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Note : The questions statements are not exactly similar to those given in the test ,correct Answers are
written after being checked from internet( , , and different
course books;Errors in answers are accepted.
1) Self-tapping screws are primarily used for…..
sheet metal works
2) Gear train used for automatic transmission ………
3) A bimetallic strip of iron and copper is heated it bends
Iron on the concave side
4) If V1 is the jet velocity and velocity of vehicle is V0, the
propulsive efficiency is given by…….
5) One of the purposes of sub cooling the liquid refrigerant is to………..
Ensure that only liquid and not the vapour enters the expansion (throttling) valve
6) Centrifugal tension in belts…………
reduces power transmission
7) Washer are generally specified by……..
Central hole diameter
8) When a nut is tightened by placing a washer below it, the bolt will be subjected to
following type of loads………..
9) In a helical spring the stiffness is related to diameter of wire d by the relation….
10) Hobbing process cannot be used to cut………..
Bevel gears
11) Gear tooth vernier is used to measure……..
Pitch line thickness of gear tooth
12) A hot wire anemometer is used to measure ……..
Velocity of gas
13) Feeler gauge is used for measuring clearance between
flat surfaces
14) An electric cable of aluminum (k = 240 W/ m degree) is to
be insulated with rubber (k = 6 W/ square meter degree).
If the cable is in air (h = 6 W/square meter degree). Find
the critical radius?
Critical radius = 0.15/6 = 0.025 m = 25 mm
15) A rod and pipe has same mass and length ,the second moment of area… Of
pipe is greater than rod
16) Which of the following statement is wrong…..
Log mean temp difference and arithmetic mean temp diff are same
17) When a mould cracks after drying it indicates…. Excess of clay
18) Which one of the following will have least value of thermal conductivity?......
(Glass=1.05 Plastic=0.03 Natural rubber=0.13 Water=0.58)
Note : The questions statements are not exactly similar to those given in the test ,correct Answers are
written after being checked from internet( , , and different
course books;Errors in answers are accepted.
19) The machining allowance provided on patterns depends upon…….. (Ans is ‘all of these’
on ,but as far as I remember there was no such option in the test)

19) Efficiency of otto cycle having a compression ratio of 8.2….

21) A car is travelling at an acceleration of a=4t,during t=2s to t=4s , velocity 180km/hr at
t=2s ,find the car velocity at t=4s…….
62 m/s
22) Indenter used in vikers hardness test …..
Pyramid shape diamond
23) The bicycle has a velocity +4i, and at the same instant the rear wheel has a clockwise
angular velocity omega = 3 rad/s, which causes slip at its contact point. A Determine the
velocity of point A, wheel has a radius of 26 inch……..
-2.5 m/s
24) For the same max and min temperature ,which one has lowest efficiency….
25) Phenomenon of self-energizing is used in case of…….
Drum Brake
26) Springs arrangement {3k ,k ,(2k,k parallel),(2k,k parallel)} are in series , and the
equivalent is in parallel with (k ,2k in series)……
27) A disk of radius r is connected to a spring ,natural frequency of the system……
28) An irregular shaped object has mass 2.5 kg ,and a radius of gyration 2 m, the moment
of inertia of the object is…….
29) Dimension of dynamic viscosity…..
30) The moisture in a refrigerant is removed by___________________?
31) A process occurs reversibly from A to B ,it comes back to its final position
from A to B through another reversible process,its entropy change
32) remain same
33) Work done during free expansion of a gas…..
34) A 2-m3 rigid tank contains nitrogen gas at 500kPa and 300 K. Now heat is
transferred to the nitrogen in the tank and the pressure of nitrogen rises to
800 kPa. The work done during this process is ....
Note : The questions statements are not exactly similar to those given in the test ,correct Answers are
written after being checked from internet( , , and different
course books;Errors in answers are accepted.

35) The amount of cold work a material can withstand depends on…….
(The amount of cold working that a particular metal can withstand before cracking
depends on its composition and microstructure

35) On a still clear night, the sky appears to be a blackbody with an equivalent temperature of
250 K. What is the air temperature when a strawberry field cools to 0°C and freezes if the
heat transfer coefficient between the plants and air is 6 W/m2·K because of a light breeze and
the plants have an emissivity of 0.9? 14 C0
36) In a petrol engine, the mixture has the lowest pressure at the……
End of suction stroke
37) The specific speed of a centrifugal pump is given by……

38) A water tank initially contains 140 L of water. Now, equal rates of cold and hot water enter
the tank for a period of 30 minutes while warm water is discharged from the tank at a rate of
25 L/min. The amount of water in the tank at the end of this 30-min period is 50 L. The rate
of hot water entering the tank is….
11 L/min
39) Buckling in short columns occurs in direction….
Least radius of gyration
40) Three pumps are connected in parallel. According to pump performance curves, the
shutoff head of each pump is as follows:
Pump 1: 7 m, Pump 2: 10 m, Pump 3: 15 m.
If the net head for this pump system is 9 m, which pump(s) should be shut off?
Pump 1 (Cengel book:However, to avoid pump damage and loss of combined capacity, any
individual pump should be shut off at net heads larger than that pump’s shutoff head,)
41) A left hand tool on a lathe cuts most efficiently when……
It travels from left to right
42) Four bar mechanism ,Ground length 300 m ,Coupler 160 m, others 500 m,450 m,if the
mechanism is rotatable ,which link will make complete revolution……
Note : The questions statements are not exactly similar to those given in the test ,correct Answers are
written after being checked from internet( , , and different
course books;Errors in answers are accepted.
43) Which of the following operation is performed first….
44) The center of percussion is the point on an extended massive object attached to a pivot
where a perpendicular impact will produce no reactive shock at the pivot
Center of percussion (Mcq statement was different)
45) Which of the following gives a large pressure rise ,at low to moderate flow rate…
(A compressor is a gas pump designed to deliver a very high pressure rise, typically at low to
moderate flow rates.)
46) What is the effect of change in Reynold’s number on friction factor in turbulent flow?
As the Reynold’s number increases the friction factor decreases in turbulent flow
47) The lowest temperature air can attain in evaporative cooling is…….
The wet bulb temperature
48) A connecting rod of length 1.2 m, is attached to a crank of radius (--) and angular
velocity (-), determine the angular velocity of rod at the moment they are aligned….
Wrod=Wcrank * Radius/Length of rod
49) A vapor power plant has the same boiler and condenser pressure ,when regeneration is
incorporated it results in……..
Decrease in turbine output
50) Materials show high resistance to fatigue failure ,if stress level is below…….
a) Elastic limit b)yield point c)endurance limit

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