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The history of technology is the history of invention of tools and techniques and

is similar to the other sides of history. The term came from the Greek word “techne”

which means art and craft. It was first used to describe applied arts but now it is used to

describe the advancement and changes around us. It starts with the beginning of life on

earth, and goes until the founding of early modern technologies, such as computer and

nuclear power. The era of technology started when wheel was invented which is one of

the most important technology and after it, more and more things were invented.

Technologies available to schools today can serve to professionalize the teaching

profession by giving teachers access to student performance data, both historical and

current, allowing the teacher to work more diagnostically and prescriptively in making

informed decisions regarding what material will be presented, what content and skills

need particular emphasis and for whom, and how best to assess a student’s learning. In

the larger world, we call this customization. In education, we call it differentiation.

Regardless, of what we call it, technology helps facilitate it and the world we are

preparing our students for demands it. If we fail to deliver, we will fail to remain relevant

in the lives of our students.

If we look back to the mid 20 century, there was no access of internet and it was

difficult for people to communicate with each other and had problems in their

businesses but with the invention of internet, people could have face to face

conversation via Skype, Facebook, live streaming etc. and now people could have

online banking which have ended many problems for businessman’s. As more existing
technologies are stacked onto each other and developed into something greater,

consumers and businesses alike can expect to see more opportunity with future

technology. Technology will be faster, have the ability to accomplish more and

everything will become more streamlined to make getting work done, easier. You’ll hear

more and more about the “Internet of Things” now and in the future. The deeper we dive

into technology, the more it seems we try to blend the physical and virtual worlds

together. Smart speakers, smart homes and even smart cars are the tech wave to ride

in the future, but it’s just the beginning. In other words, the future happening is now. Or

at least, it’ll be here sooner than you may think. Technology is constantly changing and

it sometimes feels like way too much effort to keep up with a moving target. Just

remember - keeping up with technology adds value to your business. Staying up-to-date

helps ensure you don’t miss opportunities, become irrelevant or fall behind your

competitors. Remember Kodak? They taught us all an invaluable lesson: don’t be afraid

to embrace change. Technical history is connected to the history of science. Since

technology uses resources, technical history is tightly connected to economic history.

From those resources, technology produces other resources, including technological

artifacts used in everyday life.

Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology. The impact of

technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in different ways and

sometimes the way we implement various technologies do more damage than good.

What we call modern technology is technically not so new in most cases.

Technologies in 21st century or in modern world, it has advantages and

disadvantages, first we talk about advantages. Easy Access to Information, It has

become pretty easy to get access to relevant information at anytime and anywhere. This

has been possible because of modern technologies like broadband internet.  Lots of

data is being published and indexed online, sites like Wikipedia and YouTube have

great original content that is regularly used for research or entertainment. Encourages

Innovation and Creativity. Since technology seems infinite, it sparks the brain to work to

its full potential.  In the past, it used to be very difficult to start a business, one had to

have lots of capital, and they even had limited access to business information. Today, it

is simple to start a business while at home. Improved Communication. Communication

is like water to life; it is essential to growth, we cannot progress without communication.

Modern technology has blessed us with advanced communication technology tools.

These include electronic mail, mobile phones, video conferencing, instant text

messaging applications, social networking, and etc. Then here we talk about

disadvantages, Increased Loneliness, Social Isolation is on the increase, people are

spending more time playing video games, learning how to use new modern

technologies, using social networks and they neglect their real life. Technology has

replaced our old way of interacting. Competency, Increased dependency on modern

tools like calculators and spell checkers has reduced our creativity and intelligence.

Many today struggle with spelling even basic words without an editor to confirm every

word. Others find it impossible to do basic math without a calculator. Though these tools

assist to make us more efficient, we may become excessively reliant on them.

To conclude, technologies improves as the time goes support the human in everyday

life, gives good things and bad things in the way you use it.  From the modernization of

E-rate to the proliferation and adoption of openly licensed educational resources, the
key pieces necessary to realize best the transformations made possible by technology

in education are in place. Educators, policymakers, administrators, and teacher

preparation and professional development programs now should embed these tools and

resources into their practices. Working in collaboration with families, researchers,

cultural institutions, and all other stakeholders, these groups can eliminate

inefficiencies, reach beyond the walls of traditional classrooms, and form strong

partnerships to support everywhere, all-the-time learning. All of this can work to

augment the knowledge, skills, and competencies of educators. Tools and data systems

can be integrated seamlessly to provide information on student learning progress

beyond the static and dated scores of traditional assessments. All the possibilities of

technology-enabled learning, it also creates challenges we will face as we embrace the

change necessary to realize its potential. With the proliferation of devices and

applications, we should build all educators’ understanding of and ability to serve as

stewards of student data so that only those with lawful access to the data can access it.

As illustrated in the examples throughout this plan, there are schools, organizations,

and partnerships across the country already engaged in the important work of shifting

practices to serve students better through technology. It is a time of great possibility and

progress for the use of technology to support learning.


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