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Ім’я та прізвище: __________________________________________________________ Клас: ____

• compond and complex sentences
• reported speech
• Conditional sentences 0, I, II, III and mixed

1 Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the dialogues.

Examiner: Do you think your city or town is a good place to live? Why? Why not?
Student: I quite like my town. (1) Although / In spite of it isn’t very big, there is always something interesting going on.
There are some nice cafés and pubs (2) where / which you can go out with your friends, and sometimes there
are some sporting and cultural events. On the other hand, a lot of young people are leaving the town. If there
were more jobs around here, many of them (3) stayed / would stay. I suppose that I’ll also leave next year if
I (4) manage / will manage to get a place at university.
Examiner: What kind of TV programmes do you like watching?
Student: I often watch talent shows but I also like chat shows with popular celebrities, (5) who / which, unfortunately,
are often on too late for me. So I record them (6) so that / in order to I can watch them when I’ve got the time.
I occasionally see a film on TV (7) if / unless I’ve got too much homework or I’m too tired. I think I’d watch
TV more if I (8) had / have a TV set in my room.
___ /8
2 Choose the answer which best completes the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1 He feels unfit because he doesn’t do any sports.
If ___ more sports, he wouldn’t feel so unfit.
A he does B he did C he would do
2 I’ve told you about that girl.
That’s the girl ___.
A who told me about you B I’ve told you about C which I’ve told you about
3 ‘When did you meet Caroline?’ Tom asked me.
Tom asked me when ___ Caroline.
A did I meet B I met C I had met
4 ‘Please don’t make so much noise’, my mum said to us.
My mum asked ___ so much noise.
A us not to make B if we didn’t make C so that we wouldn’t make
5 You must promise to drive carefully or I won’t lend you the car.
___ the car as long as you promise to drive carefully.
A I don’t lend you B I won’t lend you C I will lend you
6 ‘Did you hear from Helen last week?’ Dan asked me.
Dan asked me if I ___ from Helen the week before.
A have heard B had heard C heard
7 We were too tired to carry on walking.
We were ___ walking.
A so tired that we couldn’t carry on B tired although we carried on C tired so that we could carry on
___ /7
3 Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.
1 My friend Paul, his parents are talented musicians, has no ear for music. ______________________________________
2 He asked his daughter why wasn’t she asleep yet. _________________________________________________________
3 If we have a bigger flat, I wouldn’t need to share a room with my sister. _______________________________________
4 She asked me did I know Peter well. ____________________________________________________________________

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5 It was so a boring film that I fell asleep. __________________________________________________________________

6 He told me last month that he had moved house the last week. _____________________________________________
7 My old laptop which I got for my 15th birthday has broken down completely. __________________________________
___ /7
4 Translate the words in brackets from Ukrainian into English to complete the sentences.
1 (Що б Ви зробили) _______________________ if you won a lot of money in a lottery?
2 My friend asked me (чому я не прийшов/ла) _______________________ to her party the day before.
3 I’ll go cycling tomorrow (якщо погода не буде) _______________________ bad.
4 I was busy when Mark called, so (я попросив/ла зателефонувати) _______________________ me some time later.
5 My sister asked me (чи буду я) _______________________ home that afternoon because she needed my help with her
6 She was feeling (так погано, що не могла) _______________________ get out of bed on her own.
7 There’s a boy in our class (батьки якого) _______________________ well-known actors.
8 I sometimes look after my sister and her husband’s baby at weekends (щоб вони могли сходити)
_______________________ to the cinema or a restaurant.
___ /8

5 Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. EXTENDED

Do not change the word given. You can use a maximum of five words.
1 I trust you, which is why I told you my secret. HAVE
If I didn’t trust you, _______________________________ you my secret.
2 ‘How long have you been playing the guitar?’ they asked me. BEEN
They asked me how long _______________________________ the guitar.
3 She wore dark glasses because she didn’t want to be recognised. AS
She wore dark glasses _______________________________ recognised.
4 Although he felt very ill, he refused to see a doctor. SPITE
_______________________________ very ill, he refused to see a doctor.
5 They got lost because they didn’t have a good map of the area. IF
They wouldn’t have got lost _______________________________ a good map of the area.
___ /5
6 Choose the correct answer: A, B, C or D.
Hi Robert,
Just a quick note to let you know how the job interview went. First of all, thanks for your advice. You told me that they
(1)___ me what I knew about their company. That was useful! If I hadn’t checked some info on their website, some of
the questions (2)___ a complete surprise to me. Anyway, I’d also practised the interview with my brother before
I went, (3) ___ made me a bit more confident. The interview itself was quite typical, I guess. They wanted to know if
I (4)___ that kind of job before. They also asked me about my interests and plans for the future. They promised to
contact me within a few days. I’ll be really pleased if I (5)___ to get the job.
I’ll let you know as soon as I hear something.
Write back,
1 A might have asked B could have asked C might ask D will ask
2 A would be B will be C could be D would have been
3 A which B what C who D that
4 A have done B was doing C had done D did
5 A manage B will manage C would manage D managed
___ /5

РАЗОМ: ___ /30 ___ /40

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