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The Self from the Perspectives of Various For Socrates, every man is composed of

Philosophers body and soul. He argued that human body

does not define us as men, but in fact
Overview interfere with developing man’s fullest
humanity. If you say someone likes eating
George Gurdjieff, a philosopher, once said. spicy, it doesn’t necessarily define him as a
“Without self-knowledge, without risk taker. Or if someone who is wealthy
understanding the workings doesn’t mean he is a hard worker. Rather
and functions of our being, we cannot be these characteristics help someone to better
free. That is why in all ancient teachings understand himself and develop it to the
the first demand at the beginning of the fullest. Then there is also soul which the
way to liberation was “know person’s core identity. It is source of deepest
thyself”. thoughts and highest aspirations. The way
Life as it progresses has a way of showing you think of things and how you are driven
what you are. But you must first accept the to do something make you different from
fact that you are on your own ignorance of other people. It is the unique life force that
yourself. Recognizing that you don’t know shapes and defines itself through choices
who you are and who you could be are some made on a daily basis.
reward for the horror of determining who **Ang pisikal na katawan ng tao ay bigay na
you actually are Philosophers of the past and mula pagkapanganak ng isang tao na kusang
modern times have devoted much of their lalago habang lumalaki ang isang tao.
time in searching for answers to the Ngunit sa pagbuo ng katawan, hindi
question, “who am I?. In this chapter, you nangangahulugan lalago din ang diwa ng
will be introduced to different perspective isang tao. Ang diwa ng kanyang pagkatao ay
that will isang malaking tanong na kinakailangan
help you realize the meaning of who you hanapin upang mas lalong makilala niya ang
really are, what influence you as a person, sarili.
how society shapes you, and many other The problem of the self is to know oneself.
questions. For Socrates, it is a moral obligation. A
person must ask questions and seek an
Discussion answer to explore his self and eventually
will lead to more understanding of who he
Socrates on Human Nature is. it is an obligation to achieve a full human
potential and actively exercising our
Socrates had a unique way of eudemonia (Greek word for happiness)”. A
teaching and exploring subjects. He person is given the ability to rationalize.
would ask questions and then This helps the person to know good and
discuss possible answers. The distinguish knowledge from ignorance.
answers would lead to more If someone does not acknowledge his
questions and eventually lead to potential to explore himself, his life has
more understanding of a subject. This diminished value.
logical process of using questions and Socrates referred to it as “An unexamined
answers to explore a subject is known today life is not worth living”. The gift of human
as Socratic Method. He was the first reason
philosopher who ever engaged in systematic provides individuals with the extraordinary
questioning about the self. ability not to just live, but to critically
examine their lives to make them as na nga ba”.
productive and worthwhile if possible. If one Lastly, biological needs such as hunger,
has to become human in the fullest sense, thirst, sexual desire is controlled by the
achieving distinctive potential and genuine appetitive soul. The rational and spirited
happiness, she/he must live an “examined souls are not against the appetitive soul.
life” Dahil sa appetitive soul, nakakaramdam
tayo ng gutom, uhaw, at walang sawang
Plato and the Human kasabikan sa mga pagkain, isama na rin
Nature ang sexual desire.
Plato supported the idea that that a man is a
dual nature of body and soul. For him, soul According to Plato, easch of us is driven by
is more important than the body. The soul is three different souls. The problem however
driven by 3 parts and determine the course is that we often use the wrong part of the
of our action. soul to make decisions, which leads to less
The rational soul is the divine essence that than desirable consequences. We have
enables us to think deeply, make wise evidence that we sometijes have conflicting
choices and achieve a true understadning of desires simultaneously. For example, the
eternal truths. It is forged by reason and person wants to be fit or sexy but does not
intellect has to govern the affairs of human want to exercise, a student wants to pass the
person.This is aprt of the soul that that test but does not want to study well. So the
rationally weighs options and tries to gauge soul here has atleast two parts. The
what is best and truest overall.Dahil ito ang appetitive part
direktang may koneksyon sa mga which generates a desires based on the
impormasyon sa labas body’s command and the reasoning part
at ito din ang nagproprocess, mas alam nito which generates
kung ano ang mga kaganapan sa paligid. a desire not to do something Plato believed
The spirited soul which is incharge of the in reason and rationality above all. He
basic emotions such as love, anger, emphasized that
ambition, justice in the human person can only be
aggressiveness and empathy.Plato uses the attained if the three parts of the soul are
term “spirited” different from “spiritual”. He working
means spirited in the same sense of having a harmoniously with one another.
high power or energy within. It is the part of
the soul that has the courage to take St. Augustine on Human Nature
challenges and overcome fears. Ang trabaho Augustine took from Plato that the view
ng spirited soul is suportahan ang mga of human self is an immaterial soul that
policies and judgments commanded by the can think. While Plato emphasized the
rational soul. Kapg nagdedesisyon ang isang importance of perfecting reason and
ktao, normal lang na mkaramdam ito ng following it, St. Augustine focused on the
kaba o takot lalo. Dahil sa ganitong importance of the will, the ability to
pakiramdam, si rational soul minomodify choose between good and evil. Ethically
niya ang kanyang desisyon upang speaking, the most important part of the
mabawasan ang demand ng mind is not the intellect but the “will”.
spirited soul. Minsan napapansin natin sa The self is divided into two, the good and
mga desisyon na nangyari na, nagkaroon the evil. If the person chooses to serve
tayo ng pagsisisi at sasabihin na “sabi ko
God, he chooses to do good. Good people John Locke looks at the self to be founded
are those whose will and reason are by
subordinated to faith conscious and not a substance of either soul
in God and devotion to God’s will. Through or
it, the self finds its meaning. Augustine's body. He believed that humans by nature are
sense good.
of self is his relation to God. Habang Locke believed that people are naturally
pinaglilingkuran ng isang individual ang good but
Diyos, kasabay nito later corrupted by the society. Humans are
na maliliwanagan siya sakanyang pagkatao born
dahil ang mga bagay na ginagawa ay ayon with minimal influence. While growing up,
sa utos ng influence is spreading and people around a
diyos. person
are becoming numerous. Each influence
Rene Descartes on what it from
means to be Human different people has an effect to behavior.
Descartes claimed that there is an essential Behavior, according to Lock, is learned.
distinction between the mind(soul) and Behavior
body. Proceeding from his famous maxim, shapes the self. He believed that humans
“ I think therefore I am”, he concluded have reasonable mind and moral. What they
that the first thing a person can be certain sense from the
is his own existence. Even if one doubts environment will eventually influence the
his/her own existence, the fact that there is kind of behavior a person does. For
an “I” to do the doubting proves that the example, a child
person truly exists. The “I” is a thinking learns words not directly taught to him but
thing that doubts, understands, affirms, knows how to say it is a product of what he
imagines, feels etc. Some people may ask hears from
others “are you the people around him. Environment
with us? Are you with me? As the person includes friends, school, books, music,
seems to be out of this world or out of movies etc, people may
existense. To doubt influence you to do good or bad. Although
is to be certain of one’s self as an individual. human are born good, they do have the sense
Descartes thought that the only thing that of right or
one cannot wrong. Everything we know comes from the
doubt is the existence of the self. For even sensory experience.
one doubts oneself, that only proves that
there is a Sigmund Freud on the Self
doubting self. The man becomes a human Though the conscious self also has
when he thinks. The mind is separate from important role to play
the body, but in our lives, it is the unconsious self that
they interact to work together. Each person holds the greatest
has a triadic existence: mind in a body in the fascintion ofr Freud, and which has
world. thedominant influnce
in our personalities. The unconsious self
John Locke on the nature of the Self
most of the self, it the deepest part of the you would go to drinking party a day before
self. your final exam. You wouldn’t mind getting
The unconscious contains all those drives, drunk
urges, or while having fun with your friends.
instincts that are beyond our awareness but The ego, or I, is the only region of the mind
that in contact with reality. It is governed by the
nevertheless, motivate most of our words, reality
feelings, and principle, which it tries to substitute for the
actions. Although we may be conscious of pleasure principle of the id. As the sole
our overt region of the
behaviors, we often are not aware of the mind in contact with the external world, the
mental processes ego becomes the decision-making or
that lie behind them. For example, a man executive branch
may know that of personality. When performing its
he is attracted to a woman but may not fully cognitive and intellectual functions, the ego
understand all must take into
the reasons for the attraction, some of which consideration the incompatible but equally
may even unrealistic demands of the id and the
seem irrational. superego.
The superego represents the moral and ideal
Because the unconscious is not available to aspects of personality and is guided by the
the moralistic
conscious mind, how can one know if it and idealistic principles as opposed
really to the pleasure principle of the id and
exists? Freud felt that its existence could be the realistic principle of the ego. It
proved only indirectly. To him the strives blindly and unrealistically
unconscious is the explanation for the toward perfection. It is unrealistic in
meaning the sense that it does not take into
behind *dreams, *slips of the tongue, and consideration the difficulties or
certain kinds of forgetting, called impossibilities faced by the ego in
*repression. carrying out its orders. Not all its
Dreams serve as a particularly rich source of demands, of course, are impossible to
unconscious material. For example, Freud fulfill, just as not all demands of
believed that childhood experiences can parents and other authority figures are
appear impossible to fulfill. The superego,
in adult dreams even though the dreamer has however, is like the id in that it is
no conscious recollection of these completely ignorant of, and
experiences. unconcerned with, the practicability of
Freud recognized three provinces of the its requirements.
mind—id, ego, and superego. The Id is
called You can determine by the action of an
the pleasure principle. All of the id’s energy individual on which the principle is
is spent for one purpose—to seek pleasure dominated. Look at the
without regard for what is proper or just. For possible conversation of the three on how
example, there could be a conflict.
Scenario: Tonight’s Bday party vs Final therefore, form the core of our thoughts.
Exam Tomorrow Men can only attain knowledge by
experiencing. When one
ID: Arat na! Masaya to! touches an ice cube, the cold sensation is an
SuperEgo: No way! Ayaw kong bumagsak impression. Impressions are vivid because
sa Exam noh! they are
Ego: Teka lang. Kaya naman natin gawin product of the direct experience with the
yan dalawa. world. Ideas, on the other hand, are copies of
ID: Paano? Dala ng reviewer sa party? impressions.
SuperEgo: Video call from home? Hala When one is imagining how it feels like to
Ego: Ikaw ID, punta ng maaga para naman touch an ice cube, that is still an idea. It
magreet mo personally si bestie. Pero hasn’t been
dalwang oras ka lang dun ha. Hindi ka sensed and experienced.
pwede magtagal. What is the self then? Self is simply the
ID: Walang problema: Isang shot lang! bundle or collection of different
Ego: SuperEgo, maaga pa naman, pwede pa impressions. In reality,
magreview ngayon pati mamaya what one thinks as unified self is simply a
pagdating ni ID. combination of all experiences with a
Superego: ok sige, pero extend ako ng 2 particular person.
hours mamayang gabi sa pagrereview ah. Activity 1.8 – David Hume
**Note: this kind of situation occurs Provide three ideas along with their
normally in our daily life. Sometimes, our impressions.
Ego Situations must be from your own
sides with ID or SuperEgo. experience.

David Hume and the Bundle Theory of Immanuel Kant and the Intelligence in
Self man
To see is to believe. David Hume, Thinking of the self as mere of combination
as an empiricist, believes that one of
can know only what comes from impressions was problematic for Immanuel
the senses and experiences. Kant.
Hume is skeptical about the Kant thinks that the things that a man
existence of the self, specifically, perceives
on whether there is a simple, around them are not just randomly infused
unified self that exists over time. into
For him, man has no “clear and human person without an organization
intelligible’ idea of the self. principle that
Hume argues that the self is regulates the relationship of all these
nothing; it is not an entity over and beyond impressions.
the physical body. To David Hume, the self For Kant, there is necessarily a mind that
is nothing organizes
but a bundle of impressions. Impressions are the impressions that men get from the
the basic object of our experience or external
sensation. They, world. Time and space, for example, are
ideas that
once cannot find in the world but built in our generally, who we are a person. Para kay
minds. Ryle, mas maiintindihan ang pagkatao ng
Kant calls these “apparatus” of the mind. isang individual kung mga nangyayari
Along with the apparatus of the mind goes sakanya ay nakikita ng mga mata, naririning
the self. ng mga tenga at nararamdaman ng balat.
Without the self, one cannot organize the
impressions that one gets in relation to his
own existence. Kant therefore suggests that
the “self” is
an actively engaged intelligence in man that
synthesizes all knowledge and experience.
Thus, the
self is not just what gives one his
personality. It is also the seat of knowledge
acquisition for all
human persons. Sa madaling sabi, ayon kay
Kant, ang kakayanan ng isang indibidwal na
pag isip ay
siyang nagaayos sa kung anong natutunan
nito sa kapaligiran

Gilbert Ryle and the His view on Self

For Ryle, what truly matters is the behaviors
that a person
manifest in his day-to-day life. In in his
opinion, looking for
and trying to understand self as it really
exists is like visiting
your friend’s university and looking for the
One can roam around the campus, visit the
library, play
basketball in the gym, meet the
administrators and faculty
and still end up not finding the “university”.
This is because the campus, the people, the
systems and the territory all form the
university. Ryle suggests that the self is not
an entity one can locate and analyse but
simply the convenient name that people use
to refer to all behaviors that people make.
Considering the analogy of Ryle, he is
saying that the things that we do, how we
behave and react and all other components
like the way we talk, walk and look is
people and know their feelings. He would
emotions just like any normal people would
have. Then imagine yourself living in a
According to George Herbert Mead, the self
is not there from birth, but it is developed
over time
from social experiences and activities. This
includes interactions and relationship in an
environment. Interaction refers to the mutual
and reciprocal exchange of communication
or action
Overview between two or more persons or groups. On
Sociology or the study of how human the other hand, relationship refers to
society is established, its structure and how particular way in which two or more
it works, the people interaction with each individuals; groups talk to, behave toward or
other and the effects they have to one deal with each other. There is established
another is an aspect in which we have to connection, kinship, or attachment that binds
consider with regards to the development of them together. Oh diba ang taray, kaya wag
a person. It is also important to understand mag assume kaagad na may kayo
that the (relationship) kung nakipag interact lang
establishment of the Self based on social naman sa iyo in the first place.
structure could give us a better
understanding of who we are and Identify the following members of the
provide reasons how our interactions can society whether
affect us as a person. the activity is relationship or interaction. Put
a check ( )
Discussion in the box
Have you ever thought of how you could be Society Relationship Interaction
a Boyfriend
different person if you had grown up in Coworker
another Nephew
environment? What could be your behavior Jeepney driver
of Neighbor
talking, feeling and dealing with things Peer
around you? Ex-bf
Imagine Tarzan, if he happened to grow up Supervisor
in a Classmate
community with people, house, Organization
establishments etc, he
would not have behaved like an animal. He Mead introduced 3 activities that help
would develop the self at
have learned to utter words and early stage.
communicate with 1. Preparatory/Language stage (birth-2
years) – according
to Mead, during this stage the infant simply leader”, friendliness, fair, honest playmate.
imitates the They also begin to discover different
actions and behaviors of the people that the abilities and begin
infant interacts to imagine how a mother feels like by
with. Language develops self by allowing playing like a mother or a teacher in a
individuals to classroom.
respond to each other through symbols, 3. Games develop self by allowing
gestures , words and individuals to understand and adhere to the
sounds. Language conveys other attitudes rules of the activity.
and opinions Self is developed by understanding that
toward a subject or the person. Emotion, there are rules in which one must abide by in
such as anger, order to win
happiness and confusion are conveyed the game or be successful at an activity.
through language.
Because the child is mimicking what she or Activity 2.2
he observes from
his or her environment their actions are only ____________1. In which of Mead’s Stages
the reflection of of the Self do the children merely imitate the
what they can remember without any people around them.
intention or meaning ____________2. It conveys other attitudes
behind their actions and behavior. It is one ad
of the main opinions toward a subject or the person.
reasons why parents do not speak fowl ____________3. During this stage, children
words in front of the child. develops different characters and portray
2. The Play stage (2-6 years old) developed different attitudes.
self by allowing individual to take on ____________4.The self develops at this
different roles, stage by adhering to the rules of the activity
pretend and express expectation of others. It ____________5. It was one of the reasons
is the time where children begins to interact why parents do not speak fowl words in
with front
others with which certain rules apply , these of children.
rules sometimes does not adhere to any set
or standards Social Constructivism
but rather are rules that are set by children Social Constructivism refers to vibrant
themselves.Play develops one’s self- relationship between the self
consciousness and the external reality. All cognitive
through role-playing. During role-play, a functions originate in social
child is able to internalize the perspective of interaction. This supports the idea of John
others and Locke that everything we
develop an understanding of how others feel know comes from the sensory experiences.
about themselves and others in a variety of We obtain sensory
social experiences through social interaction and
situations. During play, children develops relationship.
different characters like being superior or The self should NOT be seen as a static
the “always entity that stays constant
through and through. When somebody told givenness. Personne is the Composed of
you, “Ui, nagbago kana”, social concepts of what it means to be who
have noticed something different from what he is. To put it
they used to know about simple, Moi refers to relatively permanent
you. They might have observed a change in character of the self while Personne is the
the way you talk, behave temporary
and your interaction with them. These character. These two faces are manifested
changes are the influences the during adjustment. In the examples above,
new environment you have stayed. The self the student’s
is capable of morphing moi is being shy and quiet and his personne
and fitting itself into any circumstance it is to have a bit of confidence and loudness.
finds itself in. In all Activity 2.3
situations, the self has its ability to adjust but
this adjustment needs Situation Moi Personne
time for the self to absorb. Social interaction
must be initiated first An OFW adjusting life in another
country e.i KSA
before it is able to fit itself. Halimbawa
kapag maliligo kana, isasaw- Likes wearing revealing clothes Have to
saw mo muna ung daliri mo para malaman wear closed clothes
kung gaano kalamig o
1. A guy courting a girl
kainit ang tubig para bago mo ibuhos ang 2. A student is given a task
isang tabo upang kayang iadjust ng katawan to report in class
mo ang 3. Newly wed couple living
impact ng lamig o init ng tubig. Sa in groom’s house
pakikisalamuha naman, kikilalanin mo muna 4. From office worker to
ang isang tao o ang Teaching position
isang lugar bago ka magkaroon ng palagay 5. Traditi0onal class to
na loob sa kung anong klase ng pagkatao Online class
ang ihaharap
mo sa knila. This morphing and fitting Charles Cooley’s Looking glass self
happen most of the time in school setting The way we think about ourselves is
when the teacher particularly apt to be a reflection of other’s
asks you to have a demonstration in front of appraisals and that
the class but you are shy, or when you are an our self-concepts are built up in the intimate
OFW, groups that he called “primary groups”.It is
you have follow the culture of the country. a social
During morphing and fitting, According to psychological concept that involves three
Marcel Mauss, every self has two faces, Moi steps; You imagine how you appear to the
and other person,
Personne. Moi is the person’s sense of who you imagine the judgement of the other
he is, his body, and his basic identity; his person, and we imagine how that person
biological feels about us, on
the basis of the judgements they've made.
Look at the illustration, using social often influence his behavior. On the other
interaction as a type of “mirror,” people use hand, we also get the correct perception of
the judgments they other and how
receive from others to measure their own we think they think of us. For example.
worth, values, and behavior. We are not When Pedro approached did not respond the
actually same way we
influenced about the opinions of others but expected and we began thinking that we may
instead we are being influenced by what we have done something that they probably felt
imagine the bad
opinions of others people to be. We develop about. Then sooner or later, we found out
our self-identity based on correct and from a companion that
incorrect When Pedro approached Juan in a nice way
perceptions of others see us. Halimbawa, and Pedro did not respond the way Juan did.
meron isang guro na istrikto pagdating sa Juan
pagchecheck ng would start thinking he was not important to
test paper, activities and homework dahil Juan. Sooner or later, Juan heard from Maria
naniniwala itong guro na ito na pinaghirapan that Pedro
ng isang does not like the kind of attitude Juan has.
estudyante ang isinumite nitong papel at
nakikitaan ito ng guro ng potential kaya The self in the family
naman binubusisi Family is considered as the smallest unit of
nito ang bawat gawa ng knyang mga the society. They play a big role in shaping
estudyante. Matapos matanggap ng the social
estudyante ang kanyang self as they are the first to have a
papel nakita nitong maraming pagtatama ang relationship with the self. It is what a family
nakasulat initiates a person to
at nakabilog sa red ink. Ang magiging become that serves as the basis for the
interpretasyon person’s progress. The kind of family that
ng estudyanteng ito at kung paano nito we are born in and
maapektuhan the resource available to us (human,
ang kanyang self-image ay possibleng spiritual, economic) will certainly affect us
sabihin niya na and the kind of
ang kanyang guro ay walang pakundangan o development that we will have as we go
consideration, iniisip din ng estudyante na through life. Out of billions household in the
ang tingin ng world, no two
kanyang guro ay hindi siya marunong. Now, families are exactly the same, now siblings’
based on families are alike. So we do not expect each
the conclusion of the student, he would family to
create a have the same upbringing to children. Each
perception of himself as not a good student. child grows according on how he is raised
So the by their
student here is acting on incorrect perception parents. There are families who are devoted
of what to their religion, families who have high or
the teacher believes and because of his low income
attitudes can or families who are sociable.
Gender and the Self
Another important aspect of the self that is
important to mention is gender. Gender is
one of the loci of the
self that is subject to alteration, change, and
development. The gendered self is then
shaped within a
particular context of time and space. The
sense of self that is being taught makes sure
that an individual fits

in a particular environment. This is

detrimental and dangerous in the goal of
truly finding oneself, self-
determination, and growth of the self.
Gender has to personally discovered and
assorted and not dictated by

culture and the society.

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