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, I

Business Result

. ' .
Elementary Student's Book . wit~ Online practice

OXFORD David Grant, John Hughes,

UNIVERSITY PRESS Nina Leeke & Rebecca Turner
Working Language at Practically Business Talking
with words work speaking communication point

Jobs Countries, Present How to spell Saying hel io and The • say what you do and
1 national ities,
simple 1
goodbye introductions
where you are from
• ask about personal
• spell
• say helio and goodbye
and introduce yourself
and others
Products & Company Present How to say Making phone Hungary: •• talk about com'pahy t,Ypes ·
2 services types and simple numbers calls country "and attivities

l 12-11 I ...
activities profile • ask about companies
.• Sé!Y numbers
• start and. end a phone
• csi11 •

Location and There is/are Saying email

3 1 Location workplace 1 Somelany and postal
Ordering by
What is the
best city
for your
• talk about your company
location and bu ildings
• ask for details about
1 18-23 1 conference? places
• give addresses
• order th ings by phone

Viewpoint 1 ( :· VIDt:O Places of work , 24-25 :

4 Technology Technology
and function s
Adverbs of
frequency 1
How to use
Asking for and
offering help
use of
• talk about technology 1
• talk about everyday
~:;:;-:¡-i Questions words technology activities
, 26-3_!_¡
• ask questions in the
present simple
• use sequencing words
• ask for and offer help

Communication Documents Past simple: How to

5 1
be and
regular verbs
Solving problems Money talks •

deal with documents
talk about past events
• apologize
1 L32-:ª-?J
• explain and solve a

s¡ 1

j38-43 ]
media and
Past simple:
verbs 1 Time
How to
describe a
• talk about social media
• use time expressions to
talk about the past
• describe a trip
• make general

Viewpoint 2 (Si VIDEO You·ve got ema1I , 44-45

Working with Language at Practically Business Talking
words work speaking communication point
Departments Departments Prepositions How to use Leaving phone Designing
7 and
of place and
this, that,
these and
messages the perfect
• describe departments
and responsibilities
• say where things are
1 46-S
___l ;i those and give directions using
t • leave a phone message

8 Employment Employment Present
How to tell
the time
Arranging to meet The right
person for
• .Jalk about professional
qualities, skilís and
,, ·' · ·expe,rience
'• the job
) 1 s2-s1
• talk about what you are
doing now
; teil the timé~

9 Competition Competition Comparatives How to say

Comparing and
• talk about competition
• compare products and
! sS-63 !
• say prices
• talk about differences and
simi laritiés

Viewpoint 3 C· V1DCO Processes !64-65 1

Teamwork Working in Superlatives How to Giving opinions Teamwork • talk about teamwork
10 teams respond to
• choose the best options
[ 66-71 I types
• respond to news
• give opinions

11 Travel Staying ata

Going to 1
lnfinitive of
talk about
Eating out More
• book a hotel room and
ask about hotel services
• talk about future plans
1 72-77j trips • give reasons for actions
• talk about money
• order food in a restaurant

12 1 Schedules Calendars and

How to use
of time
Planning a
The revision
• talk about schedules
• talk about recent past
178:__8 3 J
• say when something
• say dates
• plan a schedule

Viewpoint 4 (};VIDEO A business tr1p :·s4-85 1

Practice files 86-109

Communication activities ! 110-119 I
Audio scripts 120-126 1
Irregular verb list

Welcome to Business Result Second Edition Elementary. In this book you will find:
• 12 units • Communication activities
• 4 Viewpoint video lessons • Aud io scripts
• Practice fil~s • Access to _t~e Online pract ice

What's in a unit? What's in the Viewpoint lessons?

The Viewpoints are video lessons, which appear after every
Starting point three units . The topics of the Viewpoint lessons relate to a
• an introduction to the theme of the unit theme from the main units and include:
• discussion questions • interviews with expert speakers
• case studies of real companies
Working with words
• reading and listening abou t a work-related top ic Each Viewpoint is divid ed into three or four sections, with
• focus on key word s and p hrases a number of short video clips in each lesson. A Viewpoint
• practise the new words in speaking activities lesson usually includes:
• A focus to introduce the topic. This contains a short
video showing people discussing the topic.
Language at wo rk
• grammar p resented in authentic work contexts • Key vocabulary and phrases which appear in the
• Language point box focuses on the key grammar points
• Main video sections which develop listening and
• practise using the language in real work situations
note-taking skills, and build confidence in listening to
authen tic language in an au then tic context.
Practically speaking • Activities which provide speaking practice about the
• focu s on an aspect of everyday communication at work topic of the lesson.
• helps you to sound more natural when speaking
• practise speaking in real work situations All of the videos in the Viewpoint lessons can be streamed
or d ownloaded frorn the Online practice.
Business co m mun ication
• key expressions for authentic work contexts What's in the Practice files?
• improve your communication skills for mee tings,
presentations, socializing, and phone calls Written exercises to practise the key langu age in:
• Key expressions list in every unit • Working with words
• Business communication
Ta lking poi nt • Language at work
• focus on interesting busm'ess topics and concepts Use the Practice files:
• improve your fluency with Discussion and Task • in class to check your understanding
• out of class for extra practice or homework
• Discussion and Task allow you to apply the topic to your
own area of work The Practice files include a Grammar ref erence section with
more detailed explanations of the grammar from each unit.
What's in the Communication Follow the links (as shown below) to the Practice file in
activities? each unit.

• roles and information for pair and group activities » For more exercises, go to Practice file 6 on page 96
• extra speaking practice for the main sections of » For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 97
each unit
What's in the Online practice?
• practice exercises for each Working with words, Language at work and Business communication section
• unit tests
• email exercises for each unit
• automatic marking for instant answers
• gradebook to check your seores and progress

Working with words 1

Type In the natlonallty uslng the countly In ita/les.

A Hi John. Where are you from?

B l'm _ _ _ _ _ . rm from New York. USA

A Great. l'm - -- -- . l'm from Cape Town. South Africa

B This is Satako. She's _ _ _ __ Japan

A Hi Satako.

e And this is Anja. She's _ __ _ _ Poland

A HelloAnja.

Try again Startagain . .

Additional resources
• watch and download all of the Viewpoint vid eos
• listen to and download all of the class audio
• sample emails for each unit
,. -· . . , __ . " ...

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,_.,._,.,.,. . _ _.__ _____,_. ___ _
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-·· ~

·---- --------- - - - ·-
How to access your Online practice
To access your Online practice, you will find an access card on the inside cover of your Student's
Book. This contains an access code to unlock all the content in the Online practice.

Go to and actívate your code, and then follow the instructions online to
access the content.

" .
Unit 1 1 Jobs · ~,

Language at work 1 Present simple 1 Possessives

1 Read about the company Marcegaglia and complete the profile.
Company name: Marcegaglia Head office: _ _ __ _ _ __
Products: CEO: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Marcegaglia is anltalian company and one of its main products is steel
pipes. The con:tpany's head office is in Italy, near Milari., but its cµstomers
aren't only Italian. They are in countries all over the world. Marcegaglia is
a family company. Antonio Marcegaglia and his sister Emma are the Chief
Executive Officers. For Emma, the fa~y company isn't her only job. She is
. é;ilso the ~eader of the oil and gas;c<;>mpan~. Eni. ., .

2 Complete the table in Language poínt 1 below. Use the words in bold from the
text in l.

'f•!"' ~• Positive Negative 1 Questions Short answers
1 ªm ... am 11Qt . .. Ami ... ? Yes, lam.
( 'mnQt . .. ) No, I'm not.
You/ We/ ... .. . Are you /we/ Yes, you/we/
They they ... ? they are.
( ... ) No, you / we/
they aren' t.
He/ She / It ... ... , Is he/ she/it 1 '!~s, he/she /
. .. ? 1 lt IS .
( ... ) 1 No, he/she/ it
isn ' t.

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 87.

3 ...... 1.4 Read the interview about Marcegaglia. Underline the corred verbs in
ítalícs. Then listen and check.
A So, 1 is /a re Marcegaglia a family company?
B Yes, it 2 ís / am. Steno Marcegaglia started the company in 1959, and his children
Antonio and Emma 3ís /are the CEOs.
A Is /Are they from a big family?
B No, they 5 's /'re from a small family, but Marcegaglia 6 isn't / 'm nota small
company. It 7 's /' re a multi-billion euro company w ith 7,000 employees.
A And 8is / are all the employees in Italy?
B They 9 is / are in ltaly and in many other countries, too, such as Brazil and China.
Tip 1 ·,m or am? 4 Complete sentences 1-5 with the correct form of the verb be. Make the
We use 'm, 's or 're for sentence true about you. ·
speaking or for informal Example: I'm not Spanish. (I'm French.)
writing (e.g. emails to
colleagues): 1 I' Spanish.
l'm I am 2 My company Polish .
She's = She is 3 Our customers in Asia .
They're = They are 4 My work colleagues my friends.
We use am, is or are for short 5 English important in my company /job .
Are you at work al/ the time?
Yes, J am. NOt ~.
1 ' • t .. •

Unit 1 ! Jobs

5 Read the possessive sentences in Language point 2. Use the words in bold to
Tip 1 it's or its? complete the table.
lt is= lt's:
My company is Toyota. /t's a car
lts = possessive: Is your company American?
My company is Toyota. /ts CEO My company is Italian.
is Akio Toyoda.
Our company is a steel company.
lts customers are all over the world.
Emma is CEO. Her brother Antonio is also CEO.
Their father started the company. His name was Steno.

[s::mv ~ you -
L_ _1 it-+
1 he-+
. we-+ _ __ _ 1::y: ___ ¡
6 Work with a partner. Look again at the sentences in 4. Ask and answer
questions about the sentences with Is/ Are ... ?
Example: A Are you Spanish? B Yes, I am. /No, I'm not.

7 Look at the profile of Sofía Aguilera. Complete the interview with her below.
Use words from 5.

Name: Sofia Aguilera

Country: Mexico
Company name: Webmex Solutions
Job: Managing Director
Customers: Small businesses

Interviewer Is 1 your business a family company?

Sofía Yes, it is. 2_ _ _ _ husband is the Technical Manager. 3_ _ _ _ name
is Orial. And 4 daughter is the Sales Manager. 5_ _ _ _ name is
Interviewer Is it an IT company?
Sofía Yes, it is. 6 customers are small businesses. We work with
7 web si tes.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 1 on page 87.

8 Work with a partner. Look at sorne profiles on a website. Student A, turn to
page 110. Student B, turn to page 115.
9 Ask questions to find out about your partner's job. Use the information to
write a company profile, similar to Marcegaglia in l.

Practically speaking 1 How to spell

1 IJI>- ~l. 3 Listen and repeat the groups of letters. Why are they in these groups?

2 B C D E G P T V (Z) 5 O 7 R
2 1 ) Listen to two conversations. Write the names.
1 2 - - - - - - -- - - -
3 What is the question in each conversation? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Work with a partner. Say and spell:
• your name • yo ur company's name • your job title

Unit 1 1 Jobs

Business communication 1 Saying helio and goodbye

1 .... 1. 7 Two visitors are in Reception. Listen and complete this visitor board.

2 .... 1.7 Match expressions 1-6 to responses a-f.Then listen and check.
1 Helio. My narne is Alek Gorski. _ a Pleased to meet you .
2 I'm Eva, Maria Da Rocha's assistant. _ b No. How do you do?
3 This is my assistant, Elzbieta Wozniak. e How do you do, Mr Gorski?
4 It's good to see you again. d I'm fine.
5 How are you? _ e Nice to meet you.
6 Do yo u know Elzbieta? _ f And you.
3 Put expressions 1-6 and their responses in 2 into these categories.
1 Saying helio and introducing yourself: ..l!;__, _
2 Introducing someone: _ , _
3 Saying helio to someone you know: _ ,_
4 Work in groups of three. Practise this conversation.

1 A Say helio to B (a colleague). 1

............................ ,.. B Say helio to A (a colleague)
and introduce C.

Key expressions ,
C Say helio to A (this is your ........
first meetíng).
Saying helio and introducing
·Hello. My na me is ... / l'm ... 5 Now change roles and practise the conversation again.
Pleased to meet you.
How do you do? 6 Complete this conversation with the expressions from the list.
Nice to meet you (too). Have a good journey See you soon Nice meeting you
lntroducing someone- Maria , Alek.
This is ... Alek Yes, goodbye, Maria.
Do you know ... ? 2
Maria , Elzbieta.
Saying hello to someone • Elzbieta Nice meeting you, too.
you know Maria Bye. 3_ _ __
lt's good to see you again. Alek Thanks. Bye.
How are you?
Saying goodbye 7 .... 1.8 Listen and check. Then practise the conversation in 6 in your groups
Nice meeting you. of three.
See you soon.
Have a good journey. » For more exercises, go to Practice file 1 on page 86.
8 Repeat the conve rsation in 4 and then s ay goodbye to Student A, B or C.

·· - · · · · \~ unit 1 1 Jobs·
. ' ~ ...
... .

The introductions game

1 Play the introductions game with a partner.
Begin on START. Toss a coin.
Heads = move 1 square.
1 Tails = move 2 squares.
On a whlte square, follow the instruction.
On a blue square, respond.
The winner arrives on FINISH first.
Tell your
Introduce your
FINISH colleagues -
partner to a
names, jobs,

Askyour Tell your

Introduce the
partner: partner about
Areyou from person on
na e? yourboss -
Ja pan? card A to your
job? name,job,
nationality? nationality.

. Introduce
Spell your Hello, my yourself
company's name's Annie with the
name. Da Silva. information
on card B.

yourself- Howdo
Ask howyour
START give your
partner is.
· _ you sp,ell
name, job and
na tionali ty.

Ms Lesley Johnson
Technical Engineer
Middlesex, UK



Working with words 1 Company types and activities
1 Match these company types to the pictures 1-8.
pharmaceuticals real estate electronics recruitment
hotel software financia! services automobile

2 • 2.1 Listen to three people ata job fair. Which words do you hear from 1?
3 • 2.1 Listen again and complete these sentences.
1 Natasha works for a company. She provides staff in the _ _ __
2 Malik's company produces for _ _ _ _ companies.
3 William works in . He wants a job in the industry.
4 • 2.2 Listen and underline the stress in these words.
pharmaceu ticals electronics recruitment
hotel finance automobile
5 What type of company is your company? What type of companies do you
6 A company produces products and it provides services. Write productor service
next to the words in 1-6.

-- e- - - - - - ___ ..J
GlaxoSmithKline el~ct~'?~c equipment 1 product '
Microsoft finance 2_ _ __

Son y
p rovides/ produces
_M~..P°'"'.er cars 4_ _ __
· T~~ta
- ·- -~~ - ---
staff 5_ _ _ _
Deutsche Bank AG pharmaceuticals 6
-· - - ....L.:.=.===:::..::=:::.....===

7 Work with a partner. Take turns to make sentences about the companies in 6.
Example: Sony produces electronic equipment.

8 Does your company produce products or provide services? Or both?

9 lill> 2.3 Listen to a presentation about Kikkoman. Number the presentation
slides A-Din the order you hear them 1-4.


10 Complete the presentation with the verbs from the list.

employ sell export provide buy develop
Kikkoman is a Jap an ese company and w e 1 400 rnillion litres of soy
sauce every year. We 2 around 6,000 p eople in total. We 3 soy
sauce all over the world, including Asia, N orth America, Australia and Europe.
We also 4 n ew products for the pharmaceuticals industry. Restaurants,
supermarkets and Asian food shops 5 our products and we also
6 lessons in Japanese cooking- u sing Kikkoman products, of course!
11 · 2 .3 Listen again and check your answers to 10.

Tip 1 work + preposition » For more exercises, go to Practice file 2 on page 88.
We use the verb work in
d ifferent ways:
wcirk for (an employer/
12 Prepare a presentation about your company. Use sorne of the sentences below.
company): I work for BMW. 1 I'rn 5 We ernploy _ _ __
work with (people or another 2 I' m frorn 6 We develop _ _ __
country): I work with col/eagues. 3 I work fo r 7 We export to _ _ __
work in (department or area of 4 We produce/ provide 8 We sell our products to _ _ __
business): I work in Production.
13 Now giv e your presentation to the class.
Language at work 1 Present simple
1 CJ is a Korean company with different business areas. Match these business
areas to pictures A-D below.
Bio Pharma Home Shopping and Logistics
Food and Food Service Entertainment and Media

A _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ B ___________
We 1produce / produces sugar and cooking oíl. The We 4 export / exports medicines to countries
company 2 have /has restaurants, cafés and food around the world and we 5 develop / develops new
shops. lt 3 provide / provides meals for restaurants, biotechnological products. ·
schools and hospitals.

e ___________
The company 6 produce / produces f ilms for the We 9 provide / provides a home shopping service.
Korean market and abroad. We 7 import / imports We 10 have / has a logistics centre. lt 11 provide /
films from foreign production companies ... and we provides transport and delivery services.
8 have / has eight cable TV channels ... and a chain
of cinemas.

2 ..,. 2.4 Listen toan interview about CJ and underline the correct verbs in
italics in 1,
3 ..,. 2.5 Listen and complete these questions and answers about CJ.
1 A export these products?
B Yes, we
2 A _ _ _ _ the _ _ _ _ import films, too?
B Yes,
3 A _ _ _ _ CJ provide financia! services?
B No, it _ _ _ _ provide financial services.
4 A _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ m edicines?
B No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . We export medicines.
· ·· Unit 2l Products &s.ervices

4 Answer the questions in the Language point.

Tip 1 havelhas
The verb have is irregular:
I have -+ lt has NOT lt-ltaves
The verbs in 1 are in the present simple. We use the present simple for
general facts. Complete explanations 1-5 of how to form the present
1 We add -s or -es to the verb after he, she and _ .
2 We make questions with the words and _ _ __
3 We make negative scntences with the words _ _ _ _ and _ _ __
4 We make positive short answers with Yes, he / Yes, I _ _ __
5 We make negative short answers with No, she _ _ _ _ / No, we _ _ _ _.
In conversation, we answer questions with short answers.
A Do yoü export these products?
B Yes, we do. NOT Yt:s, we expo1 t. ·

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 89.

5 Work with a partner. Name a company from a business area in l. Use the
words in italics to talk about the company.
Example: Canal Plus is a media company. It produces films for the European market.

6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions using the prompts below.
. .. you work for ... ?
... your company export / import ... ?
... your company produce / provide ... ?
.. . your company develop / deliver ...?
... you have ... ?
... your department employ ... ?
... your customers buy ... ?
Example: A Do you workfor an Italian company?
B No, I don 't. I work for a Brazilian company.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 2 on page 89.

Practically speaking 1 How to say numbers
1 Can yo u say the numbers in A-D?


Start 2001
TOTAL = 1, 300

2 ~ 2.ó Listen and match A-Din 1 to the speakers 1-4.

1 2 3 4
3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions with numbers.
Tip 1 Saying 'O' 1 What year is it now?
We say oh or zero for O. 2 What year is the next Olympic Games?
3 What's you r office phone number?
4 What's your company's reception phone number?
5 What's the number of employees in your company?
6 What's the price of your company's main p roduct or service?
7 What's the price of your journey to work?
Unit 2 1
Products & serv ices

Business communication 1 Making phone calls

1 .,.. 2.7 Listen to two phone calls. Choose the correct names or words in italics to ..
complete the sentences.
1 The receptionist puts Anna / Peter through to Anna / Peter.
2 Anna knows / doesn't know Peter.
3 Anna is calling about the bank / an email.
4 Ra ymond Saddler calls his office /a hotel.
5 The receptionist puts / doesn't put Raymond through to another person.
6 Raymond is calling about meeting rooms / hotel rooms.
2 .... 2.7 Listen to the two phone calls again. Who says these expressions from
the two phone calls? Tick (.f) the correct box.


'Receiv:er' I
·- .
·-- ·-- -
Caller aríd
1 Good morning. TE Media.
1--2- -G-o_o_d_ m_o_mm
_ ·_g_ . Thi
·--a- Lilli-.s-fr_o_m
__ OPT Bank. -·--- --¡------
3 Is Peter Bawden _th_e_r_e,_p_Ie_a_s_e?
4 Yes, I'll put you through.
_ ___ _ - - - - - ____ ----·---

.ll_-_---______ ¡
5 H: _u_o_, P_e_t_er-~av:;d_e_n_s-~ea_k___in~g_.~=----~-~ ~--~ -==========----+------- --~ __ -· _:
~ ::::;t:b~_t-~--~i~~is_~----~--~==----_ -- ----+----
;: --=-1
--1l .
1 _-
8 See you (soon). 1
- -- _ _ _ _- - + -_ _ _ _ _J_____
9 Helio. The Dubai Grand Hotel. ¡
10 How can I help you ? ¡
11 Thanks for yo ur help .
12 You're welcome.
=-1 1
~----·------- ----- ----
3 Complete the two phone calls. Use the expressions in 2 to help you. Practise
the phone calls with your partner. Use your own name and company name.
A He llo, Dubai Hire Cars. How _ __ _ I _ _ _ _ you ?
Key expressions B Hello. This is from . I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ __ your
prices ...
Answering the phone
.. . and you can pay by credit card.
Helio. (company name)
A That's great. Thanks for your _ _ __
How can 1 help you?
Good morning. (your name) B welcome.
speaking. A Goodbye.
Greeting and introducing B _ _ __
yourself 2
Good morning. This is (your
name) from (your company).
A Good morning. _ _ __
Hi, (name). lt's (youi- name). ' B Good morning. This is _ _ _ _ from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Niki Alstom
_ _ __ , please?
Asking to speak to someone
Is (name) there, please?
A Yes, I'll you _ _ __
Yes, 1'11 put you through . B Thanks ...
Giving the reason for the call . .. Good . See you tomorrow then .
l'm calling about ... A Yes. . Bye.
Thanking and saying goodbye
Thanks for your"help. » For more exercises, go to Practice file 2 on page 88.
You're welcome.
.See you (tomorrow). 4 Work in groups of two or three. Practise starting and ending phone calls .
· Goodbye/Bye. Use these reasons for calling, or your own ideas:
• today's meeting • next week's visit • the conference hotel

Hungary: country profile
Hungary is a European country and it exports many of its products to other European
countries. Important products are cars, textiles and pharmaceuticals. Audi and Suzuki
have factories in Hungary and export many cars. Hungary also produces wheat and
sunflower seeds. It imports products from Europe, Russia and China. Oíl and gas are
very important imports. Many people visit Hungary, and hotels, restaurants and tourist
companies provide services for them .

......... ·

What does Hungary export and import? What types of business are
important in Hungary? Read the country profile and check yo ur ideas.
Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss these questions .
1 How is Hungary the same or different from your country?
2 What types of busin ess are important in your country?
3 What does yo ur country produce?
4 What products does it export and import?
5 What services does it provide?

Work in groups of four. Student A, turn to page 110. Student 8, turn to page 116.
Student C, turn to page 117. Student D, turn to page 114. Take turns toread out
ea ch of yo ur sentences. Use the information to complete your company profile.
Working with words 1 Location and workplace
1 Match the workplaces to pictures 1-5.
Research and development (R&D) centre Fac tory
Distribution centre Sales office Head office

3 4 5

2 Work w ith a partne r. Read sentences 1-5. Which w orkplace from 1 do they
1 We m ake all our products h ere.
2 We d esign new p roducts h ere.
3 Our sales reps visit cu stom ers four d ays a week, but com e here on Fridays.
4 The Managing Director and ali the o ther compan y directors work here.
5 The p roducts come h ere and we d eliver them to custom ers.
3 Read about the LEGO Group. Where does it operate?

LEGO<!> produces play materials for children. LEGO
bricks and toys are popular all over the world aí)d the
company sells them in more than 140 countries. LEGO
is a Danish company and its name is from the Danish
phrase 'leg godt' (play well). lt operates on six continents
and has about 14,000 employees. There are also
LEGOLAND<!I parks in Asia, Europe and N_orth Arilerica.
4 Look at the map of LEGO's locations around the world. Match the
continents below to the numbers from the map 1-6.


A frica Australia North America

Asia Europe South America

. "' 5 ,.. 3.1 Listen to a presentation about the LEGO group. How many sales offices
Tip 1 ab~ut/around are there in each continent? Write the numbers in the table.
aboutlaround = approximately:
The company has 847 , Number
r-- -- ---of sales offices
--,-"'"-...... -~~:......=-...._""""' ______....____......,.--"-...,........::::.i.. '~""""''--'--~""'"'"--4

emp/oyees. ~~<?pe
______ ]_ ____________,,,_s_o_u_th_ Am
_ _e_r_ic_a_____________,
= The cÓmpany has ábout 850 Asia Australia
lt se/Is products in 102
i N~;th A~erica--1 - - - - - - - - - - Africa
·-· --------' -----------------~----------'

= lt se/Is proaucts in around

1 00 countries.
6 .... 3.1 Listen to the presentation again. Tick (.t) the workplaces that are in each
country in the table.

[__ Head office R&D centre Factory Distrlbution centre

Czech Republic - - ·-- ---- ¡--- - - ----¡
Tip 1 headquarters/HQ ' ~-~-n;;;;_ ---~~ -j
~;:'° .:~~ --=-l-- --~
-¡ - --- . - .
Headquarters, HQ = head office:
Samsung's headquarters is in
._-1. ______ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _
-=:: ---r ~---·-- - _j

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 3 on page 90.

7 Prepare a presentation about your company or a company you know well,
or use the information about the company below. Write notes about its
workplaces and the locations. Give your presentation to your partner or the
class. Use sorne of these phrases and audio script 3 .1 to help you.
Good morning. Today, I'd like to tell you about ... We are .. . / We have ...

Company: AstraZeneca pharmaceuticals

Head office: London, UK

R&D centres: S6dertalje, Sweden (+ in North America and India)

Factories: 27 in 19 countri8s

Sales offices: 32 in Europe

16 in North America
12 in South America
28 in Asia and the Middle East
13 in Africa and Australia

! 19

Unit 3 Lócation

Language at work 1 There is/are 1 Some/any

1 Read about Singapore. Why is ita good location for business?

Three reasons to choose Singapore for your business

Singapore is a small island country in the centre of South-East Asia, and it is the
perfect place to do business in the region. There are flights to about 300 cities
around the world from its busy Changi Airport, and there is a harbour for the
import and export of goods by sea. ·

Thousands of international businesses choose Singapore for their regional
headquarters. There are low taxes for businesses to pay and there aren't any
problems with visas for foreign workers. Singapore is also a great place to have a
conference beca use there are hundreds of hotels and large exhibition centres. For
example, there is the Changi Exhibition Centre near the airport.

The city
Singapore is a great place to live and work. There are sorne excellent schools,
Tip l publiclprivate hospitals and other public services. And there isn't a crime problem - it's a very
public = for everyone; anyone safe city.
can use public services:
a public library, a pub/ic phone.
private = -not for everyone; 2 Answer the questions in the Language point.
only for one person or specific
Sorry, this is a prívate office - LANGUAGE POINT
you can't go in.
She is ve¡y successful - she has Look atthe words in bold in the text in l . Complete the table with is, are,
a prívate plane! isn't and aren't.
Positive Negative Questions
Singular There There Yes, there
noun: th~re (an No, there
(an a~~ortl_ (an airport) . airport)?
Plural There There Yes, there
no un: thei:-e (two No, there
(two airports). 1 (two airports). airports)?

Read thes,e sentences from the text in l . C,hoose the correct words in italics,
to complete the exp~anations 1-3.
There are some excellent schools, hospitals and other public services.
There aren't any problerns with visas for foreign u¿orkers.
1 We use sorne and any with singular / plural nouns.
2 We use sorne / any with there in positive sentences.
3 We use sorne / any with there in negative sentenc~s.

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 91.

3 .... 3. 2 Two people are discussing a location for a conference. Complete their
conversation with the words from the list. Then listen and check.
there are there is there isn't is there are there
A Dubai is a great location for a conference. The weather is always good.
B What about the airport? 1 lots of international flights?
A Yes, 2 • And
a problem with transpórt from the airport
because public transport is excellent in Dubai.
B But 4 a good place for a conference?
A Yes, 5 . It's the Dubai International Exhibition and Convention
complex. It's perfect.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 3 on page 91.

- _2~
:· : ' ·· · · · · · Unit 3 1 Location
. "'

4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about two hotels in Dubai.
Student A, turn to page 116. Student B, ask Student A aboutThe Arabian
Garden Hotel. Write notes in the table below.
Example: Is there a bus to the airport?

· The Arabian The Dubai

Garden Hotel Grand Hotel
Bus to the airport?
Car park?
Restaurants and bars?
1 ~e~u.r:_e_ fac~lities (sw~~~J?_?Ol, _gy~)?
s:~i_ces (1:n._
t em! t, hai:li<)?

L0ther_s~rvices? . ____
rooms?_______ ~-
-·-- _ _ _ __ I __ _
---· --·-- ¡- ------ - - . i
,__ -- -·--···J

5 Now repeat the exercise in 4. Student A, ask Student B aboutThe Dubai

Grand Hotel and write notes in the table. Student B, turn to page 116.

6 Now compare the two hotels and choose one for a conference . .

Practically speaking 1 Saying email and postal addresses

1 How do you say these email and postal addresses?
Tip 1 a// one word 1
We don't have a space 2
between two different words in 3
email addresses: 4 Accounts Dept, Blair & Browns, 99 Edward Street, Toronto, MSV 2MD = info at
5 21 Old School Rd, Glasgow, G214YU
fast shop, al/ one word, dot com
6 742 Quaker St, Seattle, 98104
.,.. 3.3 Listen and check. Practise the addresses with a partner.
2 Match symbols and abbreviations 1-8 to meanings a-h.
1 @ 5 St a Street e department
2 & 6 Rd b Road f hyphen (dash)
3 7 Dept _ e at g underscore
4 8 - d and h dot

3 .... 3.4 Listen to a phone conversation. Complete the postal and email
Postal address: , Cambridge, _ _ __
Email address: =ch=r~is~--------
4 .,.. 3.4 Listen again. Number expressions a-i in the order you hear them 1-9.
Tip 1 British and · a Can you spell ... for m e? _
American addresses b What's the postcode, please? _
British and American English e Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
use different words in d Can you give me your address, please? ...l....
addresses: e Yes, that's right. _
postcode.(British English) = zip f What's your email address, please? _
code (American English)
g Is that30 ... ?
postal address (British English)
= mailing address (America n h No, it's ... , not ... _
English) , So that's .. .
5 Work with a partner. Ask for and give contact details. Student A, turn to
page 110. Student B, turn to page 116.

Unit 3 Location -

Business communication 1 Ordering by phone

1 Work with a partner. Discuss these questions.
1 Do you order products and services by phone? Wha t do you order?
2 Do your customers order products and services by phone? What do they order?
3 Who are your suppliers at w ork? Where do they deliver their products?

2 .... 3 .5 Acustomer calls a supplier. Listen to their conversation. Who asks for or
about the things 1-7? Write C (customer) or S (supplier).
1 three whiteboards 5 a delivery address _
2 the product code _ 6 to confirm by email _
3 the price _ 7 an em ail address
4 to deliver tomorrow
3 .,. 3.5 Listen again and complete these questions with the words from the list.
I (x3) you (x4) me tmkr repeat tell confirm say have check
1 Can Qrde.r sorne whiteboards, please?
2 Can the product code?
3 Can the delivery time, please?
4 Can your delivery address?
5 Can the post code, please?
6 Can m y order by email, please?
7 Can that more slowly?
4 .... 3.5 Listen to the conversation again. Complete the table with these
Got it. I'm sorry, but .. . Sure. Yes, of course. Yes, that's right.

Saying 'yes' to a 1
Saying'no'to a Sayingyou ~ Saying something
request reqµest understand is correct
1 !
_¡__ - - - - - t----
1 __ ¡
-- --
5 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 3.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 3 on page 90.

6 Work with a partner. Student A, call Student B to order s0me mobile phones.
Use the prompts below to have a conversation.
Key expressioris
A order--+ mob1le phones 1
:............ ····· ·· · · ..... ····· ·· · ....~ B product code?
Asking to do something
Can 1 order ... ?
Asking for information A DFK 1678 '""' .......... · ····~· ·_···_··_···_···_·'------~
_· ·_··_·_···_···_·
Can you tell me .. .? :....................................................,..., B out of stock--+ DFK 1688 OK?
Can you confirm ... ? ·
Can 1 have,..? A OK--+ delivery tomorrow? r············ ······~···_·_··_···_·_···_···_·_···_···_·_···_··_·'-------~
Can 1 check ... ? ··········· ............ ...... .. ...............¡ B OK--+ delivery address?
Asking for repetition
Can you repeat that? A 35 Waldorf Street ¡. . . ··· ········~··_
· ·_··_··_
· ·_··_··_· _
· ·_
· ·_
··_· _
Can you say that again? ········ ····· ....... ···· ·· ................ ·· .....¡ B thank
Can you say that more slowly,
please? A confirmation by email? l-ci·········· ........~. -...-...-.-----------------'
Responding .--- - - - - - - - - · · · .. · ··············· ·········· ..,..., B email address? 1
Yes, of course.
Su re. A ]-e··············· . ... · · ···· .......................: ·
(Yes) That's right.
l'm sorry, but .. .
· ···· ····· ········ ········ ····· ·· ······ · ......¡ B thank and goodbye J
Got it.
OK (ttlanks). 7 Work with a partner. Practis e ordering by phone. Student A, turn to page 110.
Student B, turn to page 116.
What is the best city for your conference?
Before you choose the right hotel or conference • Is there a good choice of conference centres
centre for your event, it is important to choose and hotels? Do these places have good
the best city. How do you choose the best city? facilities? For example, car parking space,
These questions can help you: restaurants, meeting rooms, Internet access.
• Is it easy for people to arrive in the city by • How much does it cost? Is transport and
air, train or car? People don't want to have a accommodation in the city cheap, or
difficult journey to get to your event. expensive?
• Is it easy to travel around the city after The answers to these questions can help you
you arrive? For example, from the airport fmd the perfect city for your conference.
to the city or from the train station to the
conference location. Is there a good public
transport system or taxi service?

H ow do yo u choose the b est city for a conference? Read the article above for
sorne ideas. Can yo u think of any o ther ideas?
Do yo u go to conferences? What is good or bad about the conference locations?
Is yo ur city a good location for a conference? Why /Why not?
What do you think is the perfect locati on for a co nference? Why?

_. Work wi th a partner. Read about two different cities: Vienna and Vancouver.
Student A, turn to page 111. Student B, turn to page 117.
2 Take turns to tell yo ur partner about each city. While you listen to your partner,
complete yo ur table with details about the other city.
3 Which city do yo u think is the best for an international conference, using the
ideas from the article above?

Viewpoint 1 1 Places of work

1 Work with a partner. Practise this conversation.
Student A: You are in your place of work. Welcome a new visitor and talk about
In this video lesson, people your workplace.
talk about their places of Student B: You are the visitor. Ask Student A questions about his / her job,
work. There is an interview company and place of work.
with Tom Sutherland. Tom
needs new offices for his 2 Swap roles in 1 and repeat the conversation.
web design company. He
visits two locations and must 3 Watch five peo ple talking about their job, company and place of work.
choose one. Make notes about their answers in the table.

Job Company Place

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

4 Compare yo ur notes in 3 with a partner.

Describing an office
5 Read these groups of words for describing an office. Which word is NOT
correct in each group?
1 Furniture: desk, shelves, we cam, chair
2 Eq.u ipment: phone, printer, door, laptop
3 Age: m odern, new, quiet, old
14 Facilities: kitchen, client, toilets, parking
5 Size: noisy, small, big, medium-sized
6 Appearance: fast, attractive, beautiful, light
6 02 Watch a video of different offices. Which words in 5 describe what
you see?
7 Work with a partner. Describe your office or place of work using the words
in S.
Example: It has three desks with phones. It 's modern and there are good facilities .

Looking at offices
8 Tom Sutherland is a web designer. At the moment he works from home
but he needs an office. Watch Part 1 of the video and answer questions 1-3.
1 Why does Tom want a new office?
2 Where is the first office?
3 What equipment and facilities are there in the first office?
9 - Now watch Part 2 of the video and answer questions 1- 3.
1 Where is the second office?
2 What equipment and facilities are there in the second office?
3 Can Tom decide?
10 ! 3 Watch the whole video again. Write down positive and negative things
about each office.
~ .. __ ¡~ositi~-
; Office 1
Office 2

Choosing an office
11 Work with a partner. Which is the best office forTom? Discuss these things:
• the location and facilities
• the furniture and equipment
• the age, size and appearance
12 Present your answers in 11 to the class. Do you all agree? Why /Why not?
Working with words 1 Technology and functions
1 Do you u se online or mobile banking? Why/Why not?
2 Read this text about mobile banking. Why is mobile banking useful?


. All over the world more and more people use mobile banking.
In the UK, experts say that 60% of adults will use their smartphone
or tablet to manage their money by the year 2020.

To start, just download your bank's mobile

banking app onto your smartphone or tablet
and register your mobile device. If you don't
want to download the app, you can access the
bank's website on your tablet or laptop.
With sorne banks in the UK, you can
use the Paym payment system to send and
receive money to ang from your friends and
family. You don't need their bank account
information, only their mobile phone number.

With mobile banking, you can:

• Log in and access your bank account anytime
you have Internet acc~ss .
• See ali your accounts and move money easily
between accounts.

3 Match the words in bold from the text in 2 to pictures 1-6.

1 3 4 5 6

4 .... 4.1 Listen to the conversation about the Paym system. Number the stages
a-e in the correct order 1-5.
a _ log in to your rnobile banking
b _ register for the Paym service
e _ the person who gets the rnoney receives an SMS rnessage confirrnation of
the payrnent
d _open your rnobile banking app or the bank's website
e _ enter the details, for exarnple the arnount of money you want to send
5 ~ 4.2 Work with a partner. Use the words from the list to complete these
phrases from the conversation. Then listen and check.
text message contact list battery username screen button
password power point link
1 Login (to your account) with your and _ __ _
2 Press the Paym or click on the Paym if you are using
your laptop.
3 On the next you can enter the details.
4 lt's a bit like sending a _ _ __
5 Select someone from your _ _ __
6 A 1 need to charge my phone first. The is low.
B OK. There's a over here.
6 Match the verbs in A to the nouns in B.

- ~-c-h~a~r~~~<:_~~= ~~ ·---·~~-B-~~~..,-,.,:::':""'"=.:~...,,,..,,,,....-~..,.,...-~
a battery / a phone
- -·
a button / a link
click on
--·------ a contact / an account !
download a device / for a service
··- ·-

a text message / money
a website / an account
login (t~ ( !?g out ~f) an account / a device
--·-- an account / a website
. select
- - --- -------- --
,---- -- ---- an app · - - - - - _ _ _ .. _ _
¿_e_:id/ r::eive _ __.l._th
_ e details / a phone number _ _ _.!

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 4 on page 92.

7 Look at actions 1-6. Make verb + noun phrases about each picture.


4 5 6

8 Work with a partner. Tick(./) the actions in 6 and 7 that you do at work .
. Tip 1 sign inlout!up · Tell your partner when you do the actions.
sign in/out= log in/out: Example: I log in to my email account every morning. I recharge my phone battery
Are you a f/ oncea week.
, customer? Sign in here
sign up = register for a service
9 Technology words are often the same or similar in different languages.
for the first t ime: Are the words in 5 a nd 6 similar in your language? What about other
Are you a new customer? Sign technology words?
up here

Unit 4 . Tec.hnology , :· '

Language at work 1 Adverbs of frequency 1 Questions

1 Do you work eight hours a day? How many hours a week do you work?
2 Read this article and answer questions 1-3.
1 Do they work eight hours a day?
2 Do they arrive on time?
3 Do they take breaks?

oW'bften do you work nine or ten hours a: day? Well,

H imagine these workers: They aJ.ways work 16 hours a

day, seven tlays a we,ek. They are never late for work _,,
because they never leave the building. They rarely take
breaks - oilly to recharge their batteries. Of course, they aren't
human, they're robots.
So where do these robots work? Staples - the US office
product distributor - employs them in itS. warehouse in
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. 50% of staff are robots who move
itenis around the warehouse. Because the new 'employees' are
so good, Staples wants more in its other 29 warehouses.

3 Does your company use robots? If not, do you have jobs for a robot in your
place of work?
4 Answer the questions in Language point 1.

Complete this scale with the adverbs in bold in 2.
1 2 _ _ __ sorne times often usually 3 _ _ __

0% - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 0 % - - - - - - - - - - -- .. 100%
Read these sentences then underline the correct ·word in it(llics in a and b.
They always work 16 hours a day.
They rarely take breaks.
Tui:y are never late. -
a With all verbs except be, the adverb goes befare / the verb.
b With be,"the adv~rb goes befare/ after the verb.

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 93 .

5 Make true sentences about you. Use an adverb of frequency.
Example: I often work ten hours a day.
1 I work ten hours a day.
2 I'm late for work.
3 I take breaks.
4 I work five days a week.
5 I'm sick and take a day off.
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the sentences in 5.
Use an adverb in your answer.
Example: A Do you work ten hours a day?
B No, I never work ten hours a day. I work ...

· · __. · · · Unit 4 ! Technology

7 Find two questions in the article in 2 . What are the question words?
8 Answer the questions in Language point 2.

Match questions 1-7 to answers a-g.
1 Who do the robots work for? _ a Office products.
2 What does Staples deliver? _ b After 16 hours.
3 Where do the robots work? _ c To recharge their batteries.
4 How often do they take a day off? _ d To move items.
5 When do they stop work? _ e Never.
6 Why do they stop work? _ f In the warehouse.
7 How does Staples use the robots? _ g · For Staples.
What do the question won;ls in b~i'd i~ 1-7 refer to?
a The way / method How e Places _ _ __
b General informátion What f -Reasons _ _ __
c Trme · g Frequency _ _ __
d People _ _ _ _ .

9 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your company and your
work. Use these prompts.
Who / work for?
What / produce or provide?
Where / work?
Why / like / your job?
When / start / work?
How often / take / day off?

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 4 on page 93.

Practically speaking 1 How to use sequencing words

1 .,. 4 .3 Listen to how the robots at Staples do their job. Number the stages a-e
in the correct order 1-5.
a _ the person takes the correct items for the order
b _1_ the warehouse computer receives customer orders
e _ the robot returns the box and starts again
d the robot finds the box and delivers it to a human co-worker
e _ the computer tells a robot to find the correct box
2 ..,. 4 .3 Listen again and match the words below to the five stages a-e in l .
Example: First of all, the warehouse computer receives customer orders.
first of all ..lL_ finally _ after that _ then next
3 Think of stages for a process at work or your typical day. Tell your partner the
stages with the sequencing words in 2.
Example: First of all, I check emails. Then, I send new orders to the warehouse.
Next, I .. . ·
Unit 4 : Technology

Business communication 1 Asking far and offering help

1 Do you share files at work? How do you share them? Do you use file-sharing
systems like Dropbox, Hightail, Google Drive, etc? What problems do yo u
have when you share files?

2 .,.. 4.4 Listen to two colleagues, Nathan and Melissa. Underline the correct
words in italics.
1 Nathan can't login to/ log out of his company's file-sh aring system.
2 The password u ses lower-case letters / UPPER-CASE LEITERS.
3 Nathan can't find the meetings / project folder.
4 Nathan finds / doesn't find the folder by using the search box.
5 You need to Iog in / accept an invitation to share the folder.
6 Nathan finds the email invitation in his inbox / the file-sharing system.
7 Nathan clicks on v iew folder / share folder.
8 Nathan can/ can't see the folder now.
3 .,.. 4.4 Listen again. Number the expressions a-j in the order you hear them 1-10.
a Yes, of course. _
b Do you want a hand? _
e Can you help me? _
d That would be great, thanks.
e 1 don't know how to do that.
f Sure.
g How do 1 do that?
h Yes, please. _
Can 1 help? _1_
Can you give m e a hand?
4 Work with a partner. Are the expressions in 3 asking for help (A), offering
help (O) or responding (R)? Write the letter next to the expression.
Example: Can you help me? ..A._

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 4 on page 92.

5 You have a list of technical problems below. Move around the class and ask
different people for help. Use the key expressions to find someone who can
help you to:
• login to your company's Internet/intrqnet
• download an app to your table t
• share a large file with a group of people
Key expressions • access a list of contacts at work
• use the projector with your laptop
Asking for help
Can you help me? • connect your smartphone to your computer
Can you give me a hand? 6 Work with a partner. Make a list of sorne other things you need help with at
Howdo 1 ••• ? work. Then join another group and ask them for help.
1don't know how to ...
Responding to a request
for help
Yes, of course.
Su re.
Offering help
Can 1 help?
Do you want/need a hand?
Responding to ºoffers
Yes, please.
That would be great.
No, l'm OK, thanks.
Responding to thanks
You're welcome.
· · ' · · · ,._ · Unit 4 í Technology t
• • '-:r..z-..:

1 Look at the technology products A-F. What are they and what are they used for?
2 . ,._ 4.5 Listen to six people talking about why they use the products in l .
Which products A-F are they talking about?
1 2 3 4 5 6 _
3 Which of the products in the pictures do you use? Are they useful? Write each product in the table below.

Add other technology products that you use.

Very us_e_ful
_ ___,.e----U
r - seful-::-J Quite useful -- --
Alittle useful Not very useful . Not useful

----r--- 1
1 -----,

t- 3 ------r·-- ----+-- -----¡



----·-~---- - _J_ _ _
- ___._¡,___

4 Work with a partner and discuss your answers in 3. Give reasons for your answers.
5 Work in small groups . Discuss your answers in 3 and 4. Which is your group's favourite product?

1 Work in small groups. Choose one of the topics below. Think of a new
productor technology idea that can make our lives better in this area.
What is it? Describe it, how it works and why it is.useful.
• at home • communication
• travelling/ commuting • free time / sport / hobbies
• health • sleeping
• at work • food and drink
• studying/learning
2 Present your idea to the rest of the class. While you listen to the other
presentations, think of two questions to ask about their products.
3 Which idea is your favourite?
Working with words 1 Documents and correspondence
1 Does your company use lots of paper? Why is it a good idea to use less? Read
about how to use less paper in an office. Which ideas does your company use?


. . 1-

The average UK office worker uses the UK supermarket Booths doesn't

10,000 sheets of paper per year! This give receipts to sorne of its regular
costs money to huy, use (e.g. print and customers in the shop anymore - it
photocopy), store and transport. UK just saves their receipt to their account
businesses can spend more than one online instead. When you deliver
billion pounds per year on this. And products, use e-delivery notes. And
using less paper saves time and trees, when you meet a new contact, send
as well as money. lt's easy to do: them a quick email or text message,
instead of giving them a business card.
THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT You can even sign and send sales or
Companies usually receive many CVs employment contracts online.
from people who want to work for
them. Iftheir CVs arrive by email,just MORE COMPUTER SCREENS, FEWER
save them on your company's computer PRINTERS ANO PHOTOCOPIERS
system. If they arrive as hard cqpy by Have two computer scree:Ils on your
post, you can sean them and save them desk so that you can look at two
electronically. When you want to get documents at the same time. Don't print
new employees for your company, ask a hard copy of office documents like
them to fill in online application forms . m eeting notes or reports - just attach
them to an email, or upload theni to
SENO ELECTRONIC OOCUMENTS ONLY your cornpany's file-sharing system. If
-You can sendmost documents you need to keep copies of things like
electronically. When you order products, letters and receipts, just sean them and
use an online electronic order form. save them. You don't need to photocopy
Send your customers e-invoices and and keep hard copies.
e-receipts for payment. For example,

2 Can you think of more ideas to reduce the amount of paper we use at work?
3 What things do you need in these situations? Match the words in bold from
Tip 1 fil/ in/out the text in 1 with each situation. ·
fil/ in (British English) = 1 You want to apply for a job. - - - -· _ _ __
fil/ out (American English) 2 You want to get five new laptops for the sales team. _ _ __
3 You want a record of your payment for lunch at a restaurant. _ _ __
4 You meet a new client for the first time. _ _ __
5 You send a customer a list of the items they ordered and the total price.

6 The delivery company brings you 20 boxes of paper for the photocopier.

7 Your boss wants to read your report. You need to print it. _ _ __
8 You decide to start doing business with a new customer or supplier. _ _ __
4 Match the verbs from the text in 1 to the correct definitions a-h.
Tip 1 copy 1 attach a make a hard copy of an electronic document
Copy is a verb anda noun: 2 print _ b make something smaller in size or quantity
J rare/y copy reports. 3 reduce e add a document to an email
We only have one copy of the
4 save d make an electronic copy of a hard copy document
re port.
5 sean e write your name on a document
6 sign _ f keep a copy of an electronic document
7 upload _ g write information in a form, e.g. order form
8 fill in h puta document or file onto an online system
5 Which of the documents in 3 do you use at work? Which of the actions in 4 do
you do with these documents?
Example: I attach invoices to emails and I sign new contracts.

6 .,. 5.1 Listen to a phone call between two colleagues.

1 What do they discuss? What is the problem?
2 What types of documents do they talk about?
7 ... 5.1 Listen again and write the nouns from the list next to verbs 1-7.
a hard copy an email (x2) a folder an order form a document an invoice
1 receive _ _ __
2 print
3 save
4 open
5 attach
6 send
7 forward

., .\, 1
8 Look at the pictures. Match the verb + noun phrases in 7 with the correct

¡ l
-,u -
iPff écil .... .
1 2 3 4

5 6 7

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 5 on page 94.

9 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about emails. Student A, tum
to page 111. Student B, turn to page 113.
10 Work in small groups. Discuss these questions.
1 What kind of documents do you send by email at w o rk? Do you send any
documents by post?
2 How often do you check your emails at work? Do you check your work emails
at the weekend?
3 Do you prefer to call or email to do the things below? Why?
• Arrange to meet
• Solve a problem
• Find out information
Unit 5 · Communication

Language at work 1 Past simple: be and regular verbs

1 .,. 5.2 Listen to a conversation between Janusz and Carlos and choose the
correct answers.
1 Janusz was ata meeting/ presentation about branding.
2 It was at breakfast / lunchtime .
3 Carlos was /wasn't in the office yesterday.

2 .... 5.2 Listen again. Complete the conversation with was, wasn't, were or weren't.
Janusz Sorry I'm late. I 1 at the presentation on branding.
Carlos Oh, 2 that this rnorning?
Janusz Yes, at 7.30 in the Century Hotel.
Carlos Oh. 3 it good?
Janusz Yes, the presentation 4 really interesting, and there 5_ _ __
lots of good questions at the end.
Carlos 6 there many people there?
Janusz There 7 many people for the breakfast at the start, but there
8 lots for the presentation. It 9 too early for sorne
Carlos 10 you on time?
Janusz Of course! But the breakfast 11 very good. Anyway, why
1 you in the office yesterday?
Carlos There 13 terrible problems with my flight back from Rome ...
3 Complete Language point 1 about the past simple for be. Use was, wasn't, were
Tip 1 Short forms and weren't.
When speaking, use wasn'tl
He wasn't at the meeting today. LANGUAGE POINT 1
In formal or written English, Positive Negative
use was not / were not:
l/He/She/It late. l/He/She/It _ _ _ _ late.
The company CEO was not at
the conference. You/We/They late. You/We/They late.
Questions Short answers
_ _ _ _ l/he/she/it late? Yes, l/he/she/it _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ you/we/they late? No, I/he/she/it _ _ __
Yes, you/we/they _ _ __
No, you/we/they _ _ __
We can make negative questions with wasn't and weren't.
E'xample: Why weren't you in the offi~e yesterday? Wasn'tyour flight on Úme?

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 95.

4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about a report. Student A,
tum to page 111. Student B, tum to page 118.
5 .,. 5.3 Lydia calls Piotr about a presentation atan event. Look at Lydia's 'to do'
list. Listen and tick (.1) the things that she did.

* Call presenter Ron Peters O

* Confirm the time of th~ presenta:tion O
* Call 'Ce~tury Hotel' O
* Book the room O

-. · ' Unit 5 ! Communication

6 lil- 5.3 Listen again and complete these sentences using the past simple form
of the verbs in brackets.
1 Sorry 1 (miss) your call.
2 I (want) to ask about the event.
3 you (call) Ron Peters?
4 (call) him yesterday.
5 What time _ __ _ you (decide) to start?
6 I (invite) him to have lunch with us.
7 you (book) the hotel?
8 I (phone) the Century Hotel.
9 (not/ book) it.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 5 on page 95.

7 Look at audio script 5.3 . Complete Language point 2 about the past simple for
regular verbs. Use did, didn't and -ed.

Positive Negative
l/He/She/lt I/He/She/It.
You/We/They verb + _.:;__.:._;_'-' e · You/We/They _ "--'.:.__ + verb

.Questions Short answers

(What/Why/How) - " - - - - Yes, I/h~/she/it/you/we/they
-he/she/it/you/we/they + verb?
No; l/he/she/it/you/we/they

8 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about a phone message.
Student A, turn to page 112. Student B, turn to page 118.

Practically speaking 1 How to apologize

1 When was the last time you said 'sorry'? Why did you say it?
2 .... 5.4 Listen to conversations 1-3. Match the problem with the reason in each
one. Write .1 , 2 or 3.


forgot =----- - - - - - - - - i
arrived late wasbusy _
·----- - - -·------+.----=--"'~-----------l
didn't send the report _ train was late

3 5.4 Listen again and complete the apologies from the three conversations.
1 Helio. . M y train was very late.
2 No, I didn't. . I was really busy yesterday.
3 Oh no! 1 forgot! . 1'11 do it now.

4 Work with a partner. Take turns to apologize in these situations. Give reasons.
Tip 1 That's OK /No': • You are in a traffic jam and will be late for a job interview. Call the company.
'problem! • You couldn't email your boss a report because you had technical problems with
your computer. Take him a hard copy and explain the problem.
Use That's OK or.NÓ prob/em to
respOQd to an apology: • You weren't at the meeting this morning. Your manager asks you why.
A f'm real/y sorry I forgot your • It's your team leader's birthday today. You talked to the team and you agreed
bírthday. · to buy the cake, but you forgot. Speak to one of the team.
B No problem! • A customer didn' t receive a delivery because you made a mistake with their
address. Call the customer.

Unit 5 i Communication - ~

Business communication 1 Solving problems

1 Do you have these problerns at work? Who norrnally solves thern?
• late deliveries
• bad products or services
• machinery or equipment not working
• human mistakes
• angry customers
2 5 •.., Listen to a phone call. Which problerns in 1 do they have?
3 5 .5 Listen again and complete the expressions from the conversation.
1 We a problem with the order for Gosport.
2 We all the baseball bats and T-shirts yesterday so 1 ship
thern tomorrow. But the logos on the caps _ _ __
3 We fix the machine today and print them again.
4 OK. worry.
·5 1 know the Purchasing Manager at Gosport, so 1 to him ...
6 We give another delivery date for this.
7 Sure. 1 the factory now and 1 you know as soon as 1 can.
8 That be great. Thanks a lot.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 5 on page 94.

4 Read this email frorn your boss.

Key expressions Dear both,

Explaining the problem
l' m in meetings al i day today, so can you deal with these between you,
l've/We've gota problem
with ...
There are sorne problems • Who is on Reception this week? (Where 's Astrid?)
with ... i
l/We can't .. . • Gosport phoned. Purchasing says the invoice was wrong for the last
We did X .. ., but Y didn't work. arder.
Solving the problem The new printers don 't work with our computers. What can IT do
You/We need to ... about it?
We can ...
• Did someone book my tickets for Moscow? Remember 1 go next
Promising action 1 Monday.
1'11 .. . speak to ... I explain 1
the situation / call ... / let you • Ellen in Sales leaves this week. Can we organize a leaving party on
know as soon as 1can 1 Friday? And a present?
Responding and thanking L---------~---------------------~ ·
Don't worry.
Work with a partner. Discuss the problerns in the ernails. Student A, turn to
That wou,ld be great.
page 112. Student B, turn to page 118.
Thanks a lot for your help.
No problem. 5 Think of a problern at work this week. Explain it to your partner. Take turns to
try and solve your partner's problem and prornise action.
Money talks
More and more Japanese companies industry company, Bridgestone, said
are deciding that English is the that all new employees need to speak

i companylanguage. Company
employees need to be able to
English to do well in the future .
To help their employees speak


communicate with international
colleagues in meetings and in emails
to help them expand their business
English, many of these companies
provide English lessons. And the
Japanese mobile phone company
outside Japan. Softbank even offered one million
The Rakuten group introduced an yen (about $11,200) to employees
'English-only' policy in 2010. Now all who gota high score on their
company meetings, presentations, English test!
documents and emails are in English
- even the signs in the company head
office in Tokyo! English is also the
company language at Fast Retailing
(the parent company of clothing
retailer Uniqlo) and the company
wants to employ more non-Japanese
people in its head office. The Honda
Motor Company says that by 2020
top managers must speak English.
And the CEO of another large motor

D.;; .::i~

e Read the text. Which Japanese companies currently use English as the
2 · . S Listen toan expert talking about English-only policies at Japanese
cornpanies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using English as
the cornpany language? · ·
3 Can you think of more advantages and disadvantages for companies with an
'English-only' policy?
4 Do you think this is a good idea for these Japanese cornpanies? Why/Why not?
5 How rnuch of your cornpany's work is in English? How many people at your
cornpany speak English?

Work in small groups. Have a meeting to to use an 'English-only'

policy in your company. Decide the following:
1 When you must u se English - all the time / only w ith fo reign contacts / in all
em ails / onl y in meetings?
2 Who must u se English - all employees or only sorne people?
3 What documents must be in English.
4 H ow yo u ca n help employees improve their English.
After the meeting, present yo ur ideas to the class.
Working with words 1 Social media and networking
1 Match the social networking sites with descriptions 1-4. Which sites do
you use?
Linkedln Twitter Facebook Google+

1 The biggest social network. People connect with their friends and family
and share information with them in a post. You can comment on other
people's posts or click on 'like' to show that you like them. People you
are connected with are called your friends.

2 People use this social network to connect with friends or with other
people with the same interests. You can make groups (called circles) of
people to share with.

3 People use this site to build professional networks. Users write a profile
and connect with other people in their business area. These people
are then called your connections. People share information about work
tapies and comment on it or 'like' it.

4 People use this site to post short messages called tweets. lf you want to
see everything someone posts, you can follow them.

2 Match the words in bold in 1 to definitions 1-8.

1 connected with your job
Tip 1 post 2 a group or system of connected things _ _ __
Post is a verb and a noun: 3 to write something online so that other people can read it _ _ __
My company posts something 4 what somebody has written on social media _ _ __
on our Facebook page almost
eveiy day. (verb) · 5 a description of a person or organization _ _ __
Today's post was about our 6 to create a relationship with somebody _ _ __
new product (noun) 7 to show or tell something to other people online _ _ __
8 to write a note giving your opinion on something _ _ __
3 Look at the graph. Which social networks do most people use to find a
job? Which sites do most employers use? Do you use social media to find

Popular social networks for employees and em ployers



_ Google+

4 ..,.. 6 .1 Listen to the interview with an expert on how to use social media to
get a job. Tick(./) the things the expert talks about.
your profile O
your timeline O
adding contacts O
joining groups O
your Google+ circles O
your status updates O
5 ..,.. 6.1 Listen again and use the words from the list to complete the
join add (x2) update (x2) on build
1 I'm Twitter and Linkedln.
2 You need to your profile regularly.
3 a link to an online CV.
4 You _ _ _ _ contacts to your network.
5 your status, that means post something, regularly.
6 a group conversation ora Twitter chat.
6 Use the words from the list to complete the questions.
'like' share ¡om to follow search far
comment on update (x2) tweet
When did you last ... ?
1 your social network profile
2 your Facebook or Linkedln status
3 or something on social media
4 send a on Twitter
5 a social networking group
6 a photo on social media
7 start _ _ _ _ someone on Twitter
8 somebody on social media

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 6 on page 96.

7 Work with a partner. Ask and ans~er the questions in 6 .
8 Work with a partner. Talk about how your company can use social
media to:
• find new staff, new customers and new suppliers
• promote new products, advertise events, increase sales
Unit 6 1 Networking

Language at work 1 Past simple: irregular verbs 1 Time

1 What are trade fairs? Who goes to them?
2 Read about this Industry Expo.
1 What type of industry was it for?
2 When and where was it?
3 Where were manufacturers, suppliers and other representatives from?
4 Does your business or industry have similar events?

Subject: Recent events

Textile lndustry Expo Date: 1-4 August

Venue: Ho Chi Minh City lnternational Exhibition and Convention
Center, Vietnam
Almost 100 companies went to this year's lndustry Expo.
Manufacturers and suppliers from China, the Republic of Korea and
India met Vietnamese producers, and two companies from Austria and
ltaly also had representatives at the event.
Don 't miss th is event next year. Click here for early registration.

3 There are three verbs in the description of the Expo. Underline them. Do they
describe the past or present?
4 . ,._ 6.2 Listen to Giang and Enzo meet at the Expo.
1 Where is Enzo from?
2 What do they give each other?
3 How did they travel to the Expo?
5 ... 6.2 Listen again. Number these verbs in the order you hear them 1-7.
carne took __l_ flew had were left m et
6 Answer the questions in the Language point.

Write the verbs iI) 3 and 5 next to the infinitive.
1 be - was· 5 have - _ _ __
2 take - 6 leave - _ _ __
3 go- 7 come- _ _ __
4 meet - 8 fly - _ _ __

Read fuis extract from Enzo and Giang's conversation. Complete1:he

timeline with the time expressions in bold.
1 carne to Ha Chi Minh Citt; last night, bui 1 left Bologna two days ago. 1flw
ti> Milgn añd then to Shanghai. ¡hada day in Shanghai, so f rnet sorne colleagues
there yesterday. · · - ·-·

ayear ago last month ·this morning

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 97.

---- ~

40 1
· · · · Unit 6 l Networkirig

7 Work with a partner. Describe your last trip. Talk about sorne of the following
and use time expressions:
• where you went • what meeting (conference) you had
• how long the journey was • where you left from
• when you left/ arrived • who you met
• when you carne home
8 5.3 Listen to Giang ask Enzo about his career. Complete these questions.
1 How did you a sales manager in textiles?
2 Why <lid you ?
3 When did you your current company?
9 .... o.3 Listen again. What are Enzo's answers?
» For more exercises, go to Practice file 6 on page 97.
10 Work with a partner.
1 Write five sentences about your career using time expressions.
Example: 1 went to university in 1999.
1 studied ...
2 Swap your sentences. Ask and answer questions about your careers. Begin with
the question: How did you become a .. . (job title)?

Practically speaking 1 How to describe a trip

1 . . _ 6.4 Mike talks about his trip to Brussels. Listen and tick (.I') the adjectives

A<!jectives Mike's trip

ni ce
. delicious ______ ____¡_ _ _ _ __
~ te_::_~in)L

. ~ºº~-
- - - - - r - - - - - - - - ___L._

_ _______
______'._ ----·--:------3·

_ _,__.. ----- _____ ..,__


_ _ j _____

- -j

2 Are the adjectives in 1 positive (+ ), negative (-) or neutral (N)? Write +, - or N

next to the adjectives.
3 Which of the adjectives in 1 can describe ...
• a hotel
• a journey
• a city or country
• a meal or the food
• a presentation
4 Work with a partner. Look at sorne pictures from a trip. Take turns to ask and
answer questions. Student A, turn to page 112. Student B, turn to page 119.
5 Now ask your partner about their most recent trip.
Example: How was the flight? How was the hotel? Was the food OK?

! 41
~ . ' -
Unit 6 1 Networking .: :

Business communication 1 Ma king conversation

1 How can you start a conversation in these two situations?
1 You're ata conference cocktail party. It's the end of the first day.
2 You arrive at your company. You see a visitor in Reception.

2 .,.. 6. 5 .,.. 6.6 Listen to two conversation s and match them to the correct
situations in l .
3 .,._ 6.5 Match expressions 1- 8 to responses a-h. Then listen again and check.
1 Can 1 join you? _ a Very interesting.
2 I hear you work for GST. _ b Sure. See you later, maybe.
3 My name's Simon Turing. _ c Yes, of course.
4 What do you think of the conference? _ d No, not many.
5 Do you come here every year? _ e Pleased to meet you.
6 Do you know a lot of people here? _ f No, thanks. I'm fine.
7 Would you like another drink? _ g Yes, that's right.
8 Please excuse me. h No, this is my first time.
4 Work with a partner.You are ata conference. Practise this conversation:
• start the conversation ·
Key expressions • talk about the conference
Starting a conversation • offer something
Can 1join you? • end the conversation
1 hear you work for .. .
Is this your first time ... ?
5 .,.. 6.6 Work with a partner. Think of possible responses to these sentences.
What do you think of ... ?
Then listen again and compare your answers.
1 Can 1 help you?
Can 1help you?
2 Is this your first time here?
Can 1get you something? 3 Please go in and take a seat.
Would you like another ... ? 4 Can 1 get you something?
Please take a seat _ 5 Nice talking to you.
Please go in and take a seat.
Responding » For more exercises, go to Practice file 6 on page 96.
Yes, please. ·
Yes, of course. 6 Work with a partner. Practise this conversation:
Yes, that's right • start a conversation with a visitor in Reception
No, thanks. (l'm fi ne.)
• offer to take him/her to a colleague's office
Flnishing a conversation • offer something to drink
Please excuse me.
• end the conversation
Nice talking to you.
See you later. 7 Work with a partner. Practise making conversation. Student A, turn to
page 113. Student B, turn to page 118.
The networking game
Play the networking game with your partner.
Choose a square.
On a blue square, read the question or sentence, and then respond.
On an orange square, read the answer and ask an appropriate question.
Ifyou are right, you win the square.
Then your partner chooses a square and does the same.
Try to complete a line of five squares across • , down f or diagonally"
before your partner.

Examples :
You say:
No. Pleased to meet you, Ali.
Viewpoint 2 1 You've got email
1 How do yo u normally communicate with people in yo ur job?Tick (,/) the
words in the list. Discuss your answers w ith a partner.
In this video lesson, there are Phone O Twitter O
interviews with people about Face-to-face meetings O Email O
business communication. Skype O Videoconíerence O
There is also a short video Text O Facebook O
about emails. Teleconference O O ther O ____
2 Ask your partner how much time they spend communicating in these ways.
Example: How much time do you spend in meetings every day or every week?
How much time do you spend on email per day?
3 ' Watch four people talking about communication at work. Make notes
about their answers in the table.
t- _________ ___¡ Speak~~ -
---. - - 1
Speaker 2 1 Speaker 3 " . Speaker 4
- - - - - - - - - -P-!--- -
i How do you normally
i communicate with
1 peopl~t work?_

How much time do yo u
spend communicating
in these ways? ___ _

4 Compare yo ur notes in 3 with a partner.

Communicating by email
5 Think about how you use e mail. Complete these sentences w ith numbers or
underline the words in italics. Then compare yo ur sentences with a partner.
1 1 have email accounts.
2 1 send about emails per day. 1 get about emails per day.
3 1 spend about hours per week checking my emails.
4 1 often / sometimes / rarely change my email password.
6 ' - Watch a video about email communication and answer questions 1-4.
Are the answers similar to your answers in 5?
1 How many email accounts do most people have?
2 How many emails does the average business person send per day?
3 How many h ours a week do people spend checking emails?
4 How often d o most people change their password?
7 ~ · Watch the video again. Make notes about the numbers in the table.
' Number ' Notes
~º!1 _ .l email a_ccounts i!'!_ the worl~
150 billion
· 90 billion
l ----

20 million
Business writing
8 Read and compare two emails. Match the emails (A or B) to sentences 1-6.
One sentence is true for both emails.
1 The sender knows the receiver very well. _
2 More than one person received the email.
3 It is formal and poli te. _
4 It is informal and friendly. _
5 The send er wants a reply. _
6 The send er wants a m eeting. _
Email A Email B

Hi all, Dear Mr Owen ,

Our next team meeting is on Tuesday. Let 's l'm writing to introduce myself. 1 am your
meet in the conference room at 11.15 p.m. new sales contact for Taylor and Whitaker. As
Sorry about the short noti ce. 1am in your area next week, would you like
to meet at your office?
See you there.
1 look forward to hearing from you .
All the best,
Yours sincerely,
Ana Petterson

9 Look at the two emails in 8 again. Complete the table using expressions from
the emails.

More friendly and less

; More for~al .¡nd polit e- l
' 2 _ _ __
Starting the email Hello

l____ ------ ~
! - -- ~
Give the reason It's about . . . With regard to ...
for wri tini:;
------ t
Arrange a
Do you want to meet at ... ? 15 - -===- · l
4 ____ ----·- _L _ - --- J
Future contact
Sorry, but ...
6 _ _ __ .~~~ologize tha~= - j
End the email Bye for now l Best regards ~
8 _ _ __ r-9 - -· -- ·
L j

10 Write two emails. Use the expressions from the table in 9.

1 An email to two colleagues. You want a meeting tomorrow.
2 An em ail to a new customer. Ask for a meeting.
Working with words 1 Departments and responsibilities
1 Match the names of the departments with pictures a-h.
Log istics Finance Sales IT (Information Technology)
R&D (Research and Development) HR (Human Resources)
Ma rketing Customer Services

d _ _ __ _ _ e f g h

2 Read the article about jobs at Komancom. Complete the sentences with four of
the department names from l.

Find out about a career Cameron Torres works Bud Cardoso works in the Adel Sharma works in the Esma Demir works in the
with Komancom. Read inthe 1_ _ __ 2 3 4
Department Department Department
about sorne of the Department in Argentina. in Brazil. He checks in India. She promotes in Turkey. She's
people who work for He has meetings with financia! information and products so that more responsible for the
us around the world. customers, and contacts deals with accounts. people know about _ warehouse. She contacts
them by phone and He likes working with them. Her department suppliers and organizes
email to develop good numbers. supports the Sales deliveries. lt is important
business relationships. Department. that the deliveries are on

3 There are two verbs in bold in each profile. Match thern to definitions 1-8.
Change the forrn of the verb if necessary.
1 rnake sornething bigger and / or more successful _ _ __
2 help sorneone with something _ _ __
3 be in charge of sornething _ _ __
4 communicate with someone _ _ __
5 say good things about something to help sell it _ _ __
6 arrange something _ _ __
7 confirm that something is correct _ __ _
8 work with sornething or someone _ _ __

4 Underline the correct verbs in italics.

1 I'm in the Custorner Services Departrnent. Customers support / contact me every
day and 1 deal with / 'm responsible for their questions and problems.
2 The IT Department develops /is responsible for the computers in all the offices.
3 The R&D Departrnent organizes / develops new products and the Production
Departrnent rnakes them.
4 1 work with Guilherme in the Finance Departrnent. Sometimes he asks me to
check/ support his work for him. He doesn't want to make any rnistakes!
5 The Marketing Departrnent checks / promotes the products.
6 In the HR Department we contact / support the employees and organize /check
the recruitrnent of new staff.
5 Work with a partner. Make sentences about these departrnents using words in
the table.

Logis tics is responsible for suppliers

Finance deals with customers
Sales develops inforrnation
IT checks employees
R&D organizes deliveries
HR contacts products
Marketing promotes accounts
Customer Services supports computers

Example: The Logistics Department organizes deliveries.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 7 on page 98.

6 ~ 7.1 We can pronounce the -s at the end of words as /s/, lzl or /Jz/. Listen to the
exarnples then write the sounds you hear for the word endings below.
Example: works Is/ is /z/ organizes /rz/
deals resources promotes _
checks departments _ employees _
contacts computers _ services
7 Work with a partner. Ask them about their job using the words from 5 and 6
and your own ideas. Then tell another group about your partner's job.
Example: Elaine works in the Accounts Department. She deals with invoices and
checks accounts .. .

Tip 1 Word building 8 Take turns to describe sorne departments in your cornpany. Try to guess the
When you learn a new word, departrnent your partner describes.
you can make more words Example: A This department deals with customers.
with it: B Sales .
develop - developer, A Correct.
produce - products, production
organize - organizer,
deliver - delivery

Unit 7 1 Departments

Language at work 1 Prepositions of place and movement

1 Jim Berman plans to visit Olivia Gonzalez's company. Read Olivia's email to
Jim. Look at the map and find one mis take in her directions.

Subject: Next week and d irections

Hi Jim
l'm glad you have ali day next Tuesday.
We'll have time to look around the factory.
Please find attached a map. When you
drive in, there's a security cabin on the
left and the factory is behind it. Our
offices are next to the factory and the
car park is below the offices. So park
there and take the lift. My office is on the
second floor, but go to Reception first.
See you soon.
Whitley's paints

2 Look at the office plan below. Underline the correct words in italics in 1-6.
Tip 1 British and 1 Production is on the left / right of Reception .
American English 2 Finance is above / below HR.
British and American English 3 The MD's office is between / next to the conferen ce room .
have sorne vocabulary 4 The cafe teria is on the second / third floor.
5 The car p ark is in front of / below Reception.
British English 1 American
6 R&D is in/ between Recep tion and Production .
ground f/oorlfirst floor


3 Work with a partner. Look at two office plans. Student A, turn to page 113.
Student B, turn to page 119.
4 Work with a partner. Describe where rooms and departrnents are in your
company. Where is your office? ·
5 .... 7.2 Jim arrives at the s ecurity cabin. Listen and complete the security man's
You go 1 this road and turn right. Go 2 the factory to the
offices, but d on ' t p ark there. Look for the car park sign and d rive 3_ __ _
below the offices and go 4 the car park there.
: · '. . Unit 7 ~ Departments ·
. '

6 Use the prepositions in 2 and 5 to complete the Language point.

Match the prepositions of pla~e ~ 2 to diagrams 1-8.

1 4 -----''--- 8 _ _ __

Match the prepositions of movement in 5 to diagrams a-f.

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 99.

7 Work with a partner. Take turns to give directions from where you are now to
these places. Guess which place your partner gives directions to.
Reception the cafeteria the lifts or stairs your favourite café
the bank your car the train station a cinema
Tip I·Giving directions Example: Go past the lift and turn left ...
and instructions
Use the imperative fofm of » For more exercises, go to Practice file 7 on page 99.
the verb to give directions
and instructions:
Go along this road.
Enter your password.
Practically speaking 1 How to use this, that, these and those
Sometimes we use You + verb
to be more polite:
1 ..,. 7.3 Listen to four short conversations. Match each conversation 1-4 with a
You go along this road and picture A-D.
turn /eft.

2 ..,. 7.2 Listen again and complete the short conversations.

1 A is your visitor's pass.
B Thanks very much.
2 A are two of m y colleagues.
B Can you introduce me?
3 A are our new products.
B They look great.
4 A What is building?
B It's the warehouse.
3 Work with a partner. Draw a picture or map of your company or office.
Ask and aPswer questions about the pictures or maps.
Example: A Wlzat's that? B This is ...
A What are those? B These are ...
Unit 7 1 Departments · .· .::~

Business communication 1 Leaving phone messages

1 .,.. 7.4 Listen to two phone calls. What mistakes does the receiver make?
2 .,.. 7.4 Listen again. How do the callers correct the information?
3 Work with a partner. Call your partner and check and correct details. Student A,
turn to page 113. Student B, turn to page 118.
4 .,.. 7.5 Listen to a phone call. Complete the message.



Key expressions
Asking to ~peak to someone
Could 1speak to ... ? URGENT? 0
l'd like to speak to ...
Is .. . there?
Leaving a message
Could 1 leave a message?
My number is ... 5 .,.. 7.5 Match 1-9 to a-i. Then listen again and check.
Can she call me back (as soon 1 Could I speak _ a your message.
as possible)? 2 I'm sorry, but _ b a contact number?
Taking a message 3 Could I leave c a message for her?
l'm sorry, but she isn't here/ 4 It' s d right?
5 So e that's A-N-D-A-C.
Can 1take a message?
Can 1 have a contact number? 6 Can she call f to Teresa Baum, please?
1'11 give him/her your message. 7 Can I have g Richard Andac.
Checking details 8 Is that h she isn' t here this morning.
So that's .. . 9 I'll give her _ me back as soon as possible?
Is that right?
Correcting details » For more exercises, go to Practice file 7 on page 98.
No, it's N as in New York/
O as in Oslo. 6 Work with a partner. Practise leaving messages. Student A, turn to page 113.
Student B, turn to page 119.


Designing the perfect workspace

In 2005, the Czech branch of the for meetings, too. The offices, though,
pharmaceuticals company Pfizer moved are small, so people can concentrate
in to its new offices. The original offices when they need to. Communication
didn't have many meeting spaces, so it between the departments was also very
was difficult for teams and departments important. So the Medical, Marketing
to work well together. The new offices and Sales Departments are connected
are a better place for teams and by stairs and small meeting areas
communication. Inside , there are a lot between the floors. Altogether, the new
of open spaces for employees to meet offices are a comfortable place to work,
and talk: coffee areas, meeting rooms, with a balance of open spaces for good
etc. The staff cafeteria seats 100 people communication and small spaces for
and has a gar.den which can be used individual work.

How are Pfizer's new offices different from the old ones?
Do the s taff work in big or small offices?
How does the design help departments to work together?
What is your workspace like? Do you have a lot of open spaces?
Are the different departments well located?

Work in small groups. Talk about yo ur company. Who is responsible for what?
Who works with w ho? Who needs to communicate with who? How is your
office/department des igned?
Design yo ur perfect office or workspace so everyon e can do th eir job well and
communicate easily wi th their coll eagues.
Present your new workspace to th e rest of th e class.
Working with words 1 Employment
1 Read these job adverts.
1 What type of company is it?
2 Find two words that mean the same as job.
3 Which job needs a particular skill? What is it?

We are .currently offering three positio-ns for the

- right people: · ·

Summer placement
Are you an energetic student with ambition? Get sorne work
experience this summer. Every June-August we employ a friendly
young person to help in our offices. Learn new skills and earn
sorne money.

Web editor
We are looking for an imaginative but focused web editor to join
our team . You are a practica! person who can deal with problems
on your own.

Website production assistant

This post needs a careful and patient person with basic skills in
HTML. You assist experienced web producers and receive training.

Click here for more details.

2 Match the adjectives in bold in 1 to definitions 1- 8.

1 thinks about things and does not make mistakes _ _ __
2 can deal with everyday problems _ _ __
3 has new and exciting ideas _ _ __
4 very active and lots of energy _ _ __
5 can work on one job for a long time _ _ __
6 kind and helpful _ _ __
7 has lots of skills and knowledge in the job _ _ __
8 can wait for a long time _ _ __
3 ~ 8.1 Listen to these words . Write the number of syllables and underline
the stress.
ener~tic _.í_ imaginative _ careful friendly
practica} _ focused patient _ experienced _
111> · .... Now listen again and repeat the words.
4 Work with a partner. Take turns to choose adjectives from 1 to describe the
jobs in pictures A-F above. You can use more than one adjective. Guess what
job your partner describes.
5 ..,.. 8.2 Listen to Anton and Sandra in the HR Department of the company in
l. They are discussing candidates for the jobs. Make notes about Monica and
Roberto in the table.

1 Mon~~--=---~-~:l~R_·-_o-b~--e-rt
Personal qualities

·--------- -----___]
rCurrent - - l:----------


6 i. 8.2 Listen again and match 1-5 to a-e.

1 She has a lot a
good at working on his own.
2 She' s good _ b of experience in book editing.
3 He has a c any experience in editing.
4 He doesn't have d qualification in IT.
5 He isn' t very _ e at editing websites.

Tip 1 experíence in + » For more exercises, go to Practice file 8 on page 100.

Use the -ing form after 7 Work with a partner. Tell your partner about your job.
experience in: 1 What qualities do you need to do your job?
She has a Jot of experience in 2 What skills, experience and qualifications do you have?
book editing.
8 Pres¿nt the information about your partner to another group.
·- ¡ ~ - . . \ 1 .: " ~ ,

Unit 8 1 Emp loyment . . .· . . ·

, _ . • _ • ' ") ::: . . /. i: .. ',.~.)-":," .,_.:..,. ,:;'\:,~- ~ '*' '. < ·~ :'.·L1o..-•"' j,._-~ .• {,'

Language at work 1 Present continuous

1 8.3 Listen to two conversations in an office. Why are the people busy
at the moment?
2 ~ 3 Listen again. Complete the conversations u sing the words in brackets.
1 A Where's Chantelle?
B She 1 (not work) in the office today. She 2 (work) at home.
A Why 3 (she / do) that?
B She 4 (finish) her report. Her boss wants it for 7.30 tomorrow
2 A Where are Bill and Sofia?
B They 5 (do) the training course for that new finance software.
A 6 (they / do) the course ali day?
B No, 7 (they / not be). lt's only a half-day course.
3 Answer the questions in the Language point.


The verbs in 2 are in the present continuous tense. Which two of the
following things do we use the present continuous tense for?
• An action or event in progress now
• An action or _event in progress around the tim~ of speaking
• A general fact or regular action
Look at the information about how we form the present continuous.
Complete the inforrnation with examples from the conversations in 2 .
1 am + verb + -ing.
You / We/ They are + verb + -ing. Example: _ _ __
, He/She / lt is + verb + -ing. Examples: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I'm not (am not) + verb + -ing.
You / We/They aren't (are not) + verb + -ing.
He/She/lt isn' t (is not) + verb + -ing. Example: _ _ __
(Question word) am 1 + verb + -ing?
, (Question word) are you/we/they + verb + -ing? Example: _ _ __
(Question word) is he /she / it + verb + -ing? Example: _ _ __
Short answers
Yes, 1 am.
No, I'm not.
Yes, you/we/they are.
No, you/we/they aren't. Example: _ _ __
Yes, he/she/ it is.
No, he/she /it isn't.
-- - - · - - · ------------
» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 101.
4 Match questions 1-5 to answers a-e .
1 What are you doing at the a lt's raining.
moment? b Sorry. I'rn trying to finish these plans.
2 Are you working on any e I'rn working with our partners in ltaly.
interesting projects? _ d Yes, we're working on a n ew hospital
3 How are your English lessons? in Cairo.
4 Could you give me a h and? _ e They' re difficult, but I'rn rnaking
5 Wha t is the weather like today? _ progress.

.. · :· .' · · Unit 8 l · Empl~y~~nt

5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions 1-5 in 4, giving answers that
are true for you.
6 Read the article about our changing world of work.
1 Underline all the examples of the present continuous.
2 Do the present continuous verbs describe a changing or not-changing

What is shaping our working world®

Computers are continuing to affect our employment in the twenty-first century.
Mobile technology allows us to work on the move, as well as at home. But what
else is shaping our working lives in this century?

• Employees aren't staying in the same jobs for long. Nowadays, the average
employee moves to a new job every three years.
• The number of women in work is rising and more and more women are
working in higher positions in companies.
• Many people are deciding their own working hours. Sorne people now work
longer days but only four days a week, so more people are enjoying a longer
weekend for the same amount of pay!

7 Do you agree with the article? Is it true for you and your company?
Tell the class.

1 » For more exercises, go to Practice file 8 on page 101.

8 Make a list of current changes where you work.
Example: employ more staff / spend more on training / invest in research / develop
new products
9 Work with a partner. Tell your partner about the changes using the present
continuous. Try to give reasons for the changes.
Example: We're employing more staff at the moment because we're receiving
more orders.

Practically speaking 1 How to tell the time

1 > 8.4 Listen to four conversations. Match conversations 1-4 to the times on
the clocks A-D.

j"ip 1 atl,on A B e D
Use the prepositions at and
on times and days of the 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions.
week: ,. ' · 1 What time did you start work today?
I start work at.eight o'c/ock. · 2 What time do you normally have lunch?
<Sari ~e meet on Tuesday at 3 What time is it now?
thfee o'c/ock?
3 Ask your partner three more What time ... ? questions.

Unit 8 : Employment

Business communication 1 Arranging to meet

1 When are you free this week? When are you busy?
2 1111- 8.5 A company has a plan for more staff to work from home. Kasia wants to

arrange a meeting with the heads of department, Bruno, Dolores and Chen.
She calls Bruno first. Listen to the conversation. Puta cross (X) when Kasia and
Bruno are busy.

Kasia Bruno
1000- 1100

3 1111- 8.5 Listen again and complete these sentences.

1 We need to the plan .. .
2 we a meeting on Thursday ... ?
3 two o'clock for you?
4 Sorry,I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 the morning?
6 What time _ _ _ _ you _ _ __ ?
7 9.30 is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ between 8.00 and 10.00.
9 you _ _ _ _ after _ _ _ _?
10 Dolores and I _ _ _ _ an _ ___ at 12.00, so _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
before that.
11 10.15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
12 A quarter past ten on Thursday is _ _ __

4 Match 1-8 to a-h to make sentences and questions.

1 What time a a meeting on Wednesday?
2 Ten o'clock is b busy in the aftemoon?
3 Can we arrange _ e busy then.
Key expressions 4 Are you _ d meet about the marketing plan.
Asking to meet 5 Sorry, I'm _ e three o'clock?
Can we arrange a meeting? 6 We need to f fine for me.
We need to meet about ... 7 What about g OK for you?
l'd like to ·meet ... ·
8 Is 2.30 h are you free?
Asking about times
Is ... OK?
Is ... good for you?
» For more exercises, go to Practice file 8 on page 100.
What time are you free?
Are you free on/at ... ?
5 ·Work with a partner and arrange the meeting with"Dolores.
Can we meet on/at .. .? Student A: you are Kasia. Call Dolores about the meeting on Thursday.
Are you busy .. .? Student B: you are Dolores. Turn to page 116. ·
Saying when you are free 6 Now arrange the meeting with Chen.
... is good/fine for me. Student A: you are Chen. Tum to page 114.
l'm free on/at ... Student B: you are Bruno. Call Chen about the meeting.
Saying when you are busy
Sorry, _l'm busy then. l'm 7 Work in small groups. Arrange times this week for you all to:
meeting ... • have a three-hour meeting
1can't meet ... • have an extra English lesson
• interview people for the new receptionist position (two half days)
The right person far the job
Work with a partner. Your company is advertising two new jobs. You
need to fmd the right person for the jobs. Follow stages 1 to 5 to fmd the
right candidate.
STAGE 1 The job advert

Complete these notes to describe the type of person you are looking
for in each job.
Marketing assistant Administrative assistant
Experience: Experience:
Qualities: Qualities:

STAGE 2 Arranging the interviews

The job advert is written. You now need to arrange a day for interviews.
Find a day when you are both free to interview people.
Student A, tum to page 114.
Student B; turn to page 119.

STAGE 3 Preparing for the interview

With your partner, create two short candidate profiles for each job, for
· example, experience and knowledge needed for the job.
Decide on sorne questions you want to ask.

STAGE 4 Holding the interviews

Join with another pair. Take turns to interview each person in the other
pair for the job.

STAGE 5 Choosing the candidate

Go back to your first partner.

Discuss each candidate and decide which one to choose for the job.
Working with words 1 Competition
1 When you choose a hotel, which of these things are most important? Are any
other factors important for you?
• Price • Size
• Choice and range • Staff
• Technology • Quality
• Services • Location
2 Which of the things in 1 do you think are irnportant for hotels to be
3 ~ 9.1 Listen to a hotel manager talking about the hotel group Accor. Tick(,/)
the things in 1 which the manager mentions.
4 ..,. 9.1 Listen again and complete the table.
1Hotel chaln-rhla';kcl~;;;fD~scription · • Location
~otel 6 -~ 1
_ --· i
option North America
All Seasons 3
1 good service, Asia Pacific I
¡4 staff 1 1
, 5 ---------·-"' --·-·- - - -~·---+----·-·---1
Novotel i 6 quality, ! Worldwide ¡
• modern, 7 business
.' facilities,

; SofÍtel -¡
T;-p-~-;;g~ - ---[{~:s::r~_~_-::_-_-_·_~pe~-ia_I_jW~rldwide-i
1 . ' '
__________ __J_______ : expenenc~ ----~'-------~

5 Work with a partner. Discuss which things in 1 are important for your
company and your competitors. Does your company offer something special?
6 Complete sentences 1-6 with the words from the list.
wide competitive comfort expensive budget mid-range market
1 The hotel industry is very - there are a lot of big chains out there.
2 They are the only international group with hotels in every segment.
3 This means they can offer all their customers a choice.
4 Their hotels offer the customer a low-price option.
5 Their segment hotels offer more and better services.
6 Their top-range hotels are , but each one gives the customer a special
7 Work with a partner. Talk about a hotel or other company you use (for
example, IT company or office supplies company). Why do you use them?
Use adjectives and nouns from the table to describe them.

budget/ economy / mid-range market segment
low / high 1 prices
good / bad l
choice and range
cheap / expensive location
fast/slow l
. technology / facilities
up-to-date / modern i quality
1 .
wide 1 serv1ce
t.iriendly _ 1 staff 1
--------'--------- ---- -- __J

Example: I use the [name] hotel chain. They have cheap prices and good service.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 9 on page 102.

8 Prepare a short presentation on how your company (ora company you know
T<ip 1 Word stress well) is competitive.
Note .the different word ·stress: ' • Explain how you are competitive in your industry (e.g. price, choice).
compete. com~titive, • Explain what your company offers with words from 7 .
compe1ition, com~titor Example: We offer good service.

9 Give your presentation to your partner or to the class.

Language at work 1 Comparatives
1 Do you normally buy these products or services from a shop/office or online
from a website? Why? Compare your answers with the rest of the class.
• Music • Clothes
• Food and drink • Electrical goods
• Holidays or travel tickets • Property (e.g. a house or flat)
• Financial advice and loans • Books
2 Where does your company sell its products or services? In shops, over the
Internet or somewhere else?
3 ..,. 9.2 Listen to two interviews with two business owners and answer the
• Which speaker has an online retail/ e-commerce company?
• Which speaker has a hlgh street shop?
4 ..,. 9.2 The two speakers describe the competitive advantages of their
companies. Listen ágain and complete the table.

Companyl ).~ , Company2
al service 5 prices
staff are 2 6 stocks
staff are 3 delivery
products are 4 aª choice 1

5 Complete the Language point table for comparative adjectives. Use audio script
9.2 to help you.

l~ ~

Adjective Comparativ~ fonp. Examples ._¡

-· J.
short adjectives add Jast_, cheap_
adjectives ending in -y replace the -y with _ friendly -+ '
easy -+
long adjectives (two/ put or less experienced,
three / four / five syllables) before the adjective less expensive
irregular adjectives various forms bad -+ worse
-· ;. -.-.-. .-..... .. -· - - ., . - ;»

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 103.

6 Complete this text with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets.


Many people choose to shop online because they find it 1 Pn~iPY (easy)
than going to the high street. Retail websites often have a a (wide)
selection of products and 3 (cheap) prices than in füe shops. But
sorne people thlnk the service in shops is 4 (friendly), and they
believe the staff are 5 (experienced) and give th!)Iil 6 _ _ __
(good) advice than an online shop. That's why successful modero companies
sell their products· both in 'shops and online: multich'!-nnel selling.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 9 on page 103.

, , · . · · Unit 9 ¡ Competition
. .

7 Work in groups of three. Make sentences from the words in the table below.
Tip 1 than Student A begins the sentence with any word from A. Student B continues the
Remember to use than sentence. Student C finishes the sentence. Change roles after each sentence.
(not /ike) after comparative Example: A Supermarkets ...
adjectives when comparing B ... have a wider choice
two things: e ... than small shops.
Our products are cheaper than
our competitor's.
NOT 01:1r fHed1:1ets are eheaper
A B c
Hke e1:1r eempetiter's. Coffee wide choice managers
English difficult/ easy to learn ~ sending an email
Cycling up-to-date Japanese
i Tablets J big/small 1 small shops
1 Directors , expensive/ cheap 1 than .. . water
1 Sending a tweet fast/slow driving
1 Supermarkets 1 low / high prices 1 j 1aptops
1 experienced 1
8 Work with a partner. Take turns to compare your company with a competitor
or another company you know well. Compare things like:
• price • choice
• customer service • staff
• quality • delivery
Example: My company's products are more expensive than our competitor's, but we
offer a higher quality service.

Practically speaking 1 How to say prices

1 Write these currencies next to the correct country 1-6.
euros (€) x2 dollars ($) yuan (Y) pounds (l) yen (Y)
1 Spain 4 China _ _ __
2 Japan 5 Germany _ _ __
3 the UK 6 the USA _ _ __
2 .... 9.3 Listen to three short conversations and tick(~) the prices you hear.
Yi,860 o $26.80 o $500 o
$50 o $28.60 o €17.50 o
€29.99 o \12,690 o $7.50 o
\1170 o \12,960 o €11.79 o
€11.75 o $7.15 o $30 o
3 Work with a partner. Practise saying all the prices in 2.
4 .... 9.3 Listen again and complete the information in 1-3.
1 Price of phone: _ _ __
Price of calls per month: for ten hours; _ _ _ _ for five hours
2 Delivery free on orders of more than _ _ __
Delivery per itern: ; Delivery for four items: _ _ __
1 3 Normal price:
Final price: _ _ __
; Discount with customer card: ---~

5 Work with a partner. How much do these things t:ost in your town or city?
1 • a TV • a bus or train ticket • a mid-range hotel
• a pizza • a smartphone
6 Talk about the prices of the things in 5 in the cities below. Do you think they
1 are cheaper or more expensive than in your town or city?
• London • New York • Tokyo
• Beijing • Rome

Unit 9 . Competition ·

Business communication 1 Comparing and choosing

1 .... 9.4 Javier Sampedro works for a chain of shops. His company wants to
update its website and sell products online. Javier asked two web design
companies, Weblines and ITE, for quotes. He compares the quotes for
his managing director at their weekly meeting. Listen to the meeting and
complete the table. Tick (v') the correct column.

ILower ~rices? _
Smaller company?
-~ __-_-- -·-=- --~- :± Wehli,neo¡ _ITE
_v' -~
----- -- ,..
1 Older companyi·-~ ·~-

1 Better quality of work?
1More experience ~ith online businesses?
1 Faster delivery?

2 .... 9.4 Listen again and complete these sentences.

a How do they ?
b ITEis _ _ __
c Are they ?
d The quality is _ _ __
e The of ITE is the two people have experience in the online marketing
and sales industry.
f The of Weblines is they don't usually work with online businesses.
g There's no _ _ __
h 1 ITE.
i Let's _ _ _ _ them.

3 Put a-i in 2 into categories 1-4.

1 Asking about differences: _g__, _
2 Talking about similarities: _ , _
3 Talking about differences: _ , _ , _
4 Choosing: _ , _

4 Work with a partner.

Student A: Ask Student B about situations 1-3.
Key expressions 1 Transportation for work: a motorbike or a bicycle?
2 Employ a new person for your department: put an advert in a newspaper or
Asking about ~ifferences ·
use a recruitment agency?
What's the difference?
How do they compare? 3 English lessons: in a classroom with a teacher or online?
Are they better:? Student B: Talk about the similarities and differences.
Talking about similarities Example: A I want a motorbike ora bicycle far work. How do they compare?
X does ... , but Y also ... B A bicycle is cheaper, but ...
There's no difference.
.. . is similar (to ... ). 5 Now change roles and discuss three more situations .
Talking about differences • Food for a conference: local or foreign dishes?
They're (cheap)er /more ... • A two-day training course: at work during the week orina five-star hotel
The advantage of ... is ... at the weekend?
The disadvantage is ... • A holiday this summer: at home or abroad?
Let's choose ... » For more exercises, go to Practice file 9 on page 102.
This one's better.
1 prefer ... 6 Work with a partner. Discuss sorne quotes for a courier anda hotel. Student A,
turn to page 114. Student B, turn to page 117.

Supermarket competition
I like Lidl because it's smaller than my old
supermarket, so I can do my shopping much
faster. There's a smaller range of products, but
I can buy everything I want.
I like the fact that Aldi sells a lot of local
. products: British meat, milk, cheese and fruit
and vegetables.
It's easy - at my old supermarket, my weekly
shop was about ESO; at Lidl it's only about f:60!
I like.the products in Aldi: good quality meat
and cheese, and excellent German chocolate!

Read customers' comments about Aldi and Lid!. Why do they shop there?
Listen toan interview about the success of Aldi and Lidl. Which of the
reasons in the comments in are mentioned?
3 What areas do you think are important for s upermarkets to b e competitive?
4 Which foreign stores (e.g. supermarkets, clothes shops, restaurants) are
successful in your country? Why?

Work in groups of three .You want to set upa new supermarket in yo ur country. You
need to compete with the s upermarkets which are there now. How can you make
your supermarket competitive? Discuss the profile of the supermarke ts in yo ur
country- is there a gap in the market? Decide on your new supermarket's:
• products: range, quality, prices, brands, suppliers
• stores: location, size and design
• service: customer service and other services you can offer
• marketing: how will you advertise? What message will you to the customers?
Presen t your ideas to the class. Which group's supermarket is the most competitive?
Viewpoint 3 1 Processes
1 Work with a partner. Which of the processes 1-5 do you do in your job? Which
of the adjectives below do you think describes each process?
In this video lesson, people fast slow difficult simple long short
talk about processes in their 1 Taking customer orders
companies. There is also
2 Recruiting a new employee
a video about the ordering
process in a food delivery 3 Arranging team meetings
company called Fresh Direct. 4 Booking travel arrangements
5 A manufacturing process
2 ~ Watch three people talking about sorne of the processes in l. Answer
the questions in the table.

Which process are
· they talking about?

How do they
describe the process?

3 Compare your answers in 2 with a partner.

The ordering process

4 Work with a partner. Discuss how food companies deliver fresh food to shops,
restaurants and hotels. Think of ali the stages in the delivery process and make
a list. Begin with: The customer places the order.
5 Work with another pair of students in groups of four. Compare your lists of
stages. Are there any differences?
The Fresh Direct ordering process
6 You are going to watch a video about the ordering process ata food delivery
company. Before you watch, match words 1-10 from the video to definitions a-j.
1 supply chain _
2 restaurant chains
3 system _
4 sean
5 in stock
6 key into _
7 allocate
8 assemble
9 pallet _
10 picker _
a type information into a computer
b a set of things working together
e goods in your warehouse which are ready to sell
d a square wooden object for storing and transporting an order
e the stages in moving an order from the s upplier to the customer
f give someone a job to do
g many restaurants in different places, owned by one company
h employee who picks the foods for an order
check something electronically
put different parts in one place
7 002 James Cartwright is the Operations Manager for the food delivery
ii company Fresh Direct. Watch the video and answer questions 1-3.
1 What kind of food does Fresh Direct supply?

· ~·· 1~> ·.~

-- -~
• James CartwriQiÜ~.~:;;-;_:~-· l·.

' .\,.',';'~
· · ·- ,t
2 Which part of Fresh Direct is the video about?
3 Why is Fresh Direct a successful company?
' Operations Manager; Fresh Oirect
... ~_ .... ':--~~-~ ~ ~>:i:.!""' ...........¡' 8 Work with a partner. Number the stages in the process at Fresh Direct in the
correct order 1-7.
A 'picker' assembles the order onto a pallet. _
They key the order into the management system.
Fresh Direct takes an order from a customer.
Another person checks the quantity and quality of the product.
The order management system knows if the order is in stock. _
Lorries deliver it to the customers in different parts of the country'.
They load the pallet onto the lorry. _
9 002 Watch the video again and check your answers in 8 .
10 Work with a partner. Have a conversation using the information in 7 and 8.
Student A: You are the operations manager at Fresh Direct. Welcome Student B to
your warehouse and explain the process.
Student B: You are an important customer of Fresh Direct. You are visiting the
warehouse for the first time. Ask Student A questions about the process in the

Describe a process
11 Work with a partner. Think of a process you and/or your partner has at work.
Make notes on all the stages of the process. Ask each other questions to help
make each step of the process clear. Then present your process to the class.
Working with words 1 Working in teams
1 Read about W.L. Gore & Associa tes. Write the headings from the list in the
corred place in the text 1-4.
Time to talk Small teams Everyone's a leader The long view

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
You work with colleagues in groups and
everyone knows each o.ther.
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
There are no job titles and no managers, so
everyone in the group makes decisions. You
develop ideas to share with your team, and
you ali plan new projects together.
WL. Gore & A ssociates is well 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
knownfor its GORE-TEX® lt often takes years to solve problems and
fabrics. Wilb ert and Genevieve find solutions for new products.
Gore started the company in 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1958. It has no bosses or job TI
You attend lots of meetings. Face-to-face A
titles. Th e company's rules for communication is better than memos and w.
business are: emails . or

i6 '
2 Tick(,/) the phrases you think people say at Gore.
1 1 don't like working w ith other people. D
2 1 don't know - ask the boss. D
3 Let's have a meeting. D
4 It took a long time, but we have a gre~roduct. D
5 lt's not m y job to think of new ideas. LJ
6 I need to speak to the team before I make a decision. D
3 Work with a partner. Discuss which of Gore's working methods are similar in
your company.

4 Match verbs 1-7 to nouns a-g, then check your answers in the text in l .
1 attend a decisions
2 plan _ b problems
3 make c solutions
4 work d projects
5 develop _ e meetings
6 find f with colleagues
7 solve g ideas
5 Complete these questions with words from 4.
1 What do you have to make at work?
2 What meetings did you last month?
3 Do you with colleagues in a team, or alone?
4 What do you do when you want to a problem at work?
5 What is a good time of day to new ideas?
6 How do you feel when you find a to a problem?
7 Do you have to any large projects in your team?
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in 5.
7 • 10.1 Listen to a conversation about a team problem. What is the problem?
What three solutions do they talk about?
8 • 10.1 Listen again and complete the sentences.
Tip 1 team 1 1 h ave a problem with the new project team.
A team is a group of people. 2 There's a problem with their teamwork ...
We can use itas a singular 3 That's a problem.
or plural noun : 4 That's a idea!
The new te~m is planning 5 That might n o t be a _ _ _ _ solution.
the project.
The new team are planning
6 I d on ' t think that's such a _ _ _ _ idea.
the project.
» For more exercises, go to Practice file 10 on page 104.
9 Work with a partner. Discuss these problems using the phrases in 4 and 8.
• An important customer wants a 20% discount on all orders. You normally offer
• Someone in your team is off sick for two weeks. You need to finish your project
this Friday.
• You have to take a new client to dinner. You need to decide where to go.
• Two people in your team are good at their jobs, but there is a personality
problem: they cannot work together and a1ways disagree in meetings.
1 O Think of a problem you have, or had, at work. Tell your partner and discuss it.
Can you solve the problem?

Unit 10 1 Teamwork

Language at work 1 Superlatives

1 .... 10.2 Richard, Adriana and Pedro all work for an industrial supplies
company in Brazil. Adriana is visiting the factory in Recife. She calls her
colleague, Richard, in head office to report back. Listen to the phone call.
Which problems do they talk about: technical, personnel or supply?
2 .... 10. 2 Listen again. Are these sentences true (D or false (F)?
1 The problem a t the Recife factory is small . _
2 The new components were the most expensive solution. _
3 The new components were the best idea. _
4 Pedro thinks the new components are better than the old ones. _
5 Personnel problems at the factory are bigger than technical problems. _
Richard Productíon Manager,
6 Staff turnover in the Recife factory is the highest of all the factories. _
Head office, Río de Janeíro 7 The tearn at the Recife factory is the biggest problern. _
3 Which sentences in 2 ... ?
a compare two or more things _ , _
b say something is the maximum or minimurn _ , _ , _ , _
4 The sentences in 3b use the superlative form. Complete the Language point
table for superlatives. Use audio script 10.2 to help you.

•h - ·-~

¡, f¡ '
f Exampl~s

Adjective ... Superlative form , ·« -~

short adjectives, add the small
Adriana Techníca/ Manager, e.g. small For adjectives ending in -e, the late
Head offíce, Río de Janeiro
add -st.
·: For adjectives ending in the big
vowel + consonant, double
the consonant and add + -est.
adjectives ending replace -y with friendly -+ the
in -y, e.g. easy and add-est easy -+ the
long adjectives, put or least the expensive,
e.g. expensive before the adjective the least expensive
irregular adjectives, the + various forrns bad -+ the worst
e.g. good good -+
' ... ' ' X " -
Pedro Une Manager,
Recife factory » For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 105.
5 Three days later, Richard and Adriana email each other. Complete their emails
with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Hi Richard,
How was your trip? We have a lot of things to My trip was fine, except for this personnel problem.
discuss, but 1 (important) decision at
Asking Pedro to leave is probably 4 _ _ __
the moment is what to do with Pedro. Should
(easy), but also 5 (expensive) solution.
we ask him to leave, offer him a different job in
Sorry, but 1think that offering him a new job in the
Recife or move him to Rio? What's 2 _ _ __
Recife factory is 6 (bad) solution. You're
(good) solution? Perhaps 3 (cheap)
right that it's 7 (expensive) option, but
solution is to offer Pedro a new job in the Recife
Recife is our 8 (small) factory, so he will
factory. What do you think?
still be dealing with the same people. How about
Richard transferring him to the new Rio factory? Let's talk
about this when l'm back in the office.
Ad ria na
. . . ' '.
~~ · ·· Unif~O ! Teamwork
# ,, ' ..

6 Work with a partner. You need to find a new line manager for the Recife
Tip 1 personnellper$onal factory. Discuss and compare the three candidates below. Who is the best
Personnel is a noun and means candidate?
staff or employees. -·---~- ----¡
Personal is an adjective and ~ Marcio Lucy
means private o_r belonging -·-------- r·----- ·-
to one person. \ Ri_?. ?e Janeiro_~acto:y_ : ~:cif<:_ f~~t~y- ___ -;
Our personnel mustn 't use w~~k 1:ist~~Y_
their personal email addresses • Joined the company in • Joined the company as ' • Joined the Denver
at work. 2008 as a line worker. line worker last year. factory in 2006.
• • Becarne team leader • Became team leader • Became team leader in
for Production line 1 , for Production line 2 2012. Moved to Recife
· -· in 2~!_1_:_ ___ ._____i._ this year. six months ago.
. '- · - - - - - - - · - ¡
LComme_n_t_s _ _ _ _ _·--.,.------ -----~- _ ·- . ·-~
, Very popular with his Next month - training ¡ Her tearn like her. She ¡
i tearn. He is looking for course in management j is taking Portuguese ¡'

LJ?bs in other companies. skills. __'._l_e_ss_o_n_s_.__________,.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 10 on page 105.

7 Think of two or three answers for the following. Then tell your partner and
compare them. Use the superlatives in brackets.
• Current problems you are having at work (smallest? biggest?)
• New products in your home or at work (newest? most expensive?)
• New ideas you had this week (worst? best?)
Example: I have a few problems at work ... but the biggest problem I have is ...

Practically speaking 1 How to respond to news

1 ..,_ 10.3 Which expressions a-f can you u se to respond to the sentences 1-6?
Listen and check your ideas.
1 I got a promotion to section manager.
2 I didn't get that sales job that I applied for.
3 I left m y phone on the train.
4 Our boss gota new job with our biggest competitor.
5 Our company won retailer of the year.
6 We won the contract for the new shopping centre.
a Oh no. That's terrible.
b Really? How amazing!
c Great. That's fantastic!
d Wow. That is surprising.
e I'm sorry. How disappointing.
f Good. That's excellent news!
2 Put the expressions a-fin 1 into categories 1-3.
1 Responding to good news: _ , _
2 Responding to bad news: _ , _
3 Showing surprise: _ , _
3 ~ 10.3 Listen again and underline the stressed words and syllables in the
expressions a-fin l .Then practise the conversations with a partner.
4 Work with a partner. Student A, turn to page 114. Student B, turn to page 110.
Respond to each other's news.

Unit 10 1 Teamwork

Business communication 1 Giving opinions

1 Papotech, an office supply company, is currently having two problems: staff
are leaving and customers are complaining. The Director at Papotech asked for
this report. It compares his company with sorne competitors. Work in groups.
Read the report and discuss possible reasons for the problems.
Example: Staff probably Ieave because Papotech pays the lowest salaries.

CONFIDENTIAL REPORT Comparison of Papotech and its competitors


Average salary Average price of Number of staff per

per month popular products 1,000 customers Average ca// time

€325 1.2 3 mins 45 secs

€317 1.7 2 mins 30 secs

1.8 3 mins 10 secs

2 .... 10.4 The Director is discussing the report with a line manager. Listen and
answer questions 1-2.
1 Which parts of the report do they discuss? What don't they discuss?
2 What reasons <loes the line manager give for the two problems?
3 .... 10.4 Listen again. Put expressions a-h into categories 1-4.
1 Asking for an opinion: _ , _ 3 Agreeing: _
2 Giving an opinion: _ , _ , _ 4 Disagreeing: _ , _
a What's your opinion? e Do you think ...
b In my opinion ... f I don' t think so.
c I think . . . g I'm not so sure.
d I agree. h I think we should ...

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 10 on page 104.

4 Work with a partner. Discuss 1-4 below. Follow this model.
A sk B's opinion. -+ Give your opinion. -+ Agree ar disagree.
1 Teams are always better than people working alone. .f
2 Meetings are never useful.
3 The best offer is usually the cheapest.
4 Employees prefer more pay than more training.

5 Work in small groups. Look at the ideas in the table. Discuss what you should
do to sol ve the problems at Papotech. You have a maximum budget of €200,000.
Key expressions
Asking for an opinion
What do you think?"
What's your opinion?
PAPOTECH • Possible solutions
- ---¡
Offer 10% lower prices on 100 most popular products '
Cost in€
a) to ali customers
Do you think ·... ? 100,.000 · 1·
b) _to our ?iggest c~~o~e~ 45,000
Giving an opinion - - ---
In my opinion ... , Pay Increase salaries
1think ... / I don't think ...
a) by 10% 50,000 .1
1think we should ... 1
b)by5% 25,000
Agreeing -:---- ~- --
Yes, 1agree. T:aining ~ive _mor:_ trai.r_:in~ t~ callcentre staff 10,000
That's true. Jobs a) Recruit two new staff for the call centre 60,000
Disagreeing b) Offer t~ee staff ~e po~t of tear:i leader 20,000
1disagree / don't agree.
IT a) Buy a new computer system 100,000
l'm not so sure.
b) Train staff to use the new system 15,000
Teamwork and personality types
What makes a good team? Sorne Situation: A large administrative
companies use tests to help them team working in two different
choose the right people to work offices in Northem and Southem
together and to improve te amwork. California didn't work well as a team.
The MBTI®(Myers-Briggs T)'pe Communication wasn't good and
• Indicator) is one of the most popular. It employees were stressed. They didn't
is used by 89 of the biggest companies agree on how to do things.
in the USA.
Action: Team-building training which
In the MBTI®employees answer
used the MBTI®test.
a lot of questions in four different
categories. The result of the test tells Results: The team understood
employees that they have one of 16 themselves and each other better. They
different personality types . In this organized their tasks differently, so
way, employers hope that employees their work became more efficient and
will understand themselves and their they felt less stressed. 'It became much
colleagues better. easier to understand why others act
and communicate the w ay they do,'
Case study: Kaiser Perma nente, a large
said one member of the team.
health-care provider in the USA.

Do you think using tests like th e MBTI®is useful for companies? Why /Why n ot?
'- Are personality tests used by companies in your country? Does your company
use the m?
In what oth er ways d o companies try to improve tea m wor k?
How <loes your company try to improve teamw ork?

Work with a partner. Ask and a nswer the question s.

Are you a team player?

1 Do you prefer ... ?
a to work in your own office b to work in a shared office
2 When you have a big problem at work, do you ... ?
a usually di scuss it with your colleagues b prefer to think about it alone
3 Do you prefer ...?
a to play a team sport like faotball b to. exercise alone, like running
4 When your colleagues have a question or problem, do they ... ?
a often ask you far help b usually ask other people far help
5 At work, is it most important for you to ... ?
a do work that gets results b work with people you like
6 Imagine your company has a team-building weekend. Do you think ... ?
a 'Great! More fun with my colleagues!' b 'Oh no! Another team-building event!'

With you r p artn e r, discuss w h a t you think your an swers say about yo ur
p ersonality ty p e . H ow is this irnporta nt for your work in a team?
Working with words 1 Staying at a hotel
1 When was the las t time you stayed in a hotel? Was ita work or leisure trip?
Which of these facilities and services did the hotel have?
restaurant gym car park Internet access
swimming pool room service other services

2 ... 11.1 Jenny Chiang is on a business trip to Dublin. She needs to book a hotel
room. Listen to her phone conversation with the receptionist and choose the
correct words from 1- 5 on the reservation form.


Name .... .................................................. .

Room type . eí

Pri.ce ..... €120 {;¡t) ..,

Credit card / Passport details ........3.Maff!.t..erca.rdL Yiea.. ........................ .............. H •

Phone / Card number ..... .6.6..74..8..5.96...8..374..6.3.74
Expiry / Start date ..... 0312019 ....... .

3 111>- ll.1 Match1-5 to a-e to make phrases from the conversation.Then listen

again and check.

1 I' d like to book a the te rminal.
2 Do you have _ b breakfast?
3 Does that include c any vacancies?
4 You can check in d a room for the night.
5 There's a free bus from e an ytime now.
4 ... 11.2 Now listen to Jenny's conversation when she arrives at the hoteL
Answer questions 1- 3.
1 What is Jenny's room number?
2 What time can sh e h ave breakfast?
3 Does she need to m ake a reservation for dinner?
5 .,.11 .2 Listen again and complete these phras es from the conversation.
1 I have a for tonight.
2 Your room is on the fifth _ _ __
3 The is over there.
4 Wha t time is breakfast ?
5 Do I n eed to a table?
6 ... 11.3 Jenny calls Reception. Listen and tick(./) the things she asks about.
towels O a safe O
room service O Internet access O
a taxi O a wake-up call O
a hairdryer O
7 Complete the sentences with the words from 6.
1 Can 1 have at 6 a.m. please?
2 Do 1 need a password for the in m y room?
3 Can you order to the airport forme?
4 There is on the wall in the bathroom.
5 Can 1 have sorne more for my room, please?
6 Is there in the room for valuables?
7 The restaurant doses at 10 p .m . but is available
until midnight.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 11 on page 106.

8 Work with a partner.

Student A: You are a hotel receptionist at Metro Hotel. Look at the information
below and answer questions about the services.
Student B: Turn to page 118 and ask questions about the services.
U s e the phrases in 3, 5 and 7 to help you.

We are pleased to offer guests m an y services:


Order food in your room from 07.00-00.00.


Phone for an early morning wake-up cal1.
We can also order taxis to tl1e airport.

Served in the restaurant from 07.00-09.30.
(Also available in rooms.)

Book a table for dinner this evening at our French restaurant.


One meeting room is available.
Please book in advance.


On basement floor. Open 24 hours a day.


• wireless Internet access
• pay-per-view TV with eight film channels
· • air conditioning

9 Change roles and repeat 8. Student A, turn to page 114 and ask questions
about the services. Use the phrases in 3, 5 and 7 to help you.

' -

Unit 11 . Travel

Language at work 1 Going to 1 lnfinitive of purpose

1 Read this article and answer questions 1-4.
1 What problem do business travellers have?
2 What service does the company offer?
3 Where do they operate?
4 What are their plans?


n your next business trip, are you going to have any time for sightseeing?

O Probably not. Even when it's a famous destin~_tion, most business

. travellers aren't going to see outside the airport, hotel 'or conference .
room. But City Running Tours has tbe solution. Go for a run with a tour guide
across the city and see all the local places of interest before breakfast. The
company now offers_tours of 12 US cities; from Atlanta to Washington DC,
including Honolulu! And you can cross the border to Canada, too, for a tour of
Toronto. lt is now so popular with business travellers that they're going to
offer tbe service in even more cities in the future.

2 Look at the phrases in bold in l . Are they about the past, present or future?
Are they about a general plan ora specific arrangement?
3 Complete the explanations in Language point 1 with be, main verb andgoing to.

1 We talk about general plans wi~ + _ _ __
2 In negative sentences, we use the negative of _ _ __

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 107.

4 Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer questions about Mike's
plans for a business trip to Canada. Use the notes below.
Example: A Is he going to see Christophe?
B No; he isn't, but he's going to meet Domlnic.

* have dinner with colleagues ./

* see Christophe X (meet Do~inic)
* present new product ./
* open new sales office ./
* v'isit Ottawa office X (visit Montreal)
* take train to Montreal ./
* go sightseeing X (no time)

5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your next trip or
holiday. ·

visit .. .
open .. .
Areyou have ...
I'm going to see .. .
We're offer .. .
take .. .
meet .. .

· · Unit 11 l Travel

6 ..,_ 11.4 Listen to a conversation with a business traveller. Where is he going?

7 ..,_ 11.4 Listen again and match 1-4 to a-d.
1 I'm going to visit Toronto first _
2 I'm going to spend a day in Quebec _
3 We're going out in the evening _
4 I'm going to take Friday off _
a to present the new product to Dominic and his team.
b to see the old city and have dinner.
c to see the sales reps there.
d to have a nice long weekend.
8 Answer the questions in Language point 2.

What foJJU are the v~rbs in bold in 7.?
Is' this form used here to s~y' ._. .? .,
1 why sométhing happens
2 b-<:>w something happens _.
-'3 when something hapJ>ens

9 Work with a partner. Make sentences about plans using the prompts.
1 leave work early --+ go to the dentist
2 do a course--+ learn a new computer program
3 visit Delhi --+ see clients
4 call Sashia --+ arrange a meeting
5 come to the office at the weekend --+ finish m y report
Example: I'm going to leave work early to go to the dentist.

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 11 on page 107.

1O Write three plans for you or your company. Tell your partner about them.

Practically speaking 1 How to talk about money

· 1 • 11.5 Listen to three conversations about money and matCh them to
places a-c.
a bureau d e change _
b taxi
c airport shop _
2 ;¡... 11. 5 How much money <loes the traveller pay or get in each conversation?
3 ..,_ J. l . 5
Listen again and complete these sentences.
1 How is that? 4 l'd like to $500 .. .
2 Keep the 5 The exchange is .. .
3 Can 1 pay credit card? 6 What's the ?
4 Work with a partner. Role-play the three situations in the pictures.

. .

Unit 11 ! Travel

Business communication 1 Eating out

1 Work with a partner. Read this article and discuss the questions for: .....
1 your own country
2 other countries you visit

Tips for travellers

Eating out
In many countries, the restaurant - not the office - is the real place for
business. So make sure you can answer these questions before your
next trip a broa d.
1 What do you eat for lunch or dinner?
2 Are there any spedal or local dishes?
3 What are the most popular drinks with dinner?
4- How many courses are there?
5 Who pays the bill?
6 What is the tip in restaurants? 0%? 10%? 20%?

2 ... 11.6 Listen to two people atan airport restaurant ordering from the menu
below. What do they order? What is their total bill?

f'LYIN<i M1611

Chicken salad 8.95 Pizza: tomato and mozarella I pepperoni

Spaghetti Bolognese 11.25 I chicken and mushroom 1 O.SO

Fish pie 11.25 Side dishes: mixed salad / french fries /

grilled vegetables 4.95
Steak and fries 13.50
Vegetable risotto 8.50 Bottled water (sparkling or still) 4.50

Giant burger and fries 11.25 Soft drinks / coffee /tea 3.00

3 • 11.6 Listen again a nd underlin e the correct words in italics ..

Key expressions 1 Would /Do you like pizza?
2 Do / Are you ready to order?
3 Do you like / Would you like to order first?
Would you like ... ?
4 I'd / I'll have the vegetable risotto, please.
Asking for information
Are you ready to order?
5 I like / I'd like the pepperoni pizza, please.
Do you have (any) ... ? 6 What / How was your meal?
7 Would you like / Do you like a dessert?
Co4ld 1 have ... ? 8 I'll just have / I just like a coffee.
l'd like .. ., please. 9 We'll / We'd like two coffees, please.
1'11 have .. ., please. 10 Could / Would 1 ha ve the bill, please?
Yes, please.
4 Which of the expressions in italics mean (a) Do you want ... ?, (b) l/We want ... or
(e) neither?
No, thanks.
Not for me, thanks.
1 Do you like pizza? _ 5 Do you have pizza? _
Su re. 2 Are you ready to order? _ 6 I'll have the p epperoni pizza.
Of course. 3 We like sp arkling water. _ 7 Would you like a dessert? _
Talking about food 4 We'd like sparkling water. _ 8 Could I have the bill?
Do you like ... ?
·They have really good ... here. » For more exercises, go to Practice file 11 on page 106.
How was your mea!?
Delicious I Very nice. 5 Work in groups of three. Take turns to be customers and a waiter at the airport
The pizza looks/sounds good.- restaurant. Use the menu in 2 a nd practise ordering food a nd talking about
the food with yo ur partner. Use the expressions in 3 to help you.
·'.. · · ·
. . Unit 11 1 Travel

More efficient business trips

Business trips are important for many • Are you going to network at a
companies, but even a short trip can conference or trade fair? Use social
costa lot: travel, hotels, food - and time! media to connect with other people
How can you get the most for your time before you arrive.
and money? • Do you have friends or family you
• Book flights early. They are usually can stay with? Or how about Airbnb,
cheaper then. where you rent a room or apartment
• Use a business travel agent to save directly from the owner? 1,000
time and get better prices. companies already use Airbnb for
• Is there another way to travel? Train employees on business trips.
tickets are often cheaper than flights, • Meet people for coffee, not dinner, and
and an ovemight train joumey you will have time for more meetings.
can replace a night in a hotel. If • Use public transport and/or the
the joumey isn't too long, sorne airport shuttle bus instead of taxis.
employees like to drive so that they • Do you really need to go? Can you
can choose when to go. hold the meeting by teleconference or
videoconference instead?

1 Do you agree or disagree with each of the ideas above?
2 How do you travel? How can you reduce the time and money you spend on travelling?
3 Do you think people go on fewer business trips these days because of tele- and
videoconferencing? How do you think business travel will change in the future?

1 Work in small groups. Look at the travel and meetings plan for a sales manager in a
Madrid-based company. Use the travel and acccimmodation information on page 115
to help plan the manager's trips. Discuss the options, for example:
• Can sorne meetings take place using videoconferencing instead of a personal meeting?
• How w ill they travel? Where will they stay?
• Are there any ways to save time and money?


21 st First meeting with a possible customer Lis bon 10 a.m.

23rd-24th European sales and marketing meeting Paris two full days
25th Meeting with an importan! customer Lis bon to be confirmed
26th Hospitality trade fair Lyon
all day
:_i.;fore lhe end or New product training tor team Madrid hall day
the month (The team come from Barcelona, Bilbao, Lisbon
and Malaga. They usually travel by car (4-6 hours]
or can fly [1 hour, 25 minutes].)

,, ' .
/ .
' t ••
Working with words 1 Calendars and schedules
1 Work with a partner. What do you think the busiest season is for these types of
business? Why?
• delivering flowers • department store • trade fair industry

2 The graphs below show busy periods in the year for the three businesses in l.
Match the graphs A-C to the three businesses.

m m m


3 llo- 12.1 Listen to three people who work in these businesses. Check your
answers in 2 and answer questions 1-3.
1 Which rnonths are busiest for Ka trina?
2 Why is January a good rnonth for departrnent stores?
3 Which days are very irnportant in the flower delivery business?
4 Complete word pairs 1-7 with words from the list. Use audio script 12.1 to
Tip 1 schedule help you.
Schedule is pronounced holiday period (x2) off schedule deadline lea ve
differently in British English 1 tight _ _ __ 5 busy _ _ __
and American English: 2 busy _ _ __ 6 quiet _ _ __
British English : /'Jedju:l/
3 annual _ _ __ 7 time _ _ __
American English ; /'sked3u:l/
4 public _ _ __

5 Complete these questions with words from 4.

1 Do you have a busy and a period during the day?
2 Do have any time this month? When is your annual ?
3 Many companies have deadlines around Christmas. Is this true for
your company?
4 What happens if a holiday is at the weekend?
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in 5.
7 Look at the schedule and note below. Whose schedule is this from 3 ? Are they
busy all week?
- - -- - --· --·---- :=-1
Don' t forget\ Wednesd~y ~ay for annual conference registrations ------ j
1 Email this timetable 27th -+~_!l.m._Dinner wit~ Franco at Nara_ ~~shi at F~senstrasse 70 1
Thursday 10 a.m. Open trade fair stand
to Franco. 1 1
28th 2 p.m . Meet association members
¡- -- ---- - - ---·----
2 Email a reminder Friday 1 Day off - Long weekend in Paris!
to members about 29th
- - - ---·--'---
Thursday meeting.

8 Find four words or phrases in the schedule and note in 7 for definitions 1-4.
1 time off on Saturday, Sunday and one extra day (Friday or Monday) _ _ __
2 a note to tell you to do something _ _ __
3 a plan or schedule with times for each stage _ _ __
4 meeting for a group of people once a year _ _ __

)) For more exercises, go to Practice file 12 on page 108.

9 Which are the busy periods in your company? Draw a line in the graph below
to show your busier· and quieter months. Work with 'a partner. Use your graph
to talk about the following:
• the busier and quieter seasons • your schedule or timetable this week
• time off and holidays this year • events you have every year
• deadlines this month
Example: I have a very busy schedule this month because ...


Language at work 1 Present perfect
1 Greta Helsing works for Original Oils. Read the information about the
company and her email below and answer questions 1-3.
1 Where <loes Original Oils sell its products?
2 Where <loes it huy its materials?
3 What is Greta's d eadline?

Original Oils
Original Oils imports and sells natural cosmetic products (soap, lotions) to high
street shops in Western Europe. Usually, the company buys raw materials from
Pakistan and India, but this year Original Oils t1as ordered ·Palmarosá oil from a
new supplier in Nepal. lt wants to produce a new soap with the oil for Valentine's
Day but the delivery hasn't ~rrived..yet.

Subject: Palmarosa soap

Dear Barati ,
How are you? Can you update us on our order? 1 have checked our
system, but it hasn 't arrived yet. Have you shipped the oil yet? We need
the delivery by 20th October.
Greta Helsing
Origina l Oils

2 Answer the questions in the Language point.

Look at the verbs in bold in l.
1 Are they talking/asking about a P<:St, present or future action?
2 Does the action affect the present or the past?
Complete these explanations for forming the p.r esent perfect.
a . To make positive statements u~e have/ + past participle.
b To make negative sentences use haven't/ - + past participle.
e To make questions use / + subject + past participle.
d To form the past participle of regular verbs (arder-, arrive, etc;.) add _ _ __
to the verb. ·

» For more information, go to Grammar reference on page 109.

3 Work with a partner. Look at Barati's list. Take turns to ask what he has done.
Example: A Ha s he checked the database? B Yes , he has.
Tip 1 yet
With the negative and question
forms of the present perfect,
you- can add yet to say that you
_______f;b.e.c_k.da.talza.s.e__L____ - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - · - - - -
intend to do it: _ _ _c..antac.t..s.bippfflg_fir_m _..L________ :__________ .____ ,_________ _
I tiaven't done it yet (but l'm ___ _ .EmaíLpmducer_L _____ _ ___________________ ------------·--- ___ _
going to .. .).
_____ .Ca/ ___ ·- _ ----- ___ -·- ____ --·--- --.. ·--..---..·--·----- _· - -------·-..·--- __ -------·-------
___ we.bsJ_te_with __ _ -------·--
.·· :. · . · .· ·. ' . Unit fl.2 ! Schedules
. .
4 • 12.2 Listen to the phone call. Is the delivery going to be late? What is Greta
going to change?
5 • 12.2 Listen again and complete sentences 1-6 with the present perfect of
the verbs in brackets.
1 We (send) it ...
2 We (have) a few problerns here.
3 you (take) lots of orders for the soap?
4 There (be) a lo t of interest.
5 you (see) sorne of the other products on our website?
6 you ever (be) to Nepal?
6 Read the final part of audio script 12.2 on page 126. How does Greta give
short answers in the present perfect?

» For more exercises, go to Practice file 12 on page 109.

7 Work with a partner.You each have sorne tasks to complete before the end of
the week. Ask each other about your progress on the tasks . Student A, turn to
page 115. Student B, turn to page 112.

Practically speaking 1 How to use prepositions of time

1 • 12.3 Listen to two people talking about their jobs. What industry do they
work in? Whe n are they busiest?
2 • 12.3 Complete sentences 1- 6 with the correct prepositions frorn the list.
Then listen again and check.
on (x2) in (x2) at (x2)
1 My busiest period is spring.
2 M y flight is ten.
3 The conference starts the 13th.
4 What are you going to do the weekend?
5 We are open public holidays.
6 The restaurant is closed May.
3 Put the prepositions frorn 2 in to the table.

~.. M-;~day . -=-~~1·~

... 21st of November
•• • New Year 's Day
. F.-e,_.,b.,.,

... winter
1 •. • spring
== . ,-

... midday
••• the weekend

L _ _____ __J ... an h our 1
Tip 1 at or on?
The prepositions at and on are
4 Ask your partner about these times. Ask about the past, present and future.
sometimes used in different • in spring/sumrner/auturnn/winter
ways in British and American • in (rnonth)
English: · • at (time)
British English: What are you • a t the weekend do atthe weekend? •
American Englisti ~ What • on public h olid ays
are ·you going to do on the • on the (d ate)
weekend? Example: What did you do at the weekend? What do you usually do on public
holidays? What are you going to do in the summer?


: s1
Unit 12 ¡ Schedules

Business communication 1 Planning a schedule

1 .,. 12.4 Greta Helsing is meeting with Soledad and Martin at Original Oils.
They are discussing and planning the schedule for the new Palmarosa Soap.
Martin is coordinating production and Soledad deals with sales to the high
street shops. Listen to the meeting. Complete Greta's notes with the dates. _S_oap........ --·· .. ______ -··- .... .

_ .MusJ b_e_on lh.u he.lve.s_by_.1_ __
______Laun.c.lulaJ.e~2_ _ __ _ -----------------··--- -------------
_____EinaLp.c.o.d.uci_r_e.a.d.yJi.y._4_ _ ____________________________________________________
· _SJacLd.e.lil'.ery_tu.h.op_s_~---·····--·---·-··-·· --·-··-······ -·--·········--··-·····-··

2 .,.12.4 Listen again and match 1-12 to a-1 to make sentences.

1 ... the schedule is a taken it to the warehouse.
2 The situation is b for this?
3 ... we've already _ c to launch it on January the 20th.
4 The aim is to d deliver the product ... ?
5 What's the deadline e get the soap on the shelves ...
6 What date is f with that date?
7 We plan _ g do we need for production?
8 How much time h about a week late.
9 Why don't we _ delivery from the warehouse ...
Key expressions 10 Let's start j going to call our packaging people ...
Stating the current situation
11 Is everyone happy _ k that the raw material from Nepal has just arrived.
At the moment, the 12 So, to summarize, I'm _ the launch?
schedule ...
The situation is that . . . '
3 Put the sentences in 2 into categories 1-5.
We've already ... 1 Stating the current situation: _ , _ , _
2 Saying what needs to be done: _ , _
Saying what needs to be done
The aim is to ... 3 Asking about dates and times: _ , _ , _
We plan to ... 4 Proposing a plan: _ , _
Asking aliout dates and times 5 Summarizing and confirming the plan: _ , _
What's the deadline?
What date ... ? » For more exercises, go to Practice file 12 on page 108.
How much time do we need
for ... ? 4 Work in groups of three.You are preparing a company brochure for next year.
Proposing a plan Today's date is lst July. Student A turn to page 115. Student B turn to page 113.
What if ... ? Student C turn to page 112.
Let's ...
Why don'~ we ... ? 5 Present your schedule to another group. How similar are your schedules?
Summarizing/confirming 6 Make a list of the stages in a typical schedule in your company.
the plan
Example: • invoicing customers each month
Is everyone happy with that
• arranging the weekly staff meeting
• the stages far a new product
l'm/You're/We're .going to ...
• arranging the_annual conference
So, to summarize ...
7 Present the stages in 6 to the class and say how long each stage usually takes.

· ' · · "- · Uriit l2 1 Schedules ~

The revision game

Work with a partner. Take turns to choose a square.
• On a yellow square, have a role-play with your partner; on a blue square, follow the
instruction; on a pink square, answer the question(s) .
• If you are correct, or if you complete the role-play, you win the square.
• If you are not correct, the square stays open.
• The winner is the first person to win five squares in a row, across •, down t or diagonally ~ -

Instruction: , Instruction:
Find the mistake: Explam how to use.,
~ y:ou from l>eru? the photocop~er.
Yes,I frdm. ·

Role-play: . · Role:-play: ' . ·

A Call a hotel an~ A Introduce yourself
ask about its to B-you've
services, then never met.
book a room . Respond.

Question: R~le-play: ·
Ask your partner A You want to speak
three questions to a colleague but
about his/her job. opinion: he/she isn't there.
Your CEO wants to . Leave a message.
move your offices to B Answer the call.
a city 500 km away.

Role-play: • '.
A Call your partner
and ask for his/
her email address .
B Respond.

·favourite restaurant
Plan a party for your
English group next
using superlatives, week. Discuss with
e.g. best, most B your plan and the
·expensive, etc. schedule.

Jnstruction: ·
A Arrive at a hotel A Call and arrange a
and check in. Ask meeting for next
about breakfast week.
and dinner. Respond.
B Respond.
Viewpoint 4 1 A busi_n.ess trip
' ·~ ' -"' ~ '"
. ~ .. ~ • - i" . . . ~-~ -

1 Work with a partner. Have yo u ever been on a
business trip and had problems? Look at the 1 • •
list of problems. Have these ever happened to BERLlN
In this video lesson, people
talk about problems they had yo u? What did you do?
LHSY3 09 DE lf
on a business trip. There is • You missed the plane. NEW YORK AR978 28 ·. ::i;

a video of Patricia Reyes, a • The plane was cancelled. TORONTO AC902 1 1
consultant in market research.
She is on a business trip to do • Your bags didn't arrive at the airport. MROR i O
1 1
sorne work for a co mpany in a • The hotel didn' t have a room for you. l83Y2 15
d ifferent city. • A member of the hotel staff was rude. CX6Sy 02
• The food in the hotel restaurant was terrible. HOUSTON CAN e
PRR:s AA38c..¡ ,..,
• There was somethlng wrong with your room. 08
• Something else?
2 You are going to watch two videos about a business trip. One video is in a
hotel reception and the other video is in a restaurant. Before you watch, look at
sentences 1-12. Do you think the sentences are in a hotel reception (H) orina
restaurant (R)? Which can be in both places (H/R)?
1 I have a reservation. H/R
2 Are you ready to order now? _
3 Would you like a wake-up call? _
4 Table for two?
5 Can someone check the air conditioning?
6 What do you recommend? _
7 Would yo u like help with your bags? _
8 Do you need another moment with the menu?
9 Could you just sign here?
10 Do yo u need a taxi? _
11 1'11 get this. _
12 If you could check the amount and enter yo ur pin number please?

Checking into a hotel

3 Patricia Reyes is a consultant in market research. She is on a business
trip to do sorne work for a company in a different city. Watch Patricia Reyes
checking into a hotel. Tick(./) the phrases you hear in 2.
4 Watch the video again. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1 Patricia is staying for three nights. _
2 Patricia is on the first floor in Room 115.
3 Breakfast is between 7.00 and 9.45.
4 She'd like a wake-up cal! at 7.00. _
5 She doesn' t need a newspaper. _
6 She has a problem with the Internet password in the room.
7 She couldn' t find the dial for the air conditioning.
8 The receptionist w ill order a taxi for her. _
, ·~ • • • I '

· A business trip

A business lunch
5 Patricia rneets one of her clients, Marcus, for lunch in a restaurant.
Watch the video and tick (.t) the phrases you hear in 2 .
6 Watch the video again. Answer questions 1-10.
1 Who gave the presentation in the morning?
2 Why is Marcus pleased v.rith Pa tricia?
3 Do they both order sparkling water?
4 Do they order their food straightaway?
5 How long has Marcus worked for his cornpany?
6 What do they order?
7 How is Patricia's hotel?
8 What is the problern with Marcus's order?
9 Who pays for the meal?
10 What is Patricia going to do later in the day?

Business trip problems

7 Work with a partner. Read problerns 1-9. What can you say to the hotel
receptionist or waiter in each situation?
1 You check into a hotel. You reserved a double room at the hotel but the
receptionist only has a single room available.
2 Your bags are very heavy. You need help with them.
3 The TV in your hotel room isn' t working.
4 The hotel room is cold and you don't know how to turn the heating on.
5 You booked a taxi with the hotel reception for 7.00 p .m. Now you are waiting in
reception and it's 7.15 p.m.
6 Finally, you arrive at the restaurant and meet a friend. You sit down but no one
gives you a menu.
7 You order your meal but the waiter brings you the wrong dish.
8 You ask for the bill. lt has an extra $20 for wine but you didn't have any wine.
9 You want to pay by credit card but the restaurant doesn' t take your type
of card.

8 Practise the conversations in each situation in 7.

Student A: You are the visitar. Explain each problem.
Student B: You are the hotel recepti01úst or the waiter. Try to solve Student A's
9 Swap roles in 8 and repeat the conversations.
1 1 Practice file ·
Working with words Business communication
1 Match products 1-8 to their nationalities a-h. 1 Put these conversations in the correct order.
1 Coca Cola a American 1 a _ I'm fine. This is m y colleague, Martin
2 De Beer diamonds _ b Indian Altenberg.
3 British Airways airline _ c Japanese b _ Hello. Pleased to meet you, Gundula. How
4 Sanyo electronics _ d British are you ?
5 LOT airline _ e Polish c _ How do you do, Martin?
6 Andhra Rice _ f Brazilian d _ Hello. My name's Gundula Bauer.
7 Fiatcars _ g South African 2 a _ No. How do you do? I'm Stefani.
8 Cacha<;a rum _ h Italian b _ Do you know Ariadne?
c _ Andyou.
2 Comp lete the job titles 1-6.
1 P_r_o_a_ A d _ Pleased to meet you, Stefani.
s s a
2 S _ l _ s R_p 3 a _ Thanks. Nice meeting you and your
3 F_n_n _ _ ¡ D _ r_c_o colleague.
4 H m n R s u_c_s b _ Bye.
M _ n_g_r c _ Yes, have a good joumey.
5 T_a_ L_a_e_ d _ It's time to leave. See you soon.
6 T _ c_n_c_a _ e _ Goodbye.
7 R _ c _ p_i _ n_s_
2 Underline the correct words in italics to complete
3 Read the b u siness cards and complete each the three conversations.
business person's profile. A 1This is Pietre. / How are you? He's m y assistant.
B 2How do you do? / Nice to meet you, too. Pleased to
Haruo Ogawa meet you.
Financia/ Director A 3J'm fine. / And you.

C 4 Do you know Franziska? / How do you do?

TOYOTA JAPAN D Yes! 5 l'm fine. / It's good to see you again.
C Yes, you too. 6 Nice meeting you. / How are you?
I'm 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name). D I'm fine. And you?
I'm from 2 (country)
E Good morning. 1 have an appointment with Ms
and I'm a 3 Gob).
Cemoskova. 7 This is / My name's Ludmilla Osimk.
Mycon1panyis 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
F 8How do you do? / It's good to see you again. I'm
Timo, Ms Cernoskova's assistant.
E Oh, 9nice to meet you. / have a good journey.

3 Complete the conversation with the expressions

lsadora De Souza from the list.
PBT'ROBRAS Nice meeting you see you soon How do you do ?
a n s ,
.t.. t
Do you know Bye Nice to meet you my name's
Have a good journey
Her name is 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A Hello, 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geraldine.
She's 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (nationality). B Hi. 2 . I'm Vincenz.
She's a 7 ijob). A 3 Alessandro, my
Hercompanyisin 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ colleague?
(country) . B No. How do you do?
C 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nice to meet you.

C Our flight leaves soon. 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SAAirlink B Yes, nice meeting you, too.
A Bye,and 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I'm 9_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ (name).
B s_ _ __
I'm from 10 (country)
and I'm a 11 Gob).
My company is 12 (nationality).
Language at work
. 1 Complete the sentences, questions and answers .
No, he . He's Japanese.
To be 2 they Italian?
Form No, they . They _ _ _ _ Polish.
Positive: 3 _ _ _ _ Mirelle Brazilian?
I am/'m a receptionist. Yes, she _ _ __
You/We(They are/'re Polish. 4 The company South African, it's British.
He/She/It is/'s from Brazíl. 5 We in Warsaw, in Poland.
Negative: 6 they technicians?
Yes, they _ _ __
I am not/'m nota team leader.
7 _ _ _ _ you a personal assistant?
" Y~u/We/fhey are not/aren't Italítin. ·
Yes, I _ _ __
He/She/It is not/isn't from South Africa.
8 _ _ _ _ Awad the CEO?
Qu~stions ; "" ... No, he _ _ _ _ . He _ _ _ _ the Financial
' Am I a personal assistant? Director.
Are you/we/they Brazilian?
Is he/she/it from Italy? 2 Underline the correct words in italics to complete
the sentences.
Short answers:
1 This is my departrnent - Customer Service. Lawrie
Yes, I am. is my / his boss.
Yes, you/we/they are. 2 She has an assistant and her / my name is Pauline.
Yes, he/she/it is. 3 Your / You desk is next to Pauline's.
No,I'mnot. 4 Next to you is Harald and those are her / his
No, you/we/they aren't. biscuits on his desk from a client.
No, he/she/it isn't. 5 The coffee machine is far our / their office only -
. A Are you a financia[ director? not the whole departrnent .
B No, I'm not. I'm a receptionist. 6 They have their / my coffee machine in the HR
A Is he a technician?
B Yes, he is. 3 Complete the ernail with the words frorn the list.
A Are they team leaders? am your my our are (x2) is (x3) her
B No, they aren't. They're personal assistants.
A Is it an American product?
B Yes, itis. Subject: my new company

Possessives Hi Abdul ,

Form Here's the information about us:

I-+my The name of the company is IT-express.
you-+your lt 1 a computer company. 1
2 the CEO, and my tour colleagues
he-+ his
3 the technicians. Pascale is
she-+ her 4 _ _ _ _ personal assistant.
it-+ its
5_ _ _ _ office is in Tu nis, but the
we-+ our
customers 6 in Spain.
they -+ their
Use Yolanda 7 the new Sales Rep. She
To say who has or owns something.
8 Spanish , but 9 French
and English are very good.
I have a personal assistant. Greta is my personal
assistant. Send me 10_ _ _ _ phone number so we
Jonas has a company car. His car is a BMW. can meet.
We have a good team. Our team is very small. Regards,
~---- ----·--
2 1 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Match 1-4 to a- d, then 5-7 to e-g to make senterices. 1 Choose the correct answer, a or b .
1 Weemploy _ 1 Hello. Shen's Cars ...
2 We export to _ a ... What do you want?
3 We produce _ b ... How can 1 help you?
4 Customers buy _ 2 Thanks for your h elp.
a the Asian market. a You're welcome.
b our financia! services from banks. b Please.
c 6,000 people at our company, worldwide. 3 Charlie Tieng speaking.
d electronic components for computers. a Hello Charlie. I am Matt.
5 We provide _ b Helio Charlie. It's Matt.
6 We sell 4 See you soon.
7 We develop _ a Yes, thanks.
e new technology for telecommunications. b See you.
f training for our software. 5 Is Jo Harkett there, please?
g our products to supermarkets. a Yes, 1'11 put you in.
b Yes, I'll put you through.
2 Complete this crossword.
2 Put each part of the phone conversation in the
correct order 1-4.
1 a Good aftemoon. This is Clive Patrull from
2 3 BHH. Is Rosa Barrera there, please?
b _ Thank you.
c _ Good afternoon. YC Windows. How can I
help you?
5 6
d _ Yes, 1'11 put you through.
2 a _ Hi, Clive. How are you?
b _ Hello. Rosa Barrera speaking.
c _ Fine, thanks. I'm calling about our meeting.
d _ Hi, Rosa. It's Clive Patrull.
3 a _ OK, thanks. See you there.
b _ That's right.
c _ See you . Bye.
d _ So, it's conference room 2?
3 Complete the conversation with the correct words.
1 A company finds new employees. (11 letters) A Hello, Fast Training Solutions. 1 can I
2 This company sells houses and offices. (4, 6 letters) you?
3 Banks provide us with services. (9 letters) B Hello. 3_ _ _ _ is Madeline Roux from Mercier
Insurance. I'm 4 5 your IT
4 Hotels and restaurants are in the industry.
(11 letters) training ...
A ... and 1'11 email you the price lis t.
5 Samsung is an company. (11 letters)
B That's great. Thanks 6 your 7_ _ __
6 Microsoft produces this. (8 letters)
A 8 welcome.
7 Car production is part of the industry.
(10 letters) B Goodbye.
A Goodbye.
Practice file 1 Unit 2

Language at work 1 Complete the questions with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Then add a short answer.
1 A you (export) your products
B Yes, we
Present simple 2 A they (work) for GM?
Form B Yes, they
Positive: 3 A Remax (sell) real estate?
Subject + verb B Yes, it
They work for Vodafone. 4 A she (provide) training for
She works for Vodafone. us?
B No, she _ _ __
5 A we (employ) more than 10
Subject + do/does not + verb
nationalities in our company?
. I don'tldo noiwork for IBM. B Yes, we _ _ __
He.doesn:Í:! does not work for IBM. 6 A you _ _ _ _ (buy) products from
Questions: your country?
Do/Does + subject + verb? B No,I _ _ __
Do I/you/we/they work for Unilever?
2 Complete the email with the correct form of the
Does he/she/it work for Unilever? verbs from the list.
Short answers: employ have produce (not) work sell (not) export
Yes/No+ subject + do/does/don't/doesn't.
Yes, Ido.
Yes, he does.
No, they don't.
No, it doesn't. Subject: New customer information
Careful: I/he/she/it: No -s on main verb in negative and
question forms. Helio Klaudia,
Spelling Here's sorne information about your
Most verbs: He/she/it + verb + -s new customer: The company 1_ _ __
computer components. lt 2 800
He works, imports, sells, buys people in Europe. lts head office is in
Verbs ending ip. -o, -ch, -ss, -sh, -x: He/she/it + verp + -es Toulouse. lt 3 to America , but it
She goes, watches, misses, washes, fixes 4 to most of Asia. We 5 _ _ __
Verbs with consonant + -y: replace the -y with -ies with their offices in the UK, but we
6 contact with their factories in
apply -+ he applies, try -+ she tries, fly -+ it flies
France and ltaly.
Exceptions: Have - has Good luck with your meeting on Tuesday.
Use Sandy
To talk about general facts.
Glaxo produces pharmaceutical products.
BMW doesn't provide financial services. 3 Correct the mistakes in 1-7.
Do you produce electronics? No, I don't. I work in the 1 You do work for Terranova?
service industn;.
2 We imports most of our products.

3 Nokia doesn' t works in the automobile industry.

4 Does Jane work for HSBC? Yes, she do.

5 Do you work in the recruitment industry?

Yes, 1 work.

6 Max doesn' t develops software. He provides

software training.

7 Your company employs 500 people?

3 1 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Match the countries in the list to regions 1-6. 1 Put the conversation in the correct order 1-8.
Jran France Colombia Morocco Peru a _ Can I order sorne safety helmets, please?
Australia Qatar Singapore The United States b Of course. It's Castell & Co.
Canada Hungary Botswana c _ Sorry, is that 40?
1 La tin America d _ Good afternoon. Bentons Safety. How can I
2 Europe help you ?
3 North America e _ Yes, of course. Can I have your company
4 Africa name, please?
5 The Middle East f _ That's right. Can you deliver this week?
6 Asia-Pacific g Sure. It's Y5-RS. And we'd like 40.
h _ Castell & Co. And can you tell me the product
2 Complete the text with words from the list. code, please?
distribution centres factories sales offices
R&D centre head office 2 Put the words in italics in the correct order to
continue the conversation from l .
I work for an intemational company. Our
1 is in Sweden - A but /in stock/ I'm / don 't / sorry / we / the Y5-RS / have
1 . We can deliver on
that's where the management team works. Our
reps work from 30 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Monday. Is that OK?
around the world, but we only have six B OK, thanks. And price / I / the /check/ can
3 for our stock. 2 ? Is it $5.35 for one?
We make the products in the Far East - our A That's right. address / delivery / your / What's
are in China, but our 3 , please?
main 5 is in India - this is B It's 97 Light Avenue, Baltimore MD 21202.
where we develop new products. A Sorry. again / you / that / Can / say
4 , please?
3 Match the words from 2 to definitions 1-5.
B 97 Light Avenue, Baltimore MD 21202.
1 We make our products here.
A Thanks. We'll deliver to that address on Monday.
2 This is where we test the products and do research B Great. email /Can/ my /arder/ confirm / by / you
and development. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ s , please?
3 When our sales reps aren' t with a cu stomer, they A Of course. email address / give / Can /me/ you / your
work here. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 , please?

4 The Management Department of the company B Yes. It's Phillipa underscore Wainwright at castellco
works here. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ dot com.
A that / say / you / slowly /more /Can
5 We deliver the products to customers from this
7 , please?
location. -.,.---------- - -
B Sure. It's Phillipa underscore Wainwright at
castellco dot com.
A Thanks. I'll send an email to confirm your order.
B Thanks very rnuch.
A for / Thanks /arder / your

3 Choose the correct answer, a or b.

1 MMW. Can I help you?
a Hello. Can I order two laptops, please?
b Can you tell me your name, please?
2 Can you give me the prices, please?
a Can you spell that? b Yes, of course.
3 Can you confirm by ernail, please? ·
a Sure, can you give me your ernail address?
b Can you speak more slowly?
4 M y narne's Wiktoria Poslavski.
a Sure, that's right.
b Can yo u spell that, please?
5 My phone number's 08392739.
a I'm sorry, but we don't have that in stock.
b Can you speak more slowly, please?
Language at work 2 Complete th e email with some/any or a/an.

GRAMMAR RHERENCE ~~~-~--.:......C.-~IS21:=:..:::.=-.~.......::-"-'..:'--'.:..c_:.'-'-'-''"'---..:..-.;

1 Dear Brion i,
There is / There are Our visitors arrive on Thursday. Pl ease check
there is / there isn't +singular noun we have everything ready.
There's a Jactory in Beijing. FOOD:
There isn't an office in Africa. There are 1 drinks in the meeting
there are / there aren't + plural noun room - are there 2 biscuits? There
There are f actories ali o_ver the world. aren't 3 sandwiches for lunch, but
There aren't any offices in Asia and Europe. there is 4 restaurant near the office.
In~ert is/ are and there. ·· There's 5 video projector and
6 pens and paper. There isn 't
Is there a factory in America? 7 laptop and there isn 't 8 _ _ __
,Are there offices in Croatia? wireless connection.
Short answers:
Don't repeat the subject. Are there 9 parking spaces in the
A Is there an office in .Balirain? car park for them? There are 10_ _ __
B Yes, there is. name cards for them and 11 info
A Are there a_lot of employees? pack about the company at Reception.
B No, th_ere aren't.
Th anks,
Some/any J
Use some/any with plural nouns.
Use sorne in positive sentences.
3 Tick (.I") the correct sentence, a or b.
There are some products in the distribution centre. 1 a There are three factories in Europe and one
Use any in n egative sentences and questions. in Asia.
There aren't any products in the sales office. b There's three factories in Europe and one
Are there any managers in the technical centre? in Asia.
2 a There aren't any sales reps in China.
b There are any sales reps in China.
1 Read the information and complete the questions 3 a There are sorne managers in the technical centre
and answers 1-7. and sorne in head office.
., b There is sorne managers in the technical centre
In Cairo Cónferenée Near to Cairo and sorne in head office.
and Exhibition Centre , Conference and 4 a There isn' t sorne distribution centre in the UK.
Exhibition Centre
b There isn' t a distribution centre in the UK.
1,200 parking spaces Shops 5 a There isn' t any sales office in Dubai.
Chinese garden Banks b There isn't a sales office in Dubai.
3 large meeting rooms 5-star hotels 6 a Are there a computer programmer h ere?
Restaurants Airport b Are there any computer programmers here?
7 a Is there a receptionist in the teclmical centre?
1 Are there any restaurants in the Conference Yes, there are.
Centre? Yes, _ _ __ b Is there a receptionist in the technical centre?
2 Are there any shops in the Conference Centre? Yes, there is.
8 a Is there a car park at the distribution centre?
3 _ _ _ _ hotels near the Conference Centre? Yes, there isn't.
b Is there a car park at the distribution centre?
4 Is there a bank in the Conference Centre? _ _ __ No, there isn't.
5 meeting rooms? _ _ __
6 parking spaces? _ _ __
7 Is there an airport near the Conference Centre?
4 ! Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Complete the sentences with words from the list. 1 Complete the missing words in the four
battery contact select username conversations.
password button mobile A Can you 1g m ah ?
1 Key in the phone number and press the green B Sure.
A I 2d k h t· - - --
2 First, _ _ __ an account to send the money put these photos onto CD-ROM. I'm 3t _ _ __
from. t copy them for Bob. Can you
4h m ?
3 Your for the website is the same as your
email address.
C Yes, 5o._ _ _ _ c_ _ __
4 A Can I recharge my phone here?
D 6H,_ _ _ _ d. _ _ _ _ I send a file to Sandy?
B Sure, there's a power point over there.
5 You aren't in my list. Can you tell me
C Letmesee.
your phone number, please?
E Do you 7w _ _ _ _ a h. _ _ _ _ ?
6 You can use someone's phone number to send
F That 8w _ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ óg_ _ _ _ • I don't
money with banking.
know how to log on.
7 Do you know the Wi-fi to get Internet
access in the hotel room?
G I'm trying to download a document.
2 Match 1-6 to a-f to make sentences. H CanI 9h ?
1 To begin, click _ G Oh, 10y , p _ _ __
2 It's easy to access _ H Click on that icon and ...
3 I can't log _
2 Put the conversations in the correct order.
4 How do I link
5 To start, download _
a _ Sure.
6 You need to register _
b _ I've gota problem. I'm trying to book a flight
a in to my emails. on the Internet, but it doesn't work.
b my phone to my laptop? c _ John, can you help me?
c your device to use mobile banking. d _ Yes, but I don't know how to enter it.
d the app to your smartphone or tablet. e _ Do you have a username for the website?
e your bank account on your mobile phone. f _ Click here, then key it in.
f on 'start'. B
3 Cmss 01:1t one noun in italics which you cannot use a _ That would be good.
with the verb in bold. b _ What's the problem?
1 I need to charge my battery / laptop / screen / c _ How do I print this document?
smartphone / tablet / device. d _ Let me see ...
2 I can't access the Internet / my username / e _ Are you OK, Galina? Do you want a hand?
my emails / my bank account / our website.
3 I want to send Wi-fi / money / a text message /
3 Underline the correct responses in italics.
payment / an SMS. 1 A Do you want a hand?
4 Press the button / your account / 'confirm'. B That would be good. / Yes, of course.
5 Please key in your username / your arder number / 2 A Can you give me a hand?
your device / your password. B Yes, please. / Sure.
3 A Can you help me?
B Yes, of course. / That would be good.
4 A Can I help?
B Yes, of course. / Yes , please.
Language at work 1 The chart shows the number of days the employees
were late for work last month. Complete the
sentences about the employees with the words
GRAMMAR REFERENCE from the list.
Adverbs of frequency
The adverb of frequency goes before the main verb.
I never work 10 hours a day.
He always takes a break.
The adverb of frequency goes after the verb be.
I am neVer late. 15
He is always llite.
- Yóu are sometimes sick.
· Use 10
To describe how regfilarly someone ~oes something. ·"
never ' rarely sometimes often _usually always
0% - 50% 100°(0
Questions (present simple) -
.Form -
Question word + do/ does + sÚbject + verb phrase.
WhQ do you work far? Paul Vmcenz Zoran Rafael Sandra Randa

What does she do? sometimes never rarely always usually often
Where do they live?
1 Paul is late for work.
See also Practice file 2 for other question forms in - 2 Sandra is late for work.
the present simple.
3 Zoran is late for work.
Meaning 4 Vincenz is late for work.
To ask about: 5 Randa is late for work.
The way / method 6 Rafael is la te for work.
How do you travel to work? By train.
2 Put the words in italics in the correct order.
People/ a company you work for 1 She / break / takes / always / a
Who does she work far? Philips. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ atlOOO.
General information 2 We're / sick / rarely _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
What do they do? Tiiey sell electronics. • 3 They / never / seven / days / work
Freq~ency - - - - - - - - - - ª week.
How often does he take a holiday? Once ayear. 4 l / off/ take / usually / Friday
'Where do you work? In Singapore. 5 We / finish / work / sometimes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at 16.00.
6 He's / late /far / work / often
Why ~o they like the company? The pay is very good.
A time
When do-we startwor~? At 8.00 a.m. 3 Match questions 1-6 to answers a-f.
1 When do you have lunch? _
2 How often do you go to work by train? _
3 What does your company do? _
4 Who do you work with? _
5 Where do you take a break? _
6 Why do you like your job? _
a I usually go to the canteen for a coffee.
b At 12.00.
c It's very interesting.
d Never, I always drive.
e I have three colleagues in my team.
f It develops software.
5 l Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Underline the correct words in italícs to complete 1 Complete the conversations with expressions from
the sentences. the lists.
1 We receive a letter / an invoice every month for the A
products we buy. You need to I'll speak to There are sorne problems with
2 When we send a customer his order, we always That would be great explain the situation
include a delivery note / business card.
A 1 the equipment and the
3 We print a hard copy / CV of every order we products aren't ready for the Polish order. Can you
receive. help?
4 When I want a new job, I send my business card / B 2 contact the customer
CV to companies that interest me. and 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 When I meet people in m y job, we usually A OK.
exchange business cards / arder forms. B 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the service engineers.
6 We senda hard copy / an arder form with our A s___________
brochure to ali new customers.
7 When I take a taxi, I pay, then ask for a letter / B
receipt for my company. We did, but I'll cal/ You need to far your help
8 If you are interested in working for our company, No problem We can't I'll explain
please fill in our online application form / contract. A 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ find the invoice for
Delaney & Co. They want a special price.
2 Complete the email with words from the list.
B 7 call Jenny in the
save print receive open send forward
Accounts Department.
. ISZI A ª - - - - - - - - - - - she wasn't in the
To: José B 9 the customer then. Do
írom: they normally have a special price?
Subj ect : Organizing paperwork / A No, not usually.
PC problems! B OK. lO the situation.
Helio José, A That's great. Thanks a lo t
There are a few IT problems in our office B
- - - - - - - -- - -
12_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
today, so can you do me a favour?
Can you 1 a hard copy of the
2 Complete the expressions and find the hidden
report from the meeting and give it to message.
Amanda? 1 also need a copy - can you 1 We n' _ _ ~ to fix the problem.
the document to me in your next 2 Don tw ___ _ . .
3 I'll e_ ____ _ the situation.
Also, 1 can't 3 our customer 4 That would be g ___ _
correspondence folder. lf you can, please
the order forms in this folder. 5 We'vegota _____ _ _ with the order.
Can you 5 me the invoice from 6 I'll e __ the customer now.
Bertrands so 1 have their contact details,
please? 7 Wec deliver in time.
8 We changed the software, but it d work.
Finally, can you call me when you 6 _ _ __
this email? 9 I'll let you know as soon as I

1 don't know if my email is working!


3 Cross out the verb in 1-4 that doesn' t match the

noun in bold .
1 receive / attach / print an email
2 receive / print / open a business card
3 forward / print / receive a hard copy
4 open/ save / print a folder
Language at work 1 Underline the correct words in italics to complete
the conversation.
A How 1 was / were the meeting?
GRAMMAR REFERENCE B I d on't know, I 2wasn't / weren't there. I 3was / were
on holiday, but John emailed me the notes from the
Past simple: be meeting. It 4was / were very long!
Form A I'm glad I 5 were / was off sick then! Remi and Anna
6were / was also away. They 7 were / was on a skiing
Positive: Subject + was/were .. .
holiday, but there 8 wasn't / weren't any snow!
I/He/She/It was at the presentation.
You/We(I'hey were at the presentation. 2 Put the words in 1-5 in the correct order to make
Negative: Subject + was not / were not ... questions, then match them to answers a-e.
I/He/She/It wasn't in the office. 1 they / weren' t / why / the / at / meeting
You/We/They weren't in the office.
Questions: (Question word*) + was/were/wasn't/ 2 interesting / was / it
weren't + subject ... ?
.~ Was she in the office?
3 questions / were / many / there
Why weren't you at work?
4 was / last / your / when / business trip
Past simple: regular verbs
5 at / who / the / meeting / was
Positive: Subject + verb + -ed ...
I worked far Vodafone. a Yes, it was.
b Last Friday.
They talked about branding.
c They were in Los Angeles.
Negative: Subject + did not / didn't + verb .. .
d Max and Yolanda.
They didn't like the presentation.
e No, there weren't.
You did not ask any questions.
Questions: (Question word*) + did/ didn't + subject + 3 Complete the text with the past simple form of the
verb .. . ? verbs in brackets.
Did she work far Unilever? .
When did you leave your last job? Report: Seminar Hotel Booking
Short answers: Don' t repeat the main verb.
We 1_ _ _ _ (de.cide) to use Travel lnn. 1
A Oíd she work far Unilever?
_ _ _ _ (call) to ask for a special price and they
B Yes, she did.
_ _ _ _ (email) me back to say it 4_ _ __
*See Practice file 4 for question words.
(not be) possible. We 5 (not contact) them
Spelling again and 6 (try) another hotel. Two days
Most regular verbs: verb + -ed later, we 7 (receive) an email from Travel
start -+ started lnn. They 8 (be) sorry about the prices and
Verbs ending in -e: verb + -d 9 (offer) us a 10% discount. 110_ _ __
decide -+ decided (book) the meeting room immediately and they
11 (confirm) this in writing. lt 12_ _ __
Verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant: double
the last letter + -ed (be) exactly what we 13 (want).
stop -+ stopped
Verbs ending in consonant + -y: replace -y with -ied 4 Make questions in the past simple using the
try-+ tried prompts.
Use 1 When / you / start work?
To talk about a finished action in the past. We usually
know when the action/ event happened or didn' t 2 Where / she / go on holiday?
I was at the meeting last week. 3 Why / you / not email / me?
I received your message yesterday.
You didn't send me the document. 4 How / you / contact her?
To ask when an action in the past took place.
5 Who / they / speak to?
When did the conference start?
6 Why / we / not cal!/ him?
6 1 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Match 1-6 to a-f to make questions and sentences. 1 Underline the correct expressions in italics to
1 Areyou _ complete the conversation.
2 I like to cornment _ A Hello, I'm Rache!. 1Can I join you? /Can I help you?
3 You can build _ B 2 Yes, of course. / No, I don't.
4 I want to connect _ A 31 hear you work far / Is this your Ji.rst time at the
5 You can search _ congress?
6 Why don't you join _ B No, I was here last year. 4 What do you think of it? /
Please take a seat.
a for the HR Manager's profile. A It's really interesting and nice to meet new people.
b a network of useful contacts.
e on Linkedln? 2 Crnss out the extra word in each expression in
d a professional group? italics.
e on interesting posts. A Hi, I'm Mía Pieczek from Slovakia. 11 hear you do
f with old friends from school. work far Motorola .
B 2 Yes, that's is right.
2 Complete the conversation with the words from A You're my customer in Slovakia! 3 Would you like get
the list. another coffee?
posts bio on follows networking B 4No, you're thanks. I'm fine.
add tweets search A OK. Well, I' d like one, so I'll 5see me you later.
A Are you 1 Twitter? B Yes. 6 N ice to talking to you.
B No, I don't have time for social 2_ _ __
A But it's easy to join and fast to use. You just write
3 Put the words in the correct order to make
questions and sentences.
your 3 , so everyone knows who you are.
Then you can send 4_ _ __ 1 join / can / you / I
B What are they?
A Short messages - like 5 on other social 2 you / hear / I / for / KPMG / work
networks - but you can only u se a maxirnum of 140
characters. That's why it's fast! 3 something / get / can / you / I
B And who reads my tweets?
A Anyone who 6 you. You can 7_ _ __ 4 you / think / exhibition / what / of / the / do
for people and 8 them to the list of people
you are following. 5 me / please / excu se
B Mmm. I'm not sure ...
3 CFoss out one noun in italics which you cannot use
with the social media verb in bold.
1 You can join a conversation / proftle / group /social
2 You can update your status/ chat / bio / proftle.
3 You can add a status/ link/ friend / comment.
4 You can like a post/ page / search / photo.
5 You can share a photo /post/ link/friend.
Language at work 2 Complete the email using the past simple form of
the verbs in brackets.


Subject: Trip to Hawaii - l'm back!
Past simple: irregular verbs
Many verbs are irregular and don't take -ed in the past Hi Timo,
l'm back from the trip. lt was great. We
go -+ went 1 (fly) with United Airli nes in
come-+ carne Business Class! Julio 2 (meet) us at
have-+ had the airport when we arrived. We 3 _ _ __
take-+ took (spend) two weeks visiting customers, which
was very interesting. Then we 4 _ _ __
For how to form sentences and the past
(have) a short holiday and 5 (do)
;simple, see Practice fíle 5 on.pijge 95.
- .. . . ., . sorne sightseeing. We 6 (not see)
Heike unfortunately - we 7 (leave)
Time expressio·ns before she 8 (come) back from her
Use time exp;essions to say when something holiday.
happeñed in tlie past. ·f
Anyway, can you tell me what happened in ·.
, lf{st night four years ago the company in the last three weeks?
last Tuesday in 2008
last week on 26th January
yesterday when I was in Japan Clio
two days ago
Trme expressions are usually at the.end of the sentence.
3 Look at the diary. Complete the sentences using the
I left my job in 2007. past simple and the time expressions from the list.
Iflew to Milan yesterday. Today is Wednesday llth.
We didn't finish the_report.last week. _ last Thursday yesterday last night
Trme expressions can go at the beginning of the a week ago two days ago
sentence to give it more importance.
Yesterday I was so busy, I didn rt nave a break. MON 2 TUES 1_ ~EDS4_ THURS5
-- ---- - FRl6
GotoWarsaw Give
1 Match verbs 1-10 to their past simple forms a-j. tothe Board
1 do a went
2 take b took
3 give _ e met
4 spend _ d left MON 9 TUES 10 WEDS 11 I HURS 1?.__ i:_RJ_13_
- . --· -·- - -
5 meet e gave Leave Warsaw MeetJakob
6 go _ f had for lunch
7 fly - g spent 8 p.m. see the
8 ha ve h did new6ondfilm
9 leave _ saw
10 see _ flew

1 1 to Warsaw

2 1 a presentation to the
3 1 Warsaw

4 1 Jakob for lunch

5 1 the new Bond film

7 l Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Complete the text with the correct option (a, b or c). 1 Who says these expressions? Write caller (C) or
This is my department. We 1_ customer orders. -receiver (R).
Ahmed 2_ the team and h e 3_ our work. Our 1 Can she call me back?
department helps to 4_ our products. We tell 2 Can I take a message? _
customers about new products when we receive 3 My number is 759 3810. _
orders. I 5_ the financial side: invoices and payment.
4 Can I have a contact number?
I 6_ the invoices are correct and 7_ customers
5 Could I leave a message? _
about problems with payment. The Logistics
Department 8_ our work. They deliver the orders to 6 I'd like to speak to Lena-Maria, please.
the customers. 7 I'm sorry, but he isn't here today. _
1 a develop 5 a <leal with 8 I'll give him your message. _
b deal with b contact
c promote c develop
2 Complete the conversation with the questions from
the list.
2 a is responsible for 6 a support
Can I take a message? Can I have a contact number?
b contacts b am responsible for
Can she call me back? So that's 0747 58360?
c checks c check
Is Calina there, please?
3 a develops 7 a contact
b promotes b promote A Jocelyn speaking. Can I help you?
c organizes c am responsible for B Hi. 1_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
4 a develop 8 a checks A I'm sorry, but she isn't available.
b promote b supports -----------
c organize c develops B Yes, please. I'm calling about our order.
2 Complete the crossword with the names of -----------
A Sure. 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B Yes, it's 07747 58360. The name's Tieman.
A s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
2 3 B No, it's 077 - double 7.

3 Put the words in italics in the correct order to

4 5 complete the conversation.
A ADAC. Good morning.
B Helio. Could / I / to / speak
1 Adira Chen, please?
A I'm / she's / but / sorry 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in a meeting.
B Oh. Could / leave / a / I / message
3 ? .
8 A Sure.
B My name's Vrajkishore Kundu and m y number
1 is responsible for deliveries (9 letters) is 08274 38573. Can / back / call / me/ she
2 makes the products (10 letters) 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as soon as possible?

3 deals with questions and problems from customers: A So that's Mr Kundu, phone number 08274 38573.
Customer (8 letters) Is / right / that 5 ?
4 promotes the company's products (9 le tters) B That's right.
5 develops new products: and A I'll / message / her / give / your
Development (8 letters)
6 is responsible for the money in the company
(7 letters)
7 deals with the employees: _ _ _ _ Resources
(5 letters)
8 is responsible for the computer network:
Information (10 letters)
Language at work 1 You are on the stairs. Look at the plan and complete
the sentences with the words from the list.

Prepositions of place
To describe the position of something or someone. Marketing

Sales \

above below behind

on the right on the left behind on

in next to between infront of
1 Production is _ __ _ HR.
in front of in between 2 Finance is Logistics and IT.
3 You are the first floor.
4 The water fountain is the cafetería.
5 Logistics is _ _ __
6 Marketing is the last door _ _ _ _
7 The lift is the cafetería.
next to on the left (of) on the right (of) 8 Marketing is Sales.
2 Read these directions and look at the plan and
information in l . Where do the directions take you?
1 Start at the stairs. Go past HR and then tum left.

On the third floor 2 Go left out of IT and along the corrídor. They are in
front of you.
3 Go out of the cafetería, tum right and go into the
On t he second floor room. _ _ __
4 Go into the lift and up one floor.

On the first floor 3 Correct the rnistakes in italics.

Business Tower. JEB Electronics. Our offices: .
We are in 1 the 15th floor. Lifts are in front
Reception. Take the lift to the 15th floor
and turn left - in 3 the right is a coffee area.
Next 4 the coffee area is a meeting room. Go
along 5 the meeting room on your right. We
are between of 6 the meeting room and the
Prepositions of movement stairs. Finance and HR are below 7 on the
To give directions. 16th floor.
Car parking is underground - above 8 the
offices. Ask for a pass at the security desk on right
before you drive in.

out of into a long

past up down
8 1 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Complete the sentences and use the answers to 1 Match 1-6 to a-f to make questions and sentences.
complete the crossword. 1Can we arrange _ a Monday.
2What time b good for you?
3I'm free on e a meeting?
2 3
4Sorry, _ d at lunchtime?
5Is 10.00 a.m. e are you free?
4 5 6Are you free _ f I'm busy then.

2 Underline the correct expressions in italics to

complet e the conversation.
A We need to discuss the sales conference. 1Can we
arrange a meeting? / I can't meet on Tuesday.
7 B OK, 2is Thursday OK? / I can't meet then.
A Oh, no, 3are you busy at 5.00 p.m.? / sorry, I'm busy
8 then.
B OK, well Wednesday's no good forme, but 41 can't
meet then. / are you free on Friday?
A Yes. Friday's fine forme. 5 Is 11.00 a.m. OK? /
1 As a doctor, I must be about the
12.00 is good.
medicines I give to my patients. (7 letters)
B 11 a.m. is good.
2 My project manager often has problems to deal
with, but she is very , and usually solves A Great. See you on Friday, then.
them. (9 letters) 3 Complete the conversation with the expressions
3 I spend a lot of time looking at numbers and from the list.
budgets. It's not always easy to stay _ _ __
can't meet Wednesday's good Wednesday OK
(7 letters)
Are you busy on What time are you free
4 When I started in my company six years ago, I We need to meet about is fine
wasn't very , but now 1 know all about 1
the job. (11 letters) A the problem with the
product design.
5 In my job, you have to think quickly and be really
_ _ _ _ . (9 letters) B Yes, of course. 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 It is important to stay _ _ _ _ with the
A Yes, in the morning. I 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
customers. (8 letters)
until 2.00 p.m.
7 People don't always understand about IT, so I have
to be when I try to explain how things B 2.00 p .m. is a bit late. Is 4 ?
work. (7 letters) A Yes, 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 When we interview for new advertising executives, B 6 ?
we look for people who are . (11 letters) A From 11.00 a.m.
B 11.00 a.m. 7 forme.
2 Complete the conversation with the phrases from
the list.
isn't very good has a lot of experience in good al
doesn't have any experience in a qualification in
A We're looking for an advertising assistant
and we have a strong candidate. She has
1 marketing.
She is imaginative and energetic, but she
2 our product range.
B I don't think that's a problem - she can learn that.
She's 3 organizing and
planning. I saw sorne of her work at the interview.
She also 4 managing
peo ple.
A Yes, but she 5 at
presenting- she was terrible at the interview.
B She can do a presentation course to help her

100 )
Language at work 1 Complete the email using the present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

Subject: New position questions/update
Present continuous
Forrn Hi Max,
Positive: Subject + am/is/ are+ -ing Here's sorne information about the new
I am/'m writing the monthly report. position:
He is/'s workingfrom home. Talvinder can't take the new job
They are/'re meeting the MD. becauseshe 1_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
Negative: Subject t am /is/ are not + -ing (finish) her university studies. We
I am not / 'm not working at home today. 2 (contact) sorne of
the other applicants from the interviews last
She is not /_isn't f!ctoing her lunch. week .
.You are no.i / aren't talking to Security.
Janis 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Questións:_(Question word) + am/isfare + subject +
(check) their qualifications again and 1
4 (arrange) second
Am I working with the new customer today? interviews. We 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Is it raining today? (not invite) applicants from abroad - this
Are we looking at.the right report? takes too long.
Short answe.r s: Don' t repeat !he main verb. 1 need sorne help from you with the
A Am I working with the new customer today? interviews - do you have time or
B Yes, you are. 6 (you plan) the HR
A Are we iooking at the right report? conference at the moment? Please let me
B No, we aren't.
Most verbs: add -ing to the verb F
study -+ studying / start -+ starting
Verbs ending with -e: replace -e with -ing
arrive -+ arriving 2 Put the conversation in the correct order 1-7.
a _ I know, but Konrad is waiting for this.
Verbs ending with vo~el + consonant: double the last
Anyway, what's Abi's news?
consonant and add -ing
b _ Are you coming to the meeting now?
stop -+ stopping
e _ He's helping set upa new sales office in
Use CapeTown.
To describe an action qr event in progress around the d _ No, sorry. I'm working on this presentation.
time of speaking. e _ Well, he isn't managing the sales team any
Are you working on any interesting new projects? more.
To describe an action happening at the moment of f _ But Abi is here from South Africa - he's only
speaking. staying three days.
A What are you doing? g _ What's he doing now, then?
B We're checking all the new application Jorms. 3 Correct the mistakes in 1-6.
1 Where Zoran and Judith going?

2 They're do a course on presentations at the

InterContinental today.

3 Are you go to the party?

4 Does he working in París this month?

5 We training to become software engineers.

6 Are they stay at the Dorchester Hotel?

9 1 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Complete the email with the words from the list. 1 Underline the correct words in italics to complete
up-to-date Jast wide low friendly high the conversation.
A 1 have two quotes here for office printers. It's
l difficult to choose on e.
1 B How do they 1compare / better?
Our range of products is of
2 quality and we always offer A Lexi is 2difference / similar to Samsonic.
3 prices. We produce our produ cts B So w hat's the 3difference / compare?
using modern machines and 4 _ _ __ A The 4advantage / better of the Lexi is it works with a
technology. You can see ali the products in wireless network.
our brochure and read about our 5_ _ __ B That sounds good .
delivery times and 6 customer A Yes, but it's more expensive.
service. B The Samsonic is cheaper, but the 5comparison /
Please call us or order online. disadvantage is it is more difficult to use and isn't
A 1 6choice / prefer the Lexi - it's a higher price but
2 Choose the correct adjective (a, b or c) to complete better for our office.
1-6. B OK.
1 We use _ technology to build our systems.
2 Put this conversation in the correct order 1-7. The
a friendly b low c up-to-date first and last lines are correct.
2 Don' t buy from BNS, their prices are too _ . a _.1_ A 1 have two hotels that look good. Which
a high b fast c bad should we book?
3 We have a _ choice of products. b B Let's choose Mercure - breakfast is
a up-to-date b wide c high included, we have transport and we can get
4 Our new offices are in a location. a taxi to the centre of town.
a slow b good c wide c _ A Well, Mercure is similar to Ibis. Mercure has
5 We offer a _ delivery time fo r urgent ord ers. breakfast included, but Ibis doesn't.
a fast b expensive c good d _ B How do they comp are?
6 They are expensive, but they produce _-quality e _ A Exactly. But the disadvantage of Ibis is it
products. only h as a suite free - no single rooms.
a wide b bad c high f B So we don' t need a hire car?
g _ A Yes, breakfast is good, but the advantage of
3 Put the letters in italics in the correct order to make Ibis is its location. It's more central.
words to complete the presentation. h _ B Well, I'd like breakfast in the price.
We are very competitive and are number two _ B Oh, <loes Mercure have single rooms?
in the market. Why? We offer findlrey 1_ _ __
_ A Yes, and the ad vantage of Mercure is we can
cu stomer service. We can guarantee a fast
have free pick up from the airport.
dylvreei tmie 2 for our products and ,
although they are som etimes epxnseiev 3 _ _ __ k -11... A OK - I'll b ook it.
the products are high qyultai 4 and there is a
wide coihce 5 . The customer service office is
also in a odog 6 location for our cu stomers.
Language at work 1 Put the adjectives from the list in the correct
category 1-3. Then add their comparative forms.
friendly expensive low experienced
GRAMMAR REFERENCE easy difficult fast cheap

Comparatives ..
,__ Comparative
Forrn 1 1+ -er
One-syllable adjectives (also sorne two-syllable 1
adjectives) 1 1
j '
Adjectives ending in a consonant: add -er
Jast -+ Jaster
Adjectives ending in -e: add -r 2 + -ier
wide -+ wider
Adjectives }~nding in a vowel + consonant: d¡;mble the
consonant and add -er 3 +more
big -+ bigge~ •
.f\djectives ending in -y: replace the -y with -ier
easy -+ easier
Long adjectives - two syllables or more
Put more before the adjective. The adjective doesn't
change. 2 Correct the mistakes in 1-8.
1 easyJet is often more cheap than British Airways.
difficult -+ more difficult
Irregular adjectives 2 Vodafone offers a gooder service than my phone
good -+ better provider. _ _ __
bad-+ worse 3 Our office is in a more expensive location like our
Use competitor's. _ _ __
4 Spanish is easyer to learn than Japanese. _ _ __
Use comparatives to compare two or more things or
people. 5 Our customers are often more experienced that our
technicians. _ _ __
Shopping online gives you a wider choice of products
6 The competitors offer more lower prices than us.
and cheaper prices than shopping on the high street.
Than 7 The new mobile phone is more difficulter to use
Tó compare two things use than after the adjective. than the old model. _ _ __
A Daewoo is cheaper than an Audi. 8 Their customer service is worser than before.
Sofitel is more expensive than Novotel.
Express delivery is /aster than standard delivenJ. 3 Complete the text with the words from the list.
friendlier higher expensive wider than
more (x2) easier better worse

Report: Our market position in

comparison to our competitor in
the supermarket business.
• Our products are often 1_ _ _ _ expensive, but we
offer a 2 choice 3 them.
• Quality of our products is always 4_ _ _ _ than theirs.
• Their sales staff are well trained and 5_ _ __
experienced than our shop assistants.
• Customers say our staff are 6 than the ·
• Our stores are in more 7 locations, but we are
_ _ _ _ to find than the competitor.
• In conclusion, it's not possible to say we are
9 or 1º than our competitor. We
have different qualities.
10 !I Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Complete the email with the words from the list. 1 Complete the conversation with the expressions
decisions ideas solutions from the list.
problems in a team meetings Do you think I think What do you think
my opinion Yes, I agree
A 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about our new
Subject: My new job! advertisement?
B 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it's the best one so far.
Hi Xander, A 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
My new job 's great - l'm so glad 1 moved B the picture is big
departments. In this job we work 1_ _ __ enough?
l'm the assistant to the technicians who A Oh yes, but in 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, the logo
find 2 for our customers. 1 don't should be smaller.
make 3 or solve 4 , but
it's my job to tell the team about changes 2 Put the words in italics in the correct order to
,, continue the conversation from l .
and new systems. Sometimes 1 attend
5 where we work together to B I / agree / don't 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
develop 6 for the future. lt makes a The logo is the most important thing. 1 like the
nice change to be part of a team. colours of the packaging - opinion / your / what's
2 ?
How's your job?
A not / I'm / sure /so 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B I / we / should / think 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
make the packaging more interesting with the same
2 Complete the sentences, then find the words in the
word search.
A true / That's 5 . It's not
1 I usually a meeting every Tuesday.
the most attractive box for such a great product.
2 It was a decision to close the factory.
3 I called the Helpdesk because I had a _ _ __ 3 Underline the correct words in italics to complete
problem. the conversations.
4 Our bosses want us to _ _ __ solutions to our 1 A What's your opinion?
customers' problems. B That's true. / Well, I think ...
5 We have more ideas when we _ _ _ _ in a team. 2 A I think we should change suppliers.
6 At the brainstorming meetings we ideas B What do you think? / I'm not so sure.
for marketing campaigns. 3 A I don't think that's a good idea.
7 Lenny had sorne _ _ _ _ ideas for the team- B I disagree. / In my opinion.
building weekend. 4 A What do you think?
8 .R oberto must the right.decisions so the B That's true. / In my opinion, ...
project doesn't cost more money.
5 A In my opinion, it's a waste of time.
9 We have ten urgent orders and there's a transport
B I think we should. / Yes, I agree.
strike - we don't know how to the
problem. 4 Correct the mistakes in 1-5.
10 The company doesn't allow Internet surfing- 1 Whatyouthink? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
that's HR's decision. 2 That true. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Do think our company is the best?
H V E u X E I A o u 4 I not so sure. - - - - - - - - - - -
W B E E V w F N H E 5 My opinion, we should stop production.
X Q K E z A F I D Q
U A L z E c I F G y
MO X F E s c
D o u
R o H
B V J J u WT o I L
N I p T swu G s y
Language at work 2 Put the adjectives from the list in the correct row
1-13 in the table and then add their superlative
GRAMMAR REFERENCE fast good friendly high nice expensive big
up-to-date wide small bad easy old
Forro Ai:ijective Supetlative
One-syllable adjectives (also sorne two-syllable + -est
J .~-·· ................................ Jh.~fa~t,~st .......... .................... .
Adjectives ending in a consonant: add -est 2
........... ..... .... ......................... .... ..
' ' . ............................................. ······ ... .
Jast .... the Jastest
Adjectives ending in -e: add -st
wide .... the widest
Adjectives ending in ayowel + consonant: double the
consonant and add -est · : 5
big .... the biggest ... 6
Adjectives enciing in -y: replacethe -y with -iest double consonant + -est
easy .... the. easiest · •· 7
Long adjectives - two syllables or more y+ -iest
Put the most or the least before the adjective. The 8
adjective doesn't change. 9
difficult .... the most difficu1t
expensive .... the least expensive
......................... .............. .................... .. ..... ........... ..... .. ... .. .... ... ...............
Irregular adjectives
good .... the best
bad .... the worst
Remember: the is always used before the superlative. 12
Altematively, a possessive form can be used instead 13
of the.
This is our smallest Jactory. 3 Tick(,/) the correct sentence, a or b.
Use 1 a That was the most important decision of my
whole career.
Use superlatives to describe the maximum or ·
mínimum. b That was most important decision in my whole
John's idea was good. Ingrid's idea was better. But, of the
2 a 1 think Gina has the goodest marketing idea.
three, Ling's idea was the best.
b 1 think Gina has the best marketing idea.
3 a My mobile phone is the most up-to-date 1 could
fin d.
1 Complete the conversation with the superlative
form of the adjectives in brackets. b My mobile phone is the most up-to-datest 1
could find.
A We need to book the hotel. We've got a few
to choose from. Which one do you think is 4 a Our competitor is the bigest company in the
1 (good)? market.
B Well, the Meridian is 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ b Our competitor is the biggest company in the
(easy) to get to, and it's 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ market.
(modem). 5 a That Internet provider is the most expensive, but
A Yes, but it's also 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ offers the bestest service.
(expensive). b That Internet provider is the most expensive, but
B True, but this is a very important event. Price isn't offers the best s.e rvice.
s (important) thing. The 6 a The German manufacturer makes the highest-
Meridian has 6 (high) quality goods in our field.
quality service, 7 (big) b The German manufacturer makes the most
meeting room and 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ highest-quality goods in our field.
(wide) choice of food.
A OK, let's book it.
11 1 Practice file
Working with words Business communication
1 Match 1-6 to a- f to make phrases. 1 Cross out the one incorrect response in 1-4.
1 credit a service 1 A How was your meal?
2 expiry _ b call B Very nice, thanks. / Very delicious. /
3 room e card Delicious, thanks.
4 wake-up _ d number 2 A Could I have the bill, please?
5 Internet e date B Sounds good. / Certainly. / Sure.
6 card f access 3 A Would you like a dessert?
B No, thanks. /Yes, please. /No, I don't.
2 Complete the missing words in the conversation.
4 A Do you like sushi?
A Good evening. Do you have any 1v ?
B Yes, Ido./ Yes, please. /Yes, I lave it.
B Yes. Would you like a 2s or double room?
A Double, please. 2 Complete the conversation with the correct words.
B OK, we have a double room on the tenth A Hello. Are you 1 to 2 ?
3f . It's 120 dollars and the price B Yes, thanks. I'3 have the spaghetti
4i breakfast. bolognese, please.
A That's fine, thanks. I'll take it. c Mmm. The steak 4 good. I'5_ _ __
B OK, do you have a credit card? We need one to like the steak and fries, please.
5b the room. A 6 you like any side dishes?
A Of course. Here you are. B Do you 7 any salads?
B Thanks. Please sign here. Here's your keycard. Is A Yes, we have a green salad.
there anything else 1 can help you with? B OK, 1'11 8 one of those, please.
A 1 need to get to the airport for 8.00 a.m . tomorrow e And 9 we have two colas, please?
morning. Can you order me a 6 t ? A 10_ _ __
B Of course. Which 7t at the airport?
A Number2. B 11 _ _ _ _ me?
B OK. The taxi will be here at 7.30 a.m . A Yes?
A What time do you 8s breakfast? B Could I have the 12_ _ _ _ , please.
B From 6.00 a.m. A Of 13 . One 14 , please.
A Thanks.
B There are towels and a 9h in the 3 Put the conversations in the correct order.
bathroom, and there's a 10s in the 1
wardrobe. a _ Would you like a side dish with that?
A Great, thanks. And where's the 11 1 ? b _ Yes, I'll have a four seasons pizza, please.
B It's just over there on the left. c _ Are you ready to order?
A Thanks. d _ No problem. ·
B Have a nice evening! e _ No, thanks, but I'd like a glass of mineral
water, please.
a _ How was your meal?
b _ Would you like a dessert?
c _ And could we have the bill, please?
d Sure.
e _ No, thank you, butwe'd like two coffees,
f _ Very nice, thanks.
Language at work 1 Make sentences from the prompts usinggoing to.
1 They / visit / their customers.

GRAMMAR REFERENCE 2 I / not / ask / Patrice to help.

Going to 3 We / take / Tuesday off.
Positive: Subject + am/is/are + going to+ verb 4 It / not / rain today.
I am/'m going to visit the new customer.
He is/'s going to write the next presentation. 5 you / discuss / the contract at the meeting?
They are/'re going to work in Brazil.
Negative: Subject + am / is / are not + going to + verb 6 I / see /José at the conference.
I am not / 'm not going to take the job .
. She is not / isn't going't-0 leave the. company. 2 Match 1-6 to a-f to make sentences.
We are not / aren't going to have a meeting tibout this. 1 Franz is going to meet us at the airport before we
Questions: (Question word) + am/is/ are t. subject + leave
going to+ verb? 2 We're going to arrive early at check-in _
Am I going to come to tf¡e meeting? 3 Samir is going to come to the airport _
Why is he going to talk to management? 4 Jake is going to attend the conference _
Are you going to visit the suppliers? 5 We're going to work late _
Short answers: Don't repeat going to. 6 I'm going to contact our suppliers _
A Is he going to talk to management? B No, he isn't. a to find sorne new customers.
· A Are you goi,;.g to_visit the suppliers? B Yes, I am. b to take us to our hotel.
Use c to miss the queues.
To talk about a general plan for a future action or d to give us our visas.
event. e to ask about the order.
lt is used to mean the same as I am planning to ... f to finish the presentation.
There is not necessarily a fixed time in the plan. 3 Correct the mistakes in 1-8.
I' m going to visit Toronto. 1 The airline is going cancel its flights.
We aren't going to eat out in the evening.
Are you going to take Friday off? 2 Silvia going to attend the meeting instead of me.

lnfinitive of purpose 3 Marco are going to confirm his flight details

Add an infinitive to say why you are doing something. tomorrow.
We're going to meet our suppliers to discuss prices.
4 I'm going to not finish the report by tomorrow.
They're going to spend a day in New York to find a
new office.
5 Are you visit Jess while you're in New York?
I'm going to leave the office at 3.00 p.m. to collect my
wife from the airport. 6 Timo's going to call the suppliers for to cancel
the order.

7 Are you going to hold a meeting to discussing the

IT problems?

8 Franz isn't going take the new job.

12 1 Practice file ·
Working with words Business communication
1 Cross out the word in 1-6 that doesn't match the 1 Put the words in italics in the correct order to
noun in bold. complete the conversation.
1 tight / busy / fast schedule A We have a few problems. The / that /is/ situation
1 the ordering system
2 busy / annual / quiet period
3 public / time / annual holiday has crashed.
4 tight / busy deadline B OK, we have a back-up and the technicians
5 annual / time off are working to fix it. The / to / is/ aim
2 be working by
6 public / annual le ave
lunch time.
2 .Klaus works for Pioneering, a seed company. He's A Well, we need to hurry.
talking about his job. Replace the phrases in bold B Why? What / deadline / 's / the
with the phrases from the list. 3 ?
annual leave deadline long weekend public holiday A The courier arrives at 1.00 p.m. to
sorne time off busy period collect the goods, so why / we / don't
4 finish the orders we're
We have a lot of work 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
at the beginning of the year. The shops need working on? New orders will have to wait. 1'11 put
the seeds in February and our final date a notice on the website to inform customers.
2 to get the seeds ready B Good idea. So/ summarize / to
is the end of January. lt doesn't give us much time. 5 the current orders are
1 try to take a break 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OK, but new orders aren't. Is that right?
at Easter, and in May we have a national day off
4 so 1 usually take
2 Complete the conversation with the expressions
from the list.
a holiday from Friday to Monday
5 . In the summer the How much time do we need far Let's
company doses for two weeks and we ali have our I'm going to We've already
holidays 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1
A spent two days on the presentation and
the meeting is tomorrow.
3 Complete the email with the words from the list.
B 2
the graphs and
timetable annual conference busy schedules figures?
quiet period tight reminder A Well, I'm waiting for Alexi to send them to me.
B 3 call him and give him a deadline.
A OK. Can you do that?
Subject: Next week B S~re, so you're going to finish as muchas you can
and 4 call Alexi. OK?
Dear Julio,
Th anksforthe 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
3 Complete the expressions and find the hidden
about my presentation at next week's
2 . Unfortunately, 1 The ___ is two weeks behind .
my 3 now looks
2 What is the m eeting?
very busy with the preparation for my
presentation, and 1 am worried about 3 The __ is to sign the contract by March.
the 4 deadline 4 Why ___ we call the customer?
for the sales report. 1 know we ali have 5 We __ to finish on Friday.
5 at the moment,
6 The _______ is tha t the goods are late.
but 1 wanted to ask if 1 could give you the
report a week late. The week after next is 7 How long do we ___ for the delivery?
going to be a 6 for 8 Is _ _ ____ happy with that date?
me, so 1will have time to do it. 9 So, to ________ ,wecallJohnand .. .
Language at work 1 Read the list of tasks then complete the email,
saying wha t you have (./) and haven't (X) done.

* Finish the report for Ajax . ./
Pres~nt perfect * Call our suppliers. )(
* Finalize the menu for the buffet reception . ./
Positive: Subject + have/has + past participle*
* Book hotel rooms for our Thai guests. ./
* Sencl the timetable of the visit to the guests. X
I liave ordered sorne more office paper.
He has sent the invoice to the wrong persqn.
* Check lrena's emails . ./
Negative: Subject + have/has not + past participle*
* Cancel lrena's flight to Sweclen. )(
We have not received your payment.
She hasn ~t been tó Nepal. ..
Quéstions: (Question word) + have/fias + subjec.t +
past párticiple* · Dear lren a,
Have y_ou c;ontacted the suppliers? 1 have been very busy, so 1 haven 't done
Why has he gone to.Canada? everything you asked .
Short answers: Do~'t repeat the past partid.ple* • 11 the report for Aja x.
_ A Have you contacted the·suppliers? 1 2 _ _ _ _ our suppliers.
B Yes, I have. '-
• 13 the menu for the buffet
*past participle.
• 1 4 _ _ _ _ hotel rooms for our Thai
For regular verbs, add -ed to the verb, as for the rules
for forming the past simple (see Practice file _5 ·on
• 1 5_ _ _ _ the ti meta ble of the visit to the
page95). '
Use • 1 6 _ _ _ _ your emails.
To talk about an action in the past that has an éffect on
• 17 your flight to Sweden.
the present.
I have finished the report and given it to my boss. Rega rd s
Action in the past = finish the report, giv e it to m y boss
Effect on the present = the report is on m y boss's desk 2 Complete the conversation with the present perfect
Never use the present perfect to talk about an event in form of the verbs in bracke ts.
the past with a time expression (see Practice file 6 on A 1 (you / send) the ord er yet?
page 97 for time expressions). B N o, 1 2 (h ave / n ot).
A Wh y n ot? 1 3 (p ost) them the invoice
already !
B The order 's not read y. The Production Dep artment
(h ave) sorne problem s.
A Oh, 1 5 (n ot / sp eak) to Jeff from
Produ ction tod ay, so no one told m e.
B The p acking m achine 6 (break clown) and
they 7 (not / fix) it yet.
A OK, 1'11 call the customers and explain.
3 Correct the mistakes in 1-6.
1 They h aven ' t the order completed.

2 A H ave you d one the h oliday timetable yet?

B Yes, Idone. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
3 Mikhail haven ' t replied yet.

4 A Do they h ave confirmed the hotel booking?

B N o, they h aven ' t. - -- - - - - - - -
5 l've work in IT development and on the helpdesk.

6 Thiery's took the last car from our car p ool.

Communication a·ctivities · ?

Unit 1 1 Language at wo rk, Exercise 8 Unit 2 1 Talking point, Task

Student A Stu dent A
Ask and answer questions about the people below. Use Company: _ _ __
sorne of the information from the list to complete their Produces: trains and trams
pro files . Nationality: _ _ __
Germany IT companies TUX Manag ing Director H ead office: _ _ __
restaurants Brazil Spain Receptionist Number of employees: _ _ __
supermarkets Excel Exports to: _ _ __
Example: Is Renate from Germany?
1 The paper company is Japanese.
2 The company with its head office in Tokyo h as 13,000
ll& Renate employees.
IH1lll~ll¡ij ____ 3 The fruit comp any's head office is in Cape Town .
4 Chrysler exports cars to Europe, China, Mexico and
IH1ll~iil¡i~itijU1l+JUI ____
Cana da .
IIml Sales Director
IHl!Oiltb+Jl!m•i small businesses
Unit 3 1 Business communication ,
Exerc ise 7
l&i Eiji Student A
1 You want to order sorne satnavs for your company. Call
límilfü:tl Tapan

your supplier, Student B. Use this information to make
COMPANY NAME Takeyama your order.
You r company: FR Logistics
111§11n+dj;h1 ___ _ You r company a ddress: 26 Mili Road, Durban,
South Africa, 4091
Yo u r email a d dr ess:
Yo u want to order: 15 satnavs
Ht4efJl4"1 Ramiro and Carmen Produ ct code: 282BN
li1lllijll¡ij ____ You wan t:
• delivery as soon as possible
COMPANY.NAME Sema • to pay b y credit card
IIml Sales Reps • the supplier to confirm your order by email
líll~ii1lfdij$1 ____ 2 You work for a supplier of kitchen products. Student B
calls you. Use this information to take their order.
Product CF72·is in stock. Customers can pay by credit
card. Delivery is free.
Unit 3 1 Practically speaking, Exe rcise 5 You wan t:
Student A • the customer's email address
Ask Student B questions to complete their contact details. • the delivery address
! stud-
e~nt -
nt _ B _ ___,.,._--~-;

f Pacific Ex~orts Head ?ffice ---- _j Unit 10 1 Practically speaking, Exercise 4

¡62 Bay Rd =1 Stude n t B
---~ Here is your news. Tell your partner.

Wellington __ ·
1 You r favourite colleague is leaving the comp any.
Zea!~~ ___ ---~ ----··- ----·---·--¡ 2 You r company won a new contract yesterday.
1 dani- -------------------1 3 No one's receiving a pay rise this year.
- ----- ---- L_ --- -- ----- -- .J
Unit 3 1 Talking point, Task Unit 5 1 Language at work, Exercise 4
StudentA Student A
1 You weren't ata presentation last week. Your partner
Vienna, Austria was. Check if the report below is correct.
Location In the centre of Europe. _ -· _ _ _ Example: Was the presentation on Tuesday morning?
Transport Seventy airlines to 180 destinations in over
to the city 60 countries. Presentation: Future plans
Road and railway connections to Central Time: Tuesday morning (?)
1 European countries. _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Transport Sixteen minutes from airport to city centre Present: Jan, Lydia, Janusz, Carlos (?)
1in the city by train. Venue: The conference room (?)
1 Fast public transport. Small city centre -
Speaker: Managing Director (?)
good for walking.
Conference Three conference centres, e.g. Austria
1facilities Centre Vienna with 180 meeting rooms for .' .. .... .. - ...... ·-
10 to 4,320 people.
85 conference hotels. 2 Now answer your partner's questions about this report.
, Cost High
Presentation: Profits for this year
fVancouver, Canada Time: Wednesday morning
Location Present: Jan, Lydia, Janusz, Carlos, Piotr
to the city Venue: The conference room
Speaker: Financial Director

in the city
Unit 5 1 Working with words, Exercise 9
,__. -- -- ---·--- StudentA
¡ Conference
1 You are away on a business trip. Student B has two
I facilities emails for you and calls you for help. Ask what the
emails are about and give the following instructions:
i • Email 1: Reply and attach electronic copy. It's in the
Cost folder marked 'Newbroch'.
• Email 2: Forward it to HR and reply to the applicant.
2 Student B is on a training course. You check his or her
email. Call Student B and explain the emails. Ask what
to do. Make notes and check you understand.

y~u ; end me a cor : of the F;nance
report? Thanks.
1 Gill

With reference to our order (see attached)

for 20 of item P-166, we only have 10 boxes.
Where are the other 10 boxes?
· Felicia Hildebrandt
' ¡
Co m m uni cation activ ities

Unit 5 1 Language at work, Exercise 8 Unit 6 1 Practically speaking, Exercise 4

StudentA StudentA
1 You received this message. Ask your partner for the 1 Look at these pictures and answer your partner's
rnissing information. Use the question words in brackets. questions about this trip.

Mr 5imons callea ai _ _ _ _ a.m. (When ... ?)

He callea a¡,out . (What .. . ?)
He didn't come to the meeting ¡,ecause
- - - - - - - - · (Why . .. ?)
He wanted to know _ _ _ _ of
conference. {What .. . 1)
Please call him 1'ackjfyou want him to speakatthe
conference. " ·· ·

2 Now answer your partner's questions about the

information in this phone message.

From: Mr Koch
Time: 2 .00 p.m.
su¡,ject: Trip to Germany last week.
Message: Hans was sick - another meeting néxt

Unit 5 1 Business communication ,

Exercise 4 2 Now ask your partner questions 1-5 about his / her trip.
Student A 1 How was the journey?
Read more information about the problems in the email. 2 How was the hotel?
• Astrid, the receptionist, is sick today. 3 How was the food?
• You called IT about the printers, but no one answered. 4 How was the meeting?
• You didn't remember to book the tickets. 5 How was the city?
• You can huy Ellen a leaving present.
Now call your partner.
1 Explain and solve the problems together. Unit 12 1 Language at work, Exercise 7
2 Prornise action. Student B
Here is a list of your tasks for the week. Ask Student A if
he/she has done his/her tasks and say if you have done
Unit 12 1 Business communication, yours.
Exercise 4 Example: Have you ordered a new computer?

Student C 1 You - _-_-_._._...___~,_D

_d_en!_~- __ ~- j
You are responsible for printing and postage. : book venue for annual no arder a new computer? ;
The printers need about three weeks. l conference? ,
~~------------+--- -+------- __,
You think it's going to take about two weeks to send the 1write minutes for team no ship delivery to j
brochures out to customers.
You have annual leave between lüth October and 17th
; meeting?
l organize
meeting with ' yes
- Argentina?
call clients about new

October. . ?
' w::_on rep. _ _ ____ 1
_ product?
Discuss the final schedule and write down the stages with
all the important dates.
ask boss for sorne time ' no ¡email new -brochure to

off? ' · clients?

. . · Communication activities

Unit 7 1 Language at work, Exercise 3 Unit 6 1 Business communication,

StudentA Exercise 7
1 Describe this company plan to Student B. Student A
Example: The cafetería is below Sales and Marketing. Role-play these situations.
1 It's the first morning of an annual conference. It's your
first time at the conference. The first session is in Room
125, but where is it? Student B speaks to you.
2 You are in Reception at your company. A visitor wants
to see Sara Olsen, who is on the third floor. Speak to
him / her.

Unit 7 1 Business communication ,

Exercise 3
Student A
1 Call your partner and check these details.
2 Listen to Student B. Write in the rooms and departments. Ms Bebiyon Tel. 07 364 330?
Mr Gibuvo Tel. 0034 711 5400?
2 Your partner calls to check these details.
Mr Kassabygy Tel. 0041 909 5520
MsHerrera Tel. 0709 553 627

Unit 7 1 Business communication,

Exercise 6

Student A
Call l
\ Reception You are Megumi Yoshida . Call Michelle McGoldrick about
your hotel reservation. You want the hotel details as soon
Unit 5 1 Working with words, Exercise 9 as possible. Your phone number is 078 546 2394.
Student B Call 2
1 Student A is away on a business trip. You check his or You are Youssuf Hussein's assistant. He is at lunch.
her email. Cal! Student A and explain the emails. Ask Answer the phone and take a message.
what to d o. Make notes and check yo u understand.
Message for:

Can 1 have an order form anda copy of this From:

year's brochure? Phone number:
Calling about:
Hanron Solutions Please call back: Urgent:

Dear Si r or- _M_a_d_a_m~. _rs2J..:.......--=--=:

Fu rther to your advert for a trainee sales
-4 1
Unit 12 1 Busin.ess communication ,
Exercise 4
person, please find attached a copy of my CV. j Student B
You are responsible for information and design for the
2 You are on a training course. Student A checks your brochure.
email and calls you for help. Ask what the emails are You think it's going to take about six weeks to get all the
about and give the following instructions. information. The designers need about four weeks. You
• Email 1: It's in a folder called ' Budgets' . Please print her have annual leave between 15th August and 30th August.
a hard copy. Discuss the final schedule and write down the stages with
• Email 2: Forward it to the right department - it's not my ali the important dates.
Communication activities

Unit 8 1 Business communication , Unit 8 1 Talking point, Stage 2

Exercise 6 StudentA
Student A
You are Chen. Here's your calendaron Thursday. MONDAY

09.00 doctor
11.00-12.00 HR weekly meeting
15.00-17 .00 meeting with personnel agency
09.00-1 O.DO Visit factory
13.00-14 .00 lunch - out of office
10.00-11 .00 Return at 11 .10 15.00-17 .00 team meeting

-- ------·-------
15.00-17.00 meeting with department heads
12.00-1 4.00
1 1
12.10-13.10 Lunch with Ania
14.00-leave work, take Jamie to dentist
-· ·- - ------·-----------

Unit 9 1 Business communication, L ---- - ------ ------
Exercise 6
Unit 10 1 Practically speaking, Exercise 4
You and your partner need to choose a new courier
company for irnportant deliveries, and a hotel for sorne Student A
two-day training seminars around the country. Here is your news. Tell your partner.
• You have quotes from two courier firms . 1 Everyone in your team likes the new Team Leader.
• Your partner has quotes from two hotels. 2 Your Department Manager is having dinner with the
• Take tums to ask and tell each other about the quotes, new Human Resources Manager tonight!
and then make a choice together. 3 The company is opening three new factories abroad.

Company: Speed Merchants

Price: €10 per kilometre Unit 11 1 Working with words, Exercise 9
Online tracking: Uses up-to-date satellite Student A
technology to find a fast route. You can check the Now you are a visitar. Check in and ask for information on
location of your package online. the following:
Location: Centres in over 20 cities. • wake-up call at 6.30 a.m.?
- very friendly staff on the phone • restaurant in hotel? necessary to book?
• meeting room for tomorrow at 10.00 a.m .?
- no discounts
• sauna and solarium?

Unit 2 1 Talking point, Task

Company: Go Fast Student D
Price: €9 .95 per kilometre Company: Nippon Pªper Industries
Guaranteed delivery: Money back if late. Produces: _ _ __
Location: Centres in 18 cities. Nationality: _ _ __
Head office: _ _ __
- staff were slow to answer the phone
Number of employees: _ _ __
- no way to check location of packages online Exports to: _ _ __
- offered free delivery for every ten deliveries 1 The train and tram cornpany is Polish.
2 2,000 ernployees produce fruit.
3 Afrifresh is a South Africari. company.
4 Pesa produces trains and trarns.
· . . . · Communicat ion act ivities

Unit 11 ITalking point, Task Unit 12 1 Business communication ,

Travel information: Exercise 4
-- -- ---- --..---
Flights _ Train Car
Student A
,... --

· Madrid-Paris /
- -
21 flights / day, 10 hours, 11.5 hours
You are responsible for the schedule. You need to sch edule
the following stages:
París-Madrid 2 hours, €80 €110
return • product details and price list
• design
Madrid- 13 flights / Overnight 6 hours
• printing
Lisbon / day, 1 hour, 15 sleeper,
Lisbon-Madrid mins, €70 €150 • sending the brochures to customers
1 return Find out from Students B and C how long each stage takes.
r---------· + - --· -- -
Madrid-Lyon / 1 2 flights/day,
20 hours,
10.5 hours
You want to send the brochure to clients by lst November
1 at the latest. Also find out when Students B and C have
i Lyon-Madrid 1 hour, 45 ; €150
time off because this will change the schedule.
; mins, €80 return
.... ---- ·-·--- -
1 Lisbon-Lyon /
-- -
flights / day,
;- -
i 21 hours, 16 hours
Discuss the final schedule and write clown the stages
with all the important dates.
j Lyon-Lisbon 12hours, 25 1 €170
j i
,.... __ __ _ · return
mins, €100 _
Lisbon-Paris / 1 14 flights / day, 1 Overnight · 16 hours Unit 1 1 Language at work, Exercise 8
¡ Paris-Lisbon : 2.5 hours, €90 sleeper,
• return
l StudentB
Ask and answer questions about the people below. Use
' Paris_:::Lyon /
~ 2 flights / day,- 2 hou~:;1.s ho~s ¡ sorne of the information from the list to complete their
Lyon-Paris 1 hour, 45 €75 return profiles .
1 '
--~1'-mins, €80 . __ !___ _ f apan India Serna small businesses Sales Reps
' ---- Takeyama multinationals Sales Director
Accommodation information: Personal Assistant Uchida
- ---------- -
Average Airbnb
Example: Is Renate a Sales Director?

business hotel
Lisbon €130 1 €90 e D Renate
- -·. - - --+-- . - - -- --·
i --~
IHl!llWM! German¡¡

-~º!1 _ €170 €90
Paris --~º- __ i__ -~12_9

All prices and times are approximate.

Unit 12 1 Language at work, Exercise 7

StudentA lmo Eiji
Here is a list of your tasks for the week. Ask Student B if IH1lil~ll¡fl ____
he /she has done his / her tasks and say if you have done
Example: Have you booked a venue for the annual conference? mmJ Managin.g Director
r-------------¡-:---- ;-::-:----- - - - . - .. 1ill•id1b+iijff>i IT companies
You , Done? · Student B ¡
t- ... - - - ~-~~ --t -~
- ~--
- -·-·-·- - -·-

¡ order a new 1 yes book venue for annual

computer? 1 l conference?
J... - i----------·--·
1 ship delivery to 1no ! write minutes for team · Ht!i®ii"i Ramiro and Carmen
; ~rge~tina? . j _____ i ~:_~~g;?__ ü!U!Wd Brazil
¡ call clients about new no
1 product?
- -
-----· -
! email new brochure to yes
, organize meeting with
; union rep?
,t__ - - - - ·- - · -
; ask boss for sorne time
off? ----

liD§le!Mijnj supermarlcets
l' ... ~

Communication activities

Unit 2 1 Talking point, Task Unit 3 1 Practically speaking, Exercise 5

StudentB StudentB
Company: _ _ __ Ask Student A questions to complete their contact details.
Produces: _ _ __ ----------~ ·-- - .
Nationality: _ _ __
StudentA . StudentB
----- - ~l
Head office: _ _ __ _!:f~
dept, _.S'. ity Hotels
49 Ardwick St
-- ~
Number of employees: _ _ __ -
Exports to: 54 countries
1 The American company produces cars.
' Manchester
·------ · · · - - - - - '
2 The Polish company's head office is in Bydgoszcz. 1 M12 8BG __ __j
3 78,000 employees work for the company with its head ____. . . . . ._' ashley.srnith@ci~~ote~s. 1
office in Michigan.
4 3,700 employees work for Pesa.

Unit 3 1 Business communication,

Unit 3 1 Language at work, Exercise 7
Exercise 5
StudentB 1 You work for a supplier of electronic products. Student
You work at The Dubai Grand Hotel. Use the information A calls you. Use this inforrnation to take their order.
below to help you answer Student A:s questions about the Product 282BN is out of stock. You can deliver product
hotel. 288BN tomorrow.
Example: A Is there a bus to the airport? Customers can pay by credit card.
B Yes, there's a bus every 20 minutes. You want:
The Dubai Grand Hotel • the customer's email address
• Buses to airport every 20 minutes. • the delivery address
• Car park for 100 cars. 2 You want to order sorne coffee machines for your
• No restaurant in the hotel. There are sorne international cornpany. Cal! your supplier, Student A. Use this
restaurants near the hotel. information to make your order.
• Swimming pool and gym. Your company: Macquires
• Internet access in ali rooms. Your email address: uk
• Bank and P?St service in hotel. Your company address: 63 Farringdon Way, London,
• Six meeting rooms. UK, W13AG
• The hotel has a free taxi service to city centre. You want to order: eight coffee machines
You want:
Unit 3 1 Language at work, • the supplier to confirm your order by email
Exercise 4 • to pay b y credit card
• free delivery
You work at The Arabian Garden Hotel. Use the
inforrnation below to help you answer Student B's Unit 8 1 Business communication,
questions about the hotel.
Exercise 5
Example: B Is there a bus to the airport?
A Yes, there's a bus every 30 minutes and there Student B
are also buses to the city centre. You are Dolores. Here's your calendaron Thursday:
The Arabian Garden Hotel
• Bus to airport every 30 minutes and to city centre every
15 minutes.
• No car park, but guests can park on the street. There is 1 09.00-10 . 0.-0~--------- - - - - - - - - -
also car hire at Reception.
• Two restaurants and one bar. 1 10.00-11 .00
• Swimming pool, gym and sauna.
• Internet access in ali rooms. 10. 20-10.50 Conference call to Singapore.
• Conference room for 80 people and four meeting roorns. 1 11.00-12.00
• The hotel has a tourist information service and there are Meeting with Kasia and bank
day trips to places of interest. 12.00-14.00 representative
-- --·~ --
: · · ' .Communicatton activities

Unit 3 1 Talking point, Task Unit 9 1 Business communication,

Student B Exercise 6
,..........,.,.....,....,,,,.......,.._~~~-:- -~--~--~~--¡
Student B
y~~~ ~ustri~

You and your partner need to choose a new courier

company for important deliveries, and a hotel for sorne
two-day training seminars around the country.
• You have quotes from two hotels.
• Your partner has quotes from two courier firms.
. Transport • Take tums to ask and tell each o ther about the quotes,
to the city and then make a choice together.
1 1

l -
Hotels: InCountry
Price: €5,000 (for ten people)
in the city Facilities: Many hotels provide secretaria! service
with fax, Internet, printers.
Locations: Over 35 hotels . Hotels are in the
countryside, but easy to find .
Conference Leisure: Most hotels have swimming pools and
facilities gym facilities.
- all hotels are different and
restaurants serve local dishes
Cost - friendly customer service person on
the phone
Vancouver, Canada
Location North America.
• Transport 1 About 90 airlines. Direct flights to about 60
' to the city intemational destinations. Hotels: Vacationworld
Vancouver Intemational Airport named
Price: €5,100 (for 12 people)
'Best Airport in North America'.
Facilities: All hotels have two or more meeting
. Road and railway connections to Canadian ¡
room s.
____ +ª~e!_ US citie.s_._ _ - - - - - - - - - - -~ Locations: 30 hotels near or in city centres.
l Transport ' Thirty minutes from airport to city centre
1 in the city 1 by train. Leisure: Ten Vacationworld Plus hotels have
Excellent public transport: bus, train, traro swimming pools, sauna and gym .
l and boat. . - staff.were polite and helpful
Gmference -Fiv-e confere~~e c;;.;tre;, ;:g . V~c~u~er-- 1 - ali hotels are modern; restaurants
[ facilities , Convention and Exhibition centre with serve wide range (ltalian, Chinese,
2 1
1 1 2,300 m of meeting space. More than 40 lndian, etc.)
. conference hotels. 1
-- - -- -]

Unit 2 1 Talking point, Task

Student C
Company: _ _ __
Produces: _ _ __
Nationality: American
Head office: _ _ __
Number of employees: _ _ _ _
Exports to: _ _ __
1 The South African company exports to 54 countries.
2 The European company exports to Europe, especially
3 They export paper and paper products worldwide.
4 Michigan is in the USA.
Communication activities

Unit 7 1 Business communication , Unit 5 1 Language at work, Exercise 8

Exercise 3 StudentB
Student B 1 Answer your partner's questions about the information
in this phone message.
1 Your partner calls to check these details.
Ms Babayan Tel. 077 364 3300
From: Mr Simons
Mr Jibowo Tel. 0033 771 5440
2 Call your partner and check these details. Time: 9 .30 a.m.
Mr Kasebiggy Tel. 001 908 5220? Subject: Next month's conference
Ms Hirrarer Tel. 070 953 6227?
Message: In Ca nada. Date of next conference?

Unit 5 1 Language at work, Exercise 4 2 You received this message. Ask your partner for the
missing inforrnation. Use the question words in brackets.
Student B
1 Your partner wants to know if the report below is
Mr Koch callea at _ _ _ _ p.m. (When .... ?) v
correct. You were at the presentation last week. Your
partner wasn't. Answer his/her questions He callea about the last week. (What ... ?)
Example: Was the presentation on Tuesday morning? Hans cancelled the meeting because
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (Why . .. ?)
Presentation: Future plans We arranged another meeting for _ _ __
Time: Tuesday morning (When ... ?)

Present: Jan, Lydia, Carlos Please call him back.

Venue: Room 305 ;t !EPR ¡ ;ceq ..-

Speaker: Managing Director

Unit 5 1 Business communication,

Exercise 4
2 Now ask your partner questions about this report. Student B
Read mo re information about the problems in the email.
Presentation: Profits for this year • Your assistant is not very busy today.
• We emailed the wrong invoice. You'll contact them after
Time: Thursday morning (?)
the meeting.
Present: Jan, Janusz, Lydia, Carlos (?) • The IT department has a training course today and
Venue: The conference room (?)
• You booked a restaurant for ·Enen's leaving party.
Speaker: Managing Director and Now call your partner.
Financia! Director (?) 1 Explain and solve the problems together.
2 Promise action.

Unit 6 1 Business communication,

Unit 11 1 Working with words, Exercise 7
Exercise 8 Student B
StudentB Role-play these situations.
1 It's the first morning of a conference. You're one of the
You are a visitor. Check in and ask for information on the
organizers. Room 125 is on the first floor. You think
Student A has a problem. Speak to hirn/her.
• dinner in room
2 You are a visitor ata company. It's your first time at
• times for breakfast the company. You are here to see Sara Olsen. Student A
• swimrning pool speaks to you.
• Internet access in the hotel
. . .
· · Communication activities

Unit 8 1 Talking point, Stage 2 Unit 6 1 Practically speaking, Exercise 4

Student B StudentB
1 Ask your partner these questions about his / her trip.

1: MONDAY Holiday 1 How was the journey?

2 How was the hotel?
TU ES DAY 11.30-13 .30 meeting 3 How was the food?
WEDNESDAY 11.00-13.00 phone duty at Reception 4 How was the m eeting?
5 How was the city?
THURSDAY 10.00-12.00 go to customers
2 Now look at these pictures and answer your partner 's
FRIDAY 08.30 appointment at bank questions about this trip.

Unit 7 1 Language at work, Exercise 3

1 Listen to Student A Write in the rooms and departments.

Unit 7 1 Business communication,

2 Describe this company plan to Student A Exercise 6
Example: IT is behind Reception.
Call 1
Sales You work in an office with Michelle McGoldrick. She is
out. Answer the phone and take a message.

Message for:
From: 1
Phone number:

Calling about:
------~~- --------
Plea se call back: l)rgent:

Call 2

\ You are Henri Watunda. Call Youssuf Hussein about your

meeting this evening. You are at The Arabian Garden
\ Reception
Hotel in Dubai. Your room number is 701. The hotel
number is 00971 4228663.
Unit 1 2 2.3
A What's your company?
B Lufthansa. J<jkkoman is a Japanese company and we
1.1 A How do you spell tha t? sell 400 million litres of soy sauce every year.
B L-U-F-T-H-A-N-S-A.
We employ around 6,000 people in to tal.
DahJja is lndian.
A Thanks. We export soy sauce all over the world,
Raquel is BraziJian.
including Asia, North America, Australia and
Randy is American.
Europe. We also develop new products for
Lukasz is Polish . 1.7 the pharmaceutica ls industry. Restaurants,
Tiziana is ltalian.
Alek Helio. My name is Alek Gorski. That's supermarkets and Asian food shops buy
Charlotte is British.
G-0 -R-S-K-I. We have a n appointment with our products and we also provide lessons in
Yuko is Japanese.
Mrs Da Rocha. Japanese cooking - using J(jkkoman products,
Jacob is South African.
Eva How d o you do, Mr GorskP I'm Eva, of course!
Maria Da Rocha's assistant.
1.2 Alek Pleased to meet you, Eva. Trus is m y 2.4
Japan India assistant, Elzbieta Wozniak.
American Eva Nice to meet you, Elzbieta. Sorry - how A Our first business area is Food and Food
British Brazilian Service. We produce sugar and cooking
do you spell that?
Polish Elzbieta Elzbieta? That's E-L-Z-B-I-E-T-A. oil. The company has restaurants, cafés
Itwan Africa Eva E-L-Z-B-I-E-T-A. Thanks. Justa mom ent. and food shops. lt provides meals for
Maria, your visitors are here .. . restaurants, schools and hospitals. Our
second business area is Bio Pharma.
1.3 Maria ... Alek. It's good to see you again.
Here we produce pharmaceuticals and
Alek And you . How are you?
1 I'm from Inrua. I'm a receptionist for an medicines.
American company. Maria I'm fine. And you?
B And do you export these products?
Alek Not so bad. Ma ria, do you know
2 Hello. I'm from Brazil. I'm a human A Yes, we do. We export medicines to
resources manager. 1 work for an Itwan Elzbieta? She's my new assistant.
Maria No. How do you do, Elzbieta? countries around the world. And we
company. develop new biotechnological products.
3 fü. I'm a sales rep. I'm from the USA, but
Elzbieta Pleased to meet you.
The thlrd area, Entertainment and Media, is
my company is Japanese. now the main business of CJ. The company
4 Hello. I'm Polish and I'm a team leader for 1.8 produces films for the Korean market and
an Indian company. Maria See you soon, Alek. abroad.
5 fü . I'm a personal assistant from Italy. Alek Yes, goodbye, Maria. B Does the company import films, too?
1 work for a Polish compan y. Maria Nice meeting you, Elzbie ta. A Yes, it <loes. We import films from foreign
6 Hello. I'm the Cruef Executive Officer for a Elzbieta Nice meeting you, too. production companies like DreamWorks,
British company and I'm from the UK. Maria Bye. Have a good joumey. and we have eight cable TV channels in
7 Helio. I'm Japanese. I'm a technician fo r a Alek Thanks. Bye. Korea and a chain of cinemas. The fourth
Brazilian company. business area is Home Shopping and
8 I'm a financi al rurector from South Africa. Logistics. We provide a home shopping
I work for a South African company.
Unit 2 service for customers, 24 hours a day.
B Do customers buy on the Internet?
1.4 2.1 A Yes, they do, but also on satellite TV. We
A So, is Marcegaglia a family company? have a logistics centre. lt provides transport
William Nice to see you again, Natasha. Do and delivery services.
B Yes, it is. Steno Marcegaglia sta rted the
you know Malik?
company in 1959, and his cruldren Antonio
Natasha No. H elio, I'm Na tasha Darcy. Nice 2.5
and Emma are the CEOs.
to meet you .
A Are they from a big family? 1
Malik You, too. Where do you work?
B No, they're from a small farruly, but A Do you export these products?
Natasha I' m with Perfect Match. lt's a small
Marcegaglia isn't a small company. lt's B Yes, we do.
recruitment company. We provide staff -
a multi-billion euro company with 7,000
especially in the pharmaceuticaJs industry. 2
What about you? A Does the company import films, too?
A And are ali the employees in Italy?
Malik I work fo r a company called RiskLink. B Yes, it does.
B They are in ltaly and in many other
We produce software for financial services 3
countries, too, such as Brazil and China.
companies. A Does CJ provide financia! services?
Natasha Oh right. What about you, William? B No, it d oesn' t p rovide financia] services.
1.5 Do you still work in electronics?
William Well, yes, but 1 don' t have a job right
2 BCDEGPTV(Z) A Do you impo rt med;cines?
now. That's why I' m here. 1 want to find
3 FLMNSX(Z) B No, we don' t. We export medicines.
some thing in the automobile industry, if
4 ¡y possible.
5 o 2.6
6 QUW 2.2 1
7 R A Can I have your phone number?
pharmaceuticals hotel
B Certainly. It's oh seven seven eight, four
electronics finan ce
1.6 recruitment a utomobile
five six, three six five.
1 2
A What's his nam e? A What's the price for that mobile phone?
B MrGorski B lt's $45.60.
A How do you spell tha t? 3 One tho usand three hundred e mployees
B G-O-R-S-K-1. workhere.
A Thanks.
4 We started the company in 2001.

2.7 3.3 Unit 4
1 1 My ernail add ress is Peter dot Tieng at
Receptionist Good moming. TE Media. Forresters dot CA. 4.1
Anna Good moming. This is Anna Lillis from 2 Her email address is Atina underscore DL A So, how do you use Paym?
OPT Bank. Is Peter Bawden there, please? at G-mail dot com. B lt's easy. Open your bank's mobile banking
Receptionist Yes, I'll pul you through. 3 Our ernail address is jobs hyphen info at app or online banking website. Log in
Anna Thanks ... top comrnunications, ali one word, dot co with your usemame and password. Then
Peter .. . Helio. Peter Bawden speaking. dotUK. press the Paym button, or click on the Paym
Anna Hi, Peter. Jt's Anna Lillis. 4 Their mailing address is Accow1ts link if you are using your laptop. On the
Peter Hi, Anna. Departrnent, Blair and Browns, 99 Edward next screen you can enter the details, for
Anna l'm calling about your email ... Street, Toronto, MSV 2MD. example, the amowlt of money you want to
Anna ... So that's eleven o'clock. 5 His postal address is 21 Old School Road, send. lt's a bit like sending a text message.
Peter That's right. Glasgow, and the postcode is G214YU. A I see.
Anna OK, see you soon. 6 The company address is seven-four-two B First, if you have more than one account,
Peter See you. Bye. Quaker Street, Seattle, and the zip code is select the account you want to send the
2 nine-eight-one-zero-four. money from. Then select someone from
Receptionist Helio. The Dubai Grand Hotel. your contact list or key in a mobile number.
How can I help you? 3.4 Next, enter the arnount and press 'pay
Sadler Helio. This is Raymond Sadler from A Can you give me your address, please? now'.
Sadler Business Services. I'm calling about B Yes, it's 30 Grosvenor Street, Cambridge. A That <loes sound easy.
your meeting rooms ... A Is that 30 Grosvenor Street? B Yes. And the other person gets the money
Receptionist ... and there's Internet access in B Yes, that's right. in their account seconds later, and they
each room. A And can you spell Grosvenor for me? receive confirmation of that by SMS
Sadler That's great. Thanks for your help. B Of course. It's G-R-O-S-V-E-N-0-R. message.
Receptionist You're welcome. A Thanks. And what's the postcode, please? A You mean text message?
Sadler Goodbye. B CB79BT. B That's right.
Receptionist Goodbye. A CB79TB. A Sounds good. And can I pay anyone?
B No, it's 9BT, not 9TB. B No, if you want to send or receive money
A Oh, right. So that's CB7 9BT. Got it. And with Paym, ali users need to register for the
service first. This links your bank account
Unit 3 what's your e mail address, please?
B lt's Chris dot Oakley at homenet dot co with your mobile phone number. So you
dotUK. need to register first, too. We can do it now.
3.1 A Sorry, can you repeat that, please? Are you logged in to your mobile banking
Good aftemoon. I'd like to tell you about the B Sure. Chris dot Oakley - that's 0-A-K-L- account?
LEGO group. They are a family company E-Y - at homenet dot co dot UK. A Yes, but I need to charge my phone first.
with their head office in Billund, in Denmark, A Thanks very much. The battery is low.
but they operate in many countries. In B OK. There's a power point over here.
Billund, they also have their research and 3.5 A Thanks. I'll just log out first.
development centre and a factory. They have
A Helio. Workspace Supplies. How can I help
two more factories in Europe: in the Czech
Republic and Hungary. In Asia, they ha ve
B Helio. This is Dan Kashani from York 1 Log in to your account with your usemarne
one factory in China, and in North Arnerica,
Services. Can I order sorne whiteboards, and password .
they have one factory in Mexico. They have
please? 2 Press the Paym button or click on the Paym
sales offices worldwide: around 20 in Europe,
A Yes, of course. Can you tell me the product link if you are using your laptop.
around ten in Asia, four in North America,
code? 3 On the next screen you can enter the
one in South America, h-vo in Australia
B Yes, it's 9082WB. Can 1 order three, please? details.
and o ne in Africa. They have two large
A 9082WB .. . I'm sorry, but that product is 4 lt's a bit like sending a text message.
distribution cen.t res in the Czech Republic and
out of stock. We have another whjteboard, 5 Select someone from your contact list.
in the USA. Of course, there are LEGO shops
the 9099WB. lt's the same price. 6 A I need to cha rge my phone first. The
ali over the world. And online, their website,
B €92? battery is Jow., has 21 local sites for LEGO fans in
A Yes, that's right. So that's €276 in total for B OK. There's a power point over here.
different countries.
3.2 B OK. Thanks. And can I check the delivery 4 .3
time, please? Is it next-day delivery? First of all, the warehouse computer receives
A Dubai is a great location for a conference. A That's right. We can deliver them customer orders. Then, the computer tells a
The weather is always good. tomorrow. Can I have your delivery robot to find the correct box. Next, the robot
B What about the airport? Are there lots of address? finds the box and delivers it to a human co-
intemational flights? B Surc. lt's 24B Portland Street, Manchester, worker. After that, the person takes the correct
A Yes, there are. And there isn' t a problem Ml5WD. items for the order. And finally, the robot
with transport from the airport beca use A Sorry, can you repeat the postcode, please? retums the box and starts again.
public transport is exceUent in Dubai. B Yes, Ml 5WD. And can you confirm my
B But is there a good place for a conference? order by email, p lease?
A Yes, there is. lt's the Dubai Intemational A Yes. What's your email address, please?
Exhibition and Convention complex. lt's B lt's Dan dot Kashani at york services, all
perfect. one word, dot co dot UK.
A Sorry, can you say that more slowly?
B Dan dot Kashani at york services, ali one
word, dot co dot UK.
A Got it. Thanks for your order.
B Thanks for your help. Goodbye.
A Goodbye.

A The third of May. B Thanks very much.
4.4 B That's strange. lt isn't here. Sorry about A Díd you email the report to the client?
Nathan Why doesn't it work?! that. One moment. Did they a ttach the B Oh no' I forgot! l'm really sorry. I'll do
Melissa Can 1 help, Nathan? document toan email? itnow.
Nathan That would be great, thanks. I want A Yes. I think they sent the email on the third.
to login to the file-sharing system, but the
password doesn't work. I have it here. Can
B OK, here's an email from Hanran Solutions 5.5
on the third w ith an attachment.
you help me? Joe Joe speaking.
A That sounds good.
Melíssa Sure. The password is ali in lower- Mandy Hi, Joe. lt's Mandy again.
B Yes, it's an order for 20 scanners.
case le tters. Don't use upper-case letters. Joe Hi, Mandy.
A Great. Can you forward the email to me?
Nathan Oh! l see. I'm in now - thanks very Mandy I'm sorry, Joe, but we've gota
B Sure.
much. problem with the order for Gosport. We did
Melissa You're welcome. all the baseball bats and T-shirts yesterday
Nathan But ... where's the meetings folder?
5.2 so I can ship them tomorrow. But the logos
Melissa Do you want a hand again? Janusz Sorry I'm la te. I was at the on the caps dídn't work. The colours are
Nathan Yes, please. Josh says the next presentation on branding. wrong. We need to fix the machine today
meeting notes are in the meetings folder, Carlos Oh, was that this morning? and print them again. I'm really sorry.
but I can't see a meetings folder. Janusz Yes, at 7.30 in the Century Hotel. Joe OK. Don't worry. I know the Purchasing
Melissa Let's have a look. Hmm ... No, I Carlos Oh. Was ít good? Manager at Gosport, so I'll speak to him
can't see ít either. You can search for it. Janusz Yes, the presentation was really and explain the situation. But can you help
Nathan How do Ido that? interesting and there were lots of good me? We need to give another delivery date
Melissa There's a search box in the top ríght- questions at the end. for this.
hand comer. Write the folder name in there. Carlos Were there many people there? Mandy Sure. I'll call the factory now and 1'11
Nath an OK, thanl<s. No, nothing. I still can't Janusz There weren't many people for the Jet you know as soon as I can.
find ít. breakfast at the start, but there were lots for Joe That would be great. Thanks a lot.
Melissa Hmm. Maybe the folder isn't shared. the presentation. It was too early for sorne
You need to accept an email invítation to people! 5.6
share the folder first. Carlos Were you on time?
A So what do you think about the use of
Nath an Oh, do I? I don't know how to do Janusz Of course! But the breakfast wasn't
'English only' at companies like Honda and
that. Can you give me a hand again? very good. Anyway, why weren't you in
Melissa Yes, of course. Is there an email the office yesterday?
B Well, there are sorne big advantages.
invitation from Josh in your inbox? Carlos There were terrible problems with my
lt means that Japanese companies can
Nathan Justa minute - I'll have a look. Oh flight back from Rome, so I .
talk to their customers and suppliers in
yes, here it is! other countries more ea sil y, as well as
Melissa Now, just click on 'view folder' in 5.3 to their colleagues who work in offices
the email. Píotr Helio? intemationally. They can also save time
Nathan Ah, here it is. Great! Thanks very Lydía Hí, Piotr. It's Lydia. Sorry I missed and money if they don't need to translate
much, Melissa. your call. documents or have a translator at meetings.
Melissa You're welcome. Piotr No problem. 1 wanted to ask about the And for the employees, they can leam
event. Did you call Ron Peters? English more easily if they use the language
4 .5 Lydia Yes, I díd. I caUed him yesterday. He ali the time at work.
1 In ali our s upermarkets this technology can do the presentation, but not in the A And are there any disadvantages?
saves us money, and it is fast and easy for morning. He's busy then. B Of course. It can be difficult for the
our customers to pay for their shopping. Píotr OK, so what time did you decide to company to find good employees w ho a lso
2 I like to check my emails and read the start? speak English. And it can be expensíve to
news when I go to work on the train in the Lydía 12.30, so it wíll be a lunch meeting. 1 give them Eng!ish lessons, and this can take
morning. invited him to have lunch wíth us. a lot of time, too. Sorne employees don't
3 I' m a hairdresser. This is usefuJ for me to Piotr Good. And díd you book the hotel? want to speak a foreígn language at work
speak to customers on the phone at the Lydía No, I didn't. I phoned the Century because they feel they can't say what.they
same time as when I'm cutting a customer's Hotel, but they don't have any free rooms want to say in English.
ha ir. at lunchtirne. The Parade Hotel has a
4 I like this because it helps me to do enough meeting room free, but I didn' t book it
exercise - I can see how much I walk and
run every day.
because I didn't know if it was OK for you.
Píotr Yes, the Parade Hotel is fine, thanl<s.
Unit 6
5 This is good for our delivery company Lydía OK, I'll call them now.
because our drivers can easily find the right Píotr Great. Thanks, Lydía. 6 .1
address when they de!iver packages. Martín So, I'm on Twitter and Linkedln. How
6 1 like it beca use there are sorne good apps 5.4 can 1 use social media to get a job?
on it and 1 can choose when to watch Georgina Well, the first thing is to have a
my favourite TV programmes on the bíg good profile (on Twitter it's called a 'bio')
A Hello. Sorry I'm late. My train was very late.
screen. and a professional profile picture. You need
B That's OK. We called you, but you didn't
to update your profile regularly and you
can also add a link to an online CV.
A Yes, sorry. I wanted to call you , too, but my
Martin That's a good idea. And how will
Unit 5 battery is low.
companies find m y profile?
B No problem. We can start now ...
Georgina Many companies now search
5. 1 2 online for candidates. But you also have
A Hi, Michelle. lt's Rona. A Now, about the team-building weekend, we to search for jobs. Many companies are on
B Oh, helio. How can 1 help? decided to ask the Century and the Princess social media. Look at their pages to find
A Well, Hanran Solutions telephoned. Hotels. Did you call them about prices? jobs, and you can follow companies on
They received our invoice for an order of B No, I didn't. Sorry about that. 1 was really Twitter.
scanners, but they say it's wrong. Did you busy yesterday beca use we had vísitors all Martín OK, I airead y do that. What else can
print a hard copy of the original order form? day. I'll do it this morning. r do?
B No, but 1 always save their order forms. Let 3 Georgina Well, ít's social networking. That
me open the folder. What was the date on A Great work on the training last week, Tara. means you have to network.
it? You managed it really well. Martín What does that mean Ido?

Georgina First, you add contacts to build 6.5 7.3
your netwo rk. You can ask your Facebook
friends or Linkedln connections to Simon Can I join you ? 1
introduce you to their contacts. You can Nathalie Yes, of course. A This is your visito r 's pass.
a lso search for useful contacts and ask to Simon 1 hear you w ork for GST. B Thanks very much.
connect w ith them . Another good way to Nathalie Yes, tha t's right. 2
find people is to join p rofessiona l 'groups' Simon My nam e's Simon Turing. l'm with A Those are two o f m y colleagues.
on Linkedln o r Facebook. These are called Tulsa Filters. You're on e of ou r custorne rs. B Ca n you introduce m e?
'communities' on Google+. Nathalie Ah yes. Pleased to m eet you.
I' m Na thalie And erson, and this is my 3
Martin l see. A These are ou r new products .
Georgina And it' s not en o ug h to have a colleague, Brent.
Bren! N ice to m eet you . B They look grea t.
lot of friends or connections. Yo u have
Simon And you . So, w hat d o you think of the 4
to be active and communicate w ith your
conferen ce? A What is tha t building?
contacts. People need to 'see' you and know
Nathalie The conference? Very interesting. B lt's the w areho use.
something about you. Update your s tatus,
that means post some thing, regularly. Post Simon Do you come here every year?
interesting things that are connected with Nathalie No. This is m y first time. But Brent 7.4
your work and comment on or ' like' your here is a regular! 1
contacts' posts. Join a group conversation Simon Do you know a lot of people here, A Can you spell that?
or a Twitter cha t, or start a conversation Brent? B Yes, it's Nzogoung. That's N -Z-O-G-0-U-
about a professional idea. Ali of these are Brent No, not many. The faces change every N-G .
easy ways to network. year. Would you like another drink? A So that's M-Z-0-G-U-N-G.
Martin Thanks very much, Georgina. Useful Simon N o, thanks. B No, it's Nas in New York, Z, O, G, O as in
ideas. l'll go and update rny s tatus n ow. Nathalie No, thanks. I'm fine. Oslo, U, N, G.
Brent Well, please excuse m e. I need to go to A Oh, I'rn sorry. N-Z-0-G-0-U-N-G.
m y room before dinner.
6 .2 Simon Sure. See you late r, maybe.
B That's right.
Enzo Helio. Can I join you? 2
Giang Yes, please take a seat. My name's A OK. Can I have a contact nurnber?
Giang Bai. How do you do?
6.6 B Yes, it's three nine nine, six three four four.
Enzo My name's Enzo Ma tti. A H elio. Can I help you ? A So, tha t's three three nine, six three three
Giang Is this your first time in Vie tnam? B Yes, please. I have an appointrnent with Mr four. Is that right?
Enzo Yes, it is. I'm with a textile company in Cannon, but there's n obod y in Reception. B No, it's three d ouble nine, six three double
Italy. H ere's m y card. A Oh d ear. Is this your first time here? four.
Giang Thank you. H e re's mine. So you' re B Yes, itis. A Sorry, three nine nine, six three four fou r.
from Italy. Tha t's a long way to travel. H ow A Well, com e w ith m e. I can take you to his B Yes.
long did your journey take? office.
Enzo It took abo ut 48 hours, I think. I carne B Thanks very much . After you .. . 7.5
to H o Ch.i Minh City last night, but I le ft A ... O K, right - here's John Cannon 's office.
A H e lio.
Bo logna two d ays ago. I flew to Milan and Please go in a nd ta ke a seat.
B Thank you. B He lio. Could I speak to Te resa Baurn,
then to Shanghai. I had a day in Shanghai, please?
so I met sorne colleagues there yesterday. A I think John's jus t next <loor. I'll ca l! him.
Can l get you some thing? A coffee? A I'm sorry, but she isn' t here this m oming.
Giang Were you on the ten o'clock flight last Can I help you?
night? B O h, yes, please.
A OK, I' ll ask him to bring you one. Have a B Could 1 leave a m essage for her?
Enzo Tha t's right. A Sure.
Giang Oh, we w ere on the same flig ht then ! good m eeting. Nice talking to you .
B Yes, a nd you . Bye. B It's Richard Andac.
Enzo Really? A Can you spe ll tha t, p lease?
B A-N-D-A-C.
6.3 A So tha t's A-N-D-A-C.
Giang So how d id you become a sales Unit 7 B Tha t's 'right. And I'm calling about our
manager in textiles? m eeting. Can she call m e back as soon as
Enzo Well, my farnily w as always in textiles. 7.1 possible?
M y father had his own company in Bologna works resources A OK. Can I have a contact number?
and I worked for him. is d epartrnents B Yes, it's d ouble oh d ouble four, two zero
Giang Why did you leave? organizes computers seven, three nine nine, six three four four.
Enzo Well, 1 went to university and I stud ied d eals promotes A Sorry, that's d o uble oh d ouble four, two
Business Management. Then I w anted to checks em ployees zero seven, three nine nine, six three four
work abroad, so 1 left the family compan y contacts services four. Is that rig ht?
and spent time in the United Sta tes. B Yes.
Giang So when did you join your current 7.2 A OK. I'll give her your message, Mr Andac.
company? B That's great. Thanks for your help.
Enzo In 2003. Security Good morning, sir. A You're w elcome.
Jim Helio. 1 have an appointrnent at B Goodbye.
6.4 Security Do you w ant the factory or the
A Hi, Mike. How w as Brussels? offices?
B Fine, thanks, but the joumey was long and Jim The offices. Unit 8 Security Well, you go along this road and
A Did you go by ca r? tum right. Go past the facto ry to the offices, 8.1
B Yeah. but don' t park the re. Look for the car park energetic practica!
A And h ow was the meeting? sign and drive d own be low the offices and imaginative focused
B Ve ry interesting. We discussed a lot of go into the car park there. careful pa tient
thin¡;s. Jim Tha t's g reat. Thanks a lot. friendly experienced
A Was the hotel OK?
B Yes, it w as really nice, thanks. Very
com fo rtable, and the food was d elicious !
A Sounds good.

8.2 8.5 9.2
An ton OK. So we have a student for the Kasia Hi, Bruno. It's Kasia here. 1
surnmer job. Let's discuss the web editor Bruno Hi, Kasia. How are you? A Our competitive advantage is that we
position next. Who do we have? Kasia Fine, thanks. Listen, we need to meet provide a better service.
Sandra There were lots of emails for this one, about the plan for staff to work from home. B What do you mean, exactly?
but there are only two people really. First Can we arrange a meeting on Thursday A Well, our staff are more experienced than
of ali, there's Monica. I spoke to her on with Dolores and Chen? Is hvo o' dock OK our competitors' staff. They get six weeks'
the phone and she's very friendl y. At the for you? training before they start.
moment, she works in publishing. Bruno Sorry, I'm busy then. What about the B So they can give good ad vice to your
Anton Is she an editor? moming 7 customers?
Sandra Yes. She has a lot of experience in Kasia OK. What time are you free? A Yes, that's right. And our staff are friendli er
book editing, but she says she's good at Bruno 9.30 is good forme . than other shops'. We know our customers
editing websites because she does sorne Kas ia I can 't meet between 8.00 and 10.00. well because we often see them.
in her free time for friends and small I've got interviews. B What about the products?
businesses. Bruno Are you busy after that? A Well, when there's a new product on the
Anton OK. That sounds like a possibility. Kasia Dolores and I have an appointrnent market, we're always the first shop in
What about the other person? with someone from the bank at 12.00, so town to stock it. Customers know that our
Sandra Here's his picture. Do you recognize let's meet before that. products are more up-to-date. They come
him? Bruno Is 10.15 good for you? here firs t to see the technology.
Anton Yes, who is he? Kasia Yes, a quarter past ten on Thursday is 2
Sandra It's Roberto. He was the student on fine. But I don' t know about Dolores and B What are your competitive advantages?
our surnmer placement last year. Chen. I thlnk Chen has a factory visit in the C Well, the first one is the price. We offer
Anton That's right. Roberto! I remember him. morning. lower prices than our competitors.
Very energetic! Really nice young man. Bruno OK. Can you call Dolores and I'll B That's because you don' t have any shops?
Sandra Exactly. Anyway, now he has a phone Chen? C Yes, but also beca use we buy products
qualification in IT. Kasia Sure. in large quantities. We have 30,000 cubic
Anton But why is he applying for the web Bruno Thanks. Bye. metres of storage space, so we have bigger
editor job? He doesn't have any experience stocks than all our competitors.
in editing and he isn't very good at B Is that an advantage for delivery, too?
working on hls own.
Sandra I know, but he liked it here so much
Unit 9 C Yes, of course. Because we have large stocks
we provide faster delivery. We always
last summer he wants a job. I think he's
perfect for the position of web production 9.1 deliver in two or three days. And we offer a
wider choice - 5,000 different products.
assistant. Interviewer How big is the Accor group?
Anton Exactly. Let's offer him that and then M anager Well, they employ 190,000 people in
invite Monica for an interview. I' d like to nearly a hundred countries. And they have
see the websites she worked on as well. over four thousand hotels worldwide. 1
Sandra Sure. I'll send you the links. Interviewer So, very big. A We have a special low price on this model
Man ager Yes, but the hotel industry is very thls month. Only twenty-nine euros
8 .3 competitive - there are a lot of big chains ninety-nine.
out there. B That's not bad.
1 A And then you pay only seventeen euros
Interviewer That's true. So, with so many
A Where's Chantelle? fifty a month. That's for ten hours of calls.
competitors, how <loes Accor stay
B She isn't working in the office today. She's B Ten hours a month. I don't need ten hours.
working at home. A Well, if you prefer five hours a month, it's
Manager Well, one reason is that they are
A Why is she doing that? only eleven seventy-five.
the only international group with hotels in
B She's finishing her report. Her boss wants it
every market segment. Thls means they can 2
for 7.30 tomorrow morning.
offer ali their customers a wide choice. For A Is delivery free?
2 example, Motel 6 is a cl1ain of budget hotels B Yes, it is, if you order more than five
A Where are Bill and Sofia? in orth America. These offer the customer hundred dollars of goods.
B They're doing the training course for tha t a d1eap option. Then at the economy level A And if I don't?
new finance software. the re's the All Seasons brand in the Asia- B Then there's a delivery charge of seven
A Are they doing the course ali day? Pacific region. You pay more at these hotels, dollars fifteen cents per item.
B No, they aren'!. It's only a half-day course. but they offer very good service witl1 A So that's about thirty dollars for four items.
friendly staff. B Yes, twenty-eight sixty to be exact.
8.4 Interviewer What about hotels for the
1 business traveller who wants more comfort
A That's two thousand, eight hundred and
A Where are you going? and services?
sixty yen, p lease.
B Home. M anager OK. Thls is the mid-range market
B I have a customer card.
A But it's only twelve o' dock. segment. So, we're talking about hotels
A OK, so that gives you a discount of one
B I know. But I'm working from home thls like Novotel. The quality ata Novotel hundred and seventy yen today. So that's
aftemoon. hotel is very hlgh with modern, up-to-date
two thousan~, six hundred and ninety yen.
business facilities like meeting rooms and
office services. Location is also irnportant
A When are they back from the training
for the customer at these hotels so they
course? Managing Director So, did you look at the
are easy to find in city centres or at
B At about 5.45. two quotes for the website?
intemational airports.
3 In terviewer And what if money is no Javier Yes, briefly. Here they are.
A She's working on that report today. problem for the customer? M anaging Director OK. :tiow do they
B When <loes her boss want it? Manager Then you choose a Sofitel hotel. It's compare?
A For 7.30 tomorrow morning. expensive, but it offers five-star quality and Javier For price, ITE is cheaper.
4 each one also offers the visitor something M anagin g Director Yes, so I see. Why is that?
A What time <loes your !rain leave? else. Because each country is different, Javier They' re a smaller, newer company. It's
B At ten past eleven. every Sofitel hotel is different and gives the two brothers. Weblines is older and it has
customer a special experience. about 20 staff.
Man agi ng Director Are they better?

Javier The quality is similar. Weblines
produces very nice sites, but !TE also
Unit 10 2
A 1 didn't get that sales job that 1 applied for.
does good work. The advantage of ITE B l'm sorry. How disappointing.
is the two people have experience in the 10.1
online marketing and sales industry. The Zoe Is every OK, Rashid? A I left my phone on the train.
disadvantage of Weblines is they don't Ras h id Well, I h ave a big problem with the B Oh no. That's terrible.
usually work with businesses. new project team.
Managing Director How fast can they do Zoe Oh! What's the matter? 4
the work? Rashid They' re nice people and they're A Our boss gota new job with our biggest
Javier There's no difference. They both need working hard, but there's a serious competitor.
four months. problem with their teamwork. They're B Wow. That is surprising.
Managing Director Four? just not working together. They don' t 5
Javier That's fairly norma l. share information with each other or try A Our company won retailer of the year.
Managing Director I see. Well, what do to find solutions to problems together. So B Really? How a m azing!
you think? it means that sometimes two people do 6
Javier I prefer ITE. They're cheape r, they're the same task, or they waste a lot of time A We won the contrae! for the new shopping
professional, but also easy to talk to. I like trying to fi.nd infonnation, instead of asking centre.
their work - it's more modero. someone on the team. B Good. That's excellent news!
Managing Director Fine. Let's choose them. Zoe I see. That's a difficult problem. Do they
Javier Good. 1'11 call them today. know each other? 10.4
Rashid Yes. We had a m eeting a t the
Director So. Did you read the report?
9.5 beginning of the project where we
Line Manager Yes.
introduced everybody and everybody
A So, these two German supermarkets are Director And? What's your opinion?
could talk to each o ther.
doing very well in Britain. Why is that? Is it Une Manager I think it explains sorne of the
Zoe Maybe it wasn't enough. Can you do
all about price? problem s, but not ali. For example, we have
sorne kind of team-building? Take everyone
B Of course, price is very importan t. They are the highest prices, so in my opinion that's
out for lunch together or go to a café after
called discou.nt supermarkets, because they one reason. But sorne customers also say
work? Give them time to get to know each
offer low prices, but quality is importan!, that our delivery times are slow.
other better.
too. The German customers expect good Director 1 agree. And it isn 't just delivery
Rashid That's a nice idea!
quality at low prices a.nd that's wha t the that' s slow. Look at the figures for the call
Zoe And why don't you have a team meeting
British customers want, too. centre. We ha ve the longest call times. Do
every morning? Everyone could share
A And how can they offer such low prices? you think they need m ore training?
infonnation and ask each other q uestions.
B Firstly, they have a much sma ller range of Line Manager I don' t think so. Ali the s taff
Rashid That might not be a bad solution, but
products than the bigger supermarkets, like get regular training. Maybe it's a problem
a daily meeting takes up a lot of time.
Tesco or Sainsbury's: an average of 1,350 in of teamwork. I think we should make
Zoe Or how about talking to them ali about
a UK Aldi, compa red with 25,000 products them feel part of a team w here people like
their teamwork?
in a UK Tesco. And they don' t sell ma.ny working.
Rashid 1 don't think that's such a good idea.
famous name brands. This m eans that they Director I'm not so sure.
1 don't want them to think I'm telling them
get cheaper prices from the suppliers and
w hat to do. It's difficult to decide. I' ll think
they can have smaller stores.
abo ut it.
A But don't cus tomers wa.nt a wider choice of
prod ucts? Unit 11
B A lot of customers like the smaller stores 10.2
because it's faster a.nd easier to do their Richard Hello. 11.1
shopping. Adriana Hi, Richard. It's Adriana. A Helio. Clarion Hotel.
A It's interesting tha t both companies are Richard H ow are thi.ngs in Recife? B Hello. I'm calling from Dublin airport. !'ve
German. Is there especia lly Adriana Not good, I'm afraid. The problem is missed my flight, so I'd like to book a room
Germa.n that makes them successful? bigger than we thought. for the night. Do you have any vacancies?
B Well, they do have very good systems Richard Oh no! Not beca use of the new A Yes, we have a double rdom at one hu.ndred
that save time and money. For example, components? They were so expensive! and twenty euros.
al! deliveries are to a central distribution Adriana No, 1 know they were the most B Does that include breakfast?
centre so that they can control deliveries to expensive solution, but they were a lso the A Yes, it does.
the stores. And these systems are the sa me best idea. B Great. Can 1 book a room then?
in al! the ir stores in different cou.ntries. Did Richard So w hat's the real problem? A Certainly. Can I have your name?
you know that Aldi operates in 17 different Adriana Well, Pedro says the new B lt's Ms Chiang. C-H-I-A-N-G.
cou.ntries and Lid! in 31? The idea of good components are worse than the old A And 1 need your credit card details.
quality ata low price is a lso the sam e in components, but the team leaders say they B Su re. It's Visa.
ali these cou.ntries. But Aldi and Lidl do are better, and 1 agree. A And what's the card number?
make sorne changes for the local market. Richard So a re you saying the problem isn' t B 6674 8596 8374 6374.
For example, Aldi offers online shopping technical? A And w hat's the expiry date?
in Australia but n ot in Europe, and in Adriana That's right. 1 think it's a personnel B Zero three, nineteen.
ali countries they also sell food which is problem. Do you know that s taff tumover A OK, Ms Chiang. That's a double room for
produced locally. In the UK, they have in Recife is the highest? Our other factories jusi one night. You can check in anytime
successful TV advertisements - are about 30% lower. now.
they d on' t do in Gerrnany. Lid! is also using Richard Wow. That is surprising. So the B Sorry, where is the hotel exactly? .
social media very successfully and is now problem is the team? A We're on the airport grou.nds. There's a free
the European food retailer brand with the Adriana No, not the team. It's the Line bus from the terminal.
most 'likes' on Facebook! Manager. The biggest problem is Pedro. No B Thanks very much. See you la ter.
A Really? Very interesting. Thanks very one likes him.
much, Dominic. 11.2
10.3 A Good evening, madam.
1 B Hello. My name is Chiang. I have a
A I got a promotion to Section Manager. reservation for tonight.
B Grea t. That's fantastic! A That's right. Can I see your credit card,
p lease?

to arrive on the twenty-seventh. Tknow
B Here you are. 11.6 you have a tight d eadline, but we've had a
A Thank you. Your room is on the fifth floor.
A I think we've just got tim e far lunch befare few problems here.
Room five-oh-one. The lift is over there.
B Thanks. What time is breakfast served? wefly. Greta Don't worry. The twenty-seventh is
A lt's between five and ten a.m. There's a lso
B Good. I'm hungry! OK. I can cl1ange the schedule by a week.
A OK, there's a ltalian place just over Barati H ave you taken lots of orders far the
dinner in the hotel restaurant this evening
there. soap?
until ten.
B Do I need to book a table? B Sounds good! Greta Yes, there's been a lot of interest.
A No, you d on' t. Barati Great. H ave you seen sorne of the
A Do you like pizza? They have really good other products on our webs ite?
pizza here.
11.3 B Yes, Ido, but 1 think the risotto looks nice.
Greta Yes, I have. They look really
in teresting.
A Helio. Reception. C Helio. Are you ready to o rde r? Barati You should come and v isit u s
B Helio. This is Ms Chiang in room five-oh- A Yes, please. We 'd like a bottle of sparkling sometime. Have you ever been to Nepal?
on e. Can I have a wake-up cali, please? water and ... would you like to order first? Greta No, 1 haven' t, but I' d !ove to!
A Certainly. What time is that far? B OK. 1'11 h ave the vegetable risotto, please.
B Six a.m., please. Also, can you order me COK.
a taxi to the airport terminal far seven A And I' d like the p epperoni pizza, please.
o' dock? C Sure, so one vegetable risotto and one 1
A Yes, we can arrange that. pepperoni pizza. Would you like any side A So, w h at are the busy times for you ?
B Sorry, there's one other thing . Do the rooms dishes? B People usually think about buying and
have Internet access? I can't log on. B Not far me, thanks. selling houses in spring, so m y busiest
A Yes, they do, but there's a problem with the A No, thanks. period is in spring.
connection this evening. Sorry, we're trying A And are you busy n ow?
to fix it now. B How was your m ea!? B Well, I'm travelling to a big real estate
B OK. I' d also like dinner in my room. Do A Very nice. And yours? conference tomorrow. My flight is at ten.
you h ave room service? B Delicious! Would you like a d essert? The conference starts on the thirteenth, but
A Yes, one moment, please . .. A No, thanks. I'll just h a ve a coffee. l've got sorne meetings first. So, yes, I'm
B Me, too. Excuse m e? quite busy.
11.4 C Yes? 2
A When is your trip to Canada? B We' d like two coffees, please. A What are you going to do at the weekend?
B Nextweek. C Sure. B Working ! I always work a t weekends as
A Why are you going? B And could 1 have the bill, please? that's o ur busiest time - and holidays. We
B To visit the sales offices. I'm going to visit C Of course. Justa moment. are open on public holidays.
Toronto first to see the sales reps there. A When can you take time off?
A Great. Are you going to Vancouver as well? B I h ave a d ay off in the week and the
B No, I'm not going to have time. But T'm Unit 12 restaurant is closed in May, so I have m y
annual leave then.
going to spend a day in Quebec to present
the new product to Dominic and his team. 12.1
A Oh! Quebec is beautiful. 12.4
B Yes, I think we're going out in the evening 1
Sixty p er cent of ali major intemationa l trade Greta At the moment, the schedule is about
to see the old city a nd have dinner. a week late. The s ituation is tha t the raw
A When are you coming back? fairs now take place in m y country and
materia l from Nepal has just a rrived and
B On Thursday, but I'm going to take Friday January to mid-May is the really busy period.
we've already taken it to the wareh ouse. So
off to have a long weekend . So 1 can usualiy take my annua l leave in
June or July and then sorne more time off in the aim is to get the soap on the shelves by
A Good idea! Valentine's Day.
the a uturnn befare r s tart p laruung aga in far
n ext year. Soledad But w h at's the deadline for this?
11.5 l know we need it for February the
2 fourteenth, but wha t date is the launch?
1 h ave a very busy schedule at the s tart and Greta We plan to launch it o nJanuary the
A Here you a re. The terminal is there.
end of the year. In January, we have the sa les, twentieth.
B Thanks. How much is that?
with big discounts, so lots of cu stomers like to Soledad But Martin, how m uch time do w e
A Eighteen pounds, please.
shop then. And, of course, through Novembe r need far production?
B Here's twenty. Keep the change. Can I have
and December we have the build-up to Martin Production isn't a problem. But we
a receipt?
Christmas, so tha t's our busiest time. The h aven ' t got a final p ackage yet.
A Sure.
surnmer is a quiet period because people go Greta I know. I've spoken to the d esigners
2 on holiday and spend m ore time o utside and again today. We'll have the packaging by
A Can l help you ? less time in shops. September gets busier as the thirty-first of October.
B I'd like something far m y children. How people do 'back to sch ool' sh opping. Martin OK. So we'll have the final product
much d o these cost?
3 by the end of December?
A They're twenty-nine euros each.
We prornise to deliver flowers the same d ay Greta That's right. Around the twentieth.
B OK. I need two. Can l pay b y credit card?
so we have very tight deadlines. We also Soledad Why don' t we deliver the product
A Sure.
n eed to be sure we have the right numbe r of at the beginning of January? The shops are
3 staff. For certain public h olidays or special going to want it earlier than the.twentieth.
A H elio. Can I help you? occasions, like Valentine's Day and Mother 's Greta OK. Then let's start delivery from
B I' d like to change five hundred dollars into Day, we need about 80 p eople and five team the wareh ouse on January the second. Is
euros, please. leaders. Spring is definitely our busiest time everyone h appy with tha t date?
A Certainly. The exchange rate is one point of year. During quiet weeks we only h ave Martin/Soledad Fine./No problem.
two three today. Is that OK? about ten full-time staff in the centre. Greta Right. So, to surnmarize, I'm going
B What's the total? fo call our packaging people - again. And
A Four hundred and six eu ros.
12.2 we're going to tell clients they'll have the
product b y January the ... ?
A Do you want the no tes in fifties? Greta Helio. Gre ta Helsing speaking.
Soledad Let's say January the fifth. 1'11 tell
B Yes, that's fine. Barati Hi, Greta. lt's Barati in Kathmandu .
Greta Oh, hi, Barati. them. And I'm going to prepare sorne press
A So that's faur hundred and s ix euros and releases as well .
your receipt. Barati Hi . Thanks for your e mail about the
Greta Great.
B Thanks very much. Palmarosa oil. We've sent it and it's going

1 ·Jrregulaí Verb.
list . :
. .
,. . ··
Verb Past simple Past participle Verb Past simple Past participle
be was / were been let let let
become became beco me light lit lit
be gin began begun lose lost lost
break broke broken make made made
bring brought brought mean meant meant
build built built meet met met
burn burnt / burned burnt/ burned pay paid paid
buy bought bought put put put
catch caught caught re ad read re ad
cho ose chose chosen ride rode ridden
come carne come ring rang rung
cost cost cost rise rose risen
cut cut cut run ran run
de al dealt dealt say said said
do did done see saw seen
dream dreamt dreamt sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven set set set
eat ate ea ten shine shone sh one
fall fell fallen show showed sh own
feed fed fed shut shut shut
fe el felt felt sing sang sung
fight fou ght fo ught sit sat sat
find found found sleep slept slept
fly flew flown speak spoke spoken
forget forgot forgo tten spell spelt/ spelled spelt / spelled
freeze froze frozen spend spent spent
get got got stand stood stood
give gave given steal stole stolen
go went gone / been swim swam swum
grow grew grown take took taken
ha ve had had tea ch taught tau ght
he ar heard heard tell told told
hide hid hidden think thought thought
hold held held throw threw thrown
keep kept kept understand understood understood
know knew known wake woke woken
lead led led wear wore worn
leam learnt/learned learnt/learned win won won
lea ve left left write wrote written
lend lent lent
With spedal thanks to: Kiva Systems p.28
OXFORD nlustrations by: Mark Duffin pp.27, 33; Becky Halls{fhe Organisation p.75;
Martin Sanders pp.6, 49, 99, 113, 119.
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© Oxford University Press 2017 Drury, Justin Ehresm an , Tom Evans, j ane Hoatson, Annie Kavaka. Christen
The moral rig hts ofthe author h ave been asserted Kisch, Catherine Mayer, Sean O'Malley, Graeme Romanes, Rac hael Smith,
First published in 2017 Greg Steven, Edward Taylor.
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