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W W W . A V O I C E I N T H E S T R E E T S . W O R D P R E S S . C O M

Proclaiming the truth of God’s Word to the street children of La Ceiba, Honduras.

ip Treasuring sweet fellowship with my

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our new t. community group.
Gracie, studen

Financial Support Update

January has been a whirlwind! You can see from my
support graphic that God has moved in a few hearts to
join the team! I have now reached the second row of my
$50/month club! If you have been considering joining the
team, now is the time! It may seem like August is a long
way away, but it isnʼt in the world of support raising. In
fact, you could say Iʼm a bit behind where I should be!
There are many white boxes yet to be filled with precious
Honduran faces.

Financial Support
Send all checks to:

Mission to the World

Donate Online
P.O. Box 116284
Atlanta, GA 30368 Just click HEREto make an online donation!
Be sure to put my account number Be sure to put my name or account # (11781) in the
(11781) in the memo line designation box.
Two Properties, One Purpose
Currently, Team Honduras is constructing centers at two different locations of La Ceiba, both
with the purpose of advancing the Gospel.

Armenia Bonito
One is being built in the rural community of Armenia Bonito, which is about a 20 minute drive outside of
town. This property will house an indoor soccer field, a high school, a medical facility and The First
Presbyterian Church of Honduras. We are so excited to see how God will use this property to further
his Kingdom!

Local kid
the s play in
th e se c ond floor of the unfi
Stairs lead to . soccer nished in
high school field.

The Downtown Center

The other property is located in the downtown area, in a poor neighborhood called La Isla. This
property will be a dorm facility for visiting teams, a one-room high school, a medical clinic and
a drop-in center for street children. This is where I will primarily be ministering.

Views of the dorm facility that

will house visiting teams. (up
to 60 missionaries at once)

Prayer Points:
• Continued prayer for the team as the Pettengills (team leaders) are on Home Ministry Assignment
until April.
• For God to provide the resources to continue construction on our two properties, the one in the
downtown area and the one in Armenia Bonito.
• Pray for me as I continue to build my support team and wait on the Lord’s timing for my arrival in
• Pray for Team Honduras--for the spiritual, emotional, and physical health of them and their families.
• Shannon Innes will be leaving language school in Costa Rica and heading to Honduras in August.
Pray for a smooth transition for her.

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