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6, NOVEMBER 2007 1137

Modeling, Identification, Design, and

Implementation of Nonlinear Automotive
Idle Speed Control Systems—An Overview
Zhengmao Ye, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Automotive idle speed control (ISC) is one of the most SSR Sum of squared residues.
challenging aspects in engine control fields. Essentially it is a highly STR Self-tuning regulator.
nonlinear, time-varying, complicated, and uncertain dynamic con- SVD Singular value decomposition.
trol problem. As the typical automotive transient operation, the
quality of the ISC has a significant impact on fuel economy, emis- TDC Top dead center.
sion levels (HC, CO, and NOx), combustion stability, transient TWC Three-way catalyst.
response, and noise, vibration, and harshness characteristics. This
paper presents a thorough review of various dynamic control tech-
nologies which have been successfully applied to ISC systems. In I. INTRODUCTION
particular, practical implementations on a variety of different en-
gine types are provided, which cover broad areas of control, in- UTOMOTIVE idle speed control (ISC) is a multiobjective
cluding classical control, modern control, and intelligent control.
Over 90 selected papers published during the last two decades
are reviewed and then summarized from a control point of view.
A and multivariable control issue. The selection of target idle
speed corresponds to a tradeoff among fuel consumption, idle
These control approaches can be generalized to the control of other operation stability, and emission levels. The idle speed control
automotive, electrical, mechanical, and aeronautical systems. mechanism of different engine types varies. For a typical port
fuel injection (PFI) engine, the ISC system uses a controlled
Index Terms—Adaptive control, artificial intelligence, fuzzy con-
trol, intelligent control, internal combustion engines, neural net- bypass valve to regulate the flow rate of bypass air around a
works, nonlinear systems, optimal control. closed throttle, using a solenoid, stepper motor, or controlled
duty-cycle valve. The throttle bypass valve is used to adjust the
intake manifold air flow around the primary throttle plate at idle.
NOMENCLATURE Its secondary function is to prevent stalling and produce smooth
A/F Air to fuel (ratio). throttle tip in and tip out by providing extra air during idling
BDC Bottom dead center. and acting as an electronic dashpot during sudden deceleration.
BIBO Bounded input bounded output. Another category of ISC systems uses a direct throttle ac-
BP Backpropagation. tuator. The air volume at idle comes through a slight throttle
GA Genetic algorithm. opening, which is controlled by a dc motor, stepper motor, or
GDI Gasoline direct injection (engine). solenoid. On average, about 30% of fuel consumption in a city
IAC Idle air control. driving is spent at idle [36], and it continues to increase with
ISC Idle speed control. increasing traffic levels.
LQ Linear quadratic. A reasonable target idle speed needs to be maintained in
LQG Linear quadratic Gaussian. order to overcome mechanical frictions, misfiring, and load dis-
LQI Linear quadratic integral. turbances to prevent engines oscillation, vibration, hunting, and
LQR Linear quadratic regulator. stalling under a variety of circumstances. At idle, both rich air
LSE Least squares estimation. to fuel (A/F) mixture and incomplete combustion are present
MAP Manifold absolute pressure. due to in-cylinder residual gas fraction and low engine speed,
MIMO Multiple input multiple output. giving rise to higher levels of HC and CO emissions. Basic
MRAC Model reference adaptive control. requirements for ISC systems are listed as follows.
NVH Noise, vibration, and harshness. 1) Low idle speed set point is needed for good fuel economy.
PID Proportional, derivative, and integral. 2) Low idle speed set point is needed for the reduction of HC
PFI Port fuel injection (engine). and CO emissions.
RBF Radial basis function. 3) The ISC stability is of the upmost importance. Regarding
RLS Recursive least squares. target idle speed, if it is too low, stalling may occur; if it
RPM Revolution per minute. is too high, harsh gear engagement may occur.
4) ISC nonlinear delays need to be compensated for.
Manuscript received January 9, 2006; revised March 20, 2006 and July 6, It is clear that some requirements are conflicting. As a result,
2006. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor P. Horacek. multiobjective modeling, control, and optimization for dynamic
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Southern Uni-
versity, Baton Rouge, LA 70813 USA (e-mail: ISC systems are necessary. From literature surveys, virtually all
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCC.2007.905810 existing control theories have been successfully implemented to
1094-6977/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

solve the ISC dynamic problems. The ISC is so fundamental that genetic algorithms. Fuzzy logic is rule based, whose knowl-
nearly all areas of control fields are encompassed. Therefore, a edge base consists of fuzzy if–then rules characterized by a
well-prepared control engineering researcher should be familiar set of membership functions. Neural networks employ learning
with the practical aspects of classical control, modern control, algorithms to modify weights on the connection links among
and intelligent control; a well-prepared automotive researcher multiple layers. In most cases, hybridization has to be used to
should be familiar with idle speed control problems of PFI enhance control performance, such as in ISC fuzzy PID con-
engines, gasoline direct injection (GDI) engines, diesel engines trol. Sometimes there might also be no distinctive borderlines
and potentially natural gas engines, and hybrid vehicles. between different control types. As an example, neither optimal
To optimize engine operations during idling, miscellaneous control nor adaptive control can be grouped as classical control
load disturbances must be taken into account. In general, there or modern control exclusively.
are four basic types of external disturbances: air conditioning,
power steering, gear shifting between neutral and drive posi- II. PFI ENGINE IDLE SPEED CONTROL APPROACHES (A–Z)
tions, as well as the alternator.
1) The accessory load from air conditioning is about 10 Nm It is inevitable that engine dynamics is related to nonlinear
for most midsize vehicles, which roughly equals to 10% phenomena, such as fuel transport lag, intake charging delay,
of the maximum torque or is around 20% of torque at idle. and induction-to-power stroke delay. A well-known fact is the
2) With the presence of power steering, it acts as another wall wetting effect. These phenomena are induced by both pe-
major disturbance. The peak steering wheel load occurs riodic speed fluctuations and aperiodic load disturbances. Peri-
at low-vehicle speed, especially when a steering wheel odic speed fluctuations can be examined by the intake manifold
reaches its full travel limits. filling dynamic, combustion dynamics, and engine rotational
3) The alternator provides the power, which supplies all dynamics. Idle speed quality degradation can arise from the
electrical components (e.g., ECU, electric fan, defrosters, combustion roughness and aperiodic loads imposed by air con-
power locks, power windows, headlights, radio, etc.) on a ditioning, power steering, alternators, and neutral-drive transi-
vehicle, while battery charging is needed to store energy. tions [6], [55].
Alternator load is normally 2–4 Nm [24].
4) During transient engagements of the transmission, gear A. ISC Feedforward Control
shifting between neutral and drive induces an additional An ISC system with the feedforward compensation has been
load disturbance to engine ISC dynamic control systems. designed at Mitsubishi [35]. With the presence of alternator load
5) Moreover, an ISC system should be robust against varying current, the feedforward compensation method is derived based
ambient temperature, barometric pressure, fuel composi- on a linearized engine model. It is used to suppress the idle
tion, lubricant type, air humidity, cycle-to-cycle combus- speed fluctuation generated by some electric load disturbances.
tion variations, manufacturing tolerances, and component This ISC dynamic model consists of alternator dynamics, in-
aging. ISC systems should also be applicable across dif- take manifold filling dynamics, and engine rotational dynamics.
ferent engine types [1]. In feedforward control, a voltage regulator is used to change
Engine coolant temperature is a dominating factor in the target the field current by adjusting the intake air flow rate. All con-
idle speed set point determination. The analysis of an ISC system trol parameters of this ISC system are identified using sensing
can be conducted either on a time basis or on a crank-angle basis. information from the airflow sensor, hall element load current
For instance, the differential equation for intake manifold filling sensor, and so on. As a result, idle speed fluctuation has been
dynamics can be formulated in a time domain, while engine suppressed. Under measurable disturbances from air condition-
rotational dynamics can be formulated as a function of either ing and power steering, the ISC feedforward controller can also
time or crank angle. be used for load disturbance rejection [17], [28], [87], [88].
A sound former survey of ISC dynamic systems has been Feedforward control is simple to implement at a low cost. As
made [33], with a focus on applications of idle speed control an open loop approach, its control authority is limited. The ISC
problems to PFI engines at Ford Motor Company using many feedforward controller is usually combined with some other con-
modern control theories. In view of the diversities of both en- trol approaches, such as optimal control and neural networks, to
gine types and control methodologies, its scope, is however, further improve the quality of an ISC system.
relatively limited, especially compared with the rapid develop-
ment of engine and control technologies.
An orderly sequence is conformed in this review of over B. ISC Fundamental PID Control
90 publications. In terms of engine types, a survey on ISC of Engine speed oscillations are caused by the pulsating na-
PFI engines is conducted at first, followed by GDI engines, ture of the engine torque [27], due to fuel detonation in the
diesel engines, and natural gas engines. In terms of control the- cylinders. In idle regime, these oscillations are of special con-
ories, methodologies are discussed among which are classical cern when the inertia of the vehicle is not connected to the
control, modern control, and intelligent control, respectively. engine. Damping of idle speed oscillations is considered using
Classical control is based on transfer function methods; modern a reversible alternator. This reversible alternator applies control
control is based on state space methods and intelligent con- torque to the crankshaft to improve the uniformity of the speed.
trol includes fuzzy logic control, artificial neural networks, and Practical parameterizations of controllers are conducted by

Fig. 1. Idle speed PID controller implementation [31].

choosing parameters to satisfy the performance specifications where e(k) is engine speed difference, ∆u(k) is the increment
  of u(.) from its nominal operating point, and α is a positive con-
1 T 2 1 T 2
Jv = v (t)dt;Jq = q (t)dt. (1) stant. The LQI tracking controller [70] contains an observer by
T 0 T 0 which state variables are estimated from this observer dynamic
PID and Youla parameterization are used to evaluate the per- model, thus control variables are determined in turn. This simple
formance metrics, such as the mean square of velocity and the design is easy to implement with no extra sensor requirement. At
mean square of control torque in (1). Engine idle speed oscilla- transient states that are subject to various torque disturbances,
tions can be substantially reduced using this method. It also has the prompt response tracking can still be maintained. For a
the potential to reduce engine size and weight by using a lighter complex LQ engine model with five state variables, additional
flywheel. The major advantages of PID parameterizations lie in spark advance feedback loop is used [89]. Spark timing control
the simplicity and the low dynamic order, while the stability is improves idle speed stability by compensating for the delay in
not guaranteed. Youla parameterization provides the guaranteed torque generations [2]. It has been indicated that the perfor-
internal stability, while the selections of rational stable functions mance of both LQ optimization and fuzzy control is superior
are not unique. Thus, software package has been developed to to that of regular PID controllers in practical implementations.
evaluate the performance on the design charts. An experimental comparison of the ISC PID controller, linear
PID tuning systems are widely used with no need to ob- quadratic regulator (LQR), input–output linearization, and slid-
tain a dynamic model [31] (see Fig. 1). Continuous-action ing mode controller is made via an electronic throttle control
reinforcement-algorithm-based online PID tuning has been system [39]. PID controller is a reliable approach, which pro-
tested on a Ford 1.8-L engine. It is used to simultaneously vides the proper tuning time and adequate control performance.
tune the parameters of the three-term controller to minimize its LQR controller gives rise to better fuel economy than that of
performance objective. The cost is evaluated online according PID control. Both PID and LQR are subject to the disturbance
to time and speed error during transient operations. This tech- rejection and reduction of speed variations. That is, the reason
nique does not require a priori knowledge of system dynamics. that nonlinear approaches are introduced where input–output
It can provide the optimized control to the complex nonlinear linearization is presented to solve this problem. Continuous
systems. PID control of the ISC systems can be improved by sliding mode control gives rise to good fuel economy and distur-
combining with fuzzy control [79]. To avoid engine stalling bance rejection capability against additional load disturbances
and to suppress engine speed fluctuations upon switching of air from power steering pumps and air-conditioning compressors.
conditioning (on/off), a fuzzy PID controller has been applied However, the induction-to-power delay and finite response time
onboard to a 1.3-L PFI engine. The magnitude of the speed problems still need to be solved. LQ control approach is not
fluctuation is substantially reduced. The ISC PID control is re- difficult to design from a control point of view. It also results
garded as a reliable approach, where low control complexity is in relatively good control performance, while its performance
involved. On the other hand, there is no general rule to follow depends on the accuracy of the ISC modeling and performance
for parameterizations of the three-term coefficients. index formulation.

C. ISC Linear Quadratic (LQ) Optimization

D. ISC Optimal Control and L1 Optimization
Another traditional ISC scheme is the LQ optimization. In
modern control theory, an exact model is required, so control Engine dynamic systems at idle can be modeled as nonlinear
methodologies can be very complex. Accordingly, a relatively ordinary differential equations with some variable-time-delay
simple linear quadratic integral (LQI) control approach has been elements (e.g., time constant in a wall-wetting model). The ISC
proposed. Its performance index is defined as nonlinear optimal control problem has been formulated [69],
∞ which employs a quadratic function as the performance index
J= [e2 (k) + α∆u2 (k)] (2) in terms of engine speed, throttle angle, and spark advance, with

different weighting functions consists of a bypass valve frequency-shaped PI controller and a

 T spark advance PD controller. The focus of H∞ controller is the
J= {(N − N 0 )2 + ωδ (δ − δ 0 )2 + ωθ˙ (θ̇)2 }dt (3) robustness of ISC systems. From testing results, this ISC H∞
0 controller has produced a slightly faster response than the LQ
where N is engine speed, δ is spark advance angle, θ is throttle controller.
angle, N 0 and δ 0 are set points. Mathematical programming is
proposed based on the projected Newton’s method. Backward F. ISC µ Synthesis Control
Euler scheme is used for difference equation approximation on The feasibility of a µ synthesis robust ISC design has been
the differential algebraic systems. This optimal approach can investigated on a 2.9-L Scorpio engine model [32]. µ synthesis
bring about suitable idle speed control design based on engine control acts as a natural extension of H∞ control. The inputs of
models. Compared with the PID controller, the settling time is bypass valve opening and spark advance are used to maintain
reduced to a half using the optimal control. Robustness of this the desired idle speed. Its basic idea is as follows: for an ISC
controller should be investigated considering uncertainties of nominal plant and a perturbed plant with several delay terms,
engine models. Feedforward control and feedback control are transfer functions of the spark advance bypass valve opening
usually applied simultaneously [17]. For an application on a and sensitivity are designed in advance
4.6-L V8 Ford engine, L1 feedforward control is selected
for the transient tracking, while the linear quadratic Gaussian ∆u = diag{δ1 Ir 1 , . . . , δr Ir r , . . . , ∆1 , . . . , ∆F }. (4)
(LQG) optimal feedback control is designed for the steady-state By using the singular value decomposition (SVD) method on
tracking. The set-point tracking and closed loop stabilization de- the state–space representation of error signals between nominal
pend on the LQG design and integral feedback controller. This and perturbed functions, all singular values can be determined.
L1 optimization seeks for a transfer function that minimizes the Then, both structured uncertainty matrix and controller matrix
tracking term (L1 norm) of the closed loop transfer function. L1 are subject to examination. Particularly, structured uncertainty
optimal design method uses an internally stabilizing controller matrix is expressed in (4), where δ(∆) denotes maximum sin-
to reduce the peak speed excursion by load disturbance rejec- gular value of ∆, δi represents repeated scalar complex uncer-
tion. The coordination of spark ignition control and A/F ratio tainties, ∆i represents full complex block uncertainties. The
control will enhance the dynamic performance. The frequency overall matrix consists of the scalar repeated complex uncer-
response of the L1 feedforward control functions as a lead com- tainties (individual diagonal matrices) and full complex uncer-
pensator for time delays of ISC systems. It is shown that a L1 tainties (individual block matrices). For each individual matrix,
optimal feedforward controller satisfies the transient tracking the maximum singular value is calculated. Afterward, every
requirement. maximum singular values (upper bound) from each individual
matrix are computed, where µ is defined as the reciprocator
E. ISC H∞ Control of the minima among all maximum singular values. The opti-
mal µ is determined via iterations to guarantee the robustness.
Compared with the LQ optimization, the H∞ synthesis can
Hence, the µ synthesis technique overcomes the influences of
provide an accurate modeling via system identification. Ap-
perturbations and uncertainties through the combination of sep-
propriate weighting functions are crucial to the H∞ control
arated models. The superiority of an ISC µ synthesis controller
design. This ISC H∞ design approach [77] has been applied
over a H∞ controller is that being a robust design, µ syn-
to a typical V6 engine. Control variables, such as the coolant
thesis control also leads to the low idle speed set point. In
temperature, mass air flow, and engine speed, are monitored to
the mean while, its formulation is more complicated, however
determine the actual A/F ratio, mass fuel flow, spark advance
angle, and bypass air flow. The aim of this H∞ controller is
to achieve desirable performance, where the controller is ro-
bust against the parameter perturbations. This H∞ design cycle G. ISC Robust Control
involves the specification of weighting functions, synthesis of Uncertainties of ISC nonlinear systems are classified into two
controller, controller model reduction, and closed-loop system categories: internal varying factors (slowly and rapidly) and ex-
evaluation. The key point for the H∞ design is the iteration of ternal disturbances. The robustness analysis of the ISC stability
weighting functions for bypass valve control, ignition control, could be conducted using analyzing tools [1], where the robust
and control sensitivity formulation. The rule of weight chang- stability issue based on the polynomial formulation is converted
ing is to provide a broad bandwidth by penalizing the ignition to a problem whether the roots locate at the left half complex
timing less at low frequencies and penalizing the idle air flow plane or not. The block diagram of a linearized engine model
less at high frequencies. Integral action is introduced into the contains intake manifold filling dynamics, combustion dynam-
idle valve control loop, so as to keep steady-state spark timing ics, and engine rotational dynamics. The regular engine model
for the engine combustion. The simple reduced model con- is simplified using the signal flow graph analysis and the Mason
sists of only three state control loops; however, performance rule, which results in two inputs (throttle valve duty cycle, spark
and robustness are guaranteed. Another ISC H∞ method [90] angle) and two outputs (engine speed, intake manifold absolute
requires trial-and-error weight adjustments to penalize the ex- pressure). Considering the uncertainty issue, the Fiat intermedi-
cessive actuator actions and sensitivity terms . Its controller ate value models are used to coordinate with the engine models.

The integral feedback action on the speed error signal is used (MRAC) acts as an effective ISC control approach. However,
to ensure the zero-steady-state deviation while, the derivative complex control laws are required for MRAC implementation.
compensator for the spark advance is to ensure that fast correc- On the other hand, a model following control could be much
tions are made with no state offset. A closed-loop characteristic simpler by combining with a torque estimation model and an in-
polynomial is used for this robust stability analysis. With the take air dynamics model [75]. So the torque model and collector
presence of a digital controller, the hybrid system is generated filling model are proposed and included into a model following
by combining the continuous engine models, thereby sampling ISC system. The opening of the air passage, which bypasses the
rates are determined. A recent study of the robust idle speed throttle valve, is controlled to suppress engine speed variations.
regulation is based on the directly identified nonlinear inverse This ISC model with estimated torque signals can provide a
of a stable system [56]. Identification is conducted for ISC prob- quick response to load disturbances, so that the feedback control
lems using linear robust control techniques in parameter spaces. systems can follow the model output rapidly. The phase differ-
Genetic algorithms are then introduced into robust control sys- ence due to intake nonlinear dynamics has been compensated
tems to evaluate error performance functions. The ISC stability for. Using model following control onboard, ISC performance
is maintained by robust control approaches against uncertain- has been improved under different load disturbances of power
ties and load disturbances, where classical control theories have steering, air conditioning, or headlights.
also been applied to improve other aspects of the ISC system The engine hunting phenomenon is related to vibrations at
performance. a fundamental frequency [12], ranging roughly from 7 (800
rpm) to 50 Hz (6000 rpm). The ISC stability against harmonic
H. ISC Least Squares Estimation (LSE) disturbances at a time-varying fundamental frequency is a di-
rection of active control of engine vibrations. The standard state
Suitable idle speed controllers depend on the proper engine
feedback control can be employed in this case. A load distur-
modeling. Models should not only represent highly nonlinear
bance can be modeled as the output of state–space model and
and complex engine dynamics, but also be simple enough for
its time varying state observer is used to estimate states from
the control synthesis. In a nonlinear identification model, the
the actual model. The disturbance is then remodeled and used
intake air actuator position and spark advance angle are inputs
as a control input. Thus, an alternative nonadaptive algorithm is
while intake manifold pressure and engine speed are outputs.
developed for the active vibration and noise control against load
The LQ technique is applied to the model synthesis of a 1.4-L
disturbances at harmonic frequency. Time-varying frequency is
commercial engine [54]. Assuming that N observations have
used as a scheduling variable. The stabilizing observer gain is
been measured, a regressive LSE approach has been used so
calculated from the observer gain scheduling mechanism. It is
that the variable predictions can be made simultaneously. The
shown from testing that the engine vibration is reduced signifi-
sum of squared residuals (SSR) will be minimized for the op-
cantly at idle.
timal estimation. This method saves up to 50% of the tuning
It is not difficult to design the ISC model following control
time of the controller gain. It is shown that this approach can
and gain schedule control algorithms. However, the resulting
be extended to the more robust nonlinear models. For an ISC
ISC performance strongly relies on the modeling accuracy.
adaptive fuzzy control design, its direct adaptive law is formu-
lated using the least mean squares, from which satisfied results
are obtained. The linearized engine ISC model can be identi- J. ISC Fundamental Adaptive Control
fied using a generalized least squares method with respect to
The primary goal of an ISC system is to maintain idle speed
the nominal operating points [29]. The identified parameters are
operations at a feasible minimum speed [51] without affecting
then used as initial values of a linear quadratic optimal con-
the ISC quality and emissions. By adjusting operating points
troller. This optimal controller is applied to a Chrysler 2.0-L
adaptively in response to operating conditions and environmen-
neon engine. The idle speed set points have been selected as
tal conditions, emission levels, fuel economy, and roughness
840, 780, and 720 rpm, respectively. Experimental results indi-
level (idle quality) can be improved. An ISC system in the
cate that the optimal controller has the capability of effectively
pioneering research consists of four feedback loops: load com-
adjusting engine idle speed under various types of load distur-
pensation loop, speed control loop, roughness control loop, and
bances, such as from a cooling fan and power steering. Tracking
adaptive roughness control loop. Engine speed is controlled by
errors are substantially reduced via optimal control, but it takes
adjusting the throttle position through a stepper motor. The ini-
longer time. The least squares estimation is simple, and there
tial roughness set point is modified by the adaptive roughness
is no computation complexity for applications in high-order
loop to adapt to operating conditions and environmental con-
cases. It can also be used for prediction control. The restric-
ditions. The response from the inner adaptive roughness loop
tion of the LSE applications is that ISC systems are highly
is slow in comparison with other loops of the ISC system to
nonlinear, in most cases the linearization can not be reached
modify the roughness set point according to the slowly vary-
ing parameters, e.g., ambient temperature. The second loop is
to reduce the roughness level. The third loop is much faster,
I. Model Following Control and Gain Scheduling Control
which keeps the engine idle speed at a specified value. The
Due to its wide adaptability and robustness under various outer loop sends out the command to the throttle actuator for a
environmental conditions, model reference adaptive control fixed step increment. Optimal operating points with respect to

Fig. 2. Idle speed adaptive control model [51].

the roughness level and engine speed can be maintained despite low nominal speed. This ISC formulation stems from modern
of the variations in operating conditions. In a recent study, spark control theories, where the ISC performance depends on both
ignition control depending on the adaptive strategy has been de- the controller design and the observer design.
veloped to stabilize the idle speed fluctuations [76]. Adaptation
of the spark advance angle gives rise to a tradeoff between the
operating speed and estimation accuracy. The success of this L. ISC Design via State Feedback and Output Feedback
adaptive controller has been indicated. An adaptive controller A nonlinear model is designed for the calibration of an ISC
tracks the engine speed set point tightly, and it is robust to load system where the full state feedback is applied, considering
disturbances. The adaptive control flowchart (Fig. 2) shows a the nonlinearity of engine dynamics at idle [52]. The nonlinear
well designed ISC control approach. It in fact reflects various model is used for the ISC design and for prediction through
demands of ISC systems, whose physical mechanisms are also a broad range of the operating conditions. Under load distur-
straightforward. The drawback lies in that its complexity is in- bances, this ISC system takes advantage of both spark advance
creased and its optimality is not guaranteed. Nevertheless, this adjustment and idle air actuating to reduce variations of the idle
approach has provided a general picture what actually an ISC speed. The intake manifold filling time delay is modeled as a
system is about. function of engine parameters, idle air actuator position, ambi-
ent pressure, and temperature. Engine torque is a function of
K. ISC Controller and Observer Design manifold absolute pressure (MAP), engine speed, spark, fuel,
A group of uncertain time delays of an ISC system has been and a time delay in combustion dynamics. Rotational dynam-
investigated [10]. This dynamic control system is modeled as ics results from the inertia of the mechanical systems. Each of
an observer-based controller with delays. The linear matrix in- them is represented as the first-order system. All together the
equality is formulated in both the delay-independent and delay- ISC system is formulated as a nonlinear MIMO model. This
dependent cases. Sufficient conditions regarding the existence simple nonlinear engine model is applied to the optimal con-
of the controller and observer matrices are obtained to guarantee troller design to enhance the capability of disturbance rejection
the asymptotic stability in a former case. A standard toolbox is during gear transitions (from/to idling). The prediction for the
used to find the solutions to the inequality in a latter case, when idle speed on a 4.3-L GM V6 engine has been made. The range
the observer-controller design is applied to the ISC system of the idle air control (IAC) actuator position is from 30 to
60 steps. The range of the spark advance angle is from 0◦ –
 h 30◦ . Using the full state feedback control, the results indicate
V (z, t) = Z T P0 Z + Z T (θ)P1 Z(θ)dθ. (5) that the prediction error of the idle speed is very small (10
rpm) under different operating conditions. In a similar case,
As a result, by means of the combined controller–observer an ISC control law for the real-time applications is investi-
design methodology, the ISC system is guaranteed to be asymp- gated [26], where the finite time delays between the inputs
totically stable with the feedback using estimated states. Fur- (MAP, spark advance angle) and output (torque) are counted
thermore, dynamics of the state estimator is guaranteed to be explicitly. To maintain a target idle speed against the nonmea-
asymptotically stable. Its stability issue can be tested by defining surable torque disturbances of power steering or air conditioning
quadratic and radial unbounded Lyapunov functions (5), where using the output feedback, the bypass valve position, and spark
P0 and P1 are two positive definite matrices. The aforemen- advance angle are used as control signals, where two time delays
tioned design of observers and controllers will give rise to a (intake-to-power stroke delay, toque generation lag) are taken

into account. To allow for real-time applications, the control is chosen (7) according to the torque excursion and A/F ratio
law is discretized according to the sampling rate of the mea- excursion. This design is used to evaluate the dynamic program-
suring signals. This linear time-invariant control law has shown ming approach in the nonlinear environment. Satisfactory tran-
adequate performance. It is also robust against the parameter sient performance of the ISC neural network controller can be
perturbations. reached. In addition, the real-time adaptation capability allows
In order to design the state feedback and output feedback, the neural network controller to be further refined and improved
the assumption is that an ISC system represents a linear system, by continuous learning and adaptation. The trained controller
where all linear control theories can be applied. In fact, these has the potential to outperform the existing controllers. The ISC
two approaches can only be applied to some simple cases via performance optimization can be accomplished using discrete
linearization, although the state feedback and output feedback dynamic programming in a finite time horizon. However, the
have the accurate mathematical formulations. cost function being selected will affect performance of the ISC
system, which varies among different designers.
M. ISC Lyapunov Function Approach
A variable structure control scheme has been proposed for O. ISC Sliding Mode Control (Continuous, Discrete)
ISC systems under the unknown time-varying disturbances [68]. To solve the engine induction-to-power delay problem, a con-
Control laws for the throttle opening and spark advance are tinuous sliding-mode control approach is presented for an en-
designed individually to tune the idle speed. The throttle opening gine control system with time delays, which has been applied
is used as a primary source of control for the torque generation. to the upstream side of the idle actuator of a 4.6-L Ford V8
Spark timing control is to compensate for the intake-to-torque engine [45]. A linear transformation is conducted in order to
generation delay transit a delayed system to a delay-free system, where all the
Je 2 1 2 unstable poles of original systems are involved. Sliding mode
V = ω̇ + ep . (6) control is designed based on the delay-free system. A suitable
2 2
The disturbance estimator is designed to reconstruct the control law is selected to satisfy the global stability of a switch-
torque disturbance. The stability of this system is proved via ing surface S = 0, where a Lyapunov function is defined as
a Lyapunov function method. Its control objective is reached V = ST S/2, whose derivative term is negative so as to be stable.
by constructing a Lyapunov function candidate, consisting of Its asymptotic stability is ensured by a delay-free system and
the quadratic terms corresponding to engine speed and engine a delayed system under bounded and matched disturbances. A
load (6), where ω is engine speed (rad/s), Je is engine inertia state observer is also presented to estimate both intake manifold
moment, eP = (p/p0 ) − (p/p0 )∗ , p and p0 are engine load and pressure and engine torque. Solid disturbance rejection capabil-
atmosphere pressure. ity has been observed. Another adaptive sliding-mode control
A Lyapunov function serves as a candidate itself to analyze the design is applied to a discrete nonlinear system, where the three
stability issue. It has been applied to a neural network controller layer feedforward neural networks are used to approximate un-
or a discrete adaptive sliding mode controller for the idle speed known dynamics, which is tuned by a sliding surface approach
regulation, which authorizes the controller to be adaptive to using gradient methods [43]. The control goal is to lower the
the system parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. target idle speed and reduce speed variations against load dis-
In fact, the Lyapunov function can not be used independently turbances. The target idle speed is set to be 611 rpm for the
for ISC systems. It must be applied together with other control concern of fuel economy instead of the production idle speed of
approaches. 740 rpm. A discrete sliding surface is defined as a stable polyno-
mial of system tracking errors. The sliding mode control laws are
N. ISC Nonlinear Dynamic Programming designed as: s(k + d) = C(q −1 )e(k + d), where q −1 is the unit
delay operator; e(k + d) = y(k + d) − r(k + d), which is the
Multiple objectives should be taken into account at the same speed tracking error and C(q −1 ) = 1 + C0 q −1 + · · · +CL q −L ,
time for ISC systems [42], e.g., engine performance, emission which is the Hurwitz polynomial. The state trajectories of the
levels, and robustness under different operating conditions. Dis- discrete mode are shown to converge within a small sliding sec-
crete dynamic programming can be applied to simple and small tor, which actually deviates a little from the continuous sliding
scale control problems, whose cost function is defined as the manifold except for all sampling points. The state trajectories
summation of a utility function from present to future. Using are initialized along the sliding surface when the system is at
testing data from a 5.3-L GM V8 engine, a neural network the sliding mode. When a disturbance is applied, the state tra-
model is developed, and then dynamic programming is com- jectory returns to the surface after a short transient period and
bined with the neural network controller to obtain optimization remain there until the load is released. The time delay problem
via self-learning is formulated as a high order system. This ISC controller has the
1 1 capability to maintain a low idle speed against load disturbances
U (t) = [T (t) − T ∗ (t)]2 + [(A/F ) − (A/F )∗ ]2 . (7)
2 2
sṡ < 0. |s(k)| ≤ δ. |s(k + 1)| < |s(k)| . (8)
Both engine torque control and exhaust A/F ratio control are
conducted to track torque command and regulate A/F ratio. The A discrete sliding mode controller based on the reachability
cost function of the engine torque and A/F ratio tracking control condition is also applied to a 2.4-L Daimler–Chrysler engine.

System models are obtained via nonlinear state transformation sides, its graphic analysis must be conducted offline that is not
and local linearization [47]. Both the reachability condition and appropriate for real-time ISC systems.
control laws (8) should be satisfied. This design guarantees that
the system motion reaches the sliding manifold smoothly and
remains on it for a finite time. With regard to the speed tracking Q. ISC Adaptive Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter
performance and disturbance rejection, sliding mode control is An adaptive Kalman filter has been proposed to design the
found to be superior to PID control and LQG control [37]. Con- engine load torque estimator [19]. It can be extended to the sec-
sidering the nonlinearity of ISC systems, a sliding mode con- ond order nonlinear stochastic model of the torque, based on a
troller provides more robust performance when it is combined linear inertia model. Kalman filter has been used as a part of the
with nonlinear H∞ robust control. For the robustness issue, the load torque compensator combined with the idle speed PI con-
ISC sliding mode control leads to satisfied results, which is bet- troller and linearized engine model. This adaptive Kalman filter
ter than most regular control approaches. On the other hand, its can provide the stable response and disturbance rejection. It has
application depends on other control methodologies. the advantage in suppressing the engine speed fluctuation after a
sudden change of the engine load disturbance. Kalman filter has
P. ISC Nonlinear Describing Function Approach also been applied to the recurrent neural network training [59].
An engine ISC model selects the throttle angle and spark ad-
Power steering is a common nonmeasurable external torque
vance as inputs. The measured outputs of this ISC system are
disturbance in an ISC system. The desired idle speed of a Ford
RPM and MAP, both of which are recorded four times per en-
V8 engine is set to be 600 rpm, whose allowable tolerance is
gine revolution. Outputs are easily corrupted by Gaussian noise,
140 rpm. The input to the ISC system is a voltage signal. It is sent
so the objective of this ISC system is to maintain the idle speed
to the bypass air valve that is bounded by 0.8 V. For steady-state
at 750 rpm against the unmeasured torque disturbances. The
operations, inputs are not subject to saturation. For transient
extended back propagation is selected as the real-time recurrent
states, saturation must be considered [30]. In this ISC system,
learning algorithm for neurocontroller training. The dynamic
air control and ignition control are used in parallel to reach the
gradients of the on line training algorithm are calculated by
desired idle speed. The ignition control loop usually has a much
the truncated back propagation to update both derivatives and
wider bandwidth than the air control loop. However, the control
weights in a real time. The decoupled Kalman filter algorithm
authority of the air control loop is much greater than that of the
has been demonstrated to be a satisfactory controller for this
ignition control loop. Consequently, the bypass air valve that
nonlinear ISC problem. Kalman filter itself acts as an optimal
regulates the air flow into the engine is applied to the ISC sys-
observer. The merit of the ISC Kalman filter design is shown
tem. Also, actuator saturation is considered to achieve enhanced
from the optimal estimations of outputs.
regulation so as to satisfy stringent performance specifications
N (A) = {2 sin−1 (B/A) − sin[2sin−1 (B/A)]} R. Hybrid Control (Continuous Time and Discrete Event)
4 The problem of the fast output torque delivery [91] is in-
+ (B/A)cos[sin−1 (B/A)]. (9) vestigated by means of a throttle valve position controller with
the drive-by-wire electronics, based on a multipoint port in-
The design is based on the pseudolinearization technique, jection manifold. This optimal control problem is solved using
which uses the describing function analysis to enhance the reg- the cyclic hybrid modeling and control approach, which is sub-
ulating performance. In (9), A is the input amplitude to the ject to the constraint that A/F ratio stays as close as possible
saturation element and B is the maximum output of a unity to the stoichiometric value of 14.64. Air dynamics is modeled
slope saturation element. Under the large step disturbances, it as a function of the quantity of air flow entering the cylinders
depends on the controller design, which saturates the actuator. It through intake manifold. At the same time, powertrain dynam-
operates linearly under the small step disturbances. By Nichols ics is modeled as a linear system, whose state variables are the
chart analysis, a closed-loop system is bounded input, bounded axle torsion angle, engine speed, and wheel revolution speed. A
output (BIBO) stable single-state hybrid system reaches the dead point of a control
N (A)Gu GC = − 1. (10) event whenever pistons reach either top dead center or bottom
dead center. The behavior of each cylinder is represented by
In the mean while, the limit cycle analysis has been applied, a finite state machine and a discrete event system for torque
where Gu is the transfer function of the engine model and GC generation. Every ith injection system is represented by a hy-
is the pseudolinearized open loop transfer function (10). It is brid system. Then, the generalized model consists of four hybrid
likely that the closed loop system can get away from the limit systems representing behaviors of four cylinders, while the pow-
cycle. This ISC nonlinear control approach has resulted in bet- ertrain and intake manifold models are applied to each cylinder.
ter performance than that of the regular linear control approach. The dead-points are synchronous and one step delay is assumed
The describing function approach is an alternative to analyze with respect to the previous cycle event. The optimal A/F ra-
ISC nonlinear systems, which provides a shortcut between lin- tio can be achieved by this hybrid control design. At idle, the
ear systems and nonlinear systems. It works in certain case, but same approach is applied, while powertrain dynamics has been
obviously this approach lacks accuracy due to saturations. Be- simplified from a three-variable case to a two-variable case.

S. Hybrid Control (Continuous Time and Discrete Time) U. ISC Fundamental Fuzzy Control
The engine interactions are basically classified into discrete An automatic rule generation design is formulated, where its
phenomena (e.g., torque generation and spark ignition) and con- nonlinear engine ISC model has two states (speed, load) [73].
tinuous operations (e.g., powertrain evolution and intake air dy- Two crisp finite constant values of throttle angle (5◦ –35◦ ) and
namics). It is reasonable to build a hybrid engine model that spark advance (10◦ –45◦ ) are fuzzified, whose finite points in
captures both types of interactions [8]. In order to achieve the the state space are chosen to anticipate the trajectory from one
best fuel economy, the target idle speed must be chosen to be subspace to another. Data are collected to the rule base for the
possibly low as long as the acceptable combustion, emission feedback regulation. By applying the fixed control, a set of tran-
levels, and NVH characteristics are maintained. With the ISC sitional fuzzy relations are obtained. By changing values of the
hybrid control closed loop system, the continuous and discrete fuzzy control pairs, a finite number of the transition relations
variables retain their own distinct natures. To satisfy the perfor- are chosen. Then, the performance index is defined as the sum
mance specifications, a maximal robust control invariant set is of the squared error, squared control signal, and delay func-
determined and an optimal ISC controller is presented. It can tion in each cell group. Besides, the same end-up value always
be used to locate the allowable maximum range of the torque serves as the source for the next transition, which eventually
disturbance and the allowable minimum range of engine speed leads to an invariant manifold (countless trajectory). The tar-
under disturbances. The ISC hybrid control approach combines get cell group must be an invariant manifold to guarantee the
the merits of the continuous time and discrete time control sys- asymptotic stability, similar to the concept of the reachability in
tems. On the other hand, it increases the complexity of the ISC modern control theories. The phase portrait assignment results
controller. As an engine system essentially includes various in suboptimal conditions for fuzzy clusters. By employing this
types of dynamics coupled together, the practical implementa- method on an ISC engine model with 56 fuzzy rules, the desir-
tion of this hybrid control approach needs to be tested case by able stability and robustness under accessory load perturbations
case. have been shown. With the presence of heavy load disturbances,
i.e., sudden switching of air conditioning on/off, a fuzzy PID
controller [79] has been designed and implemented on a 1.36-L
EFI engine. The speed error signal away from its target idle
T. ISC Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Control speed set point (750 rpm) is fed back into the fuzzy controller,
where proportional, integral, and derivative terms are calculated
A hybrid neural-fuzzy system for the vehicle ISC system has via procedures of fuzzification, fuzzy inference, and defuzzifi-
been proposed, where the fuzzy controller is trained by neural cation, the fuzzy PID controller then sends out a command to
networks based procedure [58]. A nonlinear ISC model with a the stepper motor, which then adjusts its pintle position accord-
nonignorable power delay is investigated and the testing results ingly, so as to change bypass air flow rate into the engine to
are measured by sampling at controller update frequencies. The control the idle speed. The ultimate goal is to avoid the engine
neural network training is conducted by imposing various types stalling and idle speed fluctuation against the sudden load dis-
of torque disturbances, where an extensive recurrent layer of turbances. On-board testing results indicate that overshoot and
eight nodes is used. Outputs are computed by using a sigmoid undershoot are reduced considerably during the switching of air
activation function at output nodes. This approach can be re- conditioning (on/off).
garded as one step toward the online training of ISC systems. In a similar case of idle speed control [3] against power
The properly designed controller extracts required useful infor- steering load disturbances using air valve duty cycle control,
mation from available data. It also has sufficient control author- a 64-rule based fuzzy PI controller leads to more stable engine
ity to train the weighting functions of the preprocessing layer, performance than PID controllers upon loading and releasing of
so as to recover the priori state information [13]. Although the power steering. From earlier experimental studies (Fig. 3), the
hybrid neuro-fuzzy control could be a feasible control approach, magnitude of the idle speed fluctuation decreases greatly, while
in most cases, fuzzy control and neural networks are applied the ripple frequency of the fuzzy controller increases slightly.
individually. It is possible that outcomes from two approaches The ISC fuzzy control is the first artificial intelligence approach
are similar. For instance, characteristics of three-way-catalyst successfully applied to the ISC system. It has a strong impact
(TWC) at idle has been studied using both fuzzy control and on concepts of the ISC system used in the conventional control
neural networks to predict the catalyst performance instead approaches. It achieves the primary ISC goals of the low speed
of the onboard diagnosing. Emission levels of HC, CO, and set point and disturbance rejection. As fuzzy control is empirical
CO2 are calculated. The catalyst inlet-outlet temperature dif- based, its overall performance compared with all other types of
ference is used as an input to the fuzzy controller and neu- ISC controllers is still subject to testing.
ral network controller. If inputs and outputs of the catalyst
system are known, controllers can directly estimate catalyst
performance at steady states. Two types of intelligent control
approaches are based on expert systems or experiment data. V. ISC Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control
The hybrid neural-fuzzy control approach is promising. The Due to mechanical frictions, misfiring, and sensitivity to load
difficulty lies in the lack of an accurate engine mathematical disturbances, the ISC stability is difficult to maintain [15], espe-
model. cially at the low speed to satisfy requirements of emission levels

air control and the spark advance control has been formulated.
Using the ISC fuzzy control on a basis of equality relations, the
engine speed fluctuation has been reduced remarkably to pre-
vent the engine oscillation against the load disturbances from
the air conditioning. This Mamdani fuzzy ISC system represents
a simple case of idle speed fuzzy control. There is no difficulty
essentially in its practical implementation; however its control
authority is limited.

X. ISC Genetic Algorithms (GA) Optimization

The idle seed stability issue relates to the torque variations
among cylinders [38]. This mismatch affects the idle stability
Fig. 3. ISC fuzzy controller and nonlinear surfaces [3], [79].
by generating fluctuation ripples of engine speed. Genetic al-
gorithms have been used to reduce engine speed fluctuation at
idle, which is based on neural network training of spark timing.
and fuel economy. Some undesirable effects such as noise, jerk, The resulting optimal spark timing is applied to the ISC sys-
and vibration might occur frequently. Considering numerous tem. Particularly, the neural network training of spark timing
engine variables and time-varying processes, the fuzzy slid- will suppress the uneven combustion among cylinders, so as to
ing mode controller is proposed, which employs the antecedent maintain uniform and steady engine speed. Genetic algorithms
knowledge to reduce the tuning time and to be robust against are employed in a neural network structure with oscillatory neu-
load disturbances. It is indicated that the nonlinear control struc- rons at sensor arrays in order to reduce engine speed fluctuations
ture presented by this fuzzy controller is robust to the conditions efficiently. Additional efforts are necessary for this ISC control
of the internal and external disturbances. However, the engine approach when multiple inputs are considered, such as the throt-
constraints have to be omitted. For this reason, the sliding mode tle angle, airflow rate, and fueling rate. In another application,
control is combined with fuzzy control for this ISC system. a finite difference model is used to represent engine nonlinear
The sliding line is defined in the phase plane, which aims to inverse dynamics between engine speed and throttle duty cy-
bring control variable back to this line, and remains there using cle signals [57]. An inverse model of a time shifting system is
positive or negative control action: s = ε + λε̇ = 0, where ε is identified directly, using input–output data when unstable zero
the engine speed error. Control laws are designed for a 16-valve dynamics is taken into account via a stable compensator. This
Renault engine with power steering applied, the idle speed is method is conducted by minimizing the prediction error using
found to react quickly back to the nominal set point. Control laws genetic algorithms-based optimal search method. The ISC sta-
for the saturated and nonsaturated areas are designed separately. bility is tested in the experiments using an electric dynamometer.
The fuzzy control inputs are the speed error and the derivative Genetic algorithms are the global optimization approaches. A
of the speed error. The control variable of sliding mode fuzzy key problem is still pending how to select a stochastic fitness
control laws is equal to zero on the diagonal line and positive function properly that can cover every aspect of engine perfor-
(negative) above (below) this line. Fuzzy sliding mode control mance under various constraints.
has the advantages of both fuzzy control and sliding mode con-
trol. It becomes a new research direction. On the other hand,
the formulation of the sliding mode restricts the scope of fuzzy Y. Neural Networks—ISC Back-Propagation Approach
control applications.
A static and temporal multilayer neural network controller is
developed to track the desired engine speed and engine load,
where the throttle opening and spark advance angle are used
W. ISC Equality Relation-Based Fuzzy Control
as control signals [61]. The neural networks are trained to learn
Real-world ISC applications are not always coherent with input–output relationship of ISC models to present relationships
the understanding of control rules similar to some logical state- of inverse functions. Back-propagation (BP) learning rules are
ments. In most cases, fuzzy control is viewed as an interpolation employed, where the second-order filter is used to adjust the
of a partially specified control function in the vague environ- gain with an integrator in a series connection to minimize the
ment [40]. A fuzzy controller is interpreted as vague descriptions back-propagation error. Output tracking is made by the neces-
of crisp control actions on the crisp situation. It is a natural way sary control signals. This control structure is simple to filter out
to represent the vague environment using a suitable interpolation state error signals. In a case mentioned in Kalman Filter ap-
method. The ISC system of a Volkswagen engine has been pre- proach [59], Gaussian noise of the observer can be estimated by
sented, where Mamdani fuzzy model is selected along with the back-propagation algorithms. Dynamic gradients are computed
design of the defuzzification strategies. This approach provides by the recurrent learning algorithm (extended back-propagation)
a semantical base and a clear explanation of fuzzy control and to train the neurocontroller. Because forward computation of the
fuzzy rules. The flexible control mechanism for the idle bypass dynamic derivatives has some practical difficulties, the truncated

ward controller provides a good idle speed control performance

which also adapts quickly to the RBF network weights. Being
one of the artificial neural network methodologies, the RBF ap-
proach also possesses the online optimization capability. It can
be used as both the feedforward controller and one part of the
feedback controller. The RBF approach is successful in solving
some ISC problems. It also has the potential to create synthe-
sis design with other typical controllers, such as PID control,
adaptive control, and fuzzy control. So far, the RBF approach
is the most promising ISC control approach among those based
on neural networks.
Fig. 4. ISC online RBF neural network training [58].

back-propagation is used to approximate the dynamic deriva- III. GDI ENGINE IDLE SPEED CONTROL
tives. A truncated BP approach decouples the cycling time to A. GDI Engine Idle Speed Feedforward Control
update both the derivatives and weights. Combined with the
GDI engines operate at dual modes. The stratified mode is
Kalman filter algorithm, an effective neural network controller is
for lean burn operation, which results in good fuel economy.
created. This ISC back-propagation approach is flexible, whose
The A/F ratio can reach as high as 50 : 1 at the stratified mode.
main role is to filter out the error signals. Thus, it can serve as
On the other hand, the homogeneous mode is concerned with
either an idle speed controller itself or a potential part of an ISC
emissions and exhaust gas aftertreatment. The operation at the
stratified mode leads to the improved fuel economy and reduced
CO2 emission. Engine delays restrict the potential to improve
Z. Neural Networks—ISC Radial Basis Function Approach the transient response of the ISC system. Therefore, reference
ISC systems Fig. 4 are nonlinear systems that are subject to feedforward control has been proposed [64], which is applied to
disturbance rejection [58]. Engines typically are of high non- the ISC system of GDI engines during lean burn. Feedforward
linearity at idle. Two control variables presented differ in both control will improve the transient responses of engine speed
the operating range and temporal characteristics. Spark advance and A/F ratio under load disturbances. The speed response is
gives a prompt action but it is of a limit control authority, while enhanced following an increased throttle airflow using the feed-
the throttle opening has a dominating control authority but it is forward control. On the other hand, an increased cylinder flow
of a slow response. These problems stem from intake manifold helps to adjust the in-cylinder A/F ratio to approach its set point
filling dynamics and intake to power stroke delay. The spark rapidly. With the feedforward control, the brake torque can be
timing variable outside its effective range will have a negative nearly equivalent to the desired value in spite of the saturation
effect, so nonlinear controllers are needed. The objective of in the speed loop. It is also shown that the speed fluctuation
feedforward control is to minimize the quadratic performance decrease more than 20% and A/F ratio control is improved as
index. Thus, nonlinear adaptive feedforward control is used to well. This controller can reduce the constraint effects within the
makeup for external load disturbances via radial basis function allowable A/F ratio range, which in turn, adjusts the baseline
(RBF) networks. Optimization is then achieved using a weight controller to regulate speed and A/F ratio. The nonlinear tran-
matrix of RBF multilayered sigmoidal neural networks. RBF sient response of this ISC system is also improved considerably.
networks with fixed centers are linear in terms of weights and
its online training is a special case of adaptive control with lin-
early parameterized nonlinearities. The number of the nonlinear B. GDI Engine Idle Speed Nonlinear Hybrid Control
computations in RBF networks is not related to the output di- An accurate nonlinear hybrid model for the stratified mode
mension. This approach can also be extended to other cases operation of GDI engines has been used to design a low-
under various load disturbances, even though the ISC neural dimensional discrete-time linear system [4]. Due to the pres-
network control is still in its initial stage. ence of predictable load disturbances, a hybrid command gov-
The ISC issues can be formulated as the phenomenological ernor unit has been designed. It uses two switching LQ optimal
engine model [28] (see Fig. 4). An ISC system is highly nonlin- controllers to ensure the closed-loop stability and performance
ear owing to delays in the control loop, thus an online parametric in the linear regime. The idle speed control for GDI engines is
optimization technique uses RBF networks to estimate nonlin- formulated as hybrid engine models for the constrained optimal
ear vector fields for an adaptive feedforward controller design. control problem, so that both load variations and constraints are
The feedforward controller and feedback controller have been explicitly taken into account. The major objective is the fuel
combined. The combination compensates for unknown distur- consumption minimization. A suboptimal solution is also ob-
bances and improves the transient response quality in com- tained by the command governor methodology from the hybrid
parison with the pure feedback control. This neural network model. This approach proposes to use the prescribed constraints
architecture is trained online adaptively to be robust against at the design phase to avoid optimality degradation. The fuel
various engine delays. Simulation results show that the feedfor- consumption at idle has been reduced to 50%, while the total

fuel consumption reduction is about 2% when the allowable con- troller, which will then adjust the controller algorithm accord-
straints from the command governor algorithm are used. It can ingly. For the stability concern, recursive least-squares estima-
also be formulated as a robust constrained optimization problem tion (RLS) is used for parameter identification, whose samples
for hybrid GDI engines. Its suboptimal controller is designed synchronize to the discrete events of diesel engine injection.
by the command governor methodology for the discrete time re- Both the minimum variance self-tuning and the pole placement
laxation of hybrid models, which reflects the multirate nature of self-tuning regulator are developed. Simulations based on this
engine input signals. As a result, transient fuel consumption is nonlinear diesel engine model are conducted by tuning the adap-
reduced compared with the LQ optimal controller. No constraint tive controller, which converges within 30 s. By comparisons,
is necessary for tuning the optimal LQ switching controller. Its the minimum variance algorithm results in a faster settling time
robustness is guaranteed in this case. The ISC hybrid control at the expense of the slightly higher overshoot via the adaptive
design conforms to the physical mechanisms (both continuous idle speed control, unavoidable parameter variations resulted
and discrete) of engines. That is, the reason that it has been from manufacturing tolerances can be successfully reduced us-
applied successfully to both PFI and GDI engines. However, its ing self-tuning algorithms by adjusting the idle governor to the
computational complexity has been increased instead. engine set points. This example has shown the success of ISC
adaptive control applications on diesel engines instead of on
IV. DIESEL ENGINE IDLE SPEED CONTROL gasoline engines exclusively.

A. Diesel Engine Idle Speed Discrete Time Control

A discrete time controller is designed using the reference gov- V. NATURAL GAS ENGINE IDLE SPEED CONTROL
ernors for the ISC system of a turbocharged diesel engine [41]. A. Natural Gas Engine Idle Speed PI Tuning Control
The supplemental torque source control has been presented.
A multivariable PI tuning [25] is presented, whose major ob-
The reference governor generates the torque during the tran-
jective is the effective disturbance rejection rather than the set
sients caused by a load disturbance (e.g., air conditioning, power
point tracking. PI control handles interactions to achieve the bet-
steering) to keep engine speed and A/F ratio within the spec-
ter disturbance rejection instead of decoupling all interactions
ified range. By enforcing these limits, engine stalling and vis-
within multivariable plants. To achieve less speed fluctuation
ible smoke emissions can be avoided. The torque disturbance
during transient operations at idle, this tuning technique has
of the engine crankshaft is expressed as a sum of the known
been applied to speed control and A/F ratio control of the lean-
component and the unknown component. The reference gover-
burn natural gas engine. The control design focuses on a regu-
nor is a first-order discrete-time nonlinear filter with a scalar
lation problem at the proportional part of the algorithm. Static
state variable and a scalar adjustable parameter. Engine rota-
decoupling tests of the closed-loop plant are also conducted us-
tional dynamics is concerned with the torque balance on the
ing the integral functions. The proportional matrix serves as the
crankshaft. Airflow dynamics is expressed as a second-order
gain to the state feedback of this multivariable system, while the
model owing to turbocharger dynamics and intake manifold
integral gain matrix is used for the fine tuning. The augmented
filling dynamics. Then, the continuous time engine mean-value
system with PI controller is stable, if a fine tuner is chosen
model is discretized, so that a third-order discrete time system
to stabilize the system with the proportional feedback. This PI
is obtained. So, the general discrete time constrained system
controller can be used to achieve better idle performance on nat-
is formulated as a combination of a third-order engine discrete
ural gas engines using existing actuators by coordinating idle
time system under constraints (A/F ratio and engine speed), the
speed control and A/F ratio control. The fast idle speed recovery
known and unknown disturbances and a first-order nonlinear fil-
from sudden load disturbances has been indicated, based on the
ter of the reference governor. The role of the reference governor
linearized models of natural gas engines.
is to enhance the ISC robustness against large load disturbances
during transient operations. Engine speed fluctuation and A/F
ratio are restricted within allowable limits by increasing ad- B. Natural Gas Engine Idle Speed Expert System Tuning
justable parameters gradually from zero to one. The nonstation-
ary sequence permits the reference governor to take advantage Expert system methodology [67] has been applied to the ISC
of decay rates, which results in a less conservative reference system of natural gas engines. The gain tuning method is de-
governor. signed for a multivariable nondecoupling PI controller. In regard
to the disturbance rejection problem, it is designed to improve
performance of one variable by trading off the other. The pro-
B. Diesel Engine Idle Speed Adaptive Control
posed gain tuning makes it possible to select control options
Two self-tuning adaptive algorithms are proposed for a heavy- among engine variables with flexibility. Essentially, in order to
duty diesel engine, in order to tune the idle governor to the spec- meet the specified performance, an expert system approach is
ified parameters [50]. Engine parameters, typically vary across used numerically to find optimal control gains needed for the
engines and vary over time due to aging, which causes negative closed loop system. This tuning method is desirable for engine
effects on idle speed performance. Both the Self-tuning Regu- idle speed control and A/F ratio control. The performance varies
lator (STR) and MRAC can be used for this complex problem. among different options of individual weighting functions. Ac-
The specific engine parameters are tuned by the self-tuning con- tual influences from the undesirable variables in the desirable

ones can be minimized by the proper weight selections. PI con- [9] A. Balluchi, L. Benvenuti, T. Villa, H. Wong-Toi, and A. L. Sangiovanni,
troller is shown to be successful in the idle speed tuning of “Engine idle speed control via maximal safe set computation in the crank-
angle domain,” in Proc. 2002 IEEE Int. Symp. Ind. Electron., Sevilla,
natural gas engines. Spain, vol. 2, pp. 618–622.
[10] S. Bengea, X. Li, and R. Decarlo, “Combined controller-observer design
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motive engines. The selection of the idle speed set point takes [12] C. Bohn, A. Cortabarria, V. Hartel, and K. Kowalczyk, “Active control
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speed stability, fuel economy, emissions, nonlinear delays, vehi- 1039, 2004.
cle NVH, robustness, and so on. A variety of idle speed control [13] P. Botsaris, D. Bechrakis, and P. Sparis, “An estimation of 3-way catalyst
applications are investigated, which have been applied success- performance using artificial neural networks during idle speed,” in Proc.
2004 Fall Tech. Conf. ASME Intern. Combust. Engine Div., Long Beach,
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Soc. Automotive Eng., Warrendale, PA, Tech. Rep. 2005–01-0036,
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and valuable suggestions. The author is also grateful to Prof. [20] J. Deur, M. Jansz, D. Pavkovic, and M. Jansz, “Identification and speed
S. Shi and Prof. D. Zheng, the two Chief Scientists of China on control of SI engine for idle operating mode,” Soc. Automotive Eng.,
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Engine and Control, respectively, who have directed this author [21] L. Feldkemp and G. Puskorius, “Trainable fuzzy and neural-fuzzy systems
into these two challenging fields of automotive engineering and for idle-speed control,” in Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Syst., San
control science. Francisco, CA, vol. 1, Mar. 1999, pp. 45–51.
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PFI engine with VVT-VCR,” in Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Conf. Control Appl., Academician Advisor Dr. Shaoxi Shi (Past President
Taiwan, China, vol. 1, pp. 364–369. of Tianjin University, Tianjin, China and the Chinese
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[87] B. K. Powell, J. A. Cook, and J. W. Grizzle, “Modeling and analysis of Universities. His current research interests include modeling, control, and op-
an inherently multi-rate sampling fuel injected engine idle speed control timization with diverse applications on automotive, electrical, mechanical, and
loop,” Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Syst., Meas. Control, vol. 109, pp. 405–409, biomedical systems, as well as signal processing and image processing. Among
Dec. 1987. very few cross-disciplinary researchers worldwide, he has the first author pub-
[88] B. K. Powell, J. A. Cook, and J. W. Grizzle, “Modeling and analysis of lications in broad fields covering all the leading control proceedings in three
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loop,” in Proc 1987 Am. Control Conf., 1987, vol. 3, pp. 1543–1548. such as IEEE (SMC, CDC, CCA, ACC, ISIC, FUZZ, IJCNN, CASE, ICCA,
[89] B. K. Powell and W. F. Powers, “Linear quadratic control design for ICCC, SOSE, and CCECE), ASME (Congress IMECE, ICES, JRCICE), SAE
nonlinear IC engine systems,” in Proc. 10th Anniversary Int. Symp. Autom. (Congress USA, EAEC, JSAE). He was also the academic reviewer for 45
Technol. Autom., 1981, vol. 1, pp. 1–18. published articles submitted to the IEEE, the American Society of Mechan-
[90] C. Carnevale and A. Moschetti, “Idle speed control with H-infinity tech- ical Engineers, the Society of Automotive Engineers, and some international
nique,” 1993, SAE Technical Paper 930770. journals.
[91] A. Balluchi, L. Benvenuti, M.D. D. Benedetto, S. Cardellino, C. Rossi, Dr. Ye is the recipient of the Chinese National Fellowship (First Prize) at
and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, “Hybrid control of the air–fuel ratio Tianjin University, the USA Allied Signal Fellowship (First Prize) at Tsinghua
in force transients for multi-point injection engines,” in Proc. 38th IEEE University, and Most Outstanding Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Southern
Conf. Decis. Control, 1999, vol. 1, pp. 316–321. University.

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