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Megan Meyer

Elementary Lesson Plan

Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Scratch Practice
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 3rd - 5th Grade
Duration ~40 minutes
Model Curriculum Competencies  Add audio recordings and visual displays to
presentations to enhance development of main
ideas or themes.
 With some guidance and support, use technology
and keyboarding skills to produce and publish a
product and to interact and collaborate with others.
 Apply proper etiquette when using technology.
 Identify and practice ethical and safe online
 Select and utilize an appropriate digital media to
enhance a content-specific product.
AASL Standards I.A.2. Leaners display curiosity and initiative by recalling
prior and background knowledge as context for new
I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
IV.C.2. Learners exchange information resources within
and beyond their learning community by contributing to
collaboratively constructed information sites by ethically
using and reproducing others’ work.
VI.A.1. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
gathering and using information by responsibly applying
information, technology, and media to learning.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Create a Scratch account and follow one of the
tutorials’ directions to arrange an identical coding
Content Specific Vocabulary Coding – the process of assigning a code to something for
the purposes of classification or identification
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Command – an instruction or signal that causes a
computer to perform one of its basic functions
Function – a set sequence of steps, part of larger
computer program
Programming – the action or process of writing
computer programs
Programming Language – a language designed for
programming computers
Sequence – the successive order of two or more things
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Scratch
 Promethean Board
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a
seat above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Work on Scratch.
 Log onto Chromebooks.
 Create Scratch accounts.
 Get their headphones.
 Create a short project by following a tutorial.
 Send it/Submit it to me.
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Formative Assessment Follow one of the Scratch tutorials to create a short
project and share it with me.
Assignment Create a Scratch account and follow one of the tutorials
on Scratch to create a short game, movie, or story.
Accommodations 3rd Grade – Aiyanna and Chase need some extra check-ins
to keep them focused on their work and not messing
Anthony needs monitoring to make sure he’s working.
Rylan may need check-ins to keep him under control.
4th Grade – Franklin, Mark, Aron, and Briley might need
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
some clarification and extra check-ins to get them through
Justin and Olivia can play around on Scratch Jr. might be
better on the IPads for them though. Assess on the day.
5th Grade – Justin, Neil, Brycen, Serina, and Addisyn may
need some extra check-ins and help. Keep an eye for their
hands because they’re good about asking for help.

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