
delete controls, move controls to another place of the page and add/edit html code. (Integrated skin
x x Fully customizable design & layout

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x x A choice from several pre-designed CATALooK.netStore skins

Special business and store skin for DNN which includes support for several CATALooK.netStore
features and a language switcher skin object to change the language of DNN and CATALooK.netStore
x x Fully changeable HTML email templates for order, invoice and credit note emails
x x Intuitive navigation
x x Support for thumbnails. Thumb and max. image sizes are selectable on module level
Category images: For each category of the menu, state images and mouse-over texts can be deposited
x x
with categories
x x Rich text WYSIWYG editing for product details HTML Page and Forms
x x HTML e-mails, Auth SMTP and SMTP E-mail system
x x Illustration of the database by using images of items and categories
x x Changeable sales agreements
x x Changeable checkout message
x x 100% changeable UI control texts of each language via language editor
x x You can modify all messages, field names, notifications, texts of controls...
Paging for nearly all of the lists. Custom pager on presentation layer modules and Customer
x x
administrator module

Product Catalog

Unlimited number of categories can be put in unlimited levels and are automatically recognized
and clearly displayed in a tree, link box, drop down list or slide structure(SolPart) menu control.
Each product can be assigned to an unlimited number of categories. You can use multiple menu
modules with pre-selected categories on different pages to separate products by categories. Each menu
x x
module can store it's status/structure in a cookie and will remember the last selections. This will help
customers to go back to a previous search or category selection. The Start and End Date for each
category can be defined and one can add category images to each category. Access permissions for
different user roles can be defined for each category.
You can define a home page for each category. This can be used to separate categories on different
x portal pages (assign shops to different pages) with the use of category restrictions in the
presentation layer modules and the child category level display of the menu module
Child, parent, same, root, root only and selected category levels display. Automatic display of a ?Go Up?
link for sub category levels.
x x Unlimited number of items and customers
x x 1-click enable/disable switch for products and categories
x x Selectable Publication Start and Publication End date for products
Search / Advanced Search by language, product type, title, description, category, ISBN, author,
x x publisher, vendor, ID, SKU, price range, allocation date, keywords, listings ending, number of bids
(auction items only), number of purchases and user defined fields
x x Search Methods All words, Any words, Exact phrase
x x Category selector and category restrictions for search function
Advanced Search: Search for all Bullet List items (additional fields). You can add an unlimited number
of Bullet List List Item Types and Texts to each product
x Period Search: Search for available rentable products or tickets. (see [Renting System])
x Configurable Search module style. You can also use more than one search module on the same page and

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set the title of these modules as you want

x x Quick listing of items by copying and altering already existing items
x x Online administration in order to add and edit items, categories, customers...
Bullet List
Add an unlimited number of List Item Types and Texts to each products
Product Options
You can add an unlimited number of product options and option selections to each product. There are 2
kinds of options. You can mix them for one product

• Image Options: Are displayed as radio button list with images for each button. Use this to
define options for color, material etc.. Image Files can be located in any folder on your server or
on an external URL
• Text Options: Text options can be displayed with 12 control types: Radio Buttons, Checkboxes
for multiple selections, Drop Down Lists, Date Time Picker, Color Picker control, calculator control
(calculate e.g. the number of packages based on the number of units per package and the loss)
and several textboxes where the user can enter text, passwords, numeric amounts etc. You can
x select the number of repeat columns for these controls. For each selection or combination of
option selections you can define a price difference/surcharge as constant:(Example: red=+5 or
blue=-5) or related to the sale price:(green=-8% or silk=+10%) and a weight, which will be
used to calculate the shipping charges, a SKU number, Inventory tracking for options (Stock
quantities for each unique item) and images for different combinations of selections from
several options, Composed options selections ID's, Ability to select the order in which
the options IDs are appended, Add required field validators, pre-select selections or fill text
fields with predefined text, disable option selection fields and set text fields to read only, add
descriptions to option fields, Option to show only combinations of options and selections which
are included in a predefined POSelID of a product or to display combinations of options
selections only if they are in Stock, Options Total amount display on the product detail page

Define these options and add or remove selections.

Customizable data entry forms

• Build flexible data entry forms with the use of several input controls: drop-down lists, check
boxes, check box lists, radio buttons, radio button lists, multi-line and single-line text boxes
with changeable size, Password fields, amount entry fields, date time picker, color picker etc.
x • Spellchecking option for text boxes
• Add validators to required fields
• Pre-select selections or fill text fields with predefined text
• Disable form fields and set text fields only for reading
• Add descriptions and titles to the form fields

Media Gallery for products: Add an unlimited number of video-, music-, flash-, software-, image- and
x downloadable files, external links and links to a page in your site to each product. The content type will
be recognized automatically and displayed with a media menu in the item lists.
Data Pool for Serial Numbers, License Keys, Phone Card Keys, Login Data, Gift Product Coupon Codes
x etc. with supplier information also for product variants. Records will be picked up from the data pool for
items of paid orders and displayed on the order details page.
Additional Images
Upload an unlimited number of images for each product. These images will be shown below the main
image of an item as thumb and with their native size in the image viewer control after user has clicked
on the thumb. Image Files can be located in any folder on your server or on an external URL
Universal Dashboard module (CAT_DashBoard): The DashBoard module is a Universal presentation
x module and can be placed on portal pages as often as you like. This module is configurable to display
popular products, featured products, new items of a selectable period, related products, items that have

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been bought also, all products of a category, user selected products, recently viewed items etc. . An
optional random function is included. You can select the number of list items and the period for new
items. It is possible to define category restrictions.
x x Price history of each item is graphically displayed
Inventory Tracking and Option to not publish items which are out of stock. Customers can only see
x x
items that are in stock. Stock administration on the basis of receipts or orders.
Inventory tracking for options (Stock quantities for each unique item) and Images for different
combinations of selections from several options e.g. if a customer selects a color from the options
list the color of the product image will be changed and the customer can see if this product is available:
Stock images or absolute stock values can be displayed alongside the options
x x Price agent watch list: customers are notified if an item is priced as wished
x x Wish List function
x x Buy It Now button for quick checkout
Option to display product reviews to registered users. Review administrator (Reviews must be
x x
approved before they will be displayed)
Option to display related (recommended) items, cross selling items and items that have been
x x
bought also on product details page
x x Option to display a list of popular items, featured items and new items on the store home page
x x Printable catalogs are created automatically
E-mail advertising: E-mail advertisements are sent to different user groups considering an E-mail stop
list/Robinson list. You can work on this list manually and it can be filled with E-mail addresses
x x
automatically by creating a link on those E-mail advertisements. These links can be used by customers
who arenŽt interested in receiving E-mails in future.
x x E-mail item(s) to a friend feature on product detail page
x x Option to setup query string params for the first access to the main catalog module
x x Click on [Add to Cart] button can optional redirect to the page where module CAT_Cart is located
An Overview of items is displayed in form of browse with selectable repeat column number or in form of
x x list style with the help of an automatic thumbnail generator for a quick display of images. Items are
listed according to their name, SKU, ISBN, author, price...
A main image, a short description (max. 2000 characters) and an HTML page can be deposited for every
x x
Mini Cart module can be placed on every portal page and shows items currently ordered as well as the
x x
total amount and displays a checkout button
x x Pre-selection of categories to display their items on different pages
Possibility to transform CATALooK.netStore from a shopping cart application to a web based
x x product catalog with media gallery: Hide price labels, order quantity boxes and add to cart / add to
config buttons in the item lists and customer forms
Select orderable quantities for each product: e.g. if you do not sell directly or if you want to open
x x an affiliate store you can set this value to 0. This keep customers from adding this item to their cart and
can disable the order function for each product separately
Product comparison The comparison grid will display all not empty standard fields and custom fields of
the products.
Prices incl. tax and w/o tax prices can be displayed optional and simultaneously for each price
label depending on the tax rate of the actual selected specific culture or the user address

Merchandising & Inventory


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Product and cart based percentage and fixed amount discount coupon codes. Coupons with fixed
x x
amounts are partial redeemable. If a customer removes a coupon code from the cart it can be reused.
x Automatically add free products to the cart
x x Full inventory control for products
x Full inventory control for options
x x "Out of Stock" check
x x Stock images or absolute stock values can be displayed for all products
x x Quantity discounts
x x Customer discounts
x x Retail and wholesale price
Percentage and fixed discounts and prices depending on categories, role membership, user, date,
coupons, billing period, cart amount
x x Limit minimum order amount

Customer Care / Shopping Cart / Pricing / VAT

Easy Step by Step cart logic. Select which fields of the Bill-To-Address and Ship-To-Address page are
required and visible. Missing values for the UserName and Password fields will be filled with random
x x values. This supports anonymous checkout. Option to display the account login information of an
automatically created user account on the final details page and to sent these information to the
customer via e-mail
x x Tax Ident Number(UID) / VAT number check for tax exempt
x x Checkbox for: ?I want to receive information and special offers?
x x Customer checkout message (Customer can enter instructions for his order during checkout)
x x Customer can enter discount coupon codes
x x Update of item quantities in shopping cart, remove products from shopping cart
x x Product images and links are displayed for each item in Cart
x x For each customer / presentation layer module you can deposit an html help file
x x All orders are stored in a SQL database
x x Customers can view, search & browse personal order history and order details
x x Combination and change (cancellation of certain items) of outstanding and incomplete orders
x x Real time order tracking
x x Customizable e-mail notifications/orders/invoices/credit notes/quotations
Pricing: Multiple payment types and prices (6 price groups, discount) for every customer, bulk
prices/quantity discounts depending on order quantity, fixed amounts or percentage amounts for
x x unlimited item quantity ranges, temporary special prices for each item, prices tax incl. and excl. tax,
wholesale pricing, percentage and fixed discounts and prices depending on categories, role membership,
user, date, coupons, billing period, cart amount
x Royalty, Loyalty and Reward Points
x x Configurable price labels
x x Define allowed payment types for new users
x x Limit minimum order amount
x x Printable invoices, credit notes, quotations and order receipts

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x x Customer profiles: Unlimited ship-to addresses, Business profile

x x Tax exempt option for customers
x x Payment state / delivery state / advice of despatch
x x Price agent: customers are notified if an item is priced as wished
x Communicator / HelpDesk module
x x Affiliate programs
User can request a quotation. Administrator can change the prices in the requested quotation and mail it
x x
to the customer and customer can find this quotation in his account.

Order Handling / Inventory

x x Payments for unpaid orders from the order list. Useable for quotations etc.
Option to select when an invoice will be created: either immediately after the order has been placed,
x x
after the payment state is set to "paid" or manually.
Recurring billing for subscriptions: The recurring billing job can be added to the DNN scheduler and
works with credit card and PayPal payment with optional use of the PayPal subscription feature on the
x x PayPal site. Customers can unsubscribe, reinstate and change the next billing date at any time.
Generates orders and invoices(optional) when a new recurring period starts. Optional use of service fees
and periods from dnn security roles advanced settings section.
x x Recurring delivery from customer?s inventory assets and automatic prolongation of the subscription
Auto-Ship option: Buyers can enable recurring billing and select the billing period for selected cart
items. Admins can define discounts for different billing periods
Donations: You can optional allow users to give as much as they want for a product, like set their own
price. This can be used for donations or if you publish any items for free and want to allow your friends
x x to pay something if they want to honor your work. You can also combine the [donation] function with the
function [Hide all price labels]. The [hide] function is also available in all product lists. Option to select a
charity from a list of charities on checkout. Each charity can have it's own donation account.
Call Center / Telephone Marketing feature: Allows individual product price changes during checkout
x x
or after an order has been placed
x x Combination and change of outstanding and incomplete orders
x x Quick information on all outstanding items of an order
x x Option to allow customers to delete ordered items that are not yet processed
Invoices and credit notes, even for a part of the delivery (Invoices can also be rendered separately for
x x
each entry of an order)
x x Partial shipments allowed
x x Shipping data for each item of an order: Rate, shipping company and shipping date
x x Real time order tracking
x x Real time package tracking
Customizable e-mail Confirmations of orders, invoices, credit notes, referral sales and vendor sales are
x x
sent automatically by E-mail
x x Shipping labels with editable layout can be printed
x x Printable invoices, credit notes, order receipts and pick lists
Separate values for Freight, Tax of each product, Tax total, Tax Freight, Amount w/o tax and Amount
x x
incl. tax on each receipt
x x Form designer

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x x Tax.Id. number and tax-number on receipts

x x Payment state / delivery state
x x Web-Service for orders, products and categories.
x x Backorders allowed
Search in the orders table is realized for the following items: Booking Date, Customer, Vendor, Product,
x x Product Options, Order Date, Purchase Order Number, SKU, Status of Payment, Invoices, Credits or any
combinations of these fields
x Sales Statistics includes detailed Sales Reports and Profit Report
x x Full inventory control on the basis of receipts or orders

Shipping & Tax

Tax Zones(module CAT_Zones): Calculate the tax depending on client's location and products. Specify
x tax rate for countries, regions, cities, ZIP match codes and products. Define Tax Zones and assign these
Tax Zones to several items(Product-specific taxes).
x Support for Canadian taxes.
x x "Tax exempt" feature
x x Specify a default tax value
Calculation of freight costs item based, for first item and following items (the same or different
x x
products in the same delivery)
x x Freight charge flat rate
x x Offer free shipping / Free of charge if total goods price = X
x x Consideration of Cash on Delivery Charges and Insurance Charges
x x Mark products as "Free shipping" products
x Delivery date calendar (Add non despatch and non delivery periods)
x x Real time freight charges calculation depending on weight and dimensions of items
Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS) and UNITED
x x
STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS). Support for UPS negotiated rates and overweight packages.
Real-time rate calculation and tracking with United States Postal Service (USPS), Federal
Express (FedEx), DHL WorldWide Express (DHL), AirBorne Express (Airborne) and Canada
x x
Post - or any combination of the above - even at the same time! NEW: Conway freight rating support.
(required .netSHIP control (separately sold))
Advanced custom shipping rating system for rate back and failover purposes as well as custom
defined algorithm based shipping implementations. Common uses of this system include providing
backup for a real-time processor, providing free shipping for certain cases, providing shipping or special
x x
messages for overweight packages that can't be rated through the real time systems or simply to provide
your own custom rating based on a variety of criteria. Rate calculation formula based on location, weight,
quantity or pricing ranges.

Payment Methods & Security

Credit Card / PayPal
x x Accept payments in any currency

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x x Support for Debit cards

PayPal payment processor also allows Pending PayPal payments and supports PayPal
x x
Real-time Credit card processing with SSL support integrates the following payment gateways:

• Authorize.Net
• Authorize.Net eCheck
• Authorize.Net Automated Recurring Billing™ (ARB)
• PayPal Website Payments Pro
• PayPal Website Standard
• Banca Sella / GesPay
• Cardia service version)
• Cardia popup version)
• maltapay
• NAB (National Australia Bank)
• Protx VspDirect
• Protx VspServer
• Protx VspForm
• PayPal
• WorldPay
• FuturePay
• Payflow Link
• Payflow Pro
x x • QPAY
• PayGate
• PBSFuzion (dankort)
• eProcessing
• Beanstream
• TWYP E-Commerce (de internetkassa van de ING Bank)
• conviator
• Waterfront
• CCAvenue
• Secure Hosting
• ePDQ Barclaycard Business, Barclays Bank PLC
• PayDollarClientPost
• PayDollarDirectClient
• Google Checkout
• Commonwealth Bank Of Australia
• Ogone iDeal
• eWAY
• Wannafind
• Internet Secure
• iVeryLite
• Innovative
• Westpac Web Advantage
• iDeal
• 2Checkout
• Samport

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• Netcash
• Wirecard
• Payworks
• SecurePay
• DIBS (Payment Window)
• ANZ eGate (Bank Hosted model)
• ANZ eGate (Merchant Hosted model)
• PayJunction Trinity Gateway
• Banamex / Dialect
• DPS WIPS PLUS paymentexpress PX Pay Hosted Payments
• Realex
• AlliedWallet QuickPay
• Netaxept
• IP Payments
• SoEasyPay
• PayJunction Trinity
• CCAvenue India
• CHASE Paymentech Orbital
• Yellowpay

In addition the following payment gateways can be used via .netCHARGE
control (separately sold): Amazon FPS, NaviGate, Realex Payments, HSBC UK,
InnovativeGateway/Merchant (Quickbooks), SecurePay, YourPay, Concord, CyberSource, Trust
Commerce, OptimalPayments, ESecPayments, Vital / Visanet Native, PlugnPay, Paymentech Native,
x x
Processor, Paymentech Orbital Gateway, Echo, Moneris, Nova Native Processor, Bank Of America,
LinkPoint, Itransact, PayReady, VerisignPayflowLink, Intellipay, viaKLIX (Nova), Ecx, PlanetPayment,
Mcps, Cybercash, SkipJack, Itransact, PayReady, NetBilling, ioNgate, PSiGate, PayCom, ePoch, Amazon
FPS, GlobalPayments, Nova Processor, Nova VirtualMerchant, Nova viaKlix, PSiGateCOM
x x External providers for .netCHARGE and .netSHIP
The payment status of customer`s orders are updated automatically and display "paid" in the store after
x x
payment has been effected or display "error" if payment is still due. (PayPal, Credit Card)
Option for manual (offline) credit card processing (Credit Card numbers will be encrypted and stored in
x x the secure SQL server data base and decrypted when listed to SSL secured order detail page, no
connection to CC Gateway)
Credit Card payment information security
x x SSL (https) support
x x VBV Verified by Visa supported by selected payment gateways.
MD5 Merchant Hash Code verification. This is a very secure fraud check supported by and
x x
other gateways.
AVS Support - The Address Verification Service is enabled on those processors that support it. It uses
x x
the address or zip / postal address to help verify that the transaction is legitimate.
CVC Support - The card verification code helps to cut down fraud. This code is passed to those gateways
x x
/ processors that support it
x x Option to make the 3-digit security code compulsory
x x Option to show a Show 9-digit user identity number
x x Cash On Delivery (COD), Purchase Order (PO), Debit, Cash In Advance, Quotation Request, No payment

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if cart amount = 0

Module Security / Search Engine Support

x x Full HTTPS/SSL support
x x Secure HTTPS/SSL administrative access
x x Password-protected administrative access
x x Allow members of certain user roles to administrate products, orders, customers, files etc.
x x Each vendor can see only his own folder and can use files from this or upload files only to this folder
x x Store admin
x x Search and delete SQL code in search fields to prevent SQL injection attacks
Credit card details can be encrypted when pushed to the database and decrypted when listed to order
x x
detail page
x Assign user roles to each category
x x Watermark function for all full size images
x x Redirects users who are not yet registered to [login/register] page if they try to checkout
Inserts the category name and the product name in the page title. Meta tags will be filled with the
x x
product keywords and the category and product short descriptions to get Top Rankings for all products


PA modules for DotNetNuke 24 31
Additional View/Edit/Option module Controls for DotNetNuke 67 89
External provider assemblies for Credit Card gateways, real time shipping rates
Yes Yes
and custom shipping rates, Digital Rights Management, SQL data
Files total (source code version package) 2710 2980
Skin Objects (Language Switcher, Property Link, Search) 0 3
DNN Skins 0 3
DNN Containers 0 18
CATALooK.netStore Skins 9 9
DotNetNuke Compatibility 1/2/3/4/5
Language VB.NET VB.NET
Private Assembly Yes Yes
User Controls 101 133
Lines of code total 400000 500000
Lines of code SQL script 16900 20100
Database (MS SQL Server, SQL Server 2005 Express or MSDE) Yes Yes
Data Access Separate data access layer
(DAL) consist of a database
access class which
implement the DataProvider

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abstract class

Database tables 45 60
Database stored procedures 300 398
Translated keys (CATALooK.netStore uses the Multilanguage and localization
>4000 >4900
features of DNN)
Translations total (controls, messages, notification e-mails etc.) >23000 >31000
ASP.NET 2.0 Membership support Yes Yes
DNN folder management support: Image, media and download files can be
located in any folder on your server or on an external URL. You can also link to Yes Yes
pages of the portal
Friendly URL Support Yes Yes
UCanUse support No Yes
Administrators User Manual 380 pages, more than 100 screen shots; 5 developer
Yes Yes
manuals for web service API and skin controls
Developing time (person days) 3000 5000

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Release History and Notes


New Features:
• A new option control: Section Head Control Checkbox can be used to expand option groups.
• Several new option attribute features e.g. size parameters and spellchecking for text boxes,
images for option selections etc.
• Support for additional profile fields for the Ship-To Address
• New Loyalty Points module
• Wizard for CAT_Products module
• Product export to Google Base
• Added edit box for product price on order details page.
• [Affiliate Code] field added to module CAT_StoreSettings: Can be used to send Credit Card
and PayPal payment notifications to an external system for affiliates.
• Added field: [Order Quantity Validation Expression] to product admin: Insert min/max/mod
and an error message (optional) separated by ENTER/CR: min = minimum Quantity, max
(optional) = maximum Quantity, mod (optional) Quantity must be a multiple of mod. Or enter a
Regular Expression and an error message (optional) separated by ENTER/CR: Samples: Single
numeric digit between 1 and 5: ^[12345]$ or ^[1-5]$; Whole number between 1 and 20
inclusively: ^1?[1-9]$|^[1-2]0$; Exactly 1 numeric digit (0-9): ^\d$; 4-digit integer: ^[1-9][0-
• Increased field length of Free1 (Author), Free2 (Publisher) and Free3 (Size) fields to 255.
• Added several new web service functions.
• Added field: Advanced Category IDs to Cart Price Rules (CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules
-> Add Cart Price Rule) A comma delimited list of Advanced Category IDs (Module
CAT_AdvancedCategories (CATALooK.netStore -> Advanced Categories) -> select a category
-> select [Edit Selected Category] -> Category ID) e.g. '2,35,2994'. If one of the assigned
advanced categories from all products in the cart matches with a value defined in this property
then this cart price rule will be applied if the other criteria also match. If you wish to include all
advanced categories except those listed here, enclose the values in brackets e.g. '(2,35,2994)'. If
at least one of the products in the cart has not assigned any of the advanced categories listed
here then this cart price rule will be applied if the other criterias also match. Only cart items
with advanced categories assigned that matches the criteria from the price rule will be used to
calculate the cart total. This amount is used to calculate discounts from percentage price rule
formulas and to check the [Cart amount ranges] in the formulas.
• Added caching for more classes and data.
• New possible method to specify the path to ProductImage / DownLoadFile / Category1Image /
Category2Image files for file import via web service or product data upload via xls etc file:
Sub-Path (below the portal root) to the File / Image + File Name e.g. if this is the location of an
image file: \portals\0\My_Images\My_Image.gif, ProductImage should be set to:

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'My_Images/My_Image.gif' (Use '/' to separate folders and the file name, don't use backslash:
• New Module Options:
• Module: CAT_Cart
Show Product Image If option (POSelID) related product images are defined for any
products, maybe this option should be turned off and the option [Hide product image if
option (POSelID) related image exsist?] of the CAT_ItemPaneNF module should be turned
To change the location of the POSelID image to be displayed on the same location as the
main image search for
<asp:Panel ID="pnlPOSelImage" runat="server">
<td class="CATRow" align="center">
<asp:Image ID="POSelImage" runat="server"></asp:Image></td>

And move it directly below:

<asp:Panel ID="trProductImage" runat="server">

<td class="CATRow" align="center">
<asp:Image ID="ProductImage" runat="server" BorderWidth="0"></asp:Image></td>
Enable AJAX?,
Update cart page number (cartpageno) URL parameter for all cart page changes? (Must
be turned on to log the correct cart page with Google Analytics, if the Google Analytics
Script is located on the page where this module CAT_Cart is located.),
Refund Balances from Loyalty Points by discount on orders,
Vendor related options: Allow checkout only with items from one vendor (Customers can
add products from different vendors to their cart. On checkout (module CAT_Cart), items
from the first vendor will remain in the cart. Items from other vendors will be removed from
the cart and re-added automatically if the customer returns to the cart page after finishing
the checkout with the first items., Use the address of the product vendor (Ship From
Address) for real time shipping rate calculation (This option requires that the option: [Allow
checkout only with items from one vendor] is turned on. If there is a vendor selected for a
product (UserID > 1), the address of the vendor will be used to calculate real time shipping
rates. Otherwise the address data from the: [Location of the store] section of module:
CAT_StoreSettings will be used.),
Profile Properties (Ship-To Address)
• Module CAT_ItemPaneNF
Include content from textboxes in [POSelID] (only if: [Display type for Text Options and
data-entry forms] is set to: [Show all options and selections])? Can be used to pre-populate
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text fields by URL parameters e.g. insert coupon codes or default texts. Turning on this
option disables using of parameters from: [Manage Properties of Options Selections
Combinations(POSel).] if there are any options with not empty text boxes.
Hide product image if option (POSelID) related image exsist? If this option is turned on,
it is recommended to turn off the option: [Show Product Image] of the CAT_Cart module.
• Module CAT_DashBoard
Number of random items(leave blank or 0 for all) -> now available for all 'Content
• Updated and added several language packages.
• Added several new chapters to the manuals.
• Updated all included CATALooK.netStore skin packages.
• Added sample Ship-To Profile field to Email Templates.
• Added support for the following Credit Card payment gateways:
• Netcash
• Wirecard
• Payworks
• SecurePay
• DIBS (Payment Window)
• ANZ eGate (Bank Hosted model)
• ANZ eGate (Merchant Hosted model)
• PayJunction Trinity Gateway
• Banamex / Dialect
• DPS WIPS PLUS paymentexpress PX Pay Hosted Payments
• Realex
• AlliedWallet QuickPay
• Netaxept
• IP Payments
• SoEasyPay
• PayJunction Trinity
• CCAvenue India
• CHASE Paymentech Orbital

• Updated nearly all gateway interfaces
• Exchanged amount not displayed bug in v05.05.06
• Fix for Sub Zones bug in CAT_Zones module

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V05.04.09 / V05.05.00

New Features:
• Receipt emails will be send asynchronous uses threading for better performance.
• Completed configurable items (product bundles) can now also be ordered from product lists. To
activate select ‘View Options’ from the module action menu of the modules: CAT_ItemPaneNF
and CAT_DashBoard and turn on the option: ‘Display [Add To Cart] and [Buy It Now] buttons
in the product lists for a configurable base product if the configuration is completed.’.
• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Store Email field can now include multiple email addresses. The
first Email address is used as the main email of the store. Receipts will be sending also to
subsequent Email addresses.
• French package updated, thanks Alexandre (
• WishList module is now accessible also for non authenticated users.
• Added support for the following Credit Card payment gateways:

• Samport
• Automated Recurring Billing™ (ARB)

• ePDQ response bug
• Sort error on ‘Coupons Assigned’ sort column in cart price rule grid
• Fix for error message in event viewer: ‘System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was
being aborted’ after [Add To Cart]
• Module CAT_StoreSettings: Fix for bug on user / customer import

V05.04.07 / V05.04.08

New Features:
• [Month(s)] and [Day of purchase] selections added to [Subscription Period / Billing Period]
selector on the [Main Data] page of module CAT_Products.
• Automatic redirection to product detail page if only one item is in the list after category
selection, search command or slot selection.
• If no Crypto Password is provided on module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore ->
Store Settings), Credit Card data will not longer be stored also not in CC Test Mode.
• Updated year (2008) related selections in credit card forms of CATALooK.netStore skins.
• Gallery control added to menu module control list box.
• Added control templates to template editor of module CAT_StoreSettings: Feedback Comment,
Communicator Post, Category menu module Gallery control, Email Admin Intro
• Royalty / Reward Points system.
• Pay with credits. Add credits to customer accounts.
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• Automatically refund referral and vendor sale commissions by discounts on orders.

• Automated Recurring Billing™ (ARB)

• Error in re-billing procedure of the V05.04.06 caused by workaround for PayPal bug.
• Fix for WorldPay child portal email address bug
• Bugs in item import and export caused by the new fields added in v05.04.06
• Missing localization after payment state update in Orders and Customers module.

V05.04.05 / V05.04.06
• Re-added instantorder.asmx web service files to fix problems after updating of source code
libraries and pa-modules <= v05.03.09
• Error after filter command in RadGrid on module CAT_PriceRules


New Features:
• Cart related price rules
• Use percentage and fixed amount cart total related coupon codes. Coupons with fixed
amounts are partial redeemable. Module CAT_Cart -> select [View Options] from the
module menu -> turn on the [Use advanced coupon management] option -> Module
CAT_PriceRule -> [Add Cart Price Rules]. Please find more information in the field help
• Automatically add free products or fee items to the cart: Module CAT_PriceRule
(CATALooK.netStore -> Price Rules) -> [Add Cart Price Rules] -> select the free product
or the fee item from the [Price Rule Item] selector -> set Formula to '0' or any other amount
or formula.
• If a customer removes a coupon code from the cart it can be reused.
• There is a new [Add Coupon] button in the cart module skin. If you upload the 3 modules
this will update only the ‘blue’ skin. To get the [Add Coupon] button for the other skins,
you must copy the file cart.ascx from folder ‘\desktopdmodules\catalookstore\skins\blue’
into the folder of the currently selected CATALooK skin. After that you must click on the
[Clear Cache] link of module CAT_StoreSettings to activate the changes. You could also
login as Host -> select the blue skin on module CAT_Storesettings -> select [Edit Skin]
from the module action menu -> copy the cart.ascx skin -> change the skin back -> select
edit skin -> cart.ascx -> paste -> update.
• The old system where the coupon code will be added after you click on the ‘continue’ link
still works.

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• All cart price rule items will be updated everytime the cart content is changed e.g. order
amount related coupon codes etc.
• Product comparison functionality added to module CAT_ItemPaneNF
• The comparison grid will display all not empty standard fields: Module: CAT_Products ->
[Main Data] and custom fields: Module: CAT_Products -> [Attributes] -> [Additional
Fields / Bullet List Items] of the products.
• The product catalog of module CAT_ItemPaneNF must use the [List View] mode for the
Product List Type (default setting).
• You can check the box next to each item and click the [Compare] button to redirect to the
comparison page.
• This feature can be used only with ASCX skins: blue, blue-neutral, theme-grey etc.; file
itempane.ascx must be included.
• Added columns to import: ProductCost, RoleExpiryType, ItemDeliveryType, ReorderPoint
• Added Zip/Postal code field to custom shipping rates, see chapter: ‘Custom Shipping Rates’
• New skin objects:
• CAT_PropertyLink Skin Object: Can be used to add a View Cart, Your Acount and Wish
List link to the DNN skin.
• CAT_Search Skin Object: Can replace the standard DotNetNuke SEARCH skin object to
add search functionality for the CATALooK product database.
• You can use the skin objects also with any other DNN skin. Detailed instructions about this
can be found in the doc files from folder \DNN_SkinPackages.
• New skin objects added to DNN skin package CAT01: Follow the instructions in file
\DNN_SkinPackages\install.htm to update the old package.
• New ‘level’ parameter added to the breadcrump control
• Performance improvements for the Menu and ItemPane modules
• Thumbnail Generator new functionality and quality enhancements
• GIF images will be converted to PNG to support transparency.
• Increased thumb quality
• Added support for PNG
• New profile field selector option added to the cart module options page (select [view
Options] from the module action menu): ‘Hidden Profile Properties’ (All entered Profile
Properties(press ENTER/CR to separate) will not be displayed in the Profile Editor control of the Address and Address/Product
Totals pages. Add / Edit Profile Properties via Admin/User Accounts/Manage Profile Properties. To use the Profile Editor
control to display also the standard address fields, uncheck the [Visible ?] checkboxes of the address control on the address
page and remove the properties from the box. To disable grouping of the Profile Properties select [Edit Skin] from the module
action menu and change: GroupByMode=Section to GroupByMode=None for all Profile Editor controls. To highlight the
sections if grouping is enabled change: GroupHeaderIncludeRule=False to GroupHeaderIncludeRule=True and
IncludeRule=False to IncludeRule=True.) This adds the ability to use the DNN userprofile control on the
cart address page only.
• Added user profile control to ‘Address / Product Totals’ page of the cart module and the order
details pages of module CAT_Orders and CAT_VendorAccount.
• Improved layout quality of the cart module address page.
• Added editor for price label templates, vendor profile templates, Sales Statistics template
etc.: Module CAT_StoreSettings -> Select [Edit Control and Price Label Templates] from the
module action menu.

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• Updated chapter: ‘Data Import’: Added instructions on how to fix permission problems.
• Delivery date calendar
Can be used with all shipping selections on module CAT_StoreSetting e.g. real time rates,
custom rates, specified in products etc.
The despatch and delivery dates will be printed on all receipt emails and listed on the order
overview page of the cart module and the order details page.
• Setup for module CAT_Cart: Select [View Options] from the module action menu -> turn
on the [Display delivery rates calendar] option and change the settings below this option.
Module: CAT_ShippingRates -> select: [Add / edit non despatch and non delivery periods]
from the module menu.
• Setup for module CAT_ItemPaneNF: Select [View Options] from the module action
menu -> turn on the [Use non-delivery-dates and non-despatch-dates from module
CAT_ShippingRates to populate the booking calendar.] option and change the settings
below this option. Module: CAT_ShippingRates -> select: [Add / edit non despatch and non
delivery periods] from the module menu. This can be used instead of the rentable period
selections on module CAT_Products for ticket items. Could also be used to request a
delivery date instead of a booking date. In this case you would need to change all ticket
related keys in the language resources e.g. change: [Day of the reservation] to [Delivery
date] etc.
• There are some skin changes in the cart module skin file cart.ascx. If you upload the 3
modules this will update only the ‘blue’ skin. To get the calendar control for the other skins
and your currently used CATALooK skin you must copy the file cart.ascx from folder
\desktopdmodules\catalookstore\skins\blue into the folder of the currently selected
CATALooK skin. After that you must use the [clear cache] link on module
CAT_StoreSettings to activate the changes. You could also login as host -> select the blue
skin on module CAT_Storesettings -> select [Edit Skin] from the module action menu ->
copy the cart.ascx skin -> change the skin back -> select edit skin -> cart.ascx -> paste ->

• Added workaround for DNN SSL problem:
d/3779/threadpage/2/scope/posts/Default.aspx . Now product images will not use the thumbnail
generator and links to internal pages e.g. IPN sites will be created with ‘http’ header only if the
DNN SSL options are activated.
• Gateway provider bug fixes and API updates for the following gateways: PayPal PayFlowLink
(Verisign), Google Checkout, ePDQ, InternetSecure, conviator, WorldPay/FuturePay, PayPal
• Pager bug of serial number grid on module CAT_Products
• Sort bug of price rules grid
• Performance / timeout problem while adding multiple items of a rentable item to cart or
deleting large amounts of items from cart (more than 20-30 items at once). Function:

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‘ActCartPrices’ will now be executed only once at the end of an update batch and not after
changing one dataset.
• Fixed mandatory profile fields bug: After setting any address fields to ‘Required’ via Admin ->
Manage Profile Properties they were displayed also on the cart module address page even if
they were desired there. -> New profile field selector option added to the cart module options
page (select [view Options] from the module action menu): ‘Hidden Profile Properties’ (All
entered Profile Properties(press ENTER/CR to separate) will not be displayed in the Profile Editor control of the Address and
Address/Product Totals pages. Add / Edit Profile Properties via Admin/User Accounts/Manage Profile Properties. To use the
Profile Editor control to display also the standard address fields, uncheck the [Visible ?] checkboxes of the address control on
the address page and remove the properties from the box. To disable grouping of the Profile Properties select [Edit Skin] from
the module action menu and change: GroupByMode=Section to GroupByMode=None for all Profile Editor controls. To
highlight the sections if grouping is enabled change: GroupHeaderIncludeRule=False to GroupHeaderIncludeRule=True and
IncludeRule=False to IncludeRule=True.) This adds the ability to use the DNN userprofile control on the
cart address page only.
• [Min. Order total Amount] not used bug on Google Checkout
• Fixed bug in module: CAT_Zones (tax rate setup) where no list of states was displayed after
selecting a country in sub portals or starting from the second parent portal.
• DotNetCharge and DotNetShip providers don’t longer require a specific version of the
dotnetcharge.dll or dotnetship.dll.
• RadControls don’t longer require a specific version of the RadControl dll’s. The
CATALooK.netStore package includes the trial versions of the following RadControl DLLs:
RadAjax.Net2.dll, RadCalendar.Net2.dll, RadGrid.Net2.dll, RadInput.Net2.dll,
RadMenu.Net2.dll. The trial version of the controls is fully functional for an unlimited period of
time. The difference between the trial and the purchased (developer) version is that the trial
version will randomly display a copyright message, advising the user that he is using a trial
version. This message will not be displayed if the trial version dll’s are used by the
CATALooK.netStore modules, but if you already use another module/skin with Telerik
controls where the full versions (developer versions) of the dll’s are included, you will need to
re-install it to replace the trial version dll’s by the full version dll’s. This way if you have a
developer version in another module, it will not be broken.
• The CATALooK modules don’t longer require a specific version of the DotNetNuke.dll. We
will still list the DotNetNuke version which has been used to rebuild the


New Features:
• New cart module option: [[Back] buttons and links cause form validation and storage of
parameters?] (This flag indicates whether the [Back] links and buttons cause a page validation
and entered parameters will be stored or not. If this option is turned on and the user has not
entered anything in the textboxes e.g. of the shipping address page or if the information would
not pass validation, the validation errors are shown and the user cannot go back to the previous
page by using the [Back] buttons or links of the cart module.)

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• New cart functionality: When a user clicks on the ‘Buy It Now’ button to add something to the
cart, he then automatically returns to the page / category / product etc. that he was last on if he
clicks on the ‘Continue Shopping’ link or button.
• Added licensed versions of RAD dll’s, see: Telerik RADControls and manual RadMenu.doc in
folder \Documentation for more information.
• Update for conviator Credit Card payment gateway API

• Missing module error messages with AJAX enabled
• Corrections for problems in communicator and feedback modules:
d/3623/scope/posts/Default.aspx /
• Skin compatibility error in v05.04.00 with older CAT_MenuNF skin files


New Features:
• Telerik RAD Menu control added to to module CAT_MenuNF (To select the Telerik RAD
menu control for the menu module (CAT_MenuNF), select 'View Options' from the module
menu and set: [Category System] = [Advanced] and [Control Type] = [Telerik RAD Menu].
This menu control can only be used with advanced categories and ASCX skins (blue, blue-
neutral, theme-grey etc.; file menu.ascx must be included) )
• Login into your Portal with host account
• If you use a different than the default ‘blue’ CATALooK skin, you must reload this skin from
folder \CATALooK_SkinPackages via module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore ->
Store Settings) -> Skins to get this functionality.
If you use a custom skin you can use the menu.ascx skin file from one of the included
CATALooK skins for your skin (copy this file into folder:
\Desktopmodules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Your currently selected CATALooK skin or select
‘Edit Skin’ from the module action menu of module CAT_ItemPaneNF and add the red marked
section below to the menu.ascx skin file of your CATALooK.netStore skin:
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnldropdownlistcontrol" Visible="False">
<tr valign="top">
<td class="CATRow" valign="top" width="100%">
<cat:DROPDOWNLISTCONTROL id="catdropdownlistcontrol" Runat="server"
<tr id="rowRadMenuControl" runat="server" valign="top" visible="False">
<td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top" width="100%">
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<cat:RADMENUCONTROL id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server"

Skin="CATCssBlue" style="float: left;" />
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlDemo" Visible="False">
<td class="CATRowHighLight" valign="bottom" width="100%">
<!-- DO NOT DELETE -->
<asp:Label ID="lblDemo" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Label><br>
<asp:HyperLink ID="hypCATALooK" runat="server" Visible="False"
• The Telerik RadMenu control can not change the width of the menu module automatically to
match it to the length of the category names.
Therfore you must add a width parameter to the menu module skin:
Select ‘Edit Skin’ from the module menu of module CAT_MenuNF and change:
<table class="CATContainerBorder" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<table class="CATContainerBorder" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="200">
This will change the width to a fixed value of 200px.

Or add a width parameter to the css file of the RadMenu in the currently selected
CATALooK.netStore skin: e.g. if your currently selected CATALooK skin is the default ‘blue’
skin and the name of the RadMenu skin is ‘CATCssBlue’, open
\DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Skins\blue\RadControls\Menu\CATCssBlue\ styles.css in
a text editor and add the red marked text below to change it to a fixed width of 200px:
background: #a7cfe8;
font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma;
width: 200px;
• AJAX option added to module CAT_StoreSettings ([CATALooK.netStore] -> [Store Settings] -
> [Enable AJAX?])

• Update for Language Switcher Skin object to reflect URL controlled language selection of
DNN 4.6.X:
1. Login into your Portal with host account

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2. Open [Host] -> [Module Definitions] -> Select: [Install New Module] ->
DNN_SkinPackages\CATALooKDNN4SkinObjLangSwitcher.ZIP (Language switcher
skin object)


New Features:
• Web service for products (Please find a test form in folder: \Remote_Web_Service)

• Error in v05.03.07 and v05.03.08 if region field is set to non visible and non required
• Region validator appears on order details page for all functions if region is not provided
(v05.03.07 and v05.03.08)
• Display of country and regions fields even if nothing was selected


New Features:
• Option added to Email section of module CAT_StoreSettings: [From = customers email / Use
customers email address as sender of receipt emails to the store email address]
• New pricing feature, see chapter: ‘Change the method to calculate the number of an ordered
item in the cart’


New Features:
• Added new subscription data options

• Page added to module CAT_Products: ‘Media gallery, download files, external links and links
to a page in your site’ with new functionality e.g.: unlimted number of download files per
product to display after purchase, select maximum number a file can be accessed / downloaded
from the order details page, select number of days beginning from the date of the first access
after which a download link will be disabled on the order details page, restrict view permissions
of links by user roles, download files for product variants, custom media player / viewer etc..

• Page added to module CAT_Products: ‘Serial Numbers’ (Data Pool for Serial Numbers,
License Keys, Phone Card Keys, Login Data, Gift Product Coupon Codes etc. with supplier
information also for product variants. Records will be picked up from the data pool for items of
paid orders and displayed on the order details page.)

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• Charity selector added to cart module skin. Find all options on the Options module of module
CAT_Cart (select ‘View Options’ from the module menu -> section: Donation)

• Added support for the following payment gateways:

• Innovative
• Westpac Web Advantage
• iDeal
• 2Checkout

Number of products in categories update problem caused by cache persistence.


New Features
Option for Passing Individual Items to PayPal.
Option to display the number of products in categories (Module CAT_MenuNF, select ‘View Options’
from the module menu -> ‘Show number of assigned items?’).
Option for passing Individual Items to PayPal.
Setup user selectable rebilling periods and discounts for Auto-ship items and different rebilling periods,
see chapter: ‘Setup user selectable rebilling periods’.
New properties for sortfieldcontrol, see chapter: ‘SortField Control’.
New search fields for module CAT_Orders (page: Orders).
Added User Profile Information to orders table: module CAT_Orders (page: Orders).
Sales Statistics with Sales Report and Profit Report added to module CAT_Orders.
New cart module (CAT_Cart) option: ‘[My Account] link page’ redirects the customer to the selected
portal page after a purchase.
New itempane module (CAT_ItemPaneNF) options: ‘[EMAIL TO A FRIEND] button permissions’
and ‘[REVIEW THIS PRODUCT] button permissions’.

Manual + File install.htm updated

Language resources update

70 keys and translations added to the en-US and de-DE language package.
New Dutch language package

Fixes and provider updates

Fixed: Google checkout interface - custom shipping rates transfer bug
Fixed: File system problem on child portals
PayPal API update
UPS API update
USPS API update
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ePDQ API update

Protx API update
Paymate API update
Update for Credit Card form date fields (‘2007’ added)


New features include:

• New module CAT_PriceRules

• New module CAT_Subscriptions


History report of skin xml files and css changes:

V3.53 -> v3.57

New features include:

• Support for Credit Card Payment Gateway

• Greek language package
• New options
1. module CAT_Cart

• Show order instructions entry field

• Show [Preferences] section
• Show [I want to receive information and special offers] checkbox
• Additional display of (tax incl.) or (net) price

2. module CAT_ItemPaneNF

• Additional display of (tax incl.) or (net) price

3. module CAT_DashBoard

• Additional display of (tax incl.) or (net) price

4. module CAT_EmailAdvertisement

• Include Forms Top Template

• Include Forms Bottom Template
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• Layout enhancements for the Mini Dashboard of module CAT_ItemPaneNF

• New property for the ItemPane custom pager: NumericLinksCount
• New module CAT_WishList (works with all available product types)
• Empty address data fields of the order details page and the notification emails will not be
• Increased field size to 255 characters: POSelImage, ListItemTextDescr, FileName,
ImageFile, SlotImage, CategoryFolderImage, CategoryOpenFolderImage,
CategoryPageImage, CCMerchantHash
• Feature enhancements for the included DNN3 skins and containers
• New Admin Manual 226 pages, more than 100 screen shots

Added translated keys:


Changed translation:

Fixed issues
Portal ID mismatch (DNN3.1): There were some problems with the portal ID calculation in child
portals if CATALooK is installed on more than one DNN instance. This causes problems with the
CATALooK skins and links to other CATALooK modules on the CAT_ItemPaneNF and
CAT_DashBoard modules.

DNN issue

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The latest DNN3 version 3.01 has a problem with the installation of skin objects. After you have
installed the skin object (find the installation instructions
in file Install.txt in folder CATALooKStore\DNN_SkinPackages) all files are located in the
desktopmodules\ root folder. You must create the folder:
DesktopModules\CATALooKDNN3SkinObjLangSwitcher manually and copy all files from the root
into this folder.


History report of skin xml files and css changes:

V3.50 -> v3.53

New skin image: bullet.gif (used for the link box control from module CAT_MenuNF)

New features include:

• 9 new DNN3 containers

• Support for Credit Card Payment Gateway Protx .
• Support for Debit cards.
• New fields for the internal Credit Card forms: ‘Issue Number’ and ‘Valid From’ (Will be
displayed only for Debit Cards).
• New date drop down selectors on all Credit Card forms.
• New category management functions and more options for the search module
and menu module: With the [Link URL] property of the advanced categories you can
define a home page for each category. This can be used to separate categories on different
portal pages (assign shops to different pages) with the use of category restrictions in the
presentation layer modules and the child category level display of module CAT_MenuNF.
The modules CAT_SearchNF, CAT_MenuNF, CAT_DashBoard and CAT_ItemPaneNF
use the Link URL from the category (of a product: module: CAT_DashBoard and mini
dashboard of module CAT_ItemPaneNF) and redirect to the right TAB/Page to display
the product detail page, the selected category or the search result from the search in a
selected category or in all categories.
• Display child, parent, same, root, root only and selected category levels of advanced
categories -> Use this feature to create a control like the outlook menu. Automatic display
of a ‘Go Up’ link for sub category levels. Root Only option.
• All controls recognize the selected category from the URL string and highlight this node.
• Arrow Image for the Link control of module CAT_MenuNF. The Link control can now
display category images.
• 8 new controls for the data entry forms (e.g. Password field, single and multi line
textboxes, amount entry field, date time picker etc.). You can disable the active option
management to prevent the post backs: select 'View Options' from the module menu of
module CAT_ItemPaneNF and select: [Disable active option management (data-entry
forms mode) and show all options and selections. This will increase the performance]

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• Cart module CAT_Cart: If there is only one payment type and request quote is disabled
the 'select payment types' page will not be displayed in the cart or for the 'pay now'
buttons in the customer account module. New option to make the shipping address
• New features for the option management: Options Total amount display on the product
detail page.
• Because of the many version changes we have added external providers for
.netCHARGE and .netSHIP. You can find these small applications in folder
catalookstore\Source\Providers . You can rebuild these programs with your
dotnetCHARGE or dotnetSHIP.dll to prevent version conflicts. Please find more
information in the readme files.
• New field 'TransactionType / Authorization Mode' in module CAT_StoreSettings
• New option in module CAT_StoreSettings: [Allowed payment types for new users (Use the
module CAT_Customers to assign individual payment types to each customer)]
• Pending PayPal payments: Now an order will be created even if the payment state is
pending and not completed.
• Option to define the [Continue Shopping] link TabID manually. Modules:
CAT_CustomerAccount and CAT_Cart

Added translated keys:



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History report of skin xml files changes:

V3.47 -> v3.50

New features include:

• The update package contains: Two DNN3 Skins which include support for several
CATALooK.netStore features and a language switcher skin object to change the language
of DNN and CATALooK.netStore, 3 DNN3 conainers, 4 CATALooK.netStore Skins for
fixed-width/small and 4 CATALooK.netStore Skins for full-width sites.
• Payments for unpaid orders from the order list. Useable for quotations etc.
• Option to select when an invoice will be created: Immediately after the order has been
created, after the payment state is set to paid or manually.
• PayPal subscription feature: Optional use of service fees and periods from dnn security
roles advanced settings section, generates orders and invoices(optional) when a new
recurring period starts
• Item based donations
• XML skinning is now available for all presentation layer modules. It is possible to
redesign the complete module layout. All button images are located in the skin folder and
will be exported and imported together with all other skin files. An XML parser analyzes
the skin xml file and builds the site and all controls of the site dynamically from an
unlimited number of control levels. The XML skin can include not only the normal
controls like labels or hyperlinks but also complex controls like datagrids and datalists.
You can add new controls change or add control properties, delete controls move controls
to another place of the page and add / edit html code. Integrated XML editor for all
presentation layer modules.

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• Easy Step by Step cart logic. Select which fields of the Bill-To-Address and Ship-To-
Address page are required and visible. Missing values for the UserName and Password
fields will be filled with random values. This supports anonymous checkout.
• Option to display the account login information of an automatically created user account
on the final details page and to sent this information to the customer via e-mail
• Option to select if stock images or absolute stock values or both will be displayed
• Option to make the 3-digit security code compulsory in module CAT_Cart
• Option to show a Show 9-digit user identity number on the credit card form
• Option to allow customers to delete ordered items that are not yet processed: module
• Added suffix to bulk prices: e.g.: starting from xxxprice pieces
• Solved the ‘Invariant culture not found’ problem of the Esperantus.dll
• Wish List function
• Function to disable the ‘Add to cart’ button on all lists for products which include options.
• Enhanced item import and export functions and added some simplifications to this feature
• The modules CAT_MenuNF and CAT_SearchNF can now be placed on pages without a
module CAT_ItemPaneNF and will redirect to the next page with a module
• .netCHARGE v4.4 support
• New shipping and address details report on module CAT_VendorAccount and on the
Order Details page
• Friendly URL’s support
• Customizable data-entry forms:

• Build flexible data entry forms with the use of several input controls: drop-down lists,
check boxes, check box lists, radio buttons, radio button lists, text boxes, multi-line
text boxes
• Add validators to required fields
• Preselect selections or fill text fields with predefined text
• Disable form fields and set text fields to read only
• Add descriptions and titles to the form fields

• Options enhancements: add required field validators, preselect selections or fill text fields
with predefined text, disable option selection fields and set text fields to read only, add
descriptions to option fields , hide the surcharges (=+xx) when the selection is displayed on
the product detail page.
• Display type options for Text Options and data-entry forms:

• Show all options and selections

• Show all combinations of options and selections which are included in a predefined
POSelID of a product
• Show all combinations of options and selections which are included in a predefined
POSelID with stock > 0
• Disable active option management (data-entry form mode) and show all options and
selections. This will increase the performance
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• New Category Drop down control (module CAT_MenuNF)

• Category selector and category restrictions (module CAT_SearchNF)
• Category restrictions for mini dashboard (module CAT_ItemPaneNF)
• Category restrictions for Dashboard (module CAT_DashBoard)
• Categories can be separated on different portal pages with the use of category restrictions
in the presentation layer modules. Child categories can be displayed on these portal pages.
This can be used to assign shops to different portal pages
• Product Edit and Option Edit links on product lists and detail page
• Tax exempt option for customers
• Edit options of products after they are added to the cart
• Shipping page will not be displayed during checkout if ship exempt is enabled for all items
in the cart
• Added checkbox for: ‘I want to receive information and special offers’ to the ‘address
data’ checkout page.

Added translated keys:


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04.27.05 Beta 2:

05.03.05 V3.48 Beta 3:


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Key changes:

03.05. V3.48 Beta 3:


Deleted Keys:

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New features include:

• You can find our DNN3 store and business skin in folder CATStoreDNN3Skin\. This skin
includes support for several CATALooK.netStore features and a language switcher skin
object to change the language of DNN and CATALooK.netStore.
• Payments for unpaid orders from the order list. Useable for quotations etc..
• Option to select when an invoice will be created: Immediately after the order has been
created, after the payment state is set to paid or manually.
• PayPal subscription feature
• Item based donations
• XML skinning is now available for all presentation layer modules. It is possible to
redesign the complete module layout. All button images are located in the skin folder and
will be exported and imported together with all other skin files. An XML parser analyzes
the skin xml file and builds the page and all controls of the page dynamically from an
unlimited number of control levels. The XML skin can include not only the normal
controls like labels or hyperlinks but also complex controls like datagrids and datalists.
You can add new controls change or add control properties, delete controls move controls
to another place of the page and add / edit html code.
• Easy Step by Step cart logic. Select which fields of the Bill-To-Address and Ship-To-
Address page are required and visible. Missing values for the UserName and Password
fields will be filled with random values. This supports anonymous checkout.
• Option to select if stock images or absolute stock values or both will be displayed
• Option to make the 3-digit security code compulsory in module CAT_Cart
• Option to show a Show 9-digit user identity number on the credit card form
• Option to allow to delete order items that are not yet processed: module
• Added suffix to bulk prices: e.g.: starting from xxxprice pieces
• Solved the ‘Invariant culture not found’ problem of the Esperantus.dll
• Wish List function
• Function to disable the ‘Add to cart’ button on all lists for products which include options.
• Enhanced item import and export functions
• The modules CAT_MenuNF and CAT_SearchNF can now be placed on pages without a
module CAT_ItemPaneNF.
• .netCHARGE v4.4 support
• New shipping and address details report on module CAT_VendorAccount and on the
Order Details page
• Friendly URL’s support

Added translated keys:

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Beta 2:

Key changes:

Deleted Keys:


New features include:

• New module CAT_AdvancedCategories: Create an unlimited number of category levels

and add one product to an unlimited number of categories. Add permissions and start +
end date to each category.

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• New controls for module CAT_MenuNF: Sliding menu with SolPart control for the
standard and the advanced category system, DNN Tree control and link box for advanced
category system. Find more information in the module help of module CAT_MenuNF.
• Added 4 display options to module CAT_MenuNF
• Added advanced category preselection box to module CAT_MenuNF
• Separate data access layer(DAL) consists of a database access class which implements the
DataProvider abstract class

Added translated keys:

changed -> EDITPRODUCTPAGEOPTIONS_LBLLEVEL -> Level(Category deep: Value= 1,2,3 or a
for advanced category)
changed: _PRODUCTMAINDATA_CREATECAT -> Please create at least one category in module
CAT_Categories, to start with even if you want to use the advanced category management of module


New features include:

• New functions on the [Edit Language Resources] form of module CAT_LangSwitcher:

Import and Export Language Packages, Search for translations, Activate translation
• New function of module CAT_StoreSettings: Export Skin Package
• Orders with total amount = 0 will be set to paid automatically
• Added a second [Go to payment type selection] button on the bottom of module
• Added option to module CAT_Cart: [Do not show the order overview page and go
directly to the Order Details form after payment type selection

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• Updated National Australia Bank payment gateway URL]

Added translated keys:

EDITCARTOPTIONS_GOTOORDERDETAILS -> Do not show the order overview page and go
directly to the Order Details form after payment type selection (not for PayPal and Credit Card
Changed: EDITLANGRESOURCES_UPLOADLANGPACK -> Upload New Language Package

Changes in presentation layer ascx files:

(If you have changed the layout of the presentation layer ascx files, please backup these files before
you update and restore all files after you have updated all modules)

File: ShoppingCart.ascx
</asp:panel><asp:panel id="pnlGoToPayForm" Runat="server" Visible="False">
<TABLE id="tblGoToPayForm" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="3" width="100%" border="0">
<TD class="CATAltHeader" noWrap align="right">
<tra:LinkButton id="lbtnGoToPayForm"
CssClass="CATCommandButton" runat="server" Visible="False"
to Payment Type Selection</tra:LinkButton>
<tra:ImageButton id="imgGoToPayForm" runat="server"
Visible="False" ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/cat_cash.gif"

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New features include:

• Inventory tracking for options and Images for different combinations of selections from
several options: e.g. if a customer selects a colour from the options list the colour of the
product image will be changed and the customer can see if this product is available.
Sample item:
• Composed options selections ID's, Ability to select the order in which the options IDs are
• DNN3 folder management support: Image, media and download files can be located in
any folder on your server or on an external URL. You can also link to Pages of the portal
(DNN3 version only)
• Each vendor can see only his own folder and can use files from this or upload files only to
this folder (DNN3 version only)
• maltapay payment gateway interface
• WorldPay payment gateway interface
• Verisign PayflowLink
• (The advanced category management and the item based donation function will be
included with the next version)

Added translated keys:


key changes:
_PRODUCTATTRIBUTES_FILEOPTIONSTITLE -> Media gallery, download files, external links
and links to a page in your site

Other Changes:

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Freight insurance calculation: Before: The freight insurance was calculated based on the total amount
of the order -> New: The freight insurance is calculated based on the specification for the insured
amount in module CAT_Products.

Product Clone function of module CAT_Products: Before: Clone link is located on the Main Data
PAGE only and clones only the fields of this form (database table: CAT_Products) -> New: Clone link
is located on all Pages of module CAT_Products and clones the data of all PAGE forms: Attributes,
Classification data, Configuration data, Rentable periods and taxes.

Changes in presentation layer ascx files:

(If you have changed the layout of the presentation layer ascx files, please backup these files before
your perform the update and restore all files after you have updated all modules)

File: ProductPage.ascx
Added controls:


New features include:

• Added support for .netCHARGE v4.1+(Please update previous .netCHARGE versions)

• Added support for .netSHIP 2.5 +(Please update previous .netSHIP versions)
• Online Currency Converter module CAT_SToreSettings -> enable: [Show Currency
Converter Button(Will be displayed instead of the exchanged amounts based on the
exchange rates of module CAT_LangSwitcher)]
• HTML Skinning (module CAT_StoreSettings -> [Edit Container of the selected Skin]
• Additional display of net or gross price
• Customized currency symbols
• payment gateway interface.
• Banca Sella / GestPay gateway payment gateway interface
• Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS)
• Select orderable quantities for each product
• Disable the order function for each product separately
• Transform CATALooK.netStore to a product catalogue with media gallery (e.g. if you do
not sell directly or if you want to open an affiliate store)
• Recurring delivery from customer’s inventory assets and automatic prolongation of the
subscription (e.g. sell magazine subscriptions. When customers pay for a subscription for

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1 year, they get a number of issues. After an issue has been sent, the number will be
• Added option: Click on [Add to Cart] button redirects to the PAGE where module
CAT_Cart is located.
• Coupon code management added to edit module of module CAT_Cart
• Updated module help files
• Manual referrer change function. Normally a referrer is added if he points to your site via
anaffiliate referral link. Now you can assign a referrer to each customer also manually.
One can use this to calculate the commission for sales managers. If you enter a value for:
[Referrer UserID] you must also enter a value for: [Reward Expiry Date]. Please enter
valid values for [Reward Expiry Date] and only existing User IDs into the field [Referrer

Added translation keys:

Changed: _PRODUCTMAINDATA_BUNDLED Bundled -> Bundled/Coupon

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New keys and changes of both versions:

changed: STOREADMIN_LBLSTORECURRENCY -> Currency on receipts, for payment gateway
requests and for the base price of the online currency calculator
changed: SHOPPINGCART_BTNINVOICE -> Purchase Order (PO)
changed: EDITPRODUCTPAGEOPTIONS_DONATION -> Allows users to give as much as they
want, like set their own price (Use this for donations or if you publish any items for free and want to
allow your friends to pay something if they want to honor your work or for Call Centers / Telephone
Marketing to enter individual product prices)

Changes in presentation layer ascx files:

(If you have changed the layout of the presentation layer ascx files, please backup these files before
you update and restore all files after you have updated all modules)

File: ProductPage.ascx and DashBoard.ascx (changes of data list and data grid item controls
visibility: Add to Cart button and Quantity Box etc.)
<TD class="CATRow" vAlign="bottom" noWrap align="left" height="26">

<tra:HyperLink id=hypListGotoBooking
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/cat_calendar.gif" runat="server" Visible='<%#
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 3 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 5 %>' NavigateUrl='<%#
DetailURL(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")) %>'>Go to Booking</tra:HyperLink>

<tra:HyperLink id=hypListGotoConfig
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/GoToConfig.gif" runat="server" Visible='<%#
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 2 %>' NavigateUrl='<%#
DetailURL(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")) %>'>Go to config</tra:HyperLink>

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<tra:ImageButton id=btnSelect
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/add_to_cart.gif" runat="server"
TextKey="PRODUCTLIST_BTNADDTOCART" Visible='<%# IsSlotItem = False And
(Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 0 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 4) And DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"OrderQuant") <> "0" %>' CommandName="AddToCart" CommandArgument='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID") %>' AlternateText="Artikel mit angegebener
Menge in den Warenkorb legen">


<tra:ImageButton id=btnListAddToConfig
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/addtoconfig.gif" runat="server" Visible='<%# IsSlotItem
and (Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 0 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 1 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 4) %>' CommandName="AddToConfig"
CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID") %>'
AlternateText="Add to Config">


<tra:CompareValidator id="cvQuantity" runat="server" TextKey=""

CssClass="CATNormalRed" Display="Dynamic"

ErrorMessage="*" Type="Integer" Operator="DataTypeCheck"



All ascx files: Header and Footer table row incl. hlhelp, title and hlhome link: replaced by
lbContainerHeader and lbContainerFooter label.


New features include: (We have added about 10000 lines of code.)

• Added support for .netCHARGE v4.1+(Please update previous .netCHARGE versions)

• Added support for .netSHIP 2.5 +(Please update previous .netSHIP versions)
• Online Currency Converter module CAT_SToreSettings -> enable: [Show Currency
Converter Button(Will be displayed instead of the exchanged amounts based on the
exchange rates of module CAT_LangSwitcher)]
• HTML Skinning (module CAT_StoreSettings -> [Edit Container of the selected Skin]
• Additional display of net or gross price

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

• Customized currency symbols

• payment gateway interface.
• Banca Sella / GestPay gateway payment gateway interface
• Real-time rate calculation and package tracking with United Parcel Service (UPS)
• Select orderable quantities for each product
• Disable the order function for each product separately
• Transform CATALooK.netStore to a product catalogue with media gallery (e.g. if you do
not sell directly or if you want to open an affiliate store)
• Recurring delivery from customer’s inventory assets and automatic prolongation of the
subscription (e.g. sell magazine subscriptions. When a customers pay for a subscription
for 1 year, they get a number of issues. After an issue has been sent, the number will be
• Added option: Click on [Add to Cart] button redirects to the PAGE where module
CAT_Cart is located.
• Coupon code management added to edit module of module CAT_Cart
• Updated module help files

Added translation keys:

Changed: _PRODUCTMAINDATA_BUNDLED Bundled -> Bundled/Coupon

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual


Changes in presentation layer ascx files:

(If you have changed the layout of the presentation layer ascx files, please backup these files before
you update and restore all files after you have updated all modules)

File: ProductPage.ascx and DashBoard.ascx (changes of data list and data grid item controls
visibility: Add to Cart button and Quantity Box etc.)
<TD class="CATRow" vAlign="bottom" noWrap align="left" height="26">

<tra:HyperLink id=hypListGotoBooking
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/cat_calendar.gif" runat="server" Visible='<%#
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 3 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 5 %>' NavigateUrl='<%#
DetailURL(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")) %>'>Go to Booking</tra:HyperLink>

<tra:HyperLink id=hypListGotoConfig
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/GoToConfig.gif" runat="server" Visible='<%#
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 2 %>' NavigateUrl='<%#
DetailURL(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")) %>'>Go to config</tra:HyperLink>

<tra:ImageButton id=btnSelect
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/add_to_cart.gif" runat="server"
TextKey="PRODUCTLIST_BTNADDTOCART" Visible='<%# IsSlotItem = False And
(Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 0 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 4) And DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"OrderQuant") <> "0" %>' CommandName="AddToCart" CommandArgument='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID") %>' AlternateText="Artikel mit angegebener
Menge in den Warenkorb legen">

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<tra:ImageButton id=btnListAddToConfig
ImageUrl="~/desktopmodules/catalookstore/addtoconfig.gif" runat="server" Visible='<%# IsSlotItem
and (Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 0 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 1 Or
Cint(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Status")) = 4) %>' CommandName="AddToConfig"
CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID") %>'
AlternateText="Add to Config">


<tra:CompareValidator id="cvQuantity" runat="server" TextKey=""

CssClass="CATNormalRed" Display="Dynamic"

ErrorMessage="*" Type="Integer" Operator="DataTypeCheck"



All ascx files: Header and Footer table row incl. hlhelp, title and hlhome link: replaced by
lbContainerHeader and lbContainerFooter label.

v03.36.00 DNN2

New features include:

• Added support for .netCHARGE v4.0+(Please update previous .netCHARGE versions)

Added translation keys:

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual


Changes in presentation layer ascx files:

(If you have changed the layout of the presentation layer ascx files, please backup these files before
you update and restore all files after you have updated all modules)

File: ProductPage.ascx (delete the red marked text)

<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" Width="100%" cellpadding="1" Height="100%"
ShowFooter="False" OnPageIndexChanged="Grid_Change" GridLines="None"


New features include:

• New Credit Card Payment Gateway: National Australia Bank

• Custom Pager for CardView and ListView display mode
• Event Search and Period Search function: Search for items which are available for the whole
requested period and Search for items which are available at least for one day in the requested
period with stock control. Bullet List Search and Date Period Search are connected by logical
• Donation function
• Product database synchronization between portals
• Selectable period and list item number for all statistic functions in module CAT_DashBoard
and CAT_ItemPaneNF(New Releases, Popular Products and Also Bought List)

Added translation keys:


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Added translation keys:


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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Third Party Contributions and Acknowledgement

Nina Meiers (

- Sample Skin

Ron Clarke (

- Installation guide

Jack Swaton Intron, Inc. ( Create a Better Web Experience

- Administrator User Manual

Denis Heliszkowski (

- Portuguese Language Package

InfoSoftGlobal (
- FusionCharts graphing component for the DNN Site Stats module also used by and
CATALooK.netStore Price-Statistics. The DNN license for FusionCharts can be found in the root
application directory in a file named "FusionCharts_License_DNN.html".

Solution Partners (

- Solpart Menu

Tom Trefz & Scott Willhite

- PopupCalendar.js (original by Tom, localization & Netscape by Scott)

- Currency converter: If you want to use the calculator on your site you need to accept the conditions of
use at:

Tassos Voulgaris (

- Greek Language Package

Alexandre ( and Sébastien Fichot (
- French Language Package

Anders Krogh (

- Norwegian Language Package

Yael Kroy (

- Russian Language Package

Jose Maldonado, Javier Antó y Francisco Pérez Andrés (Administrators of community )
- Spanish Language Package
© CATALooK Page 388 of 390 1/29/2009
CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Licence Agreement
This license key agreement is a legal agreement between you and CATALooK Software Susanne
Koehler for CATALooK.netStore Pro&Booking Tools and CATALooK.netStore Standard. By using
this product/license key you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

This software/license key is protected by national and international copyright laws. This
software/license key is licensed, not sold.

Granted Rights
This license grants you the right to install this software/license key for the use of a single DotNetNuke
installation. You may install the store on each portal instance of one DNN installation (Parent and/or
Child Portals). In addition, you may use the product for local development purposes though localhost
on a single (1) computer system. This product/license key is licensed per DNN installation.

You may not reverse, engineer, decompile, or disassemble any version of CATALooK.netStore if you
do not own a source code license. You may not rent or lease this software/license key without a special
agreement between you and CATALooK Software Susanne Koehler, you may not transfer your rights
under this license key agreement. All versions of CATALooK.netStore are designed to be used in web
sites as shopping cart application. CATALooK.netStore is not a development tool.
CATALooK.netStore Pro&Booking Tools and CATALooK.netStore Standard may not be integrated
with or incorporated into any software product or script sold or offered to any 3rd party. Each DNN
portal (1 Data Base) must have its own unique license key.

CATALooK Software Susanne Koehler retains ownership of the software/license key.

In no event shall CATALooK Software Susanne Koehler be liable for any Claim, damages whatsoever
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of
information or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of inability to use this software/license
key, even if CATALooK Software Susanne Koehler has been advised of the possibility of such

Without prejudice to any other rights, CATALooK Software Susanne Koehler may terminate this
license key agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. In such
event, you must destroy all copies of CATALooK.netStore Pro&Booking Tools and
CATALooK.netStore Standard, any derivative work, and all of its component parts.

General: By installing this software/license key you acknowledge that you have read this license key
agreement, understood it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.

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CatalooK Administrator User Manual

Online Currency Converter by TEXTOR

If you want to use the calculator on your site you need to accept the conditions of use at:

Telerik RADControls
RadMenu and RadAjax are copyrights of Telerik and the use of these components independently from
CATALooK.netStore requires purchasing a separate license from Telerik. For more details, please refer
to the Telerik End-User License Agreement:

© CATALooK Page 390 of 390 1/29/2009

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