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Worksheet 1: Vocabulary

1) The following expressions are used to talk about ‘work’. What are the missing words?
Complete each expression with a word from the box below:

holiday work team run well behind end job five boss
conditions heavy hands leave share sick high

to be your own . . . . . . . . . . . entitlement . . . . leave

a dead-. . . job . . . satisfaction to be stuck . . . . . . a desk
to do a job- . . . . . manual . . . . to be . . . . paid
a good . . . . player maternity . . . . . working . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . workload a nine-to-. . . . job to work with your . . . . .
a . . . .-powered job to . . . your own business

2) Very few people are lucky enough to find the perfect job. However, the search can be made
easier if you can identify the things you like to do. Decide which of the following appeal to
you. Use some of the expressions above to explain your choices to your group.

contributing to society having contact with people

working alone working with a team

competing against others making decisions

being creative solving problems

gaining security managing others

using your intellect taking risks

gaining recognition constantly learning

being active being able to travel

3) From what you have learnt about the other members of your group, think of two or three
jobs that might suit each person.

Published by Flo-Joe for

Worksheet 2: Speaking Practice Test

You are going to prepare for an IELTS-style Speaking Part 2 task. Here’s the question:

Describe your ideal job. You should say:

- what this job is

- whether you would need any qualifications

- whether it would be easy to find work

and say why you would enjoy this job in particular.

This task offers you the opportunity to showcase how well you can express likes and
dislikes. All of the expressions below can be followed by a noun (including the
gerund ‘ing’ form of a verb). When preparing for your talk use some of them to
describe the things you would like about your ideal job. For example:

‘I’m really into woodwork ‘I’m keen on learning

and metalwork.’
 new skills.’

fond of to be into can’t stand

keen on can’t bear
a fan of a soft spot for

Worksheet 2: Pronunciation

In fluent speech, when one word ends in a consonant and the next word with a
vowel, we pronounce the consonant at the start of the second word. For example:

‘fond of’ is pronounced ‘fon dof'
‘keen on’ is pronounced ‘kee non’
This also happens if the first word ends in a vowel but is pronounced with a
consonant ending, such as in ‘like’, ‘take’, ‘bike’ or ‘have’. For example:
‘They make enough money to take a holiday twice a year.’ is pronounced
‘They ma kenough money to ta ka holiday twi ca year.’

Try pronouncing these sentences linking words fluently:

• Can I have a drink of water?
• Take a seat and I’ll make us a coffee.
• I catch a bus on Monday but I get a lift on Tuesday.

Published by Flo-Joe for

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