Sustainable Tourism Policies and Corporate Branding, Case of LUX Resorts & Hotels PDF

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Sustainable tourism policies and corporate branding, Case of LUX* Resorts &


Vishnee Sowamber (Group Sustainability & CSR Manager at LUX* Resorts and Tourism Researcher at UTM)

Perunjodi Naidoo (Researcher at University of Technology Mauritius)

Prabha Ramseook Munhurrun (Researcher at University of Technology Mauritius)

Yashveer Seetaram (Tourism Research Associate at University of Technology Mauritius)


A Lighter.Brighter.
Holiday Experience
LUX* Resorts & Hotels

Mauritius Island
LUX* Belle Mare
LUX* Grand Gaube
LUX* Le Morne
Tamassa New Openings
Merville Beach Italy
Ile Des Deux Cocos LUX* Tuscany (2020)
Reunion Island China
LUX* Saint Gilles LUX* Luxe Lakes, Chengdu ( 2021)
Hotel Le Recif LUX* Wolong, Chengdu ( 2019 )
Maldives Maldives
LUX* South Ari Atoll LUX* North Male Atoll (2018)
China U.A.E
LUX* Tea Horse Road Lijiang LUX* Al Zorah (2019)
LUX* Tea Horse Road Benzilan LUX* Al Zorah Residences (2019)
Turkey Vietnam
LUX* Bodrum Resort & Residences LUX* Phu Quoc (2020)
Global Goals – Local Goals

Alignment of Business strategy with the SDGs – STAKEHOLDER INCLUSIVENESS


Sustainable Development & CS
Our Philosophy – Our Pledg

Our People, Our Planet

“HELPING PEOPLE CELEBRATE LIFE!” is core to our brand DNA and so

important to us that we have made it the company Mission.

In line with this, LUX* has implemented among others, a sustainability policy, an
environmental policy, a purchasing policy and a human rights policy to ensure
values are shared across the value chain, implementing mitigation and adaptation
initiatives within our operation and with our stakeholders.

Our flagship projects are Tread Lightly by LUX* and Ray of Light by LUX*. These
were deployed with the LUX* Corporate Sustainability Management Plan: Vision


• LUX* : Sustainability Leadership

• Tread Lightly by LUX*

Our commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation in all destinations

• Ray of Light by LUX*

Our commitment to uplifting and preserving all the communities that host us

• Sustainability at LUX* - The Highlights ( Governance, Social, Environment )

• Preserving and Promoting Cultural Heritage

Sustainability Leadership
An Introduction

Responsible Business is the basis of our decision-making and contributes

to advancing the communities and economies in which we are present
(Vishnee et al, 2020).

LUX* voluntarily aligns with National and International Guidelines in

Good Governance, Integrated Reporting and CSR.
Sustainability at LUX*
Transparency - Communication

Thank You
Sustainability Leadership
GRI Gold Community

Sustainability and Corporate Governance : International Frameworks and Sustainability Strategy

LUX* is part of GRI Gold Community – shaping the future of International integrated reporting Standards.

Gold Community members are GRI’s core supporters. LUX* is at the heart of the community shaping the future of
sustainability and reporting. LUX* is mapping the UN SDGs (Sustainable development Goals) with its GRI
STANDARDS KPIs and empowering decision making towards a more sustainable economy and world.
Sustainability Leadership
Integrated Reporting
LUX* GRI Standards Integrated Annual Report 2017

“With transparency comes awareness. With awareness comes scrutiny.

And with scrutiny comes improvement”


Sustainability Leadership
SEM Sustainability Index

Sustainability & Corporate governance : LUX* Resorts & Hotels – a leader in sustainability

LUX* is the first hotel group of Mauritius to be listed on the Stock Exchange
of Mauritius Sustainability Index for showing strong sustainable practices.

SEMSI has an integrated approach and takes into consideration all four key
pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, social and corporate
governance). The SEMSI criteria of eligibility are based on the Global
Reporting Initiative G4 Guidelines and are aligned with international ESG
and related sustainability norms, while also taking local imperatives into
Sustainability Leadership
PwC Awards

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Awards

The Corporate Reporting Awards (CRA) were created in

recognition of efforts made by companies to improve the
presentation and contents of their annual reports and to
encourage companies to go beyond the minimum reporting
requirements, with a strong focus on Integrated Reporting

The Corporate Reporting Awards in Mauritius have a strong

focus on the International Integrated Reporting Framework,
endorsed on 5 December 2013 by the International
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

Experts from PwC Mauritius review all the annual reports

and websites listed in each category, and a shortlist is
presented to an external independent judging panel
composed of users of annual reports (company directors,
bankers, analysts...) for a final assessment and choice of
the winners.

After being the winner of the SEM-10 category last year,

LUX* has, this year, bagged the PwC Corporate
Reporting Award in Corporate Governance Disclosures
Category against the MCB Group Limited.
Sustainability Leadership
Travelife Gold Certification

LUX* resorts have proven their commitment to sustainability and achieved

the Gold Certification by Travelife, obtained only after a thorough
external audit for absolute transparency in results (Seetaram, 2020).

Travelife’s sustainability certification is a non-profit flagship programme

that supports tourism destinations, businesses and travelers in
implementing innovative solutions for the continuous development of
sustainable tourism (Seetaram et al, 2020).

To gain Travelife Gold Certification, a resort must meet 150 sustainability

criteria. This includes environmental issues, such as minimising waste
and the use of energy, water and chemicals, as well as the taking of
positive action on social issues, employee welfare, the protection of
wildlife and in the support of the local community and local businesses
(Vishnee, Naidoo, 2019).
Tread Lightly by LUX*
Our promise : carbon-free stays













Tread Lightly by LUX*
An Introduction
Tread Lightly by LUX*
Carbon Offsetting Projects

The Yunnan Mangli Hydropower Project (China),

the Bundled wind power project (India), the
Bambous solar farm of Sarako (Mauritius), the
Biogas Energy project in Eastern Africa supply over
200,000 people with green electricity from
renewable sources such as hydropower,
photovoltaic, wind power or biogas, avoiding the
emission of approximately 218,000 tonnes of CO2

The reforestation of the Nile Basin in Uganda is the

first forestry project registered under the Clean
Development Mechanism in Africa (Munhurrun,
2019). With a 22 years rotation cycle for all tree
species, the project will sequestrate up to 5,000
tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

LUX* also invests in regenerating 2,728 hectares of

natural forests in Ethiopia while producing green
electricity with rice husk and agricultural wastes in
India substitutes fossil fuels power plants’ energy.
Tread Lightly by LUX*
Renewable Energy and Carbon Footprint

• Photovoltaic and Full Fledged Energy Efficiency Projects

LUX* has and will continue to equip its resorts and hotels with renewable energy technologies, having already started
with making LUX* private island Ile Des Deux Cocos 100% energy efficient with its own solar farm.

Our dedication to sustainability has attracted investors to Mauritius from New York Stock Exchange listed company Jabil
Energy to collaborate on energy efficiency projects at three of LUX* resorts. Other projects in the pipeline include a
photovoltaic plant for LUX* South Ari Atoll , Maldives, by expert consultants.
Tread Lightly by LUX*
Energy , Water , Waste
• Energy-efficient lighting through LED and Plasma bulb retrofits

• Energy Management Systems automatically activate with the room key card

• The Laundry Asterix

Intelligently positioned in rooms, on beds, the Laundry Asterix is a plush toy that sensitises
guests on the Tread Lightly initiative and dispenses tips to support environmental. The
Laundry Asterix engages guests in our towel reuse programme ensuring considerate
energy and water consumption reduction.

• LUX* Valet
The LUX* Valet is a paper use reducing technology. This modern-day Jeeves lives in
rooms around the clock – well, at least virtually. Hankering for a tray of nibbles or a glass
of wine? Need to book a table or a spa treatment? Itching for a sightseeing trip or a fishing
expedition? Just pick up your LUX* Valet, a clever application loaded on the mini iPad
provided in all rooms across all LUX* resorts and hotels.

• Water Efficiency and Water Recycling

LUX* has started implementing and retrofitting it’s resorts with water saving devices
ensuring quality experience for the guests also meets sustainability requirements. All
Resorts are equipped with water treatment plants , water used for cleaning and irrigation
are grey recycled water ,considerably reducing water footprint.

• Waste Reduction, Sorting and Recycling

Waste segregation into food, dry, plastic, paper, bottles categories is religiously carried
out to facilitate recycling by recyclers partners. Our Team Members receive training on
the types of waste and our Purchasing policy ensures our supply chain also adhere by
reducing packaging.
Tread Lightly by LUX*
Sustainable Business

LUX* sustainability policy has been applied under the Tread Lightly by LUX* initiative with :

• Scrucap wines travel a short distance from South Africa to Mauritius, so are kind to the environment. Selected by a
small team of experts exclusively for LUX*, they have a screw-on cap to avoid ‘corking’ and to reduce waste.
They’ve earned a dedicated and enthusiastic following among connoisseurs.

• Earth & Dance waters are locally sourced and are served in glass bottles. In-house bottling prevents the purchase
of plastic bottled water therefore reducing waste. Being locally sourced also reduces the negative impacts of long
distance transport while preserving the minerals. LUX*’s Earth & Dance waters are also locally sourced thanks to
partnerships with sustainable businesses and suppliers.

• Mamma Aroma - All Organic Rituals at LUX* Me using only locally sourced, natural and organic ingredients
Tread Lightly by LUX*

LUX* supports biodiversity conservation in all its destinations Biodiversity

Involving stakeholders, suppliers, team members, the local community and beneficiaries of NGOs in our
initiatives to tackle the effects of climate change head on, LUX* is faithful to World Environment Day
celebrations, Earth Hour and always finds an opportunity to sensitise team members, guests and the
community alike.

Highlights : Environmental / Biodiversity

• LUX* and Mauritian Wildlife Foundation launch project to propagate 1,200 endemic plants
• LUX* Team Members distribute endemic plants to local community, Schools, NGOs and stakeholders
• LUX* recycles over 4.5 tons of used kitchen oil in 16/17 into biofuel
• Youth sensitisation on importance of preserving lagoon flora & fauna
• Resorts organise cleaning campaigns in local area especially on World Environment Day and Clean Up the
World International Campaign
• LUX* boutiques introduce Ocean Zen sustainable swimwear against pollution
• LUX* sponsors new edition of Anou Dekouver Nou Fon Marin with NGO Eco Sud
• LUX* supports coral farming in Blue Bay area

Highlights : Reunion Island

LUX* Saint Gilles and Hôtel Le Récif support the NGO ReefCheck France financially to promote their
ROUTE DU CORAIL© project , to operate two stations to support the sustainable development of the reef
and its ecosystem. LUX* Saint Gilles also frequently hosts the Reserve Marine de La Reunion to sensitise
guests and Team Members on how to support conservation work of aquatic fauna and flora.

Highlights : Maldives
LUX* South Ari Atoll ( Maldives ) is equipped with an in house Marine Biology Centre to study and protect
the native whale shark population. The Marine Biologist is a specialist who sensitises guests on eco tours,
supports scientific research and is recognized as a Top Contributor by the Maldivian authorities for whale
shark protection. They also remove ghost nets from the sea which are deadly to marine life and implement
artificial reef to support life.
The Centre supports : Olive Ridley Project (Marine Conservation Charity), Maldives Whale Shark Research
Programme (Marine Conservation Charity), Manta Trust (Marine Conservation Charity), Shark Watch
Maldives through research.
Tread Lightly by LUX*
Involving stakeholders, suppliers, team members, the
local community and beneficiaries of NGOs in our
initiatives to tackle the effects of climate change head
on, LUX* is faithful to World Environment Day
celebrations, Earth Hour and always finds an
opportunity to sensitise team members, guests and
the community alike.

In 2017, LUX* distributed 1,200 endangered endemic

plants to the public, team members, primary schools
and NGOs, encouraging a higher consciousness of
the fragility of the biodiversity that sustains our
existence (Vishnee,2019). LUX* partners with the
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation for various biodiversity
conservation projects in Mauritius and its islets.

Through numerous cleaning campaigns, LUX* invites

the community to partake in small actions like waste
segregation for easy recycling.

Reunion Island regularly hosts the Marine Reserve de

La Reunion to sensitise team members and young
NGO beneficiaries of marine life conservation and
both resorts of the island now support the NGO
Reefcheck to protect the reef.

LUX* South Ari Atoll ( Maldives ) is equipped with an

in house Marine Biology Centre to study and protect
the native whale shark population.
Ray of Light by LUX*©
Uplifting the Communities

Through Ray of Light by LUX* we offer our support to the communities in every destination
where we operate and the causes we support, ranging from social, health, poverty reducing to
environmental align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.












Ray of Light by LUX*©
LUX* CSR Projects & Partners 2017
Ray of Light by LUX*
For the People

With Ray of Light by LUX*, we

achieve our Corporate Social
Responsibility and mission of Helping
People Celebrate Life!

An initiative of the Sustainability & CSR

department, Ray of Light gives LUX* a
platform to gather and engage
stakeholders in contributing to the SDGs.

LUX* has, since its inception, partnered

with more than 10 NGOs every year,
fighting for causes like poverty alleviation
through education, gender equality, health
and social projects, aligning with the UN

We also support the Fondation Joseph

Lagesse and the Small Step Matters
crowdfunding platform for social, health
and environmental projects.

During end of year celebrations, our

resorts open their doors to beneficiaries of
NGOs and distribute presents.
Sustainability at LUX*

Under the flagship projects Ray of Light by LUX*© and Tread Lightly by
LUX*©, LUX* implements its sustainability initiatives across the Group.

Highlights – Good Governance

• LUX*, GRI, Omnicane and Terra host GRI G4 Standards Launch at LUX* Belle Mare
• LUX* and partners launch The Code to protect children against trafficking
• CSR compliance: LUX* donates over MUR 2M in 2016 and MUR 3M in 2017

Highlights – Human Rights & Gender Equality

• Investment in Trainings for LUX* Team Members including Human Rights

• LUX* partners with Gender Links for gender equality and to fight Gender Based
Violence in Mauritius
• Pursuing the 5th UN goal: LUX* collaborates with Gender Links for Women
• LUX* partners with Gender Links on 16 Days Campaign against violence
• LUX* supports UN Singapore "Say No to the Oppression of Women" (S.N.O.W) Gala
for 3rd year
• International Women’s Day: LUX* and stakeholders launch empowerment project for
marginalised women
• International women’s day celebrated at LUX* Head Office
• Mother’s Day celebrations
• LUX* Team Members donate to beneficiaries of Gender Links' new shelter
Sustainability at LUX*
Highlights – Social & Local Community

• LUX* contributes to Movember Charity Dinner to raise MUR 1.5M for cancer patients
• LUX* organises end of year parties for beneficiaries of NGOs , some at the resort.
• LUX* Team Members engagement : Team Members contribute generously under the
Ray of Light flagship through gifts for children of NGOs or cash donations for people
and children in need.
• LUX* South Ari Atoll organises every year Miss CSR pageant to fundraise for the
Children’s Orphanage at Viligili City Male, Maldives.
• Ray of Light by LUX* sponsors MUR 100,000 to fundraise for the handicapped
• LUX* fights extreme poverty by supporting education and integration of children and
their families
• LUX* Sponsors UTM’s Sustainable Development Department’s Top Student Awards
• LUX*, Fondation Joseph Lagesse and Caudan Waterfront install recycle bins for local

Highlights – Environmental / Biodiversity

• LUX* and Mauritian Wildlife Foundation launch project to propagate 1,200 endemic
• LUX* Team Members help distribute and plant endemic plants to local community,
Schools, NGOs and stakeholders
• LUX* recycles over 4.5 tons of used kitchen oil in 16/17 into biofuel
• Youth sensitisation on importance of preserving lagoon flora & fauna
• Resorts organise cleaning campaigns in their local area especially on World
Environment Day and Clean Up the World International Campaign
• Students take tour of LUX* Grand Gaube eco-friendly installations and initiatives
• LUX* invests in energy efficiency audits by external experts ( Mauritius Resorts ) to
better mitigate climate change impact
• LUX* boutiques introduce Ocean Zen sustainable swimwear against pollution
• LUX* sponsors new edition of Anou Dekouver Nou Fon Marin with NGO Eco Sud
Sustainability at LUX*
Cultural Heritage
> LUX* Boutiques carry curated collections include local craft
Guests have the opportunity to take a piece of Mauritius with them by purchasing a
Dodo plush toy, locally crafted or a Tante Bazaar typical of the local craft accessories.
Other items include the rums, jewellery by local handicraft shops and small
enterprises. The Patric Mavros jewellery collection we host supports biodiversity
conservation work of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. Supporting MWF also
supports local employment.

> LUX* Concierge and Front Office information

Our guests are invited to discover the nearby local businesses, eco parks and eco
tours of Mauritius. Our partner Mauritian Wildlife Foundation’s work and tours are
actively promoted.

Guests are sensitised on the religious and cultural diversity , invited to discover the
sites in absolute respect of the traditions of each cultural group for a truly authentic
and immersive experience with locals.

> Mari Kontan at LUX* Belle Mare

Just an example of we integrate culture : Enter this typical Mauritian tavern and take a
historical trip around the island via rum, Creole flavours and Séga music. LUX*
celebrates the culture of each of its destinations – Mauritius is perhaps best known for
its cane crops and the rums they produce. Mari Kontan presents the world’s widest
collection of Mauritian and Réunion rums, spanning all varieties of rhum agricole and
rhum industrial. Here, we toast the Creole spirit in every sense.

> LUX* Le Morne – near UNESCO World Heritage Site

It’s location near Le Morne, UNESCO site, LUX* Le Morne promotes the historical
aspect of the region, encouraging guests to visit the site to discover more about our
heritage and origins.
A Message from the CEO of LUX*
Thank you
LUX* Resorts & Hotels

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