Weird News: Darleny Santana Unit 6, Lesson A What's The Real Story?

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Darleny Santana

Unit 6, Lesson A
What’s the real Story?
Weird News
Activity 1.

1. c
2. b
3. a
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past
Activity 2.

2. went off
3. Rushed
4. were
5. set
6. Have called
7. Have left
8. Has offered

Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

Activity 3.

1. have been staying

2. have been repairing, have not solved
3. have been guarding, have not robbed
4. have been plowing

Vocabulary. It’s in the news

Activity 4. Define the words to the best of your knowledge.

Epidemic is an infectious disease in a community during at time.

Famine is when you don’t have any food.

Hijacking is an act of unlawfully seizing a vehicle while in transit, a hijack.

Kidnapping when someone is kidnapped

Natural disaster is a natural event like hurricane that causes loss of life or great damage.

Political crisis a serious situation involving political leaders or government

Rebellion the action of resisting authority or a government.

Recession when the economy declines, and the trade and industrial activity are reduced

Robbery the crime of stealing someone or somewhere

Scandal is an action that is wrong and causing general

Broadcast News
Activity 5.

3 2 4 1

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F

Activity 6. Name the events in the correct order, then write a title for the article.

A shark Attacks a Local Surfer

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