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Aspen Activated Economics Workshop

Roger Wesley
Business Consultant - Aspen Technology, Inc.
• Introduction and Overview
• Design and Cost Basis
• Process Equipment and Bulk Models
• Activated Economics Workflow Overview
– Configuring Templates
– Mapping Simulation Data to Equipment Models
– Evaluating the Project and Reviewing Reports
• Appendix (Detailed Information)
– Economic Evaluation Templates
– Sizing (Interactions with EDR and customer sizing rules)
2 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction and Overview

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Key Concepts

• Activated Economics is for understanding relative economics

• Activated Economics is best suited for comparative studies between process
• Since the underlying basis (template) is the same, this provides consistent
basis for comparing each alternative studied
• Once screening studies are completed, the preferred candidate can be loaded
into Aspen Capital Cost Estimator to develop the more detailed project estimate

4 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Capturing the Opportunity
Make Economic Tradeoffs When You Still Can Make the Big Choices


Impact of Activated Economics on project profitability

5 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Traditional Conceptual Engineering
Work Happens in Silos

Process Simulation Equipment Design Economic Evaluation

Takes Weeks!

6 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

aspenONE “Activated” Work Process

Optimization of Engineering Time

Capital & Energy Significantly Reduced

Design in Days!
7 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Work Process Facilitates Collaboration with Estimating
Integration of conceptual design workflow simplifies and accelerates early project
screening by bringing together process simulation and relative economic analysis.


Relative Economics

Preferred Option

Conceptual to
Detailed Cost

Identify preferred option and pass to Estimating for full capital project estimate development
8 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aspen Economic Evaluation Family and the Project Lifecycle

Process Plant Constr- De-

Concept Design Design uction Startup Bottle- Retrofit Production

Aspen Aspen
Process Capital
Economic Cost
Analyzer Estimator
Both tools use the same
underlying file format (.IZP)
Projects created in Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer
Two interfaces to the can be revised in Aspen
same underlying model Capital Cost Estimator

9 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

What is Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA)?
• Tool for preliminary/relative economic analysis
• Two usage modes
– Activated Economics: Preliminary economic analysis within simulation
environment/graphical interface
– Conventional: Simulation data exported to separate Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
• Generates preliminary equipment sizes and designs using process simulator
• Calculates estimated capital and operating costs for a process
• Allows rapid evaluation of processes alternatives to compare relative
• Projects created in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer can be refined in Aspen
Capital Cost Estimator
10 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
What is Aspen Capital Cost Estimator (ACCE)?
• Model-based capital cost estimating tool
• Allows user to revise preliminary/conceptual project definition throughout the
project lifecycle
– Scope
– Bulks (piping, civil/structural, etc.)
– Process control/instrumentation
– Power distribution/electrical
– Process areas/units (on grade, steel structures, etc.)
– Execution strategy
– Modularization
– Multiple contractors
– Multiple workforces (engineering and construction)
11 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Compare and Contrast
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer and Aspen Capital Cost Estimator

Limited discipline specifications Detailed specifications by discipline
Fixed dimensions assumed Detailed definition of plot plan dimensions

Estimated Process Control and Power Complete flexibility in defining Process Control
Distribution requirements driven by fixed and Power Distribution requirements
options (Project Type)

Single contractor and E-P-C workforce Multiple contractors and workforces (construction
and engineering) possible
Volumetric models (including P&IDs) Volumetric models (including P&IDs) generate
generate conceptual bulk quantities for conceptual bulk quantities for process equipment
process equipment
CAPEX and OPEX capabilities Capital Cost estimates only

12 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Capital Costs in APEA
• Costs for initial and working capital
• Direct costs
– Equipment
– Piping
– Civil
– Steel, etc.
• Indirect costs
– Construction rental equipment
– Construction management
– Engineering, etc.
13 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Operating Costs in APEA

• Operator and supervisor costs

• Feedstock costs estimated using stream data and user entered information
• Utility costs
– Steam
– Heating oil
– Cooling water
– Refrigerants
– Electricity, etc.

14 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Investment Analysis in APEA

• Product sales estimated using stream data and user entered information
• Profit = Sales - (Capital Costs + Operating Costs)
• Investment analysis module generates typical economic metrics
– PO, etc.

15 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cost and Design Basis

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Economic Evaluation Design and Cost Basis
• Consistent basis for APEA and ACCE
• Design and cost basis updated annually by AspenTech
• Five base locations maintained by AspenTech
– US Gulf Coast
– Middle East
– EU
– UK
– Japan
• China design basis only – go-by templates available
• Base locations reflect typical commodity pricing, labor rates, and design code rules
• Material and labor specifications can be adjusted to represent site-specific
• Adjusted basis can be saved as Economic Evaluation template
17 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Economic Evaluation Templates
• Templates define Economic Evaluation default settings
• Templates provide a consistent basis for comparing different project options
• Templates can be shared between Activated Economics (Aspen Plus and Aspen
HYSYS), Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA), and Aspen Capital Cost Estimator
• Templates provide a means to preconfigure project basis
– Default mappings (unit operations to equipment models)
– Equipment sizing parameters
– Stream costs/values
– Utilities
– Raw materials
– Products
– Workforce wage rates and productivity adjustments
– Material cost indices
18 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer Project Basis

Establish cost basis

Rules for generation of preliminary sized

equipment list from simulation data

Define investment parameters, operating

and raw material costs, and product values
19 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
APEA Project Basis View
General Specs

• Simplified version of Aspen Capital Cost Estimator project basis

• General Specs form allows for several key specifications
• Process Description, Process Complexity, and Project Type combine to
generate contingency (as a percent of total project cost). They are
interdependent, and the final value is a nonlinear combination of the individual
• Project Type impacts assumed process control and power distribution
requirements and estimated costs

20 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Default Mappings - Unit Operation to Equipment Models

Establish default mappings for unit operation

• 1-to-1 or 1-to-multiple
• Standard configurations exist for towers

21 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Equipment Design and Sizing Parameters

Design assumptions
and rules of thumb by
equipment type

22 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Default Process Utility Specifications

Process utilities defined in the

simulation case are added…

23 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Operating Costs

Electric utility
unit costs in
simulation case
will take
over unit cost
data in template

24 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Equipment and Bulk Models

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Process Equipment
• Primary equipment items derived from simulation
– Simulator blocks mapped to one or more Economic Evaluation equipment models
– User-defined parameters govern designs
• Additional process equipment items added by user
– Pumps
– Storage tanks
– Spares
• Equipment models have attached P&ID
– Used to estimate piping and instrumentation costs
– Sizing equations used to estimate pipe quantities (length and diameter)
• Volumetric modeling used to estimate other bulk quantities and costs (civil,
paint, insulation, etc.)
26 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Equipment Design and Cost Procedure
• Mechanical design specs
• Project components specs

Equipment design
Develop physical dimensions using:
• Design code procedures
• Industry standard methods

• Shop [+ Field]
• Labor
• Man-hours
Bare equipment
estimated 1. Mat’l cost of parts
2. Shop [+ field] fab labor
3. Labor overheads
4. G and A
5. Profit
27 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aspen Economic Evaluation – Volumetric Models
• Consistent models in Aspen Capital Cost Estimator and Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer
• Volumetric models generate estimated installation bulk quantities (ISBL)
– Piping
– Civil / steel
– Instrumentation
– Electrical
– Insulation and paint

• Quantities driven by equipment specs and dimensions (default or user-defined)

– Area dimensions / installation envelope
– Plot distances
28 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Installation Cost Models
Calculate cost and quantities for each step of the construction process

Add lighting and grounding Procure and install

Fabricate and install piping
Size lines Install platforms

Set materials of construction and ladders

Pipe lengths
Calculate fittings Insulate vessel

Fabrication cost and piping

Installation labor Paint vessel
and piping
Design and build foundation

29 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Piping and Instrumentation from Volumetric P&IDs

By default,

Large library
based on
industry best
practice or
add your own 11:43

30 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pipe Envelope Estimates P&ID Piping Lengths
Pipe Envelope Boundary

Height 1

Pipe 3
Envelope Length Envelope Width
31 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Default Volumetric P&IDs

• Default P&IDs linked to equipment driven by a number of factors

– Equipment model
– Piping and & Instrumentation Design (Instrumentation Spec)
• Project Basis Spec (P and I Design Level)
• Available P&I Levels
– Standard
– Full
– Equipment Application (particularly for vessels and towers)
– Driver type (rotating equipment)

32 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics

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Activated Economics Analysis
Relative Capital and Utility Costs

Estimated process costs (Inside

Battery Limits only) generated
by Activated Economics

Capital costs should be used for

relative/comparative purposes
only until additional scope
definition provided in ACCE

34 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics - How are the Costs Calculated?

• Activated Economics uses AspenTech’s proven volumetric model-based cost estimation

system – the same engine used for Aspen Capital Cost Estimator (ACCE) and Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer (APEA)

• Material costs, site conditions, local labor rates, design standards, and other factors are
drawn from one of our built-in templates, or one created by your Cost Estimation
department using ACCE

• Utility costs, raw material costs, product prices, and carbon tax are specified by the user

• Simulation unit operations are ‘mapped’ to specific equipment models

• Equipment sizes are drawn from the model if available, or estimated if not available

• Equipment costs are derived by modeling the fabrication and installation process

35 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Typical Activated Economics Workflow

• Select Economics Ribbon within Aspen Plus / HYSYS

• Define Cost Options
– Select appropriate Economic Evaluation template for project type/location
– Define process scenario name
– Define investment options (optional)
• If necessary, specify data to augment data in underlying Economic Evaluation template
– Stream prices
– Utility costs
• Activate Economic Analysis
• Map unit operations to equipment models – make exceptions to default mappings, as
• Evaluate process
36 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Activated Economics
Economics Ribbon

Evaluate costs

Setup Control Display View & Change See Detailed

Calculations State Equipment Results

Economics Workflow (Manual)

37 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics Workflow Controls
Button Action

Activates and deactivates Economic Evaluation

Maps unit operation models to equipment

Sizes equipment

Evaluates capital and operating costs

Opens the equipment summary grid

Creates economic analysis summary report

38 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activate Economic Analysis
Setting up the Analysis

1. Select Economics Ribbon

within Aspen Plus

2. Click Cost Options to

access Economic
Evaluation settings

3. Browse to Economic Evaluation template

(created in conjunction with Aspen Capital
4. Scenario name defines Cost Estimator users)
name for folder and Economic Template contains system defaults, including:
Evaluation file – created under ▪ Mapping information (equipment models
5. Investment options directory in which simulator derived from unit operations)
can be entered here file is stored ▪ Equipment sizing parameters
▪ Utility costs

39 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Selecting a Template in Activated Economics

40 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Setting up Stream Pricing
Setting up the Analysis

Select Stream Price to define

unit costs for feed stream and
unit values for product streams
Stream price values will
override values contained in
Economic Evaluation template

41 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Setting up Utility Pricing
Setting up the Analysis

Select Process Utilities

to define unit costs for
utility streams

Edit, add, and delete

utility streams

Utility unit costs will

override values
contained in Economic
Evaluation template

42 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activate Economic Analysis

Check the checkbox

for Economics Active
to initialize Activated

Or you can turn

Economics on
here via the on/off

43 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics in Aspen Plus / HYSYS

The Economics Pane shows estimated capital and utilities

costs for the process based upon default parameters

44 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics in Aspen Plus / HYSYS

Progress through the Map,

Size, and Evaluate Steps
to generate view of relative
economics for flowsheet

45 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.


Map the simulator unit

operations to Aspen
Process Economic

You can change,

remove, and add
equipment during the
mapping process
Conceptual Unit Equipment
Operation Model Models for Cost

46 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mapping Simulator Items
• Maps unit operations to equipment models
– Simple (1-to-1 mapping)
– Complex (1-to-many mapping)
• Defaults are based upon “Project Component Map Specifications” in the Project
– A default file is available out of the box for each supported simulator type
– Users can create custom files and store as a template (found in the Libraries tab of the
Palette View)
• Performs preliminary sizing using design criteria specified in project basis, unit
operation, and stream data

47 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics Analysis
Column Configurations

Select individual
unit operations
to review and
change mapped
equipment Drop-down list allows
model(s) user to select alternate
equipment model

Equipment models can

be added or deleted for
unit operations
Multiple configurations
available for some column
unit operations

Configuration defines set of

equipment items derived
from a single unit operation

48 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Column/Tower Configurations

49 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Column Configurations
• Column/tower configuration selected during mapping
• Configuration drives equipment generated by unit operation
• Single - Tower has one condenser
• Split - Tower has multiple condensers
• Total - Reflux pump handles the total outlet liquid flow from the accumulator. In such
configurations, the splitting into a reflux and overhead liquid product occurs after the
reflux pump
• Circ. – There is a pump between the bottoms splitter and reboiler giving a forced
circulation configuration around the reboiler
• Full configurations include the following equipment (not found in Standard configurations)
– Overhead pump
– Overhead product heat exchanger
– Bottoms product pump
– Bottoms product heat exchanger
50 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Some notes on Equipment Sizing

• If no sizing is done in Aspen Plus / HYSYS, then APEA sizes component based on APEA
sizing rules

• If EDR sizing is used on an exchanger, APEA will base the cost estimate on the EDR

• If Tray Sizing utility is used, APEA will use those sizing results and use nearest
packing/tray sizing

• Vessels are sized by APEA based on proven industry practices

• Acid Gas Columns can use geometry specified by user on Acid Gas form

• Custom APEA equipment sizing models can be set up (Excel) and used in conjunction with
activated economics
51 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Activated Economics Provides A Quick Relative Cost
Estimate to Help Guide Decisions

Clicking on the dashboard view

brings up the Equipment summary
grid. The first tab sheet shows the
key economics results.

52 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Utilities Summary Shows Heating, Cooling, & Power Costs

The Utility Summary shows the heating,

Can utility costs be reduced? cooling, and power utility rates and costs
Am I using the right utilities?

53 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

View Costs for Each Unit Operation
The Unit Operation summary shows
the costs for each unit. Right-click on
any column to sort in cost order.

54 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Equipment Tab Shows the Next Level of Detail

If any errors occur the error

messages will show up here

Click any equipment item to see /

change equipment specifications,
design conditions, or materials of

55 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics Analysis
Viewing Equipment Summary

Equipment tab displays

details on equipment items
derived from simulation unit

Equipment cost represents

the bare equipment (FOB)
vendor costs

Installed cost represents total

direct installation costs,
▪ Piping
▪ Instrumentation
▪ Foundations
▪ Electrical
▪ Steel
▪ Insulation and paint

56 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activated Economics Analysis
Revising Equipment Mapping

Last mapping option basis

will preserve any user-
defined equipment mapping
changes for the simulation

Default basis uses

underlying Economic
Evaluation template to
dictate default equipment
item(s) generated for each
unit operation model

See APEA User’s Guide,

Ch. 4 for additional details
on mapping.

57 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Files Generated by Activated Economics
Economic data stored in a folder in the same directory in which
the simulator file resides, file folder named after simulator file

Name of Sub-folder
(Scenario1) defined
as part of Costing

.IZP file within economics sub-folder contains project definition

(preliminary sized equipment list). File can be shared with Aspen Capital
Cost Estimator users for additional project definition and refinement
58 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Investment Analysis Reports

• Equipment costs
• Project summary
• Cashflow report
– Etc.

• Executive summary
• Utility and utility resource summary
• Raw material and product summaries

59 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Additional Modules in APEA Interface

• Decision Analyzer
– Analyzer Scale-Up Module (ASM)
– Analyzer Relocation Module (ARM)
– Analyzer Economic Module (AEM)

• Utility Models
– Air (instrument and plant)
– Cooling water

60 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Decision Analyzer

Launch Decision Analyzer from Run Menu of

Tool Bar within Aspen Capital Cost Estimator

61 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Decision Analyzer module

• Conceptual scale-up and relocation of a base case

• Allows a user to generate relative costs for changed capacity or
construction/engineering in a new location
• Scale-up module resizes equipment and associated bulk quantities (piping,
instrumentation, foundations, etc.)
• Scale-up module will not automatically model multiple trains of equipment
• Relocation module primarily indexes material costs and modifies workforce
specifications (wages and productivities) – These changes will override
specifications that the customer may have made
• Relocation module does not modify design codes and construction/fabrication

62 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.


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APEA Templates

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• Templates stored in a Template Library

• One template library for all Aspen Economic Evaluation tools
• Project Level specifications can be stored in Template
65 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Templates Library Location

Define template library

location as a preference
• Tools > Options >
• UserTemplatesDir
Local or network drive
location can be specified

66 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Aspen Process Economic Analyzer Project Basis

Establish cost basis

Rules for generation of preliminary sized

equipment list from simulation data

Define investment parameters, operating

and raw material costs, and product values
67 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
APEA Templates
Set Economic Parameters

Location, Process
type, Design Codes…

Workforce wage rates

and productivity

Material pricing

68 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Project Basis View
General Specs

69 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Project Basis View
General Specs

• Simplified version of Aspen Capital Cost Estimator project basis

• General Specs form allows for several key specifications
• Process Description, Process Complexity, and Project Type combine to
generate contingency (as a percent of total project cost). They are
interdependent, and the final value is a nonlinear combination of the individual
• Project Type impacts assumed process control and power distribution
requirements and estimated costs

70 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Project Basis View
Project Type – Power Distribution

• This type of project is used to configure the electrical power distribution system
inside Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. The power distribution specification
generated by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer provides the means of
designating MAIN and UNIT substations and the cabling between them.
• In addition, for plant modifications/revamps, the capital cost excludes cable
costs related to connecting the main substation with the unit; in contrast, for
the remaining project types, a default distance of 1,000 FEET [300 M]
(excluding hook-up allowance) is used to cost the power distribution

71 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Project Basis View
Project Type – Power Distribution

Project Type Main Substation Unit Substation

Grass roots/Clear field Transformers and Motor Control Center (MCC), Switchgear, and
Switchgear Transformer
Plant addition - adjacent to Switchgear MCC
existing plant
Plant addition - inside existing Switchgear MCC
Plant addition - suppressed None Added None Added
Plant Modifications / Revamps Switchgear MCC

72 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Project Basis View
Project Type - Process Control

Specify the desired type of control scheme:

• Analog
• DDCTL (Distributed Digital)
• PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers)

Project Type Operator Center Control Center

Grass roots/Clear field YES YES
Plant addition - adjacent to existing plant NO YES
Plant addition - inside existing plant NO YES
Plant addition - suppressed infrastructure NO NO
Plant Modifications / Revamps NO YES

73 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Default Mappings - Unit Operation to Equipment Models

Establish default mappings for unit operation

• 1-to-1 or 1-to-multiple
• Standard configurations exist for towers

74 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Equipment Design and Sizing Parameters

Design assumptions
and rules of thumb by
equipment type

75 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Sizing Methods by Equipment Type

Custom models allow use

of custom sizing methods

76 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Default Process Utility Specifications

Process utilities defined in the

simulation case are added…

77 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

APEA Templates
Set Operating Costs

Electric utility
unit costs in
simulation case
will take
over unit cost
data in template

78 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Creating Combined Configuration Templates

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Benefits of Consolidated Economic Evaluation Template

• Combine capabilities of APEA and ACCE for a consistent, model-based

approach across the project lifecycle
• Use one cost and design basis throughout the project lifecycle
– Discipline design rules
– Material cost indices
– Workforce wage rates and productivities

• Facilitate communication between process and estimating groups

80 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Creating Consolidated Economic Evaluation Template

• When opening Aspen Capital

Cost Estimator, select option to
include Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer functionality

• Project Basis View / Template

includes complete specifications
from Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer and Aspen Capital
Cost Estimator

81 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Creating a Consolidated Template File
Work Process

1. APEA power user creates new project template

– Country Basis and Currency set
– Units of Measure set
– Project Properties
– General Project Data info as indicated
– General Spec info as indicated
– Process Engineer sets Process Design (Sizing & Mapping)
– Investment Parameters Set as desired
– General stream and utility unit costs
2. Estimating Lead opens Template in ACCE to Update
– General Project Data updated as needed
– General Spec info overridden as necessary
– Design Basis
– Currency
– Construction Workforce
– Code of Accounts and Indexing
82 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Creating a Consolidated Template File (2)
Work Process

3. ACCE User Should be Aware of Following Limitations

– APEA Supports One Contractor
– APEA Supports One Unit Substation
– APEA Supports One Control Center
4. Saved Template Used by Process Engineer in Aspen Plus Activated Economics
5. APEA user should be aware that changes in the General Specs forms will Overwrite
the following specifications defined in ACCE:
– Contractor (ALL)
– Power Distribution and Process Control
– Design Code and Civil Specs
– Design Allowance, Rotating Equipment Spares and Contingency

83 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sizing and Evaluation

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Equipment Specs in Activated Economics

Modifying Data in the Equipment Grid Using Interactive Sizing

• Users can overwrite data in the equipment • Values in this form are treated as input by
grid like the number of shells, the which the system can recalculate the sizing
equipment application, materials of
• Initiating interactive sizing will clear any
construction, Installation Option, and more.
current specifications or sizing for the
• Updates here will affect costs, but will not selected equipment
recalculate or update related values and
• Completing Interactive Sizing will
completely recalculate the sizing and cost
• To update the overall project and dashboard evaluation for the selected unit; to update
following changes, the evaluate button in the the overall project and dashboard with the
ribbon should be used results of interactive sizing, the evaluate
button in the ribbon should be used
85 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Evaluating in Activated Economics

Project Evaluation Single-item Evaluation

• Project evaluation will take the sizing • Available in the equipment grid next to the
results for the entire project and evaluate interactive sizing button
costs • Only evaluates the selected equipment item
• If previous steps (mapping and sizing) are • Will update the equipment grid with further
not yet complete, the tool will automatically costs, but will ignore project related costs
perform them before evaluating
• Must use a full project evaluation to update the
• Must use this option to update the results from a single item evaluation to the
dashboard and overall results overall project totals

86 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Using Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR)
Interactions with Economic Evaluation

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Aspen EDR: Product Portfolio

Plate Shell & Tube

Air Cooled Fired Heater Plate Fin Shell & Tube
Exchanger Mechanical

Aspen EDR - Design, Rate and Simulate

88 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

What is Activated EDR?
Evaluate 100s of design
Identify and address
alternatives with click of a
operational issues

Bridging the gap between

Process Engineers and Heat Exchanger experts

Reduce risk of change Streamline Design and

with upfront preliminary Rating of Heat
design Exchangers

89 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Benefits of integrating EDR models in HYSYS

• Thermal and hydraulic calculations based on detailed geometry

– Methods based on decades of experimental research
– Identify operational issues such as flow maldistribution

• Process data and property data are automatically updated based on HYSYS flow sheets

• Access to EDR plots and thermal profiles

• Rigorous simulation of the heat exchanger

90 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

EDR with Economics

• If EDR Sizing results are available when performing economic evaluation, then those
results will be used by economics to evaluate costs
– EDR cost data is not used
– EDR occasionally has more rigor in terms of materials and configurations which can not be reflected
in economics; the tool will do it’s best to model the data given by EDR, but occasionally some
quantities must be changed to the next closest design option

• The Economics engine will still perform its own sizing and let the user know if there is a
large discrepancy in the design

• Users can still resize or modify the equipment with economics to overwrite EDR results –
just be sure to set the “Allow Resize” option to “No” so that EDR doesn’t overwrite your
changes on subsequent evaluations

91 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Models

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Custom Model - Overview

Users can:

• Write proprietary rules/techniques in a familiar tool – Microsoft Excel

• Interface with Economic Evaluation easily

• Customize project component details

• Easily distribute the custom model to other users

Easy to use yet powerful tool to customize project components

93 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model - Applications

• Custom sizing of unit-ops mapped from a simulation

– Replace internal sizing completely
– Supplement internal sizing

• Modify some design parameters based on other input parameters

• Specify custom piping installation bulks based on input parameters

• Modify costing through material/man-hour adjustments based on input

94 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow

• Develop custom model in MS Excel

• Within the economic Evaluation Project:

95 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics

Step 1: Activate Economics (either through the dash or the ribbon) to start up the Economic Engine

96 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics

Step 2: Click Map and check the “Size Equipment” and “Customize Sizing” options

97 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics

Step 3: Map all units to the proper equipment

98 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics

Step 4: Select System or Custom Sizing Methods for each equipment item

99 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics

Step 5: Review custom sizing results as needed

100 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics

Step 6: Click “Size” to review and modify any manual input in the custom model spreadsheet as needed
(check for ACCE Icon in Task Bar)

101 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Custom Model Workflow – Activated Economics




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2017 Aspen
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Other Questions

Q1: When one simulation is done with its mapping, can this mapping be transferred to another simulation
easily without doing all the remapping?

A1: The template capability enables setting up standard mapping for each unit operation type in the
simulation model. A template file can be saved and used with different simulation models to enforce
consistent mapping. However, if there are exceptions to the standard mapping rule for a particular
instance of a unit operation, those exceptions would need to be mapped as exceptions when the template
is used with a different simulation model if that same exception is desired.

104 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Other Questions
Q2: After a simulation is mapped and evaluated and then the simulation is
modified (changing flowrate, adding/deleting blocks, and etc.) during remapping,
will the previous mapping be reserved? If yes, will all stream data be updated or
only streams related to the modified blocks being updated? At which step is
stream data being loaded from HYSYS to APEA, mapping or sizing?

A2: The previous mapping can be re-used by selecting the “Last Mapping” radio
button during the mapping process. Any blocks or stream data which was
present during the first mapping process will have their mapping retained, but
ALL blocks and streams must be recalculated on subsequent evaluations in

Stream data is actually loaded into the IPOD database (in V8.8 and forward the
faster “ADS” database is used) by HYSYS at the end of a successful simulation
run, before the mapping or sizing steps start. During the mapping step, APEA
will check the results in this database and use them as the starting point for
sizing and economic calculations. This is an important distinction because some
actions like changing the utility designation on a flowsheet are not important to
the simulator (the simulation will not re-calculate the run) so new inputs and
results will not be pushed to the underlying database. As such, APEA will not
pick up these differences during mapping unless the user has forced the
simulation to re-run. This can be accomplished easily by making an insignificant
change like modifying the inlet feed stream temperature by 0.1 C.
105 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Other Questions

Q3: Can mapping from HYSYS to APEA be selective, namely only map some of the HYSYS blocks into
APEA equipment models?

A3: Yes, the mapping for an item can be deleted, and that object will not be included in the evaluation. If
this is a regular occurrence, the template could be set up in APEA such that the mapping is always
deleted for certain unit operation types. In V8.8, the ability to perform costing on a partial flowsheet
selection was added to further enhance this workflow.

Q4: How to add a new equipment model, which Aspen does not have? For example, the thermal

A4: In order to account for this, users can just quote the cost of the equipment (one of the first fields for
any equipment item on the equipment grid), enter the equipment as a quoted “C” item during mapping, or
create a custom excel model of the equipment. In standalone APEA or ACCE, an Equipment Model
Library (EML) item can be used to provide a middle ground between a generic quoted cost item or a full
custom model.
106 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Other Questions

Q5: How to calibrate the base cost data for an equipment? For example, a compressor cost $20M from
vendor quote, while HYSYS default shows $10M. How to update the base cost and still keep HYSYS cost
model for this compressor?

A5: Calibration and indexing is an important process in ACCE for relating the system costs in the tool to
reality. This is especially important considering that the default cost bases in the system can’t possibly
account for all factors for all users. Once you’ve gone through this process in ACCE, it can be included in
a template (note that APEA does not have this level of detail during template creation, but will inherit this
information if the template is developed in ACCE)

107 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Other Questions

Q6: Can ACCE modules (skid, truckable, piperack, etc.) somehow be used in APEA environment?

A6: Module type areas are currently not available in APEA. Though this may affect the overall numbers,
Activation focuses on relative comparisons as opposed to complete project accuracy.

Q7: How do I review the results?

A7: Once the “Sizing” or “Evaluation” steps have been completed, results can be viewed by clicking on
the “View Equipment” button within HYSYS. A detailed report can also be generated and viewed in
Excel by clicking on the “Investment Analysis” button.

108 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

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