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Kyle Buller and Joe Moore

Navigating Psychedelics Trip Journal

This workbook is meant to be a fun way to keep track of your trips and trip reports. Throughout

this workbook, you will be able to set intentions, track your dosage, and also practice integration

through journaling exercises.

This book is for educational purposes only. Psychedelics Today does not condone or encourage

the use of illegal substances. We do not promise any results of integration based on this book.

Safe Journeys!

“There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is

the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky,
that is the interior of the soul.”

● Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Special thanks to the editors: Tarif Ahmed, Matt Brown, Louise Cottrell, Eve Michell, and Diego Pinzon. Art by Scarlet

Barnett and Abi Cuff.

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Navigating Psychedelics Trip Journal

Table of Contents
Part One: Basic Safety and Education 4
Risks & Considerations Before Using a Psychedelic 5
Psychedelics Today Coaching Services 6

First Thing First: Drug Safety & Tips 6

If you can afford to ingest, you can afford to test! 8

Classic Tryptamines* 8

Phenethylamines 9

Timeline 9

Part Two: Creating the Space 10

Preparing for the Journey: Tips & Advice 11
Quick Tips 11

Exploring Your Views 14

The Psychedelic Space 18
Trip Checklist 26

Trip Report 29

Preparation 32

The Psychedelic Experience 37

Coming Down and Reflections 41

Trip Checklist 46

Trip Report 49

Preparation 52

The Psychedelic Experience 56

Coming Down and Reflections 60

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Part One: Basic Safety

and Education

“The purpose of education is to empower people to

take control of their own lives.”

● Paulo Freire

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Risks & Considerations Before Using a Psychedelic

Psychedelics are known to be generally safe, but there are potential risks and


● Do you have a family history of a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia?

● Recent mental health hospitalizations?

● Recent or current spiritual emergency processes?

● Are you in good health? Mentally and physically?

● Are you on any medications that could potentially cause any adverse reactions?

Psychedelics are known to amplify mental or psychic processes. This suggests that those

suffering from significant mental health issues may want to stay away from the use of

psychedelics. While preliminary research suggests promising outcomes for mental health issues,

such as PTSD and end-of-life anxiety, these studies are conducted in a controlled environment

and conducted under professional supervision to minimize harm and maximize safety.

Please conduct more research based on your problem or situation.

Safety is the number one priority with this journal!

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Seeking Professional Support

If for any reason, you experience a mental health crisis after any psychedelic experience, it is

important to seek professional treatment.

Preferably, seek out a professional who understands psychedelic and transpersonal

experiences. Check the MAPS Integration List (

integration-list) or Psychedelic.Support ( to see if there are any

providers around your area if you wish to seek in-person support.

Psychedelics Today Coaching Services

To learn more about our services please visit our page

We would love to support and guide you through your integration process.

Online Education

Visit to enroll in our online courses.

• Navigating Psychedelics: Lessons on Self-Care & Integration

• 8 Common Psychedelic Mistakes

• Spiritual Emergence or Psychosis

• DMTx Psychonaut Webinar Training

• And More!

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First Thing First: Drug Safety & Tips

If someone is going to use a substance, it is best practice to get educated. Basic harm reduction

tips can save lives. When a person understands the potential risks involved, he or can make

safer informed decisions. Please conduct your own research. This book is not meant to provide

an in-depth overview of drug risks and safety.

Dosing and Testing

● Everyone reacts differently to substances. Know your body!

● Dosages in this book are also not recommendations!

● Always remember to start with a lower dose first.

● Dosage information was collected from

● The tables are for educational purposes only.

● For more information you can visit of these online forums:





o 5-MeO-DMT Hive

o Psychedelics Today FB Group

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If you can afford to ingest, you can afford to test!

● Always test your substances! Adulterants can cause serious harm or even lead to


o Testing substances can save lives!

o If you do not know what the substance contains, do not take it.

o You can buy a test kit at DanceSafe

o Be sure to follow the instructions, and also use multiple reagents to help rule out

adulterants. We prefer a panel of DanceSafe’s full panel of tests.

o You can also send an anonymous sample to Energy Control International or for in-depth testing. Testing drugs this way can seem expensive, but

please keep it as an open option in your toolkit.

o Fentanyl has been reported showing up in other substances.

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Doses are highly variable depending on route of administration.

Here is a list of some common substances with their dose, onset, peak, and more. These are

estimated doses. Again, please do your own research and know your body!


Psilocybin (dried) or
Mushrooms (dried)

Microdose 5-10 ug 0.1 - 0.5 g N/A

Threshold 10-20 ug 0.25 - 0.75 g 2 - 5 mg

Light 20-50 ug 0.75 - 1.25 g 10 - 20 mg

Common 75-125 ug 1.25 - 2.5 g 20 - 40 mg

Therapeutic (Strong) 200-300 ug 2.5 - 5 g 40 - 60 mg

Heavy 500 + ug 5g 60 mg +

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Dose: MDMA 25i-NBOMe Mescaline

Microdose N/A N/A N/A

Threshold .30 mg 50-250 ug 100 mg

Light 40-75 mg 200-600 ug 100-200 mg

Common 75-125 mg 500-800 ug 200-300 mg

Therapeutic (Strong) 150-200 mg 700-1500 ug 300-500 mg

High doses can cause

Heavy 200+ mg serious medical issues 500-700 mg
or death


Substance: Onset Peak Effects Total Time

LSD 20-60 minutes 3-6 hours 8-12 hours

Ayahuasca 20-60 minutes 2-4 hours 4-8 hours

Psilocybin 20-60 minutes 2-4 hours 4-7 hours

DMT 15-60 seconds 5-10 minutes 15-60 minutes

MDMA 20-90 minutes 2-3 hours 3-5 hours

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Part Two: Creating the Space

“We always have urged people: don’t take LSD unless

you are very well prepared, unless you are
specifically prepared to go out of your mind. Don’t
take it unless you have someone that’s very
experienced with you to guide you through it. And
don’t take it unless you are ready to have your
perspective on yourself and your life radically
changed, because you’re gonna be a different
person, and you should be ready to face this

● Timothy Leary

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Preparing for the Journey: Tips & Advice

Set & Setting

Part of the experience is about the set and setting. Along with planning, is there anything special

that you need to make the setting nice and comfortable? Whether you’re at a music festival or in

a personal space, be sure you have what you need to make you feel comfortable!

Quick Tips

● Plan ahead: Where are you going to be? Who are you going to be with? What type of

environment do you want to be in? It is important to think about where you will be and

who you will be with during your experience.

● Tie up loose ends: There is nothing worse than getting caught in a thinking loop of

needing to complete chores, tasks, or other work. Be sure to wrap up any work that might

distract you or make your mind wander. If you or someone in your party has a

particular/unique anxiety, perhaps a specific phobia or OCD, plan ahead and

accommodate how this could play into your experience. Other times, you may be

engaging in this experience with the intent to face difficult thoughts. In these instances,

you won’t be able to tie up the loose ends but rather plan for what your mind may

encounter as you face a troublesome pattern of thinking.

● Make a plan for difficult experiences: You never know when things might take a turn. It

is important to have a plan in case difficulty arises. Do you have a friend to reach out to?

Do you have a designated quiet space? Do you have any self-care practices that might

help? Plan ahead. Tea, incense, pillows and warm blankets can be very useful to have on

hand. So can accessible nourishment. Maybe keep a stock of some easy-to-eat food like

fruits, or light snacks around. Of course, it's always useful to hydrate and keep plenty of

water on hand.

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● Remember to breathe: Breath is the life force. This autonomous function is taken for

granted, but practicing deep breathing techniques can help with navigating the space.

Take a deep breath into the belly, hold, exhale and release. If the experience becomes

overwhelming at any point, try to breathe into the discomfort. You can do this by locating

a point in the body where the discomfort is and take a deep breath into that part of the


● Music: This can be an essential part of the experience. Do you have your playlist set up?

o Consider selecting music that will not be distracting such as something

instrumental or sang in a language foreign to you. This is ideal for self-exploration.

o What vibe will your music bring to your experience? Will the selection be favorable

for all members of your party? Think ahead to how this particular stimulation can

impact those who will join you on this journey.

o Be prepared and able to alter the volume of any selected music – auditory

hallucinations are not out of the realm of possibility and sensitivity to noise is

another common side effect.

o Visit our Music Resource Page for articles and playlists -

● Sitter: Consider having a sitter with you throughout your journey. Having a sitter can be

extremely helpful and they can provide support if difficult experiences come up. When

thinking about choosing a sitter, think of a friend or someone in your life who you trust

deeply. Some qualities to think about - a good listener that will not talk over you,

compassionate, non-judgmental, ability to navigate crisis empathetically, and someone

who will not try to control your experience. A good sitter will “just be” with you and help if

you need assistance.

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o If you don’t have a sitter, you can check out for a psychedelic

chatroom and assistance. Be prepared for a hard time typing.

o Sitter Etiquette

▪ Make a contract and talk about consent: Before beginning the session,

make sure the participant and the sitter spend time making a contract and

talking about consent. This contract can go over what may be expected of

both parties, what to do and what not to do, and exploring possible

scenarios. Consent is important! As a sitter, it is important to ask permission

before intervening in any way or before making decisions for the journeyer.

▪ Talk through, not down: An example of this is, “Can you tell me what that

feeling feels like? What is it like if you can go into that feeling instead of

running away from it?” Talking down is more along the lines of, “You’re

tripping really hard, don’t worry.” While encouraging a person that they will

be fine is a good move, try not to talk down the experience. Validation is

important, but do not brush it off as if the emotions they are experiencing is

not a big deal or do not matter.

▪ Be with, not guide: Sometimes sitters want to act as guides and dictate a

person’s experience. Coming from the breathwork world, a sitter is there to

just “be with” the person. We encourage that sitters do not try to practice

energy healing or try to take over a person’s experience. While we may

assume what is going on inside of a person’s psyche, we may not truly know.

If the person you are sitting for asks for these types of interventions, please

feel free to provide them, but try not to intervene because you think you

know what will be “right” for the person.

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Exploring Your Views

Take some time to reflect/write about why you are interested in exploring psychedelics. The

preparation phase can be very important for setting yourself or others up for success and to help

minimize any potential risks.

● Why are you interested in psychedelic or plant medicine?




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● What is your intention for using a psychedelic or plant medicine?






● What is your ideal set and setting, and how can you create that?




● How will you best prepare for your experience? Do you need to complete work? Do you

need to find a sitter? Do you need to make a plan in case anything becomes





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● Who is your support system to call if something goes wrong or becomes difficult to






● What do you know about the substance you are interested in and do you know what dose

to use? Are there any other safety issues you need to consider?





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The Psychedelic Space

“LSD is a catalyst or amplifier of mental processes. If

properly used, it could become something like the
microscope or telescope of psychiatry.”

● Stanislav Grof

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Take some time to reflect on past psychedelic experiences if you have had them. If you are

completely new to this, just think about what you know or what you have learned.

How do you view the psychedelic experience? What are your spiritual, psychological, or

philosophical beliefs about these powerful substances?







How will your beliefs affect or influence your experience?






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What type of framework do you work with when it comes to psychedelic experiences? Are you

psychologically oriented or shamanic? Or do you do it in a completely recreational setting and

have never thought about framework before?







Do you have any spiritual beliefs? If so, what do you believe in?






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Does anyone in your party have spiritual beliefs that conflict with or may not complement your

particular beliefs? If so, will these conflicting ideologies present a source of tension during the

experience or are both/all individuals aware of such differences and accepting of the situation?




Psychedelic Skillsets

What is your psychic map? For example, what is your psychological/spiritual framework? This

may be difficult to convey, but are there patterns to your experience? For example, DMT can

sometimes elicit communication with things that appear as entities. Have you been to this place

before? What is it like? Think about the psychic space that you have traveled to before and

explain what is in there or what it is like.






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Do you have techniques to help you work through difficult emotions? e.g. breathwork/breath

awareness, meditation, movement, etc.?





Do you have techniques that can help a friend work through their difficult emotions? If so, are

you prepared to take that responsibility if this is a group experience?





What is your relationship with the substance or plant? Do you have a relationship? If not, what

does having a relationship to a plant or substance mean to you?



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How can you cultivate a relationship with the substance or plant that you are working with?





● Write a letter or note to the substance. What would you like to tell it? What would you like

to ask it? Is there something that you want or need from it? Explore this idea a little bit.







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● Write down a few reminders that will help you navigate the space if things become

difficult. e.g. “Breathe.” “This will pass.” “Surrender to the process.” You may also want to

write these down on sticky notes for easy access.







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Trip Checklist


o Do you have a health issue that may be complicated by psychedelics?

o Do you suffer from any mental health issues?
o Have you been hospitalized for any mental health issues in the past six months?
o Have you or are you currently experiencing a spiritual emergency/emergency?
o Are you in overall good health mentally and physically?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, besides overall good health, please be

aware of potential risks of psychedelics!


o Water o Test kit

o Comfortable and layered o A plan with friends
o Pure intentions
o Healthy food, snacks, fruit
o Cell phone off, on silent, or
o Important phone numbers airplane mode

o Milligram scale o Other:

o A plan for difficult experiences o

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Trip Checklist

Recreational setting

o Glow sticks o Music

o Lip balm o Headphones / Speakers
o Water o Art supplies
o Toys / festival toys o Journal
o Notebook o Musical instruments
o Sunglasses or other fun glasses o Coloring book
o Hula hoops o Gum
o Anti-nausea o Gummy Bears
o Advil o Cigarettes
o Blanket o Cannabis (for legal states)
o Other: o Other:
o o
o o
o o

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Self-discovery setting

o Eye shades o Music

o Headphones / speakers o Sitter
o Music playlist o Tissues
o Musical instruments (guitar, o Photos of loved ones
hand drums, singing bowls, etc.)
o Coloring book
o Art supplies
o Candles
o Journal
o Special or meaningful items
o Artwork
o Diffuser and essential oils
o Inspiring books (“Be Here Now”)
o Flowers
o Tea (calming tea or ginger tea)
o Animal / angel / Tarot cards
o Inspiring quotes
o Yoga mat
o Other:
o Other:

© Psychedelics Today 27

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Shamanic setting

o Palo Santo o Sage

o Incense o Copal
o Feather for smudging o Musical instruments (rattles,
singing bowls, hand drums, flute,
o Tobacco

o Rose / Florida water

o Rocks and crystals
o Altar / altar items o Flowers and plants
o Animal totem
o Candles
o Animal / angel / Tarot cards
o Plant medicines (Rape, sapo,
o Prayers tobacco, etc.)

o Sacred items / tea / dieta o Other:

o Other: o
o o
o o
o o
o o

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Trip Report

“I suddenly became strangely inebriated. The

external world became changed as in a dream.
Objects appeared to gain in relief; they assumed
unusual dimensions; and colours became more
glowing. Even self-perception and the sense of time
were changed. When the eyes were closed, coloured
pictures flashed past in a quickly changing
kaleidoscope. After a few hours, the not unpleasant
inebriation, which had been experienced whilst I was
fully conscious, disappeared. What had caused this

● Dr. Albert Hofmann: Laboratory Notes (1943)

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Before ingesting, be sure to ask yourself these questions:

● Did you test your substance?


● Is the substance pure or are there any other adulterants?



● What dose are you taking or what are the doses that you normally take?



● Who can you call if things become overwhelming? Make a list of emergency contacts.





● Are you on any medication or experiencing a health issue that may cause complications?

e.g. antidepressants (SSRIs), cardiovascular issues, etc.?


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“Know what [drug] you’re using, decide just why

you’re using it, and you can have a rich experience.”

● Sasha Shulgin

Set and Setting

Date and Time


What is your planned setting?




Do you have a sitter?



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What is your current mindset?




Finish this statement: This time in my life…







What is your intention for this journey?






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What is one thing you would like to learn?






Set and Setting (continued)

What is your mantra for this session (if you use mantra)?




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Substance and Dose Information

or plant

Yes or No




Do you have a
booster dose
set aside?

If yes, when do
you plan to
take this?

What did you

eat today and
at what time?

If you are
ayahuasca or
another plant
medicine that
requires a
special diet /
dieta, did you
partake? If yes,
what have you
been eating?

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The Psychedelic Experience

“If the door of perception were cleansed everything

would appear to a man as it is, infinte.”

● William Blake

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The Psychedelic Experience

Use this space to create or jot down notes on your experience. Remember, you have ingested

a substance, you will be ok!


















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“It's a very salutary thing to realize that the rather

dull universe in which most of us spend most of our
time is not the only universe there is. I think it's
healthy that people should have this experience.”

● Aldous Huxley

The Psychedelic Experience














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The Mandala

Use this space to visually express your experience. You can create within the mandala

(circle), outside, or both! Feel free to use stick figures, colors, or express your experience in

whatever way feels best. Perhaps try this a few times per experience.

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Coming Down and Reflections

“How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being

alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides
beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn’t
matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for
even a glimpse of what exists for those who can
become open to it.”

● Sasha Shulgin

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● How are you feeling in the present moment?






● What does your body feel like?






● Are you still feeling the effects? If so, what are they?





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● Describe any thought processes, epiphanies, visions or visuals that you had during the


o Visual Experience



o Mental Experience



o Emotional Experience



o Spiritual Experience



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● What is one thing you have learned from this?





● How intense was this experience?





● How would you rate this experience? If you are familiar with Shulgin’s rating scale, feel

free to use that or make up your own. Link to scale





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Trip Checklist


o Do you have a health issue that may be complicated by psychedelics?

o Do you suffer from any mental health issues?
o Have you been hospitalized for any mental health issues in the past six months?
o Have you or are you currently experiencing a spiritual emergency/emergency?
o Are you in overall good health mentally and physically?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, besides overall good health, please be

aware of potential risks of psychedelics!


o Water o Test kit

o Comfortable and layered o A plan with friends
o Pure intentions
o Healthy food, snacks, fruit
o Cell phone off, on silent, or
o Important phone numbers airplane mode

o Milligram scale o Other:

o A plan for difficult experiences o

© Psychedelics Today 45

Navigating Psychedelics Trip Journal

Trip Checklist

Recreational setting

o Glow sticks o Music

o Lip balm o Headphones / Speakers
o Water o Art supplies
o Toys / festival toys o Journal
o Notebook o Musical instruments
o Sunglasses or other fun glasses o Coloring book
o Hula hoops o Gum
o Anti-nausea o Gummy Bears
o Advil o Cigarettes
o Blanket o Cannabis (for legal states)
o Other: o Other:
o o
o o
o o

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Navigating Psychedelics Trip Journal

Self-discovery setting

o Eye shades o Music

o Headphones / speakers o Sitter
o Music playlist o Tissues
o Musical instruments (guitar, o Photos of loved ones
hand drums, singing bowls, etc.)
o Coloring book
o Art supplies
o Candles
o Journal
o Special or meaningful items
o Artwork
o Diffuser and essential oils
o Inspiring books (“Be Here Now”)
o Flowers
o Tea (calming tea or ginger tea)
o Animal / angel / Tarot cards
o Inspiring quotes
o Yoga mat
o Other:
o Other:

© Psychedelics Today 47

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Shamanic setting

o Palo Santo o Sage

o Incense o Copal
o Feather for smudging o Musical instruments (rattles,
singing bowls, hand drums, flute,
o Tobacco

o Rose / Florida water

o Rocks and crystals
o Altar / altar items o Flowers and plants
o Animal totem
o Candles
o Animal / angel / Tarot cards
o Plant medicines (Rape, sapo,
o Prayers tobacco, etc.)

o Sacred items / tea / dieta o Other:

o Other: o
o o
o o
o o
o o

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Trip Report

“In the kind of world we have today tranformation of

humanity might well be our only real hope for

● Stanislav Grof

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Before ingesting, be sure to ask yourself these questions:

● Did you test your substance?


● Is the substance pure or are there any other adulterants?



● What dose are you taking or what are the doses that you normally take?



● Who can you call if things become overwhelming? Make a list of emergency contacts.





● Are you on any medication or experiencing a health issue that may cause complications?

e.g. antidepressants (SSRIs), cardiovascular issues, etc.?


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“Use them with care, and use them with respect as

to the transformations they can achieve, and you
have an extraordinary research tool.”

● Sasha Shulgin

Set and Setting

Date and Time


What is your planned setting?




Do you have a sitter?



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What is your current mindset?




Finish this statement: This time in my life…







What is your intention for this journey?






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What is one thing you would like to learn?






Set and Setting (continued)

What is your mantra for this session (if you use mantra)?





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Substance and Dose Information

or plant

Yes or No




Do you have a
booster dose
set aside?

If yes, when do
you plan to
take this?

What did you

eat today and
at what time?

If you are
ayahuasca or
another plant
medicine that
requires a
special diet /
dieta, did you
partake? If yes,
what have you
been eating?

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The Psychedelic Experience

“Coming to terms with the fear of death is conducive

to healing, positive personality transformation, and
consciousness evolution.”

● Stanislav Grof

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The Psychedelic Experience

Use this space to create or jot down notes on your experience. Remember, you have ingested

a substance, you will be ok!


















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“The only way to make sense out of change is to

lunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

● Alan Watts

The Psychedelic Experience














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The Mandala

Use this space to visually express your experience. You can create within the mandala

(circle), outside, or both! Feel free to use stick figures, colors, or express your experience in

whatever way feels best. Perhaps try this a few times per experience.

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Coming Down and Reflections

“Nobody stopped thinking about those psychedelic

experiences. Once you’ve been to some of those
places, you think, ‘How can I get back there again but
make it a little easier on myself?’”

● Jerry Garcia: Rolling Stone, November 1989

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● How are you feeling in the present moment?






● What does your body feel like?






● Are you still feeling the effects? If so, what are they?




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● Describe any thought processes, epiphanies, visions or visuals that you had during the


o Visual Experience



o Mental Experience



o Emotional Experience



o Spiritual Experience



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● What is one thing you have learned from this?





● How intense was this experience?





● How would you rate this experience? If you are familiar with Shulgin’s rating scale, feel

free to use that or make up your own. Link to scale





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Trip Checklist


o Do you have a health issue that may be complicated by psychedelics?

o Do you suffer from any mental health issues?
o Have you been hospitalized for any mental health issues in the past six months?
o Have you or are you currently experiencing a spiritual emergency/emergency?
o Are you in overall good health mentally and physically?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, besides overall good health, please be

aware of potential risks of psychedelics!


o Water o Test kit

o Comfortable and layered o A plan with friends
o Pure intentions
o Healthy food, snacks, fruit
o Cell phone off, on silent, or
o Important phone numbers airplane mode

o Milligram scale o Other:

o A plan for difficult experiences o

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Trip Checklist

Recreational setting

o Glow sticks o Music

o Lip balm o Headphones / Speakers
o Water o Art supplies
o Toys / festival toys o Journal
o Notebook o Musical instruments
o Sunglasses or other fun glasses o Coloring book
o Hula hoops o Gum
o Anti-nausea o Gummy Bears
o Advil o Cigarettes
o Blanket o Cannabis (for legal states)
o Other: o Other:
o o
o o
o o

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Self-discovery setting

o Eye shades o Music

o Headphones / speakers o Sitter
o Music playlist o Tissues
o Musical instruments (guitar, o Photos of loved ones
hand drums, singing bowls, etc.)
o Coloring book
o Art supplies
o Candles
o Journal
o Special or meaningful items
o Artwork
o Diffuser and essential oils
o Inspiring books (“Be Here Now”)
o Flowers
o Tea (calming tea or ginger tea)
o Animal / angel / Tarot cards
o Inspiring quotes
o Yoga mat
o Other:
o Other:

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Shamanic setting

o Palo Santo o Sage

o Incense o Copal
o Feather for smudging o Musical instruments (rattles,
singing bowls, hand drums, flute,
o Tobacco

o Rose / Florida water

o Rocks and crystals
o Altar / altar items o Flowers and plants
o Animal totem
o Candles
o Animal / angel / Tarot cards
o Plant medicines (Rape, sapo,
o Prayers tobacco, etc.)

o Sacred items / tea / dieta o Other:

o Other: o
o o
o o
o o
o o

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Trip Report

“Part of what psychedelics do is they de-consition

you from cultural values. This is what makes it such a
political hot potato. Since all culture is a kind of con
game, the most dangerous candy you can hand out
is one which causes people to start questioning the
rules of the game.”

● Terence McKenna

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Before ingesting, be sure to ask yourself these questions:

● Did you test your substance?


● Is the substance pure or are there any other adulterants?



● What dose are you taking or what are the doses that you normally take?



● Who can you call if things become overwhelming? Make a list of emergency contacts.





● Are you on any medication or experiencing a health issue that may cause complications?

e.g. antidepressants (SSRIs), cardiovascular issues, etc.?


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“Whether drugs lead to illumination or degradation

depends on the spirit in which one takes them.”

● George Andrews

Set and Setting

Date and Time


What is your planned setting?




Do you have a sitter?



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What is your current mindset?




Finish this statement: This time in my life…








What is your intention for this journey?






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What is one thing you would like to learn?






Set and Setting (continued)

What is your mantra for this session (if you use mantra)?




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Substance and Dose Information

or plant

Yes or No




Do you have a
booster dose
set aside?

If yes, when do
you plan to
take this?

What did you

eat today and
at what time?

If you are
ayahuasca or
another plant
medicine that
requires a
special diet /
dieta, did you
partake? If yes,
what have you
been eating?

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The Psychedelic Experience

“Who is to say what is real and what is not? ‘Real’ is a

distinction of a naïve mind...’”

● Terence McKenna

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The Psychedelic Experience

Use this space to create or jot down notes on your experience. Remember, you have ingested

a substance, you will be ok!


















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“The world amazed me, in that I saw it as I had when

I was a child. I had forgotten the beauty and the
magic and the knowingness of it and me.”

● Sasha Shulgin















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The Mandala

Use this space to visually express your experience. You can create within the mandala

(circle), outside, or both! Feel free to use stick figures, colors, or express your experience in

whatever way feels best. Perhaps try this a few times per experience.

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Coming Down and Reflections

“It was a day that will remain blazingly clear in my

memory, and one which unquestionably confirmed
the entire direction of my life. I understand that our
entire universe is contained in the mind and the
spirit. We may not choose to find access to it, we
may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there
inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze
its availability.”

● Sasha Shulgin

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● How are you feeling in the present moment?






● What does your body feel like?






● Are you still feeling the effects? If so, what are they?




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● Describe any thought processes, epiphanies, visions or visuals that you had during the


o Visual Experience



o Mental Experience



o Emotional Experience



o Spiritual Experience



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● What is one thing you have learned from this?





● How intense was this experience?





● How would you rate this experience? If you are familiar with Shulgin’s rating scale, feel

free to use that or make up your own. Link to scale





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Planting Seeds of
Change and Growth

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Integration Workbook Kyle Buller and Joe Moore


By Kyle Buller

So, you had a psychedelic experience. Now what?

Learning to integrate a psychedelic experience takes time and effort. It does not magically

happen overnight. This workbook will guide you through an integration process and provide

some tools and techniques to work through your experience. The integration process is very

personal, so not everything in this book will resonate with you, and that is perfectly fine. The

most important part of the process is to stick with it and trust it.

What does that mean? Psychedelics tend to bring emotional and psychic content to the surface.

Dr. Stanislav Grof describes psychedelics as, “non-specific amplifiers of mental/psychic

processes,” suggesting that the psyche processes the most highly charged emotion within the

body and mind. This content may have been repressed for months or years. Some of the

content can seem insignificant or extremely profound. Whatever it is, the energy of that content

is beginning to move throughout the body and mind. It is common to experience shifts in

emotions after a psychedelic experience. It is also common to be more open and aware of “stuff”

emerging from within and from the external world. I mean “stuff” by emotional or psychic

energy. We become more aware of what is going on around us and internally.

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The energy and the shifts that begin to occur is the “process.” Whatever that means to you, stick

with it. Feel it. Express it. And ride it out. This is a kind of birthing experience. New parts of you

are beginning to emerge, old parts letting go and dying. The process can be painful and

challenging but being able to work through the difficulty can foster transformation.

If the emotional content becomes too overwhelming at times, it is important to seek

professional help. Sometimes the content that emerges has a hard time being contained in our

normal life and needs a container to be processed in. It is important to understand this because

people can tend to not seek professional help when they need it. As much as we recommend

“sticking with the process,” also realize that this may consist of seeking help elsewhere.

What is Psychedelic Integration?

The psychedelic community has not clearly defined the meaning of “psychedelic integration.”

Each person or community has their own way of viewing and interpreting what integration is.

Rightfully so, this process is extremely personal and should be loosely defined. Let’s explore

what the etymology of integration means.

The etymology of the word integration comes from Latin word integrare, which means “make

whole” or to “begin again.” Integration also comes from the French word intégration, which

describes the, “act of bringing together the parts of a whole” (Etymologyonline). The etymology

suggests that the meaning of the word integrate is, "put together parts or elements and combine

them into a whole" (Etymologonline).

Integration, therefore, is about creating wholeness in one’s life. Dan Siegel (2011) defines

integration as the process of linking differentiated parts into a functional whole. But what does

creating wholeness really suggest or mean? From Siegel’s (2011) perspective wholeness derives

from healthy living, which he defines as, “integration of energy and information within the

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nervous system and between people” (p. 8). The way that I look at this definition is about taking

one’s experience and all the information and learning how to embody the information to

continue to be part of functioning whole (community and people). We are, afterall, social

organisms that functions “individually” within a whole system. We all need each other to survive

and maintain health. As Louis Cozolino (2014) mentions, the human brain has evolved as a social

organ to be in relationship with others.

Siegel (2011) speaks of integration in terms of interpersonal neurobiology and the mechanism of

the brain. His definitions also encompass integrating trauma, but it seems relevant for the

integration of psychedelic experiences. Siegel (2011) describes integration as the ability to flow

between rigidity and chaos. In the middle of these two extremes is harmony. Siegel (2011) goes

on to say, “Without the movement toward integration, the entire system moves away from

complexity – away from harmony – and into rigidity” (p. 66). When thinking about integrating the

psychedelic experience, isn’t this what we are trying to accomplish? Our rigid personality

structures and beliefs are challenged through the chaos of a psychedelic experience. This chaos

and novelty creates a disruption in one’s life. The psychedelic can foster insight and

transformation, but it comes at the price of loosening the rigid structures that we typically live by

that provide safety and security. Learning how to embrace some of the chaos and move away

from the rigidity seems to be the key. Integration is about finding the middle ground.

What does integration mean to me?

After suffering a near-death experience at a young age, I felt so confused about how to make

sense of my life. With my reality completely shattered, I sank deep into an existential crisis. I had

no guidance from elders in my community and was left to put the puzzles pieces back together

alone. It was a very long process. My integration of this experience really began with my first

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psychedelic experience and then with diving into the psychedelic literature. The pioneers of this

realm, Stanislav Grof, Rick Stassman, Terence McKenna, and Ram Dass became my framework

and teachers, even though I did not know them personally. Their books inspired me and helped

me put some context to what I had experienced. Learning about the clinical application of

psychedelics as well as the indigenous shamanic use was extremely beneficial.

It wasn’t until I met my teacher who taught me about shamanism that I started to learn about

integration. When I told him about my near-death experience, he just said, “It’s a shame. If you

lived in a traditional culture, the elders would have stepped in and taught you what you needed

to learn - how to navigate your experience and give you tools to work with the experience.

Unfortunately, we do not live in that type of culture anymore and you had to do all that work

yourself.” Western culture lacks a framework to navigate powerful experiences, but we are

slowly starting to put one together as the science behind psychedelic experiences and other

holotropic states of consciousness begin to be examined. Indigenous cultures have a framework

that has lasted for thousands of years that were passed down through their oral tradition.

Holotropic states of consciousness are still somewhat new to the modern Western culture, and it

is our job as a community to help create a framework to work with.

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Weaving Wholeness

During a journey session, I brought the question, “Why do plant medicines exist? Why use them?

And how can we use them properly?” I got the following message, “Our lives are like the life of a

spider. We spin our realities into being through language and culture. As we spin our webs and

create a reality of our own, nature ultimately begins to tear holes in the web (our lives). As each

tear and hole is formed, we move away from the center (wholeness) and we become

fragmented. Our narrative contains holes, old trauma and wounds, that we are afraid to address

or repair. We become comfortable where we have moved to on our web. After neglecting these

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holes and tears, we forget that there is even a center from which we originated. We become so

numb to this idea that it is difficult to even remember. Plant medicines remind us of where we

come from and who we are. Many of us suffer from an amnesia and because of this, we need

someone else or an external force to tell us our story and who we are. This is where plant

medicines come into play. These medicines remind us that there is a center to our being and

that we have been living on the outskirts of who we are. Plant medicines are not necessary for

this remembering, but they are extremely helpful. When we remember, we can get to work to

repair the holes and tears around us, eventually returning to the center.”

Integration is about creating wholeness. Spinning and weaving our being back together again,

fixing the holes and tears in our narrative. This takes work. Plant medicines and psychedelics

simply just remind us and show us our potential. Even though many of us in the psychedelic

community like to believe these powerful substances are magical bullets or panaceas,

unfortunately they do not always work for everyone. It is our job to spin our reality back into

existence. We are the weavers of wholeness. It is our job to create it and patch up the holes.

How to Use this Book

This is a 7-week integration workbook. This book will guide you through a process of reflection

and action through self-care practices, journeying and writing prompts, psycho-education, and

more. While this journal can be used in a linear fashion, you may also use each exercise


The first week is about developing and cultivating self-care practices to stay grounded

throughout the practice. While this may seem pretty basic, it is surprising that so many of us get

stuck in the same habits and routines. It is important to learn how to break these habits from

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time to time in order to grow in a new direction. Growing is never easy. It comes with a lot of

pain and challenges, but it is important to stick with the process.

Some of the activities in this book are metaphorical and work with the imaginal realm.

Psychedelic substances seem open us up to the imaginal world, so it only makes sense to work

with this type of subtle energy. What is the imaginal? Mary Harrell states that, “the imaginal

realm is a subtle world, which exists in a field between matter and mind.” One can work with

these subtle energies by engaging in journaling exercises, tracking dreams, and paying attention

to archetypal messages or images in one’s life. I see integration as a process of soul work and

soul making. In the psychedelic space, it is common to gain deep insights into some of our most

difficult issues. While these insights are wonderful, they can often be confusing - leaving us with

a feeling of not knowing how to work with the experience. While the idea of “soul work” or “soul

making” may seem odd to some, think of it as a process of creating wholeness. The word Psyche

originally means soul in Greek. I see this process as getting in touch with your self. It is about

developing a relationship with the self. While some may have a spiritual experience when

developing relationship, soul does not necessarily need to be spiritual. I see soul as the driving

creative archetypal force that dwells in each and every one of us. Psychedelics open you up to

the possibilities of the soul’s expression and potential. It is your job to continue to nourish this


For more context, here is a short introduction to the work of the archetypal psychologist, James

Hillman. This short introduction is on the concept of serving the soul and psyche.

Serving Soul and Psyche

What is Psyche? What is Soul? According to Jung, psyche is the “totality of all psychic processes,

the intentional subjectivity of this totality being the ‘self’” (Hillman, 1999, p. 51). Hillman (1977)

describes soul as the imaginal. Soul is fantasy. It is the driving creative force that one feels deep

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their bones but cannot convey into words. Soul is a feeling. Soul is the watery dreams that flood

our consciousness during the night. Soul is life.

When soul emerges from the depths of our being, it can sometimes be uncontrollable, leaving

one to assume that it needs to be fixed or treated, and suppressed to live in accordance to

reality. Psyche and soul want to be expressed, though. It wants to be voiced. It wants to be

painted. It wants to be played. Soul wants the world to know who and what it is.

Hillman (1977) argues that the psyche and the soul does not need treatment, but rather it needs

to be served, “Psychotherapy, in accordance with the root meaning of the words ‘psyche’ and

‘therapy’ means to ‘serve soul,’ not to treat it” (p. 74). How does one serve soul? How does one

tend to soul? Hillman (1977) suggests, “letting it rule; it leads, we follow” (p. 74).

How do you allow yourself to follow what the psychedelic experience is trying to teach you?

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Integration and Growth

“Integration might be the principle underlying health at all levels of our experience, from the
microcosm of our inner word to our interpersonal relationships and life in our communities.”
Dan Siegel – Mindsight

Take a moment and think about the concept of integration and what it means to you.

What does integration mean to you?












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Let’s identify some areas in your life that may seem out of balance.

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Take some time to reflect how each one of these realms is in balance or out of balance in your

life at this current moment. Also, describe how you would like to change certain aspects in each


Body, Mind, and Spirit

The body, mind, and spirit can be split into three different categories, but science is starting to

realize that everything is connected. The body informs the mind, the mind informs the body, and

the balanced state between those two affects the way we perceive the world around us and

interact with it, which we will call spirit. Instead of labeling this realm as the emotional realm, this

will be referred to as the mind-body realm. Emotions live both in the mind and the body.

Describe how you perceive the body, mind, and spirit connection. Write about a time you felt

this connect was in balance and out of balance.













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The physical realm consists of taking care of your body. Are you eating healthy or exercising

regularly? Are you attending regular doctor visits? How can you begin to take care of your body

in a new way?

Describe your physical life. Tell a story about it.









What is your vision for balance?









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What is your physical environment like? Do you need to change scenery? Our environment can

have a large impact on our health and wellness. Are you living in a community that supports

you? How can you create community?

Describe your environment. How does it influence your life? Tell a story about it.









What is your vision for balance?









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Spiritual Life

Do you have a spiritual practice? Developing a sense of spirituality can help bring meaning to

life. How can you develop a spiritual practice? What calls to you? What are your beliefs?

Describe your spiritual life. Tell a story about it.









What is your vision for balance?









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What is your work/life balance like? Are you creating enough time for fun and hobbies? Are you

in search of a new career shift? Do you need to focus on having more fun and stop working so

hard? Are you spending enough quality time with friends and family?

Describe your lifestyle. Tell a story about it.









What is your vision for balance?









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Mental & Intellect

Are there new intellectual pursuits that you may be interested in? Go back to school? Take a

course? How do you mentally challenge yourself?

Describe your mental life. Tell a story about it.









What is your vision for balance?









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One of the biggest parts of integration is developing and cultivating healthy relationships that

support growth. How can you work on your relationships? Which relationships do you want to

work on? Which ones are healthy and which ones are not healthy? How can you cultivate and

foster new healthy relationships?

Describe your relationships. Tell a story about it.









What is your vision for balance?









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Week One

The psychedelic experience is like a journey

to space. There is a lot of preparation before

the experience. The come-up anxiety of the

substance is like sitting the cockpit of a

spaceship, blasting off the Earth. When we

reach the peak and blast into space, we can

become overwhelmed by all of the beauty

and chaos. In the chaos, we acquire insights

and lessons. These quick glimpses of

insights are like seeds that we gather on our journey. They are little chunks of cosmic wisdom

that we would not normally be able to perceive in the physical reality of Earth. Then we come

back down to the Earth after the experience and are sometimes blown away by the magnitude

of what just happened. We return to Earth with these little seeds or chunks of insights/wisdom

and have no idea what to do with them.

It is our job to bring these seeds back home to plant, nourish, and take care of. This is the first

part of the integration phase. This is the process of moving towards wholeness.

When we come home (back to our bodies) it is important to get grounded. After a life-changing

psychedelic experience, it is easy to be unsure what to do or how to work with the experience.

First thing first, just get grounded. If you used our Trip Journal, hopefully you documented the

experience. If you haven’t, go back and write up a trip report. It does not have to be a recent trip.

It could be something that you want to work on. It is just important to write it down.

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Self-Care & Grounding

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Self-care is a crucial part to integrating not just a psychedelic experience, but any experience.

Looking at the Pierre Teilhard de Chardin quote above, the emphasis is on the human

experience. We have a body. We need to care for this vehicle that carries us. Much of what self-

care is about is developing healthy skills and habits to care for the brain and the body.

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There are different realms of self-care that we can look at

Realms of Self-Care


Taking care of your body and physical vehicle. Self-care in this realm consists of exercise,

movement, healthy eating habits, and anything else that keeps the body healthy.

Psychological & Mental

While this could describe the emotional realm, this realm focused on the brain and intellectual

pursuits. This can consist of reading, writing, learning a new trade or pursuing a degree. How

does one keep the mind sharp and learn new things? Strengthening neural pathways is crucial

for healthy brain development.


Do you have a spiritual practice of some sort? Do you meditate or pray? Do you go to church or

temple? Developing a healthy spiritual or religious life can be important for psychedelic

integration. As Lenny Gibson once said, spirituality consists of developing a relationship with the

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world. It is your relationship to the world around you. How do you cultivate that and engage with



While emotions are usually thought to be of the psychological and mental realm, our emotions

come from our whole body. While we might process thoughts and feelings in the mind or the

brain, the body itself is constantly processing emotional information. In the somatic psychology

world, emotion can be stored in the body and manifest into psychological issues, so it is

important to realize that the emotional realm consists of both body and mind. How does one

care for emotions? Therapy? Massage? Taking a vacation? Setting boundaries? Engaging in

personal development work?


Work-life balance is crucial. Since most people identify their life with their work, it is important to

incorporate professional self-care into this. How can you develop a healthy work-life balance? If

work is becoming too stressful, what will you do? How can you set professional boundaries to

avoid burnout? Others feel that changes in professions or careers are needed to maintain a

healthy life. It is important to keep the work/play life balanced!

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“Take care of the body,

and the spirit will take care of itself.”

Identifying Self-Care Practices

For each realm, identify at least five self-care practices that you can implement. While you may

only practice a few, it is important to identify what you like or what works for you. Having

options and backup plans is important. Also, pick practices that you can become lost in for

hours. A self-care practice should be fun, not a task.

For example, going for a walk is a great physical self-care practice, but what if you develop a

walking self-care practice outside daily and the weather is not nice? How will you supplement

that practice for another? It is easy to make excuses to get out of not doing the work! Let’s try to

hold ourselves accountable.

Also, if you fall off of practicing self-care, it is important to not beat yourself up over it. Part of

self-care is also practicing self-love and acceptance. We are, in fact human, and life sometimes

get in the way. The negative self-talk can be detrimental to one’s emotional well-being.


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● Exercise daily and regularly ● Get outside in nature

● Eat healthy ● Taking a bath or cold shower

● Doctor checkups and visits ● Walk, run, swim, play sports, or physical

● Get massages

● Sexual life / needs: with your partner or

● Acupuncture
with self
● Dance and move
● Get enough sleep
● Sing
● Take vacations
● Get outside in nature
● Plan day trips
● Make time away from telephone

and technology





Psychological & Mental

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● Exercise daily and regularly ● Expand your horizons and explore

something new
● Personal therapy

● Live music, workshops, sporting events,

● Read a book
museums, nature hikes, something that
● Decrease stress in your life
you would not normally do
● Cut out toxic energy
● Stay curious and open to your
● Make changes in your schedule
or routine
● Setting boundaries on different areas in
● Pay attention to your inner world
your life

● Attend to those feelings, emotions,

● Just say “no”
dreams, or visions you may be
● Self-reflection and meditation
● Yoga






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● Spend time with friends and loved ones ● Spend time with children

● Limit time with toxic people and ● Breathwork

situations ● Yoga

● Reach out to someone important in ● Meditation

your life for a talk
● Allow yourself to be vulnerable and to
● Stay connected with nourishing / take healthy risks
supporting relationships
● Set boundaries and limits
● Affirmations, self-love, praise, and
● Turn off the cell phone and social
positive self-talk
● Spa night (paint nails, facial, hot bath)
● Therapy
● Aromatherapy
● Healthy food
● Reading favorite books
● Comfort food
● Create space to process emotions
● Somatic — get in touch with your body
(allowing yourself to cry)

● Laugh! Or learn to laugh a little more ☺






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● Meditation ● Identify what is meaningful to you

● Self-reflection ● Pray

● Astrology ● Sing

● Continue to work with the plants ● Stay open to new experiences

● Spend time with nature ● Volunteer and contribute to your

● Find and connect with a spiritual

mentor or community ● Find a cause to back up

● Be open to inspiration ● Read inspirational literature

● Be aware of nonmaterial aspects in ● Listen to inspirational talks and music

your life ● Aromatherapy

● Try at times not to be in charge or the ● Sage / smudge

● Dream work
● Ask questions and be open to not
● Trust the process





Workplace & Professional

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● Take a break during the workday (e.g., ● Take advantage of time off / sick time

lunch) ● Identify nourishing projects or work

● Connect with co-workers that are exciting, fun, and energizing

● Set limits with colleagues and clients (if ● Make quiet time to complete tasks

you can do so respectfully) ● Balance your caseload

● Can you negotiate for your needs? (pay ● Arrange your workspace so it is
raise, benefits, time off) comfortable and comforting

● Supervision and consultation with your ● Develop a peer support group

● Attend a training or workshop
● Organize and prioritize your tasks /
● Go to a conference
● Network with others
● Can you say no to projects or work?

(e.g. taking on new projects outside of






Why stress the importance of a daily practice and self-care?

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Exploring Neuroplasticity

This is really about creating new neural pathways and neural connections. When we start to

strengthen and create new neural pathways/connections, the brain can change and grow

because of neuroplasticity. Siegel (2011) suggests:

Careful focus of attention amplifies neuroplasticity by stimulating the release of

neurochemicals that enhance the structural growth of synaptic linkages among the

activated neurons….In sum, experience creates the repeated neural firing that can lead to

gene expression, protein production, and changes in both the genetic regulation of

neurons and the structural connections in the brain. (p. 42)

When engaging in self-care practices that are different than the normal routine, it helps to

stimulate the brain and to create change. Developing new habits is not easy. If it were easy,

there probably wouldn’t be a huge selection of self-help guides. A research study conducted by

Lally, van Jaarsveld, Potts, and Wardle (2010) found that it took an average of 66 days to create a

new habit, but the range was from anywhere between 18 to 254 days. Practice makes perfect, as

they say. As Dan Siegel (2011) highlights, “Neurons that fire together wire together,” meaning

that the more one practices or engages in the process, the stronger the neural connections


One of the key practical lessons of modern neuroscience is that the power to direct our attention
has within it the power to shape our brain’s firing patterns, as well as the power to shape the
architecture of the brain itself.

Dan Siegel, 2011, p. 39

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Action Steps

“If we get stuck in one pattern or the other, we are limiting our potential.”

— Dan Siegel, Mindsight

Taking action to care for yourself is important. Without a healthy vessel, our experience here is

limited. It is important to work with the body over the next few days after a psychedelic

experience to help become grounded.

So, let’s explore some self-care and what self-care means to you!

Journal Prompts

1. What does self-care mean to you?





2. Is self-care important to you? Why is it? Or if you have no thought about it before, why


o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



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3. What stops you or has stopped you in the past from implementing these


o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



4. Why did you choose the practices?

o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



5. How can you hold yourself accountable for engaging in self-care?





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For the next week -- practice either once or twice a day depending what the self-care tip is.

If you need some motivation, how can you reward yourself for practicing a self-care practice

each day?

If I practice for a week, I will reward myself with:

If I practice for two weeks, I will:

If I practice for three weeks, I will:

Weekly Recaps

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Come back to this section after a week to reflect on your experience. Hopefully you were able to

find the motivation to continue your practice of staying grounded.

Journal Prompts

1. How was the first week of practicing self-care?

o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



2. Did you notice any shifts? These could be energetically, spiritually, emotionally,

psychologically, or physically.

o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



3. Were you able to practice each day? If not, what stopped you from doing so?

o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



4. Were there any highlights of the week?

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o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



5. What practices did you find to be the most beneficial for you?

o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



6. What practices did not work for you?

o _____________________________________________________________________________________________



As you continue this integration path, try not to become too rigid. If things are not working, try

shifting your perspective and try something new. This is really just an experiment to get you to

figure out what works for you and what doesn’t work.

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Photo by Neslihan Gunaydin

Week Two

Planting Seeds and Intentions

Getting grounded and practicing self-care is one of the first steps towards integrating a

psychedelic experience. As you find your way back to your body and feel a sense of being

grounded, we can then move towards some of the real work.

For this section, think back to a recent or significant psychedelic experience that you are

continuing to process. As you think about the experience, let’s refer to the metaphor of the

psychedelic experience being a trip to space and collecting little seeds of cosmic wisdom.

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Identify one deep insight or lesson that you learned from the experience:





We will use the metaphor of a garden to work through the process. Gardens represent work,

patience, determination, constant effort, reward and celebration. If anyone has ever planted a

garden, you may know or remember that it was not as easy as it sounded. “Just plant things and

it will grow.” Not exactly. There are so many variables to a garden - weather, soil consistency, soil

contaminants and pH levels, bugs and insects, knowing which crops do best in what location and

what type of soil, and the list goes on.

A Meditation

I invite you to close your eyes and begin to turn inward. Take three deep breaths into the belly.

Simply pay attention to how you’re feeling. What feelings are you experiencing? What is your

body feeling like? Are you aware of any particular feelings or sensations?

As you begin to become more aware of this internal space, I invite you to think about or

remember the psychedelic experience that holds the most charge. Whatever comes to mind

first. As this experience comes to the forefront, begin to ask yourself these questions:

Where are you? Who are you with? What did you take?

What does your body feel like?

What emotions are you experiencing?

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What is a message that you received during this experience?

Why is this experience sticking out for you?

As you remember this experience, stay present with your body and breath. Remember to

breathe. Slow, long, deep breaths.

Explore this experience for a few minutes.

As you find your way back into this psychedelic state, what do you notice?

I invite you to imagine that you are floating in a cosmic sea of potential.

Everything that has or will exist is alive in this space.

Each potential is a seed.

Reach out and grab a seed.

As you grasp it, pull it into your chest and place it against your heart.

Feel the energy of it.

What is it telling you? What does it represent?

How does it relate to your psychedelic experience?

I invite you to sit with these feelings for a few minutes.

Take a deep breath and just be aware of any feelings.

I invite you to place the seed in your pocket or keep it in your hand.

Bring this seed back with you as you slowly return to your body.

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Journal Prompt

Now that you have returned from your journey, how will you care for the seeds that you brought

back with you? What intentions will you plant? How do you plan to create growth?



















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Planting Seeds

“In this earth, in this soil, in this pure field let’s not plant any seed other than seeds of
compassion and love.” - Rumi

Now that you have returned, it is time to start planting seeds in your garden. These “seeds” are

your intentions for the rest of this book. These “seeds” represent your goals, and things to work


Take a moment and think about what integration means to you. As you nourish these seeds of

change within you, what are you trying to manifest?

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1. What type of message did you get from the meditation or from your psychedelic

During my psychedelic vision, I got a message to reconnect with the earth and spend more time

in nature. I also got a message to continue to listen to my innervoice and to not be afraid to be


2. What are you trying to integrate? What type of experience are you working with?
Part of the vision that I experienced consisted of two worlds - one was covered in cities,

garbage, disease, and famine. The other was a world based in nature, or more like a culture

that embraces nature. I sometimes feel like I want to move out to the woods and get away from

the city…...

3. What types of seeds are you planting? (could be a nice flower that you like or goals).
I’d like to plant sunflower seeds because of how beautiful they are, and they represent “moving

towards wholeness.” I’d like to spend more time in nature throughout the week to help me

become grounded. I also want to start creating more. My inner voice keeps telling me to show

up and do the work, and not to be afraid of showing up.

4. How will you care for these seeds over the next few days or weeks? (Action plan)
I can start by taking small steps. I would like to spend at least one hour outside everyday. I will

also try to engage in some type of creative/work project.

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1. What type of message did you get from the meditation from your psychedelic experience?







2. What are you trying to integrate? What type of experience are you working with?






3. What types of seeds are you planting? (It could be a nice flower that you like, or goals).





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4. How will you care for these seeds over the next few days or weeks? (Action plan)









5. The next six months?







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6. How would you like to see your life manifest from this experience over the next year?









7. Is there an area of integration that you would like to focus on? (Relationship / Community,
Lifestyle / Career, Mind / Body / Spirit, Mental / Intellect, Environmental, or Spiritual).






8. Why do you think you need to work on these particular areas?





Making a Plan

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Break down small actionable goals or steps that you can perform each week. Think about the

bigger picture/goal and break it down.

What is your overall goal? To eat clean? To exercise? To develop healthy relationships?

Name one BIG goal - something that resonates with your integration process or overall

psychedelic vision.

Then think about a project that you can achieve and work towards.

Make one BIG Goal, one realistic/lifestyle goal, and then think of a creative project that you can

work on.

Big Goal



Integration/lifestyle Goal



Creative Project Goal



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Weekly goals Breaking down weekly goals into daily goals

Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

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Week 9

Week 10

Week Four

Watering Your Seeds with Dreams and Interpretation

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This week will consist of watering the seeds and providing it with sunlight. Water, being the

unconscious and sunlight, representing fire and action. This week will focus on dreams and also

implementing some small actions that you stated.


One way to water the “seeds” that we planted is to pay attention to dreams. Some people say

that they do not dream. That is ok. If you are one of those people, I encourage you to make an

intention before going to bed at night to remember a feeling from your slumber. If you can

remember a feeling, write it down. Continue to write down any feelings or dreams that you may

have over the week.

Dreams are watery by nature. Freud believed that “dreams are the royal road to the

unconscious.” While it seems that tracking dreams or emotions during sleep may seem odd or

maybe worthless, it is always surprising how much rich content can come out of the experience.

This is also one process that can help us get in touch with the psyche and unconscious. Dreams

can be a window to the soul. For example, dreams can inform us about our emotional state and

different things that are going on. I awoke from a dream about being angry at a person in my life

and began venting about it to someone. Ironically, during the day I ended up having a

conversation with a family member about this and the conversation unlocked a bunch of

missing pieces to the story I was telling myself. While dreams may be subtle, they can often

inform us about a lot of things that are going on.

Also, working with dreams was an integral part of Hippocratic medicine. According to my

philosophy and breathwork teacher, Lenny Gibson, the word therapist derives from Greek and

has associations with dreams:

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The word “therapist” comes directly from Greek, where it designates a temple attendant role

was to wait on people who came to lie at a temple in order to experience healing dreams, which

were an integral part of Hippocratic medicine.

Use these dreams as a window into the unconscious and examine how this process begins to

manifest over time. This process is subtle at times, so it is important to continue to stay

engaged, even if it seems like there is no progress.

Night Time Practice

Before going to sleep each night, create a ritual of meditating and setting an intention. This can

be as simple as sitting down for five minutes, turning inward, and quieting the mind. Each night,

write down or say an intention before going to sleep to help to cultivate awareness in the dream

world. You can also ask a question for guidance or insight.

Plants and Dreams

If you are currently working with any plant medicine, or if you have a plant that speaks to you,

you may ask this plant for insights or guidance. If you have been working with ayahuasca, for

example, and you happen to have a piece of the bark, place the plant under your pillow at night.

If you are working with any herbs, use one that is calling out to you. When I first learned about

this practice, I was working with the plant Mullein. I had a piece of mullein leaf under my pillow

while I slept.

Night 1

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What is your intention or question?
























Day 1

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Write down your dream content or an emotion that you remember/feel. If you can’t remember

the dream in full detail, just write down anything that you remember from it.























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Use this space to draw or doodle anything that you are feeling.

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Night 2

What is your intention or question?



















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Day 2

Write down your dream content or an emotion that you remember/feel. If you can’t remember

the dream in full detail, just write down anything that you remember from it.


















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Use this space to draw or doodle anything that you are feeling.

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Night 3

What is your intention or question?












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Day 3

Write down your dream content or an emotion that you remember/feel. If you can’t remember

the dream in full detail, just write down anything that you remember from it.











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Use this space to draw or doodle anything that you are feeling.

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Night 4

What is your intention or question?




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Day 4

Write down your dream content or an emotion that you remember/feel. If you can’t remember

the dream in full detail, just write down anything that you remember from it.



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Use this space to draw or doodle anything that you are feeling.

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Night 5

What is your intention or question?





















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Day 5

Write down your dream content or an emotion that you remember/feel. If you can’t remember

the dream in full detail, just write down anything that you remember from it.




















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Use this space to draw or doodle anything that you are feeling.

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This Time in My Life

Finish the sentence below without thinking too much. It can be metaphorical or literal or both.

Answer it from the heart.

This time in my life…










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Look back at the past few days and what you just wrote; do you notice any themes or

commonalities? Is anything of importance sticking out for you?








Week Five

Embodiment: Cultivating Awareness and Relationship

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One of the key practical lessons of modern neuroscience is that the power to direct our attention has
within it the power to shape our brain’s firing patterns, as well as the power to shape the architecture of
the brain itself.

– Dan Siegel

As the seeds begin to sprout and grow, so are you. Things are shifting. Are you noticing it?

This week will focus on cultivating personal awareness, relationship, and embodiment.

Looking back to last week, is there anything that continues to stick out for you from your

dreams? If so, write any insights or thoughts down.

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Integration is about embodiment. Integration is also about relationship. To be able to embody

insight, we need to cultivate awareness of the insight and be able to develop a relationship

between the insight and reality. This week will focus on developing somatic awareness.

Action Steps

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Dedicate 10-20 minutes each day this week to either meditate, take a slow walk in nature or

meditate in nature.

Meditation: Close your eyes and turn inward. Take three deep breaths into the belly, hold, and


This meditation is about developing body awareness.

How does your body feel in the moment?

How does it feel after it took in those three deep breaths?

As you inhale, pay attention to the feeling of the air rushing up your nostrils or in through your

mouth. Feel the sensation. Feel the air fill your body.

Where are you bringing the air?

Are you taking shallow inhales that only touch the top of your chest?

Or are you taking deep breaths that fill your chest and abdomen.

Imagine each breath as a ball of white light entering into the body.

You have the ability to control where this light goes.

You can bring it down into the soles of your feet

Or you can bring it into top of your head/crown.

As you pay attention to the inhale, focus on a part of your body that you would like to bring this

ball of light.

Breathe into that space.

How does it feel?

What happens when you hold it?

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What does it feel like when you release it?

Scan your body and just simple pay attention to how it feels.

If you sense any discomfort, return to your breath.

Take a deep breath into that region of the body and guide the ball of light there.

Continue to stick with the breath and the body until you feel ready to come back.

Journal Questions

1. What does having a body mean to you?










2. What does embodiment mean to you?







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3. How does your relationship to your body inform your reality?









4. How does your relationship to your body inform your reality?








5. How do psychedelics inform you of your relationship with you body?



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Let’s come back to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s quote:

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings
having a human experience.

What does this quote mean to you?







Psychedelics dissolve boundaries between the physical and the spiritual. Many people report

feeling more open after a psychedelic experience. People also can report feeling connected with

the universe and something much bigger than this life. When we travel deep into the

psychedelic void, the body seems to disappear and all is left is psyche, soul, or spirit. Integration

is about getting back in touch with the body and developing a relationship with the world

around us.

It is easy to want to stay in the psychedelic space. It is blissful and that feeling of pure

consciousness is like nothing else. But in reality, this… this life is the trip! In pure consciousness,

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nothing matters. To come back to this reality is strange. It is easy to feel all of sudden out of

place and not too sure what to do. This is integration - embodying the experience and living it -

walking the walk.

Look back to your dream connections and your integration intention, are things manifesting in

the way you want so far?












If not, what would you like to start focusing on? Identify one project, activity, or thing that would

help you start making moves towards your integration intention.








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One aspect of embodiment and integration is the ability to cultivate discernment. Often, actions

and thoughts are based off of impulse. What we believe to be true or what we want may not

actually be the thing that we should be working on or moving towards.

Throughout the week, try to develop a relationship to your body and gut. The stomach is often

referred to as the “second brain” as it can inform our brain for decision-making.

Each day this week, write down a question or action step that you need help with or want clarity

for. After writing down this desire, close your eyes, tune inward, and take seven deep breaths

into the belly. As you tune into your body and the intention, begin to focus on your body. What is

it telling you? Do you feel anxious when you think about this particular thing? Does it make you

excited? Just pay attention to the body’s messages.


Intention/Question #1

Looking back at my dream and intention, I am feeling the need to use my voice more and get out

there in the world.


When I think about putting myself out there in the world more, I feel anxious. My stomach

begins to knot and my throat feels like it wants to close up. It makes me nervous. It feels like

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there is a fear there that is blocking me from doing anything. It’s not telling me not to do it, but

the fear that comes up is stopping me. I’d like to work with this fear and overcome it.

Action Step

Write a blog post or create an Instagram story to share a vulnerability.

Intention/Question #1


Action Step:

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Intention/Question #2


Action Step:

Intention/Question #3


Action Step:

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Intention/Question #4


Action Step:

Intention/Question #5


Action Step:

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Weekly Recap

What have you noticed about this week? Any insights or noticeable events?















What has it been like to tune into your body and start to develop a relationship with it?





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Week Six

Gratitude, Growth, and Change

Taking action is important. To develop new patterns and to create change, we must engage in

the process. As Hanson and Mendius (2009) mention in their book, Buddha’s Brain, “Small

positive actions every day will add up to large changes over time, as you gradually build new

neural structures. To keep at it you need to be on your own side” (p. 19).

For this week, keep a free flow journal tracking gratitude, action steps, and other notes.

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Day 1

Small positive actions every day will add up to large changes over time, as you gradually build
new neural structures. To keep at it you need to be on your own side.

Hanson and Mendius


What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






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Thoughts and Reflections
























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Day 2

Action Step: Find an old journal from the past and read a few pages. Reflect on where you were

and where you are now. How much have you grown?


What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






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Thoughts or Reflections
























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Day 3

"No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and
confident acknowledge this help with gratitude."

Alfred North Whitehead


What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






Thoughts or Reflections

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Day 4

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"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."



What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






Thoughts or Reflections



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Day 5

I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm
paying attention and practicing gratitude.

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Brené Brown


What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






Thoughts or Reflections





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Day 6

The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






Thoughts or Reflections





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Day 7

We can't change anything until we get some fresh ideas,

until we begin to see things differently.

James Hillman

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What are you grateful for today?

What is one positive thing that happened today or one positive thing you are looking forward to

Things to do today:






Thoughts or Reflections







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Weeks Seven and Eight

Flowering your Intentions

Integration, and much of life, is like a flower or

plant. As we grow, we grow towards a

potential. Some plants and trees produce

flowers and others produce flowers and fruits.

Both are gifts to the world. The bees pollinate

flowers and use the sweet nectars of the

flowers to produce honey. Fruits and

vegetables are eaten by many animals and

humans. The integration process is much like

this. We spend time growing, changing, letting

go, and finally flowering and fruiting all before

letting go again. This is the opportunity to

share our gifts and sweet fruits of labor with

the world.

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What are you trying to share with the world? What are some of the gifts that you want to share?








Looking back at your 12-week goal calendar, how are you doing?






What have you accomplished?






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What type of gifts have you been sharing with the world so far?






If you have not been achieving or working towards your goals, what has been stopping you?






How can you make some adjustments? Did you set your expectations too high? Have your

priorities shifted at all or have changed direction?






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If your priorities have shifted or changed direction, why? What is causing the shift?






If you have not spent any time working on your creative project, think about what you would like

to work on or create.

Part of integration is about making lifestyle changes and developing a relationship with one’s

self. Another part is expressive and creative. Going back to the concept of psyche and soul, the

creative energy wants to flow. The left brain wants to see some concrete accomplishments and

actions while the right part of the brain wants to express the language of the soul.

Think about creating a poem, art piece, mandala, music, podcast, a paper, article, or research

paper. Whatever the psyche is asking for you to do.

For the next two weeks, work on this project. This is the flower blooming into reality.

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Add Creative Project calendar to map out this project.

Example: Create photo album of the past year

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Brainstorm theme Find phtos and one’s to print Print photos

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

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Free Journal / Note Space






















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Week Nine

Moving Past Integration

Integration is a continuous process. It does not simply just end. It is always unfolding in subtle

and mysterious ways. It is important to stay open, stay curious, and also stay engaged in the

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process. The psychedelic experience shows us a new way of seeing and being in the world. The

trick of integration is now re-adjusting to the world with these new sets of beliefs and thoughts.

How do we move past the integration phase and just be? How do we begin to thrive in our

community and environment with these new sets of skills and mindset?

What are some things that you learned about yourself over the past few weeks?









How can you continue to work on your integration?









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What type of reminders can you can you give yourself if you start to feel like you are moving off








Are there ways to get involved in your community, if you are not already involved?








What does integration mean to you?





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While this workbook can continue going on with journal entries and prompts, the real work is

out in the world. The world needs you. The world needs your psychedelic visions and gifts. We

hope that you move this work forward in your life someway. It can be extremely meaningful.

We hope that you have taken enough initiative to finish the creative integration project. We

would love to see what you have come up with and would love to learn about your integration

process. If you feel called to do so, email your projects to us at

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Integration Resources
• Psychedelics Today – Integration Coaching Services


• Navigating Psychedelics: Lessons on Self-Care & Integration (Online Course)


• MAPS: Psychedelic Integration List - An online directory of integration professionals


• Psychedelic.Support – An online directory of integration professionals


• Psychedelic Program at the Center for Optimal Living


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Cozolino, L. (2014) The neuroscience of human relationships: Attachment and the developing social

brain, 2nd ed. New York: WW Norton & Company.

Hillman, J. (1977). Re-visioning psychology. New York: Harper Perennial.

Hillman, J. (1999). The myth of analysis. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.

Lally, P., van Jaarsveld, C. M., Potts, H. W., & Wardle, J. (2010). How are habits formed: Modelling

habit formation in the real world. European Journal Of Social Psychology, 40(6), 998-1009.

Siegel, D. (2011). Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation. New York, NY: Bantam


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