Exercise 1.2

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“Cogito ergo sum.” – “I think, 1 born on 354 AD

therefore, I am.” This means that
he could not doubt that he exists
because of that fact that the self is
conscious, he is the one doing the Saint Augustine
doubt in the first place.

born on
22 April 1724

born on
6 May 1856

born on
21 October 1942
“I am doubting therefore I am”.
René Descartes He combined the idea of Plato
and Christianity. He stated that
the soul is immortal and superior,
born on to the physical body. He also said
31 March 1596 that God created humans based
on his own image and that we
were all created as good

“There is no self”. Hume

stated that self-identity is only born on
a product of imagination and 3
29 August 1632
if people would examine their
sense experience through
introspection, they’ll learn that
self does not exist. John Locke

David Hume “The self is consciousness”. This

simply means that our minds and
self-identity are blank at birth
born on but, as we grow it primarily
7 May 1711 develops through sensed

“The self-multilayered”.
According to Freud, the self
consists of conscious and
unconscious driven by reality 5
principle and pleasure principle,
and preconscious that is between
the conscious and unconscious
part of the self. Immanuel Kant

Sigmund Freud He stated that our

consciousness is composed
of our inner self which
6 includes our psychological
state and rational intellect
and our outer self that
pertains to our senses and
physical environment.

“The self is the brain” that

means the self and the brain
are one. Also, he holds to the
born on
belief that nothing exists but 7
19 August 1900
matter. The mind means the
physical brain, and not the
mind that can’t be seen.
Gilbert Ryle
Paul Churchland
“The self is the way people
behave”. Which basically
means that the self
depends on how we
behave and that the self is
the same with our
“The self is embodied
Subjectivity” is a concept that
means all knowledge about the
world and ourselves is based on
born on
personal experiences. He also 9
19 August 1900
stated that the self can never be
truly objective because
everything is about how we give
Edmund Husserl

Maurice Merleau-
Ponty The self is the mental and
physical woven together that
born on 10 totals as one’s experience in
21 October 1942 life. He and Merleau-Ponty
both agreed that our living
body is a natural synthesis of
mind and biology.


Rolex (2015). The Philosophical Perspective of the Self. Retrieved from
on October 8, 2020.
Whittemore J (2015). Immanuel Kant's Metaphysics of the Self. (2015). Retrieved from
https://study.com/academy/lesson/immanuel-kants-metaphysics-of-the-self.html on
October 8, 2020.

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