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Why is sport is so important to so many people?

First of all sport has a very important role in our lives. To keep us physically and mentally healthy.
Although when people are taking part in any type of sports it is because either they want to get fit or
to gain muscle mass.

On the other hand are the people who not only enjoy to participate in sports, but to watch them. For
example the European football which is a great sport is bringing joy to so many fans of the sport. I
gave the football as an example but the joy of watching any type of sport which you are fan of is the

Nowadays what many people are so obsessed with is having a good body, which is great however
there are also people that are so unhealthy and not doing any type of sport. So I think every person
should find the sport which is perfect for them. Neither it is jogging, gymnastics, basketball and etc.
For example being skinny and then gain muscle mass is something I can relate to.

The conclusion is to train and be in good shape to be healthy.

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