Fired Heaters - Fired Capital Equipment Key Plant Components

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Fired capital equipment: key plant

Fired capital equipment is an often neglected asset associated with
plant operations


Linde Engineering North America

he global petrochemical and equipment we are referring to operation as a major component.
refining industries remain hydrogen reformers, ethylene crack- Fired capital equipment can
volatile as natural gas and oil ing furnaces, fired heaters and consume a significant portion of the
prices fluctuate. In recent years, the oxidisers. These components are energy used in a refinery. It has
shale gas discovery created an often ‘life organs’ of a facility, yet been estimated that fired heaters
industry boom as prices returned to they do not receive the attention alone can consume 40-70% of total
pre-2000 levels. This led to a posi- deserved as major contributors to energy consumed in a refinery. In
tive impact in the refinery and the profitability of a facility. Often addition, the design efficiency is
petrochemical industries as owners treated as buy-out items, these typically in the 75-90% range15, with
moved to take advantage of this components must be carefully inte- the operating efficiency even less.
attractive fuel and chemical feed- grated into the plant design to Given this scenario, there is a large
stock. The industry hit an facilitate optimum plant perfor- opportunity to optimise plant opera-
unanticipated snag as oil prices mance. The lowest cost fired heater tion by focusing on fired capital
plummeted by over 50% in the is usually not the best long term equipment. A few of the papers
second half of 2014 and into early solution. Instead, the total life cycle listed in the bibliography have
2015. Companies pulled back on cost including initial capital, energy addressed this topic.
planned projects as they assessed efficiency and maintenance cost In addition to the energy
the likely trend for the future. The must be evaluated. consumption side of fired capital
message learned from this industry While fired capital equipment equipment, its critical value is
volatility is that trends can change generally does not have many demonstrated by the extreme condi-
suddenly, and the outcome is not moving parts subject to wear, it is tions under which this equipment
always predictable. subject to extreme temperatures operates. Table 1 gives typical oper-
The challenge for the petrochemi- which can create significant degra- ating conditions for various types of
cal and refinery industries is to dation. The components common fired capital equipment. As can be
effectively manage their assets and to most fired capital equipment seen, these conditions are severe
planned expansions through the ups include burners, refractory, casing, and require special consideration
and downs. This means that equip- tubes, piping, stack, crossovers, during design. Thereafter, the equip-
ment must be economically tube/piping supports, and perhaps ment must be monitored over the
integrated into the plant, keeping in air preheaters, fans and pressure life cycle to assess potential prob-
mind that the lowest total cost is not vessels. In simple terms, using lems. Typical trouble spots will be
always the lowest upfront cost. Even these components the design goal highlighted later in this article.
the smallest equipment can have a is always to create economical and Keeping the fired capital equipment
huge impact on plant economics, safe designs that can withstand the operating as efficiently as possible is
and this makes it necessary to care- elements over time. There is a challenge for refineries and petro-
fully integrate all components. This constantly a battle over how far to chemical plants.
is best done by companies that offer take designs in an attempt to Linde has designed and built
expertise in all components and fend off possible issues. Some of fired capital equipment for a vari-
equipment of a plant. these issues will be discussed ety of applications covering a wide
An often neglected asset is the later as they relate to fired capital range of operating conditions in
fired capital equipment associated equipment. The point is that fired terms of temperature, pressure and
with a plant. Fired capital equip- capital equipment typically repre- heat duty. Examples of these differ-
ment can represent relatively minor sents 5% to 15% of the plant cost ent applications are presented in
capital costs of refineries and chemi- and may not always receive the Table 1.
cal plants, and is often overlooked same focus as larger components, The expertise gained from design-
as a major contributor to plant life although their failure can have ing the most sophisticated steam
operating costs. In fired capital the same consequence on plant methane reformer under extremely PTQ Q4 2015 71

ments, including more demanding
Fired capital equipment
service, more stringent environmen-
tal regulations and the advent of
Process temp. range, °F Process pressure, psia Heat duty, BTU/hr new materials of construction that
Refinery heater 600-1150 30-1650 10-400
EDC furnace 900-1000 160-300 75 can withstand extreme conditions.
Steam – methane reformer 1720 510 1000 One of the major drivers has been to
Direct reduction of iron (DRI) 1832 135 830 improve energy efficiency. While
Ethylene furnace 1550 35 530 energy prices have recently
declined, especially in North
Table 1 America, this is not expected to be a
permanent situation. Additionally,
higher energy efficiency is associ-
ated with lower emissions.
Therefore, it is always good engi-
neering practice to maximise energy
efficiency, taking capital cost into
account. For example, it is possible
to add an air preheater to recover
sensible heat from the flue gases.
However, this adds capital. The
appropriate level of air preheat has
to be selected based on the current
and future price of energy.
Heat flux is another important
design variable. The higher the heat
flux, the lower will be the heat
transfer surface area and therefore
capital cost. New higher Ni and Cr
alloys enable higher heat flux. These
have to be selected based on cost
Figure 1 Large US Gulf Coast ethylene furnace and expected life.
Finally, it is important to consider
demanding conditions is available velocity requirements and (5) resi- modularisation. Typically, modulari-
within the Linde organisation for dence time requirements. sation reduces field construction
optimising even the simplest of Fired heaters have been designed time and improves quality.
refinery heaters. The design tools and built for over seven decades. However, shipping costs will likely
and methodology are based on a While this is a mature technology, increase. It is important to consider
combination of theoretical and improvements continue to be made. and then balance various design
empirical techniques, which have This is due to changing require- considerations to develop an opti-
been compiled over decades. mal design. In this regard it is
important to work with a company
Design considerations that has extensive experience across
The design objectives of fired capital a wide range of applications – both
equipment are to maximise heat small and large – that has been
delivery of the process-side feed developed over decades.
while minimising fuel consumption, An example of a large ethylene
account for varying fuel quality, furnace recently completed on an
minimise equipment wear and EPC basis in the US Gulf Coast is
maintenance intervals, minimise shown in Figure 1. A key challenge
emissions (for example, stack and in executing this project was to
noise) and maximise safety. This obtain the necessary construction
requires the careful balancing of resources in a very active market.
different parameters during design. Another equally challenging
Typical heater specifications project is one for the direct reduc-
address: (1) heat duty, (2) process tion of iron in Abu Dhabi and is
flow rate, (3) temperatures in/out, shown in Figure 2. This fired heater
(4) pressure drop allowable and (5) operates at 930°C and 136 MW with
fuel consumption. Special require- 204 vertical radiant tubes in 34
ments often include: (1) fouling passes.
factor, (2) heat flux, (3) inside Figure 2 Fired heater in DRI service in Various innovations and design
surface temperature limit, (4) tube Abu Dhabi considerations have been applied to

72 PTQ Q4 2015

seen from Figure 3 that engineering
6% Labour Overhead is a relatively small portion (6%) of
Construction 0.3% 3.0% the total installed capital cost.
Maintenance Capital related However, as noted in a previous
2.4% 14.3% article,1 engineering is a critical
activity that has a large impact on
overall project success. Also, the
construction estimate is highly
dependent on location. In some
regions, construction can even
Fuel exceed 50% of the total installed cost
Total EPC = $18.2MM 80% of a fired heater.
Total annual cost = $17.5MM/y
Owner-operator’s perspective
Figure 3 Initial capital cost Figure 4 Annual operating cost For the owner-operator, it is impor-
tant to consider today’s annual cost
the engineering of fired capital distinguish between the initial capi- of the fired capital equipment
equipment, and a few are noted tal cost of a piece of equipment and instead of just the initial capital cost.
here: its ongoing annual cost. In most The owner-operator must also
1. Design for improved emissions2 grassroots projects, fired capital consider operating considerations
2. Optimisation through use of equipment is a plant component such as fuel, labour, maintenance
oxygen and combustible analysers4 that is usually in the scope of the cost, as well as plant reliability and
3. Advanced process controls14 overall engineering, procurement safety. A summary is presented in
4. Film temperature control3, 5,13 and construction company. For the Figure 4. It can be seen that even in
5. Improved efficiency through EPC company, the initial capital cost today’s environment of relatively
mathematical modelling12 is usually the focal point. This is inexpensive natural gas ($2.5
6. Air preheaters for waste heat because it has to compete primarily MMBTU), fuel is by far the domi-
recovery6,11 on price. Other factors such as nant cost component. This is why
7. Refractory innovations9 schedule, quality and reputation equipment design has evolved to
8. O2 monitoring and excess air.4,8 also enter the decision making achieve maximum thermal efficiency
With oxygen enrichment, Linde process. In contrast, for the owner/ by minimising heat loss and having
has an approach to enhancing operator the ongoing annual costs extensive heat recovery. In the
furnace performance and reducing for the entire life of the equipment current case, this has been achieved
nitrogen oxide emissions without are even more important. The key to by using extensive convection coils
requiring high capital expenditure a successful project is to align the and air preheat.
to be invested in new equipment. interests of the EPC contractor with A schematic depicting the impor-
The company’s new low level those of the owner-operator. This tant cost considerations is presented
oxygen enrichment technology is will be examined in more detail. in Table 2. While some EPC compa-
tailored specifically to the needs of nies may focus on initial capital cost,
fired heaters. By modifying the EPC company perspective owner-operators have to pay equal
burner design, this technology The typical capital costs for a fired attention to annual operating cost.
increases the efficiency, capacity and heater used to heat a process fluid In reality, both capital and operat-
lifecycle of furnaces. are presented in Figures 3 and 4. ing costs are important. These costs
This design is based on a process have to be carefully balanced to
Economics duty of 616 MMBTU/h using 10% achieve an optimal solution. Ideally,
In today’s competitive climate, excess air with natural gas as the if possible it is good to also consider
economics are always a primary fuel. By using convection coils and the entire life cycle costs. This
factor for any investment decision. air preheat it is possible to achieve requires a forecast of future costs
In this regard, it is important to thermal efficiency of 92%. It can be including energy costs. Predicting
future energy costs is very difficult
Cost considerations as seen from recent history. As a
result, for the sake of simplicity,
Initial capital cost Annual operating cost only current costs have been consid-
(EPC perspective) (owner-operator perspective) ered in this analysis.
Size (heat duty, heat flux) Capital related costs
Temperature, pressure, fluid Energy consumption
Materials of construction Labour
Organisational considerations
Modularity Maintenance Balancing the design and opera-
Fuel flexibility Reliability tional constraints of fired capital
Emission control Safety equipment versus overall plant
equipment is critical in achieving
Table 2 optimum plant performance. As

74 PTQ Q4 2015

noted earlier, it may be possible to bilities across a variety of process 11 Berg B D, Heat recovery from corrosive flue
improve plant economics by technologies over decades to gas, PTQ, Q2 2015, 47-49.
improving the efficiency of fired develop fired capital equipment. 12 Masoumi M E, Izakmehri Z, Improving of
capital equipment operation. But refinery furnaces efficiency using mathematical
modeling, International Journal of Modeling and
this should not be done if there is an References
Optimization, Apr 2011, Vol.1, No.1, 74-79.
undesirable impact elsewhere in the 1 Remster J, Ma D, Hashmi O, Shahani G,
How to select the best fired heater for your 13 Jiao J, Morayko Y, Theilgaard M, Ho M,
plant. The most effective approach Controlling film temperature in fired heaters,
to balancing all plant elements operations, Hydro Proc, Jun 2013, 55-57.
2 Parkinson G, An innovative way to recover PTQ, Q1 2013, 69-71.
(including fired capital equipment) 14 Bishop N, Hamilton B, Useful tips for fired
elemental sulphur from SD2 emissions,
is to involve a company that offers heater optimisation, PTQ, Q2 2012, 49-53.
Chemical Engineering, July 2011, 9-10.
expertise in all areas. 3 Pelini R G, Heat flux and film temperature 15 Petrick M, Pellegrino J, The potential for
in fired, thermal-fluid heaters, Chemical reducing energy utilization in the refining
Conclusions Engineering, Dec 2008, 34-40. industry, Report nr. ANL/ESD/TM-158, Argonne
Fired capital equipment is a critical 4 Wildy F, Fired Heater Optimizations, ETA National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, 1999.
component of most petrochemical Associates, Jun 2012, www.etaassociates. Carl Rentschler is consultant for the fired
complexes and refineries. However, com/Fired%20Heater%20Optimization%20 capital equipment business unit at Linde
it is often not given as much atten- ISA%20AD.pdf Engineering North America. He holds BS and
tion as is warranted since fired 5 Conticello R, Bernhagen P, Fired Heater M Eng degrees in engineering from Penn State
Design & Decoking Techniques, NPRA Q&A University and Cornell University, respectively.
capital equipment represents a rela-
and Technology Forum 2005, Harald Ranke is Managing Director of Selas-
tively small part of the total plant
doc/266502057/Fired-Heater-Design#scribd> Linde GmbH, a subsidiary of The Linde Group,
capital cost. Ideally, the following Engineering Division. He holds a Dr.-Ing. (equiv.
6 Garg A, Revamp fired heaters to increase
factors should be considered: capacity, Hydro Proc, Jun 1998. PhD) degree in mechanical engineering from
• Initial capital cost 7 Patel S, Typical fired heater problems and Technische Universität München, Germany.
• Energy efficiency root causes, Hydro Proc, Mar 2007. Goutam Shahani is Business Development
• Reliability and maintenance costs. 8 Malhotra K, Improve the operation of fired Manager at Linde Engineering North America
Equipment design must be heaters, Hydro Proc, Mar 2015, 55-60. (LENA) in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. He has over
Anzeige-CS-09-2014b.qxp 10.09.14 15:49 Seite 1
coupled with pertinent operations 9 Yoon H, Conserve energy for fired heaters, 25 years of experience, specialising in industrial
know-how for an optimal design. Hydro Proc, Jun 2012. gases for the energy, refining and chemical
Linde has developed technical capa- 10 Patel S, Simplify your thermal efficiency industries. He holds bachelors and masters
calculation, Hydro Process, Jul 2005, 63-69. degrees in chemical engineering and an MBA.

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