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Z. Abbas, G. A. Anjum* and A.Nazir**

MNS University of Engineering & Technology, Multan
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Lahore Development Authority

Prior to 2007, there was limited awareness of traffic impacts of proposed developments in
Pakistan. Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) has recently been introduced only in Punjab and is
yet to be institutionalized. The Model Building and Zoning Regulations 2007 require that Traffic
Impact Assessment (TIA) should be conducted for specified non-residential buildings. This
paper deals in explaining current TIA practice in Lahore by using both primary and secondary
data and compare it with international practice and standards. The paper concludes with
limitations in current TIA practice in Lahore and suggests improvements in regulations,
procedure and standards.
Keywords — proposed developments, traffic impact assessment, practice and standards
Pakistan is world’s sixth most populous and is yet to be institutionalized. TIA of
country with an estimated population of about proposed developments is not requisite in
196 million in 2014. The urban share of its Sindh, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and Balochistan.
population is about 40 percent at an annual TIA was first introduced in Model Building and
rate of urbanization of 2.68 % (website Zoning Regulations of Punjab for
accessed on 11-01-2014). With this Development Authorities in 2007.
increasing urban population, more land is Implementation of TIA is in growing stages
required to meet the needs of living, and faces many complications and flaws here
education, health, employment, services, in Pakistan. This research paper deals in
retail and recreation. It will cause trips to and explaining current TIA practice in Lahore and
from these developments in the imminent compare it with international practice and
years and shall add traffic to already standards. Moreover, the limitations in current
congested transportation network. As a result practice of TIA are discussed with possible
level of service on the roads will start improvements. Finally, the lessons learned
declining. There is an ultimate need to and clarifications developed are expected to
perform traffic related studies such as impact be a basis for planners to make TIA practice
of new developments on transportation effective for our cities.
In developed countries government agencies
This research paper aimed to provide a better
are responsible for performing traffic impact
understanding of traffic impact assessment
assessment (TIA) and they have clear
practice in Pakistan with particular focus on
guidelines, standards and institutional
limitations in current TIA practice in Lahore.
framework for implementation of such studies.
To understand the current TIA practice in
However in developing countries like
Lahore, it was necessary to look at the
Pakistan, it has been introduced just recently
following questions:
1- What are the international standards and mitigate any negative impacts of proposed
practice of performing TIA? developments (Edwards, 2000). Developed
countries like United States of America,
2-What are the differences and/or limitations
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New
in current TIA practice in Lahore when
Zealand etc. are very dedicated to provide
compared internationally?
their citizens traffic free environment or a kind
In order to address the above questions, of green environment. The governments are
information gathered through primary and aware of the negative impacts of new
secondary sources. The secondary sources developments on existing transportation
included; traffic impact study guidelines of networks. They have clear guidelines,
various countries, research thesis done by standards and institutional framework for
different scholars on the TIA practice, TIA implementation of such studies. Some
reports prepared by various consulting firms developing countries like Malaysia, Singapore
and interviews with Traffic Engineering and and India etc. are also practicing TIA,
Planning Agency (TEPA) and Lahore considering it as an essential requirement for
Development Authority (LDA). The field the development projects. TIA practice in
surveys were designed to collect primary some of developed countries is illustrated
data. The survey of selected land uses was here.
conducted in different LDA schemes and trip
TIA Guidance Document
generation by each land use was noted
accordingly to compare it with international Developed countries like United States,
standards. Consultants, academicians, Canada, UK, Australia, Hong Kong etc. have
government officials and experts in the field of worked out clear guidelines for performing
transportation planning were consulted TIA. In United States, Institution of
through interview guides in order to get Transportation Engineers (ITE) manual is the
deeper understanding of issues. Moreover, main source for traffic engineering and
personal observations were also made to transport planning in the country. North
ascertain the validity of collected data. American countries are also using these
standards (Weller, P. 2007).In Canada most
Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA)
of the cities or Provinces have devised their
Traffic impact assessment (TIA) is a powerful own guidelines like Traffic Impact Assessment
tool for engineers and planners to determine Guidelines of Alberta Infrastructure and
the possible effects of a project on the Transportation, Niagara Falls Guidelines for
transportation and traffic system (F. Regidor the Preparation of Transportation Impact
and R. Teodoro, 2005). Traffic Impact studies and Site Plan Review etc. For
Assessment (TIA) is a study of proposed performing TIA in UK, number of documents
development project which discusses impacts prepared by different authorities are available
of that development project, may have on as guidelines like Planning policy guidance
existing transportation system and provide note 13, Transport Assessment and
measures to mitigate the negative impacts. Implementation guide prepared by Scottish
International TIA Practice Executive in 2005, Transport Assessment
best practice guidance document 2006 and
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is becoming Guidance on Transport Assessment 2006 etc.
more common as a planning tool to foresee (Weller, P. 2007). The legal authority
demands on transportation network and to
controlling development impacts in Singapore thresholds (not absolute values) for typical
is Land Transport Authority (LTA). They have land uses that set out which type of study
published Guidelines for conducting traffic should be conducted (Weller, P. 2007).The
impact assessment (Land Transport Authority, threshold for conducting TIA in Singapore is
2003) for developers and transport defined in guidelines for residential land use
professionals. These guidelines provide all based on number of units, for retail,
information required for performing TIA in commercial, industrial and educational land
Singapore. John Patient, director Sustainable use based on gross floor area, for medical,
Transportation Planning (Asia) Ltd. has hotel and recreational land uses based on
prepared summary of the development number of parking spaces (Land Transport
planning regime and methodology of transport Authority, 2013). In Hong Kong and Australia
assessment in Hong Kong (Weller, P. 2007). threshold for performing TIA is not given in
Guide to traffic generating developments the guidelines.
version 2.2, 2002 prepared by New South
Trip Generation Rates
Wales Road and Transport Authority (RTA) is
used in Australia for conducting TIA. Each In United States and most of the other
state in Australia has its own planning countries, Institute of Transportation
authority however RTA guide is used across Engineer’s (ITE) Trip Generation Manual is
Australia. prime source of data and methods for
estimating vehicle trips in conducting Traffic
Threshold for Conducting TIA
Impact Analysis (NCHR Report 758, 2013).
Most of the developed countries have based Most of the developed countries and some of
threshold for conducting TIA on number of the developing countries like Australia, UK,
trips rather than development size. Different New Zealand and Dubai etc. have devised
thresholds are used across the Unites States their own trip generation rates. Different
as a basis of conducting TIA e.g. daily thresholds are used across the Unites States
development trips, peak hour development as a basis of conducting TIA e.g. daily
trips, site area being developed, dwelling development trips, peak hour development
units or development gross floor area. The trips, site area being developed, dwelling
general threshold should be for developments units or development gross floor area. The
anticipated to generate at least 100 inbound general threshold should be for developments
or outbound trips (Edwards, 2000). anticipated to generate at least 100 inbound
or outbound trips (Edwards, 2000). In
According to Niagara Falls, Canada
Canada, trip generation rates are calculated
Guidelines 2011, “In general a transportation
by trip generation surveys from similar
impact study should be conducted whenever
development in the city which have similar
a proposed development will generate more
operating characteristics as the proposed
than 100 additional (new) peak hour, peak
development. ITE Trip Generation rates are
direction trips to or from the site during the
also used provided that differences in the site
adjacent roadway’s peak hour or the
nature and size are accounted for (Niagara
development’s peak hour. A transportation
Falls, Guidelines 2011). IN UK, The
impact study may also be required even if
suggested sources of trip generation rates are
there are less than 100 peak hour, peak
TRAVL (Trip Rate Assessment Valid for
direction trips in case of critical traffic
London) and TRICS (Trip Rate Information
conditions”. In UK, the guidelines give
Computer System) data bases (Milne, A. et al authority to refuse planning permission on
2009). Each state in Australia has its own referred applications or to take over the
planning authority however RTA guide is used application for determination himself (TfL
across Australia. A complete checklist of Guidance document, 2010). In Singapore,
issues that need to be addressed in TIA and Land Transport Authority (LTA) is responsible
data for the calculation of traffic generation, for review of TIA reports and subsequent
including trip generation rates for a variety of action in Singapore with aim to place motorist
land uses are described in RTA guide. In and public transport commuters at the heart
Singapore, Trip generation rates based on of their transportation system (Land Transport
survey of similar development(s) agreeable to Authority, 2013). In Australia, If a
LTA are used in as per these guidelines (LTA, development site is adjacent to a Council's
2013). Foreign trip rates are not considered to owned road than a Council (Local
be suitable in Hong Kong because of the Government), or otherwise, if a development
considerable differences in mode split has access to a State governed road than a
between Hong Kong and other countries. State Authority such as RMS NSW, or
Within Hong Kong itself, trip generation rates VicRoads VIC, or DTMR QLD, of Main Roads
vary significantly according to a number of WA, etc are responsible to analyze and
factors, including proximity to public transport, accept or reject TIA reports.
household income and car ownership. For
Background Traffic Volumes
transport impact assessments, consultants
generally undertake trip generation counts at Developed countries regularly update and
similar existing developments (Weller, P. maintain the traffic data for research and
2007). planning. In United States background traffic
volumes are calculated from historical trends
Approving Authority
from existing data or Model data. In UK,
In developed countries, local governments National Model or traffic flow data is used for
related city transport authorities are estimating background traffic volumes. In
responsible for review and subsequent Hong Kong Annual Traffic Census Report is
approval of TIA reports. In United States, available for the purpose. Assessment of
traffic impact studies are reviewed by historical trends estimates background traffic
departments and agencies (a) responsible for volumes in Australia (Weller, P. 2007). Traffic
operating the roadways and/or (b) planning volumes may be acquired from the City,
and implementing roadway improvements Region or previous transportation impact
that are likely to be impacted by the proposed studies undertaken in the study area for
development (Weller, P. 2007). In Canada, Canada. Traffic forecast models, regression
the traffic impact studies are reviewed by City analysis or 2% annual growth rate is used for
Planning & Development, Traffic & Parking estimating background traffic volumes
Services and Municipal Works Engineering. (Niagara Falls, Guidelines 2011). In
Transit (or transport or transportation) is Singapore generally 2 to 3 % annual growth
mostly of the domain of local government, factor is used for estimating background
with some coordination by the provinces. In traffic volumes (Land Transport Authority,
UK, Traffic impact studies are reviewed by 2013).
local planning authorities like TfL and Mayor
has the power to direct a local planning
Traffic Impact Assessment Practice in conducting surveys e.g. parking survey,
Pakistan manual classified counts, travel time/ delay
studies and trip distribution studies etc. As
In developing countries like Pakistan, the
suggested by TEPA LDA, Lahore in its
concept of TIA is just recently introduced and
guidelines that for the purposes of traffic
is yet to be institutionalized. TIA is not a
study reports the trip generation rates
mandatory requirement in three provinces of
suggested by the Institute of Transportation
Pakistan namely Sindh, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa
Engineers (ITE), USA are being used. After
and Balochistan. TIA was first introduced
doing analysis of important junctions and
through Model Building and Zoning
roads in the form of Intersection Capacity
Regulations, 2007 for development authorities
Analysis and / or Traffic Warrant Analysis,
in Punjab which require that Traffic Impact
Consultant compiles the data in report as per
Assessment (TIA) should be conducted for
prescribed format given by TEPA. Consultant
specified non-residential buildings.
submits the same report to TEPA. TEPA has
Traffic Impact Assessment Practice in no update traffic counts available and report
Lahore scrutinized based on contents and
Presently, building control in Lahore is being compatibility as per checklist provided by
practiced by three different authorities that TEPA and finally issues NOC to the
include Lahore Development Authority (LDA), Consultant.
City District Government Lahore (CDGL) and From the study of various TIA reports
Defense Housing Authority (DHA) with their prepared by well known consultants, it is
own by-laws for building control and observed that none of the reports suggests
enforcement. Traffic Impact Assessment is a any mitigation measure/ improvement in the
mandatory requirement for the approval of proposed plan whereas no one has been
multi-storey and commercial buildings. rejected so for (Ayesha, N. 2012).
Currently, it is being practiced in Town
Consultant submits the NOC and copy of TIA
Municipal Authorities (TMA) and Lahore
report to the builder. The builder submits the
Development Authority (LDA).
copy of NOC in LDA for getting approval of
According to section 10.3.3 (h) of LDA building plan. LDA officials consider NOC as
Building and Zoning Regulations 2008, “The merely one of the requirement and approval
perspective builder shall conduct a Traffic of building plan is granted without imposing
Impact Assessment study for the construction any condition for improvement in road
project if the project falls within any of the network. A flow chart of current TIA practice in
following conditions. The builder shall acquire Lahore is given in Fig-1.
a NOC from the traffic engineering agency:
i. Non-residential building having plot
area of 4 kanals (1673 m2) or above.
ii. Non-residential buildings having 5
storey and above.”
Due to unawareness, builders come to know
about TIA after getting objections from LDA.
For conducting TIA builder appoint a
Consultant. Consultant hires students for
In developed countries TIA is the requirement
for developments having potential of

Total Average
Occupied No. of Trip Rate
Site Trip
GFA Storeys (vph/KSF
(vph), T
4.64 3 82 17.66
Iqbal Town
Gulberg 4.59 2 160 34.84
M.A. Johar
4.50 3 101 22.44
Average 4.58 114 24.97

Average Rate suggested by ITE 11.15

generating more than 100 trips and located
along roads linked with public transport
TIA – Regulatory Requirement
for Approval of Building Plan network.
Appointment of Consultant by the Three KFC Restaurants were selected in
- Traffic Count Survey three LDA Schemes Allama Iqbal Town,
- Parking Survey
- Trip Generation Analysis Conduct of Survey Gulberg and M.A. Johar Town and trip
- Intersection Capacity Analysis
generation by each building was noted
Preparation of TIA Report
accordingly. Results in Table-1 shows that
Processing of TIA Report
- Checking parking spaces more than 100 trips generated by a restaurant
provided for cars and motorcycles.
Submission of Report to Builder /
- Assessing requirement as per land
use given in by-laws. TEPA
require TIA as per ITE standard whereas
there is no requirement as per building
Issuance of NOC by TEPA
regulations in Lahore.

Submission of NOC to LDA

- No consideration of proposed Table-1: Number of trips generated by

no. of working employees.
Approval of Building Plan by LDA
- No consideration of multiple
land use.
restaurants in three LDA schemes
Fig – 1: Current TIA Practice in Lahore Source: Authors own construct
Source: Authors own construct
T = Avg. Vehicle Trip Ends

In developed countries TIA is conducted 160
routinely. However in developing countries
like Pakistan it has been introduced just 100 f(x) = − 42.75 x + 310.09
recently and not getting the desired results. R² = 0.01
Some limitations in the current TIA practice 60
4.48 4.50 4.52 4.54 4.56 4.58 4.60 4.62 4.64 4.66
are described here. X = KSF Gross Floor Area

Applicability of Criteria for Requirement of

provision of traffic impact studies in
regulations for the common districts of
Traffic Engineering Agency
As per Model Building and Zoning
Regulations, No Objection Certificate from
traffic agency of concerned development
authorities is needed. There is no traffic
Fig – 2: Actual trip generation rate vs. ITE trip agency in Punjab except TEPA, LDA in
generation rate for restaurant Lahore. However, the regulation does not
Source: Authors own construct cover the situation where traffic agency does
Results of Regression Analysis not exist.
Regression Analysis is performed to assess Threshold for Conducting TIA
the strength of relationship between average
The criterion for conducting TIA is for non
vehicle trip ends and thousands of gross floor
residential buildings only. Further the criterion
area. R value comes out 0.072 which shows a
is for development size and not the number of
weak or no relationship between these two
trips generated by proposed land use.
variables. In Fig-2, R2 value of 0.0059 shows
that only 0.59 % of variance in average Applicability of ITE Standards
vehicle trip ends can be explained by There is no study carried out in Pakistan that
thousands of gross floor area. However, p- can provide a basis for estimating traffic
value of 0.954 is much greater than normal generation rates of similar buildings being
alpha level of 0.05. planned to be constructed in our cities.
Therefore, as suggested by TEPA LDA,
Lahore in its guidelines that for the purposes
Traffic Impacts of Proposed Developments
of traffic study reports the trip generation
before 2007
rates suggested by the Institute of
There was no TIA regulation in Punjab before Transportation Engineers (ITE), USA are
2007. TIA was introduced in 2007 through being used.
Model Building and Zoning Regulations which
A paper presented by Zaheer, et al. (2014)
means that no traffic impacts of proposed
found that “ITE standards are not applicable
developments were considered before 2007.
in Pakistan because trip generation is site
TIA for Development Authorities specific in nature”. Finally a comparison of
some TIA practice aspects in Pakistan with
As per Model Building and Zoning
few of the developed countries is given in
Regulations, 2007 TIA is mandatory for
development authorities only. There is no

Table – 2: Comparison of some TIA practice aspects in Pakistan with few developed Countries.

Features United States Canada United Hong Kong Australia Singapore Pakistan
Guidance ITE manual is Each City has its Guidance on Transport New South Land No.
Document used (not a own Guideline Transport Planning and Wales RTA Transport
legal Document Assessment Design Manual guide used Authority
document) (draft) mostly Guide

Guideline Yes. Checklist Yes. Checklist Yes. Yes. Checklist Yes. Yes. Checklist TEPA Checklist
Methodology Checklist about contents of
TIA report

Threshold for Yes. Yes. Yes. Not in Not in Yes. Yes. Model
conducting guidelines. guidelines. Building & Zoning
TIA Regulations. Not
a valid threshold.

Trip ITE Trip Surveys of TRICS Surveys of New South Surveys of ITE trip
Generation Generation similar database. similar Wales RTA similar generation rates
Rates 9th edition. Developments developments. guide. development. are used, but not
and ITE rates valid.

Background Historical Traffic forecast National Annual Traffic Assessment Generally 2 t 3 Contd.
No background
Traffic trends from models, model or Census report of historical % annually. data available.
existing data regression traffic flow and using trends.
or Model analysis or 2% data. growth factor.
data. annual growth

Study Area Land use No. No. No. No. No. Non-residential
Limits types / buildings with
development development
sizes size.

Assessment of Cumulative. Cumulative Cumulative. Cumulative. Cumulative. Cumulative. Individual.

Individual or

Approving Road and Local Mayor (Local Traffic Local or Land Traffic
Authority Planning Governments Planning Engineering (TE) State Transport Engineering &
Agencies with City Authorities) Division of Planning Authority Transport
transport Transport Authorities (LTA) Planning Agency
authorities Department (TEPA)

Source: Authors own constructed. (Some data used from Land Transport New Zealand Research
Report 327, 2007).
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  The regulation must consider the whole
Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) is a valuable province rather than only development
tool for engineers and planners to determine authorities.
possible effects of a proposed development on  There is a need to change the threshold
transportation system. In Pakistan, there is for conducting TIA. It should be based on
little awareness about conducting TIA. As number of trips generated by proposed
discussed above, TIA practice in Lahore is land use rather than development size of
superficial and is mare eyewash. To make TIA only non residential buildings.
practice effective the following point must be ITE standards are not applicable in our
considered: cities therefore; there is a need to
establish our own city specific trip
generation standards applicable to our  The process for implementation of agreed
cities. mitigation measures should be checked
 As there are no approved TIA guidelines, steadily over time to evaluate its
TIA reports are not standardized. TIA effectiveness.
guidelines must be developed for the
whole province by involving all
 Development Authorities should establish
traffic engineering agency like TEPA in
LDA. The process must involve
Communication & Works Department in
case of provincial roads and State
authorities like NHA if development site
access to state roads.

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