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Week 11

Unit 6, Lesson B
Darleny S.

What happened?
Activity 1. Complete the story.

4. but then when I tried to take the subway, a piece broke

5. the baby made a mess all over the house

Adverbs with the simple past and past perfect

Activity 2.

2. My apartment was robbed last week. Up until then, I had never had anything stolen. The moment it happened, I
called the police.

2. I moved into my own apartment this summer, until then I had never lived alone. When I thought about all that, I
realized that I had made a good decision.

3. I failed my driving test last week, I had never failed anything in my life, when that happened, I felt very bad.

4. I really enjoyed my trip to Singapore last month, the moment I made that trip I felt very happy, until that moment I
like to enjoy life.

5. I was nervous about going to the dentist, until then I had never been afraid. The next day I went to the dentist, I felt

6. I knew I shouldn't have loaned my friend my new laptop, before that he had damaged another device. As soon as I
see it, I will say no.

Embarrassing Moments
Activity 3.

A. 1. Taxi driver 2. Department store clerk 3. Housepainter

B. 1. He was taking a nap and his boss caught him.
2. Because he was afraid of heights. He got dizzy and fell and broke his wrist. Also, he knocked a can
of paint over his co-workers.
3. He had an accident
4. He didn’t take that very seriously
Creating a story
Activity 4.

Beginning a story Continuing a story Going back in a story Ending a story

I´ll never forget the time Meanwhile I forgot to mention that So finally
I’ve got to tell you about What happened was The other thing is And in the end
That reminds me of The next thing we knew The thing you have to To make a long story
when know is short
It all started when So later on

Personal anecdotes

Activity 5.

1. Because the children were in trouble and only she could solve them, so she earned their respect.
2. What would you have done if you were Rita? I would have made up another excuse or simply told the truth.
3. Which anecdote did you find more amusing? Why? Amy's, because it is more fun and has better entertainment.

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