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Jasminum polyanthum

the variety that is commonly used when growing jasmines indoors are the
white jasmines. It is one of the easiest to grow and releases a sweet aroma
particularly at night time.

Care and Maintenance:

 needs to be placed in a well-lit room or by a sunny window with cool
- It can tolerate up to 4 hours of direct sunlight per day but should
be decreased when winter comes.

 Its soil should be porous and may be modified with bark, coir or other
organic materials.
- Throughout the year, the soil should remain moist but not soggy.

 It should be fertilized with a weakened houseplant food throughout its

growing season.
- To prolong its blooming time, high phosphorous fertilizer should
be used

 Pruning is necessary and should be done heavily at the beginning of the

spring growing season while training the twinning vine to a support
- Repot in spring.

 Prune the roots when moving to fresh soil

Calla Lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
PERENNIAL (warm); ANNUAL (cool)

Although found naturally in other parts of the world and is used in a variety of
growing conditions, this plant is a native in South Africa. The plant can grow from 2-3 ft
plus a few inches for the flowers to bloom right above the foliage. Calla lilies do not require
much care for it to bloom. The plant is also toxic for cats and dogs when ingested.

Care and Maintenance:

 As long as moisture and light conditions are within the plant’s tolerance levels, it
will bloom without much needed attention.
- The ideal growing condition for the bulbs would be temperatures not higher
than 65 °F and not lower than 55°F but can tolerate up until 75°F
- If the room is hot, use mulch to keep the bulb cool in the pot
- requires plenty of sunlight during non-peak hours

 It grows best in moist areas like the edges of ponds or in the mud. But to be taken
cared of indoors, one should never let the water sit in the container as this will cause
the bulb to rot.

 Standard potting soils are ideal and should avoid potting soils with too much
fertilizer or unbalanced pH

 Should be re-potted well.

- Dig the plant out with the bulb and replant with the shoots pointing upwards
and 3 inches deep in the soil.
- Cover and water only once until new growth

 Does not need fertilizer. But if one desires for better growth, use one with no
ammonium mixed in it.
Bird of Paradise
strelitzia reginae

Birds of paradise is a native in the eastern coastlines of South Africa

where it grows in patches and sometimes miles across. The plant is
considered to be the official flower of Los Angeles as it is popular as an
ornamental plant in California and Florida. They grow over 6 feet tall and is
sometimes called the “Crane plant” as it looks similar to the feathers on the
head of the crane and once fully grown, it can be strong enough to support
the weight of several birds at once. To be grown indoors, one must provide
the correct growing conditions.

Care and Maintenance:

 Requires a lot of indirect sunlight (at least 6 hours a day)
- Too much direct sunlight will injure the flowers

 Requires moderate temperature.

- Can tolerate as low as 55 ºF but prefer to be in 70-90 ºF

 During spring and summer, water the plant enough to keep the soil
- Water less during dormant period (once a month)

 Standard potting soil will suffice for the plant’s continued health

 Should be fertilized every 2 weeks with a half-strength water-soluble

fertilizer during its growing period
- do not fertilize during dormant period but spray occasionally
to keep the leaves humid.
Poison Primrose
Primula obconica

It is most commonly known as the German Primrose.

The term poison was derived from the toxic primin that the
plant contains which causes skin irritation. The plant blooms
during winter and early spring. It grows up to 12 inches tall
and usually produces 2-3 stalks. The plant is toxic to cats,
dogs, or horses when ingested.

Care and Maintenance:

 Prefers cool temperatures and indirect moderate light.
- 55 ºF -65 ºF are suitable temperatures

 Should be watered moderately

- Keep the soil moist but do not over soak
- Do not let it dry completely as not enough water
will wilt the plant.

 If the humidity levels are low inside the room, place

the plant on a pebble humidity tray
- Mist the leaves occasionally

 The suggested potting soil for the plant is a peat based

potting mix

 Only needs fertilizer once before flowering and again

while in bloom.
- Half the advised strength of diluted balanced
liquid fertilizer is advised
Ixora coccinea
PERENNIAL (warm); ANNUAL (cool)

It is a low maintenance tropical to semi-tropical evergreen shrub.

The Ixora is also known as “jungle flame” and “flame of the woods”. They
are known for their large corymbs of bright florets that come in red, orange,
yellow and pink. It can grow from 4-6 foot in height

Care and Maintenance:

 Should be grown in full sun situations
- Dislikes air temperatures below 50 ºF.
- Branches will die in light freezes but will often revive in
the following spring.

 Well-drained soil and moderate to slightly acidic pH is ideal

for the plant
- the soil should be kept evenly moist
- Reduce watering in winter
- Will develop chlorosis when installed in alkaline soils

 Use a 2-3-inch layer of mulch around the root zone to

prevent weeds.

 To minimize fungal diseases, only water the roots to prevent

the foliage from getting wet

 Should be pruned through stem cuttings when it gets unruly

 Requires re-potting every 2-3 years if placed in containers.


Badgett, B. (2019, August 29). Growing Jasmine Indoors: Care Of Indoor Jasmine Plants. Retrieved from

House Plants Expert (n.d.). GROWING CALLA LILY PLANTS INDOORS. Retrieved from

Spengler, T. (2019, September 12). Bird Of Paradise As A Houseplant – Keeping A Bird Of Paradise Inside. Retrieved from

House Plants Expert (n.d.). BIRD OF PARADISE PLANT. Retrieved from

House Plants Expert (n.d.). POISON PRIMROSE. Retrieved from

Baessler, T. (2018, April 4). German Primula Info: Tips On Caring For Primula Obonica Plants. Retrieved from

Grant, B. (2018, April 4). Care Of Ixora Plant: How To Grow Ixora Shrubs. Retrieved from

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