Name That President

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Name that President

William Henry Harrison I served the shortest term as president (31 days). My
1. _____________________
billy goat ate on the lawn while I was at the White House. My grandson became
president as well.

2. ______________________
James Monroe I was from Virginia. I received every electoral vote
except 1 in the election of 1820. No one ran against me. I am most known for my
“doctrine”. My death occurred on July 4th.
John Adams
3. ______________________ I was the first president to live in the White House. My
name appears on the Declaration of Independence, which I helped draft. I was 8
years old when I started smoking. As the lawyer for British soldiers after the
Boston Massacre, I helped get them declared “not guilty”. I died on July 4th.
John Quincy Adams My dad was president. I was the first president to
4. ______________________
serve in the House of Representatives after being president. I won the Presidency
after no one had the electoral vote majority and it went to the House of
Representatives. Andrew Jackson actually had more popular votes and more
electoral votes than I did.
James Madison
5. _______________________ During my term as president the British burned down
the White House. My wife saved the Declaration of Independence and a picture of
George Washington. I as 5’4” and 100 lbs., but I am known as the Father of the
John Tyler
6. _______________________ I was a member of the Whig party. My sons and
daughters totaled 15 from two wives. I joined the Confederacy when the Civil War
started and served in the Confederate House of Representatives. I was the first vice-
president to assume the presidency.
Andrew Jackson
7. ________________________ At age 13 I joined in the fighting during the
Revolutionary War. I also fought in the war of 1812. I carried 2 bullets in my body
for most of my adult years because of duels I had fought. My nickname is Old
Hickory. I was responsible for the Trail of Tears.

Martin Van Buren

8. ________________________ My nickname was “Old Kinderhook”. I was the first
president born as an American citizen. I helped found the Democratic party.
Thomas Jefferson
9. ________________________ I was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase. My
most famous document is a little thing called the Declaration of Independence. With
Sally Hemmings, one of my slaves, I fathered children.

George Washington I was known as the Father of our Country yet I did
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not father any children of my own. I set the two-term tradition as president. I was
the commander of the Continental Army. My slaves were freed by my will when I
James Buchanon
11. ______________________ I was the only president who wasn’t married. My
place of birth was a log cabin in Pennsylvania. During the end of my presidency it
became clear that many states in the South were going to secede from the Union.
Zachary Taylor
12. ______________________ My nickname was “Old rough and ready”. I was the
second president to die while in the White House. I did not vote until I was 62 years
old. I am another president who did not win the popular vote.

Theodore Roosevelt I was once the Speaker of the House. During my

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presidency we fought the Mexican-American War. I was a firm believer in manifest
destiny. My wife and I hosted the first Thanksgiving dinner at the White House. I
retired after one term in office and died 3 months later.
Ulysses S. Grant
14. ______________________ I established Yellowstone as the first national park. I
was said to smoke 20 cigars a day (this may explain why I died of throat cancer.)
For a period of time I served at West Point. My picture is on the $50 bill.
Rutherford B. Hayes Some say I should not be president because I lost the
15. ______________________
popular vote and the electoral vote. It took three recounts but the presidency was
finally given to me in the most controversial election ever, before Gore vs. Bush in
2000. I had the first telephone installed in the White House and I banished alcohol
there in order to set a good example for the country.
Andrew Johnson
16. _______________________ I was impeached by the House of Representatives
and saved by one vote in the Senate. My wife and I got married when she was 16
and I was 18. I was never elected president and I did not have a Vice-president.
Franklin Pierce
17. _______________________ I was born in New Hampshire. My life was hard
because I was an alcoholic. My party did not nominate me to run for a second term.
I did not have a Vice-President because he died before I took office. The first
Christmas tree was put up in the White House during my presidency. I was once
arrested for running someone over in my carriage.

Abraham Lincoln
18. ________________________ I failed at most things before I became president. I
was the tallest president at 6’4”. My life began in Kentucky and I lived in Indiana
and Illinois. I held the union together during one of the toughest eras in this
country’s history. John Wilkes Booth took my life in April of 1865.

James A. Garfield
19. ________________________ I was the last president to be born in a log cabin.
The man who shot me was Charles Guiteau. I would have lived but my doctors tried
to find the bullet with unsterilized hands and instruments. I eventually died of
blood poisoning. My place of birth was Ohio. I campaigned for the presidency
from my front porch.
Millard Fillmore
20. _____________________ I was the second president without a Vice-President.
When the Library of Congress caught fire my cabinet and I helped put out the
blaze. My political party was the Whigs and I was never elected president.

21. _____________________
Grover Cleveland I was the only president to serve non-consecutive
terms. I paid a Polish immigrant $150 to take my place during the Civil War.
While in the White House, I answered the phone personally. The Baby Ruth candy
bar was not named after my daughter as legend says it was.

22. _____________________
William Howard Taft The White House had a huge bath tub installed for me
because I over 300 lbs. I was the first president to sit on the Supreme Court after
my presidency. I am also one of two presidents to be buried in Arlington National
Benjamin Harrison My grandfather was president. We had electric lights
23. _____________________
installed in the White House when I was president but I was afraid to turn them on
and off. I lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote. I was one of 7 presidents
to come from Ohio and I was the first to attend a baseball game.

Chester A. Arthur
24. _____________________ I was one of two presidents born in Vermont. I was
never elected and had no Vice-President. I knew I was going to die toward the end
of my term but I still tried to gain the party nomination for the next election.

Theodore Roosevelt I was the first president to have a public ride in an

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automobile. I was a member of the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American
War and I formed the Bull Moose political Party. The Panama Canal was begun
during my presidency.

William McKinley
26. _____________________ I was the first president to actually ride in an
automobile. My campaign for president was the first to use the phone to talk to
people about voting. I was shot by an immigrant named Leon Czolgosz. I died 8
days later.

Herbert Hoover
27. ____________________ I was blamed for the Great Depression. My salary was
given to charity because I was the first millionaire president. I was a Quaker and
was the first president to have a phone on his desk.

Warren G. Harding
28. ______________________ I am ranked as one of the worst presidents in history.
Poker games with alcohol were normal at the White House during my presidency,
which was during Prohibition. I was the first president broadcast over the radio.

Woodrow Wilson
29. ______________________ I was the second president to win the Nobel Peace
Prize. After my stroke, my wife pretty much ran the government for me. I was
president of Princeton and was responsible for segregating the government.
John Calvin Coolidge I was the last ex-president to serve in the House of
30. ______________________
Representatives. My total years spent as president were six. My routine for the day
was to sleep 10 hours at night, work 4 hours a day and take a nap during that time
as well.

John F. Kennedy
31. _____________________ I was the first Catholic president, first to win a purple
heart, and the first Pulitzer price winner. I did not accept a salary as President. I
am rumored to have had an affair with Marilyn Monroe.

Franklin D. Roosevelt My life was very hard because I was stricken with
32. _____________________
polio earlier in my life. I was elected to four terms as president. Two of my most
famous speeches include the words “the only think we have to fear is fear itself” and
“a day which will live in infamy”.

Dwight D. Eisenhower I was the first president to serve under a

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constitutionally limited term (22nd amendment). I was the only president to serve in
WWI and WWII. I was the first president to be on color television.
Jimmy Carter
34. _____________________ I was the first president born in a hospital. My earlier
employment consisted of being a peanut farmer. A submarine was once under my
command. I was studied nuclear physics at Annapolis. I am currently very
involved in Habitat for Humanity.
Ronald Reagan
35. _____________________ The Iran-Contra Scandal occurred during my
presidency. I was once an actor and was in a movie with a monkey called “Bedtime
for Bonzo”. I was shot but did not die during my presidency.
Richard Nixon
36. _____________________ I resigned from office during the Vietnam War. My
nickname was “Tricky Dick”. I talked to the astronauts who landed on the moon
from the White House.
Gerald Ford
37. _____________________ I pardoned President Nixon and was shot at by a
member of the Manson Family. I went to the University of Michigan and was
Harry S. Truman
38. _____________________ I was the first president to give a speech on television.
During my presidency I had to make the decision to drop the atomic bomb. My
most famous line was “ the buck stops here”.
George W. Bush
39. _____________________ I was responsible for the war in Iraq that led to the
ousting of Saddam Hussein. My former job was as part owner of the Texas
Rangers. My father was president before me.
Lyndon Johnson
40. _____________________ I was once criticized for picking my dog up by his
ears. I escalated the war in Vietnam and did not run for a second term because it
wore on him so badly. A lot of civil rights legislation was passed during my
Bill Clinton
41. _____________________ I was impeached by the House of Representatives but
not by the Senate. I had an inappropriate affair with a woman named Monica
during my presidency. My nickname was Bubba.

George HW Bush
42. _____________________ My most famous line was “No new taxes”. When there
were new taxes, I didn’t get reelected. I lead our country in the Persian Gulf war
against Saddam Hussein. (My son would do it years later as well.)
Barack Obama
43. _____________________ I was the first president elected that had an African
American background. During my presidency Osama bin Laden was killed. I love
to shoot hoop at the White House.

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